ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries S e p te m b e r 1983 / 275 w ill be served on th e beach an d th e re w ill be d a n c ­ ing an d m usic by th e C ap e Fox In d ia n D ancers. This group is know n th ro u g h o u t th e Pacific N o rth ­ w est for th e ir skill an d expertise in presenting a u ­ th e n tic productions of N orthw est N ative A m erican dances, m usic, an d legends. K iana Lodge, b u ilt in 1920, w as originally know n as th e Seattle Beach an d C o u n try C lub. I t is a tra d itio n a l log stru ctu re w ith stone fireplaces, w ood carvings, a large col­ lection of N orthw est In d ia n baskets, an d a n old b a r w ith a piano. T h e Longhouse, a short w alk from th e Lodge, is a b eau tifu l atrium -like dining area w h ere th e b a n q u e t of salm on baked over open al- d erw o o d fires, salad, baked p o ta to , rolls, dessert, a n d beverages w ill be served. A fter th e b a n q u e t p a rtic ip a n ts m ay w a n t to explore th e over ten acres of grounds or visit th e K iana gift shop w hich fea­ tures a w ide assortm ent of N orthw est In d ia n h a n d ­ icrafts. T h e ferry rid e back w ill provide a b eau tifu l view of S eattle’s skyline a t night. ■ ■ Highlights of the Annual Conference Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors T h e B oard of D irectors of th e Association of C ol­ lege an d Research L ibraries m et tw ice d u rin g th e recent ALA A nnual C onference in Los Angeles: on S atu rd ay , Ju n e 25, 1983, an d Tuesday, Ju n e 28, 1983. AAAS R epresentative T h e b o a rd re a ffirm e d th e A C R L E x e c u tiv e C o m m ittee’s position th a t A CRL is th e a p p ro p ria te u n it in ALA to continue to recom m end th e person w ho w ill be ALA representative to th e A m erican Association for th e A dvancem ent of Science. A ctivity Sections C ouncil T h e b o ard approved a reco m m en d atio n th a t a task force be established, consisting of tw o m em ­ bers designated by th e A CRL P resident, tw o m em ­ bers designated by th e C ouncil, an d th e Executive D irecto r, to exam ine th e relationship b etw een th e b o a rd an d council w ith specific a tte n tio n to such m a tters as rep resen tatio n of m em bership, p a rtic i­ p a tio n in form al deliberations, an d a d e q u a te com ­ m u n icatio n of b o a rd decisions. Books fo r College Libraries T h e b o a rd approved th e m otion of th e Books for College L ibraries C o m m ittee th a t A C R L should p roceed p ro m p tly w ith th e p re p a ra tio n a n d p u b li­ catio n of a th ird edition of Books for College L i­ braries in sep arate volum es, w ith th e volumes is­ sued sequentially as read y an d w ith th e volum e on science an d technology published first. N o n p rin t m aterials an d m icroform s w ill also be included. F u tu re editions or supplem ents w ill be ad d ed as in ­ fo rm atio n accum ulates. B udget a n d F in an ce C om m ittee T h e b o a rd approved th e 1983-84 b u d g et sub­ m itte d by th e B udget an d F in an ce C om m ittee. (A su m m ary of th e A CRL an d Choice budgets w ill a p ­ p e a r in a fall issue of C &R L N ew s). Sherrie B ergm an, ch air of th e B udget a n d F i­ nance C om m ittee, rep o rted th a t th e submission deadline for b u d g e t req u ests has b e e n changed from Ja n u a ry 1 to D ecem ber 1. C h ap ters T h e b o a rd approved th e p etitio n for th e estab­ lishm ent of a C olorado C h ap ter. T h e b o a rd endorsed a proposal for guidelines on funds to be included in th e b u d g et each year for th e A CRL P resident, P resident-E lect, or Executive D i­ recto r to visit A CRL chapters on a ro ta tin g basis, speak a b o u t A CRL concerns an d activities, and learn of m em bers’ concerns a t th e c h a p te r level. T h e b o a rd also ad o p ted guidelines for ACRL rep resen tatio n a t c h a p te r meetings. C o m m ittee A ppointm ents T h e b o a rd approved a m otion to in stru ct th e A C R L A ppointm ents an d N om inations C o m m it­ tee to consult w ith com m ittee chairs d u rin g th e a p ­ p o in tm e n t process so th a t n o n -co n trib u tin g m em ­ bers (those w h o fail to a tte n d tw o consecutive m eetings or groups of m eetings a t ALA c o n fe r­ ences) are no t considered for re ap p o in tm en t. T he b o a rd also recom m ended th a t th e C o m m ittee p u b ­ lish in its an n u a l re p o rt an d in C &R L N ew s statis­ tics on th e n u m b e r of open com m ittee slots to be filled, th e n u m b e r of v olunteer form s received, th e p ercen tag e of volunteers ap p o in ted , an d th e p e r­ centage of m em bers reap p o in ted . Discussion G roups T h e b o a rd approved th e establishm ent of a D is­ cussion G ro u p for H eads of P u b lic/R eader Services in A cadem ic an d Research L ibraries. T h e b o a rd also approved a m erger of th e Person­ nel A dm inistrators of A cadem ic or Research L i­ braries Discussion G ro u p w ith th e Staff D evelop­ m e n t Officers Discussion G roup. T he new group is called th e Personnel A dm inistrators an d Staff D e ­ velopm ent Discussion G roup. 276 / C &RL News L eft to right: Joyce Ball, Carla J. Stoffle, Julie Carroll Virgo. imogene Book Electronic Mail The board approved a budget request for a ter­ minal at ACRL Headquarters to be used for elec­ tronic mail. Membership The board endorsed a proposal to change ALA memberships from a calendar year to an anniver­ sary year and directed the ACRL Executive Direc­ tor and the Membership Committee to urge the change within ALA. Miriam Dudley Award The board accepted the donation of $1,000 a y ear for th e next five years from R ic h ard Dougherty of Mountainside Press to support the Miriam Dudley Award for Bibliographic Instruc­ tion (see p. 288). National Conference, Seattle The board approved ACRL co-sponsorship of an RTSD/Library of Congress Regional Institute on LC Subject Headings to be held April 8-10, 1984, as a post-conference to the Third National ACRL Conference in Seattle. Publications in Librarianship The board approved a subsidy to ALA Publish­ ing Services to assist in the publication of a book by Neil Radford in the ACRL Publications in Librari­ anship series. Section Publications The board approved the Policy Statement on Separate Publication of Conference Papers of ACRL Sections (see p. 282). The board also approved the recommendation of the Publications C om m ittee th a t editors of ACRL-funded section newsletters present w ritten reports to the Committee at ALA Annual Confer­ ences on the nature and scope of their newsletters. Standards The board approved the Procedures for Review­ ing and Approving ACRL Standards and Guide­ lines submitted by the ACRL Standards and Ac­ creditation Committee (see p. 282). Task Forces The board approved extending the charges of the Task Force on Library Schools and Academic Li­ braries and the Task Force on the Research Needs of Academic or Research Libraries through Mid­ winter 1984, and the charges of the Task Force in Support of New Committee Members and Com­ mittee Chairs and the Task Force on Library Sta­ tistics through Annual Conference 1984. ■ ■