ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1984 / 497 P E O P L E Profiles D ora Biblarz has been appointed associate uni­ versity librarian for collection development at the Arizona State University Libraries, effective Au­ gust 1. Biblarz has been head of collection and ac­ quisition services at Arizona State since 1980. She came to ASU from the University of New Mexico where she was acting assistant dean for li­ brary collections in 1979-1980 and head of acquisi­ tions in 1978. She was acquisitions librarian and as­ sistant head of the departm ent at the University of California, Davis, from 1972 to 1978. Biblarz received an MLS and a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a m aster’s in French literature from the Uni­ versity of California, Davis. She is active in RTSD and the Arizona State Library Association, and is a member of the University Microfilms International Customer Advisory Council. Her writings have ap­ peared in College & Research Libraries, Shaping Library Collections fo r the 1980s, and Library Leadership: Visualizing the Future. D avid H. Brunell has been named executive di­ rector of the Bibliographical Center for Research, Denver. He succeeds JoAn Segal, ACRL’s new ex­ ecutive director, effective October 1. As assistant network coordinator of LC ’s Federal L ibrary and Inform ation Network (FEDLINK), Brunell has served as the administrative and tech­ nical officer for their training and autom ated ser­ vices program , and was promoted to th at position follow ing th re e years as n etw o rk lib ra ria n at FEDLINK. He was previously employed by BCR in 1977-1979 as systems specialist, providing train­ ing and technical assistance on both the OCLC and RLIN systems. His other professional assistance in­ cludes work as Ibero-American cataloger at the University of New Mexico, and as research assistant for the Early Modern English Dictionary at the University of Michigan. Brunell received his MLS degree from the Uni­ versity of Michigan and holds a master’s degree in European history and a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of New Mexico. The current chair of the LIT A Legislation and Regulation Committee, Brunell is also Federal Li­ brarian’s Round Table representative to the RTSD Cataloging, Description and Access Committee. He has served on the steering committee of the O CLC Inter-Network Quality Control Council for two years and on the OCLC ILL Subsystem Advi­ sory Committee for three years. He currently rep­ resents FEDLINK on the OCLC Serials Control Subsystem Advisory Committee. W illiam D eJohn has been appointed director of the Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications E xchange (M IN ITE X ), effective Ju n e 13. He conies from the Univer­ sity of W a sh in g to n , where he was head of its reso u rce s h a rin g p r o ­ gram . P reviously De- John was director of the Pacific N orthw est Bib­ lio g ra p h ic C e n te r. M IN IT E X , located at the University of Minne­ sota T w in C ities L i­ braries, has a mission to facilitate resource shar­ ing am ong libraries in W illiam D ejohn M innesota, N orth D a ­ kota, and South Dakota. Before assuming his duties as director of PNBC in 1977, D ejohn was senior consultant in library c o o p e ra tio n fo r th e Illin o is S tate L ib ra r y (1974-1977) and coordinator of statewide loan ser­ vices at the Missouri State Library (1968-1974). Previously D ejohn served as community affairs li­ brarian at the Missouri State Library and as refer­ ence librarian at the Carnegie Library of Pitts­ burgh. A graduate of the University of Missouri, D ejohn holds an MLS from the University of Pitts­ burgh G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science. A very active m em ber of ALA, D ejohn has served two terms on ALA Council and was the first coordinator of ALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table. He has chaired the ALA Committee on Pro­ gram Evaluation and Support (COPES) and its D i­ vision Interest Special Committee. He is currently a member of the ALA Planning Committee, the ALA Nominating Committee, the ALA Task Force on Excellence in Education, and the LITA Tele­ com m unications C om m ittee. He has served as president of the Association of State Library Agen- 498 / C&RL News cies, and as consultant to the Center for Research Libraries on issues related to interlibrary coopera­ tion and resource sharing. Mary Sue F arrell has been appointed Faxor Company sales representative for the Mountain/ Plains states. Prior to joining Faxon, Farrell was di­ rector of the Learning R esources C e n te r at W estern Nevada C om ­ m unity College, Carson City. Farrell was president of the Nevada L ibrary Association in 1983, and served as c h a ir in 1983-1984 of A C R L ’s Community and Junior College L ibraries Sec­ tion. She holds a bache­ lo r’s degree in history Mary Sue Farrell from the University of N evada, an MLS from the University of Kentucky, and an MRA from Golden Gate University. Farrell will be headquartered in Carson City and will be responsible for Faxon’s client relations within the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Bruce M. Manzer has been appointed chief of the New York Public L ibrary’s Science and Tech­ nology Research Center, effective August 13. Man­ zer was most recently visiting professor at the G raduate School of L ibrary and Information Sci­ ence at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Prior to th at he served as head librarian and asso­ ciate professor of library science at the University of Bahrain (1981-1983), and science librarian at Il­ linois State University. He has also held positions at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, the Glidden Company in Baltimore, Lawrence Ra­ diation Laboratory in Livermore, California, and has served as editor of the Chemical Abstracts Ser­ vice Source Index. In addition to visiting appointments at the Uni­ versity of Denver and the University of Washing­ ton, Menzer has held a Fulbright professorship at the University of Cairo (1978-1979), w here he taught courses in modern technology in libraries and information resources in science and technol ogy. He has also served as a consultant to the Minis try of Education in Bahrain, the U.S. Agency for International Development in Cairo, and the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Cairo. Among other publications, Manzer is the author of The Abstract Journal, 1790-1920: Origin, De velopm ent, and Diffusion (Scarecrow, 1977). A g rad u ate of Union College, Schenectady Manzer received his MLS from the University of Michigan and his Ph.D . from the University of Chicago. He is a member of Beta Phi Mu and th e Fulbright Alumni Association. Cynthia Steinke has been appointed director of the Institute of Technology Libraries at the Univer­ sity of M innesota, effective Septem ber 1. She comes to M innesota from the University of Illin o is a t C h icag o , where she has served as head of the Science Li­ brary since 1972. Prior to her present responsibilities, Steinke served as a reference li­ b r a r ia n a t th e Jo h n C rerar Library, chief of stu d e n t reference ser­ vices at the Illinois Insti­ tute of Technology, and Cynthia Steinke assistant science librar­ ian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. A graduate of the Michigan State University, Steinke also holds a certificate from the Institute de Phonetique at the Sorbonne. She received her MLS from the University of Illinois, U rbana, and has taught at the G raduate School of Library Science at Rosary College. She has delivered papers on sci­ ence and technology reference services and science librarianship as a career. Steinke has served as c h a ir of th e Science- Technology Division of the Special Libraries Asso­ ciation (1981-1982) and chair of the Sci-Tech Sub­ ject Interest Group of the Illinois State Library (1978-1980). Paula N. W arnken has been appointed director of libraries at Xavier University, Cincinnati. She was formerly acting director and head of reader services at Xavier. W arnken received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and her MLS from Kent State University. She is currently completing work at Xavier on a master’s degree in personnel training, education and development. W arnken serves as vice-president/president- elect of the Academic Library Association of Ohio, ACRL’s Ohio Chapter. People in the News Shonnie F innegan, university archivist at the State University of New York at Buffalo, has been elected vice-president/president-elect of the Soci­ ety of American Archivists. An active member of SAA, Finnegan has served on SAA Council, the SAA Executive Committee, and the National Ar­ chives Advisory Council. E dward G. H olley has returned to full-time teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Library Science. He had re­ quested to be relieved of his responsibilities as dean effective June 30. Holley has been dean of the School since 1972. He will be taking a leave during academic year 1985-86 to complete his biography October 1984 / 499 of Charles Harvey Brown (1875-1960) and work on other research projects. Robert B. Palmer has been aw arded the first Fulbright grant as a librarian to the People’s Re­ public of China for 1984-85. He is now a consul­ tan t, teacher, and coordinator of seminars and workshops at W uhan University. Palmer served previously as Fulbright librarian in Katmandu, Nepal, and Kabul, Afghanistan. His previous U.S. experience has included the posts of director of B arnard College L ibrary and assistant to the direc­ tor of Columbia University Libraries. Appointments (A ppointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th at your appointm ent appears, w rite to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Judith M. Amory has been appointed cataloger in the H arvard College Library. Jaia Barrett has been appointed program offi­ cer at the Association of Research Libraries, W ash­ ington, D .C . Cynthia Marie Bauer is now reference and in­ terlibrary loan librarian at Indiana University, Bloomington. Barbara M. Billey has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at San Juan College, Farm ington, New Mexico. Richard I. Blue has been appointed assistant professor in the University of Wisconsin School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science, Milwaukee. L isa Brainard has been appointed chemistry li­ b rarian at Swain Chemistry L ibrary, Stanford University. H ope Breeze has been promoted to cataloger at the Duke University Law Library, D urham , North Carolina. C atherine Brown has been appointed reference librarian in the E ducation and Psychology L i­ brary, University of California, Los Angeles. James C. Cain has been selected deputy chief of the Reference Services Division at the National Li­ brary of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Rhonda Carlson is now head of bibliographic services for Fred B. Rothman & Co., Littleton, Colorado. D eborahA. Carver has been appointed associ­ ate librarian for public services at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina. Jerry V. Caswell has been named head of li­ brary systems at Duke University, D urham , North Carolina. Sarah Churney has joined the Catalog D epart­ m ent at the Tulane University School of Law Li­ brary, New Orleans. D iane C laus has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at W illam ette University Library, Salem, Oregon. M ary E. C layton has been appointed acting law librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. C hristine L . C onroy has been a p p o in te d MARC specialist librarian at the H arvard Univer­ sity Library. D aniel D abney has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas, Austin. W es D aniels has been named librarian at the University of Miami Law Library, Coral Gables. Sharon D avis has been appointed information services lib ra ria n at the V anderbilt U niversity C entral Library, Nashville. C arol D rost has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at W illam ette University Library, Salem, Oregon. D avid E verett has been appointed reference and interlibrary loan librarian at Colgate Úniver- sity, Hamilton, New York. Margaret S. F allon has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Villanova University Law Li­ brary, Pennsylvania. Maury D. F eld has been named acting librarian of H arvard’s D um barton Oaks Byzantine Library, Washington, D .C. G retchen F eltes is the new conservation/re- ference librarian at the New York University Law Library. C laire G ermain has been named assistant li­ brarian for information services at the Duke Uni­ versity Law Library, D urham , North Carolina. Raquel German has been appointed reference librarian in H arvard’s Countway Library of Medi­ cine, Boston. Sara H eitshu has been appointed assistant uni­ versity librarian for technical services at the Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson. J effrey H eynen has been appointed program officer at the Association of Research Libraries, W ashington, D .C. Richard W. H ines has been appointed assistant engineering librarian for electrical engineering and computer science in the Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology’s Barker Library. Gladys H odapp has been appointed associate li­ brarian at the College of Insurance, New York. Janet S. H olly is now assistant reference librar­ ian at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington. Van H oulson is the new computer assisted ref­ eren ce service lib r a r ia n a t th e U n iv ersity of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. A. Ashley Jackson has been appointed head of the N ewspapers and M icroforms D ep artm en t, Duke University Library, D urham , North C aro­ lina. Susan Jurow has been named training program specialist at the Office of Management Studies, As­ sociation of Research Libraries, Washington, D .C. J oan Kaplowitz is now assistant librarian in the Education and Psychology Library, University of California, Los Angeles. Les Karpinski has accepted the position of West 500 / C &R L News European bibliographer at the University of British Columbia Library, Vancouver. Lois D. Kristjanson has been appointed Scan­ dinavian cataloger at the University of Washing­ ton, Seattle. Ann L aeuchli has been named associate librar­ ian at Yale University Law Library, New Haven, Connecticut. Roman Legedza has been appointed history and political science cataloger at W ichita State Univer­ sity, Kansas. L inda L eger has been appointed collections de­ velopment librarian at the University of W aterloo, Ontario. L inda L. Lester has been appointed director of reference services at the Alderman Library, Uni­ versity of Virginia, Charlottesville. John K. McAskill has been appointed head of the Catalog D epartm ent at M ontana State Univer­ sity, Bozeman. E llen J. McD onald has been appointed assis­ tan t librarian for reference in the Dewey Library, M assachusetts In s titu te of T echnology, C am ­ bridge. Neil McE lroy has been appointed head of the Access/Circulation D epartm ent at Cornell Univer­ sity’s Olin Library, Ithaca, New York. T homas M ann has joined th e firm of P eat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., San Francisco, as a sen­ ior consultant. Teresa M. Manthey has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Southern Cali­ fornia Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. P hyllis Marion has been appointed head of technical services at the William Mitchell College of Law Library, St. Paul, Minnesota. Mary Meredith has been appointed literature cataloger at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Sheila A. Milam has been appointed cataloger in the H arvard College Library. Sherry L. Montgomery has been appointed lit­ erature resource associate at the Merck Institute Li­ brary, Rahway, New Jersey. P atricia Ann M uir jo in e d th e sta ff of th e E dw ard G. Miner Library, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York, as cataloger. Kathryn Nesbit has been appointed reference librarian at the Edw ard G. Miner Library, Univer­ sity of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. Richard W . Newman has been named corporate vice president of D ata Phase Corporation, Shaw­ nee Mission, Kansas. Arlene N oble has been appointed assistant head of the Original Monographs Cataloging De­ partm ent, Columbia University. C hristopher Nolan has been appointed re- ference/instruction librarian in the College U nder­ graduate Library, University of California, Los Angeles. D ennis O lson has been named reference/educa­ tional materials center librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. Charles G. Palm has been named archivist of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. D avid L. Pribyl has been appointed head of cat­ aloging at Roosevelt University, Chicago. W endy Rice is now reference librarian at the University of Southern California Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. L orraine Rodich is the new reference and cir­ culation librarian at the University of Santa Clara Law Library, California. Beverly Rosignolo has been named chief li­ brarian of the College of Insurance, New York. Rebecca Schreiner has been appointed hum an­ ities librarian at W ichita State University, Kansas. D oris T. Shockley has been appointed assistant head of the Newspapers and Microforms D epart­ ment, Duke University, D urham , North Carolina. Brian Schottlaender has been appointed head of the Monographic Cataloging Section at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Beth J. Shapiro has been appointed associate di­ rector of libraries, Michigan State University, East Lansing. John A. Sherlock has been appointed assistant librarian in the Biological and Agricultural Sci­ ences D e p a rtm e n t, U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , Davis. J. Lynne Sinclair is now ORION user services librarian at the University of California, Los An­ geles. October 1984 / 501 Carol C. Spencer has been appointed adminis­ trative librarian in the Office of the Associate Di­ rector for Library Operations, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Stuart Spore has been appointed cataloging li­ brarian at New York University Law Library. Ramona Steffey has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian in the Vanderbilt University Science Library, Nashville. W illiam Taylor has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian in V anderbilt University’s Walker Management Library, Nashville. Kristi T ournquist has been appointed library a u to m a tio n sp ecialist a t th e U n iv ersity of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. D avid M. T urkalo has joined the Providence Public L ibrary staff as reference librarian in the Business Industry Science D epartm ent. W illiam Varga has been appointed public ser­ vices law librarian at the University of Tulsa Col­ lege of Law Library. Bob Veenstra has been appointed veterinary medical librarian at Auburn University, Alabama. T homas C. Volkening is now engineering li­ brarian at Michigan State University, East Lans­ ing. E dward M. W aller has been named head of technical services at the Duke Law Library, D ur­ ham , North Carolina. Mary Jane W alsh is the new reference and bib­ liographic instruction librarian at Colgate Univer­ sity, Hamilton, New York. L ouise G. W andel has been appointed cata- loger in the Tozzer Library, Harvard University. Shirlene W ard has been appointed fine arts/ humanities cataloger at W ichita State University, Kansas. R. Lee W arthen has been appointed associate law librarian at W ashington and Lee University Law School Library, Lexington, Virginia. L auren S. W illiams was appointed assistant head of the Public Documents and Maps D epart­ ment, Duke University Library, D urham , North Carolina. Michael W ofsey is now cataloger in H arvard’s L ittauer Library. L oretta Yaller is a new reference librarian at the Villanova University Law Library, Pennsylva­ nia. Retirements F rederick E. Bauer retired as associate librar­ ian of the American A ntiquarian Society, Worces­ ter, Massachusetts, on August 31, after 14 years of service to the Society. Sol Behar has retired as humanities librarian at the University of California, Berkeley, effective August 3. L ucy B. C ampbell, head of the Periodicals De­ partm ent at the H am pton Institute, Virginia, re­ tired August 31 after 21 years of service. Richard L. Darling has announced that he will retire at the end of next June as dean of the Colum­ bia University School of Library Service. He plans to enter the seminary as an Episcopal priest. D ar­ ling, a former president of ALA’s American Associ­ ation of School L ibrarians and the Freedom to Read Foundation, began as Columbia’s dean in 1970 after several years as director of the D epart­ ment of Educational Media at the Montgomery County (Md.) Public Schools. E ugenia E aton retired as head of the Public Af­ fairs Service in the University of California, Los Angeles, Research Library. She was also foreign docum ents lib ra ria n at UCLA until 1979 and worked in Cataloging from 1942 to 1946. M yra B. Kolitsch retired on July 31 as in- service training coordinator at the University of California, Berkeley, General Library. Violet Menoher retired on August 31 as docu­ ments librarian at the University of California, Santa B arbara, after 19 years of service. E stelle Rebec, head of the Manuscripts Divi­ sion at the Bancroft Library, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley, retired on August 31 after 29 years of service. H arold W ooster, special assistant for program development at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, retired at the end of May after more than 25 years of Federal service. Deaths H enry Muller Brimm, retired librarian and emeritus professor of bibliography a t Union Theo­ logical Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, died on August 1. Brimm was librarian of Presbyterian College in 1923-1925, and assistant librarian of the University of South Carolina in 1928-1930 before becoming librarian in 1930 and professor of bibli­ ography in 1940 at Union Theological Seminary. The Henry Muller Brimm C hair of Bibliography was established in his honor at the Seminary. He was a charter member and early president of the American Theological Library Association. Carol Riggs H olbrook, director of the Univer­ sity of Michigan Business Administration Library, died on July 19. M audie L inn Nesbitt, form er director for 27 years of the Andrews L ibrary at the College of W ooster, O hio, died on July 3. A g rad u ate of Wooster, class of 1925, she received her profes­ sional library training at Western Reserve Univer­ sity. D uring her tenure as director (1944-1971), Nesbitt was actively involved in the construction of Andrews Library (completed 1962) and was a prin­ cipal figure in upgrading the library’s collection. She was also active in library committees of the Ohio College Association during the 1950s which helped set the stage for the growth of O CLC. ■ ■ HOW LO N G WOULD IT TAKE TO ACQUIRE AN N UA L REPORTS FOR 3 .0 0 0 KEY NON-U.S. COMPANIES? AS LONG AS IT TAKES TO MAKE ONE PHONE C A LL No more time-consuming inquiries to individual companies. 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