ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 518 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1999 I n t h e news Darwin said that adaptation w as the key to the survival of a species. If adaptation is the key, then I think librarians have a good prognosis for survival. As I review the contents of this issue, I see librarians creatively adapting to their situa­ tions— w hether it is adapting space to fit new technology needs, adapting instructional design to meet new campus initiatives, adapting the Web to b e a better tool for users, or adapting them ­ selves into new roles as managers. I ho p e these articles give you ideas that you can use to ad ap t yo u r services o r facilities, or even the w ay you think about things! Steven Sowards offers 13 tips that can make your first year as a middle manager more successful (page 523). A special thanks to Tamara Ohr-Campbell for providing the illustrations to his tips. Norm Medeiros reviews the way libraries have adapted their use of Web sites and takes a look at w hat the future may hold (page 527). Katherine Furlong and Michael McGuire share how they quickly devised a curriculum and re­ cruited teachers to implement a faculty senate decision to require a new core course that would include library instruction (p ag e 531). Dorothy Warner, John Buschman, and Robert L ackie sh a re h o w th e y to o k a n a lre a d y crowded space and made it into a lab/electronic classroom (page 536). Jen n ifer Kimball rem inds us to a d a p t o u r thinking to that o f an undergraduate an d start our instruction with the basics (page 556). This issue concludes our coverage o f ACRL’s 9th National Conference (page 547). I hope that you find many useful ideas in the session reports that will help you adapt to whatever comes your way. —Mary Ellen Davis E d ito r-in -ch ief medavis@