ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1987 / 447 currently provided by the learning center and the media support services provided by the instruc­ tional development unit. The academic vice president reportedly is com­ fortable w ith the current structure and results, even though the merger was begun as an interim venture to solve an immediate problem. The long­ term benefits in cost and simplification appear to be positive. The questions raised by the faculty have centered on how competent the library direc­ tor would be to manage the computer technology, a discipline admittedly outside his previous experi­ ence. However, the incum bent’s “facilitative” ap­ proach to those questions appears to have helped win support. The professors of computer courses reportedly were and remain the most wary about the consolidation, but the progress realized to date indicates th at they too eventually will endorse the arrangement. The staff at the college believes that for a merger to succeed there first must be a positive expectation of success, particularly among the staffs of the merged units. Of greater importance, however, are said to be the management and communication abilities of the individuals involved, and the will­ ingness of the staffs to cooperate with one another. Issues Papers Members of the Task Force prepared a series of issues papers th at provided background for the dis­ cussions at ALA Annual Conference in San F ran­ cisco. The group will attem pt to complete a first draft of guidelines, with a view to completing them by January 1988. ■ ■ ACRL action s, June 1 9 8 7 Highlights of the Annual Conference meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors. T he Board of Directors of the Association of Col- lege and Research Libraries met twice during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco: on June 27, 1987, and June 30, 1987. Accreditation While confirming its commitment to the MLS as the term inal degree for professional librarians, the Board voted to support an AASL proposal th at ALA join the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and designate AASL the responsible participant in the NCATE accredi­ tation process as it relates to school library media education programs not eligible for accreditation by ALA. Acid-free paper The Board approved the following policy on the use of acid-free paper developed by the Publica­ tions Committee: “that by 1990, ACRL will begin publishing all serial publications of the Division on acid-free paper, with the exception of ephemeral publications such as but not lim ited to section new sletters and handbooks.” The Publications Committee will review cases in which an exception is being requested to this requirement. ALA Divisions The Board had an opportunity to pose questions about the proposed “Policies of the American Li­ brary Association in Relation to Its Divisions” to members of ALA’s Committee on Program Evalu­ ation and Support (COPES). ACRL m em bers Carla Stoffle, Richard Olsen, and Patricia Schu­ m an represented COPES. The Board endorsed a report to the ALA Execu­ 448 / C & R L N ew s tive Board from the Special C om m ittee on ASCLA (another division of ALA) and voted to support its recom m endations, which include the preparation by ALA m anagem ent of a specific proposal th at will enable ASCLA to continue operations w ithin its budget for FY I988. Audiovisual services T he B oard approved revised “Guidelines for Audio-Visual Services in Academ ic L ib rarie s.” These will be published in the October 1987 issue of C & RL News. The guidelines have been subm itted to the ALA Standards Com m ittee for approval. Awards The Board approved a proposal for the establish­ m e n t of an a n n u a l H u g h A tkinson M em orial A w ard, nam ed in honor of the late director of the University of Illinois Libraries. The aw ard will be m ade to an academ ic librarian in m id-career for one or more of the following purposes: a) to recog­ nize outstanding past accomplishments related to library autom ation which contributed in a signifi­ cant way to the im provem ent of library services or to library development or research; b) to support a designated library autom ation project or research project related to library autom ation; c) to support advanced education in librarianship or inform a­ tion science. The Atkinson Awards Com mittee will be comprised of one m em ber each from the divi­ sions of ACRL, LAMA, and LITA. The proposal for th e a w a rd has been su b m itte d to th e ALA Awards C om m ittee for approval. The Board approved the appointm ent of a task force to consider issues related to aw ards given w ithin ACRL, for the purpose of recom m ending a c o m p re h e n s iv e a w a rd s p olicy a n d a f u tu r e “aw ards agenda” for ACRL. Budget T he B oard approved the 1988 ACRL budget w ith re v e n u e s of $753,252 a n d expenses of $750,020. T h e B oard approved a B udget and F in an ce C om m ittee proposal th at ACRL funds will be used to purchase capital items (e. g ., office furniture and equipm ent) only w hen such items are to be housed in ACRL offices. Continuing education The Board approved the guidelines developed by th e Professional E d u ca tio n C o m m ittee for ACRL C ontinuing Education Scholarships. ACRL plans to offer tw o free-tuition scholarships for ACRL professional developm ent activities each year. F u rth er details will be announced in C& RL News. Discussion groups The Board dissolved the W om en’s Studies Dis­ cussion G roup because it had been replaced by the W om en’s Studies Section. The Board also approved petitions for the crea­ tio n of tw o new d iscu ssio n g ro u p s: H om e Econom ics/Hum an Ecology Librarians; and Aus­ tralian Studies. EBSS Bylaws The Board approved a revision to the EBSS By­ laws th a t adds the EBSS new sletter editor as a m em ber of the section’s Executive Com mittee. Extended campus library service The Board accepted the Planning C om m ittee’s recom m endation to establish a new task force to re­ view the Guidelines for Extended Cam pus Library Services. The review is scheduled for completion by the 1988 Annual Conference in New Orleans. Faculty/Librarian Workshops The Board approved ACRL’s participation in planning for one or more faeulty/librarian w ork­ shops, jointly w ith the American Association of University Professors. The purpose of the workshop w ould be to allow librarians and faculty members to cooperate in the im provem ent of the quality of higher education. An ad hoc com m ittee will be ap­ pointed to carry out the planning and the project. Federal Acquisition Regulation The Board endorsed a resolution, sponsored by the G O D O R T Legislation C om m ittee, relating to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (published in the M arch 20, 1987, Federal Register). It urges the D epartm ent of Defense, the General Services Ad­ m inistration, and NASA to rescind S ubpart 8.8 th a t will allow certain executive agencies to bypass the p rin tin g procedures required by U.S. law , thereby reducing the authority of the Joint C on­ gressional C om m ittee on P rinting over govern­ m ent printing and diminishing the am ount of in­ fo rm a tio n av a ilab le to th e p u b lic th ro u g h the G overnm ent Printing Office’s Depository Library and sales programs. The resolution states th a t the regulation “will result in reduced access and higher fees for government inform ation vital to the eco­ nomic and social well being of the n atio n ,” and th a t it was im plem ented w ithout any provision for public comment. Foreign nationals The Board endorsed a revised version of the ALA “Policy on Abridgement of the Rights of Freedom of Expression of Foreign Nationals” by the ALA In ­ ternational Relations Committee. Freedom to Read Foundation The Board voted to join the Foundation w ith a m em bership contribution of $300. Septem ber 1987 / 449 A C R L Board, 1986-87. Back row: Rochelle Sager, A nne Beaubien, Elizabeth Salzer, Lee Hide, Bob Carmack, Mary Sue Ferrell, Patricia W and, Alexandra Mason. Front row: Jo A n Segal, Sharon Hogan, Hannelore Rader, Joanne Euster, A nne Commerton. N ot present: Thomas Kirk, Edw ard Jennerich, M elvin George. A C R L Board, 1987-88. Back row: Rochelle Sager, A nne Beaubien, Elizabeth Salzer, Lee Hisle, Peter M alanchuk, Larry Hardesty, Mary Sue Ferrell, Patricia W and. Front row: Jo A n Segal, Hannelore Rader, Joanne Euster, Joseph Boissé, A nne Commerton. N ot present: Thomas Kirk, Edw ard Jennerich, Melvin George. 450 / C & R L N ew s Fundraising Information Clearinghouse The Board endorsed a proposal prepared by the LAMA Fund-R aising and Financial Developm ent Section and the ACRL Task Force on Fundraising to establish a Fundraising Inform ation C learing­ house in th e ALA H e a d q u a rte rs L ib ra ry . T he Clearinghouse w ould provide books, periodicals, samples, specialized bibliographies, and a d a ta ­ base of consultants and projects. The proposal will be subm itted for ALA Executive Board approval and then to potential funders. Historically black college and university libraries T he Board approved the charge for an ad hoc Historically Black College and University L ibrary Planning Project Com m ittee. The C om m ittee will plan and conduct a colloquium for librarians in such institutions th a t will serve to elicit ideas con­ cerning w h at projects ACRL m ight undertake on their behalf and to evaluate the internship project for black lib rarian s th a t ACRL sponsored w ith support of the Mellon Foundation in 1975-1978. Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award T he Association of College and Research L i­ braries invites nom inations for the Academic or Re­ search L ib ra ria n of the Year A w ard, presented jointly by ACRL and the Baker & Taylor C om ­ p an y . A nyone w ishing to su b m it nom inations should contact the ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Recipients of the aw ard since its inception in 1978 have been Keyes D. M etcalf and Robert B. Downs (1978); H enriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Evan I. F arb er (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); W illiam Budington (1982); Rich­ ard M. D ougherty (1983); R ichard Johnson (1984); Jessie C arney Smith (1985); M argaret Beckman (1986); and D uane W ebster (1987). The Awards C om m ittee selects persons to re­ ceive the aw ard in accordance w ith the following guidelines: Hannelore Rader w ith D uane W ebster at the aw ard cermony. Purpose: To recognize an individual m em ber of the library profession who has m ade an outstand­ ing national or international contribution to aca­ dem ic or research librarianship and library devel­ opm ent. Criteria: Individuals n o m inated should have dem onstrated achievements in such areas as: 1. Service to the organized profession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ dem ic or research library service. 3. Publication of a body of scholarly and/or theo­ retical w ritin g co n trib u tin g to academ ic or re ­ search library development. 4. P lanning and im plem enting a lib rary p ro ­ gram of such exemplary quality th a t it has served as a model for others. 5. N om inee does not have to m eet all of the above criteria. Rules: The aw ard shall be m ade each year at a tim e and place to be determ ined by th e ACRL Board of Directors. Announcem ent of the aw ard shall be m ade by the ACRL President at a tim e and place to be determ ined by the Board of Directors. If, in the opinion of the A w ard C om m ittee, no w orthy candidate is nom inated in a given year, the aw ard will not be presented th a t year. Nominations: Nom inations for the aw ard must be m ade on forms available from the ACRL Office and m ust be postm arked no later th an D ecem ber 1, 1987. E ight copies of the nom inations must be sub­ m itted and should be accom panied by a statem ent of supporting reasons and a copy of the nom inee’s resume. Please do not solicit supporting letters sec­ onding your nom ination. Such letters will not be considered in the A w ard C om m ittee’s decision. N ature o f the award: The Academic or Research L ib rarian of the Year A w ard shall consist of $3,000 and an appropriate citation. For m ore inform ation please contact M ary Ellen K. Davis, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron Street, C hi­ cago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. ■ ■ Septem ber 1987 / 451 Libraries and academic excellence The Board referred the action agenda from the symposium, “Libraries and the Search for Aca­ demic Excellence,” co-sponsored by C olum bia’s School of Library Service and the University of Colorado, to the ACRL Vice-President/President- Elect for his consideration as activities of ACRL. Libraries and Computer Centers The Board received the progress report of the Task Force on Libraries and C om puter Centers. The report appears on pp. 442-47. Library Faculty Workshop The Board approved the cooperation of ACRL in an Association of Research Libraries project, “Institute on Research L ibraries.” The project will place 12 library school faculty members into aca­ demic libraries for field visits; bring them together later in a workshop to discuss their observations w ith each other and w ith librarians; and highlight the key issues in academic librarianship through discussion and publication of w ritten work grow­ ing out of the Institute. Membership The Board approved the recom mendation of the Planning Com m ittee th a t the Membership Com ­ m ittee conduct an analysis of membership needs on a continuing basis. Performance measures The Board approved an RFP to w rite a m anual of output measures for academic libraries. Planning workshop for small college libraries The Board approved in principle a proposal to li­ cense ARL/OMS planning m aterials for small and m edium -sized libraries. In a workshop setting, teams of key staff members will use the ARL m ate­ rials, already tested for effectiveness, allowing the teams to expand their understandings through con­ t a c t w ith te a m s fro m o th e r in s titu tio n s an d through work on a hypothetical ease study. The ACRL staff will proceed w ith the development of a proposal and subm it it to potential funders. Publications in Librarianship The Board endorsed a proposed volume on the research lite ra tu re of academ ic lib rarian sh ip ; agreed to furnish a subvention of $1,500; agreed to forego ACRL’s share of 40% of the first $1,500 of ro y a lty (ad v an ced by ALA); an d ag reed th a t ACRL would receive its 40 % share of any royalties beyond those advanced by ALA. The Board approved the appointm ent of Jona­ th an A. Lindsey as the editor of the A C R L Publica­ tions in Librarianship series for the five-year period beginning in July 1988. Two hundred h isto r ic y ea rs o f The World’s n ew s in m icroform . Over 200 years of factual reporting … dozens of acclaimed international newspapers like The Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Asahi Shimhun,The Age, Financial Times, Jew ish Chronicle . . . all of them available on microfilm from Research Publications. This is probably the most inexhaustible, high- quality collection of international newspapers ever preserved in microform — perfect for scholars, re­ searchers, and the general public. For further information, or to order current sub­ scriptions and backfiles, call Research Publications today at 1-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect 203-397- 2600. 452 / C & RL N ew s Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship The Board voted to incorporate the journal, Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship, as part of its ongoing publications program. Research The Board approved a proposal to hold a re­ search workshop in FY1988 th at will encourage more research in librarianship and stimulate activ­ ity in preparation for the ACRE National Confer­ ence in Cincinnati. An ad hoc committee will be appointed to plan for the workshop. The Board approved the recommendation of the Planning Committee to rewrite the charge of the Research Committee as follows: “To explore, de­ velop and promote a research agenda which fo­ cuses on the current research needs of academ ic/re­ search libraries and of the association; to develop programs and other activities which will assist in the accomplishment of the needed research; to de­ velop activities and program s to encourage im ­ provement in research skills among academic/re- search librarians.” Section directories The Board directed the ACRL staff to investi­ gate further the possibility of producing one or more directories of section membership using the new ALA membership system. Selection of general collection materials for transfer to special collections The Board approved the “Guidelines on the Se­ lection of General Collection Materials for Trans­ fer to Special Collections,” developed by an ad hoc committee of RBMS. The guidelines appear in this issue on pp. 471-74, and have been subm itted to the ALA Standards Committee for final review. Statistics The Board agreed to commit ACRL, in princi­ ple, to the collection of academic library statistics. The Board gave its approval for the Academic Li­ brary Statistics Committee to pursue alternative sources of fu n d in g to collect statistics for the 1987/88 academic year for all academic libraries in the United States w ith budgets over $100,000, us­ ing questionnaires developed in last year’s project. Strategic planning The Board approved the Annual Operating Plan for FY I988 developed by the Planning Committee. A copy of the Operating Plan may be requested from the ACRL Office. Suite The Board voted to continue the practice of hav­ ing an ACRL suite at ALA M idwinter Meetings Septem ber 1987 / 453 and Annual Conferences. The practice will be re­ viewed again in 1990. Surplus funds The Board approved the recommendation of the Planning Committee to establish a new standing Com mittee to Allocate Surplus Funds. Surveys The Board approved a policy on ACRL surveys whereby any questionnaires to be sent beyond the membership of a specific ACRL group or commit­ tee are to be subm itted to the ACRL Executive D i­ rector for review. The review is intended to pre­ vent duplication of effort am ong units, ensure conform ity to ACRL policies, and ensure th a t questionnaires meet a basic level of quality and are appropriate to the proposed investigation. Undergraduate library mission The Board approved the “The Mission of a Uni­ versity U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry (M odel S ta te ­ m ent)” developed by the U ndergraduate L ibrari­ ans D iscussion G ro u p an d th e ULS S teerin g Committee. This document will appear in the Oc­ tober issue of C& RL News, and has been sent to the ALA Standards Committee for final review. ■ ■ Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant Applications are being solicited for the ACRL W estern European Specialist Section’s Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study G rant. The purpose of the new grant is to provide sup­ port for an American Library Association member to visit the Netherlands and then to spend ten con­ secutive working days visiting two other West E u­ ropean countries to study some aspect of West E u­ ropean librarianship or bibliography. The study grant is funded by M artinus Nijhoff, Booksellers and Subscription Agents, The Hague, and is administered by the W estern European Spe­ cialists Section of ACRL. The grant is aw arded an­ nually and covers air travel to and from Europe, surface travel in Europe, lodging and board. Six copies of the application should be submitted and should contain a detailed description of the proposed project and an explanation of the value of the project to the library community. The prim ary criterion for awarding the grant will be the significance and utility of the proposed project as a contribution to the study of the acquisi­ tion, organization, or use of library materials from or relating to W estern Europe. The jury responsible for aw arding the grant will consist of three members of the WESS; two m em ­ bers of Nijhoff International will serve as consul­ tants to the jury. A report of no less than 4,000 words on the re­ search resulting from the study trip is to be subm it­ ted to the jury no later than six months after the fi­ nal day of the trip. It is assumed th at in most cases this report will be suitable for publication; if so, ACRL will be given first right of refusal. If the grant recipient wishes to rem ain in Europe for longer than the ten days covered by the grant, this may be done at the recipient’s own expense. The deadline for applications for the 1988 grant will be December 1, 1987. The winner of the grant will be announced at the WESS membership meeting at the 1988 ALA An­ nual Conference. Applications should be sent to Mary Ellen K. Davis, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron S tre e t, C h ic a g o , IL 60611-2795; (312) 944- 6780. ■ ■ Internships for West German librarians The library school of the Free University of Berlin is most interested in finding salaried in- ternship/practicuum possibilities for the gradu­ ates of their library programs in any type of U.S. library. These students specialize in either public li­ brary work or academic library work and do re­ ceive good com puter training. For more details contact: Professor Robert Funk, Free Univer­ sity Berlin, Institute for Library Science, H o­ henzollerndam m 56, 1000 Berlin 33, West G er­ m any. You m ay also contact H annelore B. Rader, Director of Libraries, Cleveland State University Libraries, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleve­ land, OH 44115.