ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1 9 9 4 /3 0 5 Ray R. Larson, professor o f library and information stud­ ies at the University o f Cali­ fornia, B erkeley, is the re­ c ip ie n t o f th e A m e ric a n S o c i e t y fo r I n f o r m a tio n Sciences’s (ASIS) award for the best paper published in its journal during 1992. The paper, “Evaluation o f Ad­ vanced Retrieval Techniques in an Experim ental O nline C atalog,” a p p eared in the Janu ary 1992 issue o f the Journal of the American So­ ciety fo r Information Science. The award was presented at the ASIS 1993 Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Charles Mann, ch ief o f the Penn State Uni­ versity Libraries Rare B ook s and Special Col­ lections Department, has been appointed to the Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair for Special Collec­ tions in the University Libraries. Mann is also Professor o f English and comparative literature and a fellow in the Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies. T he Huck Chair is the li­ braries’ first endow ed faculty position. Appointm ents Kathleen Gunning has been appointed uni­ versity librarian and coordinator o f information r e s o u r c e s at S u s q u e h a n n a U n iv e rs ity in Selinsgrove, Pennsylva­ n ia . G u n n in g p r e v i­ ously served as assistant director for public ser­ vices and collection de­ velopm ent at the Uni­ versity o f Houston, and in various other posi­ tions, including head o f reference at Brown Uni­ versity. She was a Coun­ cil on Library Resources’ Kathleen Gunning Academic Library Man­ agem ent Intern at the University o f W isconsin- Madison and received her B.A. from Brown and her MLS from the University o f Rhode Island. Active in ACRL, G u nn ing previously served as chair o f the Law and Political Science Section and currently chairs the A ccess Policy Guidelines Task Force and the Univer­ sity Libraries Section’s Pro­ gram Planning Com m ittee for the 1995 Annual Confer­ ence. Her most recent article was published in Library Hi Tech (1993). Michael A. Keller, former associate university librarian and director o f collection developm ent at Yale University, has b een ap­ pointed director o f the Stanford University Li­ braries, California. B e ­ fo re s erv in g at Y a le , Keller was music librar­ ian and senior lecturer in musicology at Cornell University, and head o f the Music Library at the University o f California, B erk eley . He holds a M ic h a e l A. K e lle r bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College, a m aster’s degree in music history from SUNY-Buffalo, and an MLS from SUN Y-G eneseo. A m em ber o f ALA, the Re­ search Libraries Group, and the Association o f Research Libraries, Keller is also the coauthor, with the late Vincent Duckies, o f the fourth revised edition o f Music Reference and Research Materials (N ew Y o rk : Schirm er/M acm illan, 1994). Carole M. P eterson has been named director o f the Jen n ie King Mellon Library o f Chatham C olleg e, Pittsburgh. P eterso n m ost recently served as acting head librarian at Pennsylvania State University (M cKeesport Campus). B efore that she served in various positions in Pennsyl­ vania including director o f the G reene County Library System, Waynesburg; head librarian at both Bow lby Public Library, Waynesburg, and Flenniken Memorial Library, Carmichaels; spe­ cial project librarian at G reene County Jail Li­ brary; and head librarian/consultant at German- M asontow n Public Library, Masontown. She holds a B.A. from W aynesburg College and an People in the News Pam Spiegel 306/C&RL News MLS from the University o f Pittsburgh, w here in 1992 she was accepted into the school’s Cer­ tificate o f Advanced Study in Library Science Program. H er educational background also in­ cludes advanced studies at the University o f South Florida, Manatee Junior College, and Cali­ fornia State College. Elizabeth Smith, director o f the library at Penn State University at Erie, has been named Learn­ ing Resources Center/Library dean at Collin C o u n ty C o m m u n ity C ollege in Plano, Texas. Smith holds a master’s degree in zo o lo g y , an MLS, and a doctorate in cu rricu lu m d e v e l o p ­ m ent and library sci­ en ce. She b e ga n her career as a research as­ sistant in a laboratory studying the central ner­ vous systems o f mam­ Elizabeth Smith mals, but found the lab w ork boring. H er love o f books led her to a career change from zo o lo g y to librarianship. Michael J. Aked is n o w reference librarian at the University o f T oledo, Ohio. Cleta M. Alix has been named library sys­ tems coordinator at Smith C ollege, Northamp­ ton, Massachusetts. Allison Colborne is n o w reference librar­ ian in the University o f Manitoba Architecture/ Fine Arts Library. Melvin G. DeSart has been appointed en­ gineering librarian at the University o f Kansas, Lawrence. Clay G. D ixon has been named Virginia New spaper Project cataloging specialist at the University o f Virginia, Charlottesville. Jean Eaglesfield is n o w head o f collection developm ent at Wichita State University, Kan­ sas. Jeanne Fong has been named reference/ collection developm ent librarian at the Univer­ sity o f California, Berkeley. James M. Glenn is the n ew user education librarian at Syracuse University, N e w York. Shirlene K. Gordon is n o w assistant librar­ ian for reference services and bibliographic in­ struction at N e w M exico Junior College, Hobbs. Susan Grigg has b een named librarian/ar- chivist at Strawbery Banke Museum in Ports­ mouth. N e w Hampshire. D onna M. Heady is n o w acquisitions/seri- als librarian at K enyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Cynthia Holt joined the University o f Mani­ toba Science Library as reference librarian. Michael H opper has b een appointed head o f the M iddle Eastern Division in W iden er Li­ brary at Harvard University, Cambridge. Bary Johnson is the n ew cataloger on the Visual Images Cataloging Project at the Califor­ nia Historical Society. Judy Kaufman has been named assistant university librarian for personnel at the Uni­ versity o f California-Irvine. Sandra S. Kerbel has been appointed di­ rector o f the Science and Engineering Libraries at the University o f Virginia, Charlottesville. Janice Lewis is n o w reference librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. J. Christopher McConnell has been ap­ p oin ted collection m anagem ent librarian in social and behavioral sciences at Virginia Com ­ m onwealth University, Richmond. Philip F. McEldowney is n o w South Asia and M iddle East librarian at the University o f Virginia, Charlottesville. M. Heather Moore has been appointed as­ sociate curator for American history and Am eri­ can literature at the U n iversity o f Virginia, Charlottesville. Ichiko Morita has been named the first di­ rector o f the Library o f Congress’ Japan D ocu­ mentation Center, Washington, D.C. Daniel P. Mulhollan has been named di­ rector o f the Congressional Research Service at the Library o f Congress, Washington, D.C. Klaus Musmann is n o w acting director o f the A rm a cost Library at the U n iversity o f Redlands, California. Janet Pease has been named science librar­ ian at Syracuse University, N ew York. Lori P. Robare is n o w catalog librarian at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Shannon Sanko recently joined AM IGOS in Dallas as library liaison officer. Meredith Smith is the n ew assistant ac­ quisitions librarian and research associate at the University o f Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Elizabeth Swan has been appointed vice- president for library services at the Academ y o f Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Helena VonVille recently joined AM IGOS in Dallas as Internet liaison officer. Ray W ang has been appointed governm ent documents librarian at the State University o f N e w Y ork at Binghamton. May 1 9 9 4 /3 0 7 Je ffre y Zdanow icz has b e e n appointed p ro ject archivist at Virginia Com m onw ealth University, Richmond. Retirem ents B roth er Em m ett Corry, O.S.F., will retire from full-time teaching on Ju n e 30, 1994, after 40 years o f teaching and administration at St. Jo h n ’s University, New York, to b eco m e the research archivist o f his Franciscan order. Corry, w ho is a full professor o f library and information sci­ en ce at St. Jo h n ’s, has been asked by his com ­ munity to organize the archives and write the history o f his order. R ichard A. Lyders, executive director o f the Houston Academy o f M edicine-Texas Medical Center (HAM-TMC) Library, retired last D ecem ­ ber. Lyders received his B.A. from the Univer­ sity o f Minnesota and his MLS from the Univer­ sity o f Southern California. B efore joining the F1AM-TMC Library as associate director in 1972, he held posts in California, Minnesota, and Illi­ nois, and North Dakota. He was prom oted to executive director in 1976. Lyders has been ac­ tive in ALA, the Medical Library Association, the Association o f Academic Health Sciences Library Directors (AAHSLD), and the Houston Area Research Library Consortium. He was the first editor o f AAHSLD’s A nnual Statistics o f Medical School Libraries in the United States an d Canada, and served as editor through its 16th edition. R ichard L. O’Keeffe recently retired from his position o f university librarian at Corpus Christi State University (now Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi) after 13 years. O ’Keeffe began his career as acquisitions and distribution li­ brarian at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Library in 1956 and served in that position and as librarian o f the Main Tech nical Library until I9 6 0 . He was then appointed assistant librar­ ian and scien ce librarian at the Fondren Library o f Rice University in I9 6 0 , then as university librarian there in 1968. He later spent two years as executive director o f the Houston Area Re­ search Library Consortium. C arol M. Spawn, librarian o f the Academy o f Natural S cien ces o f Philadelphia sin ce 1987, retired on D ecem ber 31, 1993. Spawn served as chair o f the Philadelphia Area Consortium o f Special Collections Libraries (PASCAL) from 1989 to 1993. She returned to the Academy as manuscript/archives librarian in April 1994. Elean or Symons, reference librarian/bibliog­ rapher at the University o f Kansas Libraries, will retire in August 1994. Sym ons was first ap­ pointed to the libraries as a visiting librarian with responsibility in cataloging in 1957. In 1959 she becam e acting assistant head o f the Prepa­ rations Department, and assistant head in I960. During the n ex t several years Sym ons held positions as senior b o o k selection officer, b ib ­ liographer, and humanities bibliographer. She held her latest position since 1983. Deaths H arry Bergholz, fonner head o f bibliographi­ cal services at the University o f North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, died February 24, 1994, at the age o f 66. B o rn in Berlin, Germany, Bergholz received a Ph.D. in 1931 from the University o f Berlin, then taught in England from 1936 to 1939. He m oved to the U.S. in 1947 and taught at Lawrence College in Appleton, W isconsin, and at the University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, w here he received an MLS. In 1957 Bergholz joined UNC as c h ief bibliographer. He retired from the university in 1975. G eorge P e te r H am m o n d , d irec to r o f the Bancroft Library at the University o f California, Berkeley, from 1946 to 1965, died in D ecem - Advertiser index American Psychological cover 2, 260 Blackw ell 288 Chadwyck-Healey 273 CD Plus Technologies 255 EBSCO 259 Highsmith 298 Library Corp. cover 3 Readmore 247 SIRS 304 Sociological Abstracts 250 3M cover 4 308/C&RL News ber 1993 at the age o f 97. Hammond’s appoint­ ment in 1946 at Bancroft was jointly as director and professor o f history. He proved to be one o f the most prolific scholar/director’s in the Bancroft’s history, actively pursuing his re­ search, teaching, and writing in many ways. The MELVYL catalog lists 97 entries for works by Hammond though, in reality, he published and wrote far more extensively. He founded the Friends o f the Bancroft Library a month after becoming director, and maintained offices at the library from his retirement there in 1965 until the late 1980s. Jean Hudson, a librarian in the libraries o f the University o f California (UC), Berkeley, from 1957 to 1984, died January 6, 1994. Most o f Hudson’s years at UC w ere spent in the G en­ eral Reference Service w here she developed the Reference and Bibliography Collection. She retired in 1984. George C. Jerkovich, Slavic bibliographer and professor o f Russian and East European stud­ ies (emeritus) at the University o f Kansas (K U ) Libraries, died February 23, 1994, o f complica­ tions associated with heart problems. A native o f Croatia, Jerkovich studied at the University o f Zagreb and received a master’s in Yugoslav literatures. In the United States he continued his studies at Indiana University, where he re­ ceived an MLS, and at KU, where he received a master’s in Russian language and literature and a Ph.D. in Russian literature and literary criti­ cism. Jerkovich was first appointed at the KU Libraries in 1962 as Slavic cataloger. He be­ came head o f the Slavic Department in 1967, and Slavic bibliographer in 1985. He retired from KU in 1989. Debra Ann Kay, library director at Spartanburg Technical College (STC) since 1985, died Janu­ ary 24, 1994. A native o f South Carolina, Kay earned a bachelor’s degree from Winthrop Col­ lege and a master’s degree from the University o f South Carolina. She w orked in the libraries at Spartanburg High School and Converse Col­ Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. lege before joining STC, where a scholarship has been established in her honor. Shelley Miller, librarian II and bibliographer for Spain, Portugal, and Latin America at the University o f Kansas (K U ) Libraries, Lawrence, died March 1, 1994, at the age o f 40. Miller graduated from KU with bachelor’s degrees in both Spanish and social work, and earned an MLS from the University o f California, Los An­ geles (UCLA). She pursued additional graduate work in Latin American studies at KU and UCLA, the study o f Portuguese at UC-Santa Barbara, and other related studies at a graduate program in Ecuador. After serving in several positions at the Library o f Congress, including senior ac­ quisitions specialist in the Hispanic Acquisitions Program, Miller joined KU as Spanish- and Por- tuguese-language cataloger in 1987. Diana W oods Seymour, head o f Dartmouth College Library’s Acquisitions Department and a Dartmouth librarian for more than 30 years, died February 27, 1994, at the age o f 61. Seymour join ed Baker Library in 1955 as a librarian in the Catalog Department after receiving a bachelor’s de­ gree from W heaton Col­ lege and an MLS from Sim­ m ons C o lle g e . She left Dartmouth in 1958 to be­ com e reference librarian in the Stamford (Conn.) Pub­ Diana Seymour lic Library, returning to Baker in I960 as serials cataloger. In 1976 she was appointed head o f acquisitions for the Dart­ mouth College Library System. Sandra Jean Vaughn, documents/patents li­ brarian at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri, died March 7, 1994, at the age o f 39. Vaughn received her MLS from the University o f Texas at Austin in 1982 and joined the Linda Hall Library that same year as reference librar­ ian. She was appointed to her most recent p o­ sition in 1994 after working extensively with the Patent and Trademark Depository Libraiy Program and helping hundreds o f library users with their patent and trademark searches. The library is accepting contributions to a m em o­ rial fund to honor Vaughn; for information call the library at (816) 363-5020. ■