ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 3 4 /C&RL News In th e N e w s Back to school. The ads have been herald­ ing the coming of the new school year in the new spapers and stores since mid-July. But as I write this colum n in the 90-degree, mid-Au­ gust heat it is difficult to conjure up images of crisp autum n days and a new fall semester. Yet by the time you are reading this many o f your semesters will be well underway, count­ less orientation tours o f the library will have been given, and (since it is the beginning of the fiscal year) many o f you may have a little m oney to spend for collection developm ent. Fall is a very busy time in libraries and sum ­ mer may be a distant memory but I urge you to take a few minutes to peruse this issue to find out what your association did during the summer. This issue contains a report o f the actions taken at the 1993 Annual Conference by the ACRL Board of Directors (page 456) and lists the top priorities set for ACRL by your elected leaders (page 459). ït also contains a message from ACRL President Tom Kirk about his plans for his presidential year on page 437. This issue also contains the first of a two- part report on the many and varied programs that w ere offered by ACRL units at the summer conference in New Orleans. Part tw o o f the program coverage will be published in the O ctober issue. My thanks to the many individuals w ho served as reporters and contributed summaries o f the programs. Be sure to review the “ACRL awards for 1994” article on pages 461^468 describing over $14,000 in cash aw ards and prizes. Take a m om ent to consider the possibilities and then send in your nomination or application. The Internet continues to have a major im­ pact on libraries. In this issue w e continue our efforts to help you get a handle on its vast of­ ferings with a compilation of Slavic resources by Michael Markiw. More resource lists are being prepared for future issues — Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor & Publisher Dear Swami Romma: In this life, I am a research specialist working in an academic library. My shelf space is disappearing before my eyes, my budget is shrinking, and requests for services are way up. Talk about bad karma! What am I to do? Your words of wisdom will set me upon the right path. —Uncentered in Ukiah Dear Uncentered: sociology and Not to worry! The Swami linguistics, and are priced fo r knows a ll and tells all. Call down-to-earth budgets like sociological abstracts, Inc. yours. Each CD ROM offers and they w ill ease your worries comprehensive backfiles (this with two CD-ROMs created lifetime only), and retrieval especially fo r professionals software that makes search like you. Both sociofile and ing easy fo r both novice and LLBA Disc contain timely savvy souls. Focus your abstracts o f theoretical and energy. applied research in Tune in to: sociological abstracts, inc./po box 2 2 2 0 6 /s a n diego, ca 92192-0206 (619) 6 9 5-8803 fa x (619) 695-0416 In te rn e t