ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 332 graphic collections. Fee: $50. Contact: SAA, B on aventure H o te l, Los A n geles. T h em e: 330 S. Wells St., Suite 810, Chicago, IL 60606; “ YOU and the Library.” Contact: CLA, 717 K (312) 922-0140. Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 11-15— California: 84th Annual C o n feren ce, 447-8541. ■ ■ C alifornia Library A ssociation , W estin Classified Advertising Deadlines: O rders fo r re g u la r cla ssifie d a d ve rtis e m e n ts m u st reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the m onth p re­ ce din g p ub lica tio n of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be a ccepted on a space-available basis after th e second of the m onth. Rates: C lassified a d ve rtise m e nts are $ 4 .0 0 per line fo r ACRL m em bers, $ 5 .0 0 for others. Late jo b notices are $ 1 0 .0 0 per line for m em bers, $ 1 2 .0 0 per line for others. O rganizations su b m ittin g ads will be charged a cco rd in g to th e ir m e m b ership status. Telephone: All telep ho n e o rders should be co nfirm ed by a w rit­ ten o rder m ailed to ACRL h eadquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom pa nied by a type w ritte n copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An add itio na l $ 1 0 w ill be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or d isplay ads). Guidelines: For ads w h ich list an a pp lica tio n deadline, tha t date m u st be no sooner than the last day of the m onth in w hich the notice a ppears (e.g., O ctober 31 for the O ctober issue). All jo b a n ­ n ou nce m e n ts m ust in clu de a salary figure. Job a n n ou n cem en ts will be edited to e xclude d iscrim in a to ry references. A pp lica n ts should be aware th a t the term s fa cu lty ra n k and status vary in m eaning am ong in stitutions. JO B LIN E: Call (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 fo r la te -b re a k in g jo b ads fo r a cad em ic and research library positions. A p rerecorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape in clu de s all ads received by 1:00 p.m . the previous day. Each lis tin g s u b m itte d w ill be ca rrie d on th e re c o rd in g fo r tw o weeks. The ch arge fo r e ach tw o -w e e k lis tin g is $ 3 0 fo r ACRL m e m b ers and $ 3 5 for non -m e m b e rs. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists jo b postings received at ACRL h eadquarters fo u r weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads w h ich , because of narrow a pp lica tio n deadlines, will not a p ­ pear in C&RL News. The cost o f a six-m onth s u bscriptio n is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em b ers and $ 1 5 for non -m e m b e rs. Contact: Classified A dve rtisin g D e p ’t, ACRL, A m e rica n Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 06 11 ; (3 1 2) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0 7 0 5 . Governm ent publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepaym ent. No foreign surcharge. (3 01) 9 37 -8 84 6 . POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R FOR A U T O M A T E D S Y S T E M S A N D TECHNICAL SERVICES. Position reopened. Assum e responsibility for the overall planning and coordination of the library’s technical se rvice o p e ra tio n s and all lib ra ry a u to m a tio n a ctivitie s. D ire c t scheduled procedures for an online catalog and provide leadership in the im plem entation of other library co m p ute r operations. Gradu­ ate degree from ALA-accredited library school. Substantial progres­ sive experience at the professional level in library tech n ical services in clu din g some years with a dm inistrative responsibility and experi­ ence in the application of co m p ute r technology to library proce­ d ures, p re fe ra b ly in a m a jo r re search lib ra ry. Salary $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 m inim um . Faculty rank with good fringe benefits. Beginning date January 15, 1983. For full consideration, applications should be received by Decem ber 1, 1982. Subm it letter of application with resume, in clu din g names of three references, to: Roscoe Rouse, U n ive rsity L ib ra ria n , O kla ho m a State U n ive rsity, S tillw a te r, OK 74078. AA/EO employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DATA PROCESSING. Reports to the Director/Associate Director of Libraries and carries out assignments in a ccordance with established priorities. Responsible for co ordin a ting and m aintaining existing Library data processing activities and for p lanning and developing additional applications to Library oper­ ations. Supervises the L ibrary data p ro cessin g sta ff and w rites co m p ute r programs w hen required. Serves as liaison to University Data Pro cessin g C enters and to th e E xecutive D ire c to r o f th e Colorado A lliance of Research Libraries (CARL). Coordinates Li­ brary’s participation in the CARL Online Public Access Catalog and C irc u la tio n System . R e q u ire d : A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS d eg re e; a m inim um of five years professional library/data processing and sys­ tem s experience in designing, im ple m e ntin g o ur operating Library autom ated systems; d em onstrated a bility to write c o m p u te r pro­ grams; e xperience in su p e rvising and w o rkin g w ith other su pe r­ visors and sta ff in the a pp lic a tio n o f data pro cessin g system s. Familiarity with com m ercially available data processing applications. Desirable: knowledge of COBOL program m ing; experience with m i­ c ro c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y p lus la rge data p ro c e s s in g system s, additional data processing and systems experience. This 12-m onth tenure tra ck a p p o in tm e n t is available im m ediately. Faculty pre­ requisites include TIAA/CREF and liberal annual sick leave benefits. Salary range: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . Apply by Novem ber 10, 1982, to: Leo Cabell, Chairm an, Search Committee, University Libraries, Uni­ versity of Colorado, Boulder, CO 8 0 3 0 9 (Campus Box 184). A pp li­ cant should send resume and have three references write letters to the Search Com m ittee by closing date. The University of Colorado, Boulder, is an e qu al-opportunity/affirm ative-action and Section 504 employer. M inorities and women are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR COLLECTION MAN­ AGEMENT, U niversity of Maryland, College Park. Coordinates all activities co n ce rn in g co lle ction d eve lo pm en t p olicies and proce­ dures, co nfe rrin g regularly with Director of Libraries. W orking with selectors, d e p a rtm e n t heads, Associate Directors fo r P ub lic Ser­ vice s a nd S pe cia l C o lle ction s, and th e p ro po sed D e velop m e nt Council: plans for the developm ent and articulation of a collection developm ent policy for the library system and each collection area. Works with library units and approval plan vendors; coordinates all activities conce rn in g budget fo r library materials. M aster’s degree from ALA-accredited library program and seven years progressively responsible professional experience in an acad em ic or research li­ brary; knowledge of library materials acquisition procedures essen­ tia l; s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n and in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills re q u ire d . M inim um salary $ 3 0 ,00 0; excellent fringe benefits. Send three let­ ters of reference and resum e by Novem ber 1, 1982, to: Personnel Officer, M cKeldin Library, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 207 42 . UMCP is an AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES with responsibility for pub ­ lic services. Rural cam pus, 1 2,000 students, 7 00 faculty. New facil­ ity with automated systems, $2 m illion budget, total staff of 60 FTE. M inim um qualifications: MLS from an A LA-accredited school plus 3 0 additional semester hours graduate work or a second m aster’s, five years a cad em ic library e xperience w ith e m phasis on p u b lic sevices and a dm in is tra tiv e re sp o n sib ility. E xperience w ith a u to ­ mated systems and systems analysis, and a dem onstrated record of research and professional activities are desirable. A dm inistrative n o n te n u r e - tr a c k p o s itio n w ith a c a d e m ic ra n k . S a la ry ra n ge : $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 for 12 m onths. Position open January 1, 1983. Closing date Novem ber 10. Send resume, transcripts, and three c u rre n t letters of reference to: Lois Mills, Chair, Search Committee, Western Illinois University Libraries, M acom b, IL 6 14 55 . An equal- opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. A SSISTA N T LIFE SCIEN CES LIB R A R IA N . R equ irem e n ts: MLS (ALA-accredited). M inim um of two years professional experience, preferably in an A g ricultu re /S cien ce /T e ch no lo gy Library. Desired qualifications: Reference experience, in clu din g com puter-based in­ form ation services and library orientation. Supervisory and interper­ sonal skills needed. Second m a ste r’s degree in related s u b je ct field. Ability to a dapt library procedures to changing needs of stu­ dents and facu lty mem bers. Provides reference service and library instruction to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in ag­ riculture and biological sciences as well as the cam pus com m unity. Participates in the m anagem ent and operation of the library, shares responsibility for online searching, perform s liaison work with fa c­ ulty, trains and supervises three su pp ort staff, and has reference co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t re sp o n sib ilitie s. M akes p re sen tatio ns to cla sses and o th e r g ro u p s on lib ra ry s e rvice s, re so u rc e s and facilitie s. Faculty status and responsibilities; rank com m e nsu ra te with education and experience. Promotion and tenure require meet­ ing standards of excellence in librarianship, publishing, research, and service. 12-m on th a p p o in tm e n t with ann ua l vacation o f 22 days. Group Life, M ajor M edical, and d isability insurance are in e f­ fect as are TIAA-CREF and Social Security. Salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 and up d e p en d in g on q u a lifica tio ns. A p p lica tio n d eadline: Novem ber 1, 333 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT University of Iowa Under general supervision of the University Librarian is responsible for coordinating the overall collec­ tion development program of the University Libraries. Specific duties include constant appraisal of the Libraries’ resources, implementation of selection policies, establishment of priorities and goals, coordina­ tion of monographic and serial acquisitions among the various units in the library system, and close working relationship with faculty and academic departments. Appointee must be knowledgeable about preservation efforts, coordinate activities in this area, and believe in and support the concept of resource sharing. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, strong subject background preferably with advanced subject degrees, broad bibliographical knowledge and significant experience in collection development and management in a major research library. Knowledge of American and foreign book trade necessary. Proven record of participation in national library affairs or willingness to work in professional arena essential. Favorable consideration given to research, publication, and other scholarly attainments. Appointment will be made at the Librarian IV level. Salary competitive and dependent on academic qualifications and experience. Appointment will be made in the high 30s. Twelve months appointment with fringe benefits include 25 days paid vacation per year plus eight paid holidays, TIAA/CREF retire­ ment, Social Security, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and disability and major medical insurance. Position available on or before January 1, 1983, and selection process begins November 15. Interested and qualified applicants should send resume and three letters of reference to: Dale M. Bentz University Librarian University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 T h e U n iv e rs ity of Io w a is a n e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e -a c tio n e m p lo y e r. 1982. Send resume and list of references to Thom as L. Haworth, Personnel O fficer, Libraries, Stewart Center, P urdu e University, W est Lafayette, IN 4 79 07 . An e qual-opportunity/affirm ative-action em ployer. ASSISTAN T REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Full-tim e, p erm anent posi­ tio n available January 1, 1983. Position covers full range of refer­ e nce duties in clu din g database services, instruction and in terlibrary loans. M inim um salary $ 1 4 ,50 0, d ep ending on experience. MLS and academ ic library experience required. Send letter of a p p lica ­ tio n a nd re su m e no la te r tha n O ctob er 15, 198 2, to: V irg in ia Scheschey, Chairwoman, A ppointm ents and Promotions C om m it­ tee, Marquette U niversity-M em orial Library, 1415 W. W isconsin Av­ e n u e , M ilw a u k e e , Wl 5 3 2 3 3 . An a ffir m a tiv e - a c tio n /e q u a l­ o pp ortun ity employer. ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, C alifornia State U niversity, Sacram ento. A LA -accredited MLS or equ iva le nt required, plus m inim um of five years increasingly re­ s p o n s ib le p ro fe ssio na l a d m in is tra tiv e e xp e rie n ce , p rin c ip a lly in a cadem ic libraries. Additional advanced degree preferred. Will be responsible for the planning, coordination, operation, and evalua­ tion of reader’s services, in addition to the a dm inistration of seven p u b lic services departm ents. Demonstrated ability to work e ffec­ tively with facu lty and staff and an u nderstanding of the lib ra ry’s role in a university setting is required. Candidate m ust be qualified for a co ncu rre n t a p p ointm e n t at a senior level in one of the lib ra ry’s departm ents. 24 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Salary $ 3 2 ,9 1 6 -$ 3 9 ,7 5 6 . Expanded jo b description on request. Letter of application and resume by Novem ber 5, 1982, to: Joyce Ball, U n i­ versity Librarian, California State University, Sacram ento, 2 0 0 0 Jed Smith Dr., Sacramento, CA 9 58 19 . California State University, Sac­ ra m e nto is an e q u a l-e m p lo y m e n t-o p p o rtu n ity (M /F )/a ffirm a tiv e - action /ha nd ica p pe d/T itle IX/Vietnam era veteran employer. BLACK STUDIES LIBRARIAN (Asst. Librarian level). U niversity of California, Santa Barbara. Salary range $ 1 7 ,4 1 2 -$ 2 2 ,2 8 4 d e p e n d ­ ing on qualifications. Potential career status. Duties: supervision & m a n ag em en t of black studies unit, liaison with black studies stu­ d en ts & faculty, general reference desk assignments, black studies s u bje ct specialist for collection developm ent. Required q ua lifica ­ tio n s: MLS o r e q u iva le n t; b la c k c u ltu ra l aw areness. D esirable: knowledge of literatures of the black diaspora; knowledge of Af­ ricana; b la c k C arib b ea n e xperience; A frica n cu ltu re s; a b ility to co m m u n ica te & work well with others. French & Spanish language com petence. Finalist will be invited for expense-paid interview. Ap­ plication, co nta ining a com plete statem ent of qualifications, a full resume of education & relevant experience, & nam es of three ref­ erences m ust be received by Novem ber 1, 1982. App lica n ts should request the ir schools to forward tra nscripts of courses com pleted as well as any placem ent files w hich may have been com piled. Letters & docu m e nts should be addressed to: Margaret Deacon, Assistant University Librarian, Personnel, UCSB Library, University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara, CA 9 31 06 . The U niversity of California is an e qu al-o pp ortun ity/affirm ative -a ction em ployer & invites applications from all who meet the stated qualifications. CATALOGER. Does original cataloging and classification of library materials, in clu d in g responsibility for German literature collection in dep artm en t w hich catalogs a total of 2 5 ,0 0 0 titles annually. Edits more d iffic u lt copy fo r in p u t to o nline cataloging system. All T e ch ­ nical Services librarians participate in departm ental planning, in­ clu d in g autom ation and the transition to an online catalog. Library facu lty at SUNYA are expected to fu lfill faculty obligations in the areas of co n tribu tion s to the a dvancem ent o f the profession and university service as well as specific library assignments. Q ualifica­ tions: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Recent post-MLS experience in online cataloging and facility w ith German essential. Candidates with a w orking knowledge o f additional lan­ guages and experience in a m edium or large research library pre­ ferred. Salary and rank: com m ensurate with education and experi­ ence; salary from $ 1 4 ,5 0 0 d ep en d in g on qualifications. Contact: M eredith Butler, Assistant Director, Room 108, State U niversity of New York at Albany, 1 400 W ashington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by N ovem ber 1, 1982. SUNY at Al­ b any is an e q u a l-e m p lo y m e n t-o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e -a c tio n e m ­ ployer. A pplications from wom en, m inorities and handicapped are especially welcome. CATALOGER POSITIONS (three fu ll-tim e positions). Available Jan­ uary 1, 1983, for one year a p p ointm e n t to project fun d ed by a Title II-C grant for the US D epartm ent of Education. Will serve on project team to catalog Central Am erican titles onto OCLC. Duties include cataloging and LC classification, Cataloger/Project Leader: duties also involve supervision of two catalogers and two assistants. Re­ quires MLS; strong knowledge o f Spanish; and research library ex­ perience with AACR2 cataloging, LC classification, and OCLC. Pre­ fer fam ilia rity with Central Am erican history, literature, and b ibli­ o g ra p h y ; s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry: $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 p e r ye a r. C a ta lo g e r (tw o p o s itio n s ): re q u ire s MLS, s tro n g k n o w le d g e o f Spanish, tra in in g or e xp e rie n ce with AACR2 c a ta lo ging and LC classification. Prefer background in Central Am erican studies and 334 fam ilia rity with OCLC. Salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 per year. Postmark deadline for a pp lica tio n: N ovem ber 8. A pply to: M ary Hawkins, Assistant Dean, U n ive rsity of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 6 6 0 4 5 . An e qu al-opportunity/affirm ative action employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. MLS required plus one years experience at supervisory level. Salary $ 1 8 ,000/year. Send resume to: A cadem ic Dean, Sherm an College o f Straight C hiropractic, Spartanburg, SC 2 9 3 0 4 , by O ctober 1, 1982. E q u a l-o pp o rtun ity/affirm ative -a ction employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. Very selective, co-educational liberal arts college associated with Lutheran Church in America, 1,900 stu­ dents, 130 faculty, 2 7 0 ,0 0 0 volum es in a new library building. We seek a person with a strong a cadem ic background, a professional degree in librarianship, abilities in collection and program develop­ ment, and adm inistrative experience in an academ ic or research li­ brary. The salary w ill be co m p etitive with those of lib ra ria n s at com parable liberal arts colleges. A pp o intm e n t effective as of Sep­ tem be r 1, 1983. A pplications deadline Decem ber 1, 1982. Apply to: David B. Potts, Dean of the College, Gettysburg College, Gettys­ b urg, PA 1 7 3 2 5 . G e tty s b u rg College is an e q u a l-o p p o r tu n ity / affirm ative-action employer. CONSERVATION OFFICER, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Develop and manage com prehensive conservation program for li­ brary and a rch ives (books, papers, mss, a rt w orks, m ic ro film ). Q ualifications: mastery of paper conservation techniques and tools; fam ilia rity with elem ents of buildin g design a ffecting preservation, with m icroreproduction standards and materials; 3 - 5 years experi­ ence in m ajor library/archival conservation program; graduate de­ gree in librarianship and conservation or equivalent in tra in ing and experience; adm inistrative experience preferred. Salary: $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 - $ 25 ,50 0; one-year initial term . Apply: Laverne M. Klebofski, Assist­ a nt Director, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 9 43 05 . Deadline: No­ vem ber 15, 1982. EOE/AA. DEAN, COLLEGE OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATIO N SERVICES, University of Maryland, College Park (search continued). The Dean serves as ch ie f spokesperson for the College within and outside the DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Fashion Institute of Technology The Fashion Institute of Technology, a spe­ cialized college of the State University of New York, seeks a Director of the Library. The Library is a specialized library for undergraduates, gradu­ ate students, and researchers in fashion and cog­ nate design industries as well as a general under­ graduate library. FIT is primarily a two-year institu­ tion with majors in business and technology and art and design granting associate and bac­ calaureate degrees. The Director must possess: MLS; experience in library administration; extensive experience in a research or college/university library. In addition, subject master’s and awareness of developing li­ brary technologies are desired. The Director must possess the care and skill to administer a staff of approximately sixty and to maintain an operating schedule of seven days a week. Salary is competitive with excellent benefits. Application deadline is 1 November 1982; ap­ pointment is expected to commence by January, 1983. Please address applications and inquiries in writing to: Richard Martin, Executive Director, Shirley Goodman Resource Center, Fashion Insti­ tute of Technology, 227 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001. Please refrain from telephone inquiry. University, and a dm inisters and coordinates program and faculty d evelopm ent, college policies, academ ic planning, budget prepara­ tion, in clu d in g external fu n d in g proposals, and personnel matters. The College grants MLS and Ph.D. degrees and has 14 full-tim e and 8 p art-tim e faculty, a professional su pp ort staff of 12, and a stud e nt body of 250. Support units within the College include a professional lib ra ry, in s tru c tio n a l d e ve lo p m e n t ce nte r, and data processing laboratory. The College is located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area and has num erous co ntacts with programs and libraries of national im portance and with leading firm s in the infor­ mation industry. Applicants m u st hold a doctorate in library, in for­ mation science, or a related field and preferably have a dm inistra ­ tive and tea ch ing experience. Scholarly recognition and production should be su fficien t to qualify a p p lica n t for tenured appointm ent. In a d d itio n , th e a p p lic a n t sh ou ld be re ce ptive and know led g ea ble about newer approaches within the field, in clu d in g the use of new technology. Rank and Salary: 12-m onth, tenured appointm ent; sal­ ary com m ensurate with qualifications, $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 + . Inquiries or ap­ plications with resume and nam es of 3 references should be ad ­ dressed to the following: George L. Marx, Chairman, Search Com­ mittee for Dean of College of Library and Inform ation Services, Harold Benjam in Building, Room 3 11 9, U niversity o f Maryland, Col­ lege Park, MD 2 0 7 4 2 . In order to receive full consideration, a p p li­ cations and nom inations should be received no later than Decem­ ber 1, 1982. The University o f Maryland is an equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. (1 /83 ). Search reopened. Christian lib­ eral arts college. ALA-accredited MLS, doctorate in su bje ct field de­ sired, five years experience in library adm inistration; desire to m ain­ tain an active learning center, u nd erstan ding of automated system and in form ation networks, ability to w ork with faculty, students and staff. Faculty status ($ 2 5 ,0 0 0 — $ 30 ,00 0). To be considered co m ­ plete, application m ust include: (1) letter of interest; (2) vita; (3) names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references; (4) state m e nt re fle cting c a n d id a te ’s p hilosophy of the in tegration of Christian faith and liberal arts. Apply before Novem ber 1, 1982, to: Library Search C om m ittee, Personnel Office, W hitw orth College, Spokane, WA 9 92 51 . E0E/IX/504. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY TECHNICAL SERVICES. Responsible for all technical services (acquisitions, cataloging, and serials). Super­ vise six fu ll-tim e staff. A dm iniste r materials budget o f $20 0,0 00 . M inim um qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and 3 years experi­ ence in the tech n ical services. Salary: $ 2 4 ,1 5 6 fo r 12 months. Available January 3, 1983. Send letter of app lica tio n, resume, and 3 letters of recom m endation by Novem ber 1, 1982, to: Norman L. Spears, Director of Learning Resources, Sul Ross State University, Box C-96, Alpine, TX 798 30 ; (9 15) 8 3 7 -8 1 2 1 . SRSU is an equal opp ortun ity employer. HEAD, BIO-AG LIBRARY. The University of California, Riverside, has an opening fo r the position of Head, Bio-Agricultural Library. The position will be responsible fo r m anaging the Bio-Agricultural reference, circulation, reserve and interlibrary loan fun ctio ns as well as participa tin g in the overall collection d evelopm ent network as the C hief B ib lio g ra p h e r fo r th e B io -A g ricu ltu ra l scie nce s. The Bio- Agricultural collection is approxim ately 1 20 ,00 0 volum es. As a de­ p artm ent head and m em ber of the U niversity Librarian's cabinet the in cum be n t will assist the University Librarian in form ulating, adm inistering, and evaluating Library policies and programs, pre­ paring and ju stifying budget proposals, and preparing reports and analyses for cam pus, university-wide, and external agencies. This is an e xciting and ch a llen g ing o p p o rtu n ity fo r a person concerned and interested in life sciences and the m anagem ent of inform ation sciences in the field. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; substantial s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e a nd e x p e rie n c e in a life s c ie n c e s or a cadem ic library essential; dem onstrated m anagem ent ability and skill in co m m u nicatin g effectively with faculty, students, and staff. Salary range: $ 2 1 ,2 8 8 - $ 3 9 ,3 7 2 . A p p o in tm e n t level: $ 2 1 ,2 8 8 - $ 2 8 ,60 8. Position available January 1, 1983. UCR Library serves 4 ,5 0 0 g raduate and und ergrad u ate stud e nts and 27 Ph.D. pro­ grams. The Library has over one million volum es and a staff of 33 academ ic librarians and other professionals as well as 95 support staff. Riverside is a co m m u n ity of 165,000, 60 m iles east of Los Angeles. Send letter of application, resume and list of 3 to 5 pro­ fessional references, to: Joan Cham bers, U niversity Librarian, Uni­ versity of California, Riverside, PO Box 5900, Riverside, CA 925 17 . D e a d lin e fo r a p p lic a tio n is O c to b e r 3 0 , 1 9 8 2 . An e q u a l- o pportunity/affirm ative-action employer. HEAD, KRESGE PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY, Dartmouth Col­ lege Library. Responsible for the managem ent, a dm inistration, and coordination of library services in the Kresge Physical Sciences Li­ brary and the Cook M athem atics Library in clu din g reference ser­ vices, collection developm ent, and circula tio n services. Kresge Li­ b ra ry and Cook L ibrary are tw o o f e ig h t d ivisio n a l lib ra rie s at D artm outh College. The su ccessfu l ca nd id ate w ill have d em on ­ strated an effective m a n agem ent style w ith an u n d e rstan ding of group processes, personnel adm inistration and budgeting. Experi­ ence w ith o nline b ib lio g ra p h ic se archin g is required. ALA-MLS, graduate degree in one of the physical sciences (chem istry pre­ ferred) or m athem atics and a m inim um of five years o f progressively 335 responsible a dm inistrative experience involving both science re fe r e n c e s e rv ic e a nd s c ie n c e c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in an a c a d e m ic , re s e a rc h o r s p e c ia l lib ra ry are re q u ir e d . S a la ry (m in im u m o f $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 ) and rank com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Send resume and three references before October 2 9 , to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker Li­ brary, Dartm outh College Library, Hanover, NH 03755. Dartmouth College is an a ffirm ative-action/equal-opportunity employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Swain Library (search reopened). Responsible fo r the general adm inistration of the library which serves the As­ tro n o m y, C om puter Sciences, M athem atics and Physics D epart­ m ents. Reports to the Associate Dean of Public Services. Q ualifica­ tio n s : m a s te r’s degree fro m an A L A -a ccre d ite d lib ra ry school; m in im u m three years of post-MLS library experience, a substantial part of w hich has been at the supervisory level; some background in science, preferably in one of the areas served by the Swain Hall Library. Salary d ep en d s on q ua lifica tio n s: salary m in im u m s are $ 1 5 ,8 0 0 for Assistant, $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 for Associate, $ 2 1 ,5 0 0 fo r Librar­ ian. Application deadline: no later than January 31, 1983. To apply send letter o f application, resume, and names and addresses of fou r references, to: Ann Rim mer, Personnel Officer, Indiana U ni­ versity Libraries, Bloom ington, IN 474 05 ; (8 12) 3 3 5 -3 4 0 3 . EEO/AA. HEAD ORIENTAL STUDIES LIBRARIAN, U niversity of Arizona Li­ brary. Works u nder the d irection of assistant librarian fo r p u b lic services in a d m in iste rin g the O riental studies co lle ction . Coordi­ nates the reference services as well as the developm ent and m a in ­ tenance of the collection. Supervises two fu ll-tim e professional li­ brarians, two career staff, plus several stud e nt assistants. The co l­ lection contains native language materials representing the geog­ ra p hic areas of China, Japan, the M iddle East, and southern Asia; w ith heaviest em phasis given to the Far East. Requirem ents in clu de an ALA-accredited library degree; two years of professional experience in an Oriental, M iddle Eastern, or Asian language collection; and flu en cy in Chinese, Japanese, Persian, or Ara bic as well as in English. S upervisory e x pe rie n ce is d e sira b le . Position availab le M arch 1, 1 983. M in im u m sa lary $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 . Faculty status, 12- m onth a ppointm ent, 2 2 days vacation, frin g e benefits. Application deadline Novem ber 15. Send resume, in clu d in g three references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, Main Library, University of A rizo na , T u cso n , AZ 8 5 7 2 1 . An e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e - action/Title IX/Section 5 04 employer. HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTM ENT. Reports to the Director o f Libraries. Responsible for a dm inistering, developing and prom oting the Special Collections Departm ent. This includes aquisi­ tions of new materials through the use of gifts fun d s and the solic­ itation of gifts; supervision of 1.5 FTE; w orking with students and facu lty in su pp ort of tea ch ing and research; co n d u ctin g sem inars are requested by faculty; preparation of exhibits for the Rare Books Rooms and other exhibit areas; serves as liaison to the Rare Books Associates; provides reference service to the general public. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS degree; m in im u m of five years experi­ ence in the field o f rare books/special collections; knowledge of two foreign languages, preferably one classical and one m odern; ex­ perience in teaching. Desirable: additional advanced degree(s); a b il­ ity to c o n d u ct classes in p rin ting using the Library’s p rin ting pre­ sses; p u b lic relations skills. This 12-m onth tenure tra ck a p p oint­ m ent is available im m ed ia tely. Faculty perqu isite s in clu d e TIAA/ CREF and liberal vacation and sick leave benefits. Salary range: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . Apply by 10 Novem ber 1982, to: Leo Cabell, Chairm an, Search Com m ittee, U niversity Libraries, U niversity of Colorado, Boulder, CO 8 0 3 0 9 (Campus Box 184). A pp lica n t should send resume and have three references w rite letters to the Search Committee by closing date. The University of Colorado, Boulder is an equal-opp ortun ity/affirm ative -a ction and Section 504 employer. M inorities and wom en are encouraged to apply. LIBRARY DIRECTOR Trinity University Trinity University of San Antonio, Texas, invites nominations and applications for the position of Library Director which will become available June 1, 1983. Trinity is a private, co-educational liberal arts university with an enrollment of 3,200, of whom 2,600 are undergraduates. A well-qualified faculty, selective admissions, honors programs, and a commitment to excellent teaching have created at Trinity an exciting intellectual environment in which the library plays a central part. A firm financial base, now being augmented by a major capital fund drive, is enabl­ ing Trinity to continue rapid development of academic programs, with emphasis on an accelerated col­ lection development effort in the library. The collection now stands at 360,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals and 186,000 govern­ ment documents, with additional holdings in microformat and audiovisual materials. An annual materials budget in excess of $1.5 million will make it possible to double the collection within the next few years, with a commitment to sustained growth thereafter. The award-winning library building, completed in 1979, was designed to accommodate the library’s expansion into the next century. The Library Director reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and serves on the Deans’ Council. He/she will supervise a staff of more than 60, 15 of whom hold faculty rank. Candidates for the position must have an ALA-accredited MLS degree and an additional advanced subject degree, preferably the doctorate. They must be eligible for faculty rank with tenure at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. The ideal candidate will offer experience and leadership in areas of primary concern to the library. These include collection development, personnel management, budget planning and justification, automated systems, and library space planning and use. He/she will also offer expertise in public and/or technical service fields. The salary will be very competitive, minimum $40,000, depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. The position carries a 12-month contract, TIAA/CREF and liberal fringe benefits. Send letter of application, detailed resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references by November 15, 1982, to: Donald Clark Library Search Committee c/o Vice-President for Academic Affairs Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78284 T rin ity is a n e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e -a c tio n e m p lo y e r. 336 M A N A G EM EN T REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . Specializes in a fu ll range of inform ation and reference services for students and faculty o f Northwestern U niversity’s Kellogg Graduate School of Manage­ m ent and participa tes in general reference programs. Assists in p la n n in g a nd d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e M a n a g e m e n t S e rv ic e s d e ­ partm ental programs, and participates in other activities of the De­ partm ent, w hich is staffed by the Departm ent Head, two Manage­ m ent Reference Librarians, and an A dm inistrative Assistant. The J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of M anagem ent is ranked am ong the top five schools of its kind in the country. The facu lty n um bers ap ­ proxim ately 100, and cu rre n t stud e nt enrollm en t is nearly 1,400. Q ua lifica tio ns: MLS fro m an a ccre d ite d lib ra ry school re q uired . A cadem ic background in econom ics or other business-related d is­ cip lin e and advanced degree preferred. Business reference or other relevant experience, and tra in in g in com puterized literature search­ ing desirable. Excellent co m m u nicatio n skills and ability to work ef­ fectively with students, facu lty and colleagues. Starting salary range: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 - $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 d e p e n d in g upon q u a lifica tio ns. Send letter of application and resume and have library school credentials, in c lu d ­ ing tra nscripts, forw arded to: Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 6 02 01 . Applications received by Decem ber 1, 1982, will be considered. An EO/AA e m ­ ployer. R EFER EN C E/C IR C U LA T IO N LIB R A R IA N , E d u ca tion /P sych olog y Library. Provides reference service to faculty, undergraduate and graduate students. Participates in orientation and b ibliographic in ­ s tru c tio n p ro gra m s, p a tro n in s tru c tio n in a c c e ssin g th e o n lin e catalog, p rofiling automated ERIC and social science searches, co l­ lection evaluation and developm ent, and supervision of reference stud e nt assistants. Also responsible fo r overseeing circulation and stack m ain tenance activities. Supervises two su pp ort staff (day and evening) who are responsible fo r supervision and tra in ing of three additional supp ort staff and stud e nt assistants assigned to c ircu la ­ tion and stack m aintenance. Some evening and weekend hours re­ quired. Reports to the Head, Education/Psychology Library. Faculty are expected to meet University requirem ents for prom otion and tenure in clu din g research, pub lica tio n, and service. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program and at least one year of post-MLS professional experience. Highly desirable: Subject background in education and psychology, supervisory experience, and experience in an a cadem ic library. Salary: $ 1 6 ,8 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 . Available 1 No­ vember. Apply by 31 October to Sharon A. Sullivan, Personnel Li­ brarian, Ohio State U niversity Libraries, 1 85 8 Neil Avenue Mall, C o lu m b us, OH 4 3 2 1 0 . An AA/EEO e m p loye r. Q ualified wom en, m inority, and handicapped persons as well as others, are e nco ur­ aged to apply. REFERENCE DIVISION HEAD, Reference Division Head is a m id ­ dle m anagem ent position reporting to Library Director. Prim ary re­ sponsibility is planning and a dm inistration for e fficien t operations of Ref. Div. in accordance with Library-wide goals. Depts. and pro­ grams reporting to position presently in clu de Ref., Gov’t Pubns., Media and Spec. Coll. and the Online and Bib liographic Instruction Coordinators. Education: m aster’s degree in library or info. sei. from an ALA in stitutio n or an equivalent degree re q u ’d. Experience: su c­ cessful experience in ref. work, adm inistration and personnel, au­ tom ated library p u b lic service operations, and library user e du ca ­ tion service program s is expected. M ust have record of progressive professional and scholarly developm ent. Preferred: m ust have a bil­ ity to motivate employees, initiate innovative services, and provide le ad e rsh ip and pro fe ssio na l g u id a n ce to re feren ce d ivisio n e m ­ ployees.Effective interpersonal relations and co m m u nicatio n s skills are required. Salary: $ 1 9 ,7 2 8 -$ 2 6 ,6 5 2 . Application closing date: O ctober 31, 1982. Send resum e and nam es of five references to: M a u re e n P a s tin e , L ib ra ry D ire c to r, C la rk L ib a ry , W a s h in g to n Square, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 9 51 92 . REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (In structo r rank) for institution with e n ­ ro llm en t over 12,000. Responsibilities in clu d e assisting and in ­ stru cting patrons; database searching; ability to co m m u nicate e ffec­ tively with facu lty and students; collection developm ent; co m p ilin g indexes, lists, and b ibliog ra p hie s; se rvin g on c o m m itte e s. 1 0.5 m onth co ntra ct— salary $ 1 5 ,5 0 0 m inim um . Require ALA-accredited MLS and 3 - 5 years a cad em ic library e xperience. Prefer second m aster’s in business. Deadline for letter of application and cre d en ­ tials (in clu d in g graduate and undergraduate transcripts) October 31, 1982. S u b m it to: Maxine Johnston, Library Division, Lam ar University, PO Box 10021, Lamar Station, Beaumont, TX 777 10 . An e qu al-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. REFERENCE SERVICES HEAD. Position available for in dividu a l with MSLS and at least seven years professional library experience, with fo u r years recent experience in academ ic, research, or special library reference work; one foreign language of bib liog ra p hic im po r­ tance; supervisory experience, in clu din g fu ll-tim e staff; experience in library instruction and knowledge of database searching. Pre­ ferred: additional graduate study, fam iliarity with networks and re­ source sharing. Responsibilities include developm ent of reference collection and providing leadership to a reference staff of eight li­ b ra ria n s , seven c iv il s e rv a n ts , a nd 15 FTE s tu d e n ts . S alary $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 over 12 months, with generous fringe benefits. Salary and librarian rank depen d en t upon qua lifica tio ns and experience. Application deadline of Novem ber 15, 1982, with starting date of January 15, 1983 (negotiable). Send resum e and three cu r­ rent letters of reference to: W inifred Dean, Chair, Search Com m it­ tee, Cleveland State University Libraries, 1983 E. 2 4th Street, Cleve­ land, OH 4 41 15 . Equal o p p ortun ity employer, M/F/H. SCIENCE/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties and tim e allocated ac­ c o rd ing to the follow ing guidelines: 15 hpw general reference desk duty, 15 hpw collection d evelopm ent in science and engineering, 10 hpw co ordinating the lib ra ry’s online searching activity and per­ fo rm in g searches. Reports to assistant d ire ctor for p ub lic services. Required: MLS fro m A LA -accredited school, s u b je ct expertise in one or m ore areas of the sciences (preferably physical), tra in ing in online database searching. Highly desirable: academ ic reference experience, online searching experience, m aster’s level coursework or m aster’s degree in a scie ntific discipline, and supervisory experi­ ence. M inim um salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 for 12 months. Usual fringe bene­ fits. Available N ovem ber 1. Letters of application, a resume, and names of three references should be sent to: M argaret Joseph, As­ sistant Director for Public Services, The U niversity of Texas at San A n to n io L ib ra ry, San A n to n io , TX 7 8 2 8 5 . UTSA is an e q u a l- opp ortun ity/affirm ative -a ction employer. SERIAL CATALOGER. Original cataloging and classifying of serials (inclu d ing d ocum ents and m icroform s) using AACR2, LC classifica­ tion and su bje ct headings. Duties include in terpre tin g OSU catalog­ ing standards with respect to national standards and the require­ m ents of the OCLC cata lo ging system and the L ibraries’ online catalog; preparing and tagging cataloging data for in pu t to OCLC; and verifying and preparing authority records. Additional respon­ sibilities may include assistance in tra in ing su pp ort staff in the se­ rial ca ta lo ging process. Reports to Head, Catalog Division. Re­ q u ire d : MLS fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; kn o w le d g e of AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, MARC tagging, and use o f the OCLC cataloging system; at least one year of cataloging experience in an a cadem ic or research library. Ability to co m m u n i­ cate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing. Reading knowl­ edge of one or more Western European languages. Highly desir­ able: experience in cataloging of serials. Faculty are expected to meet University requirem ents fo r tenure and prom otion, in clu din g research, p ublication, and service. Salary: $ 1 6 ,5 6 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 . Avail­ able 1 Novem ber. Apply by 31 October to Sharon A. Sullivan, Per­ sonnel Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue M a ll, C o lu m b u s , OH 4 3 2 1 0 . An AA/EEO e m p lo y e r. Q ua lifie d wom en, m inority, and h andicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. TWO CATALOG LIBRARIANS (2 ), each in stru cto r or higher, de­ p en ding on qualifications. Early career positions. Report to Head Catalog Librarian. Duties in clu de cataloging of monographs, serials, microform s, and audio-visual m aterials in all su bje ct areas; review (editing) of OCLC copy prior to inputting; some supervision of stu­ d en t assistants. Q ualifications: MLS from A LA -accredited library school; prefer two years cataloging experience in an academ ic or research library; w orking knowledge of LC cla ssification and subject headings; MARC form at; and AACR2 and earlier codes. Knowledge o f a t le a s t o ne W e s te rn E u ro p e a n fo r e ig n la n g u a g e . S alary: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 for 1 2-m onth app ointm e n t, plus fringe benefits, dep ending upon qualifications. S ub m it letter of application, resume, and names of fo u r references by N ovem ber 12, 1982, to: George W. S hipm an, U niversity of Oregon Library, Eugene, OR 9 74 03 . The University of Oregon is an equal-o pp ortun ity/affirm ative - action em ­ ployer. TWO POSITIONS, Instructor or Assistant Professor. Science Librar­ ian, responsible fo r collection deve lo pm en t and managem ent, ref­ erence and in form ation services, and advanced b ibliographic in ­ struction to the School o f Science and Technology and the School of Nursing. Additional duties include w o rkin g with the general ref­ erence g roup in rotation on the reference desk, general library in­ struction and online searching. Qualifications: Accredited masters in library science, undergraduate degree in a science or biom edical area and/or experience in a scientific or tech n ical library. Education L ibrarian, responsible for collection developm ent and managem ent, reference and inform ation services and advanced b ibliographic in ­ struction to the School of Education. Additional dutie s include w o rk­ ing with the general reference group in rotation on the reference/ inform ation desk, general library in struction, and online searching. Q ualifications: A ccredited masters in library science, undergraduate or graduate degree in education or psychology. Both positions are term renewable tenure tra ck positions for 9 m onths with possible s u m m e r c o n tra c ts . Salary range is $ 1 3 ,5 0 0 to $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 fo r 9 months, dep en d en t upon experience and a cadem ic rank. Librar­ ians m u st m eet the general unive rsity and library g uid e lin es for p rom otion and tenure. Please send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Gary N. Denue, Director, Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 620 26 . As an affirm ative action employer, SIUE offers equal em ploym ent opp or­ tu n ity w ith ou t regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, na­ tional origin, or handicap. 337 LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSISTANT CATALOGER‚ University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. Responsibilities: descriptive and subject cataloging (principally) monographs. Participates in catalog maintenance and bibliographic control. Other responsibilities include collection development and some reference work. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, 2-3 years LC cataloging experience; plus MA or equivalent for an appointment with tenure. Preferred: subject specialization in the physical sciences; experience with online cataloging database (RLIN) desirable; languages— Spanish, German, or French. Salary range: $15,000-$l8,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Faculty status, full benefits, and one month vacation. Twelve month appointment. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three (3) references by November 30, 1982, to: Hiram L. Davis, Director of Libraries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. Affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICES, Head of Cataloging Department. Under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, will be responsible for the operation and supervision of the Catalog Department; will hire, train, schedule the staff and will participate in the overall development of the IUPUI University cataloging program. Also responsible for original cataloging. Some public service responsibilities such as serving on the reference desk may be required. Master’s or higher degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Two to three years professional cataloging 338 experience required. One year using OCLC preferred. Ability to constructively meet and solve problems, promote effective, harmonious staff relations at all levels. Ability to meet the responsibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Salary floor: $14,500. A month’s vacation; liberal sick leave; Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO, major medical; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. Qualified and interested applicants should send a letter of application, resume, transcript and three letters of reference, to: Barbara B. Fischler, Director, IUPUI University Libraries, 815 West Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202 by closing date December 4, 1982. Indiana University is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. ASSISTANT READERS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Participates in reference desk work and reference collection development, bibliographic instruction, and online literature searching. Also oversees the operation of the circulation desk, stack maintenance, and the hiring of student assistants. Required: accredited MLS, supervisory and interpersonal skills; reference and BI experience preferred. Position available January 1983; minimum $14,000. Send application, resume, and names of three references by October 30, to: Mary Ann Griffin, Director, Xavier University Library, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207. Xavier is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. INSTRUCTOR/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN‚ Undergraduate Library. Librarian to participate in the instructional program and to provide reference service within the Undergraduate Library. Emphasis on (1) development, revision, and evaluation of printed instructional materials, (2) collection assessment, topic development, and materials selection in support of instructional programs; and (3) skillful provision of reference service. Participation in decision and policy making. Extensive contact with faculty, students, and library staff. Some evening and weekend hours will be required. Qualifications: MLS; two years post-MLS public service experience, library instruction emphasized; strong communication skills and service attitute essential; collection development, curriculum planning, and instructional materials production preferred; reference work with undergraduates highly desirable. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience; $16,500-$18,000. Applications should be received by November 1, 1982. Send letter of application, resume, names of three professional references, and writing samples to: Robert Treppa, General Libraries, PCL 3.200, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Dana Library, Newark Campus. Available January 3, 1983. General reference, online database searching, and library orientation and instruction. Collection development in physical sciences. MLS from accredited library school. Reference experience in academic or research library desirable. Undergraduate degree in physical sciences preferred. Library instruction and online database searching desirable. $18,144 minimum. Faculty status, calendar year appointment. Submit resumes and three current reference sources no later than December 1, 1982, to: Personnel Librarian, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An equal-op- portunity/affirmative-action employer. ARTS/HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER-REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (search reopened). Reports directly to Head, Technical Services. Provides vital collection development liaison with departments in the arts and humanities. Position demands bibliographic skills, ability to communicate effectively with faculty and stu­ dents, and includes line responsibilities for service at the centralized reference desk on a limited schedule, including some nights, weekends, and holidays. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, second graduate degree in an appropriate academic subject area strongly preferred. Minimum one year experience in reference services areas of a medium to large academic library, collection development experience strongly preferred. Knowledge of one or more modern European languages desirable. Salary: $18,000, negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. Letter of application, resume, and the names of three references must be received at the University of Southwestern Louisiana by October 31 ‚ 1982, and should be directed to: D.L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70504. USL is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. LIBRARIAN, Physics/Electrical Engineering Graduate Research Library. To act as liaison between the Library and the Physics Department. Provide reference and circulation services. Hire and supervise student support staff. MLS, 2 years professional experience in an academic library required. Library experience and/or academic background in the physical sciences desirable. Salary: $16,500. Send resumes to: Thomas H. Cahalan, 12 Dodge Library, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115. Northeastern is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action/Title IX employer. ACRL’S FAST JOB LISTING Looking for a job? Our Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at ACRL headquar­ ters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News. The Fast Job Listing Service also contains advertisements which, because o f narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The ACRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning o f each month and mails it to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the previous four weeks. The cost o f a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for nonmembers. You may enter your subscription below. BRAND-NEW 1983 EDITION 16,500 CONTACTS Enable You to: • Locate Sources of New Business • Get Up-to-Date Facts about Thousands of Subjects • Compile Hard-to- Find Product Information • Contact Thousands of People and Organizations • Develop New Sales Leads Earn a 5% discount by placing a Standing Order for any of these titles. D educt an additional 5% for paym ent with order, and Gale pays postage. All books are sent on 90- day approval. Customers outside the U.S. & Canada, please a dd 10% to prices shown. GALE Research Co. • Book Tower Detroit Ml 48226 • Phone (313)961-2242 17th Edition Edited by Denise Akey. The 1983 edition of the No. 1 guide to sources for current facts, figures, information. ISSN 0071-0202. L.C. 76-46129. Published August 1982. ol. 1 ‚ National Organizations of the U.S. The basic volume provides over 16,500 detailed entries for active organizations, arranged in 17 broad subject areas. Alphabetical and Keyword Index. 1,750pp. in 2 parts. ISBN 0- 8103-0147-4. $150.00/set. (Available on Stand­ ing Order) ol. 2, Geographic & Executive Indexes. List­ ings in both indexes give organization name, chief executive, address, phone number, and entry number in Volume 1. 1,000 pp. ISBN 0- 8103-0148-2. $135.00. (Available on Standing Order) ol. 3, New Associations & Projects. An Inter­ edition, cumulatively indexed supplement th a t reports on new groups concerned with the latest problems and ideas. ISBN 0-8103- 0130-X. Subscription, $150.00. (Available on Standing Order) In Prep.: Vol. 4, International Organizations. hree-issue subscription, $95.00. Vol. 5, Asso­ ciation Research Centers and Programs. hree-issue subscription, $150.00. Related Titles: World Guide to Scientific Associations. 3rd ed. Ed. by Michael Zils and Willi Gorzny. The new edition (1982) is completely revised and expanded to over 18,000 entries on national and international associations and societies in science, technology, and the arts. Entries in the main section are arranged alphabetically under the more than 130 countries repre­ sented and contain names and addresses, te le p h o n e an d telex numbers, executive names, and number of members. 619 pp. K.G. Saur, 1982. Dis†. exclusively by Gale in the estern hemisphere. $150.00. (Available on Standing Order) orld Guide to Trade Associations. 2nd ed. Comp, by Michael Zils. The first edition since 1973, this 1980 edition lists over 46,000 trade associations in all parts of the world. Entries are arranged by country under 604 trade ategories, from Abrasives to Zinc. 845 pp. K.G. Saur, 1980. Dis†r. exclusively by Gale in the estern hemisphere. $180.00. (Available on tanding Order) V V V T T w W c w S