ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1984 / 569 from A R L /O M S , 1527 New H am pshire A v e., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. •The Guide to Innovation Resources and Plan- ningfor the Smaller Business, prepared by the Com­ merce Department’s Office of Productivity, Tech­ nology and Innovation (85 pages, 1984), lists more than 50 federal and 85 state government offices that offer assistance to small businesses in bringing new technology to the marketplace. An introduc­ tory section describes the innovation process and the role of smaller firms in innovation. Copies are $ 13.50 from the U.S. Department of Commerce, N atio n al T e ch n ica l In fo rm a tio n S ervice, Springfield, VA 2 2 1 6 1 . O rder num ber P B 84- 176304/LA H . 9 River Bend Revisited: The Problem Patron in the L ibra ry , by Bruce A. Shuman (186 pages, 1984), offers forty fictitious scenarios that portray plausible problem situations in the library. Al­ though designed for public librarians, many of the events could arise in an academic setting such as the mad bomber, the injured patron who decides to sue, the arsonist, the voyeur, the flasher, and the graffiti artist. The book is designed as a workbook for students or library staff instruction, with ques- Statem en t of ownership and m anagem ent College ir Research Libraries N ew s is published 11 tim e s a y e a r (m o n th ly , c o m b in in g J u ­ ly/August), by the Am erican L ib rary Association, 50 E . Huron S t., C hicago, Illinois 60611. Am eri­ c a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n , o w n e r; G e o rg e M . E b e r h a r t, ed itor. Second -class postage paid at C hicago, Illinois. Printed in U .S.A . As a nonprofit organization authorized to m ail at special rates (Section 4 2 3 .1 2 D M M ), the purposes, fu nction, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exem pt status for federal incom e tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. E xten t and nature o f circulation (“Average” figures denote the num ber of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve m onths; “A ctual” figures denote num ber of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date.) T o ­ tal num ber of copies printed: Average, 1 2 ,5 9 3 ; Actual, 1 2 ,5 3 0 . Sales through dealers and ca rri­ ers, street vendors and counter sales: not ap plica­ ble. M ail subscriptions: Average, 9 ,0 6 0 ; A ctual, 9 ,2 3 7 . T o tal paid circu lation: Average, 9 ,0 6 0 ; Ac­ tu al, 9 ,2 3 7 . F ree distribution by m ail, carrier or other means, sam ples, com plim entary, and other free copies: Average, 1 ,1 4 6 ; A ctual, 946. T o tal d istrib u tio n : A verage, 1 0 ,2 0 6 ; A ctu al, 1 0 ,1 8 3 . Copies not distributed: O ffice use, left over, unac­ counted, spoiled after printing: Average, 2 ,3 8 7 ; A ctual, 2 ,3 4 7 . Returns from news agents: not ap­ plicable. T o ta l (sum of previous en tries): Average, 1 2 ,5 9 3 ; A ctual, 12,530. Statem ent o f O w nership, M anagem ent, and C ir­ culation (PS form 3 5 2 6 , Ju ly 1982) for 1984 filed with the United States Postal Service, Postm aster in C hicago, Illinois, Septem ber 28, 1984. T tions for discussion and relevant resources after each scenario. Copies may be ordered for $22.50 from the Oryx Press, 2214 North Central at En- canto, Phoenix, AZ 85004. ISBN 0 -8 9 7 7 4 -1 2 5 ­ 0 . ■ ■ H E CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in CR&L News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in CR&L News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DATA PROCESSING. Reports to the Associate Director/Director of Libraries and carries out assign­ ments in accordance with established priorities. Works approxi­ mately 60% of the time in Denver with the staff of Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL) developing and maintaining an online integrated system. Plans and develops additional data processing applications and office automation systems in CU Libraries within the framework of CARL and Campus Administrative Data Processing Office. Provides liaison and coordination with CARL and Campus ADP Office. Supervises one FTE staff member in the Library Data Processing Office and provides project services, programming and advice concerning equipment and advances in technology. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of 5 years profes­ sional library/data processing and systems experience in designing, implementing or operating library automated systems; demon­ strated ability to write computer programs; supervisory experience; demonstrated ability to work with supervisors and staff in the applica­ tion of data processing systems; familiarity with commercially avail­ able data processing applications; knowledge of ALGOL, PASCAL or TAL progamming languages. Desirable: knowledge of COBOL programming language; experience with microcomputer technol- 570 / C&RL News ogy plus large data processing systems; additional data processing systems experience. Salary range: $25,000-$32,0Q0 for twelve months with faculty rank and status. Perquisites include TIAA/CREF and usual vacation and sick leave benefits. Apply by December 15, 1984, to: Leo W. Cabell, Chair, Search Committee, University Li­ braries, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309. A p­ plicants should send resume plus names, addresses and telephone numbers for three references by closing date. The U niversity of Colo­ rado at Boulder is an equal opportunity, affirmative action and Sec­ tion 504 employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. ASSISTA NT EAST ASIAN LIBRARIAN. 12 month, tenure track appointment, available January 1. Responsible for collection devel­ opment, acquisitions, cataloging, and public service relevant to Chi­ nese materials in the East Asian Library. Also assists in general oper­ ations of the Department. The East Asian collection consists of approximately 100,000 volumes in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, with a staff of 2 professional librarians, 1 fte support staff and 3 fte student assistants. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; native-level flu­ ency in modern Chinese; ability to communicate and interact effec­ tively with faculty, staff, and students; U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status. Strongly prefer library experience with East Asian materials relevant to duties described above; strong subject concen­ tration in Chinese studies. Salary: $17,000-525,000, dependent upon qualifications. To apply, send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and names of three references to: Sandra K. Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Minorities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be received by November 30, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. ASSISTA NT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. (Search reopened ) Re quirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Minimum of 2 years of profes­ sional experience, preferably in an Engineering or Science/Techno- ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES Arizona State University The Arizona State University Libraries are seeking candidates for the position of Associate University Librarian for Technical Services. The successful candidate will report to University Librarian Donald E. Riggs, be responsible for the leadership and m anagem ent of all technical services units, and participate in overall library planning and policy formulation. Required qualifications include the ALA-accredited MLS degree; successful administrative experi­ ence at the departm ent head level or above in technical services in a university library; a minimum of seven years’ progressively responsible experience in an academ ic/research library; dem onstrated organiza­ tional abilities and leadership qualities; dem onstrated skills in written and oral com m unication, interper­ sonal relations, m anagem ent and planning; com prehensive working knowledge of the functions of techni­ cal services in a major research library; successful supervisory experience, including supervision of professional and classified staff; knowledge of current issues/trends in technical services, including auto­ mation and established standards; evidence of university service, research and/or participation in profes­ sional associations. Preferred experience: As Assistant/Associate University Librarian for Technical Ser­ vices (or its equivalent); fiscal, personnel and other administrative responsibility in two or more technical service areas; supervision of a large staff. Arizona State U niversity and its Libraries: ASU ’s mission is to continue developm ent as a major re­ search university and to becom e com petitive with the best public universities in the nation. Toward that end, the Libraries have experienced dynam ic growth during the past five years, adding 55 new positions and increasing the materials budget from $1.7 million to the current $3.1 million. A new science and engineer­ ing library was occupied in 1983, and the other libraries are being remodeled. The Libraries are creating a total online integrated system using Tandem hardware and Data Phase software. The transition from a COM catalog to an online public access catalog will be made in the near future, with acquisitions and serials subsystems to follow. A funding base has been established for an ongoing retrospective conversion proj­ ect. Collections total 1.8 million volumes and 1.6 million m icroform units. Of the 243 FTE staff, 88 are em ­ ployed in technical services. M em bership is held in ARL, CRL, AMIGOS, and OCLC. The total budget is $7 million. ASU, with 40,000 students, is the nation’s 6th largest university and is located near Phoenix, the nation’s 9th largest city. Salary: $40,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. TIAA/CREF and other alternatives to the State Retirement Plan; annual paid leave of 22 days’ vacation, 12 days’ sick leave, and 10 holidays; tuition remis­ sion for em ployee and family at all three Arizona universities. Librarians serve on university governance committees and are eligible for continuing em ploym ent status and sabbatical leave. Applicants must include docum entation or evidence of specific qualifications and short statements (no more than 2 pages each) concerning (a) their philosophy of technical service and (b) what new technical service program s they have implem ented and are interested in implementing. Send letter of application, resume, supporting documents, and a list of four recent references to: C onstance C orey, Assistant Uni­ versity Librarian, H ayden Library, Arizona S tate U niversity, T em pe, A Z 85287. A copy of the com plete position description is available upon request. Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by D ecem ber 31, 1984, when review will begin. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. November 1984 / 571 logy Library. Desired qualifications: E xperience or interest in automated library procedures; some com puter experience or edu­ cation desirable. Interest in publications and public relations. Data­ base searching experience helpful. Some supervision experience needed. Ability to formulate, administer, and im plem ent user educa­ tion and public relations program s utilizing various media. Experi­ ence in bibliographic instruction to large classes. Shares in m anage­ ment and operational responsibilities. Participates in planning and im plementation of new services, procedures, and policies. Shares responsibility for database searching, reference, perform s liaison work with faculty, trains and supervises support staff, and shares in collection developm ent and bibliographic instructional responsibili­ ties. Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank com mensurate with education and experience. Promotion and tenure require meeting standards of excellence in librarianship, publishing, research, and service. 12-month appointm ent with annual vacation of 22 days. Group Life, Major Medical, and disability insurance are in effect as are TIAA/CREF and Social Security. Salary: $18,000 and up de­ pending upon qualifications. Application deadline: Novem ber 30, 1984. Send resume and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A S S IS T A N T LIBRARIAN, Cornell Law Library, Catalog Depart­ ment. Original cataloging of serials, foreign language materials, spe­ cial formats, and rare books, using AACR2, LCSH, and RLIN. Assist­ ing d e p a rtm e n t head in m a in ta in in g w o rk flo w , tra in in g , and establishing written procedures. Supervision of departm ent in ab­ sence of departm ent head. Requirements: MLS degree from an ac­ credited school, 1 -2 years experience, preferably in cataloging of serials in an academ ic or law library. Knowledge of German highly desirable, French and/or Italian also desirable. Salary: $16,400 + , dep ending on qualifications and experience. Submit cover letter and resume, listing at least three references to: Carolyn Pyhtila, Person­ nel Director, 235 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Applications received by Novem ber 30 will receive priority consider­ ation. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A S SO C IA TE DIRECTOR. Responsible for planning and coordinat­ ing program s of public services division (3 departm ents in Main Li­ brary, Undergraduate, Music, and Agriculture-Veterinary M edicine libraries). There are 30 faculty and administrative staff, 75 support staff, plus student assistants in the division. Reports to the Library Di­ rector. Serves as a m ember of the Library Executive Committee w h ich is the lib ra ry ’s p la n n in g a n d p o lic y -m a k in g unit. ALA - accredited MLS or equivalent required; five years adm inistrative ex­ perience in a public services position; service-oriented philosophy; knowledge of reference and online services, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and collection development. Previous academ ic library experi­ e n ce a n d k n o w le d g e of lib ra ry a u to m a tio n p re fe rre d . Salary: $34,00 0-$37,000 . Tenure-track appointm ent at associate professor level. Send letter, current resume, and names of 3 references by De­ cem ber 1 5 ,198 4, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. U T K is a n EEO, af­ firmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. A U TH O R ITIES LIBR ARIAN /C ATALO G ER. Northwestern Univer sity Library. As head of the Authorities Unit, oversees operations and maintenance of the online union authority file which forms a part of Northwestern’s automated system, NOTIS (Northwestern Online To­ tal Integrated System). Supervises 1 paraprofessional plus student assistants. Oversees authority control, validation, input, and mainte­ nance for the authority file; acts as trainer/liaison to participants in the union file and to other library staff; participates in the ongoing design and developm ent of the authority control system and procedures. As a cataloger, generally not less than one-third, but not m ore than half­ time, performs original and com plicated copy cataloging of m ono­ graphs using NOTIS, AACR2, DDC 19, and LCSH, for eventual in­ clusion in the RLIN database. May contribute headings to the LC Name Authority File via the Name Authority Cooperative (NACO). Oualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Minimum two years cataloging experience, preferably in a research library using an automated system, and including perform ance of authority work. Familiarity with the MARC bibliographic and authority formats. W orking knowledge of one or more modern western lan­ guages, preferably including German or a Romance language. Hir­ ing range: $18 ,00 0-$21,000 . Position available: January, 1985. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three ref­ erences, and have library school credentials, including transcripts, forw arded to: Lance Ouery, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, N orthw estern U niversity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by Decem ber 15,1984, will be consid- CHIEF, BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL DIVISION Columbia University Libraries (Search reopened) The Chief of the B ibliographic Control Division is responsible for m anaging cataloging production and m aintenance activities for the m ajority of collections of the C olum bia Libraries (except East Asian vernacu­ lar, Health Sciences, and Law) and for coordinating b ibliographic control policies system-wide. The incu m ­ bent will report directly to the Director of the Technical Services G roup and w ork closely with the Services and Resources G roups to insure the effective developm ent of bibliographic, reference, and support ser­ vices to provide access to instructional and research resources, including continuing developm ent of the online catalog. The staff of the division consists of 26 librarians, 36 supporting staff, and an FTE of 10 stu­ dent assistants. The incum bent is a m em ber of the Libraries’ senior staff O perations and Planning Council. R eq u irem en ts fo r th e position: A ccredited M LS or equivalent relevant experience; dem onstrated evi­ dence of im agination, leadership, and m anagerial and analytical skills; broad know ledge of cataloging the­ ory and practice; substantial know ledge of com puter-assisted technical processing activities and systems; effective writing, speaking, and interpersonal skills; ability to w ork effectively in a com plex, participative environm ent; know ledge and understanding of the process of scholarly com m unication in various disci­ plines. C andidates with 5 years of relevant adm inistrative experience will be sought, with special attention g iv e n to re s p o n s ib ility fo r c a ta lo g in g activitie s. S alary ran ge s (th ro u g h J u n e 1984): L ib ra ria n II: $ 2 9 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,3 5 0 ; Librarian III: $ 3 2 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 7 ,1 2 5 . A pplications or nom inations should be subm itted in w riting to: Box 35, B u tler L ibrary, C olum bia U ni­ vers ity Lib raries, 535 W est 114th S tre e t, N ew Y o rk, NY 10027. D ead lin e fo r ap p licatio n s is D e­ c e m b e r 1 4 ,1 9 8 4 . External applicants should list three references and salary requirem ents. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 572 / C&RL News ered. Northwestern University is an AA/EEO employer. C IR C U LA TIO N LIBRARIAN (Permanent position). Responsibilities include training and supervision of student assistants, in-house auto­ mated circulation system, and bibliographic instruction. Shares ref­ erence work, book selection, and evening and weekend duty. Partic­ ipates in other appropriate professional activities. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with 2 or more years’ relevant post-MLS pro­ fessional experience. Working knowledge of OCLC and knowledge and in te re st in lib ra ry c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s d e sira b le . $14,000-$19,000; rank and salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Send letter of application and resume with names of 3 refer­ ences by November 30 to: Chair, Library Search Committee, State University Agricultural & Technical College, Canton, NY 13617. EO/AA employer. C O LLE C TIO N D E V ELO P M E N T C O O R D IN A TO R FOR TH E SC I­ ENCES at Arizona State University, where collection development is performed by librarian-subject specialists under the general guid­ ance of Collection Coordinators for the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences, who report to the Associate University Librarian for Collection Development. The total library staff includes 57 profes­ sionals, including 7 science subject specialists, and 108 classified staff. Fifty-five new positions have been added to the Libraries in the past 5 years, and the book budget has grown to $3.1 million. Re­ quired qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; post-MLS experience in an academic or research library, including a minimum of 3 years in collection development; broad science background (preferably with emphasis in engineering or the physical sciences); knowledge of the domestic and foreign book trade, including blanket and approval plans; knowledge of national and international issues and trends in collection development and the book trade; demonstrated commun­ ication and interpersonal skills. Preferred: experience in analysis of library collections and needs; working knowledge of one or more for­ eign languages. Salary: $18,000-$30,000, depending on qualifica­ tions. Send letter of application and resume which address all qualifi­ cations and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librar­ ian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. Copies of the position description and complete announcement of vacancy may be requested from the same person. Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, ap­ plications should be received by December 31, 1984, when review will begin. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. C O LLE C TIO N D E V ELO P M E N T LIB R A R IA N . University of Arkan sas at Little Rock. Responsible for selection of all formats of materials to support curricula; coordination of selector activity; coordination of planning and analysis of collection development and collection man­ agement policies and procedures. Participates in budget allocation; collection evaluation; use and user studies; policies and decisions regarding storage, weeding, conservation, and serials manage­ ment. Some night and weekend work should be expected. Prefer strong academic background in history; archival experience; serials management; demonstrated skill at oral and written communica­ tions; and ability to work effectively with all levels of library employ­ ees, donors, patrons, and faculty members. Requirements include ALA/MLS and three years of post-MLS reference or collection devel­ opment experience with upper-level academic materials and ser­ vices. Minimum salary: $20,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe benefits including up to 6°/o-matched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone numbers) who have observed human relationships and pro­ fessional abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitment Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. D O C U M EN TS LIB R A R IA N . Associate University Librarian and As­ sistant Department Head. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science. Second master’s degree desirable. At least five years experience. Some research library experience and government publications experience required. Supervisory or staff training experience desirable. Demonstrated understanding of the structure and functions of international government organizations and the British and U.S. national government. Salary: $16,870 + . Application must be received by December 7, 1984. Apply to: Lu­ cille Higgs, Assistant Director for Admimistrative Services, Strozier Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306. EOE. DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Virginia Tech Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) seeks applications for the position of Director of University Libraries. Virginia Tech is a land-grant university with enrollment of approximately 22,500 students, 4,500 of whom are graduate students. There are 59 doctoral programs at the University, and the master’s degree is offered in 66 different programs. The total activity in research and sponsored programs is about $50 million annually and the sponsored activities are presently growing in number and in dollar volume. The Newman Library at Virginia Tech has a collection of 1.6 million volumes and a current subsciption list of approximately 23,000 serials. The total annual budget of the libraries is approximately $5.7 million. The staff level is 55.5 professionals and 105 support staff. The Newman Library also is a prime site for the Vir­ ginia Tech Library System which was developed here on campus. The Director is expected to provide creative leadership in further enhancing the University Libraries. Candidates for the position must have an accredited MLS; have demonstrated achievement and interest in academ ic research; have a minimum of five years’ experience in a university research library in upper management positions and have a broad understanding of both public and technical services within the library. Candidates must have a working knowledge of the developments in information technology. The candidate should demonstrate superior communication, management and interpersonal skills to permit effective working relationships with faculty, students, administrators and external constituencies. Applications and nominations should be sent to the Vice President for Com puting and Inform ation System s, 201 Burruss Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Completed applications must in­ clude a resume and three letters of recommendation. Applications and nominations will be received until Decem ber 1 5 ,1 9 8 4 , or until the position has been filled. Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Novem ber 1984 / 573 G ENERAL R E FER EN C E/D O C U M EN T S LIBR ARIAN . The U niver­ sity of M issouri-Colum bia is seeking a librarian responsible for pro­ vid ing general reference service, online searching and som e library instruction half-time in the General Reference Unit and for providing governm ent docu m e nt reference service, instruction and some co l­ lection developm ent and m aintenance half-time in the G overnm ent Docum ents Unit. Duties include providing reference service, p ro vid ­ ing bibliograph ic instruction, providing online searches, providing training in the use of docum ents by developing printed guides and handouts, participating in general reference collection d eve lop­ m ent, su p e rvisin g the m ainten ance of d o cu m e n ts shelflist and stacks, assisting in developing the governm ent docum ents collec­ tion, and perform ing other duties as assigned. Requirem ents include A LA -accredited m aster’s degree in Library Science, ability to com ­ m unicate well verbally and in writing, strong service orientation, and ability to w ork in a team environm ent. Strong social science back­ ground, familiarity with docum ents, and experience or training in on­ line database searching desirable. M inimum salary: $14,400 for 12 months with usual fringe benefits. Available: January 1 ,1 9 8 5 . Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to: Pat B urbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 Ellis Library, University of M issouri-Colum bia, Colum bia, MO 65201. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by Novem ber 30, 1984. An equal opp ortun ity institution. G O V E R N M E N T P U B LIC A TIO N S LIB R A R IA N . U.C. Irvine Ap p o in tm e n t a t A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n ra n k. S a la ry ra n g e : $21,021 -$ 2 6 ,8 9 2 effective 1 January 1985. Cost of benefits equal to approxim ately 40 percent of salary. Benefits include 24 vacation days and 12 sick leave days per year, retirement plan coordinated with Social Security, reductions in incidental fees, and a variety of group life, m edical and dental insurance plans. Responsible for de­ velopm ent and b ibliograph ic control of U.S. collection, substantial reference service for all collections, database searching, biblio­ graph ic instruction, and policy and procedure developm ent. Qualifi­ cations: MLS, know ledge of database searching and library instruc­ tion concepts and methods, strong com m itm ent to effective public service and personal professional developm ent, goo d oral and writ­ ten com m unication skills, ability to w ork effectively with patrons and staff. Desirable: familiarity with governm ent publications, and M.A. in social sciences. Deadline for receipt of letters: 1 January 1985. Send letter, resume, telephone num bers and nam es/addresses of at least 3 referees to: M.J. M aclnnes, Personnel Director, Main Library, U.C. Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; (714) 856-7115. An affirm ­ ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. HEAD OF C A TA L O G IN G , Jerom e Library, and C oordinator of Cat­ aloging Services, Bowling Green State University Libraries. Report­ ing to Chair of Access Services, is responsible for supervising O rigi­ nal Cataloging, Editing, Catalog M aintenance, and Retrospective Projects. C oordinates cataloging efforts and policies of main collec­ tion with those of M usic Library, Center for Archival Collections, Fire- lands College, and other areas within Libraries and Learning Re­ sources. Supervises three fa cu lty and six classified staff; sets priorities and determ ines workflow; has collection developm ent re­ s p o n s ib ly in at least one subject area. Participates in planning for new integrated online system. Participates in library and university governance. All librarians at BGSU have full faculty status and must m eet normal requirem ents for prom otion and tenure. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, familiarity with OCLC, AACR II, LC Classifica­ tion and subject headings, supervisory experience, and a m inimum of 3 years of cataloging experience are required. Preferred qualifica­ tions in c lu d e se co n d m a ste r’s d e g re e ; fo re ig n la n g u a g e b a c k ­ ground; dem onstrated adm inistrative skills; flexibility; com m itm ent to integration of cataloging activities into total online library system; pro­ fessional com m itm ent to librarianship. Salary for 12-month app oin t­ ment is $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 dep ending on experience and qualifica­ tions. Tenure-track at Assistant or Associate Professor level, 24 days/yr. vacation, state retirement plan. Position available January 1985. Send resume by Novem ber 30 to: Joan Repp, Chair, Access Services, Jerom e Library, Bowling Green State University Libraries, Bowling Green, OH 43403. EO/AA em ployer. HEAD, C A T A L O G IN G D E P A R T M E N T , Central University Library, University of California, San Diego. Available im mediately. Associate Librarian, $ 2 4 ,8 2 8 -$ 3 5 ,7 4 8 or Librarian, $ 3 3 ,3 7 2 -$ 4 6 ,2 6 0 . (Saia- DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY SERVICES University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A perm a n en t position available February 1 ,1 9 8 5 . Responsibilities: The D irector of D epartm ental Library Services is responsible fo r the leadership and adm inistration of 26 departm ental libraries inclu din g the U n­ d e rg ra d u a te Library. D epartm ental libraries p ro vide com plete p u b lic service inclu din g original cataloging. The D irector is responsible for b u d g e t and program planning for the service w hich has a staff of m ore than fifty professionals and m ore than one hun dre d su p p o rt staff, and an annual b u d g e t of $2.5 million. Five Assistant Directors, each of w hom is responsible for a cluster of subject related libraries, report to the D irec­ tor. The D irector reports to the U niversity Librarian and w orks with other library adm inistrators to p ro vide q uality library service in a decentralized library system w hich is responsive to the needs of its a cad em ic c o m m u n ity and is also a statew ide resource. Librarians at the U niversity of Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign have faculty rank and status; and as chair of the D epartm ental L ibrary Services faculty and its advisory com m ittee, the D irector assum es a leadership role in the evaluation and professional d e ve lo p m e n t of the S ervices’ faculty. R eq u ire d q u a lific a tio n s : M aster’s D egree from an A L A -a ccre dite d school or its equivalent; eig h t years of professional library experience, in clu din g m ore than five years of e xperience in increasingly responsible p u b lic service positions in large a cad em ic or research libraries; research and publication record a p p ro p ri­ ate for a p p o in tm e n t at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor; evidence of the ability to w o rk effec­ tively with others. P re fe rre d : E xperience with a departm ental library or decentralized library system; e x p e ­ rience in m anaging large budgets; e xperience with autom ated systems. Salary and Rank: Salary: $42,000 upw ard, d e p e n d in g on a p p o in tm e n t rank and experience. A p p o in tm e n t will be m ade at the rank of A ssoci­ ate Professor or Professor. Send com plete resum e with nam es and addresses of five references to: A lle n R. D ries, L ib ra ry P e r­ s o n n e l M a n a g e r, U n ive rs ity o f Illin o is L ib ra ry at U rb a n a -C h a m p a ig n , 127 L ib ra ry, 1408 W e s t G re ­ g o ry D riv e, U rb an a , IL 6 1 8 0 1 ; (217) 333-8168. For m axim um consideration, applications and nom ina­ tions should be received no la te r th a n D e c e m b e r 1 ,1 9 8 4 The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. 574 / C &R L News ries to be increased by 3 .8 % effective January 1 ,1 9 8 5 .) The Catalog Departm ent, which currently consists of 9 FTE librarians, 36.55 FTE library assistants, and 2.82 FTE students, provides original and copy cataloging for the departm ents in the Central University Library, the Science and Engineering Library, and the Cluster U ndergraduate Li­ brary. The D epartm ent’s w ork is coordinated with cataloging units in the Scripps Institution of O ceanog ra phy Library and the Biom edical Library. The UCSD Library currently perform s its cataloging on OCLC and loads its records into the University of California Online Union Catalog (MELVYL). The Library is in the process of autom at­ ing all of its technical processing operations using the BiblioTechni- ques Library Information System (BLIS), and the D epartm ent may und ergo organizational changes in response to changes in w orkflow and procedures. U nder the general direction of the Assistant U niver­ sity Librarian-Access Services, the in cum b ent plans, directs, and ad­ ministers the operations of the Central University Library Catalog De­ p a rtm e n t. O v e rs e e s fo rm u la tio n a n d im p le m e n ta tio n o f departm ental policy and workflow. Responsible for organizational and personnel planning, and for allocation and assignm ent of staff within the Departm ent. Assures that w orkflow and departm ental or­ DIRECTOR I.D. Weeks Library The U niversity of South D akota invites a p p lic a ­ tions and nom inations for the position of D irector of L ibrary Services. The D irector is the chief adm inis­ trator of the I.D. W eeks Library inclu din g b u d g e t preparation, personnel m anagem ent, policy d e ve l­ opm ent, collection building, facility planning, p u b lic relations, and resource sharing and netw orking. The D irector reports to the Vice President for A c a ­ d em ic Affairs. Q u a lific a tio n s : C andidate m ust possess a M as­ t e r ’ s d e g r e e in lib r a r y s c ie n c e fro m an A L A - a ccre dite d school, and a doctoral degree in a disci­ p lin a ry area. The c a n d id a te s h o u ld have held progressively m ore responsible adm inistrative p o ­ s itio n s in an a c a d e m ic or re se a rch lib ra ry a n d should be able to dem onstrate know led g e of co lle c­ tion developm ent, personnel m anagem ent, b u d g e t planning, fund raising, autom ated systems, and li­ b ra ry s p a c e p la n n in g a n d use. The c a n d id a te should also have a record of a pp ro p ria te scholarly and professional a chie vem en t and should be eligi­ ble for a p p o in tm e n t as a full professor. Salary: O pen and co m p etitive with a m inim um of $35,000; 12-m onth contract, com p re h en sive b en e ­ fit program . D e a d lin e f o r a p p lic a tio n s : D e c e m b e r 1, 1984; position to be filled as soon as possible th e re ­ after. A p p lica tio n s should include a letter indicating in­ terest in the position, a cu rren t resume, and names, addresses, and telep ho n e num bers of three refer­ ences. A t least one of the references should be able to evaluate the c a n d id a te ’s p erform ance in his/her cu rren t position. Send a pplications and nom inations to: Jo h n A. D ay, A ctin g V ice P re s id e n t fo r A c a d e m ic A f­ fa irs , T h e U n ive rs ity o f S o u th D ak o ta , V e rm il­ lion, SD 5 7 0 6 9 . The University of South Dakota is an equal opportunity, affirmative ganization are efficiently adapted to changes in autom ated system', and service priorities. Responsible for coordinating the work of the D epartm ent with that of other library departm ents. Represents the Library within the UC system on m atters relating to cataloging policy. M aintains awareness of national and UC system wide issues re g a rd ­ ing b ibliograph ic control and autom ation of library catalogs, com m u nicates these issues within the Library, and contributes to the identifi­ c a tio n a n d re s o lu tio n o f th e s e is s u e s th ro u g h a p p ro p r ia te professional activities. Qualifications: successful m anagerial and su­ pervisory experience in a research or academ ic library; substantial know ledge of bibliograph ic control policies and procedures as a p ­ plied in research libraries; know ledge of issues and trends relating the autom ation of library processing; dem onstrated ability to work ef­ fectively with library pub lic and technical services staff at all levels; and understanding of the scholarly use of library collections. MLS from an A L A -accredited library school. An appointee at the Librarian level is expected to bring to the position well-developed m anagerial skills and cataloging expertise. Search extended to N o vem b er 30, 1984. Subm it a letter of application, enclosing a resum e and a list of references to: Jacqueline Coolm an, Personnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-H1, La Jolla, CA 92093. UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. HEAD , H U M A N IT IE S D IV IS IO N , with faculty rank. Responsible for the Humanities Public Services Division of the Library directing the w ork of three professional librarians, three non-professionals, and four student assistants. Supervise collection developm ent for m ateri­ als in all literatures and languages, religion, the fine arts, architecture, general periodicals, library and inform ation science, journalism, sports and recreation. Sit on the library d ire cto r’s council and serve on council com m ittees conce rn ed with overall library operation. Masters degree from an A L A -accredited library school; a bachelors or second m asters in a discipline in the humanities; at least five years experience in an academ ic library public services position, prefera­ bly in the humanities. Initial appointm ent with faculty rank of Instruc­ tor with advancem ent to Assistant Professor at end of first year if m er­ ited. Free health and accident insurance, free life insurance and O klahom a T ea cher’s Retirement, andTIA A /C R E F Program . Twenty- two w orking days vacation and 8 holidays. O pportunity to w ork to ­ w ard adva nced degree. Salary: $19,800 m inimum. For full consider­ ation application should be received by N ovem ber 3 0 ,1 9 8 4 . Submit letter of application with resume in cluding names of three references to: Roscoe Rouse, University Librarian, O klahom a State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. AA/EO em ployer. HEAD L IB R A R IA N . Responsible for com plete operation of a m ajor art m useum library containing 125,000 volumes, 1500 curre nt seri­ als titles, 260,000 slides, 100,000 pho tog ra phs and extensive m icro­ form and special visual resources holdings. Duties include acquisi­ tions currently 4500/year with a b u d g e t in excess of $150,000, bibliography, adm instration, personnel, provision of reader services to m useum staff as well as university faculty and g raduate students in art history, m useum m em bers, and the general public. Oversees staff of 2 2 — eight professional and fourteen clerical as well as an RLIN-based technical services system, in cluding cooperative o rigi­ nation of SCIPIO, an RLIN special database of art auction catalogs. Reports to M useum Director. Qualifications include an ALA-M LS, BA m inim um in art history, extensive acquisitions work, in cluding fam il­ iarity with some of the appropriate languages (e .g ., Germ an, French, Italian, and Chinese or Japanese), five ye a rs’ adm inistrative experi­ ence in m useum or university art library, familiarity with RLIN or a com parable biblio g ra p h ic utility, and a dem onstrated com m itm ent to special library service in an art m useum environm ent. Salary from $30,000 plus benefits. Send letter containing resume and references by Janu ary 1,1 9 8 5 , to: Evan H. Turner, Director, The Cleveland M u­ seum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106. An equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. HEAD O F S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S D E P A R T M E N T . Roland R Renne Library, M ontana State University. M ontana State University seeks a creative and energetic person to head the Special Collec­ tions D epartm ent which houses books, m anuscripts, photographs and artifacts relating to the history of Montana, the Pacific Northwest, and Native Am ericans. The Head of Special Collections is responsi­ ble for the organization and m anagem ent of Special Collections and the University Archives; provides access to and reference service in these collections for students, faculty, and other researchers; pre­ pares grant proposals for special project funding; is active in the ac­ quisition of additions to these collections; trains and supervises cleri­ cal and student staff; and is expected to participate in library and university com mittees. The Head of Special Collections reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services. Qualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited institution required. M aster’s or Ph.D degree in his­ tory, history of science, Native Am erican studies or other related area of study desired and eventually required for prom otion. Three years of training and experience in special collections w ork in an academ ic library (including processing, cataloging, and indexing special col­ lection materials) required. Training and experience in archival o rg a ­ nization and m anagem ent and records m anagem ent desired. Expe­ rie n c e in c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s in lib ra rie s d e s ira b le . M ust dem onstrate ability to com m unicate effectively, both orally and in writing. A p pointm ent and salary: Position available February 1, 1985, or as soon as possible thereafter. Tenure-track, FY position at the Assistant Professor level, $22,000 minimum. C andidate must meet university requirem ents for prom otion and tenure. M ontana State University, the state’s land grant institution, is located in the Gallatin Valley of southwestern M ontana ninety miles north o f Yellow­ stone National Park. The university has an enrollm ent exceeding 11,000 in 47 undergraduate and 38 graduate fields with an e m pha­ sis on program s in science and technology. Renne Library, which houses Special Collections, holds a collection of 500,000 volum es with strengths in science, technology, and regional history. Montana State University is an affirmative action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer and encourages applications from female, m inority and disabled persons. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recom m endation w hich specifically address the qualifications for this position to: Special Collections Search C om m it­ tee, D e an’s Office, Roland R. Renne Library, Montana State U niver­ sity, Bozeman, MT 59717-0022. Applications m ust be postm arked or received no later than N ovem ber 30, 1984. HEAD OF T E C H N IC A L SERVIC ES. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Adm inisters overall operations of collection developm ent, cat­ aloging, and physical processing. Responsible for coordination of bibliograph ic files th ro u g h o u t the library. Some night and weekend w ork should be expected. Qualifications include understanding of autom ated library systems; thorough know ledge of cataloging poli­ cies and procedures; dem onstrated ability to plan and im plem ent im proved program s; dem onstrated abilities in m anagem ent; ability and willingness to com m unicate effectively and w ork well with all lev­ els of em ployees; stable em ploym ent background. An innovative li­ brarian with analytical skills is highly desirable. Requirem ents in­ clude A L A /M LS and five years of relevant post-MLS experience. M inim um salary: $25,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe bene­ fits in cluding up to 6°/o-matched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone num bers) w h o have observed hum an relationships and pro­ fessional abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitm ent Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA em ployer. LIB R A R Y PE R S O N N EL O FFIC ER . A staff officer with responsibility for coordinating libraries’ personnel policies in the areas of recruit­ ment, com pensation, em ployee relations and staff developm ent; these services are provided for 271 em ployees including 68 profes­ sionals, 66 paraprofessionals, 44 clerical staff, and 93 FTE student assistants. The Library Personnel Officer uses indepe nden t ju d g ­ m ent in handling problem s in all the above areas and w orks closely with D epartm ent Chairs and other em ployees to develop and apply internal personnel procedures. The Personnel Officer represents the University Libraries in University w ork groups on personnel issues. Qualifications: A broad know le dge of all functional areas found in a large a cad em ic library; a clear understanding of individual jobs, jo b levels, and the interrelatedness of library functions; a know le dge of trends and developm ents in research librarianship nationally; ability to m aintain effective w orking relationships with colleagues in the Li­ brary and the University and the ability to com m unicate logically, clearly and efficiently in oral and written form; and the ability to be objective, equitable, confidential and consistent in interpreting and app lying University and Library personnel policies and procedures and sufficient in depe nden ce of th o u g h t and m aturity to sustain the resultant decisions is required. MLS degree from an A L A -accredited library school is required. Three to five years progressively responsi­ ble experience in a research library (including som e supervision) strongly preferred. Rank and salary: A p pointm ent at Associate Li­ b ra ria n le vel: R ange: $ 1 7 ,1 3 9 -$ 3 0 ,4 0 0 ; Full L ib ra ria n level: $ 2 0 ,3 8 5 -$ 3 6 ,2 0 0 . Initial appointm ent up to $30,000 d ep ending upon experience. Benefits: Twelve-m onth, tenure-track a pp oin t­ m ent with faculty status. Florida State Retirement of TIAA/CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield G roup Plan, twenty-two days vacation per year, no state or local incom e tax. Send letter of application with co m ­ plete resume and names and addresses of three references by De­ cem ber 1 5 ,1 9 8 4 , to: Jam es H. Renz, Associate Director, University of Florida Libraries, Gainesville, FL 32611. The University of Florida com plies with Section 503 of the Rehabilitation A ct of 1973 and Sec­ tion 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustm ent A ct of 1974. Pre­ lim inary interviews available at ALA M idwinter. M USIC C A T A L O G E R /A S S O C IA T E LIB R A R IA N II. Prepares orig inal biblio g ra p h ic records for m usic materials in a ccorda nce with AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and UM CP stan­ dards; works with M usic Library staff in providing biblio g ra p h ic ac­ cess to these materials; provides original cataloging records for non- p r in t m a te ria ls . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M LS fro m an A LA -accredited program ; know ledge of at least one m odern Euro­ pean language, G erm an preferred; one year m inimum professional m usic cataloging experience, using LC classification and subject headings, AACR2 for description; familiarity with M ARC/O CLC ta g ­ ging conventions; degree in music. Preferred: Experience with non­ print cataloging. Salary: $19,071 m inimum; excellent fringe benefits. For full consideration, subm it resume and names of three references by N ovem ber 30, to: Virginia Sojdehei, Personnel Librarian, Mc- Keldin Library, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742. AA/EOE. PU B LIC SE R V IC ES LIB R A R IA N , Cornell Law Library. Principally HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT Berkeley M a n a g e m e n t of a large, c o m p le x d e p a rtm e n t with 32 FTE plus student assistants, responsible for the annual processing of 4 0,0 0 0 titles. Liaison w ork with 21 branch units for w hich the D epartm ent is a central re c e iv in g loca tio n is of p a rtic u la r im p o r­ tance. Im plem entation of online serials control will be a m ajor activity. R equires MLS d eg re e from an a ccre dite d library s c h o o l; d e m o n s tra te d s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e , preferably in a large research library; dem onstrated o rg a n iza tio n a l skills; p re vio u s w o rk with serials processing and /o r cataloging; fam iliarity with one or m ore European languages; g o o d oral and w rit­ ten co m m un icatio n skills; an aptitude for training and instruction. C andidates with previous e x p e ri­ ence with autom ated system s and kn ow led g e of MARC-S will be given special consideration. Full jo b description m ailed on request. Salary in the $33 ,3 72 to $46,260 per annum range, d e p e n d ­ ing on qualifications. Position available 1 February 1985, or as soon thereafter as possible. To apply, please send your resume, inclu din g the nam es and addresses of at least three professional references, by D e c e m b e r 14, 1 98 4, to: W illia m E. W e n z L ib ra ry P ers o n n e l O ffic e r R oom 4 4 7 G e n era l Lib rary U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia B e rk e le y , C A 9 4 7 2 0 The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. 576 / C& L News responsible for day-to-day supervision of circulation, reserve, and in­ library school; advanced study in the humanities; reading knowl­ edge of Classical and modern foreign languages; 2 -3 years supervi­ sory experience, as well as some professional reference experience in a rare book/special collections library; excellent verbal and written com munications skills; familiarity with online library systems desir­ able. Appointm ent range: $18 ,894-$24,192, based upon experi­ ence. Interested candidates should send letter of application, re­ sume and names of three references by December 31, 1984, to: Gloria Hagberg, Brown University Library, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibilities include general reference desk work, bibliographic instruction to both graduate and u n d e rg ra d u a te students, som e sele ctio n re s p o n s ib ilitie s and evening/weekend reference duty. Some online searching is involved as well as production of bibliographies for general use. Academ ic e x p e rie n c e is d e s ira b le . R e q u ire m e n ts : M LS fro m an A L A - accredited library school; good written and oral com munication REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/ BUSINESS BIBLIOGRAPHER University of Miami The City of Miami is one of the fastest-growing centers of international business. The School of Business Adm inistration at the University of Miami offers 7 M aster’s degree program s. A $2.5 million endow m ent, created to develop outstanding busi­ ness library services offers an unusual opportunity for imaginative collection building. We seek an ex­ perienced librarian who will direct the growth of the collection, p ro vid e creative reference services, teach library instruction, and offer direct research assistance to students and faculty of the School of Business. Q u a lifica tio n s: MLS from an A L A -a c c re d ite d school or equivalent; M BA or related advanced de­ gree desirable. Extensive expe rie nce p ro vid in g creative library service in the field of business and econom ics in an academ ic or special library. Ca­ pacity for developing close w orking relations with faculty colleagues in matters pertaining to library collection developm ent, b ibliographic instruction, and the creation of new library services. Position is a 12-month faculty tenure-track a p ­ pointm ent available immediately. Beginning salary range is from $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 , d epending on ex­ perience and qualifications. Benefits include paid pension plan, partially paid insurance plans, one m on th ’s vacation, m oving allowance, tuition remis­ sion. For full consideration, please send b efo re D e­ c em b e r 15, a letter of application, a resume, and the names of three references to: Ronald P. N aylor A ssistant D irecto r for A d m in istrative S ervices U niversity of M iam i Libraries P .O . Box 248 21 4 Coral G ables, FL 33124 Interviews may be arranged at A LA Midwinter. An EO/AA employer. terlibrary loan operations, which may include hiring, scheduling, and overseeing training of student assistants. As part of the reference staff, offers reference service and may prepare bibliographies, assist with current awareness services, advise on collection needs and in­ struct library users in legal research m ethodology (including LEXIS and WESTLAW) in both formal and informal contacts. Regular eve­ ning and some weekend work will be expected. Requirements: MLS degree from accredited school; 1-3 years experience in public ser­ vice position, preferably in an academ ic library (possession of a JD may substitute for experience if other requisite characteristics are present); strong service orientation; ability to work with people; flexi­ bility; good problem solving skills; knowledge of legal bibliography or ability to learn quickly. Some supervisory experience preferred. Salary: $16,400 + , depending on qualifications and experience. Submit cover letter and resume, listing at least three references to: Carolyn Pyhtila, Personnel Director, 235 Olin Library, Cornell Univer­ sity, Ithaca, NY 14853. Applications received by Novem ber 30 will receive priority consideration. Cornell University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. READER SERVICES LIBRARIAN at the John Hay Library, Brown University. Responsible for all aspects of reader services in Special Collections, the security of the Reading Room and the building, the developm ent and implementation of policies for the use of all library materials by the public, the maintenance of and acquisition for the Special Collections reference collection, and the supervision of 2.5 support staff and 14 students. Reports to the Head Special Collec­ tions Librarian. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited ISLAMICA LIBRARIAN Berkeley Responsible for developm ent and m aintenance of Islam ica collections in hum anities, social sci­ ences and broad interdisciplinary areas. Provide specialized reference service to faculty and stu­ dents in the use of Arabic, Persian and Turkish m a­ terials and to a broader Library clientele through service at the Catalog Information Desk. Perform original cataloging of m onographs in Arabic, Per­ sian and Turkish including descriptive cataloging. Some w eekend w ork required. Requires good know ledge of A rabic and w orking facility in either Persian or Turkish. Broad know l­ edge of M iddle Eastern scholarship, book trade and understanding of current developm ent in re­ search libraries and of systems of bibliographic or­ ganization and access. G raduate degree from ac­ cre d ite d library school preferred. An a ppointee lacking such a degree will be expected to earn the MLS within two to three years of appointm ent. Full job description mailed on request. Salary in the $20,316 to $46,260 per annum range depending on qualifications. Position available 1 February, 1985. Send resum e in clu din g the nam es of p rofes­ sional references by D ecem b er 1 4 ,1 9 8 4 , to: W illiam E. W en z Library Personnel O fficer Room 447 G eneral Library U niversity of C alifornia B erkeley, CA 94720 The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. N ovem ber 1984 / 577 skills; w illingness to deal with the p u b lic and to c o o p e ra te with fellow em ployees; m ust be service-oriented. Full-time, 12-m onth position; rank and tenure eligibility; salary m inim um $15,000. TIAA/CREF. Send resum e and nam es of three references to: Kathy Essary, Chair, L ib ra ry Search Com m ittee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 3 3 rd and University, Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO /AA em ployer. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N (LIF E S C IE N C E S ). Search reope ned. In ad d itio n to traditional reference duties, in cu m b e n t will p ro vid e in- dep th reference and consultation service, perform online searches, m aintain and d e ve lo p BI classes, and be responsible for collection d e v e lo p m e n t in the biological and life sciences. Q ualifications: ALA- a ccre d ite d MLS. MS in a life science and m inim um of tw o years e x­ p erie nce desirable. Benefits: Faculty status (tw elve-m onth a p p o in t­ m e n t). S a la ry ra n g e : $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 to m id -tw e n tie s d e p e n d in g on qualifications. A p plication: Send letter of a pp lication, resum e and nam es of three references p ostm arke d by N o ve m b e r 30, 1984, to: Kenneth R. Murr, Chair, Reference Librarian Search Com m ittee, R.M. C o o p e r Library, C lem son University, Clem son, SC 29631. Clem son U niversity is an equal op p o rtu n ity, affirm ative action e m ­ ployer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N , U N D E R G R A D U A T E L IB R A R Y . Re quirem ents: M LS (A LA -accredited). M inim um of 2 years of profes­ sional a ca d e m ic library reference experience. Desired qu a lifica ­ tions: E x p e rie n c e w ith lib ra ry in s tru c tio n p ro g ra m s , in c lu d in g m ic ro c o m p u te r app lica tio n s and the use of other m edia; e xp e rie n ce in supe rvisin g lib ra ry s u p p o rt staff; e x p e rie n ce with online searching a n d /o r autom ated ca ta lo g in g systems; e xp e rie n ce in the selection of reference and other library m aterials. Excellent co m m u n ica tio n s and interpersonal skills. P articipate in overall mission of the U n d e rg ra d u ­ ate Libra ry and m ust m eet P u rdue University require m en ts (excel­ lence in librarianship, publishing, research, and service) fo r p ro m o ­ tio n a n d te n u re . S u p e rv is e , tra in , a n d e v a lu a te th e w o rk o f 7 reference clerks. Serve as resource fo r staff. P articipate in d e v e lo p ­ ing and presenting library instruction using a variety of techniques. Participate in collection d e v e lo p m e n t in reference and other subject areas. Serve as liaison with te a ch in g faculty to p rom ote effective use of available reference services. R eports to the U n d e rg ra d u a te Li­ brarian. Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank com m e n su ra te with e du cation and experience. 12-m onth a p p o in tm e n t with annual vacation of 22 days. G ro u p Life, m ajor m edical, and disability insur­ ance plans are in effect as are TIAA/C R EF and Social Security. Sal­ ary: $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 a n d up d e p e n d in g upon qualifications. A p p lica tio n deadline: D e ce m b e r 31, 1984. Send resum e and list of references to: T hom as L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stew art Center, P u rdu e University, W est LaFayette, IN 47907. An equal o p p ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N W IT H S P E C IA L IZ A T IO N IN S C I­ EN C E. P rovides general reference service with 11 full-tim e refer­ ence specialists. Specialist activities include extensive online d ata­ b a s e s e a r c h in g , b ib lio g r a p h ic in s tr u c tio n , a n d c o lle c tio n d eve lop m en t. Em phasis is with students and faculty in the chem istry, physics, m athem atics, and g e o lo g y departm ents. A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS, or equivalent, required. U n d e rg ra d u a te m ajor in a physical sci­ ence, m athem atics, or a natural science, preferred. A d v a n c e d d e ­ gree in one of these d iscipline s is desirable. Related reference e x p e ­ r ie n c e a n d tr a in in g in c o m p u te r s e a r c h in g a re d e s ira b le . T en ure -tra ck position. 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of California, Davis T he U nive rsity o f C alifornia, Davis, invites a p p lic a tio n s and n o m in a tio n s fo r the position of U n ive rsity Li­ brarian, The D avis c a m p u s is a general c a m p u s co n sistin g of th re e co lle g e s (Letters and S cience, A g ric u l­ tural a n d E n viro n m e ntal S ciences, E ng in e ering ), fo u r sch oo ls (G ra d u a te School o f A d m in istra tio n , Law, M ed icin e , V e te rin a ry M edicine), a n d th re e division s (B iolo gica l S ciences, E n viro n m e ntal Studies, Statis­ tics), w ith an e n ro llm e n t of 19,000 students. The U n ive rsity L ib raria n is the ch ie f a dm in istra tive o ffice r fo r the G eneral L ib ra ry System , in c lu d in g the G eneral L ib ra ry a n d its b ra n ch libraries in the health sciences, p h y s i­ cal sciences, and a g ricu ltu ra l e co n o m ics, with a g g re g a te h o ld in g s in excess of 1.7 m illion volum es, a staff of 60 p rofessional librarian s and 220 s u p p o rt staff, and a b u d g e t o f $ 1 0 m illion. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : P lanning a n d e stab lishin g goa ls a n d p riorities fo r d e v e lo p m e n t of c o lle ctio n s in s u p ­ p o rt o f in stru ction a n d research; fo r physical facilities; a n d fo r the d e v e lo p m e n t of syste m a tic a p p ro a c h e s to lib ra ry o p e ra tio n s and a p p lic a tio n o f c o m p u te r a n d othe r te c h n o lo g ie s to lib ra ry fu nctio n s. B u d g e ta ry p la n ­ ning a n d allo catio n and m a n a g e m e n t of resources. R ecruiting a n d s u p e rv is in g professional and staff p e r­ sonnel; a d m in is te rin g a c a d e m ic and staff p ersonnel p o licie s a n d the a ffirm ative action plan o f the Library. D e v e lo p in g p olicies a n d p ro c e d u re s fo r pro visio n of services a n d a dm in istra tio n of the G eneral L ib ra ry system . S e rvin g as liaison o fficer with the A c a d e m ic Senate, the a dm inistratio n , and o th e r fa c u lty and staff a g e n c ie s w ithin the U nive rsity on lib ra ry m atters. S e rvin g as a m e m b e r of the U n iv e rs ity w id e L ib ra ry C o u n ­ cil a n d of th e B o a rd of the N orth e rn R egional L ib ra ry Facility. The U nive rsity L ib ra ria n reports to the Vice C h a n c e llo r-A c a d e m ic Affairs. Q u a lific a tio n s : A g ra d u a te d e g re e in lib ra ria n sh ip from an A L A -a c c re d ite d institution or its equivale nt. A n a d v a n c e d d e g re e in an e stab lishe d d is c ip lin e or d e m o n s tra te d u n d e rs ta n d in g of th e resp on sibilities of a lib ra ry system th a t m eets the n ee ds of th ose e n g a g e d in te a ch in g , research, a n d sch o la rly a ctivity in a university; substantial e x p e rie n c e relevant to the d esign, d e v e lo p m e n t, a n d o p e ra tio n of a large a cad em i- c/re se a rch lib ra ry system ; k n o w le d g e of c u rre n t tre n d s and a p p lic a tio n of lib ra ry inform a tio n te ch n o lo g ie s; s u p e rio r inte rp e rso n a l skills in p ro v id in g le a d e rs h ip fo r a larg e professional and s u p p o rt staff and a bility to in te ra ct w ith an a c a d e m ic c o m m u n ity a n d its pub lics; d e m o n s tra te d c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d verbal skills. Ex­ p e rie n c e in p la n n in g fo r co n stru ctio n of facilities and in the area of la b o r relations in the c o n te x t of co lle ctive b a rg a in in g is d e sira b le b u t not essential. S a la ry : C o m m e n s u ra te with q u a lifica tio n s a n d e xp e rie n ce . ($ 6 1 ,5 0 0 -$ 7 5 ,0 0 0 ). S end a p p lic a tio n s o r n o m in a tio n s w ith resum e to: R o b e rt M . C e llo , V ic e C h a n c e llo r -A c a d e m ic A f­ fa irs , U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , 521 M a rk H a ll, D a v is , C A 9 5 6 1 6 , b y D e c e m b e r 2 0 ,1 9 8 4 . Position will rem ain o p e n until filled. An equ al op p o rtu n ity, affirm ative action em ployer. 578 / C &R L News benefits. Salary ranges, dep ende nt upon qualifications: instructor: $16,00.0-$18,000; assistant professor: $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . Send let­ ter of application, current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of 3 recent references by Decem ber 15 to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. SC IENC E AND TE C H N O L O G Y D E P A R TM E N T HEAD. Super vises tw o librarians and one career service em ployee. Departm ent responsible for science and technology reference service, online searching, liaison to science faculty for collection developm ent, and bibliograph ic instruction. Planning proceeding on an eight million dollar science center library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited mas­ te r’s degree in library science. M inimum of 5 years experience for Associate University Librarian ($16,870 + ) or 9 years experience for University Librarian ($21,100 + ). Strong science b ackg ro und (aca­ d em ic training and/or experience). G ood com m unications skills and strong pub lic service com m itm ent required. Prior supervisory e xp e ­ rience desirable. Position available no earlier than January 2, 1985. Applications must be received by Decem ber 7, 1984, for consider­ ation. Address applications to: Lucille Higgs, Assistant Director for Adm inistrative Services, Strozier Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306. EOE. SC IE N C E LIB R A R IA N . Reporting to Assistant Dean of Libraries, re­ sponsible for m anaging The Frank C. O gg Science and Health Li­ brary of 170,000 volum es serving the hard sciences, health, and technology. Supervises 1 professional and 4 clerical staff; provides reference, instruction, online searching, and individual research guidance to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates. Serves as collection developm ent liaison with Science Departm ents. Qualifi­ cations: A LA -accredited MLS required, plus 2 years of reference- /collection developm ent experience. Dem onstrated familiarity with the bibliograph y and literature of science. A d vanced subject degree in science area preferred. Com m itm ent to active public service, in­ struction, and searching program required. Librarians at BGSU have faculty status and m ust m eet usual prom otion and tenure re­ quirements. Salary for 12-month appointm ent is $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 8 ,0 0 0 d ep ending on experience and qualifications. Tenure-track, 24 day- s/yr. vacatio n, state retire m en t plan. Position a vaila ble J a n u a ry 1985. Send resume by N ovem ber 30 to: William Miller, Chair, Sci­ ence Librarian Search Committee, D ean’s Office, Jerom e Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Ex­ panded position description available on request. EO/AA em ployer. SERIALS C A TA LO G ER . Responsibility for cataloging English and foreign language serials using AACR2 rules as well as form atting and MARC tag g in g c o p y for input into the W LN database. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Desirable: Experience in serial cataloging us­ ing LC classification, both pre-AACR and AACR 1 rules, preferably in an academ ic library; ability to w ork with foreign languages co m ­ m only encountered in academ ic libraries; experience in general seri­ als processing, e.g. check-in binding, acquisitions, etc. Rank: Libra r­ ian 2. Salary: (minimum professional salary is $17,500). TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program , 22 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences to: Donna L. M cCool, Assistant Director for Adm inistrative Services, Libraries, W ashington State U niversity, Pullm an, WA 99164-5610. Review of applications begins January 2 ,1 9 8 5 . W ash­ ington State University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ­ ployer. T E C H N IC A L SERVIC ES LIB R A R IA N , Librarian II The Hancock Library of Biology and O ceanography at the University of Southern California seeks a self-starting, dyna m ic librarian to carry prim ary re­ sponsibility for the condition, physical and bibliograph ic accessibility of the library’s collection. S/He prepares policy, guidelines and schedules activities for the treatm ent of the lib ra ry’s holdings in clu d ­ ing serials, m onographs, maps, atlases, reprints, and rare book col­ lection. The Technical Service Librarian is responsible for acquisi­ tions, cataloging, conservation activities; selects, trains, supervises and evaluates technical services personnel; develops section goals; im plem ents program s and procedures; prepares statistical and nar­ rative reports; coordinates technical services activities with public services needs; participates in reference and public services. The Technical Services Librarian will report to the Library Director and will supervise three FTE non-professionals. The H a ncock Library contains 100,000 volum es and receives 2,500 serial titles currently. Qualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited school. Five years of successful experience in preferably two or more areas of scientific, academ ic and/or research library technical services in cluding two years of supervision and in-depth expertise with at least one biblio­ graph ic utility and familiarity with com puter applications in other ar­ eas of lib ra ry tech n ica l services is soug ht. Salary: $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 to $26,000 to start depending on experience. Send resume, letter of application, and three references by N ovem ber 2 0 ,1 9 8 4 , to: Techni­ cal Services Librarian Search Committee, Allan H a ncock Founda­ tion, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371. AA/EOE. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Search Reopened California State Polytechnic University, Pomona A L A -a ccre dite d MLS (or equivalent), plus an a dva n ce d deg re e required; an earned d octorate prefer­ red. Eight y e a rs’ e xperience in an acad em ic or research library with a m inim um of five years in adm inis­ trative positions. A p p lica n t m ust d o cu m e n t history of successful leadership and creativity in library ad- m inistrtion. Salary is com m ensurate with experience a n d qualifications. Cal Poly, P om ona offers instruction for a p p ro xim a te ly 17,000 students in 72 d eg re e p ro g ra m s with 900 faculty. The U niversity Library has 4 60 ,0 00 volum es, 3,100 periodical subscriptions and over 1,000,000 m icroform s. The staff of 58 includes 14 professionals. A nnual m aterials b u d g e t is a p p ro x i­ m ately $1,100,000. Interested persons should send letter of inquiry to: D ire c to r o f U n ive rs ity L ib ra ry S e a rch C o m m itte e , c /o Paul F. W e lle r, P ro vo st and A c a d e m ic V ic e P re s id e n t, 3801 W e s t T e m ­ ple A v e n u e , P o m o n a , C a lifo rn ia 9 1 7 6 8 , A tte n tio n : S u e B row n. To be considered fo r the position, applicants are required to subm it a com pleted application form , cu rre n t resume, three letters of reference, and official confirm ation of highest deg re e earned (tran­ scripts), postm arked no la te r th a n D e c e m b e r 7, 1 98 4. C alifornia State Polytechnic University, Po­ m ona is an Equal O pportunity, A ffirm ative Action, Title IX, 504 em ployer. W om en, m inorities, disabled persons and Vietnam -era veterans are e nco u ra g e d to apply. November 1984 / 579 LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Assertive, innovative, experienced individual to administer public services and collection development programs in a dynamic University environment. Operating budget $700,000+ with staff of 26. Salary: $34,000 with generous benefits. ALA-accredited MLS and 8 years relevant, increasingly responsible academic library experience required. Additional graduate degree and library automation experience desirable. Apply by January 15, 1985, with resume and 3 references to: Chair, Search Committee, 126 University Library, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435. An EEO/AA employer. CHAIR OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Reporting to the Dean of Libraries and Learning Resources, is responsible for managing one of 2 major departments within Jerome (Main) Library. The chair participates in library-wide management decisions and has administrative responsibility for areas of reference services, online services, collection development, library user education, and Serials Department. Chair supervises 10 professional and 5 support staff. Will have collection development, departmental liaison, and user education responsibility in one or more specific areas. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required, plus 5 years of public service experience, 2 of which have involved supervision/admlnistrative duties. Advanced subject degree in social science subject area preferred. Successful candidate will have demonstrated leadership skills and active commitment to all phases of public service activity. Librarians at BGSU have faculty status and must meet usual promotion and tenure requirements. Salary for 12-month appointment is $30,000-$37,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Tenure-track at Associate Professor level preferred. State retiremnt plan. Position available July 1, 1985. Send resume by December 10, 1984, to: William Miller, Dean’s Office, Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. An EO/AA Employer. DIVISION HEAD, INSTRUCTIONAL AND LEARNING RESOURCES. Manages Library Operations, Media Production and Media Services. Administers academic programs in Television and Radio, Photography, and Health/Recreation. ALA-MLS or M.S. in Instuctional Technology or equivalent and a minimum of three years related teaching and/or related administrative experience. The selection process will begin November 21, 1984. Minimum salary: $28,793. Send resume with salary history to: Richard W. Latham, Director of Personnel Services, Tompkins Cortland Community College, 170 North Street, Dryden, NY 13053. Located in the Finger Lakes region of upstate N.Y. EOE/AA. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. 12-month contract, tenure-track position, Union College, Schenectady, New York, available January 1985. Responsibilities: approximately equally split between two roles: 1) Administers selective federal depository program, with direct or delegated responsibility for all phases of document selection, processing, and dissemination, including promoting, as well as assisting and instructing users and staff. Some supervision of paraprofessional and student workers. 2) Participates in providing general reference services (including some regular evening and weekend duty), online database searching, formal library instruction, and inter-library loan. Faculty membership necessitates demonstrated scholarship activity and college service for successful evaluations, promotion, and tenure. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; government documents training; some knowledge of OCLC cataloging; good communications and interpersonal skills. Preferred: working experience in government documents operations. Salary range from $16,000, depending upon experience. Deadline for applications: December 1, 1984. Submit letter, 580 / C&RL News resume, and names and addresses of three recent references to: David Gerhan, Head of Information Services, Union College Library, Schenectady, NY 12308. Union College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT (Search reopened.) Responsible for reference services in a university library of 750,000 volumes. Reports to Associate Director for Public Services. Duties include supervision of department personnel, online searching, collection development and bibliographic instruction. Candidate should have demonstrated planning, supervisory and communications skills and a commitment to responsive and innovative reference service. Must be able to evaluate effectiveness of service and implement changes to include increased emphasis on automation. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and subject masters; 5 years reference experience in medium or large academic library; evidence of professional development. Salary: $22,000-$25,000, 10.5 mo. contract, faculty status, tenure-track. Send letter of application, resume, names and addresses of three references and transcripts by December 31 to: Maxine Johnston, Library Director, Lamar University, P.0. Box 10021, Beaumont TX 77710. An EO/AA employer. HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, subject specialist for English and American literature. Duties include reference services, online literature searching (DIALOG), orientation and instruction, faculty liaison, shared collection development. Evening and weekend hours required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with undergraduate or graduate degree in the humanities, preferably English or American literature. Strong communication skills. Experience and/or coursework in Black studies desirable. Training and/or experience with DIALOG or similar system. Three years experience or equivalent. Faculty status, Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. Salary from $15,901.40. 9-month appointment with possibility of summer work. Resume, transcripts, 3 letters of reference, by December 1, to: Shirley M. Johnson, Chair, Library Search Committee, Clarion University of Pa., Clarion, PA 16214. EEO/AA employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsible for developing a full range of public services in support of Regis College’s undergraduate and graduate programs. Services include: traditional and computer-assisted reference, telephone reference,bibliographic instruction in classroom and workshop settings, interlibrary loan, and circulation services. Serves as bibliographer and faculty liaison with faculty scholars for collection development within an appropriate subject specialty. Responsible for leadership in integrating informational and instructional services into the academic programs. Qualifications: MLS (ALA); 3 years of reference experience in a liberal arts college; experience in using machine readable databases and government documents; evidence of imaginative leadership in public services; demonstrated supervisory and leadership skills; skill in classroom teaching; good communication skills, both oral and written; and ability to work with both young adults and working adults. A second master’s degree is desirable. Regis College is a 4-year Jesuit liberal arts college, with 3000 students enrolled in its undergraduate and graduate programs. The Library serves the main campus and two auxiliary locations. A branch library at Colorado Springs is in early development. The College is committed to the library becoming a major regional resource and an aggressive partner in the nurturing of academic excellence throughout the College programs. Position is a 12-month faculty appointment available July 1, 1985. Minimum salary in the high teens, generous benefits. Deadline for letters of application, resume, and 3 references is November 26, 1984. Send materials to: Pamela Ashby, Personnel Administrator, Regis College, West 50th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80221. Regis College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. November 1984 / 581 READER SERVICES/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Participates in the provision of reference desk services, online searching, collection development, and is actively involved in a comprehensive program of course-related bibliographic instruction. Responsible for periodicals, including acquisition and maintenance of approx. 1,500 titles, maintenance of microforms and media area, and supervision of 2 paraprofessionals. Required: ALA MLS, 2-3 years reference, bibliographic instruction and online searching experience. Serials and supervisory experience necessary. Strong management and interpersonal skills essential. Salary: $17,000, 22 days vacation. Apply, including names of 3 references, by December 15, to: Paula Warnken, Library Director, Xavier University, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207. Xavier is an equal opportunity employer. Interviewing at ALA Midwinter. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Clarkson University seeks an entry level librarian to work with team providing reference services to both undergraduates and faculty. Responsibilities will include reference, bibliographic instruction, computer searching and collection development with subject emphasis in science, engineering and management. Will participate in overall planning for library programs. Will also supervise 2 support staff members working in reserve and interlibrary loan, develop policy and procedures for these areas, and resolve problems as they arise. Position requires ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of reference sources, computer-based bibliographic searching, bibliographic instruction techniques and a background in science or technology are all desirable. Screening began in September and will continue until position is filled. Salary minimum: $19,000. Send application with resume and names and addresses of 3 professional references to: Richard D. Valente, Director, Educational Resources Center, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676. EO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS (2). Opportunity to work in an environment where services are expanding and where there is considerable scope for implementing new program initiatives, including the application of new technologies to the delivery of services. Responsible for collection development, library instuction and computerized database searching in assigned disciplines. Provides service at the reference desk, including some weekend and evening hours. 1) Social Science Reference Librarian requires Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school and undergraduate degree in a social science discipline. Reference experience highly desirable. 2) Engineering Reference Librarian requires Master's degree from ALA-accredited library school and significant coursework in pertinent science disciplines or science reference experience. $16,000 minimum salary, depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston-University Park Libraries have 1.4 million volumes, a materials budget of $2.4 million and a staff of 58 professionals and 200 support staff. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by January 15, 1985. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Asistant to the Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston TX 77004. Preliminary interviews may be arranged at ALA Midwinter. Equal opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION HEAD. Responsible for overall management and supervision of the Division and its staff; for planning and resource allocation; and for the coordination of all technical processing operations with other library departments. The division currently acquires, catalogs, and does bindery and physical preparations for approx. 40,000 volumes per year. It currently has a staff of 5 librarians, 38 library assistants, and over 20,000 student assistant hours. In addition, the incumbent will participate as a full member of the Library’s management team. This position 582 / C&RL News provides the opportunity for collection development activities and participation in a variety of other Library, University, and professional activities. Requires: Graduate library degree or equivalent; record of effective management and supervision, strong analytic, communication, and interpersonal skills; background in technical processes; experience with automated systems; record of university service, research, and/or participation in professional associations. Salary: $25,692-$47,880. Send letter of application, resume, and list of five professional references to: Joan Chambers, University Librarian, University of California, Riverside, P.0. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. Deadline for application is Monday, December 17, 1984. The University of California is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsible for acquisitions, processing, binding, cataloging, catalog maintenance, and supervision of staff. Direct responsibility for collection development, original cataloging and faculty committee assignments. Responsible for leadership in planning for an online catalog integrated to circulation functions. The library is a member of OCLC and the collection is on Dewey with a conversion to LC a likely prospect. Qualifications: MLS (ALA); 5 years of experience in cataloging and/or administrative leadership in technical services in an academic library; experience in the automation of technical services; evidence of strong supervisory and leadership skills; knowledge of MARC formats, OCLC, Dewey and Library of Congress classification schedules; familiarity with media and government documents cataloging. A second master’s degree is desirable. Regis College is a 4-year Jesuit liberal arts college, with 3000 students enrolled in its undergraduate and graduate programs. The Library serves the main campus and two auxiliary locations. A branch library at Colorado Springs is in early development. The College is committed to the library becoming a major regional resource and an aggressive partner in the nurturing of academic excellence throughout the College programs. Position is a 12-month faculty appointment available July 1, 1985. Minimum salary in the high teens, generous benefits. Deadline for letters of application, resume, and 3 references is November 26, 1984. Send materials to: Pamela Ashby, Personnel Administrator, Regis College, West 50th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80221. Regis College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY AUTOMATION COORDINATOR. Responsible for providing technical expertise and support in the implementation of an integrated online system for the library and for acting as liaison to the library consortium maintaining the system. Coordinator is to identify microcomputer applications for some library functions and to implement and maintain them. Qualifications: experience with both integrated online systems and microcomputers preferred and required of at least one, including a knowledge of programming, system design and organization, and telecommunications; ALA-accredited MLS; problem­ solving and communication skills; ability to work well with all levels of staff. Faculty rank on a tenure-track. Salary: $19,500 minimum with fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume with a description of experience in library automation, and three letters of reference to: Director’s Office, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855. Deadline: December 15. NMU is an EO/AA employer. New resources… Who’s Who in the Soviet Union First Edition Edited by BORYS LEWYTZKYJ Compiled by EL WINE SPROGIS This new volume, more narrowly focused than the 1978 volume, provides timely and otherwise largely unavailable biographical information on leading Soviet figures in all fields of activity. New to this volume are a special section on party, government, military and other leaders as well as subject indexes for literature, art, science, etc. Individuals who are- deceased, retired or dismissed since 1978 are listed as are their successors in the main entry section. This volume will certainly make a signifi­ cant contribution to our limited knowledge of the Soviet Union. 1984/-10467-7/approx. 600 pages/ $125 Regents of Nations A Systematic Chronology of States and their Political Representatives in Past and Present A Biographical Reference Book PETER TRUHART Part 1: A frica/America Part 2: A sia /Australia — Oceana Part 3: E urope/Index In an increasingly ideological world, knowledge of political representatives becomes a more vital and yet difficult pursuit. In this three-part reference work, biographical information on approximately 30,000 heads of state and premiers from 1,000 nations is provided along with information on territorial and provincial governors of nations stretching back to the Middle Ages. Also included are information on the historical development of present nation states and a review of the political structures of the past 5,000 years. 1984/-1049l-X /3 volumes; approx. 2980 pages/$175 K •G•S a u r I n c • 1 7 5 F i f t h A v e n u e •N e w Y o r k , N .Y . 1 0 0 1 0 - 2 1 2 0 8 2 - 1 3 0 2 G ale Research Co. New Reference Books Published and Distributed by Gale Coll or Write for Our Complete Catalog S t a tis t ic a l Y e a r b o o k of C h in a 1 9 8 3 . Research aid covering the 32-year period up to and including 1982. These never- before-published statistics provide authori­ tative tables for key national indicators, key regional indicators, and key indicators for such sectors as agriculture, industry, and transportation. Published by Economic Inform ation and Agency. Available in North America from Gale. $60.00. (S O ) E n cyclo p edia of O ccu p atio n al H ealth and Safety. 3rd ed. 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