ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 288 / C&RL News THEICASELDIDASF S D eadlines: O rd ers fo r regular classified ad vertisem ents m ust reach the A C R L office on o r before the second of the m onth preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S e p te m b e r2 fo r the O cto ber issue). S hould th is date fall on a w eeke nd or holiday, a ds will be acce pted on the next bu siness day. Late jo b listings w ill be accepted on a s pa ce-ava ilable basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified ad vertisem ents are $8.45 pe r line for institutions tha t are A C R L m em bers, $10.45 fo r others. Late jo b n o tices are $20.25 pe r line fo r institutions tha t are A C R L m em bers, $2 4.25 fo r others. O rg anizatio ns subm itting ads w ill be cha rged according to th e ir m e m bership status. D is­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. P lease call fo r sizes and rates. G u idelines: For ads tha t list an ap plication deadline, w e suggest that date be no s o o nerthan the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice ap pears (e.g., O cto ber 20 fo r the O cto ber issue). All jo b announ cem e nts should include a salary range per policy of the A m erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job announ cem e nts w ill be edited to exclud e discrim inato ry references. A pplicants should be aw are that the term s faculty ra nk and s ta tu s vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C & R L N ew s classified ads are acce ssib le on A C R L 's ho m epa ge on the W orld W ide W eb at h ttp:// w w w .a la .o rg /a c rl.h tm l. A ds w ill be placed a p proxim ately 2-3 w eeks before the printed edition of C &RL N ew s is published. T o reach C & RL N ew sN et acce ss the A C R L hom epage (http://w w w l), select C & R L N ews, and then chose the m enu item Job P ostings by J ob Title. C ontact: Jack Helbig, C lassified Advertising M anager, C&RL A/ewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, A m eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelb ig@ ala.o rg. Policy: A LA policy requires tha t organiza tions recruiting through A LA pu blication s o r p lace m en t service s com ply with A LA a n ti-discrim in ation policies. Policy 54.3 states tha t “A LA is com m itted to e q uality of o p portunity for all library e m ploy­ ees o r ap plicants fo r em ploym ent, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical o r m ental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national o rig in.” By advertising through A LA s e r­ vices, the organiza tion agrees to com ply w ith this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000’s of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD. Old Dominion Univer­ sity library. Reports to Assistant University Librarian for Information Services. Responsibilities: Provides leadership in developing/man­ aging programs/services for on and off campus; overseeing circula­ tion, microforms, interlibrary loan, reserves, stacks maintenance, document delivery, security, photocopy center contract, financial operations of the units, and management of two branch libraries. Position supervises 17 (four supervisors, two branch coordinators, and 11 staff members) and approximately 340 hours of student assistants. Position will analyze departmental organization in view of changing services, priorities, and requirements, advances in access LIBRARY— TECHNICAL/ AUTOMATION SERVICE COORDINATOR Missouri Western State College Library— Technical/Autom ation Service C oordi­ nator to coordinate/su pervise all aspects of li­ brary autom ation (liaison w ith C o m pu te r C e n ­ ter), supervise cataloging, acquisitions/serials functions in technical services de pa rtm e nt of three professionals, 2.5 staff, 1.5 FTE students in a 186 ,000 -volu m e library. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum three years academ ic library experience in technical services; com puter-based system experience; current library/automated practices with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; fam iliarity with catalog­ ing/acquisitions/serials procedures; demonstrated training, presentation, docum ents, supervisory skills; experience with W W W , SGML, HTML, LANs, W indows, client/servertechnologies. Salary com m e nsu rate with q u a lificatio ns/exp e­ rience. A pplications review ed as received until the position has been filled. (P relim inary inte r­ vie w s may be scheduled for A C R L in Nashville). Subm it letter of application, resume, and nam es/ ad dre sses/te le pho ne num bers of three refer­ ences to: Employee Relations Missouri Western State College 4525 Downs Dr. St. Joseph, MO 64507 e-mail: EEO/AA. technology, and developments in library information systems. Inno­ vative Interfaces system recent implementation makes training and full utilization of system a priority. Position includes collection devel­ opment assignment and weekend/evening hours as needed. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from ALA-accredited program, minimum of five years experience in progressively responsible professional positions, sig­ nificant supervisory and management experience, and successful management of library services in a changing environment required. Desired characteristics include an understanding of broad issues facing academic libraries (access services in particular); comprehen­ sive knowledge of academic libraries' organizational structures, processes, and procedures; ability to relate tactfully to faculty, stu­ dents, and staff; responsiveness to the needs of the university and other library units; ability to instill a strong service orientation; effec­ tive and creative leadership; knowledge of the applications of infor­ mation technology in access services; effective participation in committees and team-based work; excellent oral/written communica­ tion skills; negotiating skills with individuals and groups; ability to use computers effectively. Also desirable are familiarity with conservation practices; knowledge of copyright issues; experience with micro­ forms; experience with integrated library automated systems (access services applications particularly). Interviewees will be asked to give a brief presentation on contemporary issues in access services. Salary and benefits: Minimum $40,000. Good benefits package. Location: Old Dominion University, a publicly supported, urban, research university with an enrollment of 17,400 students and 600 faculty members, is located in Norfolk, the center of Tidewater Virginia. The area offers lively cultural life, nearby seashore or mountain recreational activities, and a moderate climate. Norfolk also April 1 9 9 7 / 2 8 9 R THE ST U ATE U TGE NIVERSITY OF NE RS W JERSEY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The K ilm er Area Library on the Livingston Campus invites a p plication s for the po sition s of B u sin e ss Inform ation S e rv ic e s Lib ra ria n a n d E le c tro n ic Inform ation Services/Reference Librarian to w ork in a c o lle g ia l team -based workplace that is fu lly co m m itte d to a c u ltu ra lly diverse faculty, staff, and student body. Business Information Services Librarian S elect m aterials to support business cu rric u lu m , facu lty liaison to School of Business, pro ­ vide in stru ction and training in business inform ation services/resources fo r reference staff, participate in user education, developm ent and m aintenance o f W eb pages. R espo nsib ilitie s require participa tion in reference. MBA degree or 3 years experience in p ro viding business in fo rm ation services highly desirable. Knowledge and experience w ith e lectron ic resources and in fo rm ation tech nology expected. APP # 121 Electronic Information Services/Reference Librarian Provide leadership in developm ent and im plem entation of instruction and training program fo r e le c tro n ic in fo rm a tio n s e rv ic e s /re s o u rc e s fo r lib ra ry fa c u lty and s taff and a s s is t in d e s ig n in g s u p p o rtin g m a te ria ls . P a rticipate in user e d u c a tio n , c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, m aintenance of Web pages, and reference. This position requires substantial experience with e lectron ic resources and inform ation technology. APP # 122 Both p o s itio n s require that the candidate possess an A LA /M LS , three years pro fe ssio nal experience for a tenure track a p p o in tm e n t w ith m in im u m salary of $ 3 9 , 184; a s c h o la rly record and service in professional associations is preferred. The URLs for the c o m p le te p o s itio n p ro file s are app121.htm and C a n d id a te s a p plying by May 1 6 , 19 97 w ill receive first consideration. S ub m it resume, cover letter, and nam es o f three referees to: S andra Troy ( A P P # ) , L ib ra rie s P ersonnel O ffic e r, R utgers U n iversity Libraries, 16 9 C o lle ge Ave., New B runsw ick, NJ 0 8 9 0 3 ; FAX 9 0 8 -9 3 2 -7 6 3 7 ; e -m a il s tro y @ rc tg e rs .e d u . Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. offers close proximity to an international airport. A library building expansion of 76,000 square feet is in progress. Deadline: Screening of applications will begin on May 9, 1997. Applications received by that date will receive first consideration. Contact: W rite or e- mail for a more com plete position description. Send nom inations or letter of application addressing your ability to meet position qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Ann Pettingill, Chair, Access Services Head Search C om m ittee, O ld D o m in io n U n i v e r s i t y , N o rfo lk , VA 2 3 5 2 9 -0 2 5 6 ; e -m a il: A H P 100F@; phone: (757) 683-4183 or 683-4141. Old Dominion University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer and requires com pliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. ARCHIVIST FOR THE ARCHIVE OF THE VIETNAM CONFLICT. Texas Tech University Libraries. Responsibilities: This position is responsible for administration of the Archive of the Vietnam Conflict, located in the new Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library. Responsibilities include advanced reference assistance, collection through purchase and gifts, producing finding aids, conducting oral history interviews, supervision of support staff, and collaborative activities with others in Special Collections and with the Center for the Study of the Vietnam Conflict. Qualifications: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program or a master’s degree in history or related field is required, Preference will be given to candidates with course work in Southeast Asian history or culture, modern U.S. or military history, or formal training/course work in archival administration. Must have highly developed communication skills, excellent interpersonal 2 9 0 / C&RL News ACQUISITIONS/SERIALS MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN Missouri Western State College Supervise all acquisitions functions, including or­ dering/receipt. Utilize electronic ordering and fund accounting. Direct development/ongoing mainte­ nance of serials records in INLEX/DRA and OCLC; perform serials cataloging; direct serials check­ in/claims/binding; develop Acquisitions/Serials WWW page; maintain department statistics/re­ ports. REQUIRED: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­ tion; documented knowledge of Library of Con­ gress classification/subject headings, AACR2/ MARC formats, and major bibliographic utility; strong oral/written communication skills; familiar­ ity with bibliographic tools and applications of integrated bibliographic systems; minimum one year professional library experience. $2, 188 per month minimum salary. Applications will be reviewed as received until position is filled. (Preliminary interviews may be scheduled for ACRL in Nashville.) Qualified applicants must submit letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names/addresses/telephone numbers of three references to: Employee Relations Office Missouri Western State College 4525 Downs Dr. St. Joseph, MO 64507 e-mail: EEO/AA. skills, and strong service orientation. Preferred qualifications include foreign language skills, especially French or Vietnamese, and famil­ iarity with automated applications and preservation procedures. Salary and benefits: Base salary for a 12-month appointment is $26,928 for Assistant Archivist and $30,792 for Associate Archivist. Benefits include choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/ CREF; 15 state holidays; partial moving expenses; and no state or local income tax. Archivists at Texas Tech University hold academic status and have opportunities for promotion in rank and continuing appointment. General information: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of 24,000, is one of four major comprehensive state universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is offered in 11 colleges and schools, including law and medicine. The Lubbock area (population 224,000) is the west Texas center for higher educa­ tion, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Additional information is available at Application informa­ tion: Send letter of application indicating qualifications and interest in the position, current resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee, Texas Tech U niversity Library, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Applications received by May 5 , 1997, will be given first consideration. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. ARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. 12-month, term, tenure- track). Open July 1, 1997. Establish, organize, administer, develop, catalog and promote archival and special collections in a land grant university library. Supervise a part-time technician and student assistants. Required: ALA-accredited MLS with course work in archival management. Minimum of one year full-time professional academic or research library archival experience. Experience in applying MARC formats. Demonstrated effective oral and written communication skills and evidence of success in interaction with colleagues, administrators, staff, patrons, and donors. Ability to perform physical activities associated with archival environments; i.e., tolerance for dust and mold, ability to move materials up to 40 pounds in weight. Desired: Certification by the Academy of Certified Archivists. Knowledge of preservation for special materials. Ability to meet qualifications of a tenure-track appointment, including a subject master’s degree, preferably in history or other academic discipline closely related to the archival field. Ability to meet faculty librarian general expectations in scholarship, research, and service. Experi­ ence with an automated library system and electronic resources. For information about Briggs Library and SDSU, see our homepage at Minimum salary $25,000, with standard benefits. Application deadline is May 31, 1997, or until position is filled. Send resume, and have transcripts and three recent letters of professional recommendation sent directly to: Carlene Aro, Archivist/ Special Collections Librarian Search Committee, Box 2115, South Dakota State U nive rsity Library, Brookings, SD 57007-1098. AA/ EEO employer. ADA. Reasonable accommodations: (605) 688-6361; TT/voice: (605) 688-4394. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES. (Search extended). Virginia Common­ wealth University seeks an energetic, knowledgeable, and forward- looking individual to coordinate the selection of monograph, serial, nonprint, and electronic materials in the social and behavioral sci­ ences. Areas of responsibility include anthropology, education, politi­ cal science, psychology, public administration, social work, sociol­ ogy, and related disciplines. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Preferred: Academic background in social science, ad- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C onnecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New Y ork varies* N orth Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 S outh Carolina varies* S outh Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Verm ont $26,464 W est V irginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. April 1997 / 291 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, LIBRARY SERVICES Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University, a new state university in southwest Florida, is scheduled to open for classes in August 1997, with an opening enrollment of about 2,500. Technological support includes a state-of-the- art electronic library being designed as the heart of Florida Gulf Coast University’s learning environment. We are currently recruiting for an Associate Director who will report to the Dean of Library Services. Primary responsibilities include administering library services to the public, including reference, circula­ tion, interlibrary loan, instructional services, and services to remote users, and direct supervision of the public services staff and coordination of service activities with collection development and systems. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited program and five years experience in administering a public service area, preferably in an academic library setting. Earned doctorate a plus. Demonstrated successful administrative and management experience with diverse units, including facilitation of group decision making and planning. Experience in initiating/implementing new services and strategic directions compatible with the library’s vision. Experience with integrated library systems, networked resources, and instructional services, with an emphasis on assessment and evaluation of services to users. Strong record of leadership/achievement in profession. SALARY: $55,000 (minimum) to negotiable commensurate with experience, on a 12-month, multi-year appointment basis. For further information on the campus; visit Florida Gulf Coast University’s web site: To apply, please submit two application packages; each package must include a letter of interest, resume, and a list of five references, and be postmarked by the application deadline date of A p ril 1 8 , 1997. Mail your materials to: FGCU Director, Human Resources Position 12133 17595 S. Tamiami Tr., Ste. 200 Ft. Myers, FL 33908-4500 Finalists will be required to provide official transcripts. Florida Gulf Coast University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution committed to the employment o f quality faculty and staff who will enhance the cultural and ethnic diversity o f the institution. It is expected that successful candidates share in this commitment. vanced degree strongly desired; two or more years experience developing collections in a research library; knowledge of electronic resources in the social and behavioral sciences; knowledge of approval plans; liaison skills; experience with library automation and technology applications in academic libraries; strong service orienta­ tion and/or public services experience; excellent oral and written communication skills; positive interpersonal style; ability to work independently as well as as part of team; initiative and creativity; strong analytical skills; flexibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to organize time and deliver work on deadline; involve­ ment in professional activities; ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Expe­ rience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environment: VCU is a publicly supported, urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 22,000 students with 2,000 full-time faculty, both on the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia. University Library Services has a growing presence on the Internet (, and active leadership in the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA). Salary $31,000-$35,000, plus benefits. Submit resume and the names and phone numbers of three current references to: Susanna Bartmann Pathak, Head, Collection Management Services, University Library Services, V irginia Com ­ m onw ealth U niversity, VCU Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033; e-mail: (for information only). Review of applications will begin May 1 5 , 1997. Virginia Commonwealth Univer­ sity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF INFORMATION & INSTRUCTION SERVICES. Cleveland State University Library invites applications for the position of Coordinator of Information & Instruction Services for an active and innovative library instruction program and a busy reference/informa­ tion service in an urban university setting. The Coordinator estab­ lishes policies and procedures and proposes new initiatives in in­ struction; coordinates and participates in the teaching of information literacy classes, seminars, and workshops; oversees, schedules, and participates in work at the reference center; coordinates and evaluates 12 librarians and supervises and evaluates two support staff; selects materials for reference collection and assigned sub­ jects; works with other coordinators to improve and maintain delivery of electronic information, etc.; serves on library teams and contributes to library decision making. Minimum qualifications: MSLS or equiva­ lent degree from an ALA-accredited library school; demonstrated leadership in developing information literacy programs; five years working experience in reference and instruction; demonstrated knowl­ edge of electronic information resources and technologies; demon­ strated leadership in coordinating staff; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred qualifications: Eight years experi­ ence as professional librarian; work experience in an academic or research library. Salary range: $40,000-$45,000; rank and salary depend on qualifications and experience. Start date: July 1, 1997. Send cover letter, full resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lynette Johnson, C le veland State U n ive rsity Library, E. 24th and Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. Application deadline: April 2 1 , 1997. Cleveland State University is an AA/EOE committed to nondiscrimination. M/F/D/V encouraged. HEAD LIBRARIAN FOR ACCESS SERVICES. Head Librarian for Access Services in Circulation, Reserve, Interlibrary Loan, Teaching Resources (AV), and collection maintenance, to work in customer- focused, team-based environment. Requires minimum of ALA-ac credited MLS and three years leadership experience (in one of the 2 9 2 / C&RL News HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES Northeastern University Northeastern University Libraries seeks applications from and nominations of dynamic, creative individuals for the position of Head, Access Services, who will provide innovation, leadership, and vision for the physical and electronic delivery of print, image, and other resources to users locally and remotely. The successful candidate will be experienced in planning, implementing, administering, and evaluating services, and in effectively applying networked resources, and will thrive in an environment undergoing rapid transformation. Articulate strategic plans and related goals and objectives, and the methods for achieving them. Identify and evaluate new technologies and self-service opportunities; recommend their adoption, and plan and manage their implementation. Supervise, train, develop, and evaluate staff (12 full-time plus 60 FTE casual) fo r the provision of responsive services for circulation, reserves, microforms, interlibrary loan, stack maintenance, and security. Demonstrate commitment to diversity within the staff, and ensure a work environment that is sensitive to a diverse community. Protect confidentiality of individual borrower records and transactions. Collaborate with other library and campus units as appropriate. Serve as liaison to colleagues in libraries with whom Northeastern has consortial agreements. Participate in collection development for one or more academic disciplines and associated faculty and student liaison activities. May participate in library instruction and other public services. Participate actively in library wide planning activities. Serve as member of the User Services Council. Represent the university libraries regionally and nationally in access services matters. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. At least five years of demonstrated successful initiatives and increasingly responsible professional experience related to access services operations, preferably in an academic library, and including effective supervision, management, budgetary analysis and development, and student and faculty relations. Knowledgeable about library automation and networks, about trends in scholarly communication and higher education, and about broad issues facing research libraries, including organizational structures, processes, and procedures, anticipating how these may impact upon access services. Demonstrated experience with and understanding of space planning, collection organization, storage and retrieval trends and practices. Knowledgeable about issues, guidelines, and practices regarding collection security, personal security, confidentiality of patron records, and preservation. Knowledge able about qualitative and quantitative projections and analyses, and user survey methodologies. Excellent analytical, planning, organizational, supervisory, written and oral communication, and interpersonal skills. Ability to set priorities and to articulate goals and innovative programs. Strong commitment to diversity and staff team development. Creative, self-motivated, service-oriented, and sensitive to user needs. High energy and ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Ability to perform physical activities, such as lifting books and pushing loaded booktrucks, associated with access services. SALARY: $42,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Applications received before May 1 5 , 1997, will receive first consideration. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Lynda Leahy Associate, Dean, User Services & Collection Development Northeastern University Libraries 320 Snell Library 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. April 1 9 9 7 / 29 3 Seton Hall University Dean o f University Libraries Seton Hall University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of University Libraries. Seton Hall University is a Roman Catholic institution affiliated with the Archidiose of Newark. Founded in 1856 it is the largest diocesan University in the United States. Its main campus is located in suburban South Orange, New Jersey, fourteen miles from Manhattan; the School of Law is located in Newark. The University enrolls 9,000 students (4,300 full-time undergraduates) in eight schools, offering 85 degree programs. One third of the enrollments are on the graauate/professional level. The University is implementing an exciting strategic and information technology plan and is in the final phase of a major construction program. Further information about the University and the Walsh Library is available from The dean of University Libraries has responsibility for Walsh Library, which is housed in a newly completed, $21 million, state-of-the-art facility and also encompasses the University Archives, Media Services and the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center. The dean reports to the provost; on all matters of information technology, the dean reports to the provost through the associate provost for information management. Candidates are sought who have an ALA - accredited MSLS degree and an additional advanced degree, preferably a doctorate. Candidates must qualify for senior rank on the Library faculty. The dean will provide vision and leadership in formulating information policy in support of the teaching, learning, and the research mission of the University. The successful candidate will be responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring and review of integrated information and curriculum resources/services associated with library operation and the management of related library personnel and financial resources. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in library administration and information technology. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable about and committed to Seton Hall’s mission as a Catholic University. The successful candidate will have an understanding of the instructional and scholarly needs of students and faculty, a collegial and participatory style of management, ability to create a nurturing environment, evidence of ongoing professional and scholarly involvement and experience with fund raising and grant procurement. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with University administration, faculty, staff, students and the extended community. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Expected date of appointment is July 1 , 1997. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Nominations and applications/resumes should be sent to the following address: Human Resources/Library Dean Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, New Jersey 07079 Email: Seton Hall University offers a smoke-free work environment For other job opportunities call 201-275-2017 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer above areas), experience with circulation in academic library, and demonstrated PC, electronic reference, and Internet experience. Prefer undergraduate degree in the sciences or social sciences. Position available: July 1, 1997. Application deadline: May 1, 1997, or until filled. Send letter of application and resume along with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Director of Human Resources Management, N orthw e st M issouri State U nive rsity, 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468. AA/EOE. Northwest encourages women and minorities to apply. HEAD, NON-PRINT DEPARTMENT. Librarian I/Assistant Professor. Manages operations and services of department actively used by faculty and students, including planning, budgeting, supervising six FTE library assistants and student assistants, recommending poli­ cies and procedures, and preparing reports. Responsibilities: Devel­ oping nonprint collections; working with faculty and librarians to integrate use of nonprint materials into the curriculum and library services; providing instruction in the use of the collections and technologies; working with librarians to develop electronic informa­ tion resources; recommending purchase of hardware, equipment, and technologies; and coordinating maintenance of equipment. Quali­ fications: Required: MLS, from ALA-accredited library school, second subject master’s or ABD status in an approved doctoral program and five years professional library experience (minimum of five additional years professional library experience may be considered in substitu­ tion for second master’s or ABD), and demonstrated and/or potential 2 9 4 / C&RL News D e a n o f St.Jo h n ’s u U i v e r s i t y F n O U i N v n D E e D r s 1 8 i 7 t 0 y L i b r a r i e s St. John’s University, New York, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of University Libraries. The individual selected for this position will provide the leader­ ship and vision necessary to support, expand and advance the University Libraries’ goals and objectives in harmony with educational and research programs of the university and the university’s Mission and Strategic Plan. A major component of the Strategic Plan is the developm ent o f a dynam ic, University-wide and interdisciplinary information technology architecture at the core of which will be a state-of-the-art computer system with community, national and international networking capabilities. Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Community, St. John’s is a doctoral I university which compris­ es 9 schools and colleges. With more than 18,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students, it is the largest Catholic university in the nation, with campuses in Queens and Staten Island, New York, and in Rome, Italy. The University is committed to academic excellence in teaching and scholarly research and to a core curriculum in the liberal arts and sciences. The Dean oversees University Libraries on all campuses, and also oversees service devel­ opm ent to students and faculty in the University’s off-site programs. This person reports directly to the Provost, the U niversity’s chief academic officer, and is a m em ber of the Academic Deans Council, the Provost’s principal administrative team. With a materials budget of approximately $2 million, the Libraries’ collections exceed 1.3 million volumes and 5600 periodical subscriptions. Library services are delivered by approx­ imately 33 FTE faculty and 68 FTE staff. The Dean has administrative responsibility for library-wide planning and policy direction, budget and personnel administration and fund-raising initiatives. The Dean represents the libraries within the University and throughout the larger library and educational communities. The successful candidate should possess the following qualities: • ability to articulate the present and future challenges facing academic libraries and be an effective advocate for libraries and librarians. • ability to assume leadership role as the libraries integrate new media, technology and programs with traditional library collections and services to the faculty and student communities • ability to establish and maintain collaborative and effective relationships with administrators, faculty, staff and students. • strong appreciation for and commitment to excellence in scholarship, research, instruction and public service. Candidate should possess the following credentials: • an ALA-accredited MLS required and an earned doctorate preferred • a record of demonstrated success in increasingly responsible positions as a library adm inistrator in an academic or other research environment • successful experience in fiscal planning and management • academic credentials and a record of research and service commensurate with a tenured faculty appointment Applications, which will be kept confidential, should include a brief statement of interest and a curriculum vitae. Screening of applications will begin immediately. Salary range commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send application or nomination by May 1, to: Dr. Jeffrey Fagen, Chair-Search Committee, Office of the Provost, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, New York 11439 St. John’s is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. April 199 7 / 2 9 5 INFORMATION SERVICES (REFERENCE) LIBRARIAN Franciscan U n ive rsity of Steubenville, Ohio Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, seeks a service-oriented librarian to assist li­ brary users with research, using print, CD-ROM, online, and Internet resources, develop and teach course-integrated information skills instruction; create subject bibliographies, database guides and other user aids; and assist in development of the library reference collection. Some evening hours required. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Ex cellent communication and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of print and electronic reference sources and services. Knowledge and skills in Windows computer applications, online and CD- ROM database searching, Internet searching, and web page creation. Strong commitment to service. Must support the mission of Franciscan University. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Mail or fax letter of application and resume with three references to: Jerry Hickey Director of Personnel Services Franciscan University of Steubenville University Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952 fax: (614) 283-6472 EOE. administrative and coordinating ability. Preferred: Supervisory expe­ rience, knowledge of and experience with media and microform materials and equipment and information technologies, and/or collec­ tion development experience with nonprint materials. Reading com­ prehension in one foreign language. Tenure-track. Complete job description available on library’s homepage: Hiring range: $43,060-$47,368. Salary range: $43,060-$64,600. Start­ ing date: July 1, 1997. Apply by. April 21, 1997. Send letter (include V#), curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Judith Lin Hunt, University Librarian, Sprague Library, M o ntcla ir State U niversity, Box C316— v#51/CRLN, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043. EO/AA. HEAD OF AUTOMATION. GS-11 (starting salary $37,507, salary range $37,507-$48,761). U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut. Come join the Coast Guard team in southeastern Connecticut. With the incorporation of several training commands to form the Coast Guard’s Leadership Development Center at the academy, this is a time of growth and opportunity for the library and its staff. The Head of Automation is responsible for the following areas of the library: Library automation, cataloging, serials control, and government documents. This section head trains, supervises, and assists the director in the evaluation of staff assigned to the section (currently one professional, one technician, volunteers, and work study students). He or she will be primarily responsible for planning for, implementing, and maintaining (including troubleshooting prob­ lems) all computer applications within the library, including the library’s Dynix system, and all staff and public computers (the library is currently migrating from Macintosh machines to computers running DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY WE N O S R T H L C A E R O Y L I A N A COL N LEG ® E North Carolina Wesleyan College, a liberal arts college associated with the United Methodist Church, serves approximately 1,800 students, 700 at the residential campus in Rocky Mount and 1,100 adults in degree completion programs at Goldsboro, Raleigh, and Rocky Mount. The college seeks faculty committed to teaching and mentoring undergraduates of both traditional and nontraditional age, to participating in the commu­ nity life of a residential campus, and to the prac­ tice of liberal education as a moral enterprise. The successful candidate must give strong evidence of intellectual versatility, a spirit of collegiality, a strong service orientation, and a desire to partici­ pate in planning and supporting a cross-disciplin­ ary, general core curriculum. NCWC is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applica­ tions from women and minorities. See more about NCWC and its future plans on the web at http// ALA-accredited MLS required, an advanced de­ gree in another discipline and experience in a liberal arts institution preferred. NCWC is seek­ ing an academic leader who can assist the col­ lege in rethinking the role of the library and its acquisitions, both print and electronic, into the next century. The college is centralizing technol­ ogy to make optimal use of networking and infor­ mation technology to deliver library services. The Director’s challenge will be to design and imple­ ment a plan to support a changing curriculum and multiple audiences, including off-campus sites. The successful candidate must be able to work effectively with faculty and students to integrate information search skills into new and developing courses and programs across the disciplines. Experience in library administration, including staff training and budget management, and supe rior competence and facility with computers are required. Please submit a detailed letter of application, vita, and the names and addresses (including e-mail addresses) of three references to: Richard L. Watson III, Chair Director of Library Search Committee North Carolina Wesleyan College 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd. Rocky Mount, NC 27804 e-mail: 2 9 6 / C&RL News THREE FACULTY POSITIONS U nive rsity o f Nevada, Las Vegas, Libraries The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Libraries are seeking creative, flexible, energetic individuals to fill three vacant faculty positions: Head Acquisitions/Serials Librarian, information Systems Librarian, and Science/Reference Librarian. GENERAL REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR EACH POSITION: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to work effectively with faculty and students; ability to work independently and cooperatively in a changing environment; and a willingness to accept new responsibilities. Professional growth and service in keeping with university standards for promotion and tenure is expected. Head A cq u isitio n s/S e ria ls Librarian (tenure-track) Reporting to Director of Technical Services, the successful candidate will be responsible for a merged Acquisitions and Serials Section, with functions including: fiscal management of the materials budget (currently $3.3 million, with 7,500 serial subscriptions); database records management; and vendor contacts. Duties include hands-on involvement with daily work routines and supervision of 11 support personnel. The successful candidate will be responsible for section policies and procedures, work closely with Collection Development, and serve on the Technical Services Management Team. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: At least three years increasingly responsible, relevant professional experience in an academic library with a materials budget of at least $1 million and an automated system. Strong supervisory experience and a record of professional involvement and research activity. DESIRED: Experience supervising a joint Acquisitions/Serials Section; familiarity with the INNO PAC system, emerging technologies associated with web-based systems, and electronic resources. In fo rm a tio n S ystem s Librarian (entry-level) Reporting to Director of Library Systems, the successful candidate will coordinate staff training and the implementation and development of the libraries’ electronic information resources, including the integrated online library system, WWW resources, commercial and government CD-ROMs, and other local and remote information services. The successful candidate will work with three technical support staff and student assistants. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic training or experience in information technology; familiarity with electronic resources, including the Internet, World Wide Web, computer networks, and CD-ROMs; experience with an integrated online library system; familiarity with microcomputer hardware and software in a DOS/Windows environment; knowledge of developments and trends in networked resources and services. DESIRED: Experience in an academic library; familiarity with the INNOPAC system, emerging technolo­ gies associated with web-based systems, and client/server architecture; electronic resources instruction experience. Due to the rapidly changing nature of library systems, preference will be given to candidates who have had library systems experience within the past year. An instructor appointment (Rank I) will be eligible to apply for tenure-track status when Library Faculty Bylaws requirements for assistant professor (Rank II) have been met. (Continued on next page) Windows NT). Future projects include automating the government documents section, developing a web page, and migrating from the current Dynix system. For a complete vacancy announcement con­ tact the U.S. C oast Guard A cadem y Library at (860) 444-8512. Deadline for application is June 15, 1997. The United States Coast Guard Academy is an equal employment, affirmative action employer. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Scott Memorial Library of Thomas Jefferson University seeks applications for the position of Information Services Librarian. Under the direction of the Director for Public Services and External Relations, the successful candidate will provide a broad range of information services, including reference, searching, consulting, and point-of-use teaching at the Information Services Desk. The library offers electronic information services via its WWW site, JEFFLINE, as well as a number of in-house networked and stand-alone CD-ROM databases. Successful candidate must thrive in dynamic environment, one that is rich in professional learning opportunities as one works on goals with colleagues who include information specialists, educators, computer scientists and instruc­ tional designers. Position requirements: An ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Two years of health sciences library experience and/or training or experience in health sciences informatics. Able to work some evening and weekend hours. Applications will be reviewed beginning March 15, 1997. Salary range: $29,000-$32,000. The position will remain open until filled. Thomas Jefferson University is an academic health center located in historic Philadelphia. Scott Memorial Library is a department of the Academic Information Ser­ vices and Research (AISR) division which also includes Medical Media Services and the Office of Academic Computing. AISR has a staff of 64 FTE and an annual operating budget of $4 million. The university offers an excellent benefits package including tuition reimbursement. Qualified applicants should send resume and the names of three references to: Douglas Block, Business Manager, Scott Memorial Library, Thom as Je ffe rso n U niversity, 1020 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107-5587. We are committed to a smoke-free environment. Equal opportunity employer. April 1 9 9 7 / 2 9 7 (Continued from previous page) S cience/Reference L ibrarian (tenure-track) Reporting to Director of Collection Development, the successful candidate will be responsible for collection development and faculty liaison in the fields of biosciences, chemistry, and health sciences, and participate in an evolving reference and instruction program that includes general reference desk service and instructional duties as well as subject-specific reference and instruction services. Some evening and weekend hours will be required. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Strong interest in and aptitude for collection development, faculty liaison, and reference/instruction work; strong academic background or work experience in one of the relevant subject fields; experience with electronic information resources and an ability to effectively utilize technology in all aspects of the job. DESIRED: Advanced degree in one of the relevant subject areas; professional experience in collection development, faculty liaison, and reference/instruction in one or more of the relevant subject areas; experience with WWW applications. SALARIES AND BENEFITS: Salaries are competitive and dependent on experience and qualifications; 12-month contracts with 24days annual leave, retirement options, health insurance, no state income tax. THE SETTING: UNLV is a premier urban university located in the vibrant city of Las Vegas and surrounded by the Mojave Desert. UNLV is the state’s largest comprehensive, doctoral degree granting institution, with 20,000 students and more than 600 full-time faculty. UNLV provides traditional and professional academic programs for a diverse student body and encourages innovative and interdisci­ plinary approaches to teaching, learning, and scholarship. For more information, see the UNLV World Wide Web site at: APPLICATION DEADLINE AND DETAILS: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to one of the following: B illie Mae Poison, Chair Head Acquisitions/Serials Librarian Search Committee Camille Clark Wallin, Chair Information Systems Librarian Search Committee Thomas R. Mirkovich, Chair, Science/Reference Librarian Search Committee University of Nevada, Las Vegas James R. Dickinson Library 4505 Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001 All positions are contingent upon funding. Review of applications begins May 1 , 1997, and will continue until the positions are filled. UNL V is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and its libraries are actively seeking applicants who reflect our multicultural clientele. NOBLE SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/ENGINEERING SPE CIALIST. Arizona State University, University Libraries. General summary: This is a full-tim e continuing-appointm ent-track (Aca­ demic Professional) position requiring professional development and service in addition to excellent job performance. Responsible for traditional and technological reference service in the sciences and engineering; collection development/management, special­ ized reference, and library instruction in the engineering disci­ plines. Reports to the Head of Science Reference Services. Essen­ tial functions: Specific areas of subject responsibility are engineer­ ing (chemical, electrical, civil, mechanical, and industrial) and construction. Reference instruction, collection development, and faculty liaison duties. Participates in identifying and/or designing new information products and services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Academic training and/or experience using engineering/technology information sources; knowledge of science reference tools. Effective communication and interper­ sonal skills. Reference experience in an academic, research, or special library. Instruction experience. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in engineering. Experience in collection develop­ ment in an academ ic or research library, preferably including approval plans, collection assessments, and other development and evaluation methods. Experience in using DIALOG, OVID, or STN; SilverP latter or Proquest; or fam iliarity with the Internet and web interfaces. Minimum salary: $28,000. Application deadline: First consideration will be given to applications received by Friday, May 23, 1997, and the first of each month, thereafter, until the position is filled. Application procedure: Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four recent professional references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, University Libraries, A rizo n a State U n iv e rs ity , Box 871006, Tempe, A Z 8 5 2 8 7 -1 0 0 6 . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ; e -m a il: karie@ asuvm; telephone: (602) 965-4914; or fax: (602) 965-9169. Full position description is available upon request. ASU is an EO/AA em ployer and actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce. 2 9 8 / C&RL News UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Carnegie Carnegie Mellon Mellon Carnegie Mellon University invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. DESCRIPTION OF POSITION: Carnegie Mellon University is seek­ ing an innovative and experienced individual for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian, who reports to the Provost and serves on the Academic Council and the President’s Council, has primary responsibility for budget, strategic planning, personnel, library technology, fund-raising, and development of services, programs, and collections. This individual must be able to communicate effectively within and outside the library. It is expected that the successful applicant will continue to build on our history of leadership in automation and technology innovation. The University Librarian will foster and develop state-of-the-art library services and information resources to meet the needs of a strong research community and a diverse educational program. THE INSTITUTION: Carnegie Mellon University is a private, coeducational university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There are nearly 7,000 currently registered students. The faculty totals 1,014 members, comprised of 530 regular full-time faculty and 484 special faculty and researchers. The university libraries staff is composed of library professionals (32 FTE), supervisory/support staff (54 FTE), and student assistants (31 FTE), totaling 117 FTE. The libraries comprise three separate locations encompassing 889,252 print volumes (books, bound journals), 3,797 current subscriptions, 838,676 microforms, 21,772 music scores, and 167,863 items in audio and visual formats, such as slides, sound recordings, and an array of electronic information resources. The library budget totals more than $5.5 million, including more than $2.2 million for library materials. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: • A demonstrated record of effective and creative leadership. • Demonstrated vision and innovation in information technology in libraries and higher education. • Significant administrative and management experience in an academic library. • Broad knowledge of and contacts in the library and information sciences field. • Effective oral and written communication skills. • ALA-accredited MLS required. Second advanced degree desirable. Salary is negotiable based on experience and qualifications. Comprehensive benefits package. Send nominations or letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by e-mail to, or by mail to: Gordon H. Lewis Chair, University Librarian Search Committee Hunt Library Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Review of applications will begin May 1 , 1997. Carnegie Mellon University is an AA/EO employer. Nominations and applications o f minorities and women are particularly encouraged. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Cudahy Library. Loyola U n ive rsity C hicago is seeking a librarian to provide refer­ ence and instructional services in the Cudahy Library. The Reference and Instruction Librarian is responsible for providing research and information services at the Reference and Periodicals Desks, through electronic mail and in individual consultations. This librarian also conducts classes and workshops through the instruction program on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The librarian works closely with students and faculty in a highly networked environment. The Cudahy Library serves the undergraduate and graduate pro­ grams in the social sciences and humanities. Reports to: Head of Reference, Cudahy Library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; experience with reference services in an academic setting strongly preferred; interest in and enthusiasm for library instruction; excel­ lent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work inde­ pendently and in a team environment; knowledge of HTML authoring and experience with electronic reference sources also preferred. (For additional information and address, see ad below for Refer­ ence and Instruction Librarian/Social Science Collection Develop­ ment Coordinator.) REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN/SOCIAL SCIENCE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. Lewis Library. As a reference librarian, this position is responsible for designing and teaching over 50 Internet and library research sessions for faculty and graduate students each year. The librarian works closely with faculty in the development of these instruction sessions. The position also supervises the Lewis Library Reference Desk for approximately 12 hours each week. Provides reference-by-appointment services for specialized research to faculty and graduate students. Collaborates April 199 7 / 2 9 9 HEAD, HUNT LIBRARY INFORMATION Carnegie CENTER Mellon Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Mellon University Libraries seek a dynamic librarian for a key public service position. Administers and participates in an active general reference department’s services. The department serves as the general reference site for all campus users and provides liaison services for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Graduate School of Industrial Administration (business school), and the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy. Reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Information and Education Services, the head provides leadership, direction, and day-to-day manage­ ment for four other professionals, one support staff, one FTE graduate intern, and .75 FTE work study student. Will serve as the liaison librarian to one or more academic departments or schools, with the department’s user-centered service plan and the library program to teach information literacy skills. This instructional program will require integration of current initiatives and close work with all library reference units, Computing Services education, and curricular committees at Carnegie Mellon. Service plans will continue to integrate electronic resources into all departmental activities. The libraries are currently planning renovations to result in a comfortable environment for users that will be flexible in accommo­ dating new technologies. REQUIRED: MLS (ALA-accredited). Five years increasingly responsible academic reference and user education experience. Supervisory experience. Evidence of significant experience with integrated online library systems, campus networks, the Internet, and electronic information resources to provide user services. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal, communication, and mentoring skills. Ability to lead and work in a quickly changing information services environment. Ability to work well in a team as well as individually. Academic background in an area of business, humanities, or social sciences. Evidence of participation in professional organizations. PREFERRED: Two or more years managerial experience. Advanced degree in relevant subject area. Experience in instructional design and implementation. Training in principles of quality management techniques. Record of relevant publication and presentation. Salary negotiable from $40,000 minimum, depending upon qualifications and experience. Comprehen­ sive benefits package. Credential review begins May 1 , 1997, and continues until position is filled. Send application letter referencing job HL3-97, resume, and names of three references by e-mail to lgnatios. Alexander®, or by mail to: Head, Adm inistrative Services Hunt Library Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 See these web sites for more information: Carnegie Mellon University:; University Libraries: Carnegie Mellon is an AA/EO employer. with peers on many development projects including Web-based services, promotional events, and reference service planning. The Lewis Library serves the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Schools of Business, Social Work and Criminal Justice. As collection development coordinator for social sciences, is responsible for over­ seeing the development of print and electronic collections in the social sciences for all Loyola libraries. One or two social sciences bibliogra­ phers report to the position for collection development responsibili­ ties. Holds selection responsibility for several social science disci­ plines. Works with Associate University Librarian on the formulation of overall collection development policies and strategies for the Loyola Library System. Reports to: Head of Lewis Library for refer­ ence; Associate University Librarian for collection development. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of two years experi­ ence, including supervisory experience in academic libraries; demon­ strated skill in providing a full range of reference services; experience with collection development; excellent instruction skills and ability to work well with colleagues, staff, and faculty of all levels; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of and interest in creative use of technology in public services. For both this position and Reference and Instruction Librarian position above: Salary commen­ surate with qualifications and experience. Librarians have limited faculty status, earn 20 vacation days, and have a standard package of fringe benefits, including university contributions to TIAA/CREF. Quali­ fied applicants should send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Edward Warro, Acting University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola U niversity o f Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Applications received by May 3 1 , 1997, will receive first consideration, but applica­ tions will be accepted until the positions are filled. Loyola University Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Clark College, a two-year community college in Vancouver, Washington is accepting applications for a full­ time, tenure-track Reference Librarian. Requires: ALA-accredited 3 0 0 / C&RL News PERIODICALS/ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN Union C ollege Union College invites applications fo r the position of Periodicals/Acquisitions Librarian with an anticipated start date in July 1997. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages the periodicals unit, including receipt, cataloging, and processing of periodicals and serials in all formats. Manages transition from print to alternate formats for periodicals and serials. Leads retrospective conversion and reclassification projects. Supervises the acquisition of all library materials. Monitors and participates in the allocation of the annual library materials budget. Prepares regular expense reports and budget projections. Supervises three full-time staff and 10+ student assistants. Provides general reference service on a rotating basis. Serves on library wide and college committees and task forces as needed. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Thorough knowledge of OCLC, elec­ tronic information resources, and integrated library systems. Demonstrated aptitude for analytical and detailed work. Effective interpersonal communication, organizational skills, and strong commitment to teamwork. Familiarity with current periodicals/acquisitions trends and issues in an automated environ­ ment. Demonstrated adaptability and initiative. PREFERRED: Minimum three years relevant experience in an academic library, with working knowledge of periodicals and serials in traditional and electronic formats. Experience with DRA. Budgeting experience and knowledge of book trade and vendors. Working knowledge of computer applications such as spreadsheets and database management. Background in direct supervision. Full-time 12-month non-tenure-track position with faculty privileges and responsibilities. Salary commen­ surate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. GENERAL: Union College is an independent, residential college of 2,000 undergraduates, located in upstate New York, offering liberal arts and engineering curricula as well as a graduate program. Schaffer Library has just begun a major expansion and renovation project, scheduled for completion in 1998. Learn more about Schaffer Library by visiting its home page at library.html. Send letter of application, resume, and three reference contacts by May 1 6 , 1997, to: Library Director Schaffer Library Union College Schenectady, NY 12308 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employee. MLS and working knowledge of basic reference sources, electronic databases, and the Internet. Starting salary: $29,656-$35,148 for 173-days-per-year contract scheduled over 12 months. Application materials may be obtained from C la rk C ollege Personnel Services, 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, W A 98663; phone: (360) 992- 2105; TDD: (360) 992-2317. Closing date: April 21, 1997, 5:00 p.m. AA/EEO employer. The College will consider its diversity needs when filling all positions. REFERENCE/SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges seek a service-oriented librarian for a full­ time appointment as Reference/Social Sciences Librarian, available July 1, 1997. Responsibilities: Provide reference services at a gen­ eral reference desk, using materials in all formats; includes some night and weekend hours. Develop instructional materials and partici­ pate in both classroom and one-on-one instruction. Develop tradi­ tional and electronic collections in assigned areas of the social sciences. Participate in library processes planning, decision making, and communication across functional lines. Other duties and respon­ sibilities as assigned. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited pro­ gram; academic background in the social sciences, advanced degree in social sciences preferred. Public service experience; knowledge of print and electronic reference sources; experience in creating World Wide Web documents. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to work effectively as a team member in a dynamic, rapidly changing environment. Salary: $2,585 per month minimum (annual equivalent of $31,020). Starting salary dependent on background and experience. 22 days vacation and excellent health benefits package. Full announcement is available upon request or visit our web site at: http://voxlibris.clarem soclibn.html. Application deadline: Applications received by May 1, 1997, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application; full resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who are knowledgeable about your qualifications to: Alberta Walker, Associate Director, Libraries of T he C la re m o n t C olleges, Honnold/Mudd Library, 800 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. TEACHING MATERIALS REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER. Respon sibilities: Administration of the Teaching Materials Center (TMC) collection and services, including extensive liaison work with teach­ ing faculty. Includes bibliographic instruction, reference service, and some cataloging. The TMC includes over 45,000 items, including 500 K-12 software programs, 2,400 audiovisual items, and a collection of over 17,000 pictures, supporting one of the largest teacher education programs in New York State. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accred­ ited MLS. K-12 course work; recent school experience, including curriculum methodology and educational technology. Demonstrated supervisory, communication, and interpersonal skills. Second master’s preferred. Position carries academic rank of Senior Assistant Librar­ ian. Minimum salary: $30,000. SUNY Cortland is an undergraduate liberal arts college of 6,000 students, located conveniently in picturesque central New York near Cornell and Syracuse Universi­ ties. Position carries faculty status and responsibilities, calendar- year appointment, and excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/ CREF. Submit letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and April 1997 / 301 CURATOR OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS The Francis A. Countw ay Library of M edicine The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine is seeking applications and nominations for the position of Curator of the Rare Books and Special Collections Department. The curator will assume responsibility for the care, management, interpretation, and exhibition of its world-renowned collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, and special collections, and will provide leadership and expertise in the areas of collection development, access, preservation, budget management, staff development, strategic plan­ ning, and information technologies. This individual is also expected to promote and support historical scholarship and the continuity of the scientific record by creating an inviting environment in the department, working with the developing Program in the History of Medicine, making presentations on the collections, and pursuing historical scholarship as appropriate. The Curator reports to the Director of the Countway Library, serves as a member of the library’s management team, and participates in the library’s fund-raising program. The collections of the Rare Books and Special Collections Department and the Countway Library are considered among the most significant repositories of the history of medicine in the world. Not only do they contain print literature of the past five centuries, they also house the manuscript papers of many physicians who made medical history. Countway holdings include 618,000 volumes, 26,000 serial titles, 6,000 feet of manuscript materials, and over 80,000 photographs from the combined collection of the Harvard Medical School Library and the Boston Medical Library. The archival records of the Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Medical Society, and Boston Medical Library are among the collections housed in the library. QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will bring to this position broad knowledge of the relevance of rare books and special collections to the academic mission of the institution as well as an understanding of their value to scholarship beyond the university. The individual must have strong knowledge of the history of medicine o r science as well as issues in rare books and special collections management. Needed are outstanding oral, writing, and interpersonal skills; extensive experience with the practical aspects of managing rare books, and manuscript collections, preservation practices; the ability to work well with multiple constituencies including students, scholars, and staff; knowledge of the book trade and publishing world. REQUIREMENTS: Either (a) a master’s degree in library science, or (b) an advanced degree in the history of science or medicine, or (c) a master’s degree in archives management, or any combination of these. Progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic or research library, with strong management, analytical, and planning skills, and practical experience with team leadership. PREFERRED: Experience with fund-raising, demonstrated grant-writing ability, reading knowledge of Latin and at least one European language, experience with computers and imaging applications. Evidence of scholarly and professional activity, sense of humor, and high energy and enthusiasm are also desired. Salary is commensurate with experience and background. Please send a letter of interest, current curriculum vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers for three references to: Judith Messerle Countway Library Curator Search Committee Countway Library of Medicine Harvard Medical School 10 Shattuck St. Boston, MA 02115 Applications received by A p ril 1 5 , 1997, will receive primary consideration. We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. phone numbers of at least three references to: Gail Wood, Director of Libraries, SUNY C ollege at C ortland, POB 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. Review of applications will begin April 1 , 1997, and continue until the position is filled. Expected start date: July 1, 1997. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO employer and does not discrim inate in employment or the provision of services on the basis of disability. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Illinois Wesleyan University seeks applicants for an entry-level tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate uni­ versity of 1,900 students that strives to provide a high-quality liberal arts education. The library’s mission emphasizes the use and integra­ tion of technology in all aspects of library research. This 12-month appointment reporting to the University Librarian is a tenure-track faculty position with expectations for service and scholarship. Pri­ mary responsibility is coordination and supervision of Technical Services. Technical Services includes serials, acquisitions, catalog­ ing, processing, and maintenance of library materials. Position super- 3 0 2 / C&RL News ACADEMIC RESIDENT LIBRARIAN PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (U-C) Urbana, Illin ois PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The UIUC Academic Resident Librarian Program offers beginning or early career experience in a large academic research library, supplemented with lectures, travel, workshops, and library visits. With a decentralized system of 45 departmental and college libraries in nine subject divisions, the UIUC Library offers special opportunities to librarians planning a career in academic librarianship. Library collections include more than eight million volumes, with strengths in many areas from the hard sciences to the humanities. The library has also undertaken a program of research and development on the digital library of the future. Academic Resident Librarians are assigned to a library or unit and given work assignments appropriate for an introductory academic library experience. Placements are available throughout the subject divisions, central public services, technical services, and administration. Residents also work as a group on project assignments, and participate in library committee assignments and task forces. A travel allowance is provided for participation in scholarly and professional associations. The UIUC Library has a strong tradition of research and scholarship, and each resident is expected to develop and complete one project suitable for publication. QUALIFICATIONS: For 1997, we are seeking Academic Resident Librarians with interest in reference and library instruction, interest in undergraduate library services, interest in library systems, or interest in international librarianship. We plan to assign one resident to the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs. The Mortenson Center provides unique individualized nondegree programs for librarians and information science professionals from outside North America. Applicants must be recent graduates from a master’s degree program in library and information science from an ALA accredited library school. Degree must be received spring 1996 or later, but prior to August 21, 1997. Required qualifications include: Demonstrated interest in a career in academic librarianship, and the promise of substantive scholarly activity. Demonstrated creativity and innovation in a work experience, and evidence of the ability to persevere with a project to completion. Excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to work effectively with all levels of library staff and with a variety of library users. Knowledge of the Internet and related technology applications, and experience in searching electronic resources. For the resident assignment in the Undergraduate Library, cataloging knowledge or experi­ ence is desired. For the resident assignment to file Mortenson Center, some experience with training and some familiarity with a foreign language or culture are desired. SALARY AND RANK: Three to five Academic Resident Librarians will be selected, with appointment as Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Administration. Annual salary of $29,000. Appointments begin August 2 1 , 1997, and are renewable not to exceed two years total. APPLICATION/DEADLINE: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references, by A p ril 1 1 , 1997, to: A llen G. Dries Library Personnel Manager University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 1408 W. Gregory Dr. Urbana, IL 61801 phone: (217) 333-5494 AA/EOE. vises three staff and numerous student assistants. Will participate as a member of a team to redesign workflow and plan the implementation of DRA as part of the statewide academic consortium. Will be responsible for Archives and Special Collections. Will participate in all aspects of library services including reference rotation and library instruction, and will serve as a faculty liaison to assigned subject areas. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; cata­ loging and technical services experience in an automated environ­ ment; knowledge of LC classification, AACR2, a variety of computer software packages, including the Windows environment, and OCLC. A record of library experience, including knowledge of electronic resources, acquisition procedures, cataloging, and serials’ control, is necessary. Demonstrated supervisory competence; knowledge of the budgeting process; ability to work independently and collegially; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; interest in innova­ tion and adoption of library technology; strong organizational and problem-solving skills; and a commitment to the service role of the library in the academic setting are desirable. A second master’s degree is preferred. Screening of candidates will begin on May 1, 1997, and continue until the position is filled, with appointment expected by August 1 , 1997. Send letter of application and vita, your one-page philosophy on library service at a liberal arts institution, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: Sue Stroyan, University Librarian, Illin o is W esleyan U niversity, Sheean Library, PO Box 2899, Bloomington, IL 61702-2899. Visit the library web site: http:// Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity em­ ployer and encourages women and minorities to apply. TENURE-TRACK ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS. California State Uni­ versity, Los Angeles. The John F. Kennedy Memorial Library seeks April 199 7 / 3 0 3 MUSIC LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (U-C) Urbana, Illin o is RESPONSIBILITIES: The UIC Music Library holds one of the largest collections of its kind at a public university, and is currently ranked among the top 10 music libraries in the United States. Reporting to the Deputy University Librarian, and working cooperatively with faculty of the School of Music and the Arts & Humanities Division Coordinator, the Music Librarian is chief administrative officer of the Music Library and is responsible for the administration of all Music Library programs and services, including personnel, public service, collection development and management, budget management, and original cataloging. The Music Librarian hires and supervises staff, oversees the budget, including endowment funds, and, along with other personnel, provides reference services and research assistance to the library’s clientele. The Music Librarian also maintains communication with the School of Music Library Committee, represents the Music Library in local, national, and international activities; writes and coordinates grants; and in cooperation with the Library Development & Public Affairs Office, identifies and cultivates potential donors. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent. Master’s degree or equivalent graduate-level course work in music. Minimum of five years relevant experience in a research library, including collection development. Knowledge of the information needs of music scholars, graduate students, and undergraduates. Knowledge of new technologies and experience with their applications in enhancing information services. Demonstrated ability to plan and implement new programs and services. Leadership skills, including the ability to manage change in a positive manner. Superior oral and written communication skills. Ability to work cooperatively and collegially with colleagues, students, academic faculty, and the larger user community in a complex, changing, and multicultural environment. Evidence of research and scholarship sufficient to meet university standards for a tenured faculty appointment. Reading knowledge of one or more Western European languages. DESIRED: Concern for the common goals of the arts and humanities disciplines. Evidence of active participation in professional organizations in the field of music and/or librarianship. Familiarity with library preservation activities. Substantial experience with new technologies, e.g., digitization, scanning, full-text databases, online indexing, and search engines. PREFERRED: Knowledge of non-Western European languages. High-level administrative experience in a music library. SALARY AND RANK: Salary $47,000 or higher, depending on credentials and experience. Appointment as Associate Professor with tenure. Appointment as Professor may also be considered. Librarians have faculty rank and must demonstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication, and university/ professional/community service in order to meet university standards for promotion and tenure. APPLICATION/DEADLINE: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of five references, by A p ril 2 1 , 1997, to: Allen G. Dries Library Personnel Manager University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 1408 W. Gregory Dr. Urbana, IL 61801 phone: (217) 333-5494 AA/EOE. three tenure-track faculty to join our team by September 1, 1997. CSLA, one of 23 campuses of the CSU system, is located near downtown Los Angeles, has 600 FTE faculty and an urban student body of 18,000, and has the distinction of being the most diverse campus in the nation. Librarians have full faculty status and work under a collective bargaining agreement. The library, with 17 FTE faculty and 33 FTE staff, has WWW and Internet access to compre­ hensive electronic information and knowledge resources (http:// Holdings number more than one million volumes, with 3,000 subscriptions and standing orders. We seek two faculty in User Services and one in Collection Services, User Services faculty will perform key functions including reference, instruction, and collection development, and have specializations in the sciences or education. The Collection Services faculty member will coordinate serials/periodicals collections, their maintenance, and related public services functions, and perform general serials catalog­ ing. All positions require an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution; strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in a multicultural, multiethnic environment; ability to communicate ef­ fectively, orally and in writing, in English; ability to work cooperatively and effectively in a team environment; a demonstrably high level of information competence and computer literacy, with expertise in the use of bibliographic utilities and online information systems; and, as a tenure-track faculty member, evidence of, or demonstrated poten­ tial for, professional growth, participation in faculty governance, and creative, scholarly, and/or other contributions to the profession and to the university. Additional required competencies and desired qualifi­ cations for all three of these positions are listed in the full position 3 0 4 / C&RL News REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR ANGLO- AMERICAN LAW Harvard Law S chool Library Harvard Law School Library seeks an experienced and enthusiastic reference librarian to join the Anglo-American reference department. Participates in all activities of the Anglo-American reference department; provides general and in-depth reference in Anglo-American law to faculty, students, and staff of Harvard Law School and University and the general public; participates in development and implementation of instructional programs, including first year legal research instruction; supports research and instructional needs of faculty including the development of web-based and printed bibliographies and other relevant materials; prepares printed and web-based library guides and resource materials; participates in various library committees; works regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk including week-ends on a rotating basis. MLS from ALA accredited library school; JD from ABA accredited law school; strong interpersonal skills and service orientation; ability to work in a changing environment; demonstrated teaching ability with both print and online resources including Lexis/Nexis, Westlaw, and internet resources; excellent problem solving skills. Candidates should be thoroughly comfortable with emerging technologies and enthusiastic about developing expertise to improve the delivery of information within the law school community. Substantial law library experience as well as familiarity with Commonwealth materials is preferred. To Apply: Send a letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Harry S. Martin, III Librarian and Professor of Law Harvard Law School Library 1545 Massachusetts Avenue Areeda 227 Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. description at http://web.calstatela.edU/library/jobs.htm#Faculty. Ap­ pointment rank (salary) at Senior A ssistant Librarian (minim um $38,892) or Associate Librarian (minim um $49,044), dependent upon qualifications. Tenure norm ally granted with seventh-year reappointm ent. Applications accepted until positions are filled; review of applications begins April 15, 1997. For full consider­ ation, send letter of application, resume or curriculum vitae, three letters of recom m endation, and transcript from institution aw ard­ ing highest degree to: Douglas A. Davis, U niversity Librarian, C a lifo rn ia S ta te U n iv e rs ity , L os A n g e le s , 5151 State U niversity Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300. For fu rther inform ation, call (213) 343-3950 or e-m ail to jhinson@ The univer­ sity has an active affirm ative action program and encourages qualified m inorities, wom en, and persons with disabilities to apply. Upon request, reasonable accom m odation w ill be pro­ vided to in dividuals with protected disabilities to (a) com plete the em ploym ent process and (b) perform essential job functions when this does not cause an undue hardship. Late Job Listings LIBRARY/INFORMATION TECH N OLOGY COORDINATOR. The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges (Claremont, California) seek a service-oriented librarian for a full-time appointment as Library/Information Technology Coordinator available July 1, 1997. Minimum salary: $4,000 per month. 22 days vacation; excellent benefits package. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited program required. Experience in library systems/technology including an in-depth knowledge of integrated library sys­ tems, electronic information resources, computer hardware and software, and network­ ing as they relate to delivery of library services. Achievement in planning and implement­ ing library systems. More detailed description available upon request from: SearchCommittee/LITC, Honnold/Mudd Library, Adm inistration Office, 800 N. Dartm outh Avenue, Clarem ont, CA 91711; or vis it our web site: html. Application deadline: Applications received by May 1, 1997 will be given first consideration. Send letter of application; full resume; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who are knowledgeable about your qualifications to: Alberta Walker, Associate Director, Librar­ ies of The Claremont Colleges, 800 North Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. http://web.calstatela.edU/library/jobs.htm%23Faculty