ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1 9 9 0 1 959 the following reasons. First, it was not difficult to secure th e cooperation o f library users because the USF research cen ter psychiatrists, psychologists, and o th er m ental health practitioners are library- oriented and very aware o f rising journal costs. Second, because th e research cen ter library has a staff o f four— one full-tim e professional, two full­ tim e paraprofessionals, and one graduate assis­ tan t— it was necessary to utilize a p rocedure th at was not heavily labor-intensive; various ways o f m arking journals, distributing patron surveys, or direct observation w ould not have b een feasible. O nce th e choice was m ade, th e following p ro ce­ dure was im plem ented. D uring th e day, any jo u r­ nals th a t are found anywhere within th e library are brought to the circulation desk. Available library staff records th e usage for each journal, with tally marks on a weekly data collection sheet th a t lists all cu rren t journal subscriptions. T he item s are th en placed on a reshelving cart. At th e en d o f every m onth, th e total o f these weekly tally records is com bined with interlibrary loan statistics and in­ serted into a Lotus 1-2-3 com puter spreadsheet. Form ulas automatically com pute th e usage for the year to date, and printouts are provided to any in terested patron. Adm inistrators and d ep artm en t chairs regularly review th e m onthly journal usage, and these statis­ tics serve a useful purpose. C om bined with reports o f periodical subscription increases supplied by the librarian and updates o f th e ongoing research proj­ ects o f th e Institute staff, journal usage statistics help to determ ine which subscriptions will be can­ celed and which ones added in th e next fiscal year. T h ere are no funding surprises, and th e re is no req u irem en t for a w ritten justification for a periodi­ cal budget increase from th e librarian. Also, by involving faculty and staff in th e project, they ac­ quired a vested interest, and “th e ” library becam e “o u r” library. Unwittingly, th e library staff m ade a positive contribution to public relations with li­ brary patrons. Indeed, perhaps this enhanced col­ legiality has b een th e most valued result o f all. By refining th e data collection sheets and adding categories for th e next fiscal year, th e research c e n te r library staff plans to study additional aspects o f periodical usage. Access to serials: Local improvements may make a difference By David Trithart Reference Librarian Potsdam College o f SU N Y Every library has a lim ited list o f serials to which it subscribes. Beyond th a t it relies on interlibrary loan or some o th er means to obtain articles for its patrons. Most libraries have seen th e use o f this service expand in recen t years. T he n u m b e r o f journals grows and th e proportion rep resen te d in th e local collection inexorably falls. It is com monly believed th at th e advent o f indexes on C D will contribute to th e dem and for articles not in th e local collection. W hat alternative is th e re to increased reliance on borrowing or docum ent delivery services? W e d eterm in ed to try to im prove access to th e journals we already receive. Like many libraries, we re cently introduced com pact disk indexes and have seen th e ir use grow quickly. W e also noticed that th e re rem ained a bottleneck in th e search process. Checking th e citations obtained so quickly from the C D had to be done manually in th e library’s serials ­ list. T he first rem edy th a t occurred to us was to som ehow m atch the journals on th e C D with a list o f those we receive, and have our titles highlighted or otherwise noted on th e screen. W e have suggested this to C D producers, and th e re is some expressed interest, b u t nothing to show for it yet. Since we catalog our serials and shelve th em by call n u m b er we w ould n eed to show, in addition to th e holdings o f a title, th e call num ber, in theory this should be possible since we, like m ost libraries, have o u r serials and holdings in m achine-readable form. T he screen display for each citation could include local holdings inform a­ tion obtained from th at list. But this d id n ’t seem to be an im m ediate possibil­ ity. A less au to m ated approach was, however, within th e range o f our abilities. Using Microsoft Works (a simple, w idely-used database program ) on a M acintosh com puter, we produced a database 960 / C& RL News o f all th e periodicals to which we had subscribed since 1980. Holdings and call n u m b ers w ere in ­ clu d ed for each title. F o r each index we n o ted those titles on o u r list w hich w ere covered by th e index. T h e lists provided in th e indexes them selves w ere su p p lem en ted w ith inform ation taken from our serials control system (in this case SC350) which allowed us to search and display th e 510 field o f th e MARC records for o u r serials. This inform ation was displayed in a simple, single-line form at in alphabetical o rd e r by periodical title. This p ro ject took som e tim e, b u t was m ade considerably sim pler by having som e o f this infor­ m ation already on disk. T h e rest was added over th e course o f several m onths. T h e products have b een som e 11 index-specific lists th a t are kept on th e co nsulting ta b le b esid e th e a p p ro p riate index. R ath er th an check citations against a large alphabet o f titles, users can check a short list th a t pertains to ju st th e index th ey are using. This is particularly useful at th e C D indexes. T h e W ilsonDisc indexes we have only extend back to th e early 1980s, so th e lists w e p ro d u ce are com pletely accurate as to our holdings o f th e journals indexed. M aintaining th e lists has proven to be quite easy. Both staff and stu d en ts agree th a t th e tim e to p ro d u ce th e lists was well spent. T h e interesting developm ent is th a t o u r requests for interlibrary loans have decreased quite signifi­ cantly for th e twelve m onths since these lists w ere p ro d u ced . This may b e coincidental, b u t o th e r libraries I have contacted do not rep o rt this trend. W e may b e able to a ttrib u te this decrease in m ore effective use o f o u r own collection. T he C D indexes m ake it easy to search m ultiple years o f an index, an d th e lists we have p ro d u ced enable users to quickly check w hich ones are here. C irculation o f b o u n d an d u n b o u n d periodicals th e p ast year show ed a 15% increase com pared to th e average o f th e previous 4 years, and was 26% above th e im m ediately p rio r year. T o see interlibrary loan going down at th e same tim e th a t local circulation is on th e rise does raise som e questions. Users may b e relying on articles several years old instead o f requesting new er ar­ ticles from journals we d o n ’t have. F o r m ost u n d e r­ g rad u ate research and paper-w riting this is p ro b a­ bly satisfactory. It ju st m ight b e th a t som e fairly sim ple efforts to im prove access have co n trib u ted to this result. ■ ■ Section funding discussion By Helen H. Spalding Associate D irector o f Libraries University o f Missouri-Kansas C ity A C R L’s B udget and F inance C om m ittee has b een reviewing how ACRL sections are fu n d ed w ithin th e overall divisional b u d g et and is now asking for your input. N othing is inherently w rong w ith how sections are fu n d ed w ithin th e division, b u t w ith th e c u rre n t level o f section participation, it may b e a good tim e to look at c u rre n t practice, inform th e m em bers, and d ocum ent th e funding structure. In an effort to examine section funding strategies and form ulate recom m endations for keeping th e cu rre n t practice— or for trying one th a t may be m ore responsive to th e priorities and needs o f m em bership— th e B udget and F inance C om m it­ te e is inviting all m em bers to atten d an open h e a r­ ing on section funding on Sunday, January 13, 1991, at th e ALA M idw inter M eeting, from 8:00 p.m . to 10:00 p.m . (location to b e announced). Your reaction to this article and feedback at th e open hearing is crucial to th e C o m m ittee’s ability to d e te rm in e if change is w arranted, and if so, how it can b e done in th e b est interests o f th e m em bers. Divisional dues are th e only source o f funds th e B udget and Finance C om m ittee has to support m em bership services, including Board support; statistics; advisory services; standards distribution; awards; com m ittees; sections; chapters and discus­ sion groups. W hen sections generate new activities (new sletters, for example) th a t req u ire financial support, or w hen new sections are form ed, th e ir funding m ust com e from this pool o f m em bership dues. Unless m em bership dues are raised to cover new activities, section budgets m ust be w eighed against o th e r m em b er activities. Traditionally, th e sixteen ACRL sections subm it th e ir annual budget requests, w ith justification b ased upon th e Strategic Plan, by D e cem b e r 1 each year. Based upon th e section’s initiative, th e c u rre n t division budget, and th e p ro jected division budget, th e B udget and F inance C om m ittee re c ­