ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 228 “designed to teach the p rin cip les underlying AACR 2, rather than a detailed knowledge of the rules themselves.” • William Kaufmann In c., Los Altos, Califor­ nia, has issued Vol. 1 of Victor Bonham-Carter’s A uthors b y P rofessio n ($11.95). This new book gives an account of professional authorship from the fifteenth century to the beginning o f the twentieth century and demonstrates “how authors and dramatists have practised their profession; their contractual and personal relations with pa­ trons, publishers and promoters; their situation under the law of copyright; their standing with the public; their part in the trade of books and periodicals and presentation of stage plays; their professional organisations.” • ALA has recently published the third edition of its B o o k B ait: D etailed N otes on Adult B o o k s P opular with Young P eo p le ($4 paper). Included are 100 titles, only 20 of which have been re­ tained from the previous edition. • W riting th e D o c to ra l D isserta tio n : A S ys­ tem atic A p p roach is a new publication from Bar­ ron’s ($3.95 paper). Authors Gordon B. Davis and Clyde A. Parker state their purpose is “to assist doctoral candidates in completing a better quality dissertation in a shorter tim e.” Subjects included are choice of an adviser and a dissertation com­ m ittee; predissertation developm ent activities; selection of a topic; preparation of the proposal; time schedules and budgets; working with the adviser; defense; and eventual publication. • Barbara Hanson Pierce’s J u n io r Y ear in B rit­ ain (Peterson’s Guides, 1979, $7.95 paper plus $1.75 postage and handling) gives information on programs available at fifty-three university units in England, Scotland, and Wales and is designed to assist American college sophomores in plan­ ning for a junior year abroad. • The N ation al C o lleg e D a t a b a n k ‚ Karen G. Hegener, editor, is a new reference work from Peterson’s Guides ($7.95 paper plus $1.25 post­ age and handling). This guide is an “academic book of lists,” presenting information in tabular form about undergraduate programs of more than 2,500 U.S. colleges and universities— e .g ., admis­ sions facts, entrance difficulty, expenses, financial aids, special programs, unusual majors. • J. B. Post, map librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia, is the author of An Atlas o f F a n ­ tasy, a revised edition of which has recently been published by Ballantine Books ($ 8 .9 5 paper). Maps included range from More’s U topia and Bunyan’s Pilgrim s P rogress to such recent crea­ tions as A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh country, Al Capp’s Slobbovia, Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County, and Austin Wright’s Islandia. • Martha Jane Soltow and Jo Ann Stehberger are the authors of a new bibliography of reference works on employer-employee relations, Indu strial R elations an d P erson n el M anagem ent: S ele c te d Inform ation Sources (Scarecrow, 1979, $11). ■■ Classified Advertising N O TIC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty ‘‘rank" and “ status" are advised that these terms are am biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the “ Posi­ tions Open” classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all “ Positions Open." Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have suffi­ cient lead time to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers must list closing dates no sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the AC RL office at (312) 944-6780. A con­ firming order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line to ACRL members; $2.25 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Individu­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s membership status. FOR SALE A M É R IC A L A T IN A : revista de la Academ ia de Ciencias de la URSS, Institute de América Latina: $9.00; 4 números anuales. Im­ ported Publications, Periodicals Dept., 320 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610. BOOK C O LLE C TIO N S : Economics and Political Science— approx. 800 titles in each. Call Collect (212) 777-4700, Roy Young or write, Abrahams Magazine Service, 56 E. 13th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10003. M ARV B R O A D B E N T , Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. MODERN C H IN A . Major Research and Documentary Collections. All topics. 7,000 volumes plus. Reasonable. Write M. Frazin, ERAC, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited. S E A R C H S E R V IC E . Ex-librarian s locate titles or subject, plus 150,000 indexed stock. P A B 2917 Atlan tic, Atlan tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/344-1943. T E A C H E R S ’ G U ID E TO O VE R S EAS T E A C H IN G . A complete direc­ tory of English-speaking schools and colleges in more than 150 foreign countries, where American and Canadian educators may apply for employment. Available from: TE A C H OVERSEAS, Box 2748, La Jolla, C A 92038. $10. Library of Congress C.C. #77- 81788. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T D EP AR TM EN T H EAD — S E R IA LS A C Q U IS IT IO N S L I­ B R A R IA N . University of California, Santa Barbara. Responsibilities: Assists the Department Head in planning and procedures for a De­ partment which receives 13,500 current periodicals and serials, domestic and foreign, with a staff of 31. Has major responsibility for serials acquisitions including supervision of the Serials Order Section (5.2 staff members). Qualifications: Requires MLS from ac­ credited program or equivalent; at least three years' experience in serials acquisitions or processing in an academic library; demon­ strated supervisory ability; and a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. Appointment: The salary range of the librarian se­ ries is $12,924-$29,496. Initial appointment will be at the Assistant or Associate level within the range $14,268-$17,388 depending on qualifications and experience. Applications with resum és and names and addresses of three references should be sent to K. C. Blean, Assistant University Librarian, Technical Services, University of California, Santa Barbara, C A 93106 before July 31, 1979. The University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 229 A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N : Cataloger to work in all subjects, all for­ mats. Experience with LC, AACR, OCLC, and MARC formats pre­ ferred. Cataloger expected to share in library’s strong commitment to public services by serving at the reference desk, assuming liaison responsibilities with an academic department and possibly participating in library instruction. MLS from ALA-accredited school required. Salary $12,000 maximum. 12-month appointment. Send letter and resumé, and have 3 letters of recommendation forwarded on your behalf, by July 30 to Edith Frankel, Chairperson, Personnel Committee, Frederick W. Crumb Memorial Library, State University College, Box 655, Potsdam, NY 13676. An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer. A S S IS T A N T LIB R A R IA N , Reference, Rare Books, and Manuscripts at Tannahill Research Library. Qualifications: MLS; experience in reference department of academic or special library. Minimum of two years’ experience in rare books and/or manuscripts. Second degree in Am e rica n studies or e qu ivalen t preferred . Salary minimum: $14,000, commensurate with experience. Position open immediately. Send resumés: Attention: Librarian, Tannahill Re­ search Library, Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum, Dear­ born, Ml 48121. Equal Opportunity employer. A S S IS T A N T LIB R A R IA N (A S S IS T A N T A C Q U IS IT IO N S /S E R IA LS LIB R A R IA N ). Responsible for specific acquisitions/collection de­ velopment activities and for the operation of the Serials Section of the Acquisitions/Collection Development Department. This position involves the supervision of the serials support staff consisting of six full-time employees and good working relationships with faculty members and librarians engaged in book/material selection. Appli­ cants must have a graduate degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school. Previous serials experience is required, and familiarity with OCLC and automated acquisitions systems pre­ ferred. A master's degree in a subject field is required for promo­ tion and tenure. Salary: $12,144 to $16,716 annually (for twelve months). Librarians are classed as academic employees having a 12-month work year, with a 10-month option plan available. Bene­ fits include liberal vacation and sick leave, an excellent retirement system, and group health and life insurance plans. Affirmative Ac­ tion, Equal Opportunity, Title IX Employer. Send letter of inquiry and a resumé to: Angelina Martinez, Acting Director, University Li­ brary, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. Position is available September 1, 1979. Deadline for re­ ceipt of applications is July 31, 1979. AS S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N — T E C H N IC AL SERVICES. The University of Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to fill an im portant adm in istrative position. Th e Assistan t U n ive rsity Librarian— Technical Services has administrative responsibility for the four technical services departments: Acquisitions, Catalog, Loan, and Serials. The four departments are comprised of 22 pro­ fessional librarians plus more than 80 FTE of clerical and other support staff. Required: ALA-accredited degree and four years of professional library experience in technical services operations in an academic library, at least half of such experience in a supervi­ sory or administrative capacity. Experience with automated library services will be given special consideration. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona have faculty status, but 12-month ap­ pointments with 22 days per year of paid vacation and 12 days of sick leave. The salary range is $22,000-$25,000 per year depend­ ing upon length and type of experience as well as special academic training or other background. Send inquiries and resumés to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. C ATALOG LIB R A R IA N . Responsible for original cataloging of print and non-print materials in all subject areas. ALA-accredited MLS required; knowledge of Spanish and French or German; knowledge of current developments in cataloging; experience with LC and OCLC; ability to supervise staff in absence of head cataloger; sec­ ond master’s degree in the humanities or sciences desirable. Fac­ ulty rank. Salary range $12,000-$ 16,000 and fringe benefits. Twelve-month appointment. Send letter of application, resumé of education and relevant experience, and three names of references who are knowledgeable of applicant’s qualifications for the position to: Helvi Walkonen, Librarian, Northern Michigan University Library, Marquette, Ml 49855. Applications close July 31, 1979. Northern Michigan University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. C IR C U LA TIO N L IB R A R IA N . Dynamic person needed to head Cir­ cu lation Departm ent with autom ated system , circu lation of 350,000, ILL, reserves. Require ALA-accredited MLS; two years minimum relevant professional experience, preferably in a college or university library. Faculty status. Salary: $14,000-$ 19,000. Posi­ tion open July. Send resumés to: James De Lancey, Associate Li­ brarian, Georgetown University, 37th and 0 Streets, NW, Washing­ ton, DC 20057. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. C OLLECTION DEVELOPM ENT HEAD. Responsible for overall op­ erations of division and developing and implementing Libraries’ ma­ terials budget and collection development policies. Serves as liaison regarding collection activities between Libraries and University community. Represents Libraries in local, regional, state coopera­ tive development efforts. REQUIRED: MLS, minimum of 3 years’ experience in academic or research library with substantial acquisi­ tions experience; proven administrative, supervisory ability; demon­ strated success in working with faculty. PREFERRED: additional master’s degree; familiarity with automated systems and various purchasing processes. Available Sept. 1, 1979. Minimum salary $15,000. Send resumé and names of 3 references to Pamela Won- sek, University of Missouri/St. Louis Libraries, 8001 Natural Bridge, St. Louis, MO 63121 by Ju ly 31, 1979. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIB R A R IE S : SUN Y College at Potsdam, a multipur­ pose College of Arts and Sciences with an enrollment of 3,900 undergraduates and 750 graduates, seeks applications for the posi­ tion of Director of Libraries. The Library has two separate sites, a service-oriented staff of 34, holdings of over 275,000 volumes and 267,000 non-print items, and a budget of $706,614. The Director will provide leadership to the Library staff and work with the College community to ensure that service reflects the mission of the College and the needs of the students and faculty. Applicants should have five years of experience in a comparable post in an academic li­ brary, a history of continuing professional growth and a thorough knowledge of library services, college archival development, instruc­ tional media and the use of computers. The MLS, as well as a doc­ torate in a pertinent subject area field, is preferred. Salary range: $19,500-$27,300. Application, résumé, and at least three letters of re ference should be sent by August 15 to Peggy Overfield, Chair— Search Committee, F. W. Crumb Memorial Library, SUN Y at Potsdam, Box 700, Potsdam, NY 13676. An EEO/AA Employer. DIRECTOR OF L IB R A R IE S . The University of Alaska, Fairbanks in­ vites applications to replace retiring director of Alaska’s largest academic library, which includes a biomedical branch and a de­ partment of media services. WLN—affiliated; 750,000 vols. including microforms and a major collection on Alaska and the Polar Re­ gions; budget in excess of $1.5 million; FTE staff of 67 including 17 professionals. Residential cam pus of 3,200 students and 340 teaching and research faculty. Associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degree programs. Applicants must meet requirements for faculty appointment as Associate Professor or Professor; Salary range $42,000-$54,000. Excellent benefits including retirement. Q U ALIFICATIO NS. ALA-accredited MLS required; doctorate desir­ able. Broadly based administrative experience including fiscal and personnel management in an academic/research library; creative and responsive record in planning, managing, and evaluating li­ brary and media programs; eight years’ progressively responsible li­ brary experience; demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with library faculty and staff and the university community; knowledge of automation, networks, instructional technology and resource shar­ ing; demonstrated professional leadership in librarianship and higher education. Experience in m ultiunit systems desirable. DUTIES. Coordination of library personnel, activities, and facilities, incuding library education, staff development and continuing edu­ cation; budget preparation and management; coordination with campus institute libraries, as well as with state and other university libraries and networks; guide collection growth and library services to support campus master plan. The Director of Libraries reports directly to the Chancellor of the Fairbanks campus. Position open September 1, 1979. Applications accepted until position filled. Send application, resumé, transcripts and names of three refer­ ences to: Dr. F. Lawrence Bennett, Chair, Library Director Search Committee, Office of the Chancellor, University of Alaska, Fair­ banks, AK 99701. The University of Alaska is an EEO/AAO em­ ployer. HEAD , C IR C U L A T IO N D E P AR T M E N T , Michel Orradre Library, University of Santa Clara. Works in circulation, shares with other li­ brarians in duties of the reference desk on weekends, supervises a support staff of 3 and approximately 3 FTE student assistants. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school, supervisory ability, interest in automation, pleasant disposi­ tion. Minimum salary: $12,444 p.a. The University offers an excel­ lent benefit package. Selected candidates will be interviewed on campus. Available September 1, 1979. Apply by July 31 to Dr. Victor Novak, University Librarian, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA 95053. Equal opportunity employer through Affirmative Action—M/F/H/Title IX. HEAD, GEORGE A R E N TS RE SE AR C H LIB R A R Y FOR S PEC IAL C O L L E C T IO N S . Syracuse University Libraries. Responsible for management of the collection development, public services and technical services activities in the areas of Rare Books, Manu­ scripts and Archives. ALA-accredited MLS and considerable experi­ ence in Special Collections, with expertise in either Rare Books, Manuscripts or Archives required. Advanced subject degree or an equivalent combination of education and experience is also neces­ sary. Salary: $18,558+, depending on qualifications. Send resumé by August 1, 1979, to: Molly A. Ostwald, Personnel and Budget Li­ brarian, Syracuse University, 100 Bird Library, Syracuse, NY 13210. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. 230 H EAD OF T H E EAS T AS IA N LIB R A R Y. Academic Credentials: a. MLS or AM LS required, preferably from an accredited library school, or equivalent foreign certification, b. a Master's or PhD de­ gree or other evidence of solid academic background in the subject field required. Language Requirement: a. reading knowledge of Chinese, b. reading knowledge of Japanese. Instructional Capabil­ ity: A strong interest in or demonstrated competency in teaching preferred. Rank: Appointment at an appropriate faculty rank. The appointment will be a twelve-month appointment (A). Appointment w ill be e ffec tive O cto ber, 1979. Deadline for re ceipt of applications— August 1, 1979. Salary: The minimum starting salary for Instructor is $15,800 (for Assistant Professor— $17,400), with 22 days of vacation and usual fringe benefits for the University of Minnesota faculty. Job Description: As Head of this unit, the indi­ vidual will also act as bibliographer and is responsible for (a) collec­ tion development, (b) reference, (c) instruction, (d) administration of the subject library, and (e) faculty liaison. The University of Min­ nesota is an equal opportunity employer. Send application and de­ tailed resumé and names of three references to: Clarence Carter, Personnel Officer, University of Minnesota, 499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. H E A D , S C IE N C E L IB R A R Y . U n iversity Library, U n iversity of California, Santa Cruz. Reports to University Librarian. Respon­ sibilities: form ulates policy and procedures for branch library; supervises staff of 1 librarian, 5 library assistants, 5 -1 0 student as­ sistants; provides traditional and computer reference services and library instruction; selects material in one or more disciplines for science collection of 135,000 volumes; serves as member of li­ brary’s principal administrative body. Qualifications: MLS degree and degree in natural sciences (preferably life sciences) or equiva­ lents; substantial administrative experience in academic or research institution, supervisory and strong communication skills required. Experience with computer reference services, space planning, li­ brary instruction preferred. Appointment level: $15,840-$22,788. Position available October 1, 1979. Send resumé and names of three references by August 30 to Katherine Beiers, McHenry Li­ brary, University of California, Santa Cruz, C A 95064. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, S O C IAL SCIEN CES . Syracuse University Libraries. Respon­ sible for the management of the collection development and public services activities in the Social S ciences Departm ent. A L A - accredited MLS and considerable supervisory and collection de­ velopment experience required. Graduate degree in a Social Sci­ ence or an equivalent combination of education and experience re­ quired; graduate degree in Political Science or Public Administra­ tion preferred. Salary: $16,326+ depending on qualifications. Send resumé by August 1, 1979 to: Molly A. Ostwald, Personnel and Budget Librarian, Syracuse University, 100 Bird Library, Syracuse, N Y 13210. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. L IB R A R IA N — H E A D S C IE N C E -E N G IN E E R IN G . U n iversity of Arizona. To adm inister public services operations in a branch S cience-Engineering Library containing 250,000 volumes and 450,000 microforms. Responsibilities: Supervision of 5 professional librarians, 8 career staff members, and several student aides; col­ lection development; provision of innovative reference service; planning, budgeting, and establishment of internal policies and procedures. Qualifications: Degree from an A LA-accredited library school, minimum of 3 years’ experience in an academic science library and demonstrated supervisory, planning and communication abilities required; substantial course work in science and experi­ ence using on-line literature search systems preferred; knowledge of German or Russian and ability to speak Spanish helpful. Hiring salary: $19,500-$22,000, depending on experience and qualifica­ tions. Faculty status, 12-month appointment, 22 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send resumés, including list of 3 references, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Public Services Librarian, Main Library, Univer­ sity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. L IB R A R IA N , R E F E R E N C E . Baker Library, Harvard Business School. Provides information and bibliographic assistance, includ­ ing on-line search services, to library users; prepares and revises short bibliographies for publication; monitors new acquisitions for materials of interest to faculty and students; participates with other department members in bibliographic instruction; decides on refer­ ence acquisitions. Qualifications: MLS; strong academic record; graduate degree in economics or social sciences and knowledge of on-line searching desirable; 2 -3 years of reference experience re­ quired. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: $14,800+. Available August 1. Applications to Mary Chatfield, Librarian, Baker Library, Soldiers Field, Boston, MA 02163. DIRECTOR CENTER FOR RESEARCH LIBRARIES The Center for Research Libraries is seeking qualified applicants for the position of its third director, effective July 1, 1980, upon the retirement of the present director. The Center for Research Libraries is a non-profit organization, founded in 1949, which now has an international membership of 180. The purpose of the Center has been to acquire by any appropriate means materials needed for research but not readily available in its members collections and to provide rapid and assured access to these mate­ rials. The Center has a staff of more than fifty and its collections currently exceed three and a half million volumes. The Center is the point of access for its members to the collections of the British Library Lending Division. A major building program is currently in the planning stage. The Center is governed by its Council in which every member institution is equally represented. The Council elects a Board of Directors which elects a chair. Candidates qualified for the position of Director have proven their administrative skills in large academic organizations; they have the ability to deal effectively with funding agencies; they possess knowledge of the need for and use of information resources in research; they have successfully managed major changes in organizational scope and mission; they have the ability to direct a membership organization; they can relate the role and program of the Center to national and international developments through interaction with na­ tional leaders. Nominations or applications of qualified candidates are invited by September 1, 1979, appointment salary upper $30,000 or higher. A s an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative/Action Em ployer, C R L especially invites nominations of qualified women, minority and handicapped candidates. C. Jam es Schmidt Center for Research Libraries Search Committee University Librarian Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 401-863-2162 231 L IB R A R Y E D U C A TO R : The School of Library Service, Columbia University, is reopening its search to fill a faculty vacancy beginning in the 1980-81 academic year. Requirements: earned doctorate; appropriate professional experience and teaching experience. Spe­ cialty needed: library automation and information science. Teaching load: three courses per semester. Rank: assistant professor. Salary: minimum $16,000; additional compensation for summer session. T IA A -C R E F and Blue Cross-Blue Shield fully paid by University; major medical. Send vita to Professor R. Kathleen Molz, Chairper­ son, Search Committee, School of Library Service, Columbia Uni­ versity, New York, NY 10027, bv October 1, 1979. Columbia Uni­ versity is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. M U SIC C A TA LO G E R : Responsible for cataloging scores for the College-Conservatory of Music Library. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. Works closely with Music Librarian and Record Librar­ ian in formulating and integrating cataloging policies and proce­ dures for scores and phonorecords. Master’s degree in library sci­ ence and Ba che lor’s degree in m usic necessary. Experience cataloging scores in an academic library and familiarity with the OCLC system highly desirable. Salary: Dependent on qualifications ($11,000 minimum). Send resumé and list of references by August 1, 1979, to Robert Johnson, Music Library, 101 Emery Hall, Uni­ versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. R E AD ER S ’ SER VIC ES LIB R A R IA N . Effective August 1, 1979. Bib­ liographic instruction, circulation and interlibrary loan, general ref­ erence duties in a Christian liberal arts institution. Required: MLS; second Master’s degree in academic discipline preferred; at least two years reference experience in an academic library; demon­ strated leadership qualities. Rank and salary depends upon qualifi­ cations. $11,500 minimum, plus fringe benefits. Resumés to Dr. H. Glenn Sumrall, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Liberty Baptist College, P.O. Box 1111, Lynchburg, VA 24514. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N in department providing unified refer­ ence service. Must have formal preparation for reference work and training or background which would facilitate computerized data base searching. Salary range $12,144-$19,488, depending on academic preparation and professional experience. Minimum qual­ ifications: graduate degree from ALA-accredited library school. Fil­ ing deadline: 30 September 1979. Obtain further information and application form from University Librarian, California State Univer­ sity, Fresno, CA 93740. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Under the direction of the Assistant Di­ rector for Reference and Collection Development Services and working with the Coordinator of Reference Services has the follow­ ing responsibilities: Provides general reference service during as­ signed hours at service points, in c lu d in g som e evening and weekend hours. Participates in developing policies and procedures for the Reference Services Unit. Assists in the development and management of the reference collection and services. Library fac­ ulty at S U N YA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in one or more of the areas of teaching, research, and service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications-. MLS from an A L A - accredited Library School. At least three years’ recent reference ex­ perience in an academic library required. Experience with govern­ ment publications desirable. Salary and Rank: Rank and salary commensurate with education and experience. Recruitment range: $14,500-$19,000. Twelve months appointment; sick leave and an­ nual leave @ 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major medical, hospitalization and dental insurance. Social security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Retirement available (em­ ployee contribution rate = 3 % ). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. In­ quiries should be received by August 31, 1979. The University at Albany is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Appli­ cations from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. R E FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N & B IO L O G IC A L S C IE N C E S B IB L IO G ­ R AP H ER. Under the direction of the Assistant Director, Reference and Collection Development Services, has the following respon­ sibilities: Provides general reference service during assigned hours at the Department’s reference desks including some evening and weekend hours. Serves as Bibliographer for the Department of Biological Sciences. Selects, develops and reviews this subject col­ lection. Provides bibliographic instruction and serves as liaison with the faculty and students of this Department. Searches on-line sci­ ence data bases using BRS and Lockheed (B IOSIS, ChemCon, etc.). Library Faculty at S U N YA are expected to fulfill faculty obliga­ tions in one or more of the areas of teaching, research, and service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited Library School. Undergraduate major and/or ad­ vanced study in some area of the biological sciences preferred. At least 2 years' relevant experience in an academic or special library subsequent to receipt of MLS required. Demonstrated experience in computerized bibliographic searching highly desirable. Salary and Rank: Rank and salary commensurate with education and ex­ perience. Recruitment range: $13,800-$19,000. Twelve months appointment; sick leave and annual leave @ 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major medical, hospitalization and dental insur­ ance. Social security coverage. TIAA/CR EF or New York State Teachers Retirement available (employee contribution rate = 3%). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, U niversity Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washing­ ton Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by A u g u st 31, 1979. Th e U n ive rs ity at A lb a n y is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. R E FER EN CE L IB R A R IA N W ITH LAW S P E C IA LIZ A T IO N , Central Michigan University. Reports to the Head Reference Librarian and provides general reference service with staff of other subject spe­ cialists in main library Reference Department. Responsibilities in­ clude: Legal reference service, bibliographical instruction including classroom prese ntation s, fo rm u la tin g and e x e c u tin g o n -lin e searches of bibliographical data bases, participation in collection development. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least 2 years of appropriate reference experience, or a law degree or other ap­ propriate advanced degree required. Salary: $13,000 or higher on a ten-month appointment, adjustable in accordance with qualifica­ tions and experience; tenure track position; full faculty privileges; rank dependent on academic qualifications; excellent fringe bene­ fits; summer employment possible, with additional compensation. Apply by August 30, 1979 to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. CM U is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All per­ sons, including women, members of minority groups, and the handicapped, are encouraged to apply. S CIEN C ES C ATALO G E R . Responsible for original cataloging and classification of scientific and technological m onographs in all Roman alphabet languages. Other duties may include liaison with subject specialists and other assignments of a professional nature. Requirements: 1. MLS; 2. academic degree in physical or biological science; 3. proficiency in European languages. Salary $12,924- $15,000 (expected to increase July 1, 1979). Applications must be received by July 31, 1979. Send resumé to Keith C. Blean, Assis­ tant University Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. An equal opportunity-affirmative action employer. S E R IA LS L IB R A R IA N , Central Michigan University. Responsible for all functions of Serials/Microforms Department, including main­ tenance of on-line OCLC serial records and public service provided in Microforms area. Supervises Microforms Librarian and clerical staff. Coordinates with bibliographers in building serial and mi­ croforms collections. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least 3 years of progressively responsible serials-related experience; dem­ onstrated administrative ability; ability to work with other technical and public service departments; strong bibliographic knowledge of serials; familiarity with automated library systems, preferably OCLC. Subject Master’s desirable. Salary: $13,400 or higher on a ten- month appointment, adjustable in accordance with qualifications and experience; tenure track position; full faculty privileges; rank dependent on academic qualifications; excellent fringe benefits; summer employment possible, with additional compensation. Apply by August 30, 1979 to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, Park Li­ brary, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. CMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All persons, in­ cluding wom en, members of m inority groups, and the handi­ capped, are encouraged to apply. S O C IA L S C IE N C E B IB L IO G R A P H E R : Responsible for the de­ velopment of the Social Science (History, Sociology, and Psychol­ ogy) collections and doing original cataloging in these fields. Provid­ ing classroom bibliogra ph ic instruction and perform ing com ­ puterized literature searches. Requires M .L.S ., knowledge of French or German, subject master’s in history or sociology pre­ ferred. Salary: $12,000-$13,000 for a twelve-month period. To ap­ ply, send letter of application, resumé, transcripts, and placement credentials to: Roy H. Fry, Loyola University Library, 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S L IB R A R IA N — H E A D , N EW D E P A R T ­ MENT. Present strength is in Archives and Manuscripts. Materials consist of literary, business, and professional papers; institutional archives of the university’s academic campus. Major book collec­ tion is Samuel Johnson. Minimum requirements: accredited library science master's degree; public service orientation; ability to or­ ganize archives and special collections with practical inclination to developing a full-service department; public relations ability; 3 -4 years' experience. Salary competitive, at least $12,000, usual fringe benefits, administrative faculty rank, affirmative action/equal oppor­ tunity employer. Apply to Bruce M. Hurlbert, Assistant Director of University Libraries for Academic Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284.