ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 188 Publications NOTICES • Collection D evelopm ent Policy‚ by M ary Casserly (52 pages, 1982), has been issued for the Sarah Byrd Askew Library at the William Pater­ son State College of New Jersey. The statement synthesizes the library’s policies and procedures on the selection and acquisition of different types of materials. Single copies are free from Mary C asserly, Sarah Byrd Askew L ibrary, W illiam P a te rso n S ta te C o lle g e , 3 0 0 Pom pton Road, Wayne, NJ 07470. • Information Resources in the Sciences and Engineering: A Laboratory Workbook‚ by Alfred Hodina, et al. (126 pages, 1982), is a spiralbound notebook which supports the laboratory section of a 2-credit hour course taught by librarians in the S c ie n c e s -E n g in e e r in g L ib ra ry , U n iv e rsity o f C alifornia, Santa Barbara. T he workbook puts much emphasis on accessing online bibliographic databases. Copies are available free of charge, as long as the supply lasts, to librarians that wish to examine and possibly use the workbook or parts of it in their library instructional program. Copies may b e r e q u e s te d from A lfred J . H od in a, S c ie n c e s -E n g in e e r in g L ib ra ry , U n iv e rsity o f California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. • Library Effectiveness: A State o f the Art (1 9 8 2 ) co n sists o f th e p ro ce e d in g s o f a p r e ­ c o n fe re n c e sp onsored by A LA ’s L ib ra ry Ad­ m inistration and M anagem ent Association, the Library Research Round Table, and the R efer­ ence and Adult Services Division, Ju n e 2 7 -2 8 , 1980, co-chaired by Neal K. Kaske and William G. Jo n e s . T h e 24 papers are from th e U .S ., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia and report original rese a rch , co n cep ts, and ideas on the topic of library effectiveness. Copies are available for $17.50 (prepaid) from the LAMA Office, ALA, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. • A series of Manuals o f AACR2 Examples has been completed by the Minnesota AACR2 Train­ ers, a group o f M in n eso ta lib rarian s who a t­ tended, or were trainers at, the ALA Preconfer­ ence workshop in Dallas in July, 1979. The group has prepared and presented in Minnesota many general and specialized workshops on AACR2 for catalogers, administrators, and public service per­ sonnel. The series consists of eleven manuals that were used in draft form in the Minnesota work­ shops in 1980 and then were revised and edited. T hey are designed for general catalogers who must handle specialized material at times. Each manual includes at least 25 examples with a copy of the ch ie f source of information included for each example cataloged. The series is edited by Edw ard Swanson and M arilyn H. M cC laskey. Specific topics covered include: serials, music and sound recordings, sacred scriptures, cartographic m aterials, legal materials, early printed works, manuscripts, motion pictures, and microforms. Each manual costs $7 (plus $1 per copy postage and handling) and they are available from Soldier C reek Press, P.O . Box 863, Lake Crystal, MN 56055. • T h e 1981 ARL Annual Salary Survey (34 pages, January 1982) includes tabulations of m e­ dian and beginning professional salaries for filled or temporarily vacant positions in all ARL librar­ ies. Tables also detail the numbers and average salaries for position categories in ARL university libraries, and display the distribution o f these positions by sex and minority group membership, and by geographical location, size, and type of in­ stitution. Copies are available for $10 each, pre­ paid, from the Association of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. • T h e 1981 D irectory o f Program s f o r the Training o f Library /Media Technical Assistants‚ edited by Raymond G. Roney and Audrey V. Jones (5th edition), contains information received from 115 educational institutions in the United States and Canada offering programs for training LM TA’s. Order copies for $9 from Suzanne Gill, Council on Library/Media Technical Assistants, 11920 Hargrove, Des Peres, MO 63131. • P lanning C ollege & U niversity L ib ra ry Buildings: A Select B ibliography‚ by Thom as Mann (13 pages, 1981), has been issued by ALA’s Library Administration and Management Associa­ tion. The bibliography consists of books and arti­ cles published from 1965 to 1980. Copies may be ordered for $3.50 each (prepaid) from the LAMA O ffice, A m erican L ib ra ry A sso ciatio n , 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L 60611. • Planning Coordinated Systems o f Continuing Library Education: A Workbook and Discussion Guide‚ by Kathleen W eibel, has been published as Concept Paper No. 7 by the Continuing L i­ brary Ed u cation Network and E xchange. T h e paper is designed to encourage state, regional or area team s o f C E planners to brainstorm and create a viable program of continuing library edu­ cation. C opies are available for $6 to C L E N E m em bers, $ 6 .9 0 to non-m em bers (plus postage and handling) from Publications, C L E N E , In c., 620 Michigan Avenue, N .E ., W ashington, D C 20064. • Services to the Disabled in ARL Libraries (95 pages, 1982), S P E C Kit # 8 1 , has been pub­ lished by the Association of Research Libraries. The kit contains planning documents, building and facilities access documents, general policies and procedures statements, special services policy and publicity docum ents, position descriptions, b roch u res, and a bibliography. S P E C kits are available by subscription from the Systems and 189 Procedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire A ve., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the A RL Office of Management Studies. L i­ brary members o f ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Specialty Positions in ARL Libraries (133 pages, January 1982), S P E C Kit # 8 0 , has been published by the Association of Research Librar­ ies. It includes 49 documents with position de­ scriptions covering the role of technical and man­ agerial specialists in large libraries. S P E C kits are available by subscription from the Systems and Procedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the ARL Office of M anagement Studies. L i­ brary m embers of ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Travel and Tourism Bibliography and Re­ source H andbook‚ by Jean n e Gay (3 volum es, 1981), lists books, articles, notes, maps, reports, and similar information about every conceivable travel destination, including the polar regions. A list of resources provides names and addresses of tourism organizations, a subject bibliography, and an alphabetical list of tourism-related periodicals. The volumes are available for $50 from Travel Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular cla ssifie d ad ve rtise m e n ts m ust reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $ 4 .0 0 per line for ACRL m em bers, $ 5 .0 0 for others. Late job notices are $ 1 0 .0 0 per line for m em bers, $ 1 2 .0 0 per line for others. Organizations su b m ittin g ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typew ritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $ 1 0 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the m onth in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncem ents m ust include a salary figure. Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 fo r la te -b re a k in g jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m . the previous day. Each listing s u b m itte d will be carried on th e re co rd in g for two weeks. The charge for each tw o-w eek lis tin g is $ 3 0 for ACRL m em bers and $35 for non-m em bers. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads w hich, because of narrow application deadlines, will not a p ­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-m onth subscription is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em bers and $15 for non-m em bers. and Tourism Press, P .O . Box 1188, Santa Cruz, CA 95061. • The Vieux C α rré Survey, by F lo ren ce M. Jum onville (31 pages, 1981), is a description o f the preparation and a guide to the use o f th e major New Orleans architectural study located in the Historic New Orleans Collection Library. The pamphlet summarizes the types of research mate­ rial to be found in the survey and suggests how it may be used to learn more about the history of th e h isto ric F r e n c h Q u a rter. C om p lim en tary copies may be obtained from the H istoric New O rleans C o llectio n L ibrary, 533 Royal S tr e e t, New Orleans, LA 70130. ■ ■ Anthro-Minutes A C RL’s Anthropology and Sociology Section wishes to keep its m embers more up-to-date by providing copies o f the m inutes o f their meetings. I f you would like to be placed on the mailing list, send your name and address to: Sandra S. K erbel, Secretary, Anthropology and Sociology S ectio n , G raduate School of Business L ibrary, U niversity o f Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep’t, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0 7 0 5 . G overnm ent publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 93 7 -8 8 4 6 . ERIC M ICROFICHE COLLECTION. ED 0 1 0 0 0 0 ED 2 0 5 6 7 0 (1 9 6 6 -1 9 8 1 ) Complete incl. indexes, cabinets. Contact: Director, Ambassador College Library, 3 0 0 W. Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91129; (213) 5 77 -5 544. SHELFMARK ORIGINAL CATALOGING saves tim e and money on no-copy items. AACR2. 277 Valley View Road, Ukiah, CA 95482. POSITIONS OPEN AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN, provides specialized reference services designed to reach m inority students and in su p ­ port of African-Am erican Studies Department. Participates in gen­ eral refe ren ce services in th e social scie nces and hum a n itie s. Selects materials in field of African-Am erican studies. Participates in fa cu lty m eetings of the A frica n -A m e rica n Studies D epartm ent and serves as liaison with Office of African-A m erican Student Af­ fairs. MLS from accredited library school required; either courses in African-Am erican studies or a master's degree in an appropriate social science or hum anities d iscipline highly desirable. Experience w ith either online searching or bibliograph ic in stru ctio n desired, especially the latter. Ability to work independently and to initiate contacts with faculty m em bers and students is essential. Reading knowledge of French or Spanish is desired. Salary is $15,000 plus dep ending on qualifications. Available im mediately. Applications re­ ceived by June 15, 1982, will be considered. Send letter of app lica ­ tion, resum e, and nam es o f three references, and have library school credentials, in cluding transcripts, sent to: Lance Query, Per­ sonnel Librarian, N o rthw e ste rn U niversity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. ASIAN COLLECTION CURATOR/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Faculty posi­ tion in the Collection Development Division. Curator of East Asian ve rn a cu la r c o lle ctio n of over 3 0 ,0 0 0 volum es. Responsible fo r analyzing existing collection, updating collection developm ent policy,