ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 180 monograph holdings, and will evaluate whether the TALON Cooperative Acquisitions Program has had a measurable effect on the col­ lections of participating libraries. NEWS NOTES • T he C e n t e r f o r R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s , Chicago, has accepted ownership and managerial control of the Foreig n Newspaper M icrofilm Project (FNMP) from the Association of Research L ib ra rie s , e ffectiv e January 1. T h e p ro je c t, originating at Harvard in 1938, is designed to maintain a pool of current foreign newspaper ti­ tles on microfilm and has been housed at the Center since 1956. C RL’s absorption of the project provides for all present participants, whether or not members of the Center, to continue to take part in the project; however, no new non­ CRL members may participate without first b e­ coming Center members. • The U .S. O f f i c e o f F o r e i g n A s s e t s C o n ­ t r o l has lifted its ban on the importation of single copies of published materials from Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cambodia, according to a January issue of the Federal Register. The Customs Service can now release to individual or institutional addressees any books, newspapers, magazines, films, phonograph records, microfilm, microfiche, posters, and similar materials pub­ lished in these countries. ■ ■ People PROFILES D on L . B o s s e a u , university librarian at the University of Hawaii, has been named librarian of San Diego State University effective this sum­ mer. He has also served as director of libraries at E m ory U n iv ersity and at the University of Texas at El Paso. From 1966 to 1972 he worked at th e U n iv ersity of California, San Diego, as assistant university lib rarian and head of computer applications. Prior to his work at UCSD, Bosseau was as­ sistant librarian and re­ Don L. Bosseau search associate at Gen­ eral Atomic in La Jolla and a research engineer at Allis-Chalmers Nu­ clear Division in Milwaukee. He holds a master’s in engineering from the University of Kansas and an MLS from the University of Hawaii. In five years as chief administrator for the col­ lections at the Manoa campus in Honolulu, Bos­ seau has been actively involved in reorganizing the library’s structure to accommodate new com­ puter systems. St e v e n s W. H i l y a r d has been appointed uni­ versity librarian at the University of Southern Maine, effective July 1. Hilyard was most re­ cently director of the library at Pittsburg State University, Kansas, from 1976 to 1982. Prior to that he was college librarian at New England Col­ lege (1966-1976), assistant librarian at Grand Val­ ley State Colleges (1965-1966), and administrative assistant to the librarian at Bowdoin College (1962-1963). Hilyard recently com pleted most of the re­ quirements for a doctorate in the administration of educational media and technology at Boston University, and has begun work on a dissertation on “educational, experiential, and personality characteristics of academic educational media directors.” His MLS is from the University of Michigan. He is also involved in consulting, with experi­ ence in the implementation of technology and building planning and design. B r u c e M. H u r l b e r t has been named director of lib rary serv ices at Lycom ing C olleg e, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, effective February 1. Prior to this appoint­ ment he was assistant director of libraries for adm inistration at V ir­ ginia C om m onw ealth U n iv ersity , w here he had also served as as­ sistant director for the academic campus. From 1968 to 1972 he held several p o si­ tions at Florida Atlantic U n iv ersity , th e most r e c e n t b eing that of Bruce M. Hurlbert assistant d ire cto r for technical services. Hurlbert received an MLS from Florida State University in 1968. J ohn G. J a f f e has been named director of li­ braries at Sweet Briar College, Virginia. Since 1979 Jaffe has been acquisitions librarian, rare 181 books lib rarian , and archivist at Sw eet Briar. Prior to that he held similar positions at Bryn Mawr College Library, Pennsylvania. Jaffe received an MLS from Villanova Univer­ sity in 1974, as well as a master’s in English in 1971. V i r g i n i a L a c y J o n e s has been named the first director of the new Atlanta University C enter s Robert W. Woodruff Library. Since 1967 Jones has participated in the p lannin g and a s se s s ­ ment of library needs in the Atlanta U niversity C e n te r , and she now will head the planning, organizing, and d irect­ ing of the library’s hold­ ings and p ro fessio n al services of the consor­ tium institutions in the C enter-w id e W oodruff Library facility. In accepting the ap­ Virginia Lacy Jones p o in tm e n t, she r e lin ­ quished h er du ties as dean of the Atlanta University Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, a post she has held since 1945. She came to the university in 1939 and joined the teaching staff of the library school when it opened in 1941. Jones holds two bachelor’s degrees from the Hampton Institute, an M LS from the University of Chicago, and honorary degrees from the Uni­ versity of Michigan and Bishop College. She has received both the ALA Melvil Dewey Award and the Joseph W. Lippincott Award, and has served as editorial consultant for Library Journal. A l b e r t a G a y l e M a y b e r r y has been named di­ rector of the Zale Library at Bishop College, Dal­ las, effective February 1. She came to Bishop from th e p o sitio n o f p u b lic serv ices l i ­ brarian/liaison for the In d u stria l E d u ca tio n D iv isio n o f H ouston C om m u n ity C o lle g e . Mayberry received her M LS from Atlanta Uni­ v e rsity in 1 9 7 1 , a fte r w hich she was ap ­ pointed teacher educa­ tion librarian at Texas Southern University. Sh e serv ed as a Alberta Mayberry M ello n -A C R L L ibrary A d m inistration In te rn in 1976-1977 at Emory University, where she as­ sisted in the development of collection develop­ ment guidelines and other policies. In 1978 she took a position with Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, where she served as coordinator of campus services and taught courses in the man­ agement of LRC facilities. K a t h l e e n J . M o r e t t o , formerly assistant di­ rector of the Music Library at Yale University, has b een named d irector of the Franklin and M arsh all C o lle g e L i­ brary, Lancaster, Penn­ sylvania, e ffe c tiv e in A pril. H er previous library ex p erien ce in ­ cludes consulting work for PA LIN ET and posi­ tions as librarian of the N otre D am e I n te r n a ­ tional School in Rome, assistant music librarian at SU N Y -B u ffalo , and head of tech n ica l s e r ­ vices at th e P h ila d e l­ Kathleen Moretto phia College of the Per­ forming Arts. Moretto holds a master’s degree in musicology from the University of Pennsylvania (1977), an MLS from Drexel University (1968), and a bache­ lo r’s d eg ree in m usic from th e U n iversity of Pennsylvania. Sh e was a C o u n cil on L ib ra ry R eso u rce s Academ ic L ibrary M anagem ent In tern at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1980-1981. She currently serves on the board of directors of the Music Library Association as a member-at-large, and has been a member of the American Musicological Society’s Committee on the International Inventory of Musical Sources since 1975. D o y l e P i c k e t t , form erly vice p resid en t of marketing for the Baker & Taylor Company, has b een appointed p resid en t o f U nipub in New York. P ic k e tt was r e ­ sponsible for developing the Baker & Taylor ap­ proval plan in 1969 and since 1976 has focused his a tte n tio n on th e need s o f acad em ic l i ­ braries in particular. In 1978 he worked out the scope and ground rules w ith A C R L for th e Academ ic or R esearch L ib ra ria n o f th e Y ear Award, th e first o f Doyle Pickett which was presented at th e F ir s t A C R L Na­ tional Conference in Boston, and has represented Baker & Taylor in the presentation of the award ever since. In 1977 P ick ett co-authored (with K athleen M cCullough) an Oryx Press m onograph, A p proval 182 Plans and Academic Libraries: An Inter­ pretative Survey. In 1980-1981 he was on the advisory board of Technicalities and still serves on the advisory board of the Society o f Logistics Engineers. As p resid ent of Unipub he will continue to focus on th e n eed s of acad em ic and sp ecia l libraries. P e g g y P o r t e r , formerly librarian at Chatham College, has been named head librarian of the H u n t L ib ra ry , C a rn e g ie -M e llo n U n iv e rs ity , P itts b u rg h . P rio r to taking h e r p o sitio n at Chatham in 1977, Porter spent five years as coor­ dinator of info rm ation s e rv ice s at A llegheny County Community College. She received a bachelor’s degree in English lit­ erature in 1962 and an M LS in 1965, both from the University of Texas at Austin. Porter has been president of the Pennsylvania Library Association’s College Research Division. APPOINTMENTS K a t h e r i n e J . A d a m s has been appointed as­ sistant head librarian and archivist of the Barker Texas History C enter at the Perry-Castañeda Li­ brary, the University of Texas at Austin. A n t h o n y J . A m o d e o has assumed the position of Illinois cooperative conservation librarian at M orris L ibrary , Southern Illinois U n iversity, Carbondale. J o h n W i l l i a m B e e c h e r is now head of public services of the St. Paul Campus Libraries, Uni­ versity of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities. A r n e i c e H i l l i a r d B o w e n is now catalog librar­ ian at the D .H . Hill Library of North Carolina State University, Raleigh. L isa C. B r o w a r has joined the staff of the Vas­ sar College Library, Poughkeepsie, New York, as curator of rare books and manuscripts. L i n d a B r y s o n is now consultant for E d u ca­ tional Information Services at the Colorado State Library, Denver. C h r i s t i n e B u r r o u g h s has been named assist­ ant director for public services at the University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. Sa n d r a C . D ow has been appointed to the staff of the Taubman Medical Library at The Univer­ sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. A nn D rain has been appointed acting director of Case W estern Reserve Libraries, Cleveland, Ohio. E a r l e C . F e r g u s o n has been appointed asso­ ciate director of libraries for the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. N a n c y G i b b s has b een appointed humanities cataloging librarian at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University, Alabama. B a r b a r a G l e n d e n n i n g has been named refer­ e n ce lib ra ria n at C alifo rn ia S ta te U n iv ersity Dominguez Hills, Carson. P e g g y G r o s s m a n is th e new in fo rm atio n science librarian at the University of Texas at Austin. P e t e r H a i k a l i s is now assistant d irector for readers services at San Francisco State University Library, California. F o r r e s t A . H a l l is now reference librarian at C alifornia State U niversity D om inguez H ills, Carson. J u l i e H a n s e n has joined the reference staff at Georgia Southern College Library, Statesboro. C a r o l y n H a v e n s has been appointed serials cataloging librarian at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library of Auburn University, Alabama. B e t h H o l l e y has joined the staff of the Origi­ nal Cataloging Department at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. J o n a t h a n F . H u s b a n d has been named reader services librarian at the Henry W hittem ore L i­ brary, Framingham State College, Massachusetts. B r e n d a L . J o h n s o n is now head of the Docu­ m ent D elivery Services/New Jersey R eference Services at the Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Sc o t t K ass is the new Instructional Services librarian at Florida International University L i­ brary, Bay Vista Campus. J o h n K u p e r s m i t h has been appointed assistant for p u b lic s e rv ice s program s at th e P erry - Castañeda Library, the U niversity of Texas at Austin. B r u c e E a r l e L a n g d o n has b een appointed departmental director of Wilson Library, Univer­ sity of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities. G e r a l d L e i b o w i t z has been appointed media­ referen ce librarian at Nassau Community C ol­ lege, Garden City, New York. M a r y C . M a i d e n has assumed the position of science reference librarian at the University of Georgia Science Library, Athens. M a r k M a i r e has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Monmouth College, Illinois. B a r b a r a M a r k h a m has been appointed associ­ ate director for technical services at the Florida Institute of Technology Library, Melbourne. L o r e t t a K . M e r s h o n has been appointed as­ sistant head o f the Serials D ep artm en t of the D .H . Hill Library at North Carolina University, Raleigh. B a r b a r a B u r n s M o ra n has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. S usan N e u m a n is now librarian for the Gradu­ ate S ch o ol o f B u sin e ss at th e U n iv e rsity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. D i a n e S. N i x o n has been appointed serials ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara. A l a n N o u r i e was appointed Humanities D e ­ partm ent head at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library of Auburn University, Alabama. J o h a n n a O l s o n has been appointed reference 183 librarian at the Bakersfield Library of California State College. R . B r u c e P a r h a m has been appointed Univer­ sity a rc h iv is t at C a lifo rn ia S ta te U n iv e rsity Dominguez Hills, Carson. D e b o r a h R a i k e s has been appointed personnel officer at the University o f Delaw are Library, Newark. C y n t h ia R i c e has been named Louisiana Room referen ce librarian at the University of South­ western Louisiana, Lafayette. J o h n J . R i e m e r has b een appointed serials cataloger at the University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. F r e d W . R o p e r has b e e n nam ed associate dean o f the School o f L ibrary S cien ce at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. D o r o t h y R o s e n t h a l is now head of the Circu­ lation D epartm ent of the Florida International University Library, Tamiami Campus, Miami. G a r y R o s s has b e e n ap p o in ted au to m ated cataloging/ O C LC co o rd in a to r at th e P erry - Castañeda Library of the University of Texas at Austin. R e i n e r Sc h a e f f e r has been appointed director of the U.S. Air Force Academy Library, Colorado. L o r r a i n e S e b o has b een appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at Stanford University, California. R e n a t a V. S h a w has b een named assistant chief of the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. R i c h a r d N. S h a w has been appointed non­ print services librarian at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. P a ts y H a l e y St a n n has been appointed interim d irector of the Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange, Inc. (C L E N E ), Washing­ ton. J a n e t S w a n b e c k has accepted the position of head of the Documents Division at Texas A&M University Library, College Station. K a r e n S w i t t is the new business referen ce librarian at F lo rid a In tern a tio n a l U n iv ersity , Tamiami Campus, Miami. J o h n T o n g a t e has been appointed head librar­ ian of the Reference Services Department, Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin. S usan M. U n g e r has been appointed assistant librarian for technical services at the Jennie King Mellon Library, Chatham College, Pittsburgh. P h i l l i p W h i t e has been appointed reference librarian for social sciences at the University of Texas, Austin. E . L o u is a W o r t h i n g t o n is now reference li­ brarian for social sciences, humanities, and health sciences at the O’Leary Library, University of Lowell, Massachusetts. P a t r i c i a L . W r i g h t has been named associate d ire cto r o f the S w eet B riar C olleg e L ib rary , Virginia. 184 RETIREMENTS W i l l i a m H . B o n d , librarian of Harvard Col­ lege’s Houghton Library since 1965, will retire on June 1. Bond will continue to teach in Harvard’s English Department and will also conduct a sem­ inar on bibliography. Bond was curator of manu­ scripts at Harvard from 1948 to 1964, assistant to the librarian at Houghton Library 1946-1948, and research fellow at the Folger Shakespeare Library in 19 4 1 -1 9 4 2 . In 1981 he was named Sandars Reader in Bibliography at Cambridge University. D o r o t h y C o o k e has retired as university li­ brarian at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. DEATHS B o g d a n D e r e s i e w i c z , fo rm er rare book cataloger at the University of California, Santa Barbara, died in March. D e n n i s A l f r e d G i b s o n , reference librarian at th e U n iv e rsity o f S o u th w e stern L o u isian a, Lafayette, died on November 8 from injuries he sustained in an automobile accident. J a m e s V i c t o r J o n e s , d ire c to r o f th e C ase W estern R eserve U niversity L ibraries, C le v e ­ land, since 1968, died on February 27. Jones was known nationw ide for his expertise in library organization, m anage­ ment, and planning. F ro m 1955 to 1966 he was d ire c to r o f l i ­ braries at Saint Louis U n iv e rsity , w h ere he plan n ed th e Pius X I I Memorial Library. After that he served as direc­ tor of libraries at C leve­ land S ta te U n iv e rsity before coming to Case. James V. Jones Jo n e s r e c e iv e d a bachelor’s degree from John Carroll University in 1949 and an MLS from W estern Reserve in 1950. He served as chairman of the board of trustees and president of the Ohio College Library C enter from 1971 to 1975 and aided in the early planning stages of the OCLC system. H a r o l d L a n c o u r , dean emeritus of the library school at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, died on October 23 at his home in Vermont. W i l l i a m B , R e a d y , lib ra ria n em e ritu s at McMaster University, died suddenly in Victoria, British Columbia, on Septem ber 12. J e s s e H a u k Sh e r a , dean emeritus of the Baxter School of Information and Library Sciences, Case W estern Reserve University, died March 8 in Cleveland at the age of 78. S h e ra serv ed as dean o f th e lib ra ry school from 1952 to 1970, and esta b lish ed th e C e n te r for D o cu m en ta tio n and C om m u n ication R e ­ search th e re in 1955. Though he was partially b lin d from b ir th , he was an acknow ledged visionary who saw far in to th e fu tu re o f his Jesse Shera profession. Sh era’s career in li­ brary work began in 1927 when he became an as­ sistant to the librarian at Miami University, Ox­ ford, Ohio. The next year he becam e bibliog­ rapher and research associate at the Scripps Foundation for Research in Population Problems. In 1940 he was named chief of the census-library project at the Library of Congress to develop a collection in population and demography. The next year he was appointed deputy chief of the C en tral Inform ation Division o f the Office o f Strategic Services. He left in 1944 to become as­ sociate librarian at the University of Chicago. In 1947-1952 he was associate professor at the Uni­ versity of Chicago Graduate Library School. After his retirem en t from Case W estern he served for one year as visiting professor at the G raduate L ibrary School o f th e U niversity of Texas, returning to Case as dean and professor emeritus in 1972. Among his international honors, Shera served as international delegate to the U N ESC O confer­ ences on International Bibliographic Organization and Bibliographic Organization in the Social Sci­ ences in Paris in 1950. The same year he was a delegate for the National Science Foundation to an international conference on classification at Dorking, England. He was also a visiting lecturer at the Brazilian Institute for Bibliography and Documentation in Rio de Janeiro, at Bangalore, India, and at the London School of Librarianship. His awards have included the Kaula, a gold medal from India, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Chicago, the Melvil Dewey Award from ALA, the Librarian of the Year Award from Ohio Library Association, and the Ohioana Award from the Ohioana Founda­ tion. Shera’s many publications include An Introduc­ tion to Library Science (1976), Foundations o f Education f o r Librarianship (1972), The Com­ pleat Librarian (1970), and Libraries and the Or­ ganization o f Knowledge (1965). He served as editor of American Documentation from 1953 to 1960 and as editor o f Library Q uarterly from 1947-52. ■ ■