ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Febru ary 1 9 9 7 / 105 Preservation News Jane H ed b erg CCAHA offers p ro g ra m s a n d surveys The Conservation Center for Art and H istoric Artifacts (CCAHA) will offer two day­ lo n g w o rk sh o p s in 1997, tw ice e a c h . “Instituting a C onservation Environment M onitoring Program ,” with William Lull, will be held on May 5 in Pittsburgh, and on Sep tem ber 23 in Philadel­ phia. The $50.00 registration fee includes a bo x lunch and s u p p le m e n ta ry m aterials. “Have You Got the Blues? Architectural Records: Their Identification, Management, Storage, and Treatment,” with Lois Olcott Price and Joan Irv­ ing, will be held on Ju n e 3 in Washington, D.C. and on November 5 in Syracuse, New York. The $75.00 registration fee includes supplemen­ tary materials. CCAHA is also offering partially subsidized preservation surveys for paper-based collections in libraries, archives, museums, historic houses, educational institutions, and other organizations with humanities collections. The survey includes a one-day site visit, evaluation o f current pres­ ervation conditions, plus a report that docu­ ments the evaluation and offers recommenda­ tions for improvement. The surveys cost $300 plus travel expenses. Paper-based humanities collections that are open to the public may be eligible to apply. For more information about the workshops or surveys, contact the Preser­ vation Services Office, CCAHA, 264 South 23rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; phone: (215) 5 4 5 - 0 6 1 3 ; fa x : ( 2 1 5 ) 7 3 5 - 9 3 1 3 ; e -m a il: N YU o ffers en v iro n m e n t w o rk s h o p s New York University (NYU) will offer three one- day workshops about environmental control March 3 -5 , 1997, as part o f the Building and Construction Seminar Series at the NYU Real Estate Institute. William Lull will speak on “Con­ servation Environments for Museums and Li­ braries” on March 3, “Fundamentals o f Conser­ vation Environment Lighting” on March 4, and “Planning and Programming Museum, Library and Archive Projects” on March 5. Each work­ shop costs $185. For more information contact Jo a n Ranghelli, The Real Estate Institute, NYU, 11 West 42nd Street, New Y o rk , NY 1 0 0 3 6 ; p h o n e: (212) 790-1345. IFLA to revise Principles T h e Core Program m e for Preservation and Conserva­ tion (PAC) o f the Interna­ tional Federation o f Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the Commission on Preservation and Access will collaborate on a revision o f the IFLA Principles f o r the Preservation a n d Conservation o f Library Mate rials. The publication will be completely up­ dated and new chapters will be added to cover photographs, audiovisual carriers, and digital formats. Originally published in 1979 and re­ vised and republished in 1986, Principles has proved especially useful in developing countries. For more information, contact Maxine Sitts, The Commission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 715, Washington, DC 20036-2217; phone: (202) 939-3400; fax: (202) 939-3407; e-mail: NEDCC e x c h a n g e p ro g ra m w ith Cuba The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) has begun to work with the preser­ vation community in Cuba. In the fall o f 1996, Steve Dalton, director o f field services, pre­ sented a workshop on digital scanning as part o f a conference at the National Library “Jo se Marti,” and Walter Newman, senior paper con ­ servator, worked for two w eeks in the conser­ vation lab o f the National Archives and made a presentation at a seminar. In April 1997 NEDCC hopes to bring two Cuban conservators to its facilities to study conservation techniques. This Cuban exchange is similar to NEDCC exchanges with conservators in Russia and Bulgaria. For more information, contact Gay Tracy, Public Relations Coordinator, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810-1494; phone: (508) 470-1010; fax: (508) 475-6021; e-mail: nedcc@ ■ Ja n e Hedberg prepares this colum n fo r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation an d Access. Su bm issions m ay be m ade to: Ja n e Hedberg, Wellesley College; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU