ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 220 Continuing Education Opportunities The following continuing education activities have been listed with ACRL’s Continuing Educa­ tion Clearinghouse. If your organization is spon­ soring an activity that you think may be of inter­ est to ACRL members, please send the pertinent details to the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. July 25-28; 30-Aug. 2— Statistics: Statistical Methods for P rofessio nal L ib rarian s: W orkshop I — “Simple Statistical Methodologies”; Workshop II—“Statistical Analysis of Library Data Using S P S S ,” Department of Conferences and the Library School, University of Minnesota. Contact: John S. Vollum, Program Director, Department of Conferences, 222 Nolte Center, 315 Pillsbury Drive S E , M inneapolis, MN 55455; (612) 373-3157. August 5 -1 1 — M anagement: “Executive D evelopm ent Program for Library Administrators,” Seminar, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Fee: $295. Contact: Harry Brooks, D irector, C enter for Management Services, School of Business Ad­ ministration, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056; (513) 529-4129. 6-1 7 — Federal Libraries: “Federal Library Re­ sources,” Institute, Graduate Department of Library and Information Science, Catholic Uni­ versity, Washington, D.C. Contact: Graduate Department of Library and In fo rm ation S c ie n c e , C a th o lic U n iv ersity , Washington, DC 20064. 1 3 -1 6 — D a ta B a se s: Sy s te m — SD C / O R BIT , Files— G E O R E F , PA PERCH EM , E R IC , On- Line Bibliographic and Information Systems, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. F ee: $150. Contact: Professor Allen Kent, Room 801, Li­ brary and Information Sciences Building, Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; (412) 624-5218. 15-17— Management: “Assertiveness Training for Managers,” Center for Management Develop­ ment, Seminar, College o f Business and Man­ Midwest Library Service's University Press Selection Plan Offers a Big Extra! It’s a Pre-Publication Catalog This catalog is the only one of its kind in our industry and by using it a librarian can MONITOR University Press Publishing. The catalog is pro­ duced tw ice a year in a revised, updated form. It’s still another example of how we a tte m p t to a n tic ip a te a l ib r a r y ’s n e e d s and to o ffe r s e r ­ vices accordingly. For more information on this plan, call us on our Toll-Free WATS Line 1-800-325-8833 Missouri Customers Call Collect: 0 -314-739-3100 Ask for Mr. Lesser "19 Years of S erv ice to College and U niversity Lib ra ries" Midwest Library Service 11443 S t. C h a rle s R o ck Rd., B rid g e to n , M o. 6 3 0 4 4 221 a g e m e n t, U n iv e r s ity o f M ary lan d , C o lle g e Park, M D 20742. F ee: $455. C o n ta ct: C e n te r for M an agem en t D e v e lo p ­ m ent, above address. S e p te m b e r 1 7 -2 0 — D ata B ases: System — B R S , F ile s — PSY A BS, N T IS, IN S P E C , O n-L ine Bibliographic and In fo rm a tio n S y s te m s , U n iv e r s ity o f Pittsburgh Graduate School of Library and In­ formation Scien ces, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. F ee: $150. Contact: Professor Allen Kent, Room 801, Li­ brary and Information Sciences Building, Uni­ versity o f Pittsbu rgh, Pittsbu rgh, PA 15260; (412) 624-5218. 2 7 -2 8 — Technology: “Technology and Services in Academic Lib raries: Past and F u tu r e ,” Sym ­ posium , J . Y. Jo y n e r L ib rary , E a st C arolina University, G reenville, North Carolina. Contact: Library Symposium, J. Y. Joyner L i­ brary, E ast C arolina U niversity, G reen v ille, NC 27834; (919) 757-6514. 2 7 -3 0 — Statistics: “Statistical Methods for Profes­ sional Librarians,” Workshop, Graduate School o f Library and Inform ation Stu dies, Rutgers University and Continuing Education and E x ­ tension, University of M innesota, Continuing Education C enter, Rutgers University, Doug­ lass Campus, New Brunswick, New Jersey. C ontact: Jana V arlejs, D ire c to r, Professional Development Studies, Rutgers G S L IS , 4 Hunt­ ington St., New Brunswick, NJ 08903. O c to b e r 4 -6 — Space Planning: “Space Planning and Prac­ tic a l D e s ig n for L ib r a r ia n s ,” W o rk sh o p , Northwestern University and Chicago Associa­ tion of Law Libraries Library Management and Planning Group, Dallas Hilton, Dallas, Texas. F ee: $200. C o n tact: Aaron C o hen A ssociates, Teatow n Rd., Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520. ■■ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL DRAFTED FOR NATIONAL p e r i o d i c a l s c e n t e r The National Commission on Libraries and In ­ formation Science (N C LIS) has approved in prin­ ciple a draft legislative proposal for the creation o f a N ational P e rio d ica ls C e n te r (N PC ). T h e commission, meeting in Chicago May 17 -1 8 , ap­ proved the draft as a vehicle for discussion of NPC at library and trade association m eetings this summer. The draft legislative proposal provides for the c r e a tio n o f a sem ia u to n o m o u s, g o v e r n m e n t- su pported N PC co rp oratio n . T h is corp oration would maintain a collection of periodicals to be used for duplicating and delivering documents on demand. It would contract with other agencies or institutions to provide requested documents not in its own collection. D is c u s s io n and te s tim o n y at th e M ay 18 N C LIS meeting made clear that key NPC issues have not been resolved. O ne such issue centers on the definition and size of the collection NPC would maintain. Suzanne Frankie of the Associa­ tio n o f R e s e a rc h L ib r a r ie s su g g e ste d to the N C LIS commissioners that NPC should have its own “d edicated” collection of 6 0 ,0 0 0 titles and oversee a larger “comprehensive” collection of ti­ tles held by other institutions. Carol Risher, representing the Association of American Publishers (AAP), expressed the view that N PC ’s “dedicated” collection should not du­ plicate already existing resources and delivery services. According to Risher, most AAP m ember presses already provide reprints, and she sug­ gested that technology is rapidly cre a tin g the basis for an efficient decentralized delivery sys­ tem. The Bowker Company, she said, is putting U lrich ’s P e r io d ic a ls D ir e c to r y on -lin e. U lric h ’s could be used as a finding list for information on the availability o f reprints or copies of articles in 100,000 or more periodicals. Existing technology would permit a quick search of the data base to locate an item , and an electronic message deliv­ ery system might be used to cre ate an order. Risher advised that the NPC should itself collect only those titles unavailable elsewhere. The commission faced the question of how far to go in setting forth detailed operating speci­ fications for NPC. E rnest Campbell, C en ter for Research Libraries board chair, urged the com­ mission to focus its efforts on obtaining broad enabling legislation for the cen ter and allow the cen ter’s future managers to work out the details of its operations. A rep resentative of the Inform ation Industry Association warned the commission against pre­ senting to Congress a plan that did not specify what the costs o f the system would be, whether it w ould b e c e n tr a liz e d or d e c e n tr a liz e d , and w hether it would supplement or supplant existing services. The commission concluded that further study is necessary to flesh out the details of the NPC pro­ posal. It au thorized its R esea rch C o m m ittee, headed by Carlos Cuadros, to study the probable costs and functions o f NPC, the role of the pri­ vate sector, the impact o f new technology, and the tim etable for implementation. At its m eetings in Ju ly and S e p tem b e r, the commission will consider the reactions of other organizations to the draft legislative proposal and the results of its Research Com m ittee’s work. ■■