ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 4 4 /C&RL News In te rn e t fo r Russian and East European studies By M ichael Markiw Electronic resources fo r Slavic studies T he continually expanding Internet, a group o f in te rc o n n e c te d c o m p u ter netw orks, links educational, governm ental, and commer­ cial organizations worldwide. P erhaps the larg­ est com puter netw ork in the world, its consid­ e ra b le size c o n trib u te s to a v a st p o o l o f information. Much of it is so disorganized, how ­ ever, one often resorts to discovering informa­ tion by “net surfing” via navigational tools such as Gopher, w hich offers lifelines o f automatic connections to w orldw ide netw orks through its system o f hierarchical menus. In order to further systematize information within the In­ ternet, efforts are underw ay to organize som e of it by subject. O ne result of these efforts is a selected listing o f Internet resources for Rus­ sian and East European studies consisting of com puter conferences of special interest groups, electronic journals, newsletters, and online bib­ liographies. Computer Conferences Subscriptions to listservs provide access to com­ p u ter conferences of special interest groups. Listserv groups may have Internet or Bitnet addresses, for example, RUSSIA@ARIZVM1.CC IT.ARIZONA.EDU (In te rn e t) a n d RUSSIA® ARIZVM1 (Bitnet). Subscribers w ith Internet addresses should use the listserv’s Internet ad­ d ress, (e.g. LISTSERV@ARIZVM1.CCIT.ARI ZONA.EDU) and subscribers w ith Bitnet ad­ dresses should use the listserv’s Bitnet address, (e.g. LISTSERV® ARIZVMl). (E d note: To sub­ scribe to a list send the following e-mail mes­ sage to listserv@node, w here node is the part of the address after the symbol: SUBSCRIBE Listname FirstName LastName. For example, to subscribe to BALT-L@UBVM, Jane Doe w ould s e n d th e fo llo w in g m essag e to LISTSERV @UBVM: SUBSCRIBE BALT-L Jane Doe.) After the subscription has b een requested the sub­ scriber will receive confirmation and further par­ ticipation instructions. O ther conferences ap­ pear as new sgroups on Usenet, an international com puter netw ork that provides access through most university campus com puter systems. Be­ low is a selective list of currently available con­ ferences. • BALT-INFO links librarians and information specialists in major research libraries of Esto­ nia, Latvia, and Lithuania with their counter­ parts in the West. Initially, this new network intends to provide information exchange among librarians about Baltic-related library resources and serve as an electronic informa­ tion resource on the Baltic area. Eventually, other interested researchers in the field of Baltic studies will be able to receive help with bibliographic citations as well as submit refer­ ence requests. For subscription information contact Dawn Mann at MANND@RFERL.ORG. • BALT-L@UBVM (Baltic Republics Discussion List) discusses politics and current affairs of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. • EOCHR (Eastern Orthodox Christian Discus­ sion List) provides a forum for exchange of ideas among members of Eastern and Ortho­ dox churches around the w orld and other individuals interested in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Contact Dragic V. Vukomanovic, DRAGIC.VUKOMANOV1C@QUEENSU.CA. to subscribe. • EUEARN-L@UBVM (D iscussion o f Eastern EuropeTelecommunications) is concerned with M ichael M arkiw is Slavic studies librarian a t A rizo n a State University, Tempe, e-mail: iemxm‹S›asuacad.bitnet, or: iem xm @ asuvm mailto:RUSSIA@ARIZVM1.CC IT.ARIZONA.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@ARIZVM1.CCIT.ARI ZONA.EDU mailto:MANND@RFERL.ORG mailto:DRAGIC.VUKOMANOV1C@QUEENSU.CA Receive first class treatment at Ballen... no matter what your size. Whether your order is for a thousand books or just one, w hether you are a prestigious university, medical school, or a little-known junior college, every Ballen customer receives our legendary one-to-one customized service. That means you’ll have a personal Ballen customer service representative to answer questions, report status and solve problems. You’ll have a specific location in our staging area for maximum quality control. 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September 1 9 9 3 / 4 4 5 4 4 6 /C&RL News September 1 9 9 3 / 4 4 7 com puter communications and technology within this region. • E-EUROPE@PUCC, o r, E-EUROPE@PU CC.PRINCETON.EDU (The Eastern Europe Business Network List) discusses business and economic systems of Central and Eastern Eu­ rope and the Commonwealth of Independent States. • HUNGARY@GWUVM, or, HUNGARY@UCS BVM (Hungarian Discussion List) provides in­ formation on Hungary and Hungarian issues. • INFO-RUSS serves as an informational m e­ dium for members of the Russian emigre com­ munity in the U.S., Canada, Israel, Europe, Australia, South Africa, and other countries. C ontact A lex an d er K aplan, SASHA@SUP ER.ECE.JHU.EDU. • MIDEUR-L@UBVM, or, MIDEUR-L@UBVM.C C.BUFFALO.EDU (Discussion of Middle Eu­ rope Topics) focuses on Central European politics, history, and culture. Topics often re­ late to Eastern Europe. • POLAND-L@UBVM, or, POLAND-L@UBVM.C C.BUFFALO.EDU provides a forum for dis­ cussion of Polish current events and culture. Contributions are in Polish and English. • RUSHHIST@USCVM, or, RUSHIST@DOS UNI1, o r RUSHIST@CSEARN (Russian History Fomm) discusses Russian history from 1462-1917. • RUSSIA® ARIZVM1, or, RUSSIA® ARIZVM1 .CC IT.ARIZONA.EDU (Russia and Her Neighbors List) is concerned with the new order within the former Soviet Union and political affairs of neighboring countries. • RUSTEX-L@UBVM (Russia TeX and Cyrillic Processing List) focuses on representation of Cyrillic characters on com puter screens. Cov­ ers Cyrillic text processing and transliteration of Slavic and non-Slavic Cyrillic alphabet lan­ guages. • SCS-L@INDYCMS, or, n ew sg ro u p soc.cul ture.soviet, deals w ith cultural issues within the former Soviet Union. • SEELANGS@CUNYVM (Slavic and East Euro­ pean Languages and Literatures List) promotes scholarly communication am ong members of the American Association o f Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages but includes non-members. Also features Russian satellite television program schedules. • SLOVAK-L@UBVM, o r, SLOVAK-L@UB VM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (Discussion of Slovak Issues) is concerned with politics and current events within the newly established Slovak Republic. An English translation o f the Con­ stitution o f the Slovak Republic is available within the archives of this discussion group. • SOVHISTØUSCVM, o r SOVHIST@DOS UNI1, or SOVHIST@CSEARN (Soviet History Forum) covers Soviet History from 1917-1991 . • TPS-L@INDYCMS (Talk Politics Soviet), or, newsgrouptalk.politics.soviet, focuses on po­ litical and economic issues relating to Russia and other former Soviet republics. • UKRAINE@ARIZVM1, or, UKRAINE® ARIZV M1.CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU is devoted to the ex­ change o f information about Ukraine and may include Ukrainian language, history, geogra­ phy, churches and films. • VAL-L@UCF1VM (Michael Valentine Smith’s Commentary) discusses political and social is­ sues within Russia, other former Soviet re­ publics and Eastern Europe. • O ther news groups available on Usenet fo­ cusing on specific Eastern European countries include soc.culture.baltics, soc.culture.bos na-herzgvna, soc.culture.bulgaria, soc.culture .Croatia, soc.culture.czecho-slovak, soc.culture .magyar, soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.po lish, soc.culture.romanian, soc.culture.ukrain ian, and soc.culture.yugoslavia. Electronic Journals Subscription requests for electronic journals are generally sent to either a listserv or to the indi­ vidual responsible for its distribution. • DONOSY offers daily news bulletins from Po­ land. Articles are in Polish but a w eekly En­ glish language version is available. For U.S. subscriptions contact Przem ek Klosowski, PRZEMEK@NDCVX.CC.ND.EDU; outside the U.S. send requests to DONOSY@PLEARN. • RFE/RL Daily Report, issued by the RFE/RL Research Institute, a division of Radio Free Europe/R adio Liberty Inc., is an excellent source of current events information on Rus­ sia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe. Each issue, published Monday through Friday, may present infor­ mation on government meetings, parliamen­ tary decisions, newly approved laws, trade- union activities, ethnic tensions and troop movements within the above-m entioned ar­ eas. Reports are available via LISTSERV@UB VM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU or from LISTSERV @UBVM. • SUEARN-L@UBVM (Connecting the USSR to the Internet Digest), or, new sgroup bit.list, provides information on tele­ communication links within Eastern Europe. CC.PRINCETON.EDU ER.ECE.JHU.EDU C.BUFFALO.EDU C.BUFFALO.EDU IT.ARIZONA.EDU VM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU M1.CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU mailto:PRZEMEK@NDCVX.CC.ND.EDU VM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU 4 4 8 / C&RL News Articles may include directions for reaching Russian and Eastern European sites by elec­ tronic mail, computer networks, databases, information technology, and the online indus­ try within this area. Newsletters Subscription requests for newsletters are gen­ erally sent to the individual responsible for its distribution. • CAROLINA@CSEARN, a weekly newsletter re­ porting on current events in the Czech Re­ public is published by the students of jour­ nalism at Charles University in Prague. Articles are in Czech or English. A number of newsletters describe current events in die countries comprising the former Yugoslavia. • Bosnet, p u b lish ed daily, covers new s of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Articles are mostly in English and languages spoken in Bosnia. Contact Hozo Iztok, HOZO@MATH.LSA.U MICH.EDU. • Croatian-News (English) / Hrvatski-Vjesnik (Croatian), offer news from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia. News sources may include transcripts from Croatian and other newspapers. Croatian-News is avail­ able from CROATIAN-NEWSREQUESTØAN DREW.CMU.EDU and Hrvatski-Vjesnik can be o b ta in e d from HRVATSKI-VJESNIK-ZAM OLBE@ANDREW.CMU.EDU. • MILS-NEWS, published by the Macedonian Information and Liaison Service, is a digest of current events in Macedonia. It is issued daily in English and Macedonian via listserver MAK- NEWS@UTS.EDU.AU. • R okPress p re s e n ts new s from Slovenia. Slovene is the principal language but news from Croatian and Serbian sources may be included. Subscriptions can be requested from Igor Benko, IBENKO@MAVERICO.UWATER LOO.CA. • SII distributes news and discusses current events affecting Serbs. Contact OWNER@MOU MEE.CALSTATELA.EDU. • VND (Vreme News Digest) is an electronic English-language version of the weekly news­ paper, Vreme which serves all areas of former Yugoslavia. Selected articles from Vreme are translated into English. For subscriptions con­ tact D m itrije Stam enovic, DMITRIJE@BU ENGA.BU.EDU. Online Bibliographies ABSEES Online, an electronic version of the American Bibliography of Slavic and East Eu­ ropean Studies available at no charge via the Internet, is a source of citations for journal ar­ ticles, government and research reports, book chapters, and books published in the United States and Canada. Contact Aaron Trehub, Edi­ tor, ABSEES, ■ (Historical ecology co n 'tfro m p age 441) Future applications Future applications of this technology include the following: • a database of 90,000 scanned images of the historical photographs in the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections searchable by patrons in the reading room on a WORM optical cartridge; access will be through hierar­ chical or key w ord modes. (The authority file for the index will be the Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials.) • b ib lio g ra p h ic a l an d te x tu a l an alysis projects, such as enhancing the comparison of literary text both within editions and across editions • compilations of historical statistical data, which will be available both in simple tabular form and in datafiles suitable for manipulation by standard spreadsheet and database software • electronic publication of a number of jour­ nals in the public domain, such as the Fisheries Bulletin • access to other publications in the public domain, including a very large body of “grey” literature on the Gulf of Mexico (literature pu b ­ lished in unrefereed publications) • continue to serve as a Beta test site for new computer hardware and software devel­ oped by Key Systems Incorporated, a Baton Rouge company Summary The Electronic Imaging Laboratory has given the LSU Libraries an opportunity to make Spe­ cial Collections materials available to a wider audience and to develop projects that will pro­ vide more and easier to use research materials in the future. Documents relating the early his­ tory of Louisiana are also being preserved with electronic imaging. ■ MICH.EDU DREW.CMU.EDU mailto:OLBE@ANDREW.CMU.EDU NEWS%c3%98UTS.EDU.AU NEWS%c3%98UTS.EDU.AU MEE.CALSTATELA.EDU ENGA.BU.EDU S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 3 / 4 4 9 “’s everything you could possibly want to know about international orga —R e f n e r e n iz c e a a n d ti R e s on e a r c h s. H o o k .. N ” ew s