ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 200 / C&RL News surement to existing library activities. Order a copy sponsored by the American Historical Association for $15 (prepaid) from OM S/ARL, 1527 New and the American Political Science Association to Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. co m m em o rate th e b ic e n te n n ia l of the U nited • Space Stamps. by Leo Malz (86 pages, Feb ru ­ States Constitution in 1987. It contains articles on ary 1985), is a comprehensive listing of every post­ con stitution al issues, annotated original docu­ age stamp, both foreign and domestic, that depicts ments, and information about bicentennial events a space mission, satellite, or military rocket. The and publications. Individual subscriptions are $10; institutional subscriptions are $16. Checks may be booklet has been published by the American Topi­ cal Association as its Handbook number 99. The made payable to Project ’87, at 1527 New Hamp­ listings are arranged alphabetically by country of shire Avenue, N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. issue, then in chronological order by year of issue, • Writing Library Job Descriptions, edited by Je- followed by Scott catalog numbers and a brief de­ niece Guy and Margaret Myers, is the latest (no.7) scription. An appendix gives a brief description of Topics in Personnel Kit published by ALA’s Office spacecraft, missions, programs, and personalities. for Library Personnel Resources. One booklet con­ Some, but by no means all, of the hundreds of tained within the kit is devoted to academic library stamps listed are illustrated. Copies are available job descriptions, and articles reprinted in the kit in­ $11 from C ATA, P .O A . Box 630 L , Johnstown, PA clude: How to W rite a Good Job Description, How 07. The previous 98 handbooks also lis E t postage N to Desc D ribe a Jo b A , and W hen the Traditional Job mps by such special topics as mammals, food, Description Is Not Enough. The cost is $10 and it aircraft. may be ordered from ALA Publishing, 50 E . Hu­ • This Constitution is a q u arterly m agazine ron S t., Chicago, IL 60611-R2795. for 159 sta and April 19— Technical Services: “Reincarnation in T ech ­ nical Services: The Quality of Library Life after Autom ation,” the Spring meeting of the North­ ern California Technical Processes Group and the California Library Association’s Technical Services Chapter, will be held at the College of San Mateo T h eater. Keynote speaker: Susan Baerg Epstein. Fee: $15. Contact: Marilyn M c­ D on ald , F o o th ill C ollege L ib ra ry , 12345 E l Monte Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022; (415) 948-8590, ext.390. 30-M ay 2 — Automation: National Online M eet­ ing, Sheraton C entre H otel, New York C ity, sponsored by Online Review. The conference will feature over 80 papers and talks, 90 product reviews, sessions on end user online searching, over 120 ex h ib its, and 11 sp ecial “ s a te llite events” before or after the meeting (extra fee ap­ plies). Fee: $240 for full registration, or $110 per day. Contact: Learned Inform ation, 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055; (609) 654­ 6266. May 2 - 3 — Photographic Collections: Workshop on the Conservation and Management of Photographic C o llection s, C o n n ecticu t H istorical Society, H artford. Sponsored by the Northeast D ocu­ m ent C onservation C en ter. Topics include: identification of historic processes, causes of de­ terioration, storage, surveying collection needs, exhibition policies, use and handling by re­ searchers, organizing and indexing, computer­ ized cataloging, and copy methods. Fee: $60. C ontact: M artha W ojan, Connecticut Historical Society, One E lizabeth Street, H artford, C T 06105; (203) 236-5621. — Humanities: “Reflections on the Technologies in the Spirit of Humanism: Being, Thinking, and Social Responsibilities,” a program supported by the Conversations in the Disciplines Program under the O ffice of Scholarly Programs of the State University of New York, will be held at SU N Y-Farm ingdale. Fee: $15 (students $10). Contact: Charlotte Scharf or Carol Greenholz, G re e n le y H a ll, S U N Y -F a rm in g d a le , F a r - mingdale, NY 11735; (516) 420-2402, 420-2205. 1 -2 4 — Publishing: “Scholarly Publishing: M an­ aging Today and Planning for Tom orrow ,” 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scholarly Pub­ lishing, Hotel Continental, Chicago. A special feature will be a full day of presentations on vi­ 3 2 April 1985 / 201 deodisc and optical disc technology. Fee: $125 for SSP m em bers, $155 for non-m em bers. C o n ­ ta c t: A lice O ’L e a ry , SSP, 2 0 0 0 F lo rid a A ve., N .W ., W ashington, D C 2 0 009; (202) 3 2 8-3555. 2 6 — Education: “Building a L earn in g Society ,” a symposium sponsored by the Academ y of In d e­ pendent Scholars, w ill be held in conjunction w ith the AAAS m eeting at the W estern Bonaven- tura H otel, Los Angeles. Topics will include rais­ ing the learning standards of the com m unity and bridging the gap betw een the school system and the real world. C o n tact the Academy, P .O . Box 3 2 4 7 , Boulder, C O 8 0 3 0 7 ; (303) 4 97-0215. 2 8 — Library Instruction: “Computer-Assisted In ­ stru ctio n for A cadem ic L ib r a r ie s ,” a p reco n ­ ference workshop presented by the L ib ra ry O ri­ entation and B ibliograp hic Instruction Caucus of the Florid a L ib rary Association, w ill be held at the H yatt O rlando. F eatu rin g Rob Aken and L a u ra Olson of the University of Kentucky L i­ brary, the workshop will provide hands-on expe­ rience w ith T R S -8 0 m icrocom puters. Fee: $40 for F L A m em bers, $55 for non-m em bers. C o n ­ ta ct: Florid a L ib rary Association, 2020 W . F a ir ­ banks, W in ter Park, F L 32789. 30-Ju n e 2 — Archives: “Archival Strategies: Play­ ing to W in ,” the jo in t annual m eeting of the So­ ciety of C alifo rn ia Archivists and the Council of Inter-M ou ntain Archivists, Reno, Nevada. Ses­ sion topics include discussions on ethics, collec­ tions m anagem ent, autom ation, oral history, di­ saster preparedness, and arch itectural records. C o n tact: R obert Blesse, D ep artm ent of Special C ollections, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 8 9 5 5 7 ; (702) 784-6538. June 2 - 6 — A gricu ltu re L ib ra rie s: “ In fo r m a tio n for F o o d ,” the 7th W orld Congress of the In te rn a ­ tional Association of Agricultural L ib rarian s and D ocum entalists (IA A L D ), C hateau L au rier, O t­ taw a. Topics include sources of agricultural in ­ f o r m a t io n ; d o c u m e n t d e liv e r y ; h u m a n r e ­ s o u rc e s ; u p d a te s an d in n o v a tio n s . F e e ( $ C a n a d ia n ): IA A L D m em b ers, $ 1 7 5 ; n o n ­ m em bers, $200. C o n tact: C an ad ian Planning C o m m itte e, IA A L D -O tta w a , Room 2 4 9 , Sir Jo h n C arlin g B ld g ., A griculture C an ad a, O t­ taw a, C an ad a, K1A 0C 5. 1 1 - 1 4 — E th ics: “W ords and the W o rd ,” 29th an­ nual conference of the Association of Christian L ib rarian s, Evangel College, Springfield, Mis­ souri. T h e them e will emphasize the relationship of ethics to libraries and librarians. A precon­ ference workshop for B ible institute and B ible college librarians will be held Ju n e 10. C o n tact: Joh n A. W itm er, Association of C hristian L i­ brarians, 3909 Swiss Avenue, D allas, T X 75204; (214) 8 2 4 -3 0 9 4 , ex t.283. 2 3 - 2 8 — Theological L ib raries: Annual C o n fe r­ en ce, A m erican T h eo lo g ical L ib ra ry Associa- C hapter meetings T h e Oregon C h apter of A C R L , in con ju n c­ tion w ith the Oregon C om m unity College L i­ brarians Association, held its W in ter M em ber­ sh ip M e e tin g a t C h e m e k e ta C o m m u n ity College, Salem , on Feb ru ary 22. T h e topic was “ R isk M a n a g e m e n t: D o e s I t A p p ly to L i ­ braries?” and featured Joh n Jan zen , vice presi­ dent of Risk and Insurance Services C orp ora­ tion as them e speaker. T h e G reater New York M etropolitan C h ap ­ ter and the CU N Y L ib ra ry A ssociation’s L i ­ brary Instruction C om m ittee are co-sponsoring a conference on “L ib rary Instruction and the C om puter” at the CUNY G raduate C enter on April 12. Speakers include Pat Arnott (Univer­ s ity o f D e l a w a r e ) , K a t h e r in e K le m p e r e r (Berkeley), D eann a Nipp (M ansfield Univer­ sity), and Pat W alsh (University of B rid g ep ort). C o n tact: Elysabeth Kleinhans, Jo h n Ja y C o l­ lege L ib ra ry , 445 W . 59th S t., New York, NY 10019; (212) 489 -5 1 6 7 . T h e W isconsin Association of A cadem ic L i­ brarians will hold its Spring conference at T h e Abbey at L ake G eneva, W isconsin, on April 1 7 -1 9 . Topics will include the hum an elem ent in lib ra ry au to m atio n ; m icro com p u ter so ft­ w are copyright; and other high tech/high touch topics. A m icrocom puter fair w ill feature ven­ dors as well as librarians who have developed softw are applications, and there will be an il­ lustrated lecture entitled, “T h e Myths and Mys­ teries of the Standing Stones of B rita in ” by Joh n H itchcock, physics professor at U W -L a Crosse. T h e conference w ill also feature a mock fashion show by the L C D ou b le-T ake Salon of Lake G eneva in w hich twelve lib rarian models will show off stunning apparel for such im portant affairs as the College Budget M eeting, After 5, the F acu lty D am es T e a , and the Dress for Suc­ cess Look. F o r m ore inform ation, con tact M ary Ja n e Scherdin, U W -W h itew ater, H arold An­ dersen L ib ra ry , W h itew ater, W I 5 3 1 9 0 ; (414) 472 -1 0 0 4 . T h e W estern New York/Ontario C h ap ter’s Spring M eeting is on “Im proving M anagem ent Skills for New or Prospective M an agers.” It will be held April 26 at SUNY-Geneseo. Fee: $20 for m em bers, $25 for non-m em bers. C o n tact Ray E . M etz, University of Rochester, Rush Rhees L ib rary , Rochester, NY 14627; (716) 2 7 5-5602. T h e New E n g la n d C h a p te r w ill hold its Spring C onference at Boston College, April 30 and M ay 1 on the topic, “Politics and the W o rk ­ place II : Changes in G overnance, Changes in O ur Jo b s .” C o n tact Susan Sheridan, Amherst C ollege L ib rary , Amherst, MA 0 1 0 0 2 ; (413) 5 42 -2 2 1 5 . 202 / C &RL News tion, D rew University, Madison, New jersey. C o n t a c t : A lb e r t E . H u rd , A T L A , 5 6 0 0 S. W oodlaw n Ave., Chicago, IL 60637; (312) 9 4 7 ­ 8850. July 1 5 - 1 7 — Media Technology: 20th Annual Media Technology Conference sponsored by the U ni­ versity of W isconsin-Stout, Menomonie. Them e speaker: M anley R . Irw in , professor of e co ­ nomics at the University of New Ham pshire, on “Inform ation Technology: A G lobal Overview fo r M ed ia E d u c a t o r s .” C o n ta c t : D a v id P. B arnard, D ean for Learning Resources, UW - Stout, M enomonie, W I 54751; (715) 232-2246. August 6 - 9 — Genealogy: “Genealogy for All People,” the 5th Annual National Conference of the National Genealogical Society, Salt Lake C ity, Utah. Pro­ gram topics include: genealogical librarianship, computers and genealogy, fam ily histories. Spe­ cial concert by the Mormon T ab ern acle Choir. Fee: $75 ($60 before May 31). C on tact: 1985 NGS Conference Host, P .O . Box 1053, Salt Lake C ity, U T 84110. 1 1 - 1 6 — Book T rad e: “T h e O ut-of-Print and Anti­ quarian Book M arket,” a seminar/workshop for librarians and booksellers, University of Denver. Sponsored by the University of Denver G raduate School of Librarianship and Inform ation M an­ agement and A B B o o k m a n ’s W e e k ly , the pro­ gram will include lectures, demonstrations, and p ractical workshops on such topics as the used book dealer, pricing and appraisals, the auction m arket, and the care and preservation of rare books. Keynote speaker is John Y. Cole, execu­ tive director of L C ’s Center for the Book. Fee: $315. C ontact: O u t-of-Print and A ntiquarian Book M arket Seminar/Workshop, G S L IM , Uni­ versity of D en v er, D en v er, C O 8 0 2 0 8 -0 2 7 0 ; (303) 871-2571. 1 8 - 2 4 — IF L A : 51st Council and General C onfer­ ence of the International Federation of L ibrary Associations and In stitu tion s, P alm er House, Chicago. Them e: “Libraries and the Universal A vailability of In fo rm a tio n .” Selected topics will include: access to inform ation, the need for and right to inform ation, publishing, and issues of bibliographic control, resource sharing, and n etw ork in g. F e e : $ 1 7 5 . C o n ta c t: R o b e rt P. D oyle, IF L A ’85 Coordinator, 50 E . Huron S t., C hicago, IL 6 0611; (312) 944-6780. 2 1 - 2 4 — P a c ific N orthw est: “ M odels for E x c e l­ len ce,” the P acific Northwest L ibrary Associa­ tion Conference, Eugene, Oregon. C on tact: K a­ ren C a lh o u n , L o c a l A rra n g e m e n ts C h a ir , U n iversity of O regon L ib r a r y , E u g en e, O R 97403; (503) 686-3064. THEFLICDS ESIA ADS D e a d lin e s : O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on or before the second of the m onth p re ce d ­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. S eptem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Late jo b listings will be a ccepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R a te s : Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 per line for ACRL m em bers, $6.25 for others. Late jo b notices are $12.00 per line for m em bers, $14.00 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be ch a rg e d a cco rd in g to their m em bership status. T e le p h o n e : All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten o rder m ailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. O rders should be a ccom pa n ie d by a typew ritten co p y of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be ch arged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G u id e lin e s : For ads w hich list an application deadline, that date m ust be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in w hich the notice a ppears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the O ctober issue). All jo b a n n ounce­ m ents should include a salary figure. Jo b announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. A pplicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. J O B L IN E : Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking jo b ads for aca­ d em ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for tw o weeks. The ch a rg e for each tw o-w eek listing is $30 for AC R L m em bers and $35 for non-m em bers. F a s t J o b L is tin g S e rv ic e : A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they a p p e ar in C&RL N e w s, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not a ppear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-m onth subscription is $10 for AC R L m em ­ bers and $15 for non-m em bers. C o n ta c t: Classified A dvertising D ep't, ACRL, A m erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N A N D B IB L IO G R A P H IC C O N T R O L L IB R A R IA N . Reporting to the Chief of Jonsson Library of G overnm ent D ocu­ m ents and to the Director of Research Services, your responsibilitites will include planning and m anaging a g overnm ent d o cu m e n t techni­ cal processing program , acting as liaison with technical services de­ partm ents, assisting at reference desk, and pro vid ing b ib liographic instruction. A dditionally, you will select and m anage state and local g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts co lle ctio n , p re p a re b ib lio g ra p h ie s and guides to state and local collections, contribute to planning and m an­ agem ent of the library, and serve as a m em ber of library and univer­ sity com m ittees. R equirem ents include an MLS or the equivalent in training and experience, m anagem ent experience, and d e m o n ­ strated analytical skills. Technical service experience with cataloged collections is required; experience with d o cum ent classification schem es is desired. G ood leadership, com m unication, and interper­ sonal skills are essential. Should be fam iliar with autom ated systems. B e g in n in g s a la ry ra n g e fo r th e a s s o c ia te lib ra r ia n is $ 2 4 ,3 0 0 - $ 3 1 ,800; b e g in n in g s a la ry ra n g e fo r th e lib ra ria n is $ 2 8 ,2 0 0 -$ 3 7 ,2 0 0 . Closing date for receipt of applications is M ay 15, 1985. Send com plete cover letter and resum e with the names of three professional references to: Carolyn J. H enderson, Library Per­ sonnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. Cite #256-B on all correspondence. We are an equal opportunity em ployer through affirm ative action. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C TO R FO R P U B L IC S E R VIC E S . The Univer sity of C olorado, Boulder, is an ARL institution with a library of a p ­ proxim ately 2,000,000 volum es, 43 library faculty, 94 classified staff, plus student assistants. In addition to Public Services, there are As-