ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 3 / 4 3 5 Ebsco projects 10.5% serials price increase Ebsco Subscription Services projects a 10.5% increase in serial prices for academic li­ braries in Serial Price Projec­ tions: 1994. The report cau­ t i o n s t h a t a c tu a l c o s t increases o r decreases will depend on the prevailing cur­ rency exchange rates in Oc­ tober and November and on fixed exchange rates set by som e E uropean publishers. In 1993 the total cost o f a typical subscription list was $1,549,344.68, a 10.4% increase from 1992. There w as an 8.6% increase in the cost of a typical subscription list in 1992, a 17.7% increase in 1991, and an 8.3% increase in 1990. Penn State gets $1 million bonus Gifts and pledges from Penn State faculty and staff to support the university have passed the $2 million goal ahead of schedule earning the library an extra $1 million. Penn State Board of Trustees chairman William A. Schreyer and his wife, Joan, pledged the $1 million to the li­ brary if faculty and staff committed $2 million betw een July 1, 1992 and June 30, 1993 to the university programs of their choice. Proceeds for the Campaign for the Library now total $6.7 million. Head football coach Joe Paterno w ho heads the Campaign for the library said that giving by faculty and staff w ho w ork in the libraries has reached a record 95 percent to date; “This figure shows the tremendous enthusiasm generated by the new addition to Pattee Li­ brary.” Library student assistant wins $ 50 0 Tracy Doyle, a University at Albany, SUNY graduating senior w as the first recipient o f the University Friends o f the Libraries Student Ser­ vice Excellence Award. Doyle w orked as a stu­ dent assistant in the acquisitions D epartm ent for tw o and a half years while maintaining a 3.83 grade point average. The award is sup­ ported by an endow ed fund established through the generosity o f donors. The purpose o f the aw ard is to express the appreciation o f the Friends of the Libraries to an individual w ho has served as a student assistant in the libraries N e w s f r o m th e Fie ld while maintaining a strong academic record. Virginia Libraries share electronic texts Five Virginia university li­ braries recently agreed to join forces to purchase and provide access to electronic full-text databases for their students and faculty. The C o lleg e o f W illiam a n d Mary, G eorge Mason Uni­ versity, University o f Vir­ ginia, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, and Virginia Common­ w ealth University will first purchase Chadwyck- Healey’s The English Poetry Full-Text Database w hich contains the entire corpus of English poetry from Anglo-Saxon times to 1900. It will be m ounted on an IBM RS/6000 com puter at the University of Virginia and searched with O p en Text Systems software. The database makes available via com puter from home, of­ fice, or dormitory, the w orks of 1,350 poets in 4,500 volumes. The universities plan to pur­ chase additional full-text compilations as they becom e available. University of Illinois Library faculty vote to merge departments The faculty o f the Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) voted May 13, 1993 to merge its general services and de­ partmental library services into a single depart­ ment. The question o f the merger had been the occasion o f som e internal strife for many years, bu t the vote w as overwhelmingly in fa­ vor o f the change. Under the new arrangement, the faculty will be organized into nine operat­ ing units grouped approximately by subject and function. The library began operating under the new arrangement on August 21, 1993 al­ though final approval must come from the UIUC Senate and the U o f I Board of Trustees. Library gets check-off box on student fees cards The 1992-93 Student Senate at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville voted to put a $1 check­ off box on student fee cards with the money to be earm arked for the libraries. “The check­ off will be im plem ented spring semester 1994, 4 3 6 /C&RL News w hen student fee cards are redesigned,” accord­ ing to dean of libraries Paul Kaufman. Kaufman indicated that almost $7,000 has been added to the libraries’ coffers from stu­ dent fund-raising efforts. The Student Govern­ m ent Association (SGA) began raising m oney for the libraries tw o years ago after the budget crunch resulted in cuts in hours and periodical subscriptions. The 1991-92 SGA raised $4,000 from student organizations w hich “a d o p ted ” periodicals or paid the three-year subscription rate o f a magazine slated for cancellation. Other fundraising activities have included a Love Your Library 5k fun run ($1,400), sales o f “Beat ‘Bama” buttons at the UT-Alabama football g am e ($1,500), a n d d o n a tio n s o f m o n e y earn ed from selling a cam pus co u p o n guide ($750) The senior class of 1993 plans to establish an acquisitions fund at the libraries as part of its class gift. ACRL has n e w b o o k fo r r a r e b o o k c a ta lo g e rs ACRL a n n o u n ces th e publication of E x­ amples to A ccom pany Descriptive Catalog­ ing o f Rare Books. This book helps rare book catalogers apply the Library of Congress’ de­ scriptive code for rare books, Descriptive Cataloging o f Rare Books, published in 1991. Anyone w ho uses DCRB o r is concerned w ith providing description and access for rare materials will find something of value in this compilation. Fifty MARC-tagged cata­ log records are show n, with facsimiles of title pages and text on the facing pages. The handbook is fully indexed and contains a bibliography o f useful tools for the rare book cataloger. This publication is intended to assist the novice o r infrequent rare book cataloger, as well as provide guidance on difficult and obscure points for more experi­ enced catalogers. For purchasing details, see the publications insert in the center o f this issue. Be sure to note two other new titles in the insert: Scholarly C omm unication in a n Electronic Environm ent: Issues f o r Re­ search Libraries and Sourcebook f o r Biblio­ graphic Instruction. Contact NEH on Bitnet The staff o f the National Endowm ent for the Humanities is n ow available on the Bitnet elec­ tronic mail system. Addresses for some NEH departm ents follow. Public Information Office: NEHOPA@GWUVM; Education: NEHEDU® GWUVM; Fellowships & Seminars: NEHFE LL@GWUVM; P reserv atio n & Access: NEH PRES@GWUVM; Public Programs: NEHPUB@ GWUVM; Research: NEHRES@GWUVM; Grants: NEHGRANT@GWUVM. University of Manitoba inaugurates ZIPDOC ZIPDOC Services, a free 48-hour delivery of selected docum ents not in the libraries’ collec­ tions, is being tested by the University of Mani­ toba Libraries. The selected docum ents include articles from approximately 60 research jour­ nals. Records for the journal titles have been loaded into the libraries’ online catalog. Recent articles can be ordered u pon completion of a ZIPDOC or ILL request form. Interlibrary loan staff will rush orders involving desig n ated ZIPDOC journals at no cost to the user. The commercial docum ent delivery services o f both CARL Uncover and Faxon Xpress are being tested by the libraries. Treasures of library published by San Francisco State San Francisco State University has published The Fine Printers Represented in the Frank V deBellis Collection, an illustrated boo k high­ lighting the treasures o f its library of Italian culture and history. The boo k is an illustrated catalog of 15th and 16th century publications from master Italian printers and was compiled by former deBellis curator, Raymond van De Moortell. Copies are available from San Fran­ cisco State University Library, 1630 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132 for $10.00. ACRL issues new standards procedures manual ACRL’s Standards and Accreditation Commit­ te e (SAC) a p p ro v e d a rev ised p ro c e d u re s manual at the ALA Annual Conference. If your ACRL unit is developing or revising a stan­ dard or guideline make sure you have a copy o f the latest Standards & Accreditation Com­ mittee: Policy a n d Procedures M anual. Write the ACRL office: SAC Manual, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611 to obtain a copy.