ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u n e 1 9 9 5 /4 1 9 Preservation N ew s Jan e Hedberg Dalton heads NEDCC field service Steve Dalton, director o f re­ pro g rap h ic services at th e Northeast D ocum ent Conser­ vation C enter (NEDCC) for about tw o years, will becom e the director o f its Field Ser­ vices Program in June. H e re­ places K aren M otylew ski, w ho left to b eco m e director of Preservation an d C onser­ vation Studies at th e Univer­ sity of T exas at Austin. Commission mounts hom epage The Comm ission o n Preservation an d Access has m o u n ted a h o m ep ag e o n th e W orld W ide Web at h ttp ://w w w .c p a .o rg /. As o f this w rit­ ing, it contains inform ation on Comm ission staff and organization, a n u m b er o f pub lish ed Com­ mission docum ents, an d som e back issues of the C om m ission n ew sletter. It w ill b e a u g ­ m ented by oth er Comm ission docum ents in the future. M. Stuart Lynn, Com m ission vice-presi dent, desig n ed th e h o m ep ag e as an easy w ay for readers to locate Comm ission information. Readers are rem inded that m any preservation and conservation docum ents are also available on CoOL (C o n se rv a tio n O n lin e ) at h t t p : / / palim For m ore information, contact M. Smart Lynn, C o m m issio n o n P re s e rv a tio n a n d A ccess, phone: (510) 548-2244; e-mail: mslynn@ USC concludes digital photographic archives plan The U niversity o f S outhern California (USC) Libraries has co m p le te d th e im plem en tatio n plan for a fully cataloged digital photographic archives. D evelopm ent o f th e p lan included surveying researchers about potential electronic image usage, creating a 23,000-image database w ith a digital im age delivery system, a n d co n ­ structing a digital preservation m odel for origi­ nal p h o to g ra p h ic reco rd s. T h e p reserv atio n m odel ad v o cates careful c o n sid e ra tio n o f a num b er o f factors a n d som e subjective deci­ sions in o rd er to determ ine ap p ro p riate scan­ ning param eters. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t J o h n W aiblinger, Assistant University Librarian for Scholarly T echnology & Inform ation Systems, USC Library, Los Angeles, CA 9 0 0 8 9 -0 1 8 2 ; e -m a il: w aibling@calvin.u se .e d u . RIT offers photograph preservation sem inar T h e R ochester Institute of T echnology’s (RIT) T echni­ cal a n d E ducation C enter of th e G raphic Arts an d Im ag­ in g , in c o n ju n c tio n w ith RIT’s Im age P erm anence In­ s t i t u t e a n d th e G e o r g e E a s tm a n H o u s e I n t e r n a ­ tional M useum of P hotog­ raph y an d Film, will offer a five-day sem inar entitled, “Preserving P hotographs in a Digital W orld.” T he sem inar includes three days o f “tra­ ditional” pho to g rap h preservation an d tw o days o f digital im aging technology. Jam es Reilly, G ra n t Ro m er, D o u g la s N ish im u ra, D e b b ie Norris, D avid W ooters, an d Franziska Frey will serve o n th e faculty. The sem inar will b e held at th e G eorge Eastm an H ouse M useum o f P h o ­ tog rap h y an d Film in Rochester, N ew York, August 19– 24, 1995, an d A ugust 17– 22, 1996. Cost is $950 for th e sem inar, instructional materials, and evening receptions. (Travel, food, an d lodging are n o t included.) For m ore infor­ m ation, contact Val Jo hnson, RIT/T&E Seminar Center, Frank E. G annett Building, 66 Lomb M em orial Drive, R ochester, NY 14623-5604; phone: (716) 475-2736. M arcum reaffirm s Commission commitment In a com m unication entitled “T he Fullest Defi­ nition o f Preservation,” D eanna Marcum, new p resident o f th e Com m ission o n Preservation an d Access, reaffirm ed the Com m ission’s com ­ m itm ent to traditional, as w ell as digital preser­ vation. She w rote, “T he Comm ission m ust not lose sight o f th e fullest definition of preserva­ tion an d access if it is to m eet its obligations.” For the com plete text o f he r statem ent, see the May 1995 issue o f th e Com m ission’s new slet ter. J a n e Hedberg prepares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Submissions m ay be m ade to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU