ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1984 / 147 N E W T E C H N O L O G Y •DIALOG Information Services and D erw ent Publications have agreed to make the D erw ent W orld Patents Index database available on the D I­ ALOG system beginning in the fall of 1984. The database contains inform ation on nearly 3 million inventions represented in more than 6 million p a t­ ent documents from 29 p atent issuing authorities around the world. Inform ation on approximately 11,000 new patents is incorporated into the d a ta ­ base each week. For more inform ation, contact: D IA LO G M arketing, 3460 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304; (800) 227-1927. •Gaylord Brothers, Inc., has developed a SE­ LIN labeling system th a t will operate w ith com­ puter printers and electronic typewriters. The SE­ L IN 3400 L a b e le r ’s c o m p a tib ility w ith m icrocom puter printers allows libraries w ith bib­ liographic databases and flexible form atting capa­ bility to produce labels more rapidly, accurately, and autom atically. The labeler has been designed to provide better tracking control w ith fewer ad ­ justments. Label m aterial is autom atically sealed after printing w ith a clear protective strip to pre­ vent smudging and is perm anently bonded to the book spine w ith heat and pressure. Libraries can also process book card labels and book pocket labels at the same tim e by using G aylord’s tractor feed- equipped printer along w ith the labeler. The 3400 labeling system uses a 30 % larger roll of m aterial th an their earlier model. For further inform ation, contact Gaylord Brothers, Inc., P.O . Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221-4901; (800) 448-6160. •T h e Lirrary Microfilms and Materials Com­ pany has in tr o d u c e d a new ta b le to p , fro n t- projection microfilm reader equipped w ith a preci­ sion m anual film transport. This new model, the LMM EX CEL, comes equipped w ith a zoom lens th a t can project a double-page spread of book or journal pages, or the entire w idth of a large news­ paper in full size on a w ashable screen 20 inches wide by 14 inches high. The zoom lens can enlarge up to 160% of the original size. For further infor­ m ation, contact: L ibrary Microfilms and Materials Co., 707 Augusta St., Inglewood, CA 90302; (213) 678-0036. •T h e Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy Libraries and Geac C om puter C orporation Ltd. have signed a contract for installation of the Geac L ibrary Inform ation System for circulation control and MARC records m anagem ent. The sys­ tem will operate in a Geac 8000 multiprocessor ini­ tially supporting 21 circulation term inals, 9 public access te rm in a ls, a n d 9 c a ta lo g in g te rm in a ls throughout the library system. It will become oper­ ational during academic year 1984-85. •T h e University of Kentucky Reference D e­ partm ent has designed a computer-assisted instruc­ tion package to be used in conjunction w ith fresh­ m an English bibliographic instruction lectures and tours. The program is w ritten in PIL O T and is loaded on a Prim e 850 m inicom puter. Using term i­ nals in the library, the students will learn to use the card catalog, the LC Subject Headings, and the Wilson indexes. An experimental run on the pack­ age will take place during the Spring 1984 semes­ te r. F o r fu rth e r details, contact: Rob Aken or L aura Olson, Reference D epartm ent, M .I. King L ibrary South, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington, KY 40506-00391; (606) 257-1631. •T h e University of Tulsa Libraries have con­ cluded negotiations w ith Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity Libraries for the Library Inform ation Ac­ cess System (LIAS). Tulsa is the first lib rary to contract w ith Penn State for this leasable system, which offers a num ber of features including an on­ line catalog w ith post-receipt acquisitions inform a­ tion and circulation control. Under development and shortly to be im plem ented are acquisitions, au- Media Manuscripts W anted The ACRL Audiovisual Com m ittee is calling for papers to be presented at ALA Annual C on­ ference in Chicago in July 1985 for a program entitled, “Integrated L ibrary Systems: The Me­ dia F acto r.” Anyone w ith media services expe­ rience in libraries which are autom ated or p lan ­ ning a u to m a te d systems are encouraged to subm it a one-page letter outlining their specific areas of interest by June 10, 1984, to: Richard Matzek, L ibrary D irector, N azareth College of R ochester, P .O . Box 10996, R ochester, NY 14610-0996. After a review of proposals the Com m ittee will contact prospective participants by Sep­ tem ber 1. Full outlines will be required by No­ vem ber 30, 1984. 148 / C& RL News thority, and serials control. Text/w ord processing and com mercial database access are also planned. Tulsa has also contracted w ith Penn State to con­ v e r t th e l i b r a r y ’s b ib lio g r a p h ic re c o rd s in to M ARC-standard m achine-readable form w ithin one year. After conversion the d ata will be tran s­ ferred and m a in tain ed on th e Tulsa cam pus as LIAS-TU, driven by H oneyw ell eq u ip m en t lo­ cated in the university’s C om puter C enter. ■ B PUBLICATIONS NOTICES •Bibliographic Instruction in Illinois Academic Libraries: A Survey Report (86 pages, 1983) has been published as Illinois L ibrary Statistical Re­ port num ber 11. It summarizes the 1982 survey of the BI activities of Illinois college and university li­ braries. A free copy m ay be obtained from the P ub­ lications Unit, Illinois State L ibrary, C entennial Building, Springfield, IL 62756. •B ib lio g ra p h ic In stru ction in the USA, 1883-1982 contains annotated listings of citations taken from the L ibrary Instruction M aterials Bank database. Articles, m onographs, proceedings, dis­ sertations, and research reports are included. The form at is com puter-output microfiche. Cost: £5. O r d e r fro m IN F U S E P u b lic a tio n s , L ib r a r y , L o u g h b o ro u g h U n iv e rs ity of T e c h n o lo g y , L oughborough, Leicestershire L E U 3TU , E n ­ gland. A similar bibliography of User Education in the UK, 1912-1982, is available for £2.50. •Buy Books Where—Sell Books Where, by Ruth E. Robinson (250 pages, 4th ed., 1983), contains over 7,000 entries representing the collecting spe­ cialties of m ore th a n 1,700 booksellers in th e United States. The new edition identifies specialists as strictly buyers or strictly sellers of p articu lar sub­ ject categories. Copies m ay be obtained for $21.50 from R uth E. Robinson Books, Route 7 Box 162A, M organtow n, WV 26505. •Collection Security in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #100 (94 pages, January 1984), examines the poli­ cies, procedures, and security systems used by ARL libraries to prevent theft. Included are 10 policy and procedures docum ents, two task force reports, and a selective bibliography. SPEC kits are avail­ able by subscription from the SPEC C enter, Office of M anagem ent Studies, ARL, 1527 New H am p ­ shire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. In d i­ vidual kits are available for $15 prepaid. •T h e 1984 Directory o f Resources fo r Technol­ ogy in Education has been published by the Tech­ nology L earning C enter at the F ar West L ab o ra­ tory for E ducational Research and Developm ent. It provides inform ation about national and state associations, resource organizations, state d e p a rt­ ments of education, com puter camps, periodicals, databases, electronic bulletin boards, hardw are companies, sum m er institutes, conferences, degree program s, and funding sources. Copies m ay be or­ dered for $12.95 paperback or $19.95 h ard cover from the O rder D epartm ent, F ar West L ab o ra­ tory, 1855 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA 94103. •Document Delivery in the United States, a re­ port on the m ethods th a t libraries use to obtain m a­ terials undertaken by Inform ation Systems C onsul­