ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 85 FBI Commendation The board endorsed the resolution by Patricia Ann Sacks com m ending th e F ed eral B ureau of Investigation for its handling of the Shinn case (American Libraries, February, p. 110). G u id elin es for E x ten d ed Cam pus L ibrary Services The b o a rd v o ted to a d o p t th e se g u id elin es, which were form ulated by th e Standards and Ac­ creditation Com m ittee. The full text appears in this issue on pp. 86-88. Legislation Committee The bo ard e n d o rse d th e “ACRL Legislative Policy and G eneral G uide to Legislative Action” drafted by th e com m ittee. The full text of this docum ent appears on pages 94-96 of this issue. The board also approved the final draft of the ALA Legislation C om m ittee’s docum ent, Federal Legislative Policies Sup p o rted by the American Library Association. Operating Agreement The board endorsed the D ecem ber 1981 ver­ sion of “An O perating A greem ent b etw een the A m erican L ib ra ry A sso ciation an d Its M em ­ b e rsh ip D iv isio n s,” and c o m m en d ed th e ALA C om m ittee on Program Evaluation and Support (COPES) on “its effectiveness in capturing the spirit, principles, and substance of previous dis­ cussions in this docum ent which should serve as a p ro d u c tiv e basis for f u r th e r re la tio n sh ip s and negotiations.” Publications in Librarianship T he bo ard ap p ro ved th e reco m m en d atio n of th e Publications C o m m itte e th a t A rth u r Price Young be appointed the next editor of this series. The board also approved the com m ittee’s pro­ posal th at th e Executive D irecto r of ACRL be charged to negotiate with ALA Publishing and other publishers for im proved contract term s for PIL and other in-house publications; and that any ro y alties accru in g from th e se ries be d iv id e d equally betw een the author and ACRL. L aw ren ce J. W ilt, chair of th e Publications Com m ittee, informed th e board that the com m it­ tee would be reviewing the viability of the Publi­ cations in Librarianship series in 1985, following the completion of evaluative criteria. Satellite Teleconference The board a p p ro v ed th e reco m m en d atio n of the Budget and Finance C om m ittee that ACRL forward $1,000 to ALA’s Library and Information Technology Association in support of a satellite teleconference of the ALA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. ■ ■ C&RL News Guidelines for Submission of Articles or Columns I. Purpose of C&RL News College & Research Libraries News is the of­ ficial news magazine of ACRL, a division of the American Library Association. Its purpose is to record significant activities of ACRL and to report news about academic and research libraries. As official ACRL news m a g a z in e /C &KL News main­ tain s a re c o rd of s e le c te d /a c tio n s and policy statem ents of the association and publishes timely reports on the activities of/ACRL and its sections, c o m m itte e s , d iscu ssio n g ro u p s, co u n cils, and chapters. As a vehicle for communication among college and research librarians, C&RL News reports news items p e rtin e n t to academic and research librar­ ianship, including inform ation on bibliographic instruction, continuing education, appointm ents, collection acquisitions, grants to lib raries, and publications (brief notices). The editor bears responsibility for th e contents of each issue of C&RL News. Materials selected by the editor m ust be newsworthy, timely, and of practical value to people in the field. The editor has authority to decide what m aterial is appropriate for p u b licatio n , b ased on th e following guidelines. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in m aterial selected for publication in o rd er to standardize style or improve clarity (except official ACRL docum ents, p resid en t’s letters, and similar material). Formal, theoretical, or research-oriented arti­ cles in ap pro p riate for C& RL News will be for­ warded to the editor of College & Research Li­ braries for review. II. Length Articles and columns should be no more than 2,000 words and no less than 500 words. III. Style C&RL News style is informal, b u t informative and accurate. IV. Content M aterials selected should fall into one of the following categories: a. Reports on a project, program , or research underw ay or recently com pleted dealing with a topic rele v an t to academ ic lib rarian sh ip . F o o tnotes 86 sh o u ld b e m in im al an d c h a rts o r tab le s avoided. T hese rep o rts may b e p relim in ary d e ­ sc rip tio n s o f p ro g ra m s or re s e a rc h to b e p u b ­ lished formally at a later d ate in library literature (e.g., “O n lin e Searching and C hem istry S tudents at Knox,” F eb ru ary 1982). b. Reports on a rec e n t conference or workshop of in te r e s t to a ca d e m ic or r e s e a rc h lib ra ria n s (e.g., “Second International C onference on U ser E d u catio n ,” N ovem ber 1981). c. Reasoned and inform ed speculation or com­ m en t on a relevant topic, especially if solicited by th e e d it o r o r an official A C R L g ro u p ( e .g ., “E nem ies of Books,” O ctober 1981). d. State-of-the-art reports on a relevant topic (e.g., “E ducation for C om m unity College L ib rar­ ian sh ip,” S ep tem b er 1981). e. Standards, guidelines, or recom m endations of an ACRL c o m m ittee o r o th e r official ACRL g ro u p (e.g., “ G u id e lin e s for Two-Year C ollege Learning Resources P rogram s,” January & F e b ­ ruary 1982). V. Manuscript A u th o rs sh o u ld s u b m it tw o c o p ie s, d o u b le ­ s p a c e d , fo llo w in g e i t h e r th e U n iv e r s ity o f Chicago’s Manual o f Style or Turabian. VI. Requests for Donations C &R L News may occasionally p rin t req u ests for th e donation of books or m aterials to libraries, especially foreign libraries, w hich have suffered extensive loss thro u g h fire, h u rrican e, or o th e r n a tu ra l d isa ster. O th e r lib raries soliciting con­ tributions for o th er reasons will be refe rred to th e rates for classified advertising in C & RL News. E ditor’s Note: These guidelines were adopted by the C& RL N ew s E d ito ria l B o a rd at th e M id ­ w inter meeting on January 25, 1982. The board c o n s is ts o f J a y K. L u c k e r ( c h a i r ) , L i n d a B e a u p r é , C a t h e r i n e R e ic h e r t, P a tricia Glass S c h u m a n , J e a n M. W h a l e n , a n d H i r a m L. Davis. ■ ■ G uidelines for E x ten d ed Cam pus L ib rary Services F o r e w o r d In January 1980, th e ACRL Standards and Ac­ creditation C o m m ittee u n d erto o k th e review o th e 13-year-old “G uidelines for L ibrary Services to Extension S tu d en ts” to d e te rm in e if a revision of these guidelines was appropriate. M em bership of th e C o m m itte e at th e tim e this p ro je c t was first discussed included M arjorie C. D ennin, di recto r of learning resources, Annandale Cam pus N o rth ern Virginia C om m unity College; James T Dodson, (chair), director, U niversity of Texas a Dallas Library; Jane G. F len er, associate d irec tor, U niversity of M ichigan Libraries; P e te r C Haskell, director, Franklin and M arshall College Library; G eorge V. H odow anec, d irecto r of th e library, E m poria State University; Jay K. Lucker d ire c to r o f lib raries, M assachusetts In s titu te o T echnology; E liz a b e th M. Salzer, lib rarian , J H en ry M eyer M emorial L ibrary of Stanford U ni v ersity L ibraries; and B arbara J. W illiam s J e n kins, director, South Carolina State College Li b ra ry . S in ce J u n e 1980, th e fo llo w in g m e m b e rs h ip c h a n g e s h a v e o c c u rre d : P a tric ia A nn Sacks, d ir e c to r of lib r a r ie s , M u h le n b e rg an d C edar C rest Colleges, rep laced Jam es T. Dodson as chair of th e com m ittee, and Ire n e B. Hoadley director of libraries, Texas A & M U niversity, re placed Jane F lener. Following a survey of th e ACRL m em bership a draft of proposed revised guidelines for library services to extension stu d en ts was p re p a re d and fu rth er responses w ere solicited. H earings w ere f h e ld d u rin g th e 1981 ALA M id w in te r C o n fe r­ en ce. T h e p u b lis h e d d raft was re v ise d by th e C o m m ittee to reflect testim ony and w ritten r e ­ sponses, and ap p ro ved by th e ACRL Board on January 26. ­ , I n t r o d u c t i o n . Changing p attern s w ithin h igher education d u r­ t ing th e last few decades have placed b ro ad er d e ­ ­ m ands on library reso u rces and services. F o u r . factors have n e c e ssita te d th e rev ie w of lib rary services to extension students: th e grow ing im ­ portance of continuing education and off-campus , program s; th e op en adm issions policy at m any f colleges and un iv ersities and th e corresponding . c h a n g e in th e s t u d e n t b o d y ; p r o lif e r a tio n of ­ a c a d e m ic p r o g ra m s a n d an in c r e a s e in th e ­ n u m b e r of locations at w hich th ey are offered; ­ and, new technological advancem ents and the in ­ ­ crease in th e complexity and quantity of inform a­ tional reso u rces. T h ese exogenous factors have called for a review of library services on th e main cam puses and have n ecessitated th e revision of , th e g u idelin es of lib rary service for co n tin u in g ­ education and off cam pus services. “G uidelines for E x tended Cam pus Library S er­ , vices” supersede th e 1957 “G uidelines for Library Services to Extension S tu d e n ts.” The change in