ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 132 / C & R L N ew s V an co u v er, B ritish C o lu m b ia, an d th e Ja n u a ry 1984 issue described th e C onference program and Seattle. C om e to Seattle and enjoy an exciting conference program an d b eautiful Seattle spring! ■ ■ BI Liaison Update Carolyn K irkendall Project L O E X It is gratifying at this tim e to rep o rt on a n u m b er of p o tential opportunities for lib rarian s’ involve­ m ent w ith other associations and th eir meetings. V aldosta State College recently issued a call for papers for its F o u rth A nnual C onference on the Im provem ent of Freshm an-L evel Instruction. L i­ b rarian s m ight w a n t to think about po ten tial a p ­ p ro p ria te o p p o rtu n itie s for involvem ent a t th e F ifth A nnual m eeting. These conferences present suggestions an d m odels for p ra c tic a l classroom techniques to address com m on teaching problem s in English C om position and other courses. Presen­ tations are based on inform al papers designed to c o n v e y p r a c t i c a l in f o r m a tio n fo r use in th e classroom —papers of abstract theories and philos­ ophies are excluded. Steve M a rq u a rd t, director of libraries at th e U ni­ versity of W isconsin at E au C laire, contacted the ACRL BI Liaison Project to suggest th a t a good op­ p o rtu n ity to carry our message to an o th er audience of interested classroom faculty m ight be to look at th e regional m eetings of th e N ational Association of F o re ig n S tu d e n t A dvisors. T h e U n iv e rs ity of W isconsin-E au C laire cam pus foreign student a d ­ visor spoke on “D esigning a Successful O rien tatio n Program for In tern atio n al S tudents.” L ibrarians who have considered involvem ent in this area are encouraged to contact me. At the August 1984 A nnual M eeting of the A m er­ ican Sociological Association in San A ntonio, a tw o -h o u r w orkshop on L ib rary User Skills has been scheduled. T he w orkshop is free. Leaders include R ichard W erking, lib rary director at T rin ity U ni­ versity, V aughan G risham , sociologist a t th e U ni­ versity of Mississippi, and M ark Sandler of th e U ni­ versity of M ichigan’s School of L ib rary Science. An inform al, w alk-in inform ation clinic will be held in M arch at th e A cadem y of C rim in al Justice m eeting in Chicago. Several crim inal justice li­ b rarian s will be in atten d an ce to offer help on spe­ cific research problem s th a t p a rtic ip a n ts m ig h t have. O th er librarians w ho have sponsored a sim i­ lar session at discipline organizations’ conferences should send details to the ACRL BI Liaison Project P rogram Officer. “Is th e Cost of Your L ib rary Justified?” is th e ti­ tle of a session proposed by our Project for th e D en ­ ver 1984 m eeting of th e A m erican C ouncil on E d u ­ c a tio n . P a r t i c i p a n t s in c lu d e A la n G u s k in , c h a n c e llo r o f th e U n iv e rs ity of W isc o n s in - Parkside, P atricia Breivik, director of A uraria L i­ braries, and Colonel C arl W . Reddel, professor an d h ead of th e D e p a rtm e n t of H istory a t th e U nited States Air Force Academ y. If accepted, the panel will address problem s of cam puses utilizing lib rary services to th eir greatest p otential. W e’re hoping this im p o rta n t o p p o rtu n ity for academ ic li­ b rarian s to broaden an aw areness of our services will becom e a reality. Discussion and cooperation w ith the A m erican Political Science Association continues. W hile our Project was not successful in locating a lib ra ria n w ho was w illing to p rep are a form al p ap er for the 1984 APS A m eeting, w e are continuing to investi­ gate th e possibility of our Project co o rdinating a colum n on using ap p ro p riate lib rary m aterials in the APSA new sletter, N ew s fo r Teachers o f Politi­ cal Science, w ith T erry Link of M ichigan State University editing the articles. W ork also continues in a rra n g in g a jointly-sponsored m eetin g , w ith T erry and Jane Rosenberg currently investigating this option. O u r Project is not able to rep eat last y ear’s dis­ play at th e A m erican Association of H igher E d u c a ­ tio n ’s an n u al m eeting, as this Id ea Exchange ex­ h i b i t f o r m a t h a s b e e n c a n c e lle d . L i b r a r i a n s atten d in g th e M arch AAHE m eeting from th e C h i­ cago area are encouraged to rep o rt back on th e p re ­ sentations relatin g to school/college partnerships, to ways inform ation technology can increase the effectiveness of in s tru c tio n , a n d th e M a rc h 15 Position-Based R oundtable session scheduled for deans and directors of libraries. L ast N o v em b er’s issue of th e E nglish Journal published an announcem ent th a t th e M arch 1984 C onvention of th e C onference on College C om po­ sition and C om m unication, to be held in New York C ity, includes a n u m b er of sessions dealing w ith th e concerns of high school teachers: w ritin g p ro ­ gram s for n o n -trad itio n al students, ways of w o rk ­ ing w ith unskilled “basic” w riters, and helping stu ­ dents to bridge th e gap betw een high school and college. T he announcem ent says th a t “th e new in ­ terest” in fostering cooperation across levels of e d u ­ cation to im prove teaching an d learn in g makes it im p o rta n t for all teachers to seek opportunities to talk w ith th eir co u n terp arts at other levels of ed u ­ c a tio n .” C ertainly librarians involved in user ed u ­ cation could qualify as counterparts! Please let m e know if any of you w ill be atten d in g any of these C C C C sessions. M arch 1984 / 133 Joan L ip pincott of C ornell University has sub­ m itted an application for a sponsored poster session at the 1984 A m erican Association for th e A dvance­ m ent of Science m eeting. W e hope she will be suc­ cessful! W h ittier College is sponsoring a M arch w ork­ shop: B ib lio g ra p h ic I n s tr u c tio n B ased on th e E arlh am Model: A W orkshop for L ib rarian s and Faculty. As th e W est Coast has h ad lim ited o p p o r­ tu n ity to a tte n d th e a n n u a l E a rlh a m w orkshop held in In d ia n a , this session should be a valuable chance for teaching faculty to h ear about th e value of BI services from other faculty m em bers. W e are tentatively w orking w ith the Society for A pplied A nthropology, holding their M arch m eet­ ing in T oronto, to have a lib rarian p articip ate on the program . Bob Logan from the University of G uelph has agreed to explore opportunities for a presentation. O u r Project has revised inform ation about the forthcom ing A SH E-ERIC H igher E d ucation Re­ search R eport on academ ic libraries. T he w orking title now is “A cadem ic L ibraries—T oday and T o ­ m o rro w ,” being au th o red by B arb ara M oran of the U n iv e rsity of N o rth C a r o l in a — C h a p e l H ill’s School of L ib rary Science. C h air of th e L ib rarian s’ Task Force of th e N a­ tional W om en’s Studies Association is Luisa Paster of P rinceton University. T he 1984 P rogram C oor­ d in a to r for th e June NWS A m eeting at Rutgers University is Françcoise Puniello. Readers of this colum n have been enthusiasti­ cally contacting m e w ith additional suggestions of articles relatin g to lib rary instructional services. Some of these papers include: • “In Search of History: T he Bibliographic D a ta ­ b a se s,” by Joyce D u n c a n F a lk in T h e H isto ry Teacher 15 (August 1982): 523-44. • “T he New Technology for Research in E u ro ­ pean W om en’s History: ‘O n lin e’ B ibliographies,” also by Joyce, in Signs: Journal o f W o m en in C ul­ ture and Society 9 (1983): 120-33. • “T eam T eaching an d B ibliographic In stru c­ tio n ,” by Sheila R. H erstein in The Bookm ark 38 (Fall 1979):225-27. Thanks to your continuing enthusiasm and in ­ p u t, our Project is able to keep abreast of a w ide v a­ riety of opportunities for librarians to becom e in ­ volved in other organizations’ activity in the field of higher education. I t ’s becom e a p p a re n t th a t p a r ­ ticipation on th e state and regional levels of these groups is a most effective means of o b taining a toe­ hold for b ro ad er fu tu re involvem ent. W hile our Project continues to co ncentrate on th e n ational o r­ ganizations, w e also encourage those of you w ith BI expertise to consider m em bership and p a rtic ip a ­ tion at m ore local levels. ■ ■ faxon figures Productivity is a critical concern in today’s library. That’s why more and more decision makers are looking into Faxon. We can be the best source for all of your journal and continuation subscriptions. Our services enable you to devote your valuable person­ nel resources to other crucial library functions. As a full service agent with access to more than 150,000 different periodicals, we can handle ordering, claiming, check-in, and routing. Our growing international network links you to other libraries, publishers, and in the near future, other online systems. If you can profit from improved productivity, a call to Faxon figures. 1-800-225-6055 or 1-617-329-3350 (collect) ON THE FRONTIER OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT F.W. Faxon Company, Inc. 15 Southwest Park Westwood, MA 02090