ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1 9 9 6 / 781 Folger Shakespeare Li­ brary has b een aw arded a two-year grant of $175,000 from the National Endow ­ m ent for th e H um anities. The grant will allow the li­ brary to catalog online its collection of English printed books for the period 1641­ 1700, w hich will then be m atched to records in the EngSTC database, enabling Folger to contribute about 3,000 new records to ESTC for the “Wing” period. Linfield College's Northup Library has received a $25,000 grant from the George I. Alden Trust of Worcester, Massachusetts. The grant will permit the library to continue to u p ­ grade com puter equipm ent and software for the online system. Louisiana State University Libraries re­ cently received $182,714 from the 1995-96 Loui­ siana Education Quality Support Fund com pe­ tition. The award will be used to create two electronic classrooms in Middleton Library, and will support installation of 40 user workstations in two instructional laboratories, one of which will be equipped with adaptive aids. The new facilities will aid instruction and learning of lo­ cal electronic resources and the Internet. Thomas Jefferson U niversity's Scott Memorial Library and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania have received $25,000 in LSCA funding to create the Philadelphia Health-Re­ lated D ocum entary Image D atabase on the World Wide Web. Approximately 2,000 images representing the early history of American medi­ cine will be preserved through photo repro­ duction and converted to the Photo CD format. The images will be stored in an Oracle data­ base, which will be searchable on the Internet. The University of California, Santa Cruz, has received a $10,000 endow m ent from June Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Ac­ quisitions, C&RL News, 5011 Huron St., Chi­ cago. IL 60611; e-mail: Bauman for the University Library’s Jewish Studies Col­ lection. The donation will establish the Bauman Jew ­ ish Studies Fund in honor of B a u m a n ’s la te h u s b a n d , Rabbi Morton Bauman, w ho contributed his personal col­ lection of Judaica and related works to the library in 1993. The Bauman collection is valued at $10,000 and in­ cludes primary texts of the T a lm u d in H e b re w a n d translations of the Talmud in English, along with many other volumes and sets. The University of South Florida (USF) Tampa Campus Library has received a gift of $200,000 from Piers Anthony and his wife, Carol Jacob, to endow the library’s Oral History Pro­ gram. The program allows the USF Library to N ew grant program announced The Council on Library Resources an­ nounces a new grant program in the Eco­ nomics of Information that is being funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. As libraries move into a new age of electronic communication and technological informa­ tion, data on the costs of both old and new systems is necessary for planning and bud­ geting. The program is intended to stimu­ late research, encourage data collection, and prom ote economic analysis of library o p ­ erations and services to allow libraries to make effective decisions as they move into the future. Examples of topics for study in­ clude cost-benefit analysis of commercial document-delivery services, life-cycle cost­ ing models for print and electronic media, identification of output measures for ser­ vice benefits, and others. Grants are lim­ ited to a maximum of $25,000. For more information, contact Glenn W. LaFantasie, Senior Program Officer, Council on Library Resources, 1400 l6 th St., N.W., Suite 715, Washington, D.C. 20036; Grants and Acquisitions Tara Weikum 782/C&RL News preserve sp o k en records of historical signifi­ cance. T he gift will b e p aid over five years an d is eligible for a $100,000 m atch thro u g h the State of Florida’s M atching G rant Program . T he library h o u ses th e Piers A nthony C ollection, w hich A nthony, a w ell-know n fantasy fiction writer, d o n ated in 1993 an d to w hich h e co n ­ tinues to add. Acquisitions A collection of V ietn am W a r cinema m aterial has b e e n acquired by the D epartm ent o f Special Collections o f the C onnelly Library at LaSalle University in Philadelphia. T he col­ lectio n includes film scripts, v id eo d isk s, film press kits, posters, lobby cards, publicity stills, a n d v id e o c a s s e t te s c o m p ile d b y J o h n K. McAskill during his research an d creation of a V ie tn a m b i b l i o g r a p h y o f film c r itic is m . M cA skill’s d o n a tio n w ill b rin g th e to tal o f LaSalle’s Im aginative R epresentations o f the V ietnam W ar Collection to 10,000 items. W illia m S a ro ya n ’ s papers and docu­ m ents h ave b e e n d o n ated to th e Stanford Uni­ versity Libraries by the Saroyan Foundation. T he w ell-know n A m erican a u th o r a n d playw right w o n the Pulitzer prize in 1938 for his play The Time o f Your Life‚ b u t refused th e aw ard b e ­ cause h e believed his o th er w orks w ere just as good. Stanford is com piling th e entire archival collection, w hich is currently sp read o u t at dif­ ferent locations, a n d will create an an n u al w rit­ ing aw ard in Saroyan’s nam e. Stanford will also nam e its curatorship for British an d American literature after Saroyan, an d will create a p ro ­ gram that will en co u rag e reading o f m any liter­ ary figures, including Saroyan. A donation of 2 8 0 ,0 0 0 historical nega­ tives from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram have b e e n given to th e Special Collections Division o f the University o f Texas at Arlington Librar­ ies. D ating from 1955-79, the negatives will be ad d e d to an earlier don atio n o f prints an d n eg a­ tives dating from th e late 19th century to 1955. T he n e w collection includes topics such as the Dallas Cow boys, LBJ, NASA, an d the d ev elo p ­ m ent of th e H ouston Space Center. ■