ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 10 2 /C&RL News THEIDASSFELSDI C A Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC RL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $6.60 per line for institutions that are AC R L mem bers, $8.40 for others. Late jo b notices are $15.95 per line for institutions that are AC RL mem bers, $18.95 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in w hich the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the O ctober issue). All jo b announcem ents should include a salary figure. Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning among institutions. Contact: Classified advertising manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants fo r em ployment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or m ental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S O C IA T E LIB R A R IA N I, R eference Lib rarian . Th e U n ive rsity o f M aryland C ollege Park Libraries in v ile s a p p lica tio ns f o r th e position: A ssociate L ibrarian I, R e feren ce Lib rarian , H o rnbake R eference Services. Responsibilities: Provides general reference assistance; searchin g o f m a ch ine -rea da b le data ba ses; planning and conducting g ro u p in stru ction in th e use o f lib ra ry re so urce s; p re pa ra tion o f b ib lio g ra p h ic g uid e s a nd in stru ction al a id s; se lectio n o f m a terials and oth e r c o lle ction m a n ag em en t fu n ctio n s in a ssign e d fie lds; m a in tain ­ in g liaison w ith facu lty. Q ua lifica tio ns: R equ ired : A LA -a ccre dite d m a ster's d eg re e in L ibrary Science. A b ility to co m m u n ica te e ffe c ­ tive ly. D em onstrated stro ng p u b lic se rvice s o rie nta tion . Preferred: R eference expe rie n ce; e xpo sure to o nline data ba se s e archin g ; e x p e ­ rience in te a ch in g o r lib ra ry in struction. Salary: $ 2 2 ,1 7 7 m inim um . E xcellent benefits. For fu ll co nsid e ra tion , su bm it resum e a nd nam es/ addre sses o f th re e referen ces b y March 1, 1993. A p p lica tio n s a c ­ cepted until position is filled. Send re su m e to: Ray Foster, Personnel L ibrarian, L ibrary Personnel Services, M cKeldin Library, U niversity of M aryland, C o lle ge Park, MD 2 0742-7011. The U n ive rsity o f M aryland is an affirm ative action, equal o pportunity e m p loye r. M ino ri­ ties are e nco urag e d to apply. A U T O M A T IO N P R O JE C T C O O R D IN A T O R . H olston A ca d e m ic Li­ b raries (H AL) is a conso rtiu m o f fou r private a cad em ic lib ra rie s located in th e southern Appalachian h igh la n ds o f s o uth w est V irg in ia and n ortheast T e nn e ssee . HAL se eks a co o rd in a to r to w o rk clo se ly with the lib ra rie s in im ple m e ntin g a sh ared , in tegrated system . T h is five - year a uto m a tion pro ject w ill in clu de system e nh a n ce m e n ts w ith a va rie ty o f b ib liog ra p hic and full-te xt data ba ses. D uties: O versig ht of re tro spe ctive co nve rsio n ; in volvem en t in system p lanning selection and installation; config uratio n o f a te leco m m u n ica tion system ; and d eve lo pm en t of a training program for all users. Q u a lifica tio ns: the MLS (ALA) and a m inim um o f fiv e years o f lib ra ry a uto m a tion e xpe rie n ce with M ARC form a ts a nd O C L C . T h e ca n d id ate m ust have e xpe rie n ce w ith th e im plem entation and o p e ra tion o f o ne o r m ore in tegrated system s, in clu din g cu rre n t aw aren e ss o f so ftw a re and h ardw are optio ns. A cad e m ic lib ra ry e xp e rie n ce is p referred. E xcellen t interpersonal and c o m m u nicatio n skills to g e th e r w ith a dem on strate d se rvice o rie nta tion w ill be nece ssary. Salary fro m $ 40 ,00 0 w ith a b enefit p ackage th a t in clu de s health in suran ce , re tire m e nt, va catio n, and sick leave. T h e p ositio n is a vailab le im m ed ia tely. Please send a letter o f a p p lica tio n, resum e, a nd th re e cu rre n t references. A p p lica ­ tio n s will be received throu g h M arch 31 ‚ 1 993. F o r a fu ll pro spe ctus conta ct: R ichard Trollinger, Holston A cad em ic Lib rarie s, c /o E m ory & Henry College, Em ory, V A 2 4237. C A T A LO G IN G C O O R D IN A T O R . The C a talo g in g C o o rd in a to r will su pe rvise all n on exe m p t sta ff (cu rren tly seven a d a p tive cata lo ge rs and one lib ra ry assistan t). A ssist Team L ea de r w ith appro pria te personnel m atters. O versee tra in in g in ca ta lo g in g a nd a u th ority contro l fo r new hires. M aintain q u a lity contro l standards, p roduction stan d ards, and a ct as a resource p erson fo r so lvin g co m p le x auth ority and b ibliog ra p hic pro ble m s. C o ntribu te orig in al/e diting , cataloging, and a u th ority work. Keep up-to -d ate w ith LC and O C L C p olicies and ca ta lo ging practices as well as with national and in terna tion a l trends in b ib lio g ra p h ic c o ntro l as these relate to a u th o rity co ntro l and d ata ba se m a in ten an ce . Reports to the C a talo g in g Team Leader, R equired qua lifica tio ns: A LA -accredited M LS d eg re e; several ye ars' recent ca ta lo g in g e xpe rie n ce in a m e dium -sized a cad em ic o r la rg e ­ sized p u b lic lib ra ry, in clu din g ca ta lo ging in at le ast th re e M ARC form a ts o th e r than books and a ssign m e n t o f L ibrary o f C ongress cla ssifica tion a nd L C S H s u bje ct term s. E xpe rt kn ow led g e o f AAC R 2 and fa m ilia rity w ith e a rlie r ca ta lo g in g co de s. F a m iliarity w ith a b iblio ­ g ra p h ic utility. A b ility to w o rk w ith m aterial in fo re ig n languages. Experience w o rkin g with a local system . Supe rviso ry experience; dem on strate d skills in h um an re la tion s and a b ility to w o rk w ith m any levels o f sta ff in a rapidly ch a n g in g e nviron m e n t. E xcellen t o ra l and w ritten co m m u n ica tio n s skills; d em on strate d a bility to w rite p ro ce ­ d u re s and cre a te a p p ro p ria te d ocu m e nta tion . C o m p u te r literate; e xpe rie n ce with w ord p ro cessin g and sp re ad she e ts. A b ility to read one foreign language. P referred: Sub je ct ca ta lo ging sp ecia lty in one o r m ore o f the fo llow ing : a griculture, ve te rina ry m e d icin e, science, geography, and rare books. Experience with O CLC. E xperience with an autom ated system havin g a ca ta lo g in g m odule. Te nu re -tra ck position. Library fa cu lty m u st m eet u n ive rsity re q uirem en ts fo r p rom o­ tion and ten u re . Tw en ty-fo u r d a ys annual leave, tu ition rem ission, unusual benefits. A ssistan t or A ssociate P ro fe sso r ra n k. Salary: $30,000 m inim um . Send letter of a p p lica tio n, cu rre n t re su m e, and n am es, a d d re s s e s , and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f re c e n t re fe re n c e s to : J ill K e a lly, H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , T h e U n iv e rs ity o f T e n n e s s e e L ib ra rie s , 101 5 V o lu n te e r B o u le v a rd , K n o x v ille , TN 3 7 9 9 6 -1 0 0 0 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in M a rc h 15, 1 99 3, a n d w ill c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is tille d . U T K is a n E E O /A A /T itle IX / S e c tio n 5 0 4 /A D A e m p lo y e r. ED U C A TIO N L IB R A R IA N . T h is p ro ba tion a ry te n u re -tra ck positio n is resp on sib le fo r th e edu catio n co lle ction s in M e m orial Library, includ­ ing th o s e in th e E ducational Resource C enter, w hich su pp orts the C o lle g e o f E ducation’s p re -K to 12 p lu s tea ch er edu catio n program s. S erves a s c o lle ction d e ve lo pe r and liaison to th e d e p a rtm e n ts in the C o lle ge o f E ducation. A p p lica n ts m u st d e m o n stra te the follow ing: m a ster's d eg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre dite d library s ch oo l; m inim um of tw o ye ars' pro fe ssio na l e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic library; u nd er­ g ra du ate o r g ra du ate d eg re e in an edu catio n fie ld; e xpe rie n ce in re feren ce o r b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ction ; and good o ra l and w ritten c o m m u nicatio n skills. P reference w ill be given to a p p lica n ts w h o have dem on strate d th e fo llow ing : earned a second m a ster’s d eg re e in e ducation; d eveloped an edu catio n co lle ction ; w orked in a co m p a ­ rable e d u catio n al resource c e n te r; ta u g h t in an e le m e n ta ry or se c o n d ­ ary sch oo l; w orked with co m p ute rize d in form ation system s. Salary base fo r 168 duty days is betw een $29 ,50 0 and $ 3 5 ,8 5 7 d ep en d in g upon e xperience. Additional co m p en satio n w ill be paid if m o re duty days are availab le . C o m p le tion of second su bje ct m aster's d eg re e is a re q uirem en t fo r ten u re in th is position. M em orial L ibrary staff includes 25 librarians, 15 g ra du ate assistan ts, 2 4 cla ssifie d staff, and 180 stu d e n t assistan ts, its c o lle ction co n ta in s a pp ro xim a te ly 1 m illion bound volum es, 100,000 m aps, and o ve r 1 m illion m icrofo rm s. Public February 1993 / 1 0 3 D IR E C T O R O F L IB R A R IE S Xavier University Xavier University seeks nominations and applications for the position of Director of Libraries. Xavier is a Jesuit University servicing 6,500 graduate and undergraduate students. Xavier is a Jesuit university serving 6,500 graduate and undergraduate students. Xavier University Libraries, comprising McDonald Memorial Library, Lodge Curriculum Center, and Audio Visual Services, has an annual budget of $1.4 million, astaff of 24, and acollection of 350,000 volumes, incorporating many electronic resources. The library implemented Innovative Interfaces automated integrated system in 1990. The Director of Libraries administers all aspects of the university libraries; provides strong, creative leadership and vision for a service-oriented, forward-looking library; promotes the library and provides outreach services; understands and introduces appropriate newtechnologies;communicates well with library staff, faculty, and administration to assure the library plays an integral role in the curriculum. Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director of Libraries must understand the library’s role in a comprehensive liberal arts institution and the impact of new technologies on higher education and information resources. QUALI FICATIONS: ALA-MLS; second master’s degree preferred. Demonstrated leadership abili­ ties, strong oral and written communication skills, and experience with new technologies and resource­ sharing required. Significant academic library and management experience, with minimum of 10 years of progressive responsibility in libraries required. Successful experience working with library long-range planning and budget development and implementation also required. Grant writing experience. Letter applications should include a statement of the role of the academic library as we approach the 21 st century. Closing date for nominations and applications is March 15, 1993. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience with a$50,000 peryear minimum. The position will be available June 1 ,1 99 3 . Please sent letters of nomination or application resumes and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Director of Libraries Search Committee Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs Xavier University Cincinnati, OH 45207-3160 Xavier University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. services are a vailab le a pp ro xim a te ly 100 h ou rs p e r w e ek during the a cad em ic year. C irculatio n e xcee ds 500 ,00 0 p e r year, and library attendance a ve ra g e s 2 4,0 00 p e r w e ek. M e m orial L ibrary is hom e to M S U S /PA LS, an in teg ra ted o nline library system w hich has o ve r 3.5 million re co rds in its b ib lio g ra p h ic d ata ba se and se rve s 5 5 p u b lic and p rivate a cad em ic and state in stitutio n lib ra rie s in M innesota and South D akota. O nline re feren ce d ata ba ses in th e P ALS system include BCL, E RIC, and IAC. A pp lica tio n fro m w o m e n, m inorities, and all pro te cted cla sses are enco urag e d. A p p lica tio n s m u st be p ost­ m arked b y M arch 3 0 ,1 9 9 3 . A pp ly to : Th o m a s M. Peischl, D ean o f the Library, M a nk ato S ta te U niversity, M SU Box 19 - P.O. Box 8400, M ankato, MN 56002-8400. HEAD, B IB L IO G R A P H IC M A IN T EN A N C E , Kan sa s S tate U niversity Libraries. Th e b ib lio g ra p h ic m ain ten an ce u n it s u pp orts th e b iblio ­ gra ph ic contro l and d ata ba se building a ctivities f o r the Kansas S tate U niversity Lib raries in tegrated o nline cata lo g, L YN X, a N O TIS -ba se d system . R e spo n sib ilitie s: M a n ag em en t a nd m a in ten an ce o f th e b ib ­ liographic d ata ba se a nd a u th ority file , o versee s d ata ba se m a in te ­ nance p erfo rm ed th ro u g h o u t the libraries, including bibliographic, holdings, and item d a ta a d d itio n and co rre ction ; o ve rse e s physical processing o f m aterials; selectin g , tra in ing , d ire cting , a nd evalu a ting 5 p arap ro fe ssio n al staff. W e a re se ekin g a u n it hea d w ith the vision and e n e rg y to take an a ctive role in u n it and d e p artm en t plan n in g in a d yn a m ic a nd ch a lle n g in g a ca d e m ic e nviron m e n t. Q ua lifica tio ns: R equired: M L S fro m an A L A -a ccre dite d lib ra ry sch o o l; 2 ye a rs ’ e xp e rie n ce in ca ta lo ging o r ca ta lo g m a n ag em en t in an auto m a te d e n viro n m e n t u sing A AC R 2, LC su bje ct h ea ding s and c la ssifica tion a nd M AR C fo rm a ts; fa m ilia rity w ith a b ib lio g ra p h ic u tility, p referably O C LC ; kn ow led g e o f p rin cip les o f a u th o rity c o ntro l in an autom ated e nviron m e n t; d em on strate d su p e rviso ry ca p a b ilitie s; e xcellen t oral and w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n s skills; a bility to w o rk e ffe ctive ly w ith all levels o f staff. D e sira b le: A u th ority co ntro l e xp e rie n ce using NOTIS. T h is p erson re p o rts to th e C h a ir o f th e B ib lio g ra p h ic C o ntrol Depart­ m ent, co n sistin g o f 7 lib ra ria n s and 14 su p p o rt staff. S a la ry: $ 24 ,00 0- 2 6,0 00 fo r a tw e lve -m o n th a pp o in tm e n t. V a ca tio n o f 2 2 w o rkin g days and e xce lle n t benefits. L ibrarian s a t KSU L ibraries h ave fa cu lty status and m a y earn ten u re . A 2 8 m illio n d o lla r expansion /re no vatío n o f the L ibraries is u nderw ay. M a n ha tta n is a co m m u n ity o f 4 5,000 situated in th e rolling F lint H ills w ith a v e ry m o d era te co st o f living. R eview o f a p p lica tio n s w ill b e g in F e brua ry 15. S end le tte r o f a p p lica ­ tio n, re su m e, nam es, a d d re sse s, a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ces to: M. Je an M cD onald, A dm in istra tive Services, Kansas S ta te U n iv ers ity Libraries, M a n ha tta n , K S 6 65 06 . K SU is an equal o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tive a ctio n e m p loye r. W o m e n and m ino ritie s are e n co u ra g e d to apply. HEA D O F P U B LIC S ER VIC E S . Penn S ta te H a rrisburg is seeking an innovative, service -o rie nte d librarian to h elp d evelop th e se rvice and staffing in fra structu re fo r its p lan n ed library o f th e futu re . Responsibili­ 104/C&RL News tie s in clu d e : P ro v id in g le a d e rs h ip in th e e n h a n c e m e n t o f tra d i­ tio n a l a nd e le c tro n ic in fo rm a tio n s e rv ic e s ; s u p e rv is io n o f lib ra ry fa c u lty a nd s ta ff in re fe re n c e , in te rlib ra ry lo an , c irc u la tio n , and p e rio d ic a ls ; d e v e lo p m e n t a n d tra in in g o f fa c u lty a nd s ta ff in the e le c tro n ic in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g ie s ; p a rtic ip a tio n in re fe re n ce , c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n , o n lin e s e a rc h ­ ing, a nd C D -R O M s e rv ic e p ro v is io n ; d e v e lo p m e n t o f o u tre a ch s e rv ic e s fo r b u s in e s s , in d u s try , s ta te g o v e rn m e n t, n o n -p ro fit in s titu tio n s , a nd th e g e n e ra l p o p u la tio n o f S ou th C e n tra l P e n n s y l­ v a n ia . Q u a lific a tio n s : M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; a t le a s t 5 ye a rs o f p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e , in c lu d in g 2 ye a rs o f s u p e rv i­ s o ry e x p e rie n c e in p u b lic s e rv ic e s ; u n d e rs ta n d in g o f th e e v o lv in g in fo rm a tio n e n v iro n m e n t in a c a d e m ic lib ra rie s a n d s c h o la rly c o m m u n ic a tio n ; e v id e n c e o f in n o v a tio n in p u b lic s e rv ic e s d e liv ­ e ry ; e x c e lle n t o ra l, w ritte n , a nd in te rp e rs o n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills ; e v id e n c e o f s ig n ific a n t s c h o la rly a nd p ro fe s s io n a l c o n tri­ b u tio n s a n d p o te n tia l. A d d itio n a l a d va n ce d d eg re e d e s ira b le . S a la ry a nd ra n k: D e p e n d e n t on q u a lific a tio n s , m inim um $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . T e n u re -tra c k p os itio n . B e n e fits in clu d e lib e ra l v a c a tio n , e x c e lle n t in s u ra n c e p a c ka g e s, sta te , o r T IA A /C R E F re tire m e n t o p tio n s, a nd e d u c a tio n a l p riv ile g e s . F o rm a l re v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in M a rc h 1 5 ,1 9 9 3 , b u t a p p lic a tio n s w ill be a c c e p te d u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld s u b m it le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , re su m e , a n d nam es, a d d re s s e e s , a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs of a t le a st th re e re fe re n c e s to : C h a ir, H e ad o f P u b lic S e rv ic e s S ea rch C o m m itte e , c /o M s. S a n d ra Ja c k s o n , B ox C R L N , Pen n S ta te H a rris b u rg , 7 77 W e s t H a rris b u rg Pike, M id d le to w n , PA 170 57 - 4 8 9 8 . A n a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. W o m e n a nd m in o ritie s a re e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly. H ISTO R Y B IB LIO G R A PH ER /R EFER EN C E LIBRA RIAN. Require­ m ents: M LS (ALA-accredited). M inim um of 2 ye ars’ a cadem ic library e xperience in public services and /or collection d evelopm ent in the hum an itie s o r social sciences. D esired qua lifica tio ns: Advanced degree in the hum anities o r social sciences, preferably a Ph.D. in History. Dem onstrated ability to function well in an intellectually challenging environm ent providing services and collections fo r re ­ search-oriented students and faculty. Dem onstrated ability to w o rk effectively w ith colleagues in a com m on enterprise. Fam iliarity with traditional reference sources and w ith the technology required for effective public services. Responsibilities: W orks closely w ith tea ch ­ ing faculty and library staff to d evelop and m aintain the co llection in history (and other subjects d epending on candidate qualifications and library needs). Participates in general and specialized reference services, in user instruction, and in planning fo r public se rvice s and collection developm ent. Reports to the Hum anities, Social Science, and Education Librarian and m ust meet Purdue University require­ m ents (excellence in librarianship, research, and service) fo r tenure and prom otion. Salary: $26,000 and up depending upon qualifica­ tions. Sta tus and Benefits: Faculty status and responsibilities. Twelve- month appointm ent w ith annual vacation o f 22 days. Flexible benefit p rogram s are in effect as are TIA A-C R E F retirem ent and social security coverage. Application process: Send statem ent o f interest, resum e, list o f references to: Thom as L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Purdue U niversity Libraries, 1530 S tew art C enter, W e st Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. R eview o f applications w ill com m ence M arch 1,1993, and continue until position is filled. Equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. HUM AN RESOU RCES AND O RG A N IZA TIO N A L DEVELO PM ENT O FFIC E R University o f M innesota Libraries— Tw in C ities Campus. Reporting to the University Librarian, the Human Resources and O rganizational Developm ent O fficer is responsible fo r the leadership a nd m anagem ent o f .personnel, staff developm ent, training, and other o rganizational developm ent functions w ithin the L ibraries and fo r lia iso n w ith th e U niversity’s O ffice fo r H um an Resources. Also included a re .responsibilities fo r affirm ative action and equal e m ploy­ m e n t opportunity, coordination o f Total Q ua lity M anagem ent p ro­ gram s, and supervision o f the Libraries’ Personnel Office. Th e Univer­ sity o f M innesota— Tw in C ities Cam pus library system consists o f fou r m ajor libraries (St. Paul Central Library, W alter Library, Bio-M edical Library, and W ilson Library) and eleven branch libraries. T h ey contain 4 ,761,630 catalog volum es, 3,308,038 m icroform s, and subscriptions to 4 2,304 serials. Th e L ibraries p rovide more than 2 ,600 h ours of service p er w eek and serve a s the state’s m a jo r research library. The Libraries have a full-tim e staff o f 332 (114 Faculty/Professional/ Adm inistrative and 218 Civil S ervice/AFSM E em ployees). Q ualifica­ tio ns: R equirem ents fo r this position include a MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program (or foreign equivalent), at le ast 3 years of su pervisory experience in a large a cadem ic library, dem onstration o rganizational and leadership abilities, d em onstrated skills in written and oral com m unication and interpersonal relations, and an u nder­ standing o f the hum an re s o u rc e s fu n c tio n in a m a jo r re s e a rc h lib ra ry , a b ility to w o rk w ith a ll c a te g o rie s o f s ta ff (s tu d e n t a s s is ­ ta n ts , s u p p o rt sta ff, a nd a c a d e m ic s ta ff), a c o m m itm e n t to sta ff d iv e rs ity a t a ll le v e ls , a n d an u n d e rs ta n d in g o f c u rre n t is s u e s / tre n d s in th e o rg a n iz a tio n a l d e v e lo p m e n t and p e rs o n n e l are as. A t le a s t tw o y e a rs ' e x p e rie n c e in a h u m a n re s o u rc e s e n v iro n m e n t d e s ire d . A p p o in tm e n t: T h is a p p o in tm e n t w ill be in th e A c a d e m ic A d m in is tra tiv e s e rie s a nd w ill be fo r a fix e d -te rm (th re e ye a rs) w h ic h is re n e w a b le . M in im u m a n n u a l s a la ry is $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 . S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e and w ill d e p e n d on e x p e rie n c e a nd q u a lific a tio n s . A p p lic a tio n P ro c e s s : S u b m it a c u rre n t re su m e a nd n a m e s, a d ­ dresses, and phone num bers o f three people willing to serve as reference. Submit a brief statem ent describing your accomplishments related to organizational developm ent and the m anagem ent o f human resources in libraries. Also, include a brief statement describing your efforts/accomplishments at promoting diversity within the workforce of organizations where you have been employed. Send to Linda DeBeau- Melting, Libraries Personnel Office, 453 Wilson Library, 309 Nineteenth Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked by March 1 5,1 99 3. Please identify applications with UL#18. The Univer­ sity of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employm ent without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran, o r sexual orientation. Salary guide Listed below are the la test m inim um starting fig ures recom ­ m ended by state library a ssociations and the North Carolina State Library fo r P rofessional library posts in the se states. These recom m endations are intended fo r governm ental a gencies that e m ploy librarians. Th e recom m endations are advisory only, and A LA has n ot adopted recom m endations fo r m inim um salaries. For in form ation on librarian salaries, jo b seekers, and em ployers should co nsid e r the se recom m ended m inim um s, as well as other sa lary surveys (such as the survey in th e O ctob er 1 5 ,1 98 9, issue o f L ib ra ry Journal, the A L 4 S urvey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual A R L Salary S urvey, o r the annual C U PA Adm inistrative C om pensation S urvey) w hen e valuating professional vacancies. For m ore inform ation, co nta ct the ALA O ffice fo r Library Person­ nel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ lllinois $26,200# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 ‘ R ather than esta blish one statew ide salary m inim um , some state a ssocia tio ns h ave adopted a fo rm u la based on such variables as com parable salaries fo r pub lic school teachers in each com m unity o r the g ra de level o f a professional librarian post. In the se cases, you m ay wish to co nta ct the state a ssociation for m inim um salary information. +Salary m inim um s fo r pub lic librarians only. #Option fo r local form ula Pepperdine U niversity Malibu, California Director of Libraries Pepperdine University invites nominations and applications for the position of D irector o f Libraries. T his is the chief administrative officer o f the University library system serving Seaver College o f Letters, Arts, and Sciences; the Graduate School o f Education and Psychology; and the School o f Business and Management. T he system consists o f the central library in Malibu, and libraries at centers in Culver City, Long Beach, Irvine, and Encino, as well as the University’s Educational Media Center. T he libraries hold a total o f over 522,000 volumes in books and microforms and 2,000 periodical titles. T he libraries are totally automated, using the Virginia Tech Library System, and have a growing network o f informational databases. T he Director o f Libraries reports directly to the Provost, and assumes responsibility for the leadership and direction o f all library operations, development and enhance­ m ent o f collections and services, budgeting, and long-range planning. A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school o f library and/or information sci­ ence is essential, and a second master’s or doctorate in an appropriate field is desirable. Special qualifications for the position include evidence o f successful managerial skills in library administration, knowledge and experience with electronic information retrieval systems and new library technologies, effective communication skills and rela­ tionships with library staff, students, faculty, and administration, and com m itm ent to the mission o f the University. T he appointm ent will begin August 1, 1993. Salary and benefits are competitive. Pepperdine University enrolls over 7,500 students in its four colleges. T he University is an independent Christian university affiliated w ith the Churches o f Christ. T h e governing authority is vested in a self-perpetuating Board o f Regents. Applications should include a letter o f interest, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references. Applications and nominations should be subm itted to: Pepperdine University Office o f the Provost M alibu, CA 90263 T he review o f applications will begin on February 15, 1993, and continue until the position is filled. Pepperdine University is an equal opportunity employer. February 1993 / 1 0 5 106 / C&RL News L IB R A R IA N F O R T H E S O C IA L S C IE N C E S Yale University Library The Librarian forthe Social Sciences is responsible forthe overall administration and development of the Social Science Library, including the Economic Growth Center collection, the Government Documents Center, and the Statistics Department Library. The Librarian provides leadership in planning and directing dynamic collection management and service programs forthe Library involving atotal staff of 7 professional librarians, 15.5supportstaff, student assistants, and a programmer. The Librarian will play an important leadership role in configuring effective library and information services and collections forthe social sciences at Yale University in thefuture. The Librarian facilitates effective use of information in electronic formats by faculty and students and contributes to the Yale Library system’s ability to incorporate and disseminate information in electronic form. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school or an equivalent advanced degree. Strong background in the social sciences, including a graduate degree, preferred. Demon­ strated administrative experience and achievement in budgeting and planning, personnel manage­ ment, and organizational leadership in an academic or research library. At least eight or more years of professional experience. Strong commitment to active, innovative public service and to professional staff development. Evidence of technological sophistication and experience with electronic publica­ tions and services required. Effective oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated interper­ sonal skills, including an ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, students, and administrators in a complex and changing environment. Salary from $42,300 based on the successful candidate's qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days and 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; and comprehensive health care, TIAA/CREF, or Yale retirement. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner Director of Library Personnel Services Sterling Memorial Library P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station New Haven, CT 07520 Applications received by March 1 2 ,1993, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. INFORM A TION SPECIALIST. The Charles A. Dana Medical Library, University o f V ermont, invites applications fo r the early career position of Information Specialist. The Dana Medical Library, the only academ ic health sciences library in Vermont, provides information services to the College o f Medicine and the Schools o f Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, as well as the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, the U niversity Health Center, and outreach services to hospitals and unaffiliated health care practitioners throughout the state. W orking within a m atrix managem ent/academic model structure, the Information Spe­ cialist reports to the Director o f the Dana Library and participates in the coordination o f educational programs and services. As part of a team of Information Specialists, the incum bent also participates in collection developm ent and the provision o f reference services and bibliographic instruction. Som e evening coverage of the Reference Desk is required. Required qualifications are: An ALA-accredited MLS; one year experi­ e nce in a health sciences library or an academ ic background in the health sciences o r equivalent combination; willingness to w ork on a collegial level with other library faculty; ability to work in a dem anding and rapidly changing environment; and excellent verbal and written com m unica­ tions skills. Desired qualifications include some experience in database searching, reference services, and teaching/bibliographic instruction. Appointm ent is at the rank of Library Instructor or Assistant Professor (non-tenure-track). Minim um salary: $24,000, depending on qualifica­ tions, with excellent fringe benefits. Position open July 1,1 9 93 . A pplica­ tio ns received by March 3 1 ,1 9 9 3 , will receive first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of 3 professional references, and/or placem ent file and library graduate school transcripts to: Robert J. Sekerak, Chair, Search C o m ­ mittee, Charles A. Dana Medical Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-0068. Women and people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply. EOE/AA. INFORMATION TECHNO LO G Y/R EFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Gustavus Adolphus College seeks a librarian fo r a three-year appointment. Full­ tim e (9 months) faculty position beginning Septem ber 1 ,1993. Respon­ sibility to coordinate public services computing efforts, provide options on information technology, and w o rk with others in reference, biblio­ graphic instruction, and cataloging Scandinavian materials. ALA/MLS required. Additional graduate degree preferred and fam iliarity with a Scandinavian language, preferably Swedish, helpful. M ust have excel­ lent interpersonal skills and be knowledgeable in the educational applications of com puter technology, especially the use of electronic resources w ithin the library and throughout networks. Salary and rank at existing scale. Minim um $27,135. S end resume, three letters of recom ­ mendation, and com plete transcript by mail to Michael Haeuser, Head Librarian, G u s ta v u s A d o lp h u s C o lle ge , St. Peter, MN 56082. Applica­ tions will be accepted until March 1. It is the policy and practice of Gustavus A dolphus C ollege to provide equal educational and em ploy­ m ent opportunities fo r all. W e specifically encourage applications from w om en, m inorities, and person s with disabilities. February 1993 / 1 0 7 H E A D , IN F O R M A T IO N A N D O N L IN E S E R V IC E S University of California, San Francisco The University of California San Francisco Library and Center for Knowledge Management seeks applicants from, and nominations of, innovative and experienced individuals for appointment as Head of Information and Online Services. UCSF is a health sciences university; the schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy and the Graduate Division award advanced professional and research degrees in the basic, natural, and behavioral sciences related to health. The Library is embarking upon the development of innovative programs that will more effectively integrate it into the scientific communication and education processes, position it as a focal point on campusfor knowledge-based applications of information technology, and establish its leadership in the development of knowledge-based tools. To reflect and implement this new programmatic focus, there are three major divisions: 1) Information Resources & Services, responsible for storage and retrieval and information transfer functions, including collection management and processing, circulation, public information services, document distribution, and special collections; 2) C enterfor Knowledge Manage­ ment, which will share responsibility for information transfer functions, engage in software engineering to build useful knowledge-based tools for the health sciences, and develop education, training, and research programs which will integrate the effective use of electronic information into the curriculum; and 3) Interactive Learning Laboratory, which will design, plan, and coordinate a health sciences informatics curriculum in collaboration with each of the campus’s schools, and coordinate the bibliographic instruction component. Information and Online Services is a u n ito f the Information Resources & Services division. The head of this unitwill be responsible for planning, evaluating, and overseeing the daily operations of information, reference, online search, interlibrary loan, and document delivery services. Specific responsibilities include: supervision of support and professional staff who deliver reference and online services; leadership in the application and evaluation of technologies for service delivery; evaluation and implementation of rapid, efficient delivery mechanisms for the distribution of documents to the UCSF and UC communities; development of the paperand electronic reference collections; planning and evaluation of information services and programs; and participation in the library’s instructional program. The Head of Information and Online Services is expected to work closely with faculty and students in the development and evaluation of information programs and services. QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: the master’s degree in library or information science from an ALA- accredited institution; a demonstrated record of substantial and successful experience in providing information services in an academic health sciences environment, particularly reference and online services; evidence of strong administrative and leadership skills, including competence in planning and organizing services and directing staff; superior communications and interpersonal skills; and a strong commitment to excellence in service. For appointment at the rank of Librarian, the successful candidate will also be expected to possess a record of active professional involvement and significant contributions to the field of health sciences librarianship. Appointment will be to the Librarian series, at the rank of Librarian (salary at appointment normally within the range $47,124 - $53,856). This is an academic position. Retention and advancement are predicated on professional competence and quality of service w ithin, and professional activity outside, the library; on research and other creative activity, including teaching and publication; and on university and public service. Application deadline: open until filled. Address letters of application with resume, and the names of three references, to: Kenneth R. Weeks, Manager Human Resources UCSF Library San Francisco, CA 94143-0840 EOE/AA 1 0 8 /C&RL News M A N U S C R IP T U N IT H E A D Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yale University Minimum Rank LIU. Responsible for the administration, planing, evaluation, and staffing of the manuscript unit, including processing, cataloging, retrospective conversion, conservation, and pres­ ervation. Supervises a staff of Archivists, Archives Assistants, students, and project personnel. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredíted library school; strong knowledge of English and American literature and history; broad knowledge in the humanities. Additional advanced degree desirable. Knowledge of foreign language(s). five years’ professional experience of increasing responsibility in an academic or research library, indicative of managerial ability. Supervisory experience highly desirable. Extensive experience processing and cataloging manuscript and special collections materials. Knowledge of AACRII, APPM, MARC formats, and the Library of Congress rule interpreta­ tions, subject cataloging, and authority control practices. Familiarity with NOTIS, RLIN.and automated bibliographic and management information systems desirable. Knowledge of preservation and conservation methods and practices. Effective oral and written communication skills, analytical skills, and problem solving. Ability to work cooperatively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Understanding of current developments in university libraries. Salary from a minimum of $35,600 dependent upon qualifications and experience. Benefits include 22 days vacation; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days, and health care. Applications received by February 26,1993, will be given first consideration. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Personnel Services Yale University Library Box 1603A Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520 EEO/AA LIB R A R IA N . C hairperson o f Library R esources fo r Spring Arbor C ollege, a private Christian liberal a rts college. Th e chairperson coordinates p ersonnel, policy, and bud ge t; guid e s stra te g ic planning; pro m ote s library interests am ong fa cu lty and a dm inistration; and participa tes in reference se rvice and collection developm ent. Re­ quirem ents: A LA -accredited M LS; m inim um five ye a rs’ library e xpe­ rience, including tw o years in a dm inistration; co m m itm en t to Christian h ig h e r education. O ther qualifications: C o m m itm en t to p articipatory m a n ag em en t style, a ppreciation o f n on-traditional education; strong custo m e r-service orientation. N otes on S pring A rb o r C ollege: Spring A rb or C ollege is a private, four-year, C hristian liberal arts college located in south-central M ichigan. T h e co lle ge is accredited by the North C entral Association of Colleges and offers an a cad em ic pro­ gram within a rural com m unity eight m iles from the city o f Jackson. S pring A rb o r College w as founded in 1873 by th e leaders o f the Free M e tho d ist C hurch and continues to be affiliated with th is den om in a ­ tio n. T h e co lle ge 's enrollm ent n um bers app ro xim a tely 1400, of which a bo ut 750 a re a t the central cam pus. Spring A rb or College also o ffers deg re e pro gra m s a t six oth e r centers in M ichigan. M ost students com e fro m M ichigan with several oth e r states and foreign countries repre­ sented a s well. The co lle ge is non-sectarian in its adm ission policies, altho ug h the p rogram s of the college a re set within a distinctively C h ristia n context. Th e Spring A rb o r College C o nce p t: Th e Spring A rb o r College C once p t is the philosophical base o f th e entire curricu ­ lu m : T h e C oncept sp ea ks o f a u nique idea and ideal fo r th e C hristian Liberal A rts college. It calls fo r a co m m u nity of learners w h o are dis ting u ish ed by th e ir serious in volvem en t in the stud y o f the liberal arts, th e ir tota l com m itm ent to Je sus C h rist as a perspective fo r le arning, and th e ir critical participation in th e a ffa irs o f the conte m p o ­ ra ry world. It d em ands a design th a t shapes a curriculum , builds a cam pus, and d evelops a clim ate fo r learning. Th e integration o f faith, le arning, and living is a continuing goal of S pring A rb or C ollege which m akes it a unique educational in stitution. Th e p urpose o f th e college is to e ducate th e w h ole person. Spring A rb or strives to help its students d evelop into m ature Christian m en and w om en w h o are equipped to m eet all o f life w ith confidence. Persons are s o ug ht fo r facu lty p ositio n s w h o are in accord with the C oncept as stated above and who are person ally com m itted to the biblical Christian faith. Faculty status; m inim um salary $ 28 ,00 0. T h is position is open until fille d ; priority will be g iven to applica tio ns received by February 28, 1993. S end letter o f app lica tio n; resum e; nam es, addresses, phone num bers o f three references; and one -p ag e state m e nt describing personal co m m it­ m e n t to Christian high e r e ducation to: David J. Burns, Librarian, Spring A rb o r College, Spring A rbor, Ml 49283. LIB R A R IA N I, Bibliographer. Th e U niversity o f M aryland College Park Libraries in vites applica tio ns fo r the position: Librarian I, B ibliogra­ pher, Collection Mgm t. & S pecial C o lle ction s Division. Responsibili­ tie s: To pro vide dire ct su pp ort fo r ca m p us curricula, teaching and research in deve lo ping library collections in: Business, Econom ics, Law, C rim inal Justice, and Geography. Nature o f co llection m anage­ m ent w o rk includes: se lectio n o f library m aterials, analysis o f co lle c­ tio n s fo r stre ng ths and w eakn e sses; form u latio n and a pplication of co lle ction p olicies; m onitoring o f expe nd itu re s; d eveloping and m ain­ tainin g close w o rkin g relationships w ith facu lty and o th e r users, with the b oo k trade, and w ith oth e r library staff; coordinates collection m a n agem ent a ctivities o f selectors in allied disciplines. Q ualifica­ tio ns: ALA-a ccre dite d m a ster’s degree in L ibrary Science. G raduate deg re e in business o r th e social sciences. W orking know ledge o f one o f the follow ing languages: French, G erm an, Italian, Russian, o r Spanish. Expe rie n ce: Required: M inim um th re e ye a rs’ e xperience in collection developm ent. Preferred: C ollection deve lo pm en t e xpe ri­ e nce in an A R L Library, including co lle ction analysis, collection d e ve lo pm en t policy form u latio n and application; w o rk expe rie n ce in February 1993 / 1 0 9 C O O R D IN A T O R , H E A L T H S C IE N C E S L IB R A R IE S & H E A D L IB R A R IA N Taubman Medical Library The University of Michigan DUTIES: The University of Michigan Library seeks creative and innovative librarians as applicants for the position of Head Librarian in the Alfred Taubman Medical Library and Coordinator of the Health Sciences Libraries. This position provides leadership and direction for an array of collections and services across three health sciences libraries—Alfred Taubman Medical Library serving the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy and the University Hospital and the libraries of the schools of Dentistry and Public Health. These three libraries function in a rich resource environment. The university library system currently holds over 6.7 million volumes, and over 70,000 periodicals and serials are received. Within the health sciences libraries there are 432,108 volumes, 4,591 serials, and 27 FTE staff, with 18 FTE student assistants. The current campus network services include the library's online catalog with over 3 million records, UM-MEDLINE, and 8 other databases. UM-MEDLINE can be searched by over 1,100 public access microcomputers on campus plus 3,000 more access the network from various offices and labs in the health sciences. The successful candidate will provide focus on information technology and leadership in development of electronic information services into the 21 st century. Michigan is one o f a handful of universities which has been funded to pursue IAIMS initiatives, and the successful candidate for this position will provide critical direction in this effort. A m ajor thrust is underway in the area of medical informatics and in establishment of library support of the new medical curriculum. Close consultation with the primary clientele of the libraries will be essential in the continuing development of research and clinical support to the departments and schools served. New approaches to service delivery will be expected. This position reports functionally to the Assistant Director for Public Services of the University Library and will work directly as appropriate with the Dean of the Medical School and other departments and schools served as well as the Dean of the University Library. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and 5 years of administrative experience including work in a research, medical, and/or biomedical library serving similar clientele. Evidence of innovative leadership. Ability to translate vision into action. Experience with relevant information technology is essential. Familiarity with issues, trends, and operational needs of research libraries. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to relate to wide variety of people. Demon­ strated organizational, analytical, and communication (both written and oral) skills. SALARY & LEAVE: Minimum salary of $50,000 depending on previous relevant experience; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. APPLY TO: Lucy R. Cohen, Manager Library Personnel Office 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by March 1,1993, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 1 1 0 / C&RL News H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S A N D S Y S T E M S Melvin J. Zahnow Library Saginaw Valley State University Saginaw Valley State University, a dynamic and growing four-year public university of 6000+ students located in the Tri-Cities area, is seeking applicants for the position of Head of Technical Services and Systems. The library is host institution for the Valley Library Consortium, a group of 14 libraries sharing a Dynix system. RESPONSIBILITIES: This position is responsible for all facets of the management of the Technical Services Department, theongoing management of Dynix at SVSU, and overall coordina­ tion of library automation activities. Duties include the development of policies and procedures, planning and implementation of an acquisitions system, responsibility for the materials budget, and the supervision of acquisitions, cataloging, and physical processing. Participates in collection development. Minimal Reference Desk and occasional Bibliographic Instruction duties can be expected. This position reports to the Director of the Library. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library science program. Four years of experience with progressively increasing responsibilities in Technical Services or Systems. Familiarity with AACR2, OCLC, or other utility and the automated library environment. Experience with Dynix desirable. Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills. Good problem­ solving and organizational skills. SALARY/BENEFITS: Minimum salary $38,000. Excellent benefits including vacation, sick leave, and TIAA/CREF retirement. APPLICATION DEADLINE: The position is available July 1,1993. Applications will be received until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and 3 references to: Larry Fitzpatrick Director of Personnel Saginaw Valley State University 2250 Pierce Rd. University Center, Ml 48710 EOE/AA dealing w ith the book trade; d em onstrated ability to deal successfully w ith a broad range of library functions; ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to com m unicate e ffec­ tive ly in oral and w ritten form . S alary: $29,702. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. For full consideration, subm it resum e and nam es/addresses o f three references by March 1 ,1 9 93 . A pplications accepted until position is filled. Send resum e to: Ray Foster, Personnel Librarian, Library Personnel Services, M cKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, M D 20742-7011. The University o f M aryland is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. M inorities are encouraged to apply. LIB R A R IA N /M U SIC SPECIALIST, East Carolina University, Joyner Library. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Head o f the Music Library, p articipates fu lly in all aspects o f the branch library operation including general library supervision (som e evening and weekend duties on a rotating schedule), bibliographic instruction, o nline data­ base and CD/ROM searching. S erves as liaison with the m usic ca taloger in the main library, as well as participates in branch library autom ation projects. Shares in the supervision o f student and g radu­ ate assistants. T he M usic Library, located in the School o f Music, is staffed by 2 professionals, 3 support staff, and student assistants. Qualifications: A LA-accredited MLS (required); advanced degree in music, o r substantial progress tow ard th e sam e; w orking knowledge o f modern European languages, e xperience with national biblio­ g raphic utility, MARC m usic form ats, and autom ated library system s. Fam iliarity with o nline database searching and com puter applications in m usic m aterials preferred. Twelve-m onth tenure-track faculty p osi­ tion with appointm ent a t the rank o f Assistan t Professor. Salary $23 ,00 0 m inim um , depen d in g on q ualifications and experience. Professional achievem ent, service, and research/creative activity are required fo r tenure and prom otion. East Carolina U niversity’s libraries se rve a cam pus com m unity o f over 17,000 students and 1,300 faculty. The university is a constituent institution o f the sixteen-cam pus University of North Carolina System . Screening w ill begin April 15, 1993, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter o f application, resum e, copies o f transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Librarian/M usic S pecialist S earch Com m ittee, Mrs. Pat Elks, Adm in­ is tra tiv e A ssista n t, J o y n e r L ibrary, Eas t C a ro lin a U n iv ers ity , G reenville, NC 27858-4353. O fficial transcripts from each college or u niversity attended w ill be required p rior to any o ffe r of em ploym ent. A n equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action em ployer. Applicants must com ply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. ORIGINAL CATALOGER. The Original Cataloger will contribute AACR2 original cataloging and name, series, and subject authority work for books and non-print material in all subject areas. Assign Library of Congress classifica­ tion numbers and Library of Congress subject heading terms to material having OCLC copy but lacking this information. Serve as primary cataloger for musicmaterials (upto40% of cataloging activity). Act as a resource person for solving complex authority and bibliographic problems. Keep up-to-date with LC and OCLC policies and cataloging practices. Reports to the Cataloging Team Leader. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; knowledge of Library of Congress classification and LCSH subjects. Knowledge of AACR2 and familiarity with earlier cataloging codes. Knowl­ edge of MARC formats, particularly scores and sound recordings. Familiarity February 1 9 9 3 / 111 Bapst Art Librarian Boston College Libraries invite nominations and applications for a newly created position of Bapst Art Librarian. Bapst Library will be converted to house the University's holdings in art as of summer 1993, in conjunction with the move of the Fine Arts faculty to main campus and the opening of the Boston College Art Museum. The Bapst Art Librarian will serve as faculty liaison and bibliographer for the Fine Arts and will be responsible for all Bapst resources and services including budget, facilities, and management of five full-time staff and student assistants. The new Librarian will coordinate art collection development and instructional programs with humanities bibliographers in the main library, provide refer­ ence services in Bapst, and participate actively in library-wide and campus committees. The position reports to the Senior Associate University Librarian. The successful candidate will have an A LA accredited MLS with at least 3 years' relevant experience including collection development in the Fine Arts, bibliographic instruction, management of staff and budgets. A subject background in the Fine Arts is desired, demonstrated ability to work successfully with faculty, students, and peers in a cooperative, participatory environment is essential. Boston College, a Jesuit University of 14,500 students, is committed to the ideal of excellence and service to others. Benefits include 22 days' vacation, tuition remission, and a wide range of insurance programs. Salary range: $35,300 to $44,100 depending upon qualifications. Applications received before March 1,1993 will receive first consideration. To apply, send a resume and cover letter with names and phone numbers of three references to: Bonnie Newton, Personnel Officer, Department of Human Resources, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. B O S T O N COLLEGE A Jesuit! Univerrsity 112 / C&RL News D E A N O F U N IV E R S IT Y O F L IB R A R IE S W estern M ichigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan THE UNIVERSITY: Western Michigan University (WMU) is aCarnegie Doctoral I university with an enrollment of 27,000 students, 25% at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 750 faculty members. THE LIBRARIES: The University Libraries house more than 2.8 million items and is the largest library system in West Michigan and the fourth largest academic library system in the state. The new Waldo Library is at its center with four specialized branches: the Education Library, Maybee Music and Dance Library, the Physical Science Library, and the Archives and Regional History Collections. A state-of- the-art online information systems enhances the services provided and enables support to a regional network of public and school libraries. The library staff includes 21 faculty librarians, 60 support staff, and 175 part-time student employees and has an annual operating budget of $6 million. THE POSITION: The Dean of University Libraries is responsibleforthe operation and development of the WMU Libraries and reports to the Provost. The Dean plans, organizes, directs, reviews, and evaluates all library functions and integrates library services with the instructional and research programs of the University both on and off campus. QUALIFICATIONS: A doctorate is preferred and a master's degree from an ALA-accredited program is required; demonstrated leadership and management skills including personnel, planning, and budgeting;the ability to work collegially and productively with library staff, faculty, and administra­ tion; strong interpersonal skills. PROCEDURES: Screening begins on February 26,1993. The position is available in July, 1993. A statement of interest; current resume; and the names, positions, and telephone numbers of five references should be sent to the University’s consultants: Paula Carabelli, Principal Korn/Ferry International 1800 Century Park East, Suite 900 Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 552-1834 Fax: (310) 553-6452 WMU is an equal opportunity employer and encourages qualitied women and members of minority groups to apply. with a bibliographic utility. Ability to work with material in foreign languages. Bachelor’s degree in Music or Music Education. Excellent oral and written communications skills. Ability to read one foreign language. Computer literate; experience with word processing and spreadsheets. Preferred: Preference will be given to applicants with the following credentials: Master’s degree in Music or several years’ recent cataloging experience. Experience with OCLC. Experience with an automated system having a cataloging module. Tenure-track position. Library faculty must meet university require­ ments for promotion and tenure. Twenty-four days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Salary: Assistant Professor: $25,000 minimum; Associate Professor: $30,000. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of recent references to: Jill Keally, Human Resources, The University of Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Review of applications will begin March 15, 1993, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EOE/AATitle IX/Section 504/ ADA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position: 1) Proposed appointment: Assis­ tant/ Associate Librarian (depending on qualifications). 2) Anticipated date of appointment: July 1,1993, o r as soon thereafter as possible. 3) Salary range: $36,468-$55,488. Placement on the salary schedule depends on academic preparation and professional experience. 4) Benefits: An attractive package of fringe benefits valued at approxi­ mately 30% of gross salary in addition to base salary. Responsibilities: This is will be a full-tim e, permanent, twelve-month appointment in the Library’s Reference Department. Approxim ately half of the tim e will be a t the Reference Desk, including one night per week plus 4-5 weekends per semester. Additional responsibilities include preparing bibliogra­ phies, giving library instruction, assisting patrons in the use of electronic resources, and coordinating either the Library’s Multicultural Program or reference services to the University’s science departments. Qualifica­ tions: 1) A cadem ic preparation: The minim um requirement for appoint­ ment to a faculty position is an ALA-accredited M LS (or its equivalent). An academ ic background in science o r multicultural studies is desirable. 2) Professional experience: Reference experience in an academic library is desirable. Knowledge of and experience in searching electronic reference sources is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates with multicultural resource experience o r a science background. Strong preference will be given to candidates with the ability to relate to an ethnically diverse student population. Applications: Correspondence, applications, and confidential papers should be sent to: William F. Heinlen, Search Committee Chair, Henry Madden Library Administra­ tive Office, California State University, Fresno, 5200 N. Barton, Fresno, CA 93740-0034. Phone: (209) 278-2403. Filing deadline: To ensure full consideration, applicants are encouraged to have all appli­ cation information on file by April 9 ,1 9 93 . R EFERENCE LIBRA RIAN fo r dynamic, service-oriented program of hum anities and social sciences reference in an outstanding college V IC E P R E S ID E N T F O R IN F O R M A T IO N S Y S T E M S Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Virginia Tech invites nominations and applications for the position of Vice President for Information Systems. The Vice President reports to the Senior Vice President & Provost and has executive responsibility for university-level policy development, strategic planning, and for coordinating operations within his or her jurisdiction. The Vice President provides executive leadership to the directors of University Libraries; the Computing Center; Communication Network Services; Systems Analysis and Services; Media Services; and Network Research and Planning. These operations currently have over 500 employees and a budget in excess of $45 million. The University Libraries consist of one main and four branch libraries which house over 1.9 million volumes; 20,000 current serials; 4 million microforms; and 1,500 videotapes. The Computing Center provides computer consulting and facilities management services to meet administrative, instructional, and research needs and takes a highly decentralized environment into consideration in fulfilling its coordination and advisory roles. Communications Network Services (CNS) oversees the University's telephone, cable TV, data network services, and satellite transmission utility. Network Research and Planning is an independent unit providing technical services to CNS and development support for University projects including the Blacksburg Electronic Village project. Systems Analysis and Services provides systems development expertise on administrative processes. Media Services offers a range of consulting and production services, including satellite classroom and instructional media assistance. VirginiaTech is the senior land-grant university in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Located in Blacksburg between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains and 40 miles from Roanoke, the University enrolls approximately 23,000 students in 200 degree programs administered by nine colleges. Annual research expenditures exceed $120 million. Candidates should possess excellent communication skills and have proven management and leadership abilities. The successful candidate will also have a record of commitmentto equal opportunity and affirmative action. Letters of application with an accompanying vita will be reviewed until the position is filled. Virginia Tech is committed to diversity among its faculty and staff and particularly encourages applications from women and minorities. Nominations are also invited. Communications should be addressed to: Office of the Provost 201 Burruss Hall Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0132 (703) 231-6122 Attn: Dean G. Wayne Clough 1 1 4 / C&RL News library. Required: ALA/M LS, sound liberal arts education, previous academ ic o r research library reference experience, knowledge of humanities and social sciences sources, library instruction skills, dem ­ onstrated service commitment, ability to work well independently and with others, excellent communication skills, commitm ent to professional development, and evidence of initiative, creativity, and resourcefulness in past activities. Preferred: One year professional reference experience, experience with library instruction, electronic information sources, interlibrary loan, and government documents; advanced degree in a social sciences field; knowledge o f one or more foreign languages. Oberlin College combines a leading undergraduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence, and has a long history o f leadership in educating women and minorities. In addition to strengths in traditional arts and sciences, Oberlin emphasizes interdis­ ciplinary study and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse staff and student body. The library contains 1 million-«- volumes and is fully automated. Salary competitive, $25,000 minim um. Available July 1,1993. To ensure consideration, send letter o f application, resume, and names of three references by March 22,1993, to: Reference Search Committee, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. AA/EOE. SCIENCE INFORMATIO N RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track, academ ic year faculty position starting August 1993. Primary duties include reference, bibliographic instruction, liaison to academ ic depart­ ments in the sciences, online searching, and collection development. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library program; undergraduate degree in a natural science o r three years o f professional experience in a library specializing in the sciences; excellent oral and written com m unication skills; minim um o f tw o years’ professional experience in an academ ic library; demonstrated knowledge of refer­ ence sources and current trends in library instruction; and demonstrated knowledge of current library technologies and skills in searching online systems. The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate contin­ ued professional developm ent to secure tenure and promotion. Salary range: $27,125 to $34,619 fo r the academic year with possible additional sum m er employment. Rank: Instructor/Assistant Professor dependent upon qualifications. Applications received by February 15, 1993, will receive full consideration. Submit letter of application, resume, copies of official undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Leo Shelley, Search Committee Chair, Library Department/CRL293, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville University, Millersville, PA 17551-0302 (Fax: (717) 872-3854). AA/EOE. S YSTEM S LIBRA RIAN. The p rim ary re sponsibility o f the System s Librarian is to coordinate, plan, fu lly im plem ent, and m aintain NOTIS, plus all o th e r autom ation services in the John B. C a de Library at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. W orks w ith and serves as prim a ry liaison to the University Inform ation System s O ffice and reports to the Dean of Libraries. M ust have knowledge and u nderstanding o f U.S. M ARC form at, experience using autom ated system s, p referably NOTIS. Provide leadership and input into the a pplication o f new inform ation tech n olo g y fo r the Library by planning and goal setting. Supervises and w o rks with the C om p ute r A pp lica ­ tio n s Assistant. An ALA-accredited MLS required with a minim um of 3 ye ars of experience preferably in an academ ic library. A com puter science degree o r som e courses in com p ute r science preferred. Excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills, experience with and com m itm ent to staff d evelopm ent training, know ledge of public and technical services, a bility to w o rk well as an individual and on cooperative endeavors. App o intm e n t level and salary w ill be co m ­ m ensurate with e xperience and qualifications w ith a m inim um of $30,000. Send letter of application, resum e, the nam es, addresses, and telep ho n e num bers o f 3 professional re ferences to : Emma Bradford Perry, Dean o f Libraries, John B. C ade Library, S o u th e rn U n iv e rs ity , Baton Rouge, LA 70813. App lica tio ns will be accepted until th e p osition is filled. S outhern U niversity is an equal opportunity em ployer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Castleton State College. Twelve- month/full-time position, effective as soon as feasible (negotiable), salary approximately $25,000, attractive benefits package. Responsibilities: Over­ see cataloging, acquisitions, and government documents processing (with primary emphasis upon cataloging). Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited program. Second master's degree and experience in academic library technical services preferred. Familiarity with automated library sys­ tems, good communication skills, strong service commitment, and an ability to work with people in cooperative enterprises. Review of applications will begin on February 15 and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, copy of transcripts, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Joseph T. Mark, Academic Dean, Castleton State College, Castleton, V T 05735. Castleton State College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. RARE BOOKS CATALOGER St. John’s University Collegeville, MN S aint J o h n ’s U n iv ersity , C ollegeville, M innesota, is seeking an individual with a high degree o f self-motivation to catalog the recently acquired Kacmarcik collection o f rare and reference books. The Kacmarcik collection consists of approximately 32,000 rare and reference books in the following areas: the history o f printing; typography; the art o f the book (especially twentieth century fine printing, and private presses); manuscripts and incunabula dealing with monasticism, theology and liturgy; art and architectural history with an emphasis on Christian liturgical design. The collection is currently housed in proximity to the Hill Monastic M anuscript Library. St. John’s University is a liberal arts college and graduate school o f theology under the sponsorship o f the Benedictine monks o f St. Jo h n ’s Abbey. St. John’s is located about an hour away from the M inneapolis-St. Paul metro area amongst the woods and lakes o f central M innesota. The rare books cataloger will perform cataloging o f m anuscripts, rare books, printed materials, and other related ephemera from the Kacmarcik collection and process, prepare, and shelve printed materials, and related activities. This is a five-year position, externally funded with possible renewal. Salary: M inimum $27,500. Required qualifications: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school; academic library o r equivalent cataloging training and experience in AACR 2 and LC classification; a working knowledge o f OCLC; a masters degree, o r the near completion o f graduate w ork, in the humanities; a working knowledge o f Latin and two non-English languages (French and Germ an desirable); and previous experience in cataloging o f rare books and manuscripts. Desirable qualifications: Knowledge o f the art o f the book, previous experience or knowledge o f procedures for the preservation o f books, and knowledge o f national and international trends in bibliographic description. Applicants should send a letter o f application with a resume and three letters o f recommendation by M arch 31, 1993 to: D irector o f Personnel Services, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, M N 56321. Applications received after M arch 31, 1993 cannot be guaranteed consideration. Saint Jo h n ’s is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer. W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. February 1 9 9 3 /1 1 5 H E A D , A C Q U IS IT IO N S D E P A R T M E N T Position #136 Doheny Memorial Library Acquisitions Department The Acquisitions Department, within the University Libraries of the University of Southern California, is responsible for the receipt of materials purchased with the Library’s budget of $3.6 million and $750,000 in gift and endowment funds. The Department uses the GEAC Acquisitions system and is building a MARC database for serials ordering, receipt, and invoice processing. The Department has eight full-time staff and approximately 3 FTE student assistants. Head, Acquisitions Department reports to A U L fo r Technical Services. Responsibilities includ­ ing: Completion of serials records conversion project; taking a leadership role in Library's plans to implement a new integrated processing system; supervise staff; coordination and management of annual budget deadlines; coordination of Departmental procedures and policies with other Technical Services Departments; coordinates with AU L for Collection Development and selectors determining most effective acquisitions methods. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: MLS from ALA-accredited institution. Two years minimum of acquisitions experience in research library; administrative experience; proven ability in automated system development; experience in evaluating workflow, staffing requirements, procedural change, documentation, and training in an automated environment; demonstrated problem-solving ability; demonstrated leadership ability and team-building skills; ability to work within short deadlines and with limited resources; knowledge of world-wide book trade; ability to work cooperatively with diverse groups in collegial environment; and knowledge of foreign languages and some experience in collection development is preferred. APPOINTMENT RANK: Librarian II or Librarian ill. SALARY: $33,550-$39,736 minimum. BENEFITS: TIAA/CREF, 22 days vacation, choice of medical plans, a dental plan, and tuition remission. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current professional references to: Gloria J. Donaldson Personnel Manager University of Southern California University Libraries University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Please refer to Head, Acquisitions Department, Position #136, on correspondence. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. AA/EOE 1 1 6 /C&RL News U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N Valparaiso University Valparaiso University seeks applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian is the chief administrator of the Library and is responsible for its overall management. The Librarian reports to the Provost and is a member of the Council of Deans. The University: Located in northwest Indiana, with easy access to Chicago and the Indiana Dunes country, Valparaiso University is an independent, comprehensive university with a strong Lutheran tradition. The University consists of a college of Arts and Sciences, an honors college emphasizing interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and the social sciences, and three professional colleges (Engineering, Nursing, and Business). There is also a Law School whose library is administered separately. The Library: The Henry F. Moellering Memorial Library, the main library for the University, houses a collection of more than 257,000 bound volumes, 122,000 microforms, 1480 current periodicals, 550,000 government documents, 70,000 maps, and 5400 recordings. It serves a patron base of over 4600 and has an automated system for acquisitions, circulation, cataloguing, reserves, and periodicals. Memberships in INCOLSA, OCLC, NIALSA, and the Centerfor Research Libraries enable Moellering Library to offerstudents and faculty access to additional materials for study and research. The Library employs 7.5 professional staff members (including the Librarian) and a support staff of 10 FTE. Applicants for this position must have an ALA-accredited MLS, a minimum of ten years of professional library experience (including at leastfive years of progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic library), substantial experience with automated systems and electronic information technology, the ability to interact effectively with all segments of the University community, commitment to participatory management, a demonstrated understanding of the role of an academic library, and a clear vision of its future. Candidates for this position of University Librarian also should be familiar with issues and opportunities of Christian higher education and willing to workin an institution that is committed to maintaining its Lutheran character. Preference may be given to candidates who possess a second master’s degree and have had experience with building or renovation projects. Salary range is $40,000 to $55,000. The position is a twelve-month administrative appointment with faculty rank, beginning September 1,1993. Review of applications will begin March 1,1993, and continue until the position is filled. Send cover letter, one-page statement of philosophy of academic librarianship, and three letters of reference to: Richard Maxwell, Chair Librarian Search Committee Office of the Provost Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN 46383 Valparaiso University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. Late Job Listings CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Directs circulation and reserve services in LS2000 automa­ tion environment (NOTIS in future). Supervises support staff, student assistants; manages stack maintenance activities, assists autom ation librarian w ith circulation automation functions. Some reference desk and bibliographic instruction activities. Some weekend, evening duties required. Position contingent on available funding. Requires: ALA-accredited MLS, two years’ post-MLS professional experience in academic libraiy and/or two years’ full-time supervisory experience in circulation. Experience with automated circulation systems, super­ visory experience, demonstrated ability to communicate and work effectively with faculty an d February 1993 / 1 1 7 students. Academic staff, begins J u ly 1, 1993. $30,000; tw elve-m onth position. Send application le tte r, resu m e, th re e c u rre n t professional references w ith phone n u m b ers to: K a rin Sandvik, C h air, L ib rary D e p a rtm e n t, M urphy L ibrary, U n i v e r s i t y o f W is c o n s in - L a C r o s s e , La Crosse, W I 54601. A pplications m u s t be received by M arch 22, 1993. We a re re q u ired to provide a lis t of nom inees an d app lican ts. A w ritte n req u est can exclude one from th is list. N am es of all fin a lists m u s t be disclosed. Women, m inorities encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. IN F O R M A T IO N S P E C IA L IS T II/L IB R A R IA N . A senior-level inform ation special- ist/lib ra ria n who h a s both tech n ical an d m a n a g e ria l skills re q u ire d for state-o f-th e-art inform ation search in g as well as lib ra ry m an ag em en t. A p rim a ry responsibility for this perso n will be to conduct inform ation searches, b o th tech n ical (chemical) an d business, an d re p o rt th is info rm atio n directly to m an ag em en t. The ap p lic a n t should be fam ilia r w ith m odern tech n iq u es of indexing, searching, a n d m o nitoring procedures th a t a re p re se n tly u sed in corporate lib raries. The position calls for a person w ith a chem istry background an d a M a ste r of Science degree in L ib rary Science or th e equivalent in experience. S a la ry range: $39-$45K. Send re su m e to: G ayle L. H ardison, H um an Resources, G r e a t L a k e s C h e m i c a l C o r p o r a t io n , P.O. Box 2200, W est L afayette, IN 47906-0200. D IV IS IO N H E A D , S C IE N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y D IV IS IO N . M ilner L ibrary, Illinois S ta te U niversity. D ivision H ead: Science a n d Technology Division. Full-tim e faculty, te n u re -tra c k position. U n iv ersity an d Library: Illinois S ta te U n iv ersity is a m ulti-purpose u n iv e rsity w ith 22,000 s tu d e n ts, located in th e m edium -sized u rb a n a re a of Norm al/Bloom ington. Academ ic pro g ram s a n d courses a re offered in th irty - th re e academ ic d e p a rtm e n ts organized into five colleges w ith m a s te r’s degree pro­ gram s in m o st fields a n d doctoral degree p ro g ram s in a r t, biological sciences, curriculum an d in stru c tio n , economics, psychology, education, E nglish, history, and m ath em atics. M ilner L ib ra ry is th e c e n tra l lib ra ry facility for th e u n iv e rsity com m u­ n ity w ith a s ta ff of 110 including th irty -fo u r professionals, over 1.2 m illion volumes, and a m a te ria ls bu d g et of $1.8 m illion. I t is organized into five broad subject divisions on six floors—of w hich th e Science a n d Technology D ivision is one. T he lib ra ry is em barking on developm ent of a cam pus lib rary , inform ation, a n d m edia services system program u tilizin g a cam pus fiber optic n etw o rk a n d statew id e cooperative union catalog. D epending on inclin atio n an d background, o p p o rtu n ities for involve­ m en t in th e sy stem ’s developm ent can be n egotiated. D uties: F a c u lty te n u re -tra c k position w hich serves as h e a d of one o f five reference u n its re p o rtin g to th e AUL for Public Services an d Collection D evelopm ent. W ith two o th er professionals an d th re e civil service staff, provides tra d itio n a l, online, a n d CD-ROM reference service in science an d technology. In addition, th is lib ra ria n will provide bibliographic in s tru c ­ tion, a ct as liaison to a p p ro p ria te faculty d e p a rtm e n ts, a n d develop collections in su pport of several d e p a rtm e n ts from am ong th e p u re a n d applied science, depending on th e c a n d id ate’s qualifications. T his position will service a s h e a d of th e division, fu rn ish in g lead ersh ip , p lan n in g , id entifying needs, e sta b lish in g prio rities, im ple­ m en tin g change, su p erv isin g developm ent a n d grow th of th e divisional faculty. Required: ALA-accredited m a s te r’s; two y e a rs’ a d m in istra tiv e experience; ap p ro p ri­ ate experience in reference a n d lib ra ry in stru ctio n ; know ledge of th e lite r a tu r e of th e science, either from professional experience or extensive coursework; understanding of and ability to administer in a collegial environment. A second advanced degree in libraiy science or a subject discipline is required for te n u re or appointm ent beyond th e r a n k of instructor. Salary: $35,000 m inim um , negotiable depending upon education and experience. Rank should be in the associate professor range. Preferred beginning date: May 1,1993. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until position is filled, b ut for maximum consideration, applications should be submitted no later than: March 15,1993. To apply: Submit letter of application, resume, and a t least three references to: Science and Technology Division Head Search Committee, 311 Milner Library, I llin o is S ta te U n iv e r s ity , Normal, IL 61761. Illinois State University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. 1 1 8 / C&RL News R E F E R E N C E L I B R A R IA N , S C IE N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y D IV IS IO N . M ilner L ib rary , Illinois S ta te U niv ersity . Science R eference L ib ra ria n : Science a n d T echnol­ ogy Division. F u ll-tim e faculty, te n u re -tra c k position. U n iv ersity a n d L ibrary: Illinois S ta te U n iv ersity is a m u lti-p u rp o se u n iv e rsity w ith 22,000 s tu d e n ts , located in th e m edium -sized u rb a n a re a of N orm al/B loom ington. Academic p ro g ram s an d courses a re offered in th irty -th re e academ ic d e p a rtm e n ts organized in to five colleges w ith m a s te r’s degree p ro g ram s in m o st fields an d doctoral degree pro g ram s in a r t, biological sciences, c u rricu lu m a n d in stru c tio n , economics, psychology, education, E nglish, histo ry , and m a th e m a tic s. M ilner L ib ra ry is th e c e n tra l lib ra ry facility for th e u n iv e rsity com m u­ n ity w ith a sta ff of 110 inclu d in g th irty -fo u r professionals, over 1.2 m illion volum es, an d a m a te ria ls b u d g et of $1.8 m illion. I t is organized into five b ro ad subject divisions on six floors—of w hich th e Science a n d Technology D ivision is one. T he lib ra ry is em b ark in g on a developm ent of a cam pus lib rary , in form ation, a n d m ed ia services sy stem p rogram u tiliz in g a cam pus fiber optic n e tw o rk a n d sta te w id e cooperative u n io n catalog. D ep ending on in clin atio n an d b ackground, o p p o rtu n itie s for involvem ent in th e sy stem ’s developm ent can be neg o tiated . D uties: F ac u lty te n u re -tra c k position which, w ith two o th e r professionals an d th re e civil service staff, provide tra d itio n a l, online, a n d CD-ROM reference service in science a n d technology. In ad d ition, th is lib ra ria n w ill provide bibliographic in stru c tio n , a ct a s liaiso n to a p p ro p ria te faculty d e p a rt­ m e n ts, a n d develop collections in su p p o rt of sev eral d e p a rtm e n ts from am ong th e p u re a n d app lied science, d ep en d in g on th e c a n d id a te ’s q ualifications. R equired: ALA- accred ited m a s te r’s; a p p ro p ria te experience in reference a n d lib ra ry in stru c tio n ; know ledge of th e lite r a tu r e of th e science, e ith e r from professional experience or extensive coursew ork. A second advanced degree in lib ra ry science or a subject discipline is re q u ire d for te n u re or a p p o in tm e n t beyond th e r a n k of in stru c to r. S alary: $26,200 m in im u m , negotiable dep en d in g upon ed u catio n a n d experience. P re fe rre d b e g in n in g d ate: M ay 1,1993. A pplication D eadline: A pplications will be accepted u n til position is filled, b u t for m ax im u m co n sideration, app licatio n s should be su b m itte d no la te r th a n : M arch 15,1993. To apply: S u b m it le tte r of application, resu m e, a n d a t le a s t th re e references to: Science a n d Technology S earch C om m ittee, 311 M ilner L ibrary, I l l i n o i s S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , N orm al, IL 61761. Illinois S ta te U n iv ersity is a n affirm a­ tiv e action an d eq u al o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. H U M A N IT IE S A N D S O C IA L S C IE N C E S R E F E R E N C E B I B L IO G R A P H E R F O R G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S A N D M A P S . D a rtm o u th College L ib ra ry h a s a n opening for a Reference B ibliographer for G overnm ent D ocum ents an d M aps in th e B a k e r H u m a n itie s a n d Social Sciences L ibrary. T h e p erso n we a re seek in g w ill be capable of w orking as a m em ber of a reference b ib lio g rap h er te a m in a n innov ativ e an d technologically so p h isticated d e p a rtm e n t u tiliz in g th e D a rtm o u th College In fo rm atio n S ystem , RLIN , an d OCLC; online services u sin g vendors su ch a s N exis, W ilsonLine, BRS, a n d Dialog, a s w ell as a v a rie ty m icrocom puters. R espo n sib ilities include a d m in istra tiv e lead ersh ip , collection m a n a g e m e n t, a n d prom otion of b o th U.S. docu­ m e n ts an d th e m ap collection; g e n e ra l reference, a ssistin g u s e rs w ith a n extensive collection of CD-ROMs; online searching; in s tru c tio n in GIS; bibliographic in stru ctio n ; supervision of th e D ocum ents C e n te r a n d th e M ap Room. Q ualifications: ALA-MLS; p re fe rred can d id ates will hav e a m in im u m of two y e a rs ’ re c e n t experience in reference, U .S. docum ents, a n d m a p s in a n academ ic lib rary ; know ledge, experience, an d e n th u s ia s m for th e u se of electronic in fo rm atio n resources; fam ilia rity w ith census and o th er s ta tis tic a l d a ta ; experience w ith geographic in fo rm atio n system s; stro n g back­ ground in th e social sciences; stro n g su p ervisory ability. D a rtm o u th College offers a flexible ben efits package inclu d in g 22 vacatio n days, TIAA/CREF; p aid m ajor medical, h o sp ital, an d d e n ta l in su ran ce; an d assista n c e w ith m oving expenses. R a n k a n d sa la ry co m m en su rate w ith back g ro u n d a n d experience, w ith a m in im u m of $25,000 for L ib ra ria n I. Review of re su m e s will be begin M arch 8,1 9 9 3 . R eply to P hy llis E. 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