ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 268 for the Commonwealth Campus Libraries section of the Pennsylvania State University li­ braries, University Park. G r a h a m R . H i l l has assumed the position of director of archives and special collections and administrative intern at the Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University, Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. M r s . S a n d r a H o f f m a n has assumed the duties of an acquisitions librarian at Montreal’s Sir George Williams University library, Canada. M i c h a e l H o o d is the new collections coordi­ nator at the library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Canada. C l i n t o n N. H o w a r d has been named as as­ sistant reference librarian at the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. S a r a h A. H u c k a b y has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science of The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as an assistant pro­ fessor. M r s . R e b e c c a R . I l g has joined the staff of the Georgia Southern College library, States­ boro, as serials librarian with the rank of In­ structor of Library Science. M r s . S a b i n a J a c o b s o n has assumed the po­ sition of chief reference librarian at the George Washington University library in Washington, D.C. M r s . R o s a J e n i s now cataloger of the Law Library, at the University of South Carolina. T h a d J o n e s has joined the Georgia Southern College library, Statesboro, staff as a member of the reference department. M a r j o r i e I. K e l l e y is the new head of the cataloging department at Mills Memorial Li­ brary of McMaster University in Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. M r s . N a n c y K u b e s h is now nonprint librari­ an at Sir George Williams University library in Montreal, Canada. N a n c y L e c l e r c is now reference librarian at the Science and Engineering Library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Can­ ada. M a r g a r e t M a c l e l l a n d has received ap­ pointment as systems librarian at Sir George Williams University library of Montreal, Can­ ada. D e b o r a h N e s s is the newly appointed ref­ erence librarian at Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library. P a u l O d u m is now the new business librari­ an at the University of South Carolina, Colum­ bia. D o n a l d O e h l e r t s is now director of li­ braries, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. E d w a r d O ’ H a r a has accepted an appoint­ ment as social science order librarian at the Mugar Memorial Library of Boston University. M a r g a r e t P e r t w e e has been appointed se­ rials librarian at the library of Sir George Williasm University in Montreal, Canada. J a m e s A. P o l l o c k is the new assistant li­ brarian of Central Virginia Community College. L i l l i a n R u b i n l i c h t has been named cata­ loging librarian at Sir George Williams Univer­ sity library in Montreal, Canada. M a r i l y n S a l a z a r has joined the American Library Association as minority recruitment specialist to direct the Illinois Minorities Man­ power Pilot Project, a program funded by the Illinois State Library and administered through the ALA Office for Recruitment. J o n S. S c h u l t z has become law librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. M r s . T a f i l a A. S p e n c e is the new acting as­ sistant reference librarian at McMaster Univer­ sity’s Mills Memorial Library in Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. C a r o l e e T o l o t t i has been appointed as reference librarian at Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library. B a r b a r a v o n W a h l d e has assumed the po­ sition of associate director for technical process­ ing at the University of West Florida library. J o h n K. W a l t e r s joined the cataloging staff of the University of South Carolina libraries, Columbia, on July 15. ■■ Classified Advertising N O T IC E Respondents to adve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty “ rank” and “ status” are advise d th a t these term s are a m biguo us and should in q u ire as to benefits in v o lv e d . A ll a dve rtisem ents s u b m itte d by in stitu tio n s o ffe rin g p o sitions must in clu d e a salary range. The ra n g e shou ld’ p ro v id e the a p p lic a n t w ith an in d ic a tio n o f th e sa la ry the in s titu tio n is w illin g to p ro v id e fo r th e p o s itio n o ffe re d . A ll a dve rtisem ents fo r th e Positions W a n te d and th e Positions O p e n cla ssifica tio n s w ill be e d ­ ite d to exclude d ir e c t o r in d ire c t references to race, creed, c o lo r, age, and sex as co n d itio n s o f em p lo ym e n t. 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