ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.50 for others. Late job notices are $18.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $21.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $336 to $640 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no soonerthan the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL Ne wsclassified ads are now accessible on the I nternet through the gopher sen/er at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet locate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, (L60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. FOR SALE ARE YOU UP-TO-DATE IN YOUR ANCIENT CLASSICS HOLD­ INGS? Selene Books has been offering since 1985 a good variety of ancient classics books. Suitable for undergraduate/graduate use. Included are useful introductions, the best scholarly translations, and attractive covers. For brochure, write: Selene Books, P.O. Box 1475, Hobbs, NM 88240. PO SITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DEAN FOR SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. LSU Libraries. Participates in overall administration of the LSU Libraries, with specific responsibility for administering the distinguished Special Collections program. Reports directly to the Dean of Libraries and serves on the Dean’s Council, the senior administrative team. We are seeking a dynamic administrator who can thrive in a challenging ASSISTANT DEAN LIBRARY SERVICES 100% - 12 MONTHS MANAGEMENT POSITION Closing D a te : F rid a y , June 1 6 , 1 9 9 5 ( 4 : 3 0 p .m .) Minimum Requirements: Master's degree in Library Science or a valid California Community College Librarian Credential and a master's degree; three years o f professional librarian experience In a college, university or public library; oral & written communication skills appropriate to the managerial level; demonstrated knowledge of the unique qualities of the com m unity college environment; knowledge of the curriculum development process; willingness to work outside the "normal" daytim e hours; and ability to work In a multi-ethnic environment. Pasadena City C ollege is an Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Plan & encourages applications from qualified minority candidates. The District application needs to arrive In the Office of Human Resources no later than 4:30 p.m. on the closing date. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena. CA 91106 (818)585-7509 fu ll M J P —Pa s a d e n a C it y C o lle g e Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer environment, and who will continue the pattern of opening the collections to diverse users, increasing the use and appreciation of the collection resources. Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accred­ ited program; minimum of five years post-MLS administrative expe­ rience in an academic library; understanding of national standards in handling manuscripts, archives, and rare books; good analytical, creative, and organizational skills; ability to communicate and coor­ dinate activities with other library divisions and departments; record of professional activities and publications; demonstrated ability to meet the requirements of faculty status and promotion and tenure. Preferred qualifications: Capacity to assume responsibility for wider administrative duties as requested; ability to view issues from a broad, iibrarywide perspective and to function collegially in a team environ­ ment. Experience in providing subject-specific instruction using spe­ cial collections and/or archival materials. Record of achievement in grantwriting and financial development. Salary Negotiable from $50,000. Appointment at rank of Assistant/Associate Librarian (Assistant/ Associate Professor). To apply: Submit a letter of application detailing philosophy of special collections and administration; a complete resume; and the names, addresses, and telephone and Fax numbers of three to five references to: Jennifer Cargill, Dean of Libraries, Louisiana State University and A & M College, 295 Middleton Library, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300. Applications received by August 15, 1995, will receive preference. LSU is an AA/EEO institution. 4 30/C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS J u n e 1 9 9 5 /4 3 1 TH E GEORGE WASHINGTON U N IVERSITY announces a search for an Assistant University Librarian for Inform ation Services Appointment Rank & Salary: $63,000 m inim um , (which includes an adm inistrative stipend); rank and salary negotiable based on qualifications and experience. The University, fou nde d in 1821, is a private, nonsectarian, coeducational in s titu tio n accredited by th e M idd le States Association o f Colleges and Universities. GW has an en ro llm e n t o f over 15,000 stu­ dents in 7 schools including over 10,000 graduate and professional students. The University employs more th a n 724 fu ll-tim e fa cu lty members and almost 7,000 o th e r professional and s ta ff employees. The Gelman Library contains 1.3 m illio n volumes and 9000 periodical subscriptions. The Library employs a s ta ff o f 28 professionals and 100 graded personnel. The Library is a member o f the W ashington Research Library Consortium. Position Description: Reporting to th e University Librarian, th e Assistant University Librarian w ill be expected to ta ke an active leadership role in developing access to in fo rm a tio n resources fo r all Gelman Library constituencies. She o r he w ill be required to manage effectively significant parts o f th e Library bu dget and operational activities, and to develop and m aintain a cooperative, consulta­ tive environm e nt between th e Library and all o th e r segments o f th e University. The Assistant University Librarian must provide an innovative, creative and proactive approach to library service. She o r he must be able to com municate a clear vision o f th e role o f th e Library in th e processes o f instruction and learning, and must seek t o fu lfill th a t vision th ro u g h a com bination o f tra d itio n a l methods o f library service and technological enhancements. The AUL w ill also prom ote an atmos­ phere am ong Library s ta ff o f participative decision-making in which s ta ff are encouraged th ro u g h tra in in g and m entoring to develop th e ir skills and co n trib u te to th e maxim um o f th e ir ability, and in w hich delivery o f q u a lity service to Library users is th e pre-em inent shared value. Specific areas of responsibility will be: user education, including reference and in fo rm a tio n desk ser­ vices; electronic reference services; circulation/reserves; docum ent delivery services (including in te rli­ brary b o rro w in g /le n d in g and a cost-recovery, fee-based service); media resources; and th e In fo rm a tio n Center fo r th e Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and East Asia. In ad ditio n, th e AUL w ill assist th e University Librarian in budgeting, planning and developm ent; participate in a p p ro p ri­ ate Library and University planning groups; coordinate Library p a rticip ation in University events; m aintain external relations, particularly w ith faculty; and represent th e Library on University com m ittees and task forces. Qualifications Required: MLS fro m an ALA-accredited program and a m inim um o f five years o f aca­ demic o r research library experience in progressively responsible positions, including significant supervisory experience. A demonstrated ab ility in strategic planning. Strong interpersonal and lead­ ership skills. Fam iliarity w ith em erging in fo rm a tio n technologies and autom ated library systems related to public services. Extensive know ledge o f public service fun ctio ns and bibliogra phic instruc­ tio n . Effective oral and w ritte n com m unication skills. Qualifications Preferred: Public relations skills. Experience in e ith e r technical services o r collection developm ent. Review of Applications: Review o f applications w ill begin August 15 and continue until the position is filled . Please send current resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three references to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate, Gelman Library, The George Washington University 2130 H Street, NW, Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The G eorge W ashington University is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ployer w hich actively seeks a n d encourages applications from m in ority candidates. 4 3 2 /C&RL News PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIAISON LIBRARIAN George Mason University Libraries George Mason University, a comprehensive research university in the Washington, D.C., area, is seeking a Public Affairs Liaison Librar­ ian to join a growing library system committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the university. Creativity, initiative, and willingness to reach beyond the bound­ aries of the traditional library are especially prized. Provides liaison services (collection development, bibliographic instruction, and in­ formation retrieval, problem solving, and man­ agement) for the Department of Public and International Affairs and the Institute for Public Policy. Also provides general reference desk service, including evening and weekend rota­ tion. ALA-accredited MLS required. Experience in reference and second master’s in relevant subject area preferred. Salary: $28,500 and up, depending on qualifications. Application dead­ line is July 7, 1995. Send letter of application and resume with names of th ree references to: Public Affairs Liaison Search Library Adm inistration Office 2nd FI. George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. A A/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. SSISTANT GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS AND MAP LIBRAR AN. A tenure-track, 12-month appointment. The position participates n providing leadership for the library, provides reference service, ibliographic instruction, supervision, manages the technical pro­ essing functions. The Government Documents and Map Library is regional and U.S. depository with two million items in various formats nd over 300,000 maps and aerial photographs. The library is a epository for the United Nations and the European Union, and aintains strong collections of publications from other international overnmental organizations, and of the United Kingdom. Required ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience or ducation in reference service, technical processing, and organiza­ ion of U.S. documents; strong interpersonal, organizational, and ommunication skills. Strongly prefer: Leadership and management kills; demonstrated experience with or knowledge of microcomput­ rs, CD-ROMs, and the Internet; experience with or knowledge of rocessing and cataloging in an automated environment; familiarity ith current issues and trends relevant to the U.S. federal depository rogram. Preferred: Experience and/or education in British and nternational documents; experience and/or education in the organi­ ation and use of maps in a library environment; supervisory experi­ nce. Annual salary: $24,000– $27,000, dependent upon qualifica­ ions. Excellent benefits. To apply, submit a letter of application, esume, names of three references and copies of transcripts to: andra Gilliland, Personnel Officer, U n iversity of Kansas Libraries, awrence, KS 66045-2800. A full position description is available, pplications must be postmarked by July 7,1995. An equal opportu­ ity/affirmative action employer. SSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Evans­ A I i b c a a d m g q e t c s e p w p i z e t r S L A n A ville Libraries seeks an energetic, service-oriented librarian eager to participate in a highly collaborative organizational setting where service programs continue to evolve. Effective communication skills, strong interpersonal skills, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence of library service are a must. The libraries are fully automated, provide Internet access, and offer expanding electronic and online information services. Nine professional positions are a part of the libraries’ cadre of staffing, of which three comprise the Refer­ ence and Library Instruction Department. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related selective-admissions institution located in a city of 135,000 in southwest Indiana. Enrollment numbers approximately 3,000 students, with 180 faculty. Responsibilities: Under supervision of Head of Reference, participates in all service activities of the Reference and Instruction Department, which in­ cludes: (1) 15-20 weekly reference desk hours, including evenings and weekends on a rotational basis; (2) assisting with training in the use of electronic and online information resources; (3) participating in the instructional program; (4) assisting with the development and maintenance of instructional materials; (5) participating in collection development activities; and (6) maintaining information file. Minimum qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program; refer­ ence assistance experience; familiarity with electronic and online databases; computer literacy. Preferred qualifications: Academic library experience, teaching experience. Appointment, salary, and benefits: A 12-month tenure-track faculty appointment at Instructor Level. Minimum salary at $22,800. Benefits include 20 annual vaca­ tions days plus holidays and generous benefits with TIAA/CREF. To apply: Send letter of application and resume including names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional refer­ ences to: William F. Louden, University Librarian, University o f Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recom menda tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C o n n e c tic u t $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illin o is $27,400# In d ia n a varies* Iowa $21,588 Lou isia n a $22,000 Maine varies* M a ssach usetts $27,554* New Jerse y $30,128 New Y o rk varies* N o rth C arolina $24,367+ O hio $25,198+ Pen n sylva n ia $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 S outh C arolin a varies* S outh Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 V e rm o n t $23,846 W est V irg in ia $22,000 W isco n sin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. ÷Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 3 3 AS SO C IATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES N o m in a tio n s and a p p lic a tio n s are in v ite d fo r th e n e w ly -d e fin e d p o s itio n o f A s s o c ia te D ean o f L ib ra rie s . T h e s u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a n t w ill serve as th e D e a n 's p rin c ip a l d e p u ty and th e L ib ra rie s ' c h ie f o p e ra tin g o ffic e r . T h e A s s o c ia te Dean w ill be e x p e c te d to p ro m o te in te rd e p a rtm e n ta l c o o rd in a tio n o f e ff o r t w ith in th e L ib raries, d e v e lo p p a rtn e rs h ip s w ith o th e r u n its o f th e U n iv e rs ity and w ith o th e r lib ra rie s in th e s ta te , re g io n , and n a tio n , and sha re in p ro v id in g c re a tiv e le a d e rsh ip c o n s is te n t w ith th e L ib ra rie s ' s tra te g ic plan . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f K ansa s, a c o m p re h e n s iv e A A U in s titu tio n , is lo c a te d in th e h is to r ic and d iv e rs e c o m m u n ity o f L a w re n c e (p o p u la tio n 6 5 ,0 0 0 ) a m id s t th e ro llin g h ills o f n o rth -e a s t K a n sa s. Th e U n iv e rs ity o f Kansas L ibraries hold m e m b e rs h ip in th e A s s o c ia tio n o f R e se a rch L ib ra rie s , have a c o lle c tio n o f 3 .5 m illio n v o lu m e s , an a n nual b u d g e t o f $ 1 2 m illio n , and a ca re e r s ta f f o f 1 6 0 FTE. T h e s u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a n t's q u a lific a tio n s m u s t in c lu d e a M a s te r's d e g re e fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m , s u b s ta n tia l a d m in is tra tiv e e xp e rie n c e in a re se a rch lib ra ry , d e m o n s tra te d a b ility to p ro v id e c re a tiv e and e ffe c tiv e le a d e rsh ip in a co lle g ia l e n v iro n m e n t, a b ility to c o m m u n ic a te e ffe c tiv e ly w ith d iv e rs e c o n s titu e n c ie s , c o m m itm e n t to p ro m o te a p p ro a c h e s th a t en ha n ce th e o p e ra tio n s and s e rv ic e s o f th e L ib ra rie s , and s u c c e s s fu l e xp e rie n c e in lib ra ry p la n n in g . T h e s u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a n t sh o u ld be e lig ib le f o r te n u re u p o n a p p o in tm e n t. A n n u a l sa la ry: $ 5 8 ,0 0 0 - $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 , d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s . For a p p lic a tio n in fo r m a tio n and a fu ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n c o n ta c t S and ra G illila n d , P erso n n e l O ffic e r, U n iv e rs ity o f K ansas L ib ra rie s, 5 0 2 W a ts o n L ib ra ry, L a w re n c e , KS 6 6 0 4 5 - 2 8 0 0 (e m a il: s g illila @ u k a n v m .c c .u k a n s .e d u ; te le p h o n e : 9 1 3 - 8 6 4 - 3 6 0 1 ) . R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e gin J u ly 1 7 , 1 9 9 5 . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f K ansa s and its Lib ra rie s are c o m m itte d to equal o p p o r tu n ity and a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n . T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K A N S A S L I B R A R I E S Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47722. Review of applications will begin immediately. Search will continue until position is filled. Appointment date is August 1995. The University of Evans­ ville is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon. Responsible for original and copy cataloging of materials in a college library of 275,000 volumes, 250,000 microform units, and 1,900 periodical subscriptions. Duties include maintenance of the online catalog database, authority control, solution of bibliographic prob­ lems, and supervision of a half-time assistant and several student assistants. Requires ALA-accredited MLS and working knowledge of the following: AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, and MARC formats, and familiarity with OCLC (or other utility) and automated library systems (prefer Innopac). Must have good communication and inter­ personal skills, a strong service orientation, and the ability to manage change. Prior cataloging experience and supervisory experience desirable. Minimum salary: $26,000, plus an excellent benefit pack­ age. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Personnel Services, Lewis & Clark College, 0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd., Port­ land, OR 97219. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Will interview at the ALA conference in Chicago. Equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER/SUBJECT SPECIALIST FOR SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES. The George Washington University announces a search for a Cataloger/Subject Specialist for Slavic Languages and Literatures. Appointment rank and salary: Appointment at the rank of Librarian II, $26,000 minimum, salary based on experience. Position description: Performs original and complex copy cataloging of mono­ graphs, media, electronic databases, music, and maps in all subject areas and in all languages, except East Asian; assists Serials Cataloger with original and complex copy cataloging of serials in Cyrillic script; creates and reviews authority work in local automated system. Works with Department Head to resolve bibliographic and authority record problems. As subject specialist for Slavic languages and literatures serves as liaison, provides specialized research support and consultation services, develops and manages collec­ tions, and identifies user needs with respect to library services and policies. Focusing on subject specialist fields, participates in user education, including instruction in searching electronic databases. Serves on librarywide and university committees. Reports to Senior Subject Specialist, who helps plan commitments and evaluates overall performance. Functional supervisor is Head, Collections Management Services. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; familiarity with AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC formats; minimum of two years post-MLS cataloging experience using an integrated online system and a major bibliographic utility; excellent reading knowledge of Russian; excel­ lent oral and written communication skills; ability to work in a team environment. Qualifications desirable: Experience with NOTIS; other cataloging experience; reading knowledge of other.foreign languages; collection development or faculty liaison experience; knowledge of Internet resources. Review of applications: Review of applications will begin on August 1, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. Please send your resume and names of three references to: Andrea W. Stewart, Executive Associate, Melvin Gelman Library, The George W ashington University, 2130 H St. NW, Washington, DC 20052. The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer which actively seeks and encourages applications from minority candidates. 4 3 4 /C & RL News O K L A H O M A STATE U N I V E R S I T Y is a land grant university offering 44 doctoral degree programs. A m em ber o f ARL, the Library contains 2.6 million volumes. Its online catalog (NOTIS) includes Periodical Abstracts, Newspa­ p e r Abstracts, A B I/IN FO R M and ISI's Current Contents. Periodi­ cal Abstracts and A B I/IN FO R M are linked to U M I's Power Pages providing full image articles for 800+ titles. The online catalog provides Z 39.50 links to several FirstSearch databases and to other library catalogs. A CD-ROM netw ork provides access to more than 20 databases. Public Internet workstations w ill be added this summer. The Architecture Library, a unit o f the Sci­ ence and Engineering Department, is located in the Architec­ ture building and prim arily serves the School o f Architecture. ■ ASSISTANT P R O FE SS O R /A R C H IT E C T U R E LIBRARIAN, TEN U R E TRACK. RESPONSIBILITIES: W orking under the direction o f the Head, Science and Engineering Department, manages the daily operations o f the Architecture Library including reference services, collection management, fa cu lty liaison functions, and supervising student assistants. Participates in general library user education programs on basic library skills and inform ation technologies. D uring the summer, helps provide reference services in the Main Library and participates in special projects. Serves on library com m ittees as needed; other duties as assigned. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : R E Q U IR E D : ALA-MLS. Four years post-MLS reference experience; a record o f providing excellent service; ab ility to project a friendly, interested attitude w hen w orking at the reference desk; ab ility to w ork effectively w ith individuals w ith diverse backgrounds; demonstrated excellent com m unication, organizational and teaching skills; fam iliarity w ith print and electronic resources; ab ility to w o rk under pressure and to m eet deadlines; demonstrated experience success­ fully developing and com pleting projects. D ESIRED : Degree or experience in architecture, land­ scape architecture, art or engineering; experience in a branch or special library setting; teaching and supervisory experience; and, active participation in state o r national professional organizations. SALARY: $27,000 to $33,000 for 11 months. Salary and academic rank dependent upon qualifica­ tions and p rio r experience. BENEFITS: Social security; free health, accident and life insurance; O klahom a Teacher's Retirement and TIAA/CREF; 11 holidays. O p p o rtu n ity to w ork towards advanced degree. DEADLINE: Review o f applications begins june 30 and continues until the position is filled. For full consideration send letter o f application, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-Mail addresses (if available) o f three references to: Mrs. Jackie German, Senior Administrative Associate, Edmon Low Library, O klahom a State University, Stillwater, O K 74078-0375 or E-mail to: jackie@ Telephone: (405) 744-6324. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE AC TIO N EMPLOYER; MINORITIES A N D W O M E N ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT MUST COMPLY W ITH IRCA. CURATOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. W. Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library. Library environment: The University of Alabama Libraries is a dynamic, responsive, highly collegial, and client- centered organization. Libraries’ faculty and staff pursue leadership in and support of the continuing development of a system for scholarly and scientific communication in the service of our academic commu­ nity and state. Each member of the libraries’ faculty and staff contrib­ utes to advancing the mission and to formulating the vision of the libraries through holistic problem-solving and shared responsibility for success. Individuals are encouraged to resolve difficulties, improve processes, and make decisions at the most appropriate level in the organization. All staff share in organizational achievements and are encouraged to enjoy balanced personal and professional lives. Description: The University of Alabama seeks leadership for the W. Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library, a national resource spe­ cializing in U.S. southern history and culture and housed in an attractive, recently occupied facility. The Curator manages three librarians/archivists, four support staff, and student assistants to provide access to and security for rare books, university archives, manuscripts, the Alabama collection, and numerous artifacts. The Curator reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services and is a member of the Library Management Council. The Hoole Special Collections Library has embarked on the application of computers and communication technology to enhance access and improve preservation as part of a renewed emphasis upon intellectual access to its existing collections. Qualifications: Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS or certification as a professional archi­ vist. A graduate degree in history or related discipline. Related experience in an academic or research environment, with demon­ strated successful supervisory experience and understanding of the application of emerging computing, communication, and preservation technologies to archives and special collections. Ability to communi­ cate ideas clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing. Aware­ ness of current developments in the electronic communication of scholarly information. Knowledge and understanding of archives and special collections in print, image, sound, and digital formats. A record of scholarly publication and/or other contributions to the profession consonant with the appointment rank. This position requires a strong Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 3 5 ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN OR LIBRARIAN; HEAD, RUTH LILLY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries is seeking qualified applicants for the following position. Available immediately. Will report to the IUPUI Director of University Libraries. The Head of the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives will be responsible for the overall management and development of the department, including collection acquisition and management, research services, fund-raising and grant writing, public relations with both the university and the community, and staff training and supervision. He/she is expected to work closely with two academic programs in particular: the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, the nation’s leading program for the study of philanthropy in society, and the Department of History’s graduate program in public history. Special Collections has traditionally had one to two graduate interns per year, and the Head would be encouraged to teach in a public history program. The Head reports to the Director of the IUPUI University Libraries and serves as a member of the Unit Heads, the libraries' policy and planning group. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master’s or higher ALA-accredited degree in library science, and/or graduate degrees in history or other academic discipline closely related to the collections; professional training in archival administration; five years of archival experience in an academic or research organiza­ tion; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and to interact successfully with colleagues, administrators, staff, patrons, and donors; supervisory experience; and familiarity with computer applications for archival work. Candidates must be able to meet the responsibilities of a tenure- track appointment. SALARY: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Salary floor: Associate Librarian, $32,703; Librarian, $39,969. FRINGE BENEFITS: A month’s vacation; sick leave; major medical plans available; dental plan; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. Librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave and other research support. APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Barbara B. Fischler, Director IUPUI University Libraries 755 W. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195 CLOSING: Applications or nominations received by June 1,1995 will be guaranteed consideration. Position remains open until filled. Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. personal commitment to responsive and innovative service, and the ability to provide effective leadership while working cooperatively and collegially with library personnel, students, faculty and university administrators at all levels, and the public in a rapidly evolving environment. Preferred: Thorough knowledge of the history of Ala­ bama and the American South. Demonstrated success in working with donors. Successful record in applying for and administering grants. Successful experience working in a strongly participatory administra­ tive environment. Salary and benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure- track, faculty appointment to be filled at the rank of Associate Professor ($34,300 minimum) or Professor ($37,300 minimum). Sal­ ary will be determined on the basis of qualifications. Strong benefits, substantial moving allowance may be available. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Libraries Personnel Officer, The University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applica­ tions received by June 30, 1995, are assured of receiving consider­ ation. The University of Alabama Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, and the Network of Alabama Academic Librar­ ies, and have implemented the NOTIS integrated library system. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES (full-time). Qualifications include a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution; suc­ cessful administrative experience in a college library setting; leader­ ship ability; and the ability to interact effectively with faculty and others in promoting the mission of the library. Responsibilities include managing the overall operations of the Tabor College Library, includ­ ing acquisitions, audiovisual services, bibliographic instruction, over­ all collection development, and service to patrons. All employees must be supportive of our mission as an evangelical Christian college. Salary depends on experience. The position will be filled as soon as a qualified candidate is found. Send resume and three reference letters to: Dean of the Faculty, Tabor College, Hillsboro, KS 67063. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION. Re­ porting to the Dean of University Libraries, this person leads a staff of 10 energetic and highly motivated professional librarians and three support staff in a division responsible for reference service and the provision of instruction in library research skills. This is a dynamic, service-oriented division in an outstanding, fully automated OhioLINK library with over 1.5 million volumes. The University of Toledo is a state university in Ohio with 24,000 students, offering associate, bachelor, professional, and doctoral degrees in seven colleges. The attractive main campus location in one of Toledo’s finest residential sections provides a suburban atmosphere, yet is an integral part of the civic, 4 3 6 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN; REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC SERVICES Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries Will report to the Head of Public Services. The incumbents will provide reference services at the central reference desk, including some evening and weekend hours. Each instructs library users in the use of library resources and research strategies. Serves as liaison to assigned departments and selects and orders materials in assigned subject areas. Responsible for developing the library’s information system in assigned subject areas, including monitoring and selecting Internet resources made available through the system. Develops and implements various library resources and services, including developing training programs and documentation; assists in the formulation of public services and reference policies and procedures; and participates in unit, library, and university committees. Maintains awareness of professional developments and develops the skills required to maintain a high level of professional proficiency. QUALIFICATIONS: REQUIRED: Master’s or higher ALA-accredited degree in library or information science; ability to work with a diverse group of library users and staff; strong oral and written communication skills; knowledge of computer applications in libraries; knowledge of electronic and networked information resources; and ability to meet the responsibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointment. PREFERRED: One or more years of post-MLS experience as a reference librarian in an academic or special library; academic training or library experience in science o rt echnology; experience with computer programming or computer applications development, or advanced degree in science or technology. SALARY: $28,000 minimum. FRINGE BENEFITS: A month’s vacation; sick leave; major medical plans available; dental plan; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. Librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave and other research support. APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Barbara B. Fischler, D irector IUPUI U niversity Libraries 755 W. M ichigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195 CLOSING: Applications or nominations received by J u n e 2 8 , 1 995 will be guaranteed consideration. Position remains open until filled. Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. cultural, and commercial life of the community. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; an additional graduate degree; experi­ ence in academic reference services and collection development; demonstrated record of increasingly responsible leadership roles in an academic library; a scholarly and professional record which has achieved or can now result in the awarding of tenure; and ability to lead in a participative and cooperative problem-solving arena. Instruc­ tional experience necessary. Faculty status; 12-month contract; very liberal fringe benefits; salary is $50,000, depending on qualifications. Position available summer of 1995. This position will remain open and applications will be reviewed on the 15th of each month until an appointment is made. Send cover letter, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Leslie W. Sheridan, Search Committee Chair, Carlson Library, The University o f Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. It is important to indicate in the letter of application whether you are able to access Carlson Library’s World Wide Web. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, M/F/DA/. DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Assistant Professor or Lecturer, 12-month, faculty status. Reports to Head of Documents, Maps and Microforms, and to Head of Reference. Serves as a generalist and provides reference service and instruction to library users. Includes some evening and weekend assignments. Qualifica­ tions: Minimum: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; strong public service orientation; demonstrated organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills; ability to work effectively in a team setting with faculty colleagues, students, and staff. Five years professional aca­ demic library experience or equivalent experience at other large library is required for Assistant Professor (preference will be given for academic experience). Advanced degree or systematic course work may substitute for up to three years experience. Desirable: Experi­ ence and/or education in documents, maps, and microforms librarian ship; OCLC online cataloging; CD-ROM database, LAN, and Internet searching; bibliographic instruction. Participation in professional organizations. Salary is competitive and negotiable. Rank and tenure- track status are dependent on qualifications. Minimum salary: Assis­ tant Professor (tenure-track), $32,666; Lecturer (non-tenure-track), $28,000. Lecturers will be eligible to apply fortenure-track status when faculty code requirements for Assistant Professor rank have been met. TIAA/CREF, 22 days vacation. Application review will begin July 3 1 , 1995; continues until position is filled. Central Washington Univer­ sity has a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of its faculty, Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 3 7 4 3 8 / C & R L News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES MARSHALL UNIVERSITY Marshall University invites applications and nominations for the new position of Associate Director of Libraries. This position is a 12-month, non-tenure-track library faculty position reporting to the Director of Libraries. Marshall University, one of West Virginia’s two state universities, is committed to high-quality undergraduate and graduate education. It is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Provides leadership and management of daily library operations • Provides leadership in technology, wide-area networking, and multimedia management, including remote user services, database access, access mode development for certain knowledge bases, texts to CD-ROM or online browsing, and document delivery • Participates in overall library planning and policy formulation • Manages the personnel functions of the University Libraries, including providing leadership for developing, recommending, and maintaining a system for library faculty and staff development • Assists Director in preparing, coordinating, and administering the annual budget • Assists the Director with statistical analysis and reporting for the libraries QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; six years of progressively responsible administrative experience, particularly in personnel and planning in an academic library; record of professional and/or scholarly achievement; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; experience with computerized information systems and applications. Highly desirable: Second master’s degree or doctorate in appropriate field; experience in both public and technical services in a college or university library; experience in grants and proposal writing. MIMIMUM SALARY: $42,000,12-month; rank and salary commensurate with qualifications. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications Ju ly I, 1995 and will continue until the position is filled. Candidates should submit letter of application, vita, and names of three references to: Josephine Fidler Director of Libraries Marshall University 400 Hal Greer Blvd. Huntington, WV 25755-2060 A A/EEO employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. staff, and student body. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, address, and telephone numbers of three current professional references to: Jennifer Jacques, Search Committee Chair, Reference Department, Central W ashington University Library, 400 E. 8th Ave., Ellensburgh, WA 98926-7548. AA/EOE/title IX institution. ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Engineer­ ing and Applied Sciences Library, Yale University. Rank: Librarian I or II. Yale is seeking a junior-level, innovative, computer-literate, and user-oriented Engineering Librarian to lead the advances in informa­ tion access for Yale engineering program faculty, students, and staff. Administers the Engineering and Applied Sciences Library and super­ vises 2.5 FTE support staff. For further information about the science libraries, please consult URL top.html. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Educational background or experience with physical sci­ ences and engineering literature. Previous supervisory responsibility, and at least one year post-MLS relevant professional experience in an academic or special library. Strong interpersonal skills. Ability to work collegially in small group and team environments. Strong reference and online searching skills. Advanced microcomputer skills in a networked environment. An interest or experience in preservation of library materials. Competitive salary from $32,100. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. To be assured of consideration, please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by June 30, 1995, to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Human Resources, Yale University, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240. Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL DEPARTMENT (Search re­ opened.). California State University, Sacramento. Responsibili­ ties: Directs the operation of BCD, supervises eight library assis­ tants, does original cataloging, subject analysis, and authority work. Utilizes OCLC, Innopac, AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and other classifications including Dewey, SuDocs, California Documents, and local schemes for cataloging. Serves on appropriate commit­ tees, coordinates OCLC use, and meets responsibilities of a faculty appointment. Minimum qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a minimum of four years of professional cataloging expe­ rience; demonstrated knowledge of and ability to apply AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, MARC formats, authority control principles, and LC cataloging practice; experience with an online catalog; J u n e 1 9 9 5 /4 3 9 experience with a bibliographic utility; supervisory experience; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; and ability to work cooperatively with others and to foster an attitude and atmosphere of inclusiveness. Desirable qualifications: Experience with Innopac; experience with OCLC; experience with an integrated automated library system; work experience in an academic library; experience supervising a number of staff; managerial experience; working knowl­ edge of the Internet; knowledge of a foreign language; and knowledge of Dewey classification and SuDocs classification. Probationary tenure-track position at the Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, salary range $37,560– $52,044 (depending on qualifications). Librarians have full faculty status. Excellent benefits. Application procedures: Position is open until filled. To ensure consideration, send a letter of application, a complete resume, and the names of three references, by September 1, 1995, to: Charles Martell, Dean and University Librarian, Ca lifo rn ia State U n iversity, Sacram ento, Li­ brary, 2000 Jed Smith Dr., Sacramento, CA 95819-6039. Vacancy announcement and job description available electronically; request from This library has a strong commitment to affirmative action and is actively seeking to increase minority faculty representation. CSUS is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES AND BIBLIOGRAPHER, SCI ENCE LIBRARIES. The University of California, Riverside, Library welcomes applications for the position of Head, Information Services and Bibliographer, Science Libraries. Graduate library degree. Mini­ mum of four years progressively responsible experience in reference services and collection development in an academic, special, or public library with significant holdings in the sciences. Extensive experience with print and electronic reference sources, systems, and services; strong grasp of the current state of information technology; understanding of information needs of scientists and current trends and issues in scientific publishing and communication; and interper­ sonal skills. Substantial experience and achievement in collection development activity and information services. Demonstrated ac­ complishments in organizational leadership, including ability to man­ age change positively. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Supervisory experience and degree in scientific or engineering discipline highly desirable. Appointment in the Librarian series, at the salary level appropriate to the candidate’s qualifications and experi­ ence (appointment range: $36,108– $55,476). Librarians are aca­ demic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per month. The university offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirement program. Position is open until filled. To ensure consideration, send letter of application, complete resume, and the names of three references, by July 1, 1995 to: John W. Tanno, AUL, U n ive rsity o f C alifornia, Riversid e, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Oklahoma Baptist University, a Southern Baptist liberal arts college with a student body of 2,400, invites applications for the position of Head of Public Services (to begin no later than August 1, 1995). Responsibilities include policy making for circulation, and all facets of the reference department. One night weekly and some weekends. Must be familiar with all features of reference technology. Some reference collection development. Prefer: One year reference experience and familiarity with SIRST Unicorn’s Online management system. Letter, current resume, and names and addresses of at least three references. Apply: Mark Herring, Dean of Library Services, Oklahom a B a p tist University, OBU Box 61310, Shawnee, OK 74801; fax: (405) 878-2270; e-mail: HEAD OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY. The University of Akron Libraries seek an individual with enthusiasm and vision for the position of Head of the Science and Technology (S&T) Library. The University of Akron (U A) is the third-largest state-assisted university in Ohio. It offers 26,000 day and evening students more than 230 associate, bachelor's, and master's degree programs and 14 doctoral degree programs. UA Libraries is an active participant in OhioLINK, a statewide information network linking the libraries of 41 state colleges, universities, and research schools. This 12-month, tenure-track faculty position reports to the Dean of the University Libraries. This individual will provide strong leadership and direction for the S&T Library, located in the Auburn Science & Engineering Center, and supporting the science disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, nursing, phys­ ics, and polymer science. Job responsibilities include: coordination and management of the activities of three professional librarians and two support staff; responsibility for administrative and operating procedures in the S&T Library; collection development in the science library reference area, with input from the other subject bibliographers, and may perform collection development in appropriate science and engineering fields if needed; providing reference sen/ices and re­ search assistance to the library’s clientele; preparing the departmen­ tal budget, and as a member of the Department Heads Advisory Group, participating in University Libraries planning and policy mak­ ing; representing the needs and interests of the S&T Library to the University Libraries administration; participating in faculty commit­ tees, university governance, and in local, state, and national organi­ zations. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; a minimum of two years in a science, technical, or medical library setting. At least five years of progressively responsible professional experience, with demonstrated library management and/or supervisory skills, prefer­ ably in an academic setting. Experience in collection development and management, preferably with emphasis in a scientific subject area. Strong organizational ability. Excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills, with evidence of flexibility and the ability to foster a strong team environment. Evidence of a commitment to responsive library service and an understanding of the scientific research process in a university setting. An ability to communicate effectively with faculty, students, and staff of diverse cultural back­ grounds. Demonstrated knowledge of computer systems and elec­ tronic databases. Desired: A bachelor’s degree in a science or technology field and/or a second advanced degree, preferably in a subject-related discipline. Knowledge of issues and trends in informa­ tion services and collection management in the science and technol­ ogy area. Professional growth as demonstrated by publications, committee work, presentations, professional memberships, and awards. Experience in a large academic library. Subject expertise in one or more of the following areas: chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, or polymer science. Initial salary will be between $35,000 and $45,000, with faculty rank assigned commensurate with experience. Benefits include 22 annual vacation days, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition remission for self and immediate family. Please send letter of appli­ cation, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Delmus E. Williams, Dean, University Libraries, The U n ive rsity o f Akron, Akron, OH 44325-1709. Review of applications will begin on June 26,1995, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. LIBRARIAN. Palm Beach Community College LLRC seeks an indi vidual to coordinate the development and delivery of electronic access instruction to staff, faculty, and students. Serve as the resource person for Internet/Freenet applications and support in­ creased networking among campus and district resources. Manage LLRC lab/classroom to provide bibliographic instruction, collaborate in the development and management of the library’s automated system (CCLA-LINCC-DRA), and act as the library’s liaison to OCLC, SOLINET and SEFLIN. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Experience related to the above, including LAN (Novell), Internet searching, and bibliographic instruction also necessary. Application closing date: July 6, 1995. Submit letters of intent and resumes to Manager, Employment, Palm Beach Community College, 4200 Congress Ave, Lake Worth, FL 33461. An EOE/AA employer. LIBRARIAN II, HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARY. Michigan State University Libraries (PRO 190). Reporting to Coordi­ nator, Main Library Reference Services, oversees selection and processing of collections, reference, bibliographic instruction, and database services for federal, international, Canadian, and Michigan documents; supervises documents staff. Participates in full range of activities in Government Documents Library, and coordinates activi­ ties and programs with Social Science and Humanities Reference and other library units. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least three years successful professional experience in an academic or research library, including documents and supervisory experience; excellent written and oral communication skills. Desirable qualifica­ tions: Familiarity with IGO materials; effective teaching and training skills. Minimum salary: $30,000, depending on qualifications. MSU is a selective federal depository library, a depository for United Nations, European Community, OECD, Canadian, and Michigan documents, and includes collections from dozens of international agencies. Holdings include over 900,000 print volumes, 2.8 million microform pieces, and 11,000 current serials, with a staff of three FTE librarians, 3.5 FTE support staff, and 6.5 FTE student workers. Government Documents Library shares a common service point with Social Sciences and Humanities Reference. Submit a letter of appli­ cation, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Libraries Human Resources, Main Library, M ich ig a n State U n ive r­ s ity Libraries, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Applications received 4 4 0 /C & RL News TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Wayne State University Purdy/Kresge Library ELECTRONIC REFERENCE LIBRARIAN l/ll/lll This position is responsible for the implementation, operation, and technical support fo r the Purdy/Kresge Library’s technology applications and databases. Manages the CD-ROM network of databases, Instruc­ tional Lab LAN, and the library’s access to the Internet. Assist with evaluation and selection of hardware and software and serves as a liaison to the university library’s Systems Office. Prepare training aids, guides, tutorials, and provides instructional and reference assistance. QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree form ALA-accredited library school and knowledge of microcomput­ ers. Experience with local area networks, CD-ROM installation, Internet resources, operating system such as DOS and Windows. Reference experience, subject background in social sciences or humanities preferred. MINIMUM SALARY: $32,000 depending on rank, experience, and qualifications. BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC REFERENCE LIBRARIAN l/ll/lll Serves as the liaison of the School of Business Administration and the College of Liberal Arts, Department of Economics; responsible for collection development, bibliographic instruction, and end-user training in the areas of Accounting, Economics, Management, Marketing, and Finance; responsible for online searching and coordination of all business related databases; and provides reference assistance. QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Minimum of three years of professional business reference experience in an academic or research library. Demonstrated achieve­ ment in the field. Experience in online database searching. Educational background in business or economics is desirable. Excellent written, oral, and analytical skills. MINIMUM SALARY: $32,000 depending on rank, experience, and qualifications. Wayne State University is one of the nation’s leading urban research universities. The University Library System is ranked among the top 50 research libraries in the United States with collections of over 2.48 million books and journal volumes, 1.8+ million microforms, and more than 24,000 current subscriptions to journals and government publications. The Purdy/Kresge Library complex, which houses the Media Library and the Computer Instructional Laboratory, is one of the four libraries at Wayne State University, which serves the graduate and undergraduate programs in business, economics, education, humanities, and the social sciences. Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references to: Judith March-Adams Assistant Dean fo r Adm inistration Wayne State University 134 Purdy Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Position will remain open until filled. Wayne State University-people working together to provide quality service. A Wayne State University representative will be at ALA in Chicago. Interviews may be scheduled at ALA. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. by June 14, 1995, will receive priority consideration; review will continue until position is filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. LIBRARIAN II, LIBRARY INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR. Michigan State University Libraries (PRO 146). Reporting to the Coordinator, Main Library Reference Services, coordinates general library instruc­ tion for a student population of 31,000 undergraduates and 8,500 graduate and professional students. Program includes tours, orienta­ tion, Welcome Week, and Open House programs, and instructional outreach. Serves as contact person for general inquiries for instruc­ tion; coordinates instructors and scheduling; provides reference service, including some nights and weekends. Required: ALA-ac­ credited MLS; minimum three years professional experience in academic library providing reference and BI; excellent written and oral communication skills; and familiarity with current technology espe­ cially related to instruction. Minimum salary $30,000, depending on qualifications. Submit a letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current references to: Libraries Human Resources, E 108 Main Library, M ichigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Review of applications will begin June 14, 1995, and continue until position is filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Shorter College, Rome, Georgia, seeks Direc­ tor of Library Services. Shorter is a Baptist-affiliated liberal arts college J u n e 1 9 9 5 /4 4 1 located 70 miles north of Atlanta. In addition to the Rome campus, library services are provided for the School of Professional Programs in Marietta, Georgia. The Livingston Library houses approximately 115,000 volumes and has a staff of four professional librarians plus a support staff. Automation of the catalog and circulation system is near completion. The director must hold a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution and have a minimum of three years experience in an academic library, some of which involves supervi­ sory or administrative experience. The director must demonstrate strong leadership skills as well as familiarity with computer systems and other technologies currently being developed for libraries. The director is responsible for collection development and administration of the library budget. The Director of Library Services operates on a 12-month basis and reports directly to the Provost. Librarians are eligible for tenure. Salary for the director starts in the low $30s and is negotiable commensurate with experience and qualifications. Appli­ cation review will begin July 1, 1995. Send letter of application, resume, names of at least three references, and transcripts to: Harold E. Newman, Chairman, Library Director Search Committee, S horter College, P.O. Box2,315 Shorter Ave., Rome, GA 30165-4298. EOE. REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Provides general reference and library instruction services as well as leader­ ship for reference staff in the area of electronic information technolo­ gies; collection development and maintenance in selected social sciences, including government documents; supervision of docu­ ments staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; experience with general reference, government documents, user instruction; strong background in electronic information technologies; evidence of cre­ ativity, service orientation, energy, resourcefulness, flexibility, and commitment to teaching and to the goals of liberal arts education; broad education and intellectual background required. Two years professional reference and documents experience and advanced degree in the social sciences highly desirable. Environment: Located on a wooded campus less than ten miles from the center of Philadel­ phia and one mile from Bryn Mawr College, with which it has strong historical and academic ties, Haverford College is a highly selective liberal arts institution with 1,100 students. The Quakerfoundation and traditions of the college encourage a respect for the individual and an openness of exchange that make it attractive to intellectually ambi­ tious and socially conscious students. With a staff of 29, the library offers a supportive environment for independent, team-oriented, committed librarians seeking intellectual and professional growth through involvement in the work of faculty and students. Starting salary: $30,000. Application deadline: June 3 0 , 1995. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and the names of three references to: Robert Kieft, Magill Library, H averford College, Haverford, PA 19041-1392. EEO/AA. SENIOR CATALOGER. Opening available for Senior Cataloger. Rare Book and Manuscript Division, Butterfield & Butterfield. Re­ sponsibilities: Performs original cataloging of fine books, manu­ scripts and maps; trains others in cataloging; refines and maintains uniform cataloging style; engages in online and off-site scholarly and bibliographical research as needed; participates in all aspects of catalog production; coordinates marketing efforts for catalog mail­ ings; learns to appraise material. Qualifications: Training in the handling of rare books, knowledge of analytical and descriptive bibliography, and familiarity with the history of the book and the techniques of book illustration essential. Familiarity with the organi­ zation of library material for research purposes and with standard bibliographies essential. Knowledge of incunables and early printed books necessary. Some knowledge of 16th to 18th-century maps helpful. Working knowledge of classical and European languages, especially Latin, French, and some German, desired. Prior cataloging experience required. MLS preferred. Other requirements: Familiarity with computer systems and databases. Strong organizational and communication skills, with the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines and to anticipate and solve problems. Ability to work independently and to work closely with and supervise others. Detail- oriented. Excellent opportunity to examine and describe diverse rare materials. Salary commensurate with knowledge. Qualified candi­ dates should send resume and references, with a letter of application, to: Cindy Mathis, Director of Personnel, B u tterfield & Butterfield, 220 San Bruno Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103; phone: (415) 861- 7500, ext. 246; fax: (415) 861 -8951. SERIALS CONTROL/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence Uni­ versity, a private nondenominational liberal arts college located between the Adirondack Mountains and the St. Lawrence River, seeks a dynamic person to assume the position of Serials Control/ Reference Librarian. Reporting to the University Librarian, the suc­ cessful candidate will have responsibility for supervising two parapro- fessionals in the Serials Control Department, overseeing the process­ ing and online management (Innopac) of serial publications (including government document serials), and coordinating public services in the Periodicals area. Reference responsibilities include full participa­ tion in general reference services and bibliographic instruction. Some evening and weekend reference desk hours are required. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; library and serials experience; strong commit­ ment to service; effective communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Supervisory, reference, and academic library experience; experience with an integrated online system. 12- month contract; liberal benefits; faculty status with one month vaca­ tion. Starting date: On or before September 1 , 1995, preferred. Salary range: From $26,000, commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Application: The Search Committee will begin to review candi­ date materials on July 5, 1995; position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Michael Alzo, Search Committee Chair, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS. Profes­ sional library experience in a research setting. Two years recent experience in serials cataloging, including original and copy catalog­ ing in catalog maintenance. Experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred). Successful supervisory experience, including train­ ing and evaluating personnel. Experience in an automated library environment. Strong communication, interpersonal, and problem­ solving skills. Good planning and organizational skills. Desired qualifications: Experience with serials acquisitions. Experience with an integrated library system. Familiarity with team-based organiza­ tions. Working knowledge of authority practices, AACR cataloging rules and LC rule interpretations, OCLC/MARC formats, and CONSER standards. Reading knowledge of Romance languages, German, and/or Russian. Familiarity with Dewey decimal classification. Famil­ iarity with ANSI/NISO serials holdings standards and with USNP newspaper cataloging standards. Responsibilities: Contributes to the planning and management of the department and functions in a leadership role as the libraries move to a team-based organization. Oversees the operations of the Serials Unit, including ordering, receiving, bibliographic control, database maintenance, and coordi­ nating systemwide binding activities. Facilitates programming, plan­ ning, and process improvement for the unit. Supervises, trains, develops, and evaluates staff. Performs original and complex copy cataloging of serials. Serves as resource person for library faculty, professional and clerical staff in matters relating to serials acquisi­ tions, cataloging, database maintenance, and binding. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Salary: $29,000 and up, depending on qualifications. Status and benefits: Administrative/Professional (non­ tenure-track). Appointment on a fiscal year basis with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical, and disability insurance programs are in effect, as are TIAA/CREF and Social Security coverage. Application process: Send resume along with names of three references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Administrator, Purdue University Libraries, 1530 Stewart Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Deadline: July 1 , 1995, or until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Coordinates the work of the System Department’s team of six staff in all aspects of library automation and telecommunications, providing training, technical assistance, and consultation to library faculty and staff and oversight of the library’s microcomputer tab, The Systems Librarian is involved in training library personnel in the use of the integrated library system software, system operation, and system documentation; with system and network monitoring, operations, and planning; and testing and implementation of new software and technology. The Systems Librar­ ian is expected to be the liaison with the campus Computing & Information Services, the Health Sciences Library automation efforts, the Eastern Carolina Network, and the University of North Carolina General Administration’s Network Services. The System Librarian is expected to be the principal library contact with system, hardware, and software vendors. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Sec­ ond master’s degree desired. Preference will be given to second master’s degree in information science or computer science. Demon­ strated communication and interpersonal skills are required as well as the ability to work in a team environment. Candidates must have the following: demonstrated experience operating an integrated library system and managing networked projects, experience with Novell Netware 3.XX or higher, and experience in the operation of networked 4 4 2 /C&RL News GETTYSBURG E sta b lish e d in 1 8 3 2 w ith a rich h is to r y o f tra d itio n , G e tty s b u r g C o lle g e is a h ig h ly se le c tiv e lib era l a r ts c o lle g e lo c a te d 9 0 m in u te s f r o m th e B a ltim o r e /W a s h in g to n a re a on a 2 2 0 -a c re c a m p u s. E n ro llm e n t o f a p p r o x im a te ly 2 ,0 0 0 u n d e r g ra d u a te s tu d e n ts h a s c r e a te d th e fo llo w in g o p p o rtu n ity . INFORMATION RESOURCES Do you h R ave E re S fer P en O ce e N xpe S rie E nc e, T te E chn A ica M l knowledge and customer service savvy? Our Division of Information Resources - library and computer specialists working in tandem at our modern Musselman Library - provides quality information services to the College in an innovative team environment. Of the six self-managed work teams within the division, the Response Team is the primary cus­ tomer service unit. Responding to user requests for information and computer support, mem­ bers of this team are problem solvers knowledgeable in information resources, with general knowledge in several of the following areas: reference service, electronic databases, network resources, user instruction, computer connectivity, computer software and hardware. A Bachelor’s degree is required; Master’s in library or information science preferred. Experience in reference work and user support/instruction and familiarity with hardware and software appli­ cations in a networked environment are a must. Candidates should have excellent interperson­ al and problem-solving abilities. In keeping with a team concept, our liberal benefits package includes a Partner Assistance Program to enhance your relocation opportunities for your spouse and TIAA/CREF. Application screening begins June 20, 1995. Please submit nominations, applications or requests for infor­ mation in confidence to: Jane D. North, Director of Human Resources, GETTYSBURG COLLEGE, Gettysburg, PA 17325. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply. CD-ROMs as well as the implementation and operation of World Wide Web servers and the creation of homepages. Candidates should provide evidence of database creation and report generation experi­ ence using commercial software programs, e.g., Excel, Access. Supervisory experience is desired. Candidates should have an understanding of all library operations, including public services, technical services, and media services. 12-month tenure-track faculty position available beginning September 1, 1995. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Substantial record of research, publication, and presentation will be expected of the successful candidate for promotion and tenure. Screening of applica­ tions will begin August 1, 1995. Applicants must submit a complete resume, copies of all transcripts, and a letter of application summa­ rizing achievements and potential for the position to: Systems Librar­ ian Search Committee, Pat Elks, Administrative Assistant, Joyner library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Appli­ cants must have three letters of reference mailed to the search committee in order to be considered. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Southwestern Oklahoma State University is accepting applications for a Systems Librarian. Experience with Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 4 3 management of CD-ROMs in a networked environment (not just end- user experience). DRA experience preferred. ALA-accredited master’s degree in library/information science required. A minimum of one year of current experience managing systems similar to those described above preferred. Communication, leadership, and planning skills required. Non-tenure-track faculty rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Opportunity to continue develop­ ment of one of the most sophisticated electronic libraries in Oklahoma. Responsible for maintaining and developing a Data Research inte­ grated online library system. Review of applications will begin June 2 3 , 1995. Starting date will begin as soon as possible after the cutoff date. Submit letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references, with Internet addresses, if possible, to: Human Resources Department, South­ western Oklahoma State University, 100 Campus Dr., Weatherford, OK 73096. SWOSU is an AA, EEO employer. TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE MANAGER. Purdue Univer sity Libraries seek a creative and energetic team leader and manager for the Technical Information Service (TIS), the fee-based information service which makes the libraries’ information resources available to the business community. The TIS mission is to provide a “corporate library on demand” for business and technical professionals in a wide variety of industries. Established in 1987, TIS has grown into one of the largest and busiest academic fee-based information services in the country, and attracts a growing number of international clients as well. The position has become available due to an internal promotion. Requirements: Master’s in library science. Undergraduate degree and/or reference experience in business, science, or technology. Minimum of four years of increasingly responsible library experience, preferably in a corporate, special, or academic research library. Demonstrated managerial experience, interpersonal and leadership skills. Online searching skills using vendors such as Knight-Ridder’s Dialog, Datatimes, and OCLC. Ability to work in a fast-paced environ­ ment and meet tight deadlines. Excellent communications and orga­ nizational skills. Desired qualifications: Ability to develop expertise with a wide array of computer-based data sources. Document delivery and marketing experience helpful. Responsibilities: In a team environ­ ment, provide leadership for and manage all aspects of the Technical Information Service, including reference interviews: online searching; hiring, training, and supervising staff; marketing; billing operations; and reports preparation. Explore nontraditional sources for document delivery. Develop alternatives for further automation of internal office files and processes. Formulate and implement policies and proce­ dures. Facilitate information service for the Technical Assistance Program (TAP), Purdue’s industrial liaison program. Salary: Nego­ tiable from $32,000, based upon qualifications. Status and benefits: Exempt professional fiscal year appointment. Vacation of three weeks for the first year and 22 working days the second year and thereafter. Flexible benefit program with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical insurance, and disability plans; Social Security coverage and TIAA/CREF retirement. Deadline: Applications received by August 1, 1995, will receive priority consideration. Applications will be ac­ cepted until position is filled. Application process: Send statement of interest, resume, and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Administrator, 1530 Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Late Jo b L is tin g s SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The American University Library invites applications for a tenure-track Systems Librarian a t the ra n k of A ssistant or Associate Librarian, depending on qualifications. The Systems L ibrarian is a departm ent head, reporting to the A ssistant U niversity L ibrarian for Collection Services. Responsibilities: M an­ age and m aintain library computer systems, including NOTIS, Innopac, OCLC, CD- ROM networked and stand-alone workstations, Novell local area network, and microcomputer. Provide leadership in planning, developing, and implementing library computer applications. Responsibilities include installation, maintenance, documen­ tation, training, and technical and adm inistrative support. Supervise one full-time technician and part-tim e student assistants. Professional development and service to the university expected. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of two years related library experience; dem onstrated knowledge of microcomputers, networks, and library autom ated systems; and emerging organizational and communications skills, ability to balance varied responsibilities, and commitment to service. Potential to meet tenure requirem ents in performance of prim ary responsibilities, professional and creative development, and service. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Position available: August 1, 1995. The American University, incorpo­ rated in 1893, offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, many with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proximity to centers of politics, justice, world affairs, communication, science, business, and a rt in Washington, D.C., en­ hances the learning environment. The University Library serves the university through a collection of over 615,000 volumes, 21 library faculty, 50 full-time staff plus over 100 student assistants, and a budget of over $4.7 million. The library has over 185 microcomputers and term inals in a networked environment. The university is an active member of the W ashington Research Library Consortium, with a shared NOTIS system. Review of applications will begin Ju n e 1 5 , 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Send resume and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three refer­ ences to: Michele Mikkelsen, Personnel Officer, The A m erican U niversity Library, 4400 M assachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8046. The American Univer­ sity is an AA/EEO university committed to a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. Minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, DEAN OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION S E R ­ VICES. Southern Illinois University a t Edwardsville invites nominations and appli­ 4 4 4 /C&RL News cations for the position of University Librarian, Dean of Library and Information Services. The Dean will be responsible for integrating two previously independent units (Lovejoy library and Academic Computing) into an effectively m anaged u n it to deliver library, academic computing, distance learning, and academic information services to the university community. Southern Illinois University a t Edwardsville, a com prehensive in stitu tio n whose p rim ary m ission is u n d e rg ra d u a te education, offers m aster’s degree programs th a t serve regional needs and reflect institutional strengths. The campus is located on 2,600 acres of gently rolling hills, approximately 20 m inutes from the cultural centers of downtown St. Louis. The university enrolls approximately 11,000 students, including 2,400 graduate students. Responsibilities: As chief adm inistrative officer of th e library, th e Dean will report to the Provost and Vice P resident for Academic Affairs. The Dean will have the responsibility for planning, fiscal m anagement, employee supervision, facilities m anagem ent and reno­ vation, and m anagem ent of library and academic information services for faculty, staff, and students. The u nit has a full-time faculty of 18 and a full-time professional and clerical staff of approximately 70. Qualifications: M aster's degree in library or information science, and a recent record of scholarly accomplishment required; earned doctorate preferred. The successful candidate is expected to have a t least five years of progressive adm inistrative experience in library or academic information system adm inistration; excellent communication skills; dem onstrated leadership in organiza­ tion and fiscal m anagem ent, including developing, directing, and evaluating programs and personnel; leadership style th a t emphasizes openness, consultation, and shared governance; a thorough knowledge of library technology and networking systems; and an understanding of the role of the library and academic information systems in fulfilling the mission of the university. Experience in the delivery of educational programs through distance learning is desirable. This is a continuing, fiscal year appointment, and salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Closing date for applications: To be assured of full consideration, applications w ith a list of three references, vita, and nominations should be subm itted by Ju n e 5, 1995. Submit letters of application and nomination to: Louisa Bowen, Chair, Search Advisory Committee for University Librarian, Office of the Provost, S o u th ern Illinois U n iver­ sity a t Edw ardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1021. As an affirmative action em­ ployer, SIUE offers equal opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, sex, national origin, or disability. Nominations or applications from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN. Honnold/Mudd Library, Librar­ ies of the Claremont Colleges. Responsibilities: The Government Publications Librar­ ian participates in providing reference service and bibliographic instruction. This position also has responsibility for collection development, organization of m aterial, supervision of personnel, computerized database searching for the federal, state and international documents collections, and liaison w ith technical processing depart­ ments. Collection development responsibilities include selecting m aterials for govern­ m ent publications and for the general library collections. The librarian works under the general direction of the Associate Director and under the specific direction of the Government Publications D epartm ent Head and other area coordinators as appropri­ ate. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Academic background in the social sciences preferred. Minimum of two years recent experience providing reference service for government publications desirable. Demonstrated knowledge and ability necessary to work effectively in an autom ated environment. Salary: $2,519.50 per month minimum. 22 days vacation and good health benefits package. A copy of the full position description is available upon request. Application deadline: Applications received by Ju n e 3 0 , 1995, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application and resume, w ith the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of a t least three references who are knowledgeable about your qualifications, to: Alberta Walker, Associate Director, Libraries of The C larem on t Colleges, Honnold/ Mudd Library, 800 N. D artm outh Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 4 5 HEAD, DOCUMENT D EL IV E R Y SER V IC ES (position rep o sted ). The Univer­ sity of P ennsylvania Library is seeking a dynamic and experienced leader to plan, design, and im plem ent th e change from paper-based interlibrary loan service to electronic delivery to th e u ser’s desktop. The H ead of Document Delivery will report to the Director for Public Services and will be a key m em ber of the Public Services m anagem ent team . This position offers the opportunity to play a central role in the development of Access 2000, P enn’s next-generation electronic library, and to be a leading player in th e exciting and fast-changing national resource-sharing environ­ ment. Qualifications: ALA/MLS or equivalent knowledge, training, and experience. A minimum of th ree years of professional experience in an academic/research library. U nderstanding of issues relating to resource sharing in th e academic library environ­ m ent essential. Fam iliarity with interlibrary loan subsystems desirable. Demon­ strated ability to understand, evaluate, and introduce new hardw are and software in the workplace. Excellent interpersonal and communications skills required and potential to build team s and lead staff through major change. Rank and salary: Appointment as Librarian III requiring th ree years professional experience, $31,900– $40,600. A ppointment as Librarian IV, requiring five years of professional experience, $35,000– $43,700. Send cover letter, resume, and nam es and phone num bers of three references to: R. I. Fisher, Personnel Adm inistration, Val Pelt Library, U n iv ersity of P en n sylvan ia, 3420 W alnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-62-6. Applications received by Ju n e 30, 1995, will receive first consideration. EOE/AA. HEAD LIBRARIAN. UCLA Library, Clark Library. Duties: A dm inistrative capacity: Supervise th e work of two to th ree FTE professional librarians and 2.5 FTE library assistants. Oversee th e day to day operations of the library and monitor its security procedures to safeguard both its staff and collections. Set priorities for cataloging and archival projects. Review C lark Library cataloging and select records to be revised on th e basis of recent scholarship and currently accepted bibliographical standards. Work closely with UCLA’s Facilities and Grounds D epartm ents as well as independent contractors to preserve and renovate th e library’s landm ark building and its surround­ ing property. Assist th e Director and the A ssistant Director in planning activities and programs based on the library’s collections. W rite fund raising proposals for th eir use on the conferences and sem inars organized by th e center. C uratorial capacity: Oversee reader services and acquisitions procedure. Introduce new readers to the conventions of ra re book bibliography and to stan d ard library policies regarding the care and handling of ra re and fragile m aterials. Collection development capacity: W ith guidance from th e Director and the F aculty Advisory Committee, im plement collection develop­ m ent policies based on recent tren d s in historical and lite ra ry scholarship as well as on current business conditions in the an tiq u arian book trade. Select books for purchase a t auction, in catalogues, and in specialist book stores, while also soliciting and processing gifts from library donors. Describe recent acquisitions in accounts w riting the for the Clark and Center Newsletter and in reports to th e Faculty Advisory Committee. Compile itemized lists of acquisitions for th e use of union catalogues and other libraries. Qualifications: Required: Dem onstrated, progressive adm inistrative experience in specialized research library, including m anagem ent of resources and personnel. MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school with an em phasis in research librarianship or equivalent experience. Knowledge of descriptive bibliogra­ phy and the an tiq u arian book trade. Excellent oral and w ritten communication skills. Online searching and editing skills. D em onstrated expertise in scholarly research and writing. Reading knowledge of a t least two continental European languages, preferably German, French, or Italian. Preferred: An earned doctorate in English lite ratu re or history. Evidence of successful teaching experience a t the g raduate level. Expertise in g ra n t w riting or fund raising. Salary range: $36,108–$61,092. UCLA is an AA/EOE. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Lori Stein, A ssistant Director, C enter for 17th and 18th C entury Studies, UCLA, 395 Dodd Hall, Box 951404, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1404. The application letter should include a complete state­ m ent of qualifications, a full resum e of education and relevant experience, and the nam es of a t lease three professional references. Open until filled. 4 4 6 /C & R L News CHICANO/LATINO SERV ICES COORDINATOR/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Rank: A ssistant Librarian. Appointment salary range: $29,532–$34,188. Position available: August 1, 1995. The library a t the University of California, S an ta Cruz, seeks an entry-level individual for the position of Chicano/Latino Services Coordina­ tor/Reference L ibrarian to provide general and subject reference services in the hum anities and social sciences with special emphasis on Chicano/Latino studies. The McHenry Library Reference Desk offers a challenging team approach to reference services in the hum anities and social sciences. A diverse desk staff, draw n from units throughout the library, offers m ulti-tiered support to users in an expanding techno­ logical environment. Commensurate w ith the high public services goals of the unit, the Chicano/Latino Services Coordinator will contribute to the development of reference services th a t address issues relevant to the understanding of race, culture, and ethnicity in American society. Outreach to people of color requires th a t candidates dem onstrate the skill and commitment to work effectively w ith faculty, students, and members of the local community. Position and responsibilities: U nder the supervision of the head of Reference Services and in coordination with the M ulticultural Services Librarian and the Women’s Services Librarian, the appointee will provide general and subject reference services in the hum anities and social sciences with special emphasis on Chicano/Latino studies. Service will include: Bibliographic instruction; campus and community outreach; liaison with curriculum programs; online publishing using MELVYL and CRUZCAT (the systemwide UC and local UCSC online systems), the Internet, World Wide Web, and Dialog; support for adaptive technology; shared m anagem ent of the reference collection and the general collection relevant to subject expertise; 12-15 hours per week a t the Reference Desk, including weekend and evening service. Appointee participates in library-wide activities, including adm inistrative committees, and special projects. Qualifications: Required: G raduate degree from an ALA-accredited school or equivalent library degree; relevant academic background; dem onstrated w ritten and communication skills; experience providing service to ethnic communities; experience in online searching; and a dem onstrated commitment to public service. Preferred: Reference experience in an academic or public library; fluency in Spanish; fam iliarity with ethnic studies collections; knowledge of micro­ computer applications. The campus and the library: One of the nine campuses of the U niversity of California, UC S anta Cruz is located in a redwood-forest setting overlooking the ocean, 75 miles from San Francisco, 25 miles from San Jose a t the north end of the agriculturally rich Monterey Bay area. Approximately 10,000 students including 900 graduate students are enrolled. The library collection of more th a n one million volumes is growing a t a ra te of 30,000 volumes annually. The library has a full-time equivalent staff of 140, of whom 30 are librarians. To apply: Applicants should supply a complete statem ent of th eir qualifications, a resume of th eir education and experience, as well as the nam es of three (3) referees names and addresses, telephone num bers, and email addresses. All letters and documents should be addressed to: Kate McGirr, AUL-Human Resources, University Library, U niversity of C alifornia, S an ta Cruz, S anta Cruz, CA 95064; phone: (408) 459-2076; fax: (408) 459-8206; email: Please refer to position #T94-58. Application: The deadline for application is July 15, 1995. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. USCS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. RECRUIT THE BEST... . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS Contact Jack Helbig, classified ad manager, at 1 -800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280-7663. Or send your ad by e-mail to Jack.Helbig@ and receive a 5% d isco un t!