ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 450 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-C hriste Young The U n ive rsity o f D u b u q u e h as received a gift from university trustee Charles C. Myers and his wife Rom ona to e xpand the Charles C. Myers Library— just m onths after the new structure was dedicated. G round w as broken on the new facility in Septem ber 1999, at w hich time the Myers m ade a $5 million com m itm ent. Now they have com m itted an additional gift to the expansion to provide a classroom flanked by sem inar room s, eight individual study rooms, tw o additional group study rooms, a fireplace, and additional shelving to accom m odate th e library’s ex p an d in g collection. Myers is the president of the Omaha- based Myers Group, with interests in aviation, real estate, golf, and fast foods. D o m in ic a n U n iv e rs ity h a s re c e iv e d a $10,000 grant from Ameritech to m ake 150- year-old docum ents available online. The Rebecca Crown Library is in the process of scanning the m usic and researching other in fo rm a tio n like c o m p o s e rs , im p o rta n t headlines of the times, a n d personal stories. These materials will be placed on a W eb site that not only m akes the m usic available, but also puts it in a political, social, and cultural context. The project will take about 12 m onths to com plete. N ew Y o rk U n ive rsity (NYU) has received two major gifts— $10 million from M am douha “D o d o ” Bobst, w idow of Elmer Holm es Bobst, w hose gift in the late 1960s created the NYU Elmer Holm es Bobst Library, and $3.5 million from NYU alum ni Kevin and M adeline Brine— to assist the university in the m odernization and physical renew al of its central library. Bobst’s gift will enable the initial phase o f the ren ew al project, in cluding u p d a tin g th e M am douha S. Bobst Gallery. The gift from the Brines will create the M adeline and Kevin Brine Reading Room, a contem porary and Ed. n o te : Send y o u r new s to : Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m a il: ayoung@ technologically advanced reading room on the lower level of the library. The refurbishment plan also will focus on the renovation of reader spaces; transition o f the Aveiy Fisher Center for Music and Media into a state-of-the- art facility; redesign of the space for special collections; and im proved reader seating and access to electronic inform ation o n all floors. Columbia University has received $143,990 from the N ew York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials for a tw o-year cooperative project to microfilm approximately 1,560 brittle business serial volum es published in New York City since 1870. Columbia is m anaging the project a n d the New York Public Library is contributing volum es to fill out incom plete runs. Among the titles to be m icrofilmed are Chain Store Age, D aily M etal Trade, F inancial Review, a n d D aily F in a n cia l News. Columbia a ls o r e c e iv e d $67,900 fo r a o n e -y e a r co o p erativ e project to p h o to c o p y brittle reference materials. Colum bia is m anaging the project and contributing approxim ately 40 volum es am ounting to m ore than 36,000 pages. The New York Public Library and the University o f R ochester are contributing an o th er 100 volumes. The University o f North CarolinaatChapel Hill’s School of Inform ation a n d Library Science, in partnership with the U n iv e rs ity o f Illin o is , has received $250,000 from the Institute of M useum and Library Services’ “National Leadership Grants for Libraries” program for research on W eb-based plant identification. The 18-month grant will support th e “Illinois-N orth Carolina Collaborative Environment for Botanical Resources,” a project that seeks to m ake research data available online. In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity 's D ig it a l L ib ra ry Program, in conjunction with the Film and Television D ocum entation Center at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY), has received a $239,000 grant from the National C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 451 Endowment for the Humanities to digitize a film literature index and publish it on the Web. The project will make available in digital format of the Film Literature Index, which has been published by SUNY since 1973. The U n iv e rsity o f A rk a n s a s U n iv e rsity Libraries has received a $28-million gift from th e W alton Fam ily C haritable S u p p o rt Foundation of Bentonville, Arkansas. The gift will enable the libraries to support the increased dem ands presented by a new honors college and a strengthened and enlarged graduate school. O f the $28 million, $23 million will be dedicated to an endowm ent for acquisitions and the rem aining $5 million will be u se d for an acquisition fund. A c q u i s i t i o n s A historical collection o f books and jo u r­ nals from Germany, primarily m edical texts in the field of otorhinolaryngology (the study of the ear, nose, and throat), has been acquired by the UCLA Libraiy. The materials w ere originally in the private libraiy of Dr. Caesar Hirsch, a specialist in the field, w ho w as forced to leave all his belongings behind w h e n he and his family fled Germ any in 1933. The collection com prises 191 book titles and 37 journal titles (filling 733 b o u n d volumes) in a num ber of languages, including English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Most w ere published in tire first three decades of the 20th century, although there are rare texts from the 1800s and earlier. The C e c ily B ro w n sto n e C o lle c tio n o f American Cookery has b e e n acquired by New York University (NYU) a n d will becom e the cornerstone o f the NYU Libraries Food Studies collection. The Brownstone collection contains m ore than 8,000 cookbooks (many of them historical and rare), 5,000 pam phlets, and her p ersonal correspondence w ith food writers and cookbook authors. In a career that sp a n n ed m ore than 40 years until her retirem ent in 1986, Brownstone, n o w 92, was food editor of the Associated Press and of Parents M agazine. 452 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 A c o m p re h e n s iv e c o lle c tio n o f b o o k s and other publications by the po et and novelist Jam es Dickey (1923—97) has been acquired by the University of South Carolina (USC). Dickey taught at USC for three decades as p o e t-in -resid e n ce a n d First C arolina professor of English. The collection comprises 436 first editions, limited editions, proofs, other books, and periodical issues containing Dickey items, many with personal inscriptions, covering the range of his career. The B a rb a ra H arbach C o lle c tio n has b e e n a c q u ired by W ilm ington College. H arbach is a noted com poser, performer, recording artist, and professor of music. She is also the founder, publisher, and editor-in- chief of Vivace Press, w h ich prom otes u n d e r r e p r e s e n t e d c o m p o s e r s ( m a in ly w o m e n ) by p u b lis h in g m u sic s c o re s , producing CDs on the Hester Park label, and issuing the W omen o f Note Quarterly journal. The H arbach Collection consists of H arbach’s c o m p le te p u b lis h e d c o m p o s itio n s a n d recorded w orks and perform ances, as well as a substantial portion of the catalog of Vivace Press and a com plete run of W omen o f Note Quarterly. A major collection of the w orks of author W. Somerset Maugham has been acquired by Boston University. The Loren and Frances Rothschild-W. Somerset Maugham Collection co n tain s h u n d re d s of letters chronicling M augham’s personal and intellectual life, ev­ ( “From C ataloger. . . ” continued fr o m page 43 N otes 1. Eric Liu, The Accidental Asian: Notes o f a Native Speaker (N ew York: Random House, 1998). 2. “Mi: Beauty in Korean Art and Culture” is a v a ila b le at h t t p : / / l i b r a r y .c s u n .e d u / jwakim oto/koreaexhibit.htm l (10/1/01). 3. “Land of the Morning Calm: the Western ( “W ashington H otline” contin u ed fr o m p a g e 44 then the full House, to pass this important leg­ islation, which has been held up to leverage passage of other legislation. Let’s get this bill out of committee and passed by Congress. O th e r h o t issu e s in C o n g re ss in c lu d e p riv a c y bills, a n d d a ta b a s e a n d d ig ital 4 ery significant first edition of the a uthor’s novels, short stories, and the original m anu­ scripts of The Gentleman in the P aulour and The P ainted Veil. Also included are personal docum ents and ephemera; audiovisual m ate­ rial; photographs and art of the author; thou­ sands of additional m anuscripts and type­ scripts, page proofs, and galleys dating from 1906 to 1953; and m ore than 200 periodicals containing the first publication of many of M augham’s works. The p a p e rs o f th e la te Dr. W illia m Kaufman, a leader in the field of vitamin therapy research, and the papers of his wife, Charlotte Schnee Kaufman, have b e e n ac­ quired by the University of Michigan (UM). Kaufman, w ho earned both his Ph.D. and M.D. at UM in the 1930s, is best know n for his research in the 1940s and 1950s on the use of Niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3) to treat osteoarthritis. Kaufman published m ore than 60 papers in scientific and m edi­ cal journals m ainly dealing with arthritis, nutrition, food allergy, and psychosom atic m edicine. He also published 25 articles for a general audience in such m agazines as Coro- netanà. M cCall’s. Charlotte Kaufman, a 1938 graduate of UM, acted as his research assis­ tan t for m any years a n d later serv ed as founder and executive director of the Fam­ ily Life Film Center of Connecticut, w here she p io n ee red techniques for using films followed by discussion. The archive consists of 30 feet of material. ■ ) View of Korea, 1741-1960” is available at http:// (10/1/01). 4. A version of this pap er was first given at the First National Conference o n Asian Pacific American Librarians in San Francisco on June 14, 2001. ■ ) rig h ts m a n a g e m e n t p r o p o s a ls . W atch fo r f u rth e r re p o r ts o r s u b s c rib e to th e e le c ­ tro n ic n e w s lin e , ALAWON. To s u b s c rib e , s e n d th e m e s s a g e : s u b s c r i b e a la - w o [ y o u r _ f ir s tn a m e ] [ y o u r _ l a s t n a m e ] to lis tp ro c @ a la .o rg . ■ 1 C&RL News ■ June 2 0 0 2 / 453