ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 110 / C&RL News Grants and Acquisitions T a ra W e ik u m The M e d ic a l C enter Li brary at the University o f California-Irvine has b een awarded $88,000 by the staff o f the university’s Medical Center to equip an Informa­ tion Technology Center with an instruction facility. The funds were derived from the membership fees o f all the affiliated medical profession als. Also, the campus admin­ is t r a t io n h a s p r o m is e d $50,000 annually to support the facility. The L ib rary o f Congress has received a donation o f $1 million for its National Digital Library (NDL) Program for the digitization of the papers o f G eorge Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The contribution by Reuters America Inc. and the Reuter Foundation will enable the library to make the nearly 65,000 items in the Washington Papers and the 25,000 items in the Jefferson Papers available online. The Wash­ ington collections contain correspondence, ac­ count books, and other papers which have been an important source for study of the American Revolution. Jefferson’s papers comprise his cor­ respondence on a wide array o f subjects such as scientific farming and foreign government. Syracuse U niversity has been g iven a $250,000 grant to preserve the Street & Smith Archive, a vast collection o f pulp fiction from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. Obtained from the National Endowment for the Humani­ ties’ Division o f Preservation and Access, the m oney will enable the university to microfilm the popular culture collection and preserve the covers o f many o f the novels and serials which w ere printed on highly acidic paper and have b een disintegrating over the years. The collec­ tion contains works by authors such as Ja ck London and Upton Sinclair, w ho w rote un­ der pseudonym s, and artwork by illustrators such as N. C. W yeth and W infield Scott. Ed. n ote: Send y o u r news to: Grants & A c quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chi cago, IL 60611; e-mail: tweikum The U n iv e rs ity o f th e P a c if ic L ib r a r ie s ’ H o lt- Atherton Department o f Spe cial Collections received a grant o f $14,410 to catalog 325 manuscript collections on OCLC. The grant came from the California State Li­ brary in federal Library Ser­ vices and Construction Act (LSCA) funds. The material includes the Jo h n Muir pa­ pers, ethnic and w om en ’s stu d ies c o lle c tio n s , G old Rush accounts, and many more research collections. A cq u isitio n s The d iaries o f Jam es M illin d e r H an ks have been donated to the Special Collections Division at the University o f Arkansas Librar­ ies, Fayetteville. The collection contains 45 leatherbound books which record daily life from January 1, 1865, to May 21, 1909. Hanks was a planter, businessman, and member o f Con gress, and his diaries represent a historical time of change in Arkansas and in the Mississippi River Valley. The p e r s o n a l p a p e rs o f C h a rle s E. Donegan, a social activist, civil rights lawyer, and legal educator, have been donated to the Amistad Research Center at Tulane University. Donegan was a founding mem ber o f the Na tional Conference o f Black Lawyers, and had a long, distinguished career o f legal counsel. He has also taught law at many universities across the country and is a contributor to the D ictio n a ry o f A m erican Negro Biography. C o n g ressm an C h a rlie R ose’ s p a p e rs have been acquired by the University o f North Carolina at Pem broke’s Livermore Library. Rose served in Congress for 24 years and designed the House’s computer systems. He also sup­ ported the motor-voter bill and worked for Ti betan independence. His papers will provide a look into federal government and legislation spanning almost a quarter century. ■ February 1 9 9 7 / 111 1 1 2 / C&RL News Nail down the experts