ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1993/479 THE LASSIFIEDDSC A D e ad lin es : O rd e rs fo r re g u la rc ia s s itie d a d ve rtise m e n ts m ust reach the A C R L office on or b efore the secon d o f the month p re ce d in g p u b lica tio n o f the is su e (e.g., S e p te m b e r 2 for the O cto b e r issu e). S h ould this date fall on a w e e ke n d o r holiday, ads w ill b e a ccep ted on th e next bu sin e ss d ay. Late job listings w ill be accep ted on a s p a c e -a va ila b le basis a fte r the secon d o f th e m onth. R ates: C la ssifie d a d v e rtise m e n ts are $ 6 .6 0 pe r lin e for in stitutions that are A C R L m em bers, $8.40 fo r others, Late job notice s are $15 .95 per line for in stitu tio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 1 8 .9 5 for others. O rg a n iza tio n s s u b m ittin g ads will be ch a rg e d acco rd in g to th e ir m e m b e rsh ip status. D is­ play ad rate s range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call fo r s ize s and rates. G u id elin es: For ads that list an app lica tio n d e a d lin e , w e suggest that date be no soon er than the 20th d a y o f th e m onth in wh ich the notice app e a rs (e.g., O cto b e r 2 0 for th e O c to b e r issue). All jo b a n n o u n ce m e n ts shou ld in clu d e a salary figure. Job a n n o u n ce m e n ts w ill be edited to e x c lu d e d is c rim in a to ry references. A p p lic a n ts shou ld be aw are th a t th e te rm s fa c ­ ulty ra n k a nd s ta tu s vary in m e a n in g a m o n g in stitutio ns. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL N ews Classified Advertising Departm ent, AC R L, A m eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280 7663 or (312) 280-2520; e m a il; U21808@ U IC V M Policy: A LA p o licy requires th a t o rg a n iz a tio n s recru itin g through A LA pub lica tio n s or pla ce m e n t s e rvice s c o m p ly w ith ALA a n ti-d iscrim in a tio n policies. P o licy 5 4 .3 s ta te s th a t “A L A is co m m itte d to e q u a lity o f op p o rtu n ity for all library e m p lo y ­ ees o r a p p lic a n ts for e m p lo ym e n t, rega rd le ss o f ra ce , co lo r, creed, sex, age, physica l o r m ental han dicap, in d ivid u a l life ­ style, or national o rig in ." By a dve rtising th ro u g h A L A s e r­ vices, the org a n iza tio n agre e s to co m p ly w ith th is policy. POSITIONS OPEN A R C H IV IS T . B e in e c k e R a re B o o k a n d M a n u s c rip t L ib ra ry , Y a le U n iv e rs ity . T w o p o s itio n s . M in im u m ra n k : L ib ra ria n I. R e s p o n s ib ili­ tie s: P ro c e s s e s a n d c a ta lo g s lite ra ry a n d h is to ric a l m a te ria ls in c o n fo rm ity w ith n a tio n a l an d lo c a l b ib lio g ra p h ic s ta n d a rd s . C re a te s fin d in g a id s an d b ib lio g ra p h ic , a u th o rity , a n d c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t re c o rd s . S a la ry an d ra n k d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s an d e x p e ri­ en ce ; fro m a m in im u m o f $ 3 0 ,9 0 0 . C o m p re h e n s iv e b e n e fits p ro g ra m in c lu d in g 2 2 d a y s v a c a tio n ; 1 7 h o lid a y , re c e s s , a n d p e rs o n a l d a y s ; health c a re , r e tire m e n t p la n , a n d s o m e re lo c a tio n a s s is ta n c e a v a il­ able. P le a s e s u b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , re s u m e , a n d th e n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s b y O c to b e r 1, 1993, to : D ia n e Y. T u rn e r, D ire cto r, L ib ra ry P e rs o n n e l S e rv ic e s , P .O . B o x 1 603A , Y a le S ta tio n , N e w H a ve n , C T 0 6 5 2 0 . E E O , AA A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R , U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s . T h o m a s E. D e w e y G ra d u a te L ib ra ry . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : R e p o rtin g to th e D e a n a n d D ir e c ­ t o r o f L ib ra rie s , th e A s s is ta n t D ire c to r is r e s p o n s ib le fo r le a d e rs h ip , a d m in is tra tio n a n d s e rv ic e s of th e D e w e y G ra d u a te L ib ra ry . T h is lib ra ry s e rv e s th e fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts of th e N e ls o n A . R o c k e fe lle r C o lle g e o f P u b lic A ffa irs a n d P o lic y a n d its g r a d u a te s c h o o ls o f C rim in a l J u s tic e , In fo rm a tio n S c ie n c e & P o licy, P u b lic A ffa irs , a n d S o cia l W e lfa re . A s a m e m b e r of th e L ib ra ry P o lic y G ro u p , th e A s s is ta n t D ire c to r is re s p o n s ib le to r p la n n in g a n d c a rry in g o u t th e m is s io n a n d g o a ls o f th e U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s , e s p e c ia lly a s th e y re la te to th e D e w e y PATENT SEARCHER Chemical Abstracts Service Immediate opening for online patent searcher. Must ba able to demonstrate strong knowledge of online chemical and scientific literature search­ ing in patents, using major public services such as STN, LEXIS, Dialog, Infopro (Orbit). Experi­ ence as a patent agent desirable. Good commu­ nication skills a must. This position involves training customers and technical support for STN patent files (including Derwent, IFI, API, and CA), development of technical presentations, training patent search­ ers on use of STN patent files, and providing technical support to customers and marketing staff. Minimum of 40% travel required. To apply, send resume and salary requirements to: Chemical Abstracts Service Employment Department P.O. Box 3012 Columbus, OH 43210 Or fax to Employment Department at: (61 4) 447- 37 5 0 . Equal opportunity employer. L ib ra ry a n d c o o rd in a tin g its c o lle c tio n s , o p e ra tio n s , an d s e rv ic e s w ith a ll lib ra ry d iv is io n s . M a in ta in s a c tiv e lia is o n w ith th e P ro v o s t. D ean, a n d fa c u lty o f R o c k e fe lle r C o lle g e . A s s is ts in th e p ro v is io n o f r e fe r­ e n c e a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t s e rv ic e s a s n e e d e d - R e s e a rc h , p u b lic a tio n , a n d s e rv ic e to th e lib ra rie s a n d u n iv e rs ity a re e x p e c te d to s a tis fy c rite ria fo r c o n tin u in g a p p o in tm e n t a n d p ro m o tio n o f lib ra ry fa c u lty at th e U n iv e rs ity a t A lb a n y . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d s c h o o l o f lib ra ry a n d /o r in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e ; d e m o n ­ s tra te d s u c c e s s fu l a d m in is tra tiv e a n d p u b lic s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e in a n a c a d e m ic o r re s e a rc h lib ra ry ; k n o w le d g e o f lib ra ry c o m p u te r a p p lic a ­ tio n s ; s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a n d a re co rd o f p ro fe s s io n a l c o n trib u tio n s . P re fe re n c e w ill be g iv e n to c a n d id a te s w ith a s tro n g b a c k g ro u n d in o n e o f th e s u b je c t s tre n g th s o f th e R o c k e fe lle r C o lle g e , e .g ., A m e ric a n p u b lic p o lic y a n d c o m p a ra tiv e g o v e rn m e n t, p o litic a l s c ie n c e , p u b lic a d m in is tra tio n , e tc . S a la ry : C o m m e n s u ra te w ith e d u ­ c a tio n a n d e x p e rie n c e . A p p o in tm e n t e x p e c te d a t th e A s s o c ia te L ib ra ria n ra n k (s a la ry m in im u m $ 3 9 ,0 0 0 ). A p p ly to : C h ris tin e M. T ra v is . L ib ra ry P e rs o n n e l O ffic e r, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s -U L 139, U n i­ v e rs ity a t A lb a n y , S ta le U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk , 1 4 0 0 W a s h in g to n A v e n u e , A lb a n y , N Y 1 2 2 2 2 . D e a d lin e : R e v ie w o f le tte rs o f a p p lic a tio n a n d re s u m e s w ill b e g in O c to b e r 2 0 , 199 3 . P le a s e in c lu d e th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s w h o w e c a n c o n ta c t. T h e U n iv e rs ity a t A lb a n y , S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. A p p lic a tio n s fro m w o m e n , m in o rity p e rs o n s , h a n d ic a p p e d p e rs o n s , s p e c ia l d is a b le d , a n d V ie tn a m -e ra v e te ra n s a re e s p e c ia lly w e lc o m e . A S S IS T A N T H E A D , G O V E R N M E N T P U B L IC A T IO N S A N D M A P D E P A R T M E N T . A d m in is te rs th e U .S . F e d e ra l D e p o s ito ry c o lle c tio n , a n d s e le c ts re fe re n c e m a te ria ls a n d p u b lic a tio n s n o t re c e iv e d th ro u g h d e p o s ito ry a g re e m e n ts . P ro v id e s in d e p th re fe re n c e , in c lu d in g b ib lio ­ g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n , fo r fe d e ra l, s ta te , an d in te rn a tio n a l d o c u m e n ts . A s s is ts in th e p la n n in g a n d c o o rd in a tio n o f th e d e p a rtm e n t's te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g c a ta lo g in g o f g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts . S u p e rv is e s th re e F T E p a ra p ro fe s s io n a ls . T h e d e p a rtm e n t is a d e p o s ito ry fo r U n ite d S ta te s {7 5 % , Illin o is , U n ite d N a tio n s , a n d E u ro p e a n c o m m u - 4 8 0 /C&RL News LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATOR (Search Reopened) Smith College Libraries R E SPO N SIBILITIES: G uide the continued integration ot inform ation technology into the libraries’ operations and services: serve as the principal Smith College expert on the five-college integrated library system (IN N O P A C ); coordinate operation of and training fo rth e CD -R O M and oth er local netw orks and fo r Internet-based resources and services; coordinate procurem ent, installation, docum entation, and troubleshooting; oversee related contracts, licenses, and accounts; serve as principal library liaison with the college's Inform ation Systems, Five C ollege autom ation groups, NELINET, and vendors. Serve on the Library S taff Council, share in library-w ide planning duties with division coordinators, and carry out adm inistrative assignm ents not limited to technical concerns. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: Required: A m aster's degree, preferably in library science (ALA-accredited) or in com puting/inform ation systems; at least five years experience with integrated library system s, electronic inform ation resources, and m icrocom puters; m anagem ent and planning experience in a library setting. Highly desired: W orking k now ledge of CD -R O M s, LANs, m ultiuser system s, and the Internet. N O R M AL HIRING SALARY: $33,23 0-$37,000; actual salary com m ensurate w ith experience. Review of applications begins O ctober 1,1 993 . S ubm it letter of application, resum e with salary requirements, and nam es of three references to: Employment Group Office of Human Resources Smith College Box 730 Northampton, MA 01063 An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. nities, and acquires materials from about 30 other international organizations. The department contains 267,000 volum es, 544,000 microfiche sheets, and 198,000 maps, and offers reference service 63 hours per week. Staff: 3.5 FTE librarians, 4 FTE paraprofessionals, and 3.5 FTE students. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school and a minim um of one ye ar governm ent publications reference experience required. Additional experience with govern­ ment publications and cataloging strongly preferred. A cadem ic back­ ground or knowledge o f the social sciences and experience in an autom ated environm ent preferred. Demonstrated com m itm ent to governm ent publications librarianship and to quality public services, and excellent communications skills required. Salary: $26,000-$30,000. Send letter o f application, resume, and names and addresses o f three references to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern Uni­ versity Library, Evanston, IL 60208-2300. For priority consideration, applications should be received by O ctober 1, 1993. Northwestern University is an EEO, AA employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. ASSOC IA TE DEAN. The New Mexico State University Library seeks an Associate Dean to be a leader in forming and realizing the vision tha t will enable the library to satisfy the changing information needs o f a diverse university community. The Associate Dean w ill coordinate the operations o f the collection managem ent, information services, and technical services departments and system s office, oversee day- to-day budget and facilities operations, manage library personnel processes, function as the principle adm inistrator in the Dean’s absence, participate actively in planning and institutional evaluation, and encourage library faculty and staff developm ent. Required: A broad working knowledge of academ ic library operations, dem on­ strated organizational leadership, a managem ent philosophy that promotes team w ork and decision-making involving all levels of staff, excellent interpersonal com munication skills, at le ast nine years of progressively responsible experience that includes supervision of personnel, an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, an additional graduate degree, and eligibility fo r senior faculty appointment. De­ sired: Budgetary experience, fam iliarity with information technology and system s integration, fle xibility and openness to innovation, the ability to foster a cooperative, collegial, organizational climate, good public relations skills, experience in grant writing and/or grant a dm inis­ tration, evidence o f initiative and creativity, and a dem onstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment. NMSU, New M exico's land-grant university, enrolls over 15,000 students in 71 undergraduate, 45 master’s, and 19 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is classified as a Carnegie I research institution, and is a member o f the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The university library has an annual budget exceeding 4 million dollars, and contains approxim ately 900,000 vol­ umes in two facilities. A new general library houses hum anities and social sciences collections. The building that houses the agriculture, engineering, science, and business collections is undergoing renova­ tion. Library com puter system s include VTLS, INNOVACQ, an Internet connection, and a new CD-ROM LAN. Located along the Rio G rande in southern New Mexico, NMSU is 40 miles north o f El Paso, Texas, at the southern end o f the Rocky Mountains. The desert area enjoys abundant sunshine and is within easy driving d istance to alpine areas that include excellent hiking, skiing, and w ater sports. Salary: Dependent upon qualifications; m inim um : $52,000 fo r a 12-month appointment. Benefits include 22 vacation days per year. Send a letter of application, resume, and nam es and telephone numbers o f three references by O ctober 15th, 1993, to: Bonnie Wetzel, Chair, Associate Dean Search Committee, New Mexico State University Library, Box 30006, Dept. 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006. New Mexico State University is an EEO, AA employer. O ffers of em ploym ent are contingent upon the verification of the individual’s eligibility fo r employm ent in the United States. ASSOC IA TE LIBRARIAN II. The U niversity o f M aryland College Park Libraries invites applications for an Associate Librarian II, Gordon W. Prange N ewspaper Project-Japanese Language Serial Cataloger. This is a full-tim e, contractual position (four-year fully funded project). Responsibilities: As senior project librarian fo r the Prange Newspaper Project, oversee the creation o f a sum m ary holdings list (brief biblio­ graphic entry and sum m ary holdings statement) fo r the 24,000 new s­ papers and assist in the grant writing fo r the preservation and full cataloging o f the collection. Q ualifications: Required: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library science. Experience: Required: Minim um of one ye ar professional cataloging experience; working knowledge of the Japanese language including proficiency in both Kyu Kanji and Shin Kanji characters. Highly desirable: Serial cataloging experience using Septem ber 1 9 9 3 /4 8 1 T W O P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E D E C E M B E R 1, 1 9 9 3 University of California, Santa Cruz T h e U niversity of C alifornia, S anta C ruz, is a d yn am ic and grow ing cam pus located in a redw ood-forest setting ove rlookin g M o nterey Bay, 75 m iles s ou th o f S an Francisco. The library w ith a collection of 1 m illion v o lum es and a staff of 140, serves 10,000 s tud ents and 700 faculty. Assistant University Librarian, Human Resources ($45,980-$73,055) T h e A s s is ta n t U niversity Librarian, H um an R esources (A U L-H R ) is one of tw o A U Ls, w ho along w ith the U niversity Librarian co n s titu te the sen io r a d m inistra tive staff addressin g th e w hole range of library issues. The A U L-H R w orks colleg ially w ith the ten -m e m ber Library M a nage m en t G ro up in establishing library policy. U nde r the direction of the U niversity Librarian, the A U L -H R is exp ected to lead a c om preh ensive hum an re sources program th a t w orks to m axim ize the potential of all library staff. W ithin the fra m ew ork of U niversity-w ide personnel program s, the A U L-H R develops, interprets, and im plem ents progressive pe rsonnel policies fo r librarians, o th e r profession al and ca re e r staff, and stu d e n t assistants. A ssisted by and responsib le fo r a 3-perso n staff, th e A U L-H R also serves as the libra ry’s spe cia list in all aspects of pe rsonnel w ork, such as individ ual and tea m d e velopm ent, labor relations, affirm ative action, pe rform ance review , a nd recruitm ent. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : S ubsta ntial, responsible, and succe ssful e xp erien ce in hum an resources a d m inistra tion, including fam ilia rity w ith m odern m a nage m en t tre nds such as TQ M ; s up erior c o m m u­ nication an d interpersonal skills, including the ability to m aintain effective w orkin g re la tionsh ips w ith a w ide varie ty of individ uals; a stro ng com m itm en t to a cultu ra lly d iverse w orkp lace; a graduate degree fro m an A LA -accredited library school an d /o r an ad vanced de g re e in an othe r p e rsonn el-related field, o r eq uivalen t. P referred: L ine ad m inistra tive exp erien ce in a m e dium -sized to large library, o r c o m p a ­ rable public s e c to r institution. Multicultural Outreach Coordinator/Reference Librarian Assistant/Associate Librarian ($28,668-$50,496) A s a m e m ber of the re fere nce service s unit, coo rdina tes a program in library services fo r a d iverse cam pus com m unity. C oordina tes libra ry instruction and spe cia lized re fere nce service in m u lticu ltura l/ eth nic studies. P rovides general re fere nce service in the social s cience s a nd h u m anitie s: serves 12- 15 ho urs/w ee k at the R eference D esk, including w eeke nd and eve ning s ervice ; pa rticipate s in library­ w ide activities, including a d m inistra tive com m ittee s and special projects. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : G raduate de gree from an A LA -accredited library school; dem onstrate d interest in th e areas o f m u lticu ltura l/ethn ic s tud ies; de m onstrate d ab ility to provide spe cialized service s to a m u lticu ltura l com m unity; broad inte rest in the hu m anitie s and social science s and in w orkin g with u n derg rad uate s, g rad u a te students, and facu lty; ability to w o rk at the re fere nce desk, provide library instruction, and pe rform on lin e searches. P referred: P rior re fere nce de sk exp erien ce; m ulticultural ou trea ch experience. D E A D LIN E FO R A P P LIC A T IO N S : S e p tem b er 3 0 ,1 9 9 3 . T O A P P LY : S end a c om plete s tatem en t of qualification, a resum e, and nam es of fo u r references to: Katherine Beiers Library Personnel Office University Library University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 A n affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. 4 8 2 /C&RL News BIBLIOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara The UCSB Library is seeking a creative and dynam ic librarian to m anage and maintain the library’s NO TIS-based integrated bibliographic system (PEG ASU S). The position of Bibliographic System s Librarian provides a high level ot technical expertise and w orking knowledge of NOTIS, exercises independent judgm ent in analyzing and diagnosing problem s with thesystem , and w orks w ith all library departments and the cam pus com puting center in ensuring the efficient and effective use of the system. M ajor areas of responsibility include system adm inistration, library liaison activities, and project management. Requires: A LA -accredited M LS; substantial experience w ith a NO TIS-based integrated system ; knowledge of MARC record structure; dem onstrated organizational and analytical skills; superior interpersonal, written, and oral com m unication skills; strong com m itm ent to responsive and innovative service, with the ability to w ork effectively in a dem anding and rapidly changing en vironm ent; fam iliarity with current developm ents in library autom ation. Appointm ent at Associate Librarian/Librarian level, salary range is $35,052 to $59,316. Applications will be review ed starting S eptem ber 30, 1993. Send resum e and the names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Assistant University Librarian-Personnel University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 UCSB is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LC cla s s ific a tio n and s u b je c t h e a ding s in a ccorda nce w ith A AC R 2 and its LC rule in te rp re ta tio n s and e x p e rie n ce w ith a b ib lio g ra p h ic u tility such as OCLC o r RLIN. S a la ry: $ 2 9 ,0 0 0 m inim um . B en e fits a va ila b le . For fu ll co ns id e ra tio n , su bm it re su m e a nd nam es/ a d d re sse s o f th re e re fe re n ce s by O cto b e r 1 ,1 9 9 3 , to : Ray F oster, L ib ra ry P erson ne l, M cK e ldin L ibrary, U n iv e rs ity of M aryland, C o lle g e P ark, MD 2 07 42 -7 0 11 . Th e U n ive rsity o f M a ryla n d is an a ffirm a tiv e action , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. M in o ritie s are e nco urag e d to app ly. AUTOM ATION LIBRARIAN (search reopened). G uides selection and im plementation of integrated library system ; provides com puter support and leadership; trains library staff. Participates in book selection and reference service. Q ualifications: Accredited MLS, MLIS, or master’s in com puter science w ith two years professional experience as autom ation librarian with dem onstrated abilities in applying com puter technology to library applications. Experience with im plementation and operation o f integrated system s; current aware­ ness o f software and hardware options; experience in w ord process­ ing, spreadsheet, database, and com m unications software; good com m unication skills. Preferred: Familiarity with MARC and OCLC, CD-ROM technology, and project managem ent skills. Twelve-month, tenure-track. Salary approxim ately $30,000. Standard benefits. Send letter, resume, copies of transcripts, and nam es and addresses of three references by O ctober 15, 1993, to: Patricia Painter, Chair, Autom ation Librarian Search Com m ittee, A u b u rn U n iv e rs ity a t M o n tg o m e ry Library, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, A L 36117. M ontgomery is rich in history and architecture, with outstanding theaters, museums, and nearby recreational facilities. A UM is an AA, EEO employer. AUTOM ATED SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. Assistant professor rank. Tenure-track. Twelve-m onth contract. Manage, plan, and coordinate the library's autom ation and networking activities. Data Research ATLAS system . Required: ALA-accredited m aster's degree and professional experience in maintenance o f an integrated library autom ation system. DRA, VAX/VMS, TCP/IP, and DECNET e xperi­ ence is preferred. C andidates should have a clear understanding of bibliographic control and database m anagem ent issues, as well as knowledge of public and technical services. Applicants fam iliar with microcom puter-based applications, CD-ROM databases, and Novell networking w ill receive extra consideration. G ood interpersonal, organizational, and analytical skills are required, as is dem onstrated ability to w o rk with library staff at all levels. Appointm ent date: D ecem ber 1, 1993. Salary: $30,000. Valdosta State University, student p opulation 8,000, is a regional unit of the University System of Georgia. The cam pus is located in a city o f 50,000 in south Georgia. Send application letter, resume, and nam es of three references by O ctober 1 ,1 9 93 , to: Betty D. Paulk, Associate D irector fo r Technical Services, Odum Library, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 31698. Valdosta State U niversity is an equal-opportunity, affirm a­ tive-action employer. CATALOGING COORDINATOR. The Cataloging C oordinator will supervise all non-exem pt staff (currently eight adaptive catalogers and one library assistant). Assist Team Leader with appropriate personnel matters. Oversee training in cataloging and authority control fo r new hires. Maintain quality control standards, production standards, and act as a resource person fo r solving com plex authority and bibliographic problems. Contribute original/editing cataloging and authority work. Keep up-to-date with LC and OCLC policies and cataloging practices as well as with national and international trends in bibliographic control as these relate to authority control and database maintenance. Reports to the Cataloging Team Leader. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; several years recent cataloging experience, including cataloging MARC formats other than books and assignm ent of Library of Congress classification and LCSH subject terms. Expert knowledge o f AAC R2 and fam iliarity with earlier cataloging codes. Familiarity with a bibliographic utility. Ability to work with m aterial in foreign languages. Experience working with a local system . Supervisory experience; dem onstrated skills in hum an relations and ability to work with m any levels of staff in a rapidly changing environment. E xcellent com m unication skills; dem onstrated ability to write procedures and create appropriate documentation. Com puter literate; experience with word processing and spread­ sheets. Ability to read one foreign language. Preferred: Subject September 1 9 9 3 /4 8 3 cataloging specialty in one o r more of the following: agriculture, veterinary medicine, science, geography, and rare books. Experience with OCLC. Experience with an automated system having a catalog­ ing module. Tenure-track position. Library faculty must meet univer­ sity requirements for promotion and tenure. Twenty-four days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Assistant or Associate Pro­ fessor rank. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Send letter of application that addresses each qualification, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of recent references to: Jill Keally, Human Resources, The University of Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000, or fax: (615) 974-4696. Review of applications will begin O ctober 15,1993, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Tennessee Knoxville is an EEO, AA, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, VISUAL IMAGES. The North Baker Re­ search Library of the California Historical Society is undertaking a grant-funded project to digitize and catalog in RLIN a selection o f its visual images. The im ages will consist mostly of photographs, but will also include printed illustrations, paintings, and three-dimensional objects. Will work with the Curator of Photography and the Library Director in establishing and documenting procedures and be respon­ sible fo r all copy and original cataloging. This is a full-tim e, one-year position beginning Jan. 1, with a minimum salary o f $27,000 plus benefits. Part-time with equivalent salary and duration will be consid­ ered. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program and knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and MARC format. Preferred: Previous experience in cataloging visual images, preferably in RLIN. Knowl­ edge of photographic and illustrative techniques, Graphic Materials, LCGTM, and AAT. Familiarity with NeXTSTEP helpful. Send a letter of application, resume, and three references by Nov. 1 to: Jeffrey Barr, Library Director, California Historical Society, 2099 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109-2235. (E-mail: jeffrey@ The Society is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CURATOR, CARNEGIE CORPORATION ARCHIVES, Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Columbia University. Primary responsibility of this position is supervising the maintenance and servicing of the Carnegie Corporation and related archives, including providing in- depth reference service for these archives; and with other curators providing in-depth reference service and overseeing circulation and use o f rare books and manuscripts. Responsible for the processing, cataloging, and description of m anuscript collections, including archi­ val records for the Carnegie and related archives; maintenance of all records necessary for the archives' use; acting as liaison with various Carnegie organizations; and maintaining, developing, and servicing the needs o f these collections. The position shares responsibilities for supervision of student assistants, for library instruction, and for assistance with special projects. Position may also include additional administrative responsibilities. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements include: knowledge of manuscript and archival man­ agement techniques and skills; knowledge of American and English history, literature and publishing; knowledge of reference sources, tools and techniques in rare books and manuscripts; knowledge of historical, social science, and literary research methods; ability to search in RLIN and other electronic databases. Effective writing and oral communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively are essential. Preference will be given to candidates with a reading knowledge o f French and/or German; knowledge of preservation techniques and security procedures; knowledge of and experience with the RLIN AMC database; some knowledge of and experience in descriptive bibliography; and a graduate degree in American history or other relevant graduate degree. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $30,600-$39,780; Librarian II: $32,600-$44,010. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send resume listing names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director o f Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, C o lu m b ia University, 535 W est 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline fo r applications is Septem ber 30,1993. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. DIVISION HEAD, READER SERVICES DIVISION. Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School. This librarian GS1410-12 posi­ tion is responsible for the development and im plementation of the library’s reader services and collection development programs. In addition to managing the Reader Services Division (nine full-tim e equivalent), the incumbent provides assistance to library patrons in accessing information, and taking a proactive role in developing the library’s reference and user instructional services and resources in both print and electronic formats. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library science and a minimum of two years professional experience, including at least one at the GS-11 level. Supervisory experience and experience in reader services and collection development in an academic library supporting advanced instruction and research in the fields of science, engineering, and management preferred. Under­ graduate or graduate coursework in the fields of science, engineering, or management desirable. The Dudley Knox Library’s collections include over 200,000 monographs and bound journals, 825,000 research reports, and 1,500 journal subscriptions. The library is housed in a newly renovated and expanded 100,000-square-foot facility and uses the Notis library management system. The Naval Postgraduate School, accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, is located on the Monterey Peninsula and is dedicated to graduate level education and research, awarding de­ grees a t the master’s and doctorate levels. The school's curricula include programs in science, engineering, administrative sciences, and public policy. In FY93, funded research at NPS totalled approxi­ mately $25 million. The school's 1,700 students are drawn primarily from the officer corps o f the U.S. Navy, but include officers from the other branches of the U.S. Armed Services and from allied nations, as well as Department of Defense civilians. For applications and information call the Naval P ostg ra du ate S ch o o l a t (408) 656-2002 o r 2003. A completed Form 171 is required as part of the application. Application deadline: O ctober 1,1993. Minimum salary: $40,298 per annum. The Department of the Navy is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for position vacan­ cies without regard to race, creed, color, age, national origin, lawful Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the A M Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iow a $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 'R a th e r than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minim ums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula 4 8 4 /C&KL News ATTENTION MATH AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING LIBRARIANS THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY COME JOIN A DYNAMIC LIBRARY Three years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection d evelopm ent services to the academ ic com m unity. The new R esource Services de part­ m ent is com posed of subject specialists, each of w hom is responsible for building close w orking relationships w ith th e fa c u lty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. O ur com m itm ent to making the library a highly valued and significant partner in the academ ic enterprise is being felt in three key w ays: a determ ination to m ake this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library; a m ajor rem odeling and program m atic reorientation of the library's service spaces; and program m atic changes in serving the science/engineering com m unity based on an independently conducted needs assessment. The Eisenhow er Library prizes initiative, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, indepen­ dence, and visibility to m em bers of its Resource Services team. Resource services librarian for pure and applied math, computer science, and electrical and computer engineering. R E SPO N SIBILITIES: U nderstand the w ork of the M athem atics, M athem atical Sciences, Com puter Science, and Electrical & C om puter Engineering departm ents, and cultivate and maintain close w orking relationships with the m em bers of those departm ents. S elect m aterials to be added to the collection in assigned subject areas and manage the materials budget fo r each subject. Provide a variety of reference and research services to library patrons. QUALIFIC ATIO N S: MLS from an A LA-accredited library school required, and an advanced degree in one of the four assigned fields, o r equivalent experience strongly desired. Tw o or m ore years' experience in collection developm ent and/or reference in a research library preferred. Ability to conduct sem inars and instructional program s in the use of the library and its resources. W illingness to w ork a flexible schedule (including som e evenings and w eekends) as part of a team. The hiring range fo r this position is $30,000 - $40,500, depending on education and experience. Personnel benefits include 22 days vacation; free life insurance; retirem ent program , including TIAA / CREF, and group health plan c ost shared by individual and university. To apply, send letter of application indicating JO B #S93-356, resume, and three letters of reference by October 15,1993, to: The Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources 119 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 AA/EOE. Smoke-free and drug-free. Women a nd minorities are encouraged to apply. political affiliation, sex, marital status, m em bership or non-member­ ship in an employee organization, mental o r physical disability, not disabling to the job, o r other non-merit factors. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN, INFORMATION SER­ VICES U NIT (ACADEMIC LIBRARY). Description: University Library Services of Virginia Com monwealth University seeks an electronic resources librarian to serve in the Information Services Unit in the Jam es Branch Cabell Library. Prim ary duties include: Planning and implementing electronic reference services and resources. Evalu­ ates, selects, and integrates e lectronic reference resources in coop­ eration with collection managem ent and automatical support staff. Develops local and remote resources, e.g., Internet-based resources and tools such as gopher. Trains library staff and users; develops print and electronic instructional materials. Prim ary service assignment will be at the Reference/lnform ation Desk. Provides reference and consultation service. Evening and weekend rotation may be required. The Information Services Unit is one of five service units in Academic User Services. Unit is responsible fo r all information services in the academ ic library through multiple service points: governm ent docu­ ments, reference, media resources, and special collections and archives. The libraries are aggressively building an electronic refer­ ence environment. This is a faculty position reporting to the Informa­ tion Services Manager (Academ ic Library). Q ualifications: ALA- accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: Minim um two years experience in a comprehensive, automated reference setting in an academ ic library; record o f initiative and achievement in im ple­ menting electronic reference services; training/instruction experi- Septem ber 1 9 9 3 / 4 8 5 DEAN, ACADEMIC INFORMATION SERVICES Northern Michigan University TH E P O S IT IO N : N orthern M ichig an U niversity invites ap plica tio n s and no m inatio ns fo r th e position of Dean, A c a d e m ic Inform a tion S ervices. T h e can didate selecting fo r th is position w ill provide lead ersh ip fo r inform ation s e rvice s to th e un ive rsity c om m unity. T h e s e service s include the Lyd ia M. O lson Library, aca dem ic com puting and its netw orks, m edia services, archives and records m anage­ m ent. T h is is a s e n io r ad m in istra tive position at NMU, re porting to the V ice P reside nt fo r A cade m ic A ffairs. S alary range: $5 7,50 0-$ 68,5 00, d e pend ent upon e xp erien ce and qualifications. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : • A m a ste r’s d e g re e in library s cience from and A LA -accredited school • A t least five ye a rs of exp e rie n c e w ith increasing a d m inistra tive re sponsib ilitie s in an a ca dem ic library • D e m o n s tra te d fa m ilia rity w ith a ca dem ic com puting services, au tom a ted library system s, learning / info rm atio n te ch nolog ies, a nd netw orks • D em o nstra ted ac a d e m ic m a nage m en t and lead ersh ip skills • E ffective inte rpersona l, o rganiza tiona l, a nd com m unica tion skills • D em o nstra ted ability to articulate and im plem ent a vision o f th e future fo r library and inform ation technologies D esirable q u alification s also include ad m inistrative experien ce in aca dem ic com puting, an additional m a ste r’s o r high er degree, evid e n c e of c om m itm en t to instruction in the use of tra ditiona l and tech n o lo g ic a l resource s, co m m itm e n t to cultu ral diversity and affirm a tiv e action, and e vide nce of c om m itm en t to profession al d e v e lo p m e n t of fac u lty and staff, and fam ilia rity w ith a w o rk e n v iro n m e n t w hich includ es co lle ctive b a rgain ing units. T h e un ive rsity c on tinues to pu rsue a ctiv e ly th e goal o f eth n ic and g e n d e r div e rs ity and is s ee kin g a diverse a p plicant pool fo r the position of Dean. W e strongly encoura ge all to apply w ho m ay con tribute to th is d iversity and w ho m e et th e basic q u alification s of the position. TH E U N IV E R S ITY : N orthern M ichig an U niversity is one of 15 state-assiste d un ive rsities in M ichigan. Lo cated in M a rquette, a city of 21 ,0 0 0 on the sou thern shore of Lake S uperior, the un ive rsity plays an im portant role in the cultural and com m ercial affairs of the com m unity. Founded as a te a c h e r education institu tion in 1899, N M U has e x p ande d to six colleg es w ith a stud ent en ro llm e n t of 9,000 and ap pro x im a te ly 340 fac u lty m em bers. A P P L IC A T IO N S A N D N O M IN A T IO N S : A pplicatio ns sho uld includ e a c om plete resum e, lette r of application, and addresses and telephone num bers of five references. N om inations are w elcom ed and should be sub m itte d a s e arly as p o ssible. A pplicatio n m a terials and letters o f n om ination s hould be sent to: Kay Payant, Chair Search and Screen Committee c/o Lydia Olson Library 203 Harden Learning Resources Center Northern Michigan University Marquette, Ml 49855 A p p lic a n t re vie w w ill begin in m id-S e p te m b e r and the s cre ening w ill c on tinue through m id-O ctober. W hile the e x p ected ap po in tm e n t da te is Ja n u a ry 1 ,1 9 9 4 , th e re cru itm e n t process w ill c on tinue until the p o sitio n is filled. Northern M ichigan University does n ot discrim inate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, gender, disability, o r age in its program s o r activities. Persons having inquiry m ay contact the Affirm ative A ction Office a t (906) 227-2420. 4 8 6 /C&RL News ence with a range of reference technologies; proficiency with MS- DOS program m ing and applications, LAN, and CD-ROM operations; working knowledge of an integrated library m anagem ent system and OCLC reference services; strong service orientation; excellent oral and written com m unication skills; positive interpersonal relations with ability to work independently and in groups; sensitivity to the concerns of a research library and its users; fle xibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to deliver w o rk on deadline; interest in and ability to m eet the requirem ents for faculty advancement, includ­ ing professional service and publication. Experience w orking in a culturally diverse environm ent highly preferred. Environm ent: Vir­ g inia Com monwealth University is a publicly supported urban re­ search university in Richmond, Virginia. It is the m ajor urban univer­ sity in the state and one o f six doctoral institutions in Virginia. It serves m ore than 22,000 students on both the Academ ic Cam pus and a t the Medical College o f Virginia (MCV) Campus. VCU is a m ember o f the Association o f Southeast Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries. The library uses OCLC and the NOTIS integrated library system , w ith locally m ounted Medline, Psyclnfo, ERIC, ABI/ Inform, Newspaper Abstracts, and seven W ilson databases. The libraries have over one million volum es and a materials budget o f $5.1 million. S alary: $28,000 minim um. Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirem ent and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remuneration fo r university courses; and paid life insurance. Application: Submit resume and nam es and phone num bers fo r three current references to : Sarah Watstein, Assistant Director for Academic Services and Head, James Branch Cabell Library, V irg in ia C o m m o n w e a lth U n ive rsity, University Library Services, 901 Park Avenue, Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin on October 18,1993, and continue until position is filled. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. GO VER N M EN T D O CUM EN TS/PUBLIC SER VICES LIBRARIAN. A nontenure-track, 12-month renewable appointm ent provides m an­ agem ent of Governm ent Docum ents departm ent, some general reference service during the day, and participates in the evening and w eekend rotation at a private, liberal arts institution. Salary minim um : $24,000. For full jo b description and application process, contact: Librarian Vacancy Committee, Furman University, Jam es B. Duke Library, G reenville, SC 29613-0600; (803) 294-2191. Application deadline: O ctober 1, 1993. AA, EOE. HEAD, CIRCULATION DEPARTM ENT. Responsibilities: The Uni­ versity o f A la bam a is seeking le adership fo r the Circulation Depart­ m ent in the G orgas (m ain) Library. Incorporated in this departm ent are the main circulation and reserve desk, stack maintenance, and a newly reorganized periodicals and m icroform s service area. The staff consists o f eleven classified supp ort personnel and student assistants. The departm ent head coordinates circulation and re­ serve a ctivities in the G orgas and departm ental libraries, and the staff o f the circulation m ain desk and reserve unit are responsible for opening and closing the G orgas library building. The departm ent head serves as a m em ber o f the Libraries M anagem ent C ouncil and System s M anagem ent Council, and reports to the Associate Dean o f Libraries fo r Access S ervices. Q ualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program ; successful su pervisory experience including e xcellent in terpersonal, com m unication, and m anagem ent skills; at least three ye ars o f successful, relevant professional experience; know ledge o f library autom ated system s, preferably NOTIS; and a dem onstrated interest in contribution to the profession. A strong service orientation and a co m m itm en t to cooperative and fle xible w orking relationships are essential, as is a w illingness to accep t the full range o f m iddle m anagem ent responsibilities. Salary/ Benefits: R ank and salary w ill be dependent upon qualifications: Assistan t o r Associate Professor, minim um salary fo r this d epart­ m ent headship w ill be $ 29,400. Twelve-m onth tenure-track position, strong benefits. T o apply: Send le tte r o f application, resum e, and nam es and a ddresses o f three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, A ssis­ tan t to the Dean fo r Personnel, The U niversity of Alabam a Libraries, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, A L 35487-0266. Applications m ust be postm arked by S eptem ber 30, 1993. The U niversity of Ala bam a Libraries hold m em bership in ARL, CR L, SOLINET, CNI, and the Network o f Ala bam a A cadem ic L ibraries, and have im plem ented the NO TIS integrated library system . Th e University o f Ala bam a is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action employer. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/RESOU RCE SHARING COORDINATOR, A ssistant Professor (tenure-leading). General Services Department, starting January 1, 1994. Responsible fo r overall m anagem ent of Interlibrary Loan unit, including borrow ing and lending activities and RARE BOOKS CATALOGER (search reopened) St. John’s University Collegeville, MN Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota is seeking an individual with a high degree of self- motivation to catalog the recently acquired Kacmarcik collection of rare and reference books. The Kacmarcik collection consists of approximately 32,000 rare and reference books in the following areas: the history of printing; typography; the art of the book (especially twentieth century fine printing, and private presses); manuscripts and incunabula dealing with monasticism, theology and liturgy; art and architectural history with an emphasis on Christian liturgical design. The collection is currently housed in proximity to the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. St. John’s University is a liberal arts college and graduate school of theology under the sponsorship of the Benedictine monks of St. John's Abbey. St. John’s is located about an hour away from the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area amongst the woods and lakes of central Minnesota. The rare books cataloger will perform cataloging of manuscripts, rare books, printed materials, and other related ephemera from the Kacmarcik collection and process, prepare, and shelve printed materials, and related activities. This is a five-year position, externally funded with possible renewal. Salary: minimum $27,500. Required qualifications: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school; academic library or equivalent cataloging training and experience in AACR 2 and LC classification. A working knowledge of OCLC; a working knowledge of Latin and two non-English languages (French and German desirable); and previous experience in cataloging of rare books and manuscripts. Desirable qualifications: Graduate work beyond the MLS, knowledge of the art of the book, previous experience or knowledge of procedures for the preservation of books, and knowledge of national and international trends in bibliographic description. Applicants should send a letter of application with a resume and three letters of recommendation by September 24 to: Director of Human Resources, Saint John’s University, Collegeville. MN 56321. Applications received after that date cannot be guaranteed consideration. Saint John's is an EEO/ Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. September 1 9 9 3 / 4 8 7 Stanford University Libraries & Information Resources CURATOR FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES - SEARCH EXTENDED Librarian o r Associate Librarian Librarian Rank: $3283-4500/month Associate Librarian Rank $2879-3658/month Stanford University is seeking an experienced librarian for a senior collection development position responsible for the management and development of collections, faculty liaison, advanced reference, and instruction in the social sciences. The Curator selects research materials and information sources in three or more subject fields of the social sciences, including Economics, Political Science and Sociology. The Curator is responsible for coordination with Bibliographers in the Green Library, the main research library for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the branch libraries, and the independent libraries on campus, including the J. Hugh Jackson Library of the Graduate School of Business, etc. The Curator also participates in the planning and operation of programs supporting academic computing in the social sciences and plays a lead role in the design and operation of the Academic Data Service, a joint Libraries and Information Resources program providing access to numeric and other machine-readable data. For a period of at least three years, the Curator will serve six to eight hours per week at the General Reference Desk. The Curator reports to the Head of the Social Sciences Resource Group, which includes the Social Sciences Collections Program, the Jonsson Library of Government Documents, The Green Library Reference Services Division, the Cubberley Education Library and Academic Computing Support to the Social Sciences. Qualifications: • MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or the equivalent in training and experience • M.A. or Ph.D. in a social sciences discipline is strongly preferred. Graduate study in the social sciences or related areas • Substantial knowledge of or experience in research libraries • Demonstrated knowledge of social sciences information resources, including materials in electronic and machine-readable format • Demonstrated professional accomplishments relevant to the responsibilities of this position • Demonstrated capacity to work effectively and collegially with library and information resources staff, as well as with faculty and students • Ability to perform effectively in and contribute successfully to a diverse, multicultural workplace • Evidence of the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing • Working knowledge of at least one or more foreign languages is desired ** Applicants with an advanced degree in the social sciences and substantial relevant experience in a research library will be given preference in consideration. ” Applications: A letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references should be submitted by October 30 to: Barbara Celone, Chair, Search Committee, Social Sciences Curatorship, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-3096. Stanford is committed to the principles of diversity and encourages applications from women, members of ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals. STANFORD UNIVERSITY 4 8 8 /C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Eilender Memorial Library Nicholls State University Nicholls State U niversity is seeking candidates fo r the position of D irector of the University Library. NSU is a predom inantly undergraduate teaching institution with graduate professional programs in Education and Business. The library’s total collections of circa 700,000 print and nonprint item s serve 7,000 students and 250 faculty. The university is implementing a c am pusw ide electronic netw ork providing access to internal and external information technologies. The library is participating in the LALINC project w hich will provide a shared academ ic automated catalog using the NOTIS system by September, 1993. W hile proud of ou r state-of-the-art electronic capabilities, w e set a high priority on strong traditional library service in Reference, Bibliographic Instruction, and Collection Development. Nicholls State U niversity is located in Thibodaux, Louisiana, the heart of French, cajun culture. The campus is within an hour of New Orleans or Baton Rouge. NSU is a state-supported school of the Louisiana Board of Trustees for State Colleges and Universities and is one of the state’s regional cam puses. RESPO NSIBILITIES: The D irector is responsible for the planning, developm ent, coordination, and adm inistration of all library programs, operations, and services, leading a staff of 13 professional library faculty and 18 supportstaff. The Director must have astrong com m itm ent to undergraduate education and be an effective advocate and spokesperson for the library’s educational mission on campus. The Director reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academ ic Affairs and serves on the A cadem ic Council of Deans. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: ALA-accredited MLS and a subject doctoral degree with significant library adm inis­ trative experience. S uperior com m unication and interpersonal skills in building productive, cooperative w orking relationships with colleagues, faculty, students, and staff; and in successfully representing the library to the adm inistration and cam pus. Evidence of ability in effective strategic and fiscal planning. Experience with major library automation system s and knowledge of em erging information technologies. Knowledge of technical and public services operations, bibliographic instruction, and collection develop­ ment. SALAR Y : $46,000-$52,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Review of applications will begin S eptem ber 1 ,1 993 , and continue until the position is filled. The position w ill be available on January 1, 1994. Please send letters of nom ination o r application; a current curriculum vitae and the nam es and addresses and telephone numbers of four references to: Albert L. Etheridge Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Nicholls State University P.O. Box 2002, University Station Thibodaux, LA 70310 document delivery service. Supervise Library Specialist responsible fo r supervising 4.5 FTE staff and 5 FTE student assistants. Provide leadership with new technologies relating to docum ent access. Par­ ticipate in planning and implementing shared resource agreements with other libraries. Participate in policy formulation, prepare reports. Responsible fo r revolving account and student wage budget. C oordi­ nate borrowing and lending activities with state, regional, and national networks and consortia. Serve on m anagem ent team within depart­ ment. Provide general reference service at reference desk five to ten hours per week. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minim um of three years professional experience in an aca­ dem ic o r research library; dem onstrated strong interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills; supervisory experience. Preferred: Experience with OCLC ILL subsystem; experience in interlibrary loan; knowledge of technologies related to document access; fam iliarity with document delivery system s; reference experience; fam iliarity with one or more foreign languages; experience with an online integrated library system, preferably Innovative Interfaces; subject master’s degree. $28,000 minim um fo r a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus nam es and current addresses and telephone numbers o f three references by October 15,1993, to: Kent Hendrickson, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action and equal opportunity and is responsive to the needs of dual career couples. We assure reasonable accom mo­ dation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at the above address fo r more information. LIBRARY FACULTY. Instruction librarian to lead and enhance our instruction program and to participate in some combination of refer­ ence, collection development, database searching, etc., with a flex­ ible team of librarians. Business o r science background/experience a plus. This person w ill coordinate both traditional and electronic resources in an ongoing instruction program that may include a library component in a new collegewide core curriculum. We are looking for a self-motivated individual who has library or other significant instruc­ tion experience, experience with electronic resources, excellent communication skills, an ALA/MLS, and an interest in working in an environment that em phasizes peer responsibilities and relationships. We have successfully developed library faculty positions that give individuals a good breadth of involvement in library services and operations. The library has 10 librarians and 18 staff, an integrated library system, 350,000 volum es, and 1,600 subscriptions for 5,000 September 1 9 9 3 /4 8 9 ADMINISTRATIVE LIBRARIANS The Library of Congress is seeking c an didates tor the following m a n a ­ gerial positions: Chief, C atalogin g Policy a n d Support Office Senior Level $79,931 - $108,200, V a c a n c y A n n o u n cem en t #31091 The Chief is responsible for the overall administration of this Office, which provides final interpretation for the Library a n d the American library com ­ munity for the international set of rules used for descriptive cataloging in the U.S., Le. Anglo-American C ataloging Rules (AACR2), develops the policies for the Library's divisions involved with descriptive cataloging; a n d determines the policies a n d rules used in the developm ent a n d application of the Library's subject h e ad in g a n d classification systems. Minimum qualifications include know ledge of LC Subject Headings, classification systems a n d AACR, ability to analyze, interpret a n d design cataloging rules a n d pro­ cedures, a n d one y e a r of experience a t the GS-15 level or a bove in the Federal Service, or a t a com parable level of difficulty outside the Federal Service. Chief, African a n d M iddle Eastern Division Senior Level $79,931 - $108,200, V a c a n c y A n n o u n cem en t #31089 The Chlel will m aintain the Library's services a n d program s relating to the cultural, political social a n d econom ic life of the countries ol Alrica a n d the Middle East. The Chlel Is responsible lor the overall administration ol the divi­ sion. a n d plays the principal role In developing the African. Middle Eastern a n d Hebraic collections a n d facilitating their use. Minimum qualifications In­ clude know ledge ol a field ol African or Middle Eastern studies, eg. culture, literature, history, with fluency In one or more languages ol the area. Addi­ tionally, one y e ar of experience at the GS-15 level or a bove in the Federal Service, or at a c om parable level ol dllllculty outside the Federal Service Is required. Chief, A sian Division Senior Level $79,931 - $108,200, V a c a n c y A nn o u n cem en t #31088 The Chlel will m aintain the Library's services a n d program s relating Io the cultural political social a n d econom ic life ol the countries of East Southeast a n d South Asia. This Individual Is responsible for the overall administration ol the division, a n d plays the principal role In developing the Aslan collec­ tions a n d facilitating their use. Minimum qualifications Include know ledge ol a field ol Aslan studies, e g. culture, literature, history, with fluency In one or more languages of the area. Additionally, one y e a r of experience at the GS-15 level or a b o v e In the Federal Service, or at a com parable level of dll­ llculty outside the Federal Service Is required. H ead of the J a p a n D ocum entation Center GS-15 $66,609 - $86,589, V a c a n c y A n n o u n ce m en t #31090 This Individual will b e responsible for the overall administration of the stall a n d program s ol the JDC In Washington a n d Tokyo, which Include acquisi­ tion. bibliographic control a n d service of public policy or "gray" literature materials relating to current political economic, social a n d national security developm ents In contem porary Ja p a n . Minimum qualifications Include knowledge of J a p a n e se political economic, social a n d national security Issues, a n d the ability to com m unicate orally a n d In writing In Ja p a n e se a n d English. To request a complete copy ol the V a ca n c y Announcement for a n y ol the positions listed above, please write or call The Library ol Congress, H um an Resources O perations Office - CRLN, 1O1 In d e p e n d e n c e Avenue, SE.. Room LM-1O7, W ashington, D.C. 20540, (202) 7O7-56OL The Library ol Congress Is I a n Equal Opportunity Employer. W om en a n d minorities are enco u rag ed to t apply. 4 9 0 /C&RL News ACQUISITIONS/COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (SEARCH OPENED) Wake Forest University W ake Forest U niversity invites applications for the position of A cquisitions/C ollection M anagem ent Librarian. This position, at the departm ent head level, com bines responsibility for several traditional acquisitions functions w ith collection developm ent duties. The Z. Sm ith R eynolds Library offers a collegial, d ynam ic environm ent w ith opportunities and support fo r professional developm ent. The library continues to enjoy yearly increases to the m aterials budget, uses the Dynix integrated library s ystem , and ju s t last year saw com pletion of an attractive, functional addition. Q uality management, open w orking relationships w ith colleagues, and participation in sho rt and long range planning are features of ou r professional positions. DUTI ES: C oordinates and directs the acquisitions functions of m onographic search/order, receiving, approval plans, fund accounting, and mail room activities. M anages Dynix acquisitions m odule; w orks closely with the A utom ation Librarian. Directs ven dor selection (all material types), works colleg ially w ith faculty, assists w ith preparation and m anagem ent of the m aterials budget which, in fiscal year 1994, totals approxim ately 1.6 million dollars. Liaison/bibliographer duties in appropriate hum anities field(s). Supervises five FTE staff and a num ber of student assistant hours. Reports to and w orks closely w ith the assistant dire ctor fo r reader services and collections. R EQ UIRED: A LA -accredited MLS. Three years experience in autom ated, m onographic acquisi­ tions; supervisory experience; excellent organization and w ritten and oral com m unication skills. PREFERRED: A dvanced degree in the humanities; knowledge of one or more European languages; collection developm ent experience. S A L A R Y : M inim um of $27,500 and com m ensurate w ith qualifications and experience. The position is currently available. Send current vita and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Mr. Charles M. Getchell, Jr. Chair, Search Committee Z. Smith Reynolds Library Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7777 R eview of applications w ill begin S e p te m b e r 2 0 ,1 993. Wake Forest University is an AA,/EO employer. students and 200 plus faculty. Tenure-track position with faculty status, rank dependent upon qualifications. Tenure will require a second graduate degree and scholarly activity. Excellent benefits include TIAA; 12-month contract. Minim um salary: $35,000. Review o f a pplications w ill begin October 1 5 ,1 9 9 3 ; deadline fo r applications is O ctober 2 5 ,1 9 9 3 ; targeted starting date is January 1 7,1994. If you believe yo ur background might fit our needs and if o ur kind of “com pleat environm ent" appeals to you, please apply with letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Ross Stephen, Director o f Library Services, Rider College Library, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648- 3099. Rider College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity e m ­ ployer, M/F/D. Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. MA NAGEM EN T LIBRARIAN. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Li­ braries is seeking a creative, innovative librarian who is comfortable working in a com puter-intensive environm ent and capable of applying new inform ation technologies to the lib ra rie s’ m anagem ent and business services. Reporting to the Head of Collection D evelopment/ Reference Services, responsibilities include developm ent of the libraries' collections and services (especially electronic) fo r the School of M anagem ent, reference service, database searching, bibliographic instruction, continued professional developm ent, and service on library and university com m ittees and task forces. Q uali­ fications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program, interest and ability to work with managem ent and business materials; ability to work effectively with the public, excellent oral and written communi­ cations skills, fam iliarity with library autom ation applications, a bility to work in a rapidly changing environm ent, and com m itm ent to profes­ sional developm ent. Preferred qualifications are m anagem ent/busi- ness reference experience in an academ ic library; bachelor’s or advanced degree in managem ent, business, o r related discipline; experience in collection developm ent and bibliographic instruction; and experience with online searching, CD-ROMs, and the use of Internet resources. Salary is $25,000 minim um , dependent upon qualifications and experience. Application review w ill begin October Septem ber 1 9 9 3 / 491 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Seattle University S eattle U niversity, the largest independent Jesu it institution in the P acific N orthw est, w ith an enrollm ent of 4,900 students, see ks an exp erien ced leader fo r the position of U niversity Librarian. This 12-m onth a d m inistra tive ap pointm ent carries facu lty rank and reports to the P rovost. A LA -accredited M LS is required. S econd m a ster’s de gree is h ighly desirable. W ith a 20 0,00 0 volum e collection, the A.A. Lem ieux Library is a m e m ber of O C LC and is im plem enting th e S IR S I/U nicorn C ollection M a nage m en t System . T h e U niversity Librarian is responsible fo r the continued planning, im plem entation, and m anagem ent of the budget; the collection; electronic inform a­ tion tech nolog ies; and user services. The U niversity Librarian provides leadership to a service-oriented staff of 23, including 9 professionals, and is the principal representative of the library to the adm inistration and the com m unity. Q ua lifica tions w ill include leadership qualities to re prese ntth e library persuasively and to foster a team - orie nted en vironm ent; a m inim um of five years ad m inistrative experien ce in an aca dem ic library with exp ertise in c ollectio n de velopm ent, b u dget processes, and long -ra nge planning; sub stantive exp eri­ ence w ith au tom a ted library system s and em erging te ch nolog ies; an understanding of o perations in pu blic and tech nical services; evide nce of professional and scholarly activity; and a personal/ profession al ph ilo soph y c o n sistent w ith the m ission of S eattle U niversity. A pplicatio ns should include a s tatem en t o f interest w ith de tails of spe cific know ledge, abilities, and a cco m plishm ents re le vant to th e position; resum e; and nam es and tele phon e num bers of three references. S end, by November 1,1993, to: Chair, University Librarian Search Committee c/o Office of the Provost Seattle University Seattle, WA 98122 Seattle University is an AAÆ EO em ployer a nd encourages application o f women and minorities. 1 ,1 9 9 3 . Send letter o f application, resum e, and the nam es o f three references to: Barbara Lockett, D irector o f Libraries, Folsom Library, R ensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180. R ensselaer is an AA, E EO em ployer. A pplications o f m inorities and w om en are particu­ larly encouraged. M IDDLE EAST B IB LIO G R A PH ER needed to a ssum e responsibility for developing and m aintaining the lib ra ry’s collections a bo ut and from Egypt and the M iddle East and fo r providing bibliographic/ instructional a ssistance to users researching M iddle Eastern sub­ jects. M.A. in M iddle East stud ie s o r a M iddle Eastern area discipline and a g raduate degree in librarianship are required. M inim um three years professional library e xperience required; e xperience in b ibliog­ raphy preferred. Fluent English and A ra b ic are required. A w orking knowledge o f Turkish, Persian, and European languages is desired. Tw o-year a ppointm ent (renew able) begins S eptem ber 1994. Rank will be S en io r Librarian; sa lary to be based on q ualifications and experience. For expatriates, housing, roundtrip a ir travel, plus school­ ing fo r tw o children included. App lica tio ns will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews w ill be held a t the N ovem ber 1993 Middle East Studies Association meeting. W rite with curriculum vitae to: Andrew Kerek, Provost, T h e A m e ric a n U n iv e rs ity in C a iro , 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517, New York, NY 10017. M O NO G RAPHS O R IG IN A L C A TA LO GER . University of Georgia Libraries. Duties: Th e M onographs Original C ataloging Unit of the Cataloging Departm ent is com prised of the Head and three librarians plus student assistants. The M onographs Original C a taloger is re­ sponsible to the Head of the M onographs Original C ataloging Unit for perform ing original cataloging o f m o nographic m aterials in all la n ­ guages and subjects. Th e University o f Georgia Libraries supports GALIN, an in-house autom ated, integrated system . M onographs Original C atalogers serve as resource persons fo r m onographic cataloging within the departm ent and in oth e r a reas of the libraries. The libraries is a m em ber o f CO NSER and a NACO and Enhance participant. The Cataloging D epa rtm e n t has 13.5 professional and 24 support staff positions and catalogs over 50,000 books, serials, m icroform s, and nonprint m aterials yearly. Q ualifications: A LA -ac­ credited MLS; know ledge o f AAC R2 and LC classification and subject headings; ability to w o rk with broad range of subjects; com petency in one o r more modern European languages (French o r Italian pre­ ferre d); fam ilia rity w ith autom ated cataloging system s; ability to function as a contributing team m em ber in a production-oriented environm ent. Effective oral and written com m unication skills; ability to establish and m aintain effective w orking relationships. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, health, and d isability in sur­ ance and m andatory participation in the state o r optional retirem ent system , and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Entry-level position. Salary m inim um : $23,200. Small a djustm ents m ay be made com m ensurate with experience. A pplication P rocedure: Send letter of application a ddressing all q ualifications w ith a resum e and the nam es of three references by O ctob er 15, 1993, to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, U niversity of G eorgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. Fax: (706) 542-4144. Bitnet: F KIN G @ U G This posi­ tion w ill be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action institution. O U T R E A C H S ER VIC E S M A N A G ER (H EA L TH SC IEN C E S LI­ BRA RY). Description: Reporting to the A ssistant D irector fo r Health Sciences, Head o f the T om pkins-M cC aw Library, th is position is a m anagem ent position fo r Outreach S ervices at the Tom pkins-M cCaw Library serving the Medical College of Virginia C a m p us of Virginia Com m onw ealth U niversity (VCU). As a m em ber o f the library’s m anagem ent team the M anager fo r Outreach S ervices provides in novative leadership fo r the library’s e xpanding program of outreach and g ra nt a ctivities. W o rks collaboratively w ith oth e r library staff and academ ic facu lty to a ssess inform ation needs and design programs. Seeks funding opportunities through grants and contractual service arrangem ents. W rites g ra nt proposals and reports fo r special projects. Coordinates and p articipates in program im plem entation and evalu­ ation. Participates in reference and collection m anagem ent activities. M ust be w illing to tra vel and w o rk evenings/w eekends. Q ualifications: 4 9 2 /C&RL News ALA-accredited M LS required. P referred are: a minim um o f two years o f relevant professional experience; excellent oral and written com ­ munication skills; experience with project m anagem ent and outreach services; excellent team w ork and interpersonal skills; experience in at least tw o of the follow ing: reference, online searching, instruction, collection developm ent; outstanding diplom atic, collaborative, and service abilities; record of professional service and p ublication; ability to meet requirem ents fo r faculty advancem ent; reliable transportation and valid d rive r’s license. Experience w orking in a culturally diverse environm ent is highly preferred. An undergraduate or graduate degree in life sciences a nd /or experience with library a pplications o f inform a­ tion technology are highly desirable. Environment: V irginia C om m on­ wealth University is a publicly supported urban research university in Richmond, Virginia. It serves more than 2 2,000 students on both the Academ ic Cam pus and a t the Medical College of Virginia. VCU Libraries serve as a Resource Library fo r the Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library Services program. VCU Libraries serve as the AIDS Resource Library to Virginia’s Regional AID S R esource and Consultation Centers and as a resource library to the Virginia Biotech­ nology Park. The VCU Libraries have one million volum es and an annual m aterials budget o f $5.1 million. The Libraries use OCLC, DOCLINE, and the NOTIS integrated library system and have locally m ounted M edline, Biosis, Psyc, ERIC, and W ilson databases and are aggressively building holdings o f electronic materials. The Tompkins- M cC aw Library has 277,218 print volum es, 2,625 current serial subscriptions, and a collection budget of approxim ately 1.5 million dollars. Salary: $28,000 minim um . Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirem ent and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remuneration fo r university coursework; and paid life insurance. A pplication: Submit resume and nam es and phone num bers of three current references to: Phyllis C. Self, Head, Tom pkins-M cCaw Library, Virginia Com m on­ w ealth University, 509 N. 12th Street, Box 582, Richmond, VA 23298-0582. R eview o f applications w ill begin O ctober 1 8 ,1 99 3, and continue until position is filled. Virginia C om m onwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. W omen, m inori­ ties, and persons w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. PER SONN EL LIBRA RIAN. The Personnel Librarian plans and coor­ dinates recruitment, orientation, training, and evaluation fo r faculty librarians, staff, and student assistants in the U niversity Library System. The individual reports to the A ssistant Director fo r A dm inis­ tration and Planning, and works closely w ith search com m ittees and library departm ent heads in planning and coordinating recruitment and training programs. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school program o r recognized equivalent. Minim um o f three years professional library experience in a large a cadem ic or research library. Excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills. Preferred: P revious supervisory experience. Experience in personnel w o rk a nd /or staff developm ent. Term s o f appointm ent: Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Minim um: $27,000. S ubm it a letter o f application and a current resum e and nam es o f three references to: Secretary, Search Committee, Personnel Librarian, 271 Hillm an Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Applications received by September 1 5,1 99 3, will receive first consid­ eration. The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are especially encouraged to apply. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIO N LIBRARIAN. Bingham ton Uni­ versity Libraries, State U niversity o f New York, seek a Reference and Instruction Librarian fo r the G lenn G. Bartle Library. Bartle Library houses m aterials in the social sciences, hum anities, management, mathematics, com puter science, education, and human develop­ ment. Position is prim arily responsible fo r assisting with the planning and im plem entation o f the libraries' information education program, including designing and giving library tours and information sessions, producing instructional materials, instruction in the use o f com puter­ ized inform ation services, coordinating CD-ROM service, and p rovi­ sion of reference service at the undergraduate and graduate level. Future responsibilities m ay include collection developm ent. Position has a close working relationship with Coordinator of Information Education and reports to Head of Bartle Reference. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, fam iliarity with elec­ tro n ic information resources, and knowledge of m icrocom puter app li­ cations fo r w ord processing; effective com m unication and analytical skills; excellent oral and written skills; strong com m itm ent to service and professional developm ent; and a w illingness to work a flexible schedule, including weekend and evening hours. A second master’s degree in a social science, a t least two years o f related e xperience in reference services in an academ ic library, knowledge o f databases and spreadsheets, and proficiency in a m ajor western European language are preferred. Screening will begin Septem ber 15 and continue until position is filled. Appointm ent at rank of Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. M inim um starting salary $25,000, com m ensurate with qualifica­ tions, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Send cover letter, current resume, and nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: M ary Ann Sincavage, Assistant to the Director fo r Personnel Adm inistration, Binghamton University Li­ braries, State University o f New York, P. 0. Box 6012, Bingham ton, NY 13902-6012. Strongly com m itted to affirm ative action. Recruit­ ment conducted w ith ou t regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, o r national origin. REFERENCE/COLLECTIONS. Hollins College, a small, selective w om en’s liberal arts college is seeking a librarian to com bine cre ­ atively reference service with managem ent of archival and special collections, deselection, and gift processing. May include some evening and w eekend hours. Required: MLS from an A LA-accredited institution, professional experience at an academ ic library, detail and technological orientation, fam iliarity with archival processing, library automation, and electronic information d atabases. Preferred: Knowl­ edge of materials preservation, interest in displays and grant writing. Position available im m ediately. A pplications accepted until position is filled. S alary range: $23,000-$26,000. Send resume, salary require­ ments, and the nam es and addresses o f three professional references to: M arianne Koperniak, Director of Personnel, Hollins College, P.O. Box 9716, Roanoke, VA 24020. Hollins College is an equal opportu­ nity employer. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. M ontana State University Libraries seeks reference librarian for provision of reference service, including w eek­ end and evening shifts; online, C D-ROM , and Internet searching; and library orientation and instruction to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. There may be ad hoc assignm ents relating to public services o r collection developm ent. Library faculty participate in library and university governance com m ittees and m ust meet expec­ tations fo r professional activity and research and creativity fo r promo­ tion and tenure. $28,000 minim um , negotiable based on experience. Full-tim e, tenure-track position, available January 1 ,1 9 94 . Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; additional graduate degree; effective oral/written com m unication skills. Preferred: Professional reference experience in electronic library environments, two years professional experience, dem onstrated teaching ability and com m it­ m ent to library instruction^ and a dem onstrated understanding of research m ethods and strategies. Send letter addressing above qualifications, including resum e and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f three current professional references to: Reference Librarian Search Committee, M ontana State University Libraries, Bozeman, M T 59717-0332. Screening begins O ctober 1 5 ,1 99 3, and continues until a suitable candidate is hired. For complete description, call (406) 994-3119. ADA, EO, AA, veterans preference. Claim veteran’s preference o r request a ccom m odation from HR/AA, MSU, Bozeman, MT 5 9717; (406) 994-2042; TDD : (406) 994-4191. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, INFORM A TION SERVICES UNIT (ACA­ DEM IC LIBRARY). Description: University Library Services of Vir­ g inia Com m onwealth U niversity is seeking a reference librarian to serve in the Information Services Unit in the Jam es Branch Cabell Library. Prim ary duties: Reference and consultation desk services; library instruction to undergraduate and graduate students; database searching; preparation of instructional and prom otional m aterials (brochures, fliers, etc.); and oth e r related activities. Prim ary service assignm ent w ill be a t the Reference/lnform ation Desk. Evening and w eekend rotation may be required. Th e Information Services Unit is one of five service units in Academ ic User Services. Unit is respon­ sible for all inform ation services in the academ ic library through multiple service points: governm ent docum ents, reference, media resources, and special collections and archives. The libraries are aggressively building an electronic reference environment. This is a faculty position reporting to the Information Services M anager (Aca­ dem ic Library). Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. The follow ing are preferred: Minim um two years experience in a com pre­ hensive, automated reference setting in an academ ic library; evi­ dence o f initiative and creativity in providing reference service; strong service o rientation; academ ic b ackground and/or professional expe­ rience in a business library and fam iliarity with business and legal reference sources; know ledge o f electronic inform ation delivery system s (C D-ROM , OCLC reference services, integrated library m anagem ent system s); excellent oral and written com munication skills; positive interpersonal relations with ability to w o rk indepen­ dently and in groups; sensitivity to the concerns o f a research library and its users; fle xibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to d eliver w o rk on deadline; involvem ent in professional Septem ber 1 9 9 3 /4 9 3 activities; interest in and ability to meet the requirem ents fo r faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Expe­ rience working in a culturally diverse environm ent highly preferred. Environment: Virginia Com m onwealth University is a publicly sup­ ported urban research university in Richmond, V irginia. It is the major urban university in the state and one of six doctoral institutions in Virginia. It serves more than 22,000 students on both the Academ ic Campus and a t the M edical College of Virginia (M CV) Campus. VCU is a m ember o f the Association o f S outheast Research Libraries and the Center fo r Research Libraries. The library uses OCLC and the NOTIS integrated library system, with locally m ounted Medline, Psyclnfo, ERIC, ABI/Inform, Newspaper Abstracts, and seven Wilson databases. Th e libraries have over one million volum es and a materials budget of $5.1 million. Salary: $28,000 minim um. Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/ CREF); remuneration fo r u niversity courses; and paid life insurance. Application: S ubm it resume and nam es and phone num bers fo r three current references to : Sarah Watstein, Assistant Director fo r Aca­ demic Services and Head, Jam es Branch Cabell Library, University Library Services, V irg in ia C o m m o n w e a lth U n iv e rs ity , 901 Park Avenue, Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applica­ tions w ill begin on O ctober 18, 1993, and continue until the position is filled. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR, HUM ANITIES. Search Extended. O ne of three subject coordinators (science and technology, social sciences, hum anities) who report to the Head, Reference Services. The department encom passes general reference, govern­ ment documents and microforms, library instruction, and database searching. These services are supported by 17 reference faculty and 8.5 non-exem pt staff members. Coordinators along with reference faculty serve as the prim ary liaison to the teaching faculty and have a major role in collection developm ent. Provides cam puswide le ader­ ship in the developm ent o f collections and the im plem entation of library services in the humanities. Supervises, evaluates, and p ro­ vides guidance fo r 3-4 reference faculty whose liaison responsibilities are in the humanities. Participates fully in departm ent activities, and in the planning, developm ent, and refinem ent of effective user ser­ vices. Som e evening and weekend service required. Required quali­ fications: A LA-accredited MLS degree; several years o f recent aca­ demic library experience, applicable to the description and responsi­ bilities outlined above; strong service orientation; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; excellent interpersonal skills and leadership abilities; experience with information technology as it applies to academ ic libraries. Preferred: Additional graduate degree in humanities; reading knowledge of a foreign language, preferably either in germ anic o r romance languages; knowledge of effective collection developm ent and m anagem ent practices. Tenure- track position. Library faculty m ust meet university requirem ents for promotion and tenure. Tw enty-four days annual leave, tuition rem is­ sion, usual benefits. Assistant o r Associate Professor rank. Salary; $30,000 minim um. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three recent refer­ ences to: Jill Keally, Human Resources, Th e U n iv e rs ity o f T e n n e s­ see Libraries, 1015 V olunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000; fax: (615) 974-4696. Reviewof applications will begin October 15,1993, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Tennessee Knoxville is an EEO, AA, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer. SENIOR DEPARTM ENT HEAD, Research and Information Services Department, University of C onnecticut Libraries (anticipated posi­ tion). Reporting to the Associate D irector for C ollections and Informa­ tion Services, this position’s prim ary responsibilities include the exercise o f direction and oversight fo r a broad array o f public services including general reference services, teaching and orientation pro­ grams, federal and C onnecticut depository programs, services for users with disabilities, microtext collections, the Map Library, and an extensive program o f electronic information resources. The library is firm ly committed to the provision of e lectronic information resources. The Research and Information S ervices Department (RISD) provides access to CD-ROM resources at 40 workstations, 16 of which are connected to a LAN, which is also available outside the library. The Map Library is heavily involved in the provision of GIS services. A broad variety of databases is available online in the library and, a s of early 1994, through the library's NOTIS system. RISD’s staff of 27 FTE includes 12.5 librarians, 7.5 library assistants, and 7 student assis­ tants. RISD librarians are heavily involved in the library’s programs of collection developm ent and faculty liaison. Required qualifications include: an ALA-accredited MLS and 7-10 years of relevant experi­ ence in a medium -to-large research library; dem onstrated ability to manage an outstanding and experienced professional staff; superior com m unications skills; exceptional planning and organizational skills; and a distinguished service record in some or all o f the areas for which the departm ent is responsible. Desirable qualifications include: ex­ pertise in the provision o f electronic information services; additional graduate degree(s); working knowledge of a modern foreign lan­ guage; and a record o f relevant professional publications and activi­ ties. Appointm ent level and salary w ill be commensurate w ith expe­ rience and qualifications. Anticipated hiring salary range: mid $50,000s with excellent benefits. The University o f Connecticut is a medium- size ARL library with collections exceeding 2.5 million volum es, 1,500 faculty and staff, 16,200 undergraduates, and 8,800 graduate stu­ dents. The main cam pus in Storrs is located in a rural setting approxim ately 25 m inutes east of Hartford, with easy a ccess to New York and Boston. To apply, please send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three professional references to: Shirley Franklin, Associate Director of Adm inistrative Services, University of C onnecticut Libraries, Box U- 5A, Storrs, C T 06269-1005. Screening will begin im mediately and continue until the position is filled. The University of Connecticut actively solicits applications from minorities, women, and people with disabilities. (Search #3A278) UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARIAN. C olum bia University Libraries. Columbia University seeks a leader for undergraduate library services to Columbia College, the School o f G eneral Studies, and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Responsibilities are to act as liaison with college faculty and students; to coordinate building the collection, orientations, bibliographic instruction, and the delivery of undergraduate reference services; to participate in providing refer­ ence services; to manage the college reserves service (12 FTE); and to enhance undergraduate library services wherever they are deliv­ ered in the library system. Services fo r undergraduates w ill be coordinated am ong the Butler Library serving hum anities and history; the libraries o f music, engineering, and the several sciences; and the nearby Barnard College Library. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents include: experience in working with faculty and under­ graduate students; education and interests appropriate fo r the selec­ tion o f collections and reference m aterials; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong planning, managem ent, and supervi­ sory abilities; and experience in reference and bibliographic instruc­ tion. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $31,500-$40,950; Librarian II: $33,500-$45,225; Librarian III: $36,500-$52,925. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exem ption for self and fam ily. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. Send resume listing names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Applications received by Septem ber 30, 1993, will be assured o f full consideration. A pplications will be accepted until the position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. RECRUIT THE BEST... . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS Contact Jack Helbig, classified ad manager, at 1 -800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280-7663. 4 9 4 / C&RL Neuis Late Job Listings ACCESS SERVICES HEAD. Serves as system-wide head of Circulation, Reserves, and Stack Maintenance. Responsibilities include strategic planning; setting objectives and priorities; development of policies, procedures, and budgets; and management of 7 1/2 FTE staff. Oversees operation of CARL circulation system. Librarians hold faculty status and are expected to meet requirements for scholarship and services. Requires MLS from an ALA-accredited school or an acceptable equivalent. Minimum: Two years circulation experience at professional level. Demonstrated managerial and supervisory skills. Preferred: Experience in medium/large academic library. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Interviewing begins after October 1, 1993. Position will remain open until filled. To apply send resume and names o f three professional references to Bonnie Johnson, Assistant Director, University of Wyoming Libraries, Box 3334, Laramie, WY 82071-3334. EEO, AA. DIRECTOR, TECHNICAL PROCESSING SERVICES. Directs application o f new computing and telecommunication technologies in library, operation of DRA system and all technical processing functions including strategic planning, financial control, and staff development. Library technical processing experience, cataloging, and classification in computer-based systems, supervisory experience, excellent oral and written communications skills and ALA-accredited MSLS required. Send resume to: Personnel, Box DTP-L, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, NJ 07102. EOE, AA. LIBRARIAN: BUSINESS REFERENCE AND COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. The Iowa State University Library seeks a Business Reference and Collections Librarian at the rank o f Assistant Professor, to work in a centralized reference environment, which emphasizes electronic reference and instructional services (in­ cluding a CD-ROM-based local area network, mediated and end-user online searching. OCLC, a NOTIS-based OPAC with indexing/abstracting databases, and a formal computer-based instructional program). Reference responsibilities include: working at a general reference desk; conducting in-depth consultations and instruction prima­ rily in business, as well as the social sciences and humanities areas; assisting in developing reference/collections/services and course-related instructional sessions; and performing other duties in support of the department’s responsibilities. Collec­ tions responsibilities include selecting business materials for the general and refer­ ence collections, serving as liaison to the College of Business, and assisting with the development of policies and procedures for collection development. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; commitment to public services and collection devel­ opment; degree in a business-related field, course work leading toward an MBA, or equivalent experience in reference and collection development; one or more years reference experience in an academic library; ability to work effectively with all levels o f university clientele; flexibility in adapting to change; ability to work as part of a collegial team; and good communication skills. Preferred: MBA; experience with online database searching, collection development, and/or bibliographic instruction. Ben­ efits: competitive; TIAA/CREF. Salary: $28,000 minimum, depending upon experi­ ence. Serving over 25,000 students, the library provides electronic resources and access tools which complement nationally recognized print collections. Ames supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions and was recognized as one of the top ten areas of its size in the country. Applications deadline: Review o f applications will begin October 15, 1993, and will continue until an adequate pool is developed. Submit letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Business Reference and Collections Librarian Search Committee, 302 Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2140. Iowa State University was a strong commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an equal opportu­ ne ty/affirmative action employer.