ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u n e 1 9 9 7 / 421 Preservation N ew s J a n e H e d b e rg AIC has n e w brochures The American Institute for Conservation o f Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) has p u b ­ lished two brochures w hich begin a n ew series called Caring for Special Objects. The first, Caring f o r Your Home Videotape, was writ­ ten by D ebbie Hess Norris, with Peter Adelstein, Dierdre Boyle, Connie Brooks, Alan Lewis, Jim Lindner, and Paul Messier. It covers recording practices, handling and stor­ age procedures, environm ental conditions, di­ sasters and reformatting, and includes a resource list of publications and organizations. The sec­ ond, Caring fo r Your Photographs, was written by D eborah Derby, with M. Susan Barger, Nora Kennedy, and Carol Turchan. It covers storage enclosures, handling, environmental conditions, housekeeping, disaster preparedness, and solu­ tions to com m on concerns. It also contains a bibliography. Both brochures are available free-of-charge from AIC, 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 301, W ash­ ington, DC 20006; phone: (202) 452-9545; fax: (202) 452-9328; e-mail: L C /A m e rite c h a n n o u n c e a w a r d e e s The Library of Congress and Ameritech have a n n o u n c e d th e te n N ational Digital Library Competition winners. The $600,000 in aw ard money is to be used for digitizing historically significant American collections and m aking them available on LC’s American Memory Web site. The w inners are Brown University, D en­ ver Public Library, Duke University, Harvard University, New York Public Library, North Da­ kota State University, O hio Historical Society, University o f Chicago, University o f North Caro­ lina, and University o f Texas at Austin. The winning projects are diverse in topic and for­ mat, b ut focus generally on regional history. For m ore information, consult the W eb site at h ttp ://lcw eb 2 .lo c.g o v /am m em /aw ard /. LC m o u n ts d ig ita l im a g e s RFP The National Digital Library Program (NDLP) at the Library of Congress has m ounted “RFP96- 18, Digital Images from Original Documents, Text Conversion and SGML-Encoding” on its W e b s ite . T h e 2 0 6 -p a g e (printed) Request for a Pro­ posal (RFP) states the speci­ fications for raster-scanned digital im ages a n d /o r m a­ c h in e - r e a d a b le te x ts e n ­ coded w ith Standard G en­ eralized M arkup Language (SGML) w hich must be met by vendors u n d er contract to the NDLP or LC’s Ameri­ can Memory project. A con­ tract has b een aw arded on the basis of this RFP and any c h a n g e s to th e sp e c ific a ­ tions, w hich are m ade during execution of the contract, will also be rep o rted on LC’s Web site. T he URL for this d o c u m e n t is h ttp :// lcw m em /prpsal/coverpag.htm l. LC has a num ber of other interesting docum ents related to imaging on its Background Papers and Technical Inform ation W eb page. Among them is “Recom m endation for the Evaluation o f Digital Images Produced from Photographic, Micrographic, and Various Paper Formats,” pre­ pared by the Image Permanence Institute (http: / /lcw m em /ftpfiles.html). RIT o ffe rs p h o to g ra p h s p r o g r a m The Rochester Institute o f Technology’s (RIT) Technical and Education Center of the Graphic Arts and Imaging, RIT’s Image Perm anence In­ stitute, and the George Eastman House are again offering “Preserving Photographs in a Digital W orld.” The w eek-long program covers both traditional photograph preservation and digi­ tal imaging o f photographs. The faculty is com ­ prised of nationally know n experts James Reilly, G r a n t Ro m e r, F r a n z is k a F re y , D o u g la s N ishim ura, D eb b ie Hess Norris, an d David W ooters. The program will be offered in Roch­ ester, August 16– 21, 1997, and next year from August 15– 20, 1998. The fee is $1,195 (travel, food, and lodging are extra). For m ore information, contact T&E Center Registration, 66 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-5604; phone: 1-800-724- 2536; fax: (716) 475-7000. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this colum n fo r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU