ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 722 / C&RL N ew s ■ N o ve m b er 2002 2002-03 ACRL chapter conferences/events Chapter Florida Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Mississippi Nevada New York (Eastern) N ew York (Metro) O h io Oregon Tennessee Utah Wisconsin Date Oct. 18, 2002 Oct. 9 -1 1 , 2002 Apr. 14-16, 2003 Oct. 9 -1 1 , 2002 May 1-2, 2003 Oct. 10-11, 2002 Apr. 9 -1 1 , 2003 Oct. 16-19, 2002 Oct. 16, 2002 Nov. 4 -8 , 2002 Oct. 17-18, 2002 N ov. 15, 2002 N ov. 1, 2002 Apr. 23-25, 2003 Apr. 3 -4 , 2003 May 7 -9 , 2003 Apr. 5 -8 , 2003 Description of Event “N ew Realities, N ew Opportunities” w orkshop Georgia Library Association Annual Conference: “Building G eorg ia ’s Learning Com m unities” Indiana Library Association Annual Conference Iowa Library Association Annual Conference: “Where’s the Evidence? Discovering the Measures that Make Up a Library’s Contribution to Student Learning Outcomes” Iowa Library Association Spring Conference The Fall College and University Library Section o f the Kansas Library Association Annual Conference The College and University Library Section o f the Kansas Library Association Annual Tri- Conference Kentucky Library Association Annual Conference: “Get the Professional Juices Flowing @ your Library” Mississippi Library Association Annual Meeting: “Soft Skills: Creating a Better W orkplace” The Mountain Plains Library Association and the Nevada Library Association joint conference Eastern N ew York/ACRL Annual Fall Conference Annual Symposium: “What’s in a Name? Defining Our Profession” O h io Library Association Annual C onference: “Face to Face o r C yberspace: Redefining the Human Touch” Oregon Library Association Annual Conference Tennessee Library Association Annual Conference Utah library Association Annual Conference Wisconsin Library Association Annual Conference Location Orlando Athens Indianapolis Des Moines Dubuque Salina, KS Salina, KS Louisville Hattiesburg Lake Tahoe Syracuse N ew York City Independence Portland Chattanooga Sandy, UT Milwaukee