ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 86/C&RL News ACRL wants yo u ! Reap the many benefits o f volunteerism ow is a good time to increase your in­ volvement in ACRL by volunteering to se N rve on a division or section committee. Vice- president Lee Hisle invites all ACRL members to contact the Appointments Committee about serving on one of ACRL’s 27 committees for next year. Members may also contact one of the section vice-chairs regarding service on one o f the many section committees. ACRL has recently adopted a new Strategic Plan (see page 584 of this issue) and during the next few years committee members will have an opportunity to help implement this plan, reshape the association, and influence the direction of academic and research librari­ anship. Y o u b e n e fit b y v o lu n t e e r in g Volunteers not only give to the association, they get back from the association: • Build ties with academic and research librarians around the country. • Enhance your leadership abilities through consensus building and persuasion. • Share your expertise with colleagues. • Gain additional expertise— learn more about a new area of academic librarianship or pick up new ideas for your current area. A p p o in t m e n t s : T h e p r o c e s s Appointments are made at both the section and division levels. The ACRL president is respon­ sible for the committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. Likewise, section chairs are respon­ sible for committee appointments in their re­ spective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usually completed shortly after the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as president-elect or chair-elect. The ACRL Appointments Com­ mittee assists the president-elect in this pro­ cess in an advisory capacity. F a c to r s in flu e n c in g a p p o in t m e n t Although the emphasis in the appointment may vary from year to year according to the prerogatives o f the president and section chairs, the same factors are considered. They include: • Evidence o f potential committee member’s interest: Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have you indi­ cated your interest on the application? • Demographics and composition of committee: A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, eth­ nic diversity, and gender. In addition, some committees have special requirements. For ex­ ample, one member of the Professional Edu­ cation Committee must be a library educator; the Government Relations Committees has a strict regional representation requirement. • The recommendation o f the current committee chair: Current committee chairs are asked to suggest potential members. Although all o f these factors are considered, the final appointments are the prerogative of the ACRL president-elect and the section chair-elects. H o w to a p p l y 1) Select the committees that interest you. The ALA Handbook o f Organization lists all of ACRL’s committees and their charges. ( Ed. note: This year the Handbook will be published as a special issue of American Libraries and will automatically be mailed to all ALA mem­ bers in mid-November.) Attend the committee’s meetings at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to help you decide if those are the activities that interest you. 2) Introduce yourself. Talk with commit­ tee members. Express your interest to the com­ mittee chair. Explain how you might contrib­ ute to the work of the committee. 3) Submit a volunteer form. Complete the volunteer form included with this article. (Ed. note: This form is also available on ACRL’s homepage at Be October 1996/587 sure to cover all of the items asked for in back­ ground information. If you have attended com­ mittee meetings or programs, mention that. Fill out one form for ACRL division committees and a different form for each ACRL section you want to volunteer for. Send the division volunteer form to Helen H. Spalding at the address on the bottom o f the volunteer form; send the sec­ tion volunteer forms to the appropriate section chair-elects (see list o f addresses below). 4) Volunteer again . . . and again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year . . . and the next. Remember that a multitude of factors— num­ ber of appointments made, number of volun­ teers for each committee, number of volunteers from your type of library or your geographic area— determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year. A C R L se c tio n a p p o in t m e n t s ACRL has 17 sections (listed below). You will find a description o f their areas of responsibil­ ity in the ALA Handbook o f Organization, 1996–97. Many o f ACRL’s sections have de­ veloped new homepages that are linked to ACRL’s; check out The chair-elect o f a section appoints the chair and members of all section committees. Most of these appointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. If you would like to be considered for appointment as a chair or member o f a section committee, fill out the attached ACRL Committee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect o f the appro­ priate section listed below before Decem­ ber 13, 1996. Afro-American Studies Librarians Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Itibari M. Zulu, Librar­ ian, UCLA Center for African American Studies, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024-1301; e-mail: Anthropology and Sociology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Joyce L. Ogburn, Assistant University Librarian, Old Dominion University Library. Preferred address: 1430 Magnolia Ave,, Norfolk, VA 23508; e-mail: ARTS Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stephen C. Bloom, Director, University of the Arts Li­ braries. Preferred address: 125 Bortondale Road, Media, PA 19063-4845; e-mail: Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Robert B. Marks Ridinger, Northern Illinois University, Univer­ sity Libraries, DeKalb, IL 60115-0000; e-mail: College Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Larry R. Oberg, University Librarian, Willamette University. Preferred address: 1053 Icel Court NE, Salem, OR 97301-1665; e-mail: loberg@ Community and Junior College Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Wanda K. Johnston, Director o f Learning Resources, Central Florida Community College Library. Preferred address: 1525 SE 42nd Ave., Ocala, FL 34471; e-mail: johnstwccl@lincc.ccla.lib. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy J. Weissinger, Electronic Resources Librarian, Teachers Col­ lege, Columbia University, 525 W. 120th St., New York, NY 10027; e-mail: English and American Literature Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Betty H. Day, Humani­ ties Bibliographer, University of Maryland Col­ lege Park. Preferred address: 1204 Goth Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20905-5518; e-mail: bd5@ Extended Campus Library Services Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy J. Burich, Librar­ ian, University o f Kansas. Preferred address: 10528 Bluejacket, Overland Park, KS 66214- 3088; e-mail: Instruction Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Randy Burke Hensley, University o f Hawaii Ref­ erence Center, Thomas H. Hamilton Library, 2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822-2233; e-mail: Law and Political Science Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Stephen J. Stillwell Jr., 2021 Rumson Dr., Arlington, TX 76006-4608; e-mail: Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Laura Stalker, Associate Di­ rector for Technical Services, Huntington Li­ brary, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA 91108; e-mail: mailto:johnstwccl@lincc.ccla.lib 588/C&RL News Science and Technology Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Allison V. Level, Science Reference Librarian, Library of Congress. Preferred address: 2000 N. Adams St. #622, Arlington, VA 22201- 3746; e-mail: Slavic and East European Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Bradley L. Schaffner, Univer­ sity o f Kansas, 210 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800; e-mail: University Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Lori A. Goetsch, Head, Reference Services, University of Tennessee. Preferred ad­ dress: 7604 Westdale Dr., Knoxville, TN 37909- 2929; e-mail: Western European Specialists Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Kurt F. DeBelder, 1 Wash­ ington Square Village, Apt. 13-H, New York, NY 10012-1609; e-mail: Women’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Jessica Grim, Associate Librarian, Ober- lin College Library, 148 W. College St., Ober- lin, OH 44074; e-mail: A C R L d iv is io n a l co m m itte e a p p o in t m e n t s ACRL has 27 standing committees to which ap­ pointments may be made. A list appears on the volunteer form at the end o f this article. You will find the committees listed with a descrip­ tion of their charges in the ALA Handbook o f Organization. Appointments to ACRL standing committees are made in the spring for terms beginning im­ mediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recommends to the president-elect of ACRL the names of members who might fill the vacancies. The president­ elect makes the final appointments. If you are interested in being considered for an appoint­ ment to an ACRL committee, you should com­ plete the attached Committee Volunteer Form and send it to Helen H. Spalding at the address given on the form before December 13, 1996. E d ito r ia l b o a r d s ACRL has editorial boards for these six publi­ cations: Choice; College & Research Libraries; College & Research Libraries News; New Publi­ cations; Publications in Librarianship, and Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship. Appointments to editorial boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Con­ ference. The editors recommend the name o f a person to fill the vacancy. The Publica­ tions Committee must approve the recom­ mendation, and the president o f ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for ap­ pointment to an editorial board, contact the editor o f the editorial board. Choice editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e-mail: College & Research Libraries editor: Donald E. Riggs, University of Michigan, 818 Hatcher Graduate Library, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205; e-mail: College & Research Libraries News editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: New publications editor: Hugh Thompson, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Publications in Librarianship editor: Ste­ phen E. Wiberley Jr., University o f Illinois at Chicago, University Library, P.O. Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680-8198; e-mail: u30959@ Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship editor: Sidney E. Berger, University o f Cali­ fornia, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riv­ erside, CA 92517-5900; e-m ail: Sidney. Share your opinion with C& RL N e w s readers C&RL News is looking for well-reasoned commentaries on issues of interest to aca­ demic and research librarians for its column “The Way I See It.” It’s an opportunity to share your thoughts with a national audience. Past columns include “Point/Counterpoint: The Value of Place” and “Madonna in the Hal­ lowed Halls: Use of Popular Media in Collec­ tion Development and Reference.” Essays should be between 500–750 words and should be sent to “The Way I See It,” C&RL News, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; fax: (312) 280-2520; e-mail: medavis@ October 1996/589 ACRL com m ittee v o lu n te e r form 5 90 /C&RL News N ote: M e m b ership in A LA a n d A C R L is requ ired. A tte nd anc e a t M id w inter M e etin g a n d A nn ual C onference is required. S e c tio n c o m m itte e s Return this completed form to the appropriate sec­ tion vice-chair/chair-elect as indicated in the accom­ panying article. (Use duplicate forms if you are in­ terested in more than one section.) You must be a member of the section to be considered for appoint­ ment. F o rm s m u s t b e re tu rn e d b y D e c e m b e r 1 3 , 1996. Note: By accepting an appointment, I agree that all working papers and final products of the group are the sole property of ACRL and are not to be used for any personal projects unless written permission has been obtained from the appropriate governing body. I also certify that it does not represent a con­ flict o f interest. I understand that failure to attend two meetings without an explanation acceptable to the chair constitutes grounds for removal. October 1996/591 592/ C&RL News