ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research L No. 9, October 1973 ACRL i b New r s a Issu r e i (B e ) o s f College ne & w Resear s ch Libraries, Vol. 34, No. 5 Committee Appointed to Revise C o l l e g e Library Standards Norman E. Tanis, president of the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries, has ap­ pointed Miss Johnnie E. Givens, librarian, Aus­ tin Peay State University, chairman of the com­ mittee to revise the 1959 Standards f or C o lleg e L ibraries. Project director is David Kaser, pro­ fessor, Graduate Library School, University of Indiana. Other members of the committee are Barbara G. LaMont, librarian, Vassar College, David L. Perkins, head bibliographic librarian, California State University, Northridge, James W . Pirie, librarian, Lewis and Clark College, and Herman L. Totten, associate dean, College of Library Science, University of Kentucky. The present committee continues the work on revision begun by the committee chaired by Stanley McElderry in 1970. ACRL received the 1973/74 J. Morris Jones —World Book Encyclopedia—ALA Goals Award to continue the revision. The aim of the project is to prepare new standards for college libraries that will take account of the many sig­ nificant changes in higher education that have occurred since adoption of the 1959 standards. The revised standards will be based upon care­ ful definition of goals, explicit recognition of as­ sumptions, comprehensive identification and searching evaluation of the relevance of the evidence to the goals, and clear formulation of criteria of judgment. The committee met in Chicago, August 7, 1973. Future meetings have been scheduled for November 6, 1973, and December 18, 1973. The committee will meet during the 1974 mid­ winter meeting of the American Library Asso­ ciation in January 1974 and will conduct hear­ ings during the 1974 annual meeting in New York, July 7 -1 3 . ■ ■ ACRL Membership Meeting, 1 9 7 3 Russell Shank, the president of the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries, presid­ ed at the 1973 membership meeting of the as­ sociation held Monday, June 25, 1973, in the Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. The minutes of the 1972 membership meeting were approved. Dr. Shank summarized his annual re­ port to the membership ( C R L N ew s, July/Au­ gust 1973) and introduced the newly elected officers of the association. Beverly Lynch, ex­ ecutive secretary of A CRL reported on some of the activities of the headquarters staff. Action of the ACRL Board of Directors Dr. Shank reported on three actions taken by the ACRL Board of Directors at its meeting that morning: C o lle g e & R esearch L ib r a r ie s is p u b lish ed by th e A s so cia tion o f C o lle g e a nd Research L ib ra rie s , a division of th e A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A sso ciation, 17 tim e s y e a rly — 6 b im o n th ly journa l issues a n d I I m onthly, c o m b in in g J uly- A u g u s t N ews issues a t 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M o . 45251. S ubsc rip tio n , $15.00 a y e a r o r, to m em b ers o f th e d ivision, $5.00, in c lu d e d in dues. C irc u la tio n a nd a d v e rtis in g o ffic e : A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A sso ciation, 50 E. H u ro n St., C h ic a g o , I I I . 60411. Second-class pos ta ge p a id a t Fulton, Missouri 65251. News e d ito r : A lla n Dyson, M o f f it t U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry , U niversity o f C a lif o r n ia Berkeley California 94720. Associate News e d ito r - Susana H in o io s a, Ass stant L ib ra ria n , R e ference D e p a rtm e n t, M o ff i t t U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry . E d i t o r R ic hard M . D o u g h e rty U n iv ers ity L ib ra ry , U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley, C a lifo rn ia 94720. President, A C R L : N o rm a n Tanis. Executive Secretary, A C R L : Beverly Lynch, A L A .