ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 2 0 / C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS D e ad lin e s: O rders fo r regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late jo b listings w ill be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R a tes: Classified advertisements are $6.30 per line for institu­ tions tha t are ACRL members, $8.00 fo r others. Late job notices are $15.25 per line for institutions tha t are A CRL members, $18.00 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads w ill be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $275 to $565 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. G u id e lin e s: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary figure. Job an­ nouncements will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JO BL IN E : Call (312) 944-6795 fo r late-breaking job ads for academ ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary o f positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording fo r two weeks. The charge fo r each two-week listing is $40 fo r ACRL members and $45 fo r non-members. C o n ta c t: Ted Bales, classified advertising manager, C&RL N ews Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, A mérican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280- 2 5 1 3 ; fa x : (3 1 2) 2 8 0 -7 6 6 3 ; B itn e t:U 3 8 3 9 8 @ U IC V M .b itn e t ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications o r placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality o f opportunity fo r all library employees or applicants fo r employment, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. COLLECTION WANTED LIBR AR Y BOO K C O LLEC TIO N : Academ ic institution wishes to acquire all o r major part of college library o r current o r recent library book collection, with em phasis on liberal arts, general sciences, social sciences, and business. Reply to: Barbara L. Bennett, Turks Head Bldg (Suite 1492), Providence, Rl 02903. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS/COLLEC TION DEVELOPM ENT LIB R A R IA N , Uni­ versity Libraries, University of the Pacific. Responsibilities: reports to the Technical Services Librarian. Coordinates activities o f Acquisition Department staff of 4 FTE, responsible fo r acquiring monograph and serials collections, using Innovacq system. M anagem ent of Collec­ tion Development program, including liaison system with campus faculty, policy development, and collection assessm ent. Develops policies and procedures fo r the Acquisitions Department. As a depart­ ment head, participates in discussions of library policies. Responsible for collection developm ent in assigned subject areas. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Two to five years professional library experi­ ence with a t least two years acquisitions experience, preferably in an academ ic library. Required: Demonstrated supervisory skills; knowl­ edge of acquisitions techniques and vendors; use of automated acquisitions/serials database. Demonstrated ability to lead a collec­ tion developm ent program. Demonstrated skills in problem solving; listening, oral, and written communication skills; proven ability to work independently and cooperatively with patrons, colleagues, and staff. Commitm ent to library service and the profession. A ppointm ent at the rank of assistant or associate professor. Rank, Salary: Salary from $35,000 to $40,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Librarians are expected to meet university tenure and promotion requirements. Twenty-four days o f vacation, 11 holidáys, TIAA/ CREF, and generous benefits. Application: Send letter df application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three current references to: Jean Purnall, Associate Dean of Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f th e P a cific, University Libraries, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95211. Applications w ill be accepted until the position is filled but those received by June 30, Í9 9 2 , will receive first consideration. UOP is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. ASSO CIATE DIRECTOR, Denison Memorial Library, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. W e seek a flexible and dynamic individual to oversee all library departm ents and coordinate daily operations. This faculty position functions with a high degree of autonomy and is the top adm inistrative officer under the Director. Denison librarians will become nontenure-earning faculty positions on Ju ly 1st, requiring new em phasis on collaboration beyond the library. Duties: responsible fo r all aspects of personnel management fo r both faculty and support staff; sets operational priorities, and allocates resources accordingly; prepares budgets and monitors expenditures; coordinates automated system s planning; develops policies and procedures. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, 5 years professional library experience, including 2 years supervision, plan­ ning, and budgeting, and 2 years experience in an academ ic health sciences library. Excellent com munication and human relations skills. Salary from $50,000. Application must be postmarked August 15, 1992, o r earlier. Send letter of application, resume, and contact information fo r three references to: Debra Miller, Staff Assistant, Denison Memorial Library, U n iv e rs ity o f C o lo ra d o H e alth S cie nce s C e nte r, Box A003, 4200 E. Ninth Ave., Denver, CO 80262. The University o f Colorado Health Sciences Center is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. A SSISTAN T DIRECTOR OF L IB R A R Y SYSTEMS. The Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is seeking an Assistant Director o f Library Systems to work closely with the Director of Library Systems and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions in planning, im plementing, and managing the O hioLINK project with a primary responsibility fo r database management. OhioLINK is a consortium composed of 15 public and 2 private universities and the State Library of Ohio. Each member institution is o r will be implementing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc. integrated library system. Bibliographic records from the 18 institutions will be merged on and accessed through a central database. OhioLINK w ill also be providing central access to a variety o f electronic databases (bibliographic and full- text), developing a statewide system fo r the d elivery of documents in full-text and im age format, and pursuing an am bitious software developm ent plan fo r advanced workstation technology. The Assis­ tant Director of Library S ystems w ill serve as the O hioLINK Database Quality Coordinator fo r all databases loaded and maintained centrally. Duties include serving as the prim ary liaison between OhioLINK and database vendors, planning and coordinating all database process­ ing and loading projects, establishing and overseeing standards for storing and accessing bibliographic information at the central data­ base, and resolving conflicts between OhioLINK mem ber institution databases and the central database. Qualifications: A Master’s of Library Science from an ALA-accredited program and a minim um of 4 years of cataloging experience in a medium to large academ ic library is required. The candidate must also have experience in implementing integrated library systems and managing large database preparation or conversion projects. Experience with OCLC and knowledge of current cataloging standards is expected. The candidate is also expected to dem onstrate excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to w o rk successfully in group settings to facilitate discussion and build consensus. Familiarity with Innovative Inter­ faces, Inc. software is preferred. Salary: $38,000-$45,000 with a generous benefit package that includes health care, retirement, J u n e 1 9 9 2 / 4 2 1 vacation, and sick leave. Interested individuals should su bm it a reśume and the nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e num bers o f three references to: Anita Cook, D irector o f Library S ystem s, O h io L IN K , 1224 Kinnear Road, C olum bus, OH 43212. App lica tio ns should be postm arked no la ter than Ju ne 30, 1992. O hioLIN K is an EEO/AA em ployer. A SSISTAN T HEAD, G ove rn m e nt Publications and M ap Department. Adm inisters U.S. Federal D epository collection, including selection of reference m a terials and p ublications not received through d ep osi­ tory a greem ents. U tilizing a va rie ty o f specialized electronic and print resources, p articipates in provision o f in-depth reference services, including bib liog ra p hic instruction, fo r federal, state, and international docum ents collections. Assists in planning and coordination of the Departm ent's tech n ical se rvice s operations, including cataloging of governm ent docu m e nts in an o nline e nvironm ent. S upervises 2 FTE paraprofessional staff. Th e D epartm ent is a designated dep osito ry fo r publications of United States G ove rn m e nt (75%), S tate o f Illinois, United N ations, and European C om m unities, and it also acquires materials from a bo ut 30 oth e r in ternational organizations. The co lle c­ tion conta ins approxim ately 250 ,00 0 volum es, 325,000 m icrofiche sheets, and 195,000 maps. C urre n t federal docu m e nts are cataloged in NOTIS using O C L C records. T he dep artm en t offers reference service 6 3 h ours p er week. Staff consists o f 3.5 FTE librarians, 3 FTE paraprofessional staff, and 130 hours p er w eek o f stud e nt assistance. Q ualifications: M LS from A LA -accredited library school required. Academ ic background in social sciences preferred. A m inim um o f 2 years e xperience providing reference service fo r g ove rn m e nt publi­ cations and e xperience cataloging gove rn m e nt p ublications required. Ability to w o rk effectively in autom ated e nvironm ent, including online catalogs, C D -R O M s, and local a re a networks. D em onstrated com m it­ ment to gove rn m e nt publications librarianship; e xcellen t oral and written co m m u nicatio n s skills. S trong co m m itm en t to quality public service program . Salary: $ 25,000-29,000 d epending upon qua lifica ­ tions. Position a vailab le S ep tem be r 1, 1992. S end application, resume, and nam es and add re sses o f three re ferences to: Ju dy Lowman, Personnel Librarian, Northw estern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208-2300. For prio rity consideration, applications should be received by Ju ly 1 0 ,1 9 9 2 . An EEO /AA em ployer. E m ploy­ ment eligibility verification required upon hire. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN STR U C T IO N C O O R D IN A TO R /R E FER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . Denison University, a selective p rivate liberal arts college in the village o f G ranville, Ohio, is seeking a dynam ic, innovative person to d evelop its BI program . T h is is an exciting tim e at Denison, with the creation of this new position and installation of an Innovative Interfaces library system . Library instruction fo r tra d i­ tional and auto m a te d re sources is a high priority. The successful candidate also w ill participa te in Reference D epartm ent activities, including so m e evening and w eeke n d hours, o n line searching, docum ents service, and co llection developm ent. Denison librarians have facu lty status b ut are not tenure-track. Salary: $ 26,000+. Excellent benefits. Required: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS; substantial e xpe­ rience in a nd co m m itm en t to BI; good com m unication skills; tw o years academ ic reference experience. Preferred: e xperience with CD- ROM and an in tegrated library system . S end application letter and resume, w ith nam es, a ddresses, and pho ne num bers o f th re e refer­ ences to: David Pilachowski, D irecto r o f Libraries, Denison U niver­ sity, G ranville, OH 4 3023. R eview o f applica tio ns w ill begin Ju ly 1, 1992 and continue until the position is filled. Denison U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. C A T A LO G L IB R A R IA N . C and id a te s m ust h ave Am e rica n Library Association accredited MLS d egree. E xperience: catalog librarian in academ ic setting; know ledge o f LC classification, O C LC cataloging procedures and online p ub lic a ccess ca ta lo gs; planning/problem - solving skills, cooperative attitude. Responsibilities: m anaging/su- pervising all cataloging activities, teaching so m e library instruction classes, assisting students as needed. Salary range $23,000-$30,000. Applications accepted and reviewed im m ediately until position filled. Send letter o f application, resum e, references, official J S C C app lica ­ tion and tra nscripts to : P ersonnel Office, Jackson Sta te C om m unity College, 2 04 6 North Parkway, Jackson, TN 3 8301-3797. AA/EOE. CO LLECTIO N M AN AG EM EN T CO O RDINATO R FOR LITERATURE. R esponsibilities: O ne o f a team o f Collection M a n ag em en t C o ordina ­ tors, reporting to the D irecto r o f C ollections and T echnical Services, responsible fo r d eveloping and m anaging th e scholarly inform ation resources o f the General Libraries. C o ordinates the selection of m aterials and m onitors th e e xpenditure o f fun d s fo r literature (English, French, Spanish, G erm an, R ussian and S lavic, Hebrew , and A rabic), and fo r T h e a te r and Film S tudies. S erves as prim ary selecto r fo r British and Am erican literature. Selects cu rre nt and retrospective m aterials, m onitors approval plans, m akes preservation decisions, and e valuates new serials and e lectron ic products. S erves as liaison and resource to facu lty and g raduate students in relevant academ ic departm ents. Provides le adership to literature selectors in prom oting effective collection m anagem ent and developm ent. E valuates the collections as a ppropriate to update collection d evelopm ent policy statem ents, to supply inform ation needed by the libraries, the u niver­ sity, o r oth e r groups, and to obtain in form ation needed fo r sound collection m a n ag em en t decisions. Participates in form u latin g collec­ tio n deve lo pm en t policies and procedures. Q ualifications: A LA-ac­ credited m a ster’s degree in library/inform ation science. Advanced degree in English or A m e rica n literature and three ye ars experience in a large a cadem ic o r research library, or e qu iva le nt com bination of education and experience. K nowledge o f at le ast tw o modern lan­ guages in add itio n to English, G erm an preferred. Self-m otivated Salary guide Listed b elo w are the la test m inim um starting fig ures recom ­ m ended by state library associa tio ns and the N orth Carolina S tate L ibrary fo r P rofessional library p osts in the se states. These re com m endations are intended fo r g overnm ental a gencies that em ploy librarians. The re com m endations a re adviso ry only, and A LA has not adopted recom m endations fo r m inim um salaries. For inform ation on librarian salaries, jo b seeke rs and e m ployers should co nsid e r the se recom m ended m inim um s, as well as other salary su rveys (such as th e survey in the O ctob er 1 5 ,1 9 8 9 , issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the ann ua l ARL Salary Survey, o r the annual C U P A A dm inistrative C om pensation Survey) w hen e valuating professional vacancies. For m ore in form ation, contact the A LA O ffice fo r Library Person­ nel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois$26,200# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * Rather than e sta b lish o ne state w id e salary m inim um , som e state a ssocia tio ns h ave ado pte d a form u la based on such va ria bles as com p ara b le salaries fo r p ub lic school tea ch ers in each com m unity o r the grade level of a p rofessional librarian post. In th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co nta ct th e state association fo r m inim um salary inform ation. +Salary m inim um s fo r public librarians only. # O ption fo r local form ula 4 2 2 /C&RL News C O O R D IN A T O R O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S L E A R N IN G R E S O U R C E S C E N T E R Cincinnati Technical College Duties: manage technical services department and implement a library automation system in a two- year state technical college. Responsible fo r the cataloging, classification, and processing of all media (books, films, electronic media) for the Learning Resources Center. Specifications: master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program with advanced cataloging coursework preferred. Computer network cataloging training required. Prefer three years cataloging experience in an academic library and other experience in library services. Salary: $24,475- $34,067 (degree-based). Application Deadline: open until filled. Send letter of interest and resume (include three references) to: Cincinnati Technical College Human Resource Services 3520 Central Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45223 Equal O pportunity Employer. individual w ith strong skills in w ritte n and oral com m unication, p lan ­ ning, analysis, and evaluation. Should be fam ilia r w ith tre nd s in scholarly in form ation delivery in the hum anities and in research libraries. M ust be able to w o rk e ffe ctively w ith facu lty, students, and library staff. Em ory Libraries: Th e L ibraries o f E m ory U niversity hold 2.2 m illion vo lum es w ith m aterials e xpenditures of $5 m illion, o f which $3 m illion is d irected to the General Libraries, and e m ploy a total staff o f 263 FTE. In addition to the G eneral Libraries, the re a re separate libraries fo r law, health sciences, th e o lo g y and O xford College. E m ory is a m em ber o f the A ssociation o f Research Libraries, the C enter fo r Research Libraries, and the Research Libraries G roup. Beginning Salary: Depending on q ualifications and experience, $26,000 - $35,000 (Librarian II); $31,000 - $50,000 (Librarian III). A pplication P rocedure: Send letter o f application, resum e and th e nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e num bers o f three re ferences to : Linda M atthews, D irector of Professional Personnel A dm inistration, Robert W. W o o druff Li­ brary, E m o ry U n iv e rs ity , A tlanta, G A 30322. A pplications received by Ju ly 6 w ill receive first consideration. E m ory University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. C O O R D IN A T O R O F AC C E S S SER VIC E S , A ssistan t Professor. Responsible fo r co ordination/supervision of circulation, interlibrary loan, cu rre nt periodicals, reserves, stack m aintenance (including off­ site storage). Possible reference d e sk and oth e r duties. Require­ m ents: A LA -accredited MLS p lus 10 se m e ste r hours of g raduate credit; m inim um fo u r ye ars’ professional library experience, pre fe r­ ably in A ccess S ervices and R eferen ce; successful expe rie n ce supervising one o r m ore service areas; d em onstrated co m m u nica ­ tio n s skills. Preferred: second m a ster’s d eg re e o r d octorate. Starting date: Aug u st 2 4 ,1 9 9 2 . S tarting salary: $38,87 7-$5 4 ,7 0 4 fo r academ ic y e a r and sum m er, increasing to $ 40,82 1-$5 7 ,4 3 9 in F ebruary 1993. Liberal fringe benefits. Subm it le tte r o f application, curriculum vitae, and nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e n um be rs o f three professional re ferences to: Roger W. Fromm , Chairperson, Search and Screen Com m ittee, Harvey A. And ru ss Library, B lo o m s b u rg U n iv e rs ity , Blo om sburg, PA 17815. App lica tio ns w ill be review ed b eginning July 6 and continue until position is filled. Bloom sburg U niversity is an a ffirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. B lacks Hispanics, w om en, and all o th e r protected cla ss m em bers are espe cia lly e nco ur­ aged to apply. C U R ATO R O F T H E E A S T A S IA N C O L LE C T IO N , Brown University Library. Responsible fo r adm inistering all a spe cts o f a 9 0,000 volum e C hinese/Japanese/Korean collection com prising hum anities and social sciences. Duties include: developing an acqu isitio n s program with strong e m phasis on acquiring Ja pa ne se language re sources while m aintaining tra dition al strengths in C h in ese language resources; substantial cata lo ging resp on sib ilitie s fo r Ja panese and C hinese language m aterials; fre qu e nt liaison w ith East Asian Studies Depart­ m ent; providing gen eral reference se rvices; and supervision o f one n onprofessional staff m em ber responsible fo r selected Ja panese and K orean language cataloging. R eports to the Head Special C ollection Librarian. Requirem ents; MLS deg re e from an A L A -a c­ credited library school; com p ete ncy in both C hinese and Ja panese la ng u ag e s; e xpe rie n ce w o rkin g w ith East A sian m a terials in a research lib ra ry; e xperience with autom ated cataloging, preferably using the RLIN C JK system ; and a bility to co m m u nicate e ffectively with facu lty, students, and library staff. D esired q ua lifica tio ns: w o rk­ ing know ledge o f Korean; expe rie n ce w ith collection d evelopm ent and p roviding re feren ce services. A pp o intm e n t range: $ 29,550- $36,900, b ased upon experience. Interested candidates should send le tte r of application, resum e, and nam es o f th re e re ferences to: M arjorie Rubin, D epartm ent o f H um an R esources, Box 1879/B00005, B ro w n U n iv e rs ity , P rovidence, R l 02912. R eview of applica tio ns will begin on Ju ne 15, 1992, and w ill continue until th e position is filled. Brown U niversity is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action e m ­ ployer. G E N E R A L RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /C O O R D IN A T O R FO R B IB ­ L IO G R A P H IC IN S TR U C T IO N , S EN IO R A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N (tenure-track). $36,468 - $43,896 fo r tw e lve m onths; ten-m onth option a vailab le w ith p roportionate salary reduction. Duties include general re feren ce desk se rvice and online se arching w ith prim ary re sponsibility fo r bibliog ra p hic instruction. MLS and recent p ost-M LS expe rie n ce a s a reference librarian and three ye ars re ce nt e xperience w ith b ibliog ra p hic instruction required. Position d escription listing required and p referred qua lifica tio ns and official application form sent on request. W rite to: Chair, C oordina tor fo r Bib liographic Instruction Search Com m ittee, c/o L ibrary Secretary, C a lifo rn ia S ta te P o ly te c h ­ n ic U n iv e rs ity , 3801 W e st Te m p le Avenue, Pom ona, C A 9 1 7 6 8 . Fax: (714) 8 69-6922. L etter o f in qu iry m u st be p ostm arked o rfa xe d by June 15, 1992. EEO /A A/Title IX, Sectio n 504 Employer. G O VE R N M EN T D O C U M E N T S /P U B LIC S ER VIC E L IB R A R IA N , anticip a te d te n u re -tra ck position. R esponsibilities: p lanning and co ordin a ting o f co lle ction s and se rvice s o f a se le ctive Federal D epository Library; general reference service; fa cu lty liaison pro­ gram ; bibliog ra p hic instruction. Required: an M LS degree from an A LA -a ccre dite d program ; m inim um o f tw o ye ars re ce nt e xperience w orking in a g ove rn m e nt docu m e nts collection and facility with standard U.S. G ove rn m e nt d o cu m e nt reference so urces; relevant general re feren ce e xperience; goo d o rganizational and interpersonal J u n e 1 9 9 2 / 4 2 3 T H R E E P O S IT IO N S Ball State University Libraries Ball State is a comprehensive university with over 20,000 students and 1,000 faculty serving east central Indiana. It is located 50 miles northeast of Indianapolis. The library contains 1.4 million items in a modern building; it is serviced by 40 librarians and 85 FTE support staff. Catalog Librarian fo r M onographs. Responsible for cataloging and classification of monographs in all subject areas. Perform s authority and quality control functions in the U niversity Libraries online catalog (NOTIS). Participates in the ongoing developm ent, docum entation, and evaluation of unit policies and procedures. T his position reports to the Head o f C ataloging Services. R equirem ents: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent. Knowledge of MARC form ats, A A C R 2 rev, Library of C ongress subject headings and classification, and autom ated cataloging, using a national bibliographic utility such as OCLC, Effective oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Preferred: Professional cataloging experience or its equivalent. Supervisory experience. W orking know ledge of at least one W estern European language. A dditional advanced degrees. Salary: N egotiable; m inim um is $24,000 fo r 12-m onth appointm ent. D ire c to r o f L ib ra ry A u to m a te d System s. R esponsible for coordinating activities related to IBM/ NO TIS and IN NO VACQ equipm ent, system s, and p rogram m ing/ M aintains contractual and budgetary integrity of both system s. A dvises on planning and im plem enting m odules and enhancem ents for autom ates system s. Supervises System s C oordinator and the Library Pro­ gram m er. Reports to the Dean of University Libraries. Requirem ents: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent. Increasingly responsible experience w ith a library autom ated system. O perational know ledge of M ARC form ats. D em onstrated skill in planning, com m unication, and interpersonal relations. Preferred: Experience with NOTIS software. Familiarity with the INNOVACQ system of Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Experience with IBM m ainfram e applications (including JCL, TSO, MVS, and VSAM ) Know ledge of current and em erging library autom ation technologies. Additional advanced degrees. Salary: N egotiable; minimum is $36,000 for 12-m onth appointm ent. H ead o f C ataloging Services. R esponsible for m anaging the C ataloging Services until and coordinating all cataloging activities. S upervises professional and classifies staff (5 librarians and 16 classifies staff). E stablishes cataloging policies fo r library m aterials in all media. Prepares written reports and proposals; com piles statistics as required. This position reports to the Assistant Dean fo r Library T echnical Services. R equirem ents; M LS from an ALA -accredited program or equivalent. Substantial professional experience in a cataloging unit. Experience in cataloging different kinds of m aterials at all levels o f difficulty, using national standards as established by AAC R 2 (rev.) and LC. Strong o rganizational abilitie s and supervisory experience; e xcellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Preferred: Experience with online integrated library system s, preferably NOTIS. A dditional advanced degrees. Salary: N egotiable; m inimum is $36,000 for 12- month appointm ent. Application: Send letter of application, resum e, graduate degree(s) transcripts unofficial copies acceptable), and list of three references, including addresses and telephone numbers to: C. William Barnett Director of Library Business Services 101 Bracken Library Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306. R eview of application w ill begin im m ediately and continue until the position if filled. Excellent fringe benefits, w ith proper credentials, option of a ppointm ent at facu lty rank or tenure-track. Ball State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. 4 2 4 /C&RL News IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G Y L IB R A R IA N Washington State University Libraries Currently open. U nder the direction o f the Assistant D irector for Library Automation, is responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating library microcomputer, workstation and networking applications; coordinates and assists in training of library staff in the use of microcomputer and workstation software and hardware; participates in automated systems developm entforthe Libraries; assists Assistant Director for Library Automation in budget preparation, grant writing, and analysis related to online systems. Librarians are appointed as members of the Washington State University faculty and are expected to participate actively in the university’s instructional, research, and service programs. Librarians are ranked in grades 2,3 , and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Librariansare expected to help establish and maintain good working relationships with university departments, faculty, students, and other library users. A progressive record of professional/scholarly achievement is expected of all librarians. Required: ALA- accredited MLS or its equivalent; demonstrated knowledge of microcomputers and workstations and their applications in a library environment; familiarity with online library systems and networks. Preferred: Experience in several library units in an academic or research library; familiarity with Microsoft Word, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase III+, and other microcomputer software; knowledge of CD-ROM, multimedia, and/or desktop publishing applications in a library environment. Salary: From $25,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/ CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application Procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool Associate Director for Administrative Services Washington State University Libraries Pullman, WA 99164-5610 Application review begins: July 15,1992. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages o f 40-70 are encouraged to apply. skills and a record o f w o rkin g well w ith o thers. Preferred: an additional a dvanced a cadem ic deg re e o r su bsta ntia l gra du ate study; w orking know ledge o f cu rre nt library tech n olo g y and auto m a tion ; e xperience in a VAX environ m e n t; p re viou s expe rie n ce tea ch ing library and b ibliog ra p hic instruction cla sses; p re viou s su pe rviso ry e xperience; evide n ce o f p articipation in p rofessional activities. Send le tte r of application, resum e, and nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e num bers o f three (3) re ferences to: C hairperson, L ibrary S ea rch Com m ittee, Haas Library, W e stern C o n n e c ticu t State University, 181 W hite St., D anbury, C T 06810. R eview o f re su m es w ill begin Ju n e 2 0 ,1 9 9 2 , and co ntin ue until the position is filled. A n e qu al opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. G O VER N M EN T D O C U M EN TS/R EFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . R espon­ sibilities: p rovides co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t and re feren ce se rvice in a U.S. G ove rn m e nt D ocum ents unit; su pe rvise s 1.5 FTE staff; establishes p olicies and p rocedures in th e d o cu m e nts unit; p rom otes use o f gove rn m e nt d ata so urces; co nd ucts o nline se arche s and p rovides b ibliog ra p hic instruction. Reports to Head o f Public Ser­ vices, p rovides general reference and co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t se r­ vices. Q ua lifica tio ns: required A LA /M L S; co ursew o rk o r o th e r e vi­ dence o f kn ow ledge o r expe rie n ce w ith a g ove rn m e n t docu m e nts unit, including expe rie n ce w ith C D -R O M p roducts; kn ow ledge of general reference so urces; evide n ce o f e ffe ctive w ritte n and oral co m m unication skills; ability to m eet re q uirem en ts fo r facu lty p rom o­ tion and tenure. P referred p ub lic services e xpe rie n ce in an a cadem ic o r p ub lic lib ra ry; p roven supe rviso ry e xperience; kn ow ledge o f the b usin e ss o r scie nce areas; second m a ster’s deg re e o r o th e r relevant tra in ing in a social science o r science fie ld. Salary: $ 24,00 0-$2 8 ,0 0 0 annually, dep en d in g on re le van t d eg re es and e xperience. TIA A/ C R E F; co m p reh e nsive m edical le ave; 2 4 d a ys vacation and esta b ­ lished holidays; gen erou s sick le ave; a ssistan ce w ith m oving ex­ penses; general su pp ort fo r p rofessional travel. No state o r local incom e taxes. Tw elve -m o n th , te n u re -tra ck appointm ent. Sta rt date: Aug u st 1 ,1 9 9 2 . R eview o f a p p lica tio ns w ill beg in Ju ne 1 5 ,1 9 9 2 , and co ntin ue until th e position is filled. S ub m it le tte r o f application, cu rricu lu m vitae, and th e nam es, a ddresses, and phone n um bers of three re ferences to : Lee Alkire, Chair, M S 84, G ove rn m e nt Docu- m en ts/R e feren ce Librarian Search Com m ittee, E a s te rn W a s h in g ­ to n U n iv e rs ity , Cheney, W A 9 9004-2495. AA/E O E. HE A D , C A T A L O G M A N A G E M E N T , N o rthw estern U niversity Li­ brary. T he C atalog M a n ag em en t S ection o f the C a talo g Departm ent supp orts bib liog ra p hic contro l and d ata ba se building a ctivities of N o rthw estern U nive rsity L ibrary and its NO TIS participants. Func­ tio n s include: m a n agem ent o f the o nline ca ta lo g and auth ority file; update and m odification o f bibliog ra p hic and a uth orities data; m an­ a gem ent o f circula tio n item re cord data; retro spe ctive conversion; update o f hold in g s d ata to reflect m aterial transfer, w ithdraw al, and addition. Th e Section co nsists o f 1.5 librarians, 6 su pp ort staff, and a large n um be r o f h ou rly staff. Q ua lifica tio ns: m aster’s deg re e from an A LA -a ccre dite d lib ra ry school p rogram ; w o rkin g k n ow ledge o f two o r m ore m odern foreign languages, p re fe ra bly in cluding G erm an and a R om ance language. M inim um three ye ars p rofessional e xperience in cata lo ging a n d /o r ca ta lo g m anagem ent, including significant e xpe ­ rience in o riginal ca ta lo ging and auth ority contro l p erform ed in an autom ated e nvironm ent. D em onstrated org an iza tion al and su pe rvi­ so ry capabilities. S alary Range: $28,000 to $ 32 ,00 0. Send app lica ­ tio n and resum e, including n am es o f three referen ces to: Ju dy Lowm an, Personnel Librarian, N o rth w e s te rn U n iv e rs ity Library, June 1 9 9 2 /4 2 5 French/Italian Bibliographer and Head o f the French/Italian Section Collection Development Department R ep o rtin g to th e H ead o f th e C o lle ctio n D e v elo p m en t D e p a rtm e n t, th e in c u m b e n t m an ag es th e w o rk o f th e s e c tio n (2.5 fte) a n d serves as s ele c tio n sp ec ia list fo r F ren ch , Italian, R um anian, a n d A lbanian m aterials. T he in c u m b e n t e v aluates, s elects, a cq u ires (th ro u g h p u rc h a se o r gift) lib rary m aterials (referen c e m aterials, m o n o g ra p h s , serials, in c lu d in g jo u rn a ls, n e w sp a p e rs, m ic ro fo rm s, visual a n d a u d io -v isu al c o lle ctio n s, c o m p a c t disks, c o m p u te r tapes, etc.), c u rre n tly p u b lis h e d in F rance, Italy, R um ania, a n d A lbania (in c lu d in g F ren c h language p u b lic a tio n s from th e B en elu x c o u n trie s , a n d F ren c h a n d Italian p u b lic a tio n s fro m Sw itz­ e rla n d ) d e alin g w ith a w id e range o f su b jects in th e h u m a n itie s a n d social scien ces. T h e in c u m b e n t has o v erall c u ra to ria l re s p o n sib ility in c lu d in g c o lle c tio n e v alu atio n a n d p re s e rv a tio n a n d p a rtic ip a te s in th e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d im p le m e n ta tio n o f c o lle c tio n p o lic ie s. As H ead o f th e F ren ch a n d Italian S ectio n , th e in c u m b e n t has fiscal re sp o n sib ility fo r a m o n o g ra p h b u d g e t o f a p p ro x im a te ly $ 23O,OOO. T h e C o lle ctio n D e v elo p m en t D e p a rtm e n t c o n sists o f six lan guage b a se d s ec tio n s (each e n co m p assin g c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d a c q u isitio n s fu n c tio n s) a n d th e G ifts a n d Exchange D ivision. Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : E arn ed d o c to ra te a n d p ro fessio n al d eg re e in lib rary scie n c e p re fe rred ; e x p e rtise in F rench a n d Italian a n d k n o w le d g e o f th e h isto ry a n d c u ltu re o f th e c o u n trie s; k n o w le d g e o f th e b o o k tra d e a n d p u b lish in g p a tte rn s; su b sta n tia l s uccessful c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e in c lu d in g fiscal m a n a g e ­ m e n t; a re c o rd o f a c h iev e m e n t in th e p ro fessio n ; k n o w le d g e o f sch o la rly tre n d s a n d e d u c a tio n a l p ro g ram s; k n o w le d g e o f b ib lio g rap h ic s tan d a rd s a n d p ro c e d u re s. T h e su ccessfu l c a n d id ate w ill have a firm g rasp o f c u rre n t re sea rc h lib rary issues a n d th e a bility to w o rk c o lla b o ra tiv e ly w ith c o lleagues, faculty, a cad em ic p ro g ram s a n d th e larg er lib rary c o m m u n ity . A n t i c i p a t e d h i r i n g r a n g e : h igh 4 0 s to lo w 5 0s A v a ila b le : S u m m er 1992 In te re ste d c an d id ate s m ay s e n d a le tte r o f in te re st, resu m e a n d th e n am es o f th re e referen ces to: H azel C. Stam ps, D ire c to r o f Perso n n el Services, H arv ard C ollege Library, W id e n er 188, C am bridge, MA 02138. H arvard U n iversity u p h o ld s a c o m m itm e n t to A ffirm ative A ction a n d Equal O p p o rtu n ity . H a rv a rd U niversity Harvard College Library E vanston, IL 6 02 08 -2 3 00 . F o r fu ll co n sid e ra tio n , a p p lica tio n s should be re ce ived by Ju ly 15, 1992. A n E E O /A A e m p loye r. E m p loym en t e lig ibility ve rifica tio n re q uired u po n hire. H E A D , H E A L T H , P H Y S IC A L E D U C A T IO N A N D R E C R E A T IO N L IB R A R Y , A ssista n t Librarian , A sso c ia te Lib rarian , o r Librarian, Indiana U n ive rsity Libraries, B lo om ing ton . R e spo n sib le fo r w o rkin g clo sely w ith fa c u lty a nd s tu d e n ts to u n d e rsta n d in fo rm a tio n n ee ds and p ro vid e a p p ro p ria te co lle ctio n s a nd se rvice s. U n de r gen eral d ire ction o f A sso c ia te D ean fo r P ub lic S ervices, re sp on sib le fo r p lanning, m a n ag in g, su p e rvising , a nd e va lu a tin g u n it’s s e rvice s and o pe ra tion s; p rim a ry re sp on sib ility f o r s e lectio n , tra in in g , a nd e v a lu a ­ tion o f u se r s e rvice s in clu din g co m p u te rize d se rvice s, co o rd in a tio n o f p e rson ne l b u d ge ts, a nd o v e rs ig h t o f re n ova tion ; re sp on sib le fo r co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t, e va lu a tio n , and p re serva tio n a nd fo r m a n ­ a g e m e n t o f m a te ria ls b u d g e t to su p p o rt H P E R cu rricu lu m a nd re ­ se arch nee ds. Q ua lifica tio n s: m a s te r’s d eg re e fro m an A L A -a ccre d - ited lib ra ry s ch oo l; s u p e rviso ry e x p e rie n ce ; d e m o n stra te d a b ility to plan and e va lu a te lib ra ry p ro gra m s; to w o rk w ith o th e rs to atta in o b je ctive s, a nd to m a n ag e w id e v a rie ty o f co m p le x lib ra ry o pe ra tion s, e xpe rie n ce w ith re feren ce so urces, co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t, co m ­ pute r-b ase d lib ra ry se rvice s, and in stru ctio n a l tec h n iq u e s ; d e m o n ­ stra te d a b ility to co m m u n ica te lo g ically, c le arly, a nd e ffe ctive ly both o ra lly a nd in w ritin g ; a b ility to w o rk w e ll in d e p e n d e n tly a nd w ith o thers; im ag in ative , in no va tive, and re sp o n sive to c h a n g e . S ucce ssful p ost- M LS p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ry p u b lic se rvice e x p e rie n ce p re fe rred ; a c a ­ d em ic b ackg ro u n d in hea lth, p h ysica l e du catio n , re cre atio n , o r a related fie ld d esired . A b ility to m e e t re sp o n sib ilitie s a nd re q u ire m e n ts of te n u re -tra ck a pp ointm e n t. S alary d e p e n d e n t upon q ua lifica tio n s and e x pe rie n ce. M inim um : A s s is ta n t Lib rarian , $ 2 5 ,3 7 5 ; A sso cia te Lib rarian , $ 3 0 ,8 2 5 ; L ib rarian , $ 3 7 ,6 7 5 . C o n d itio n s a nd b en efits: Lib rarian s h old te n u re -tra ck a p p o in tm e n ts w ith in a syste m o f ra n ks a na lo go u s to a nd m o d ele d on th o s e o f th e te a ch in g facu lty. T h ey p articipa te in a syste m o f fa c u lty g o v e rn a n ce w h ich in clu de s elected lib ra ry co u n cils. W ith in th e U n ive rsity th e y are e lig ible fo r e lectio n to c a m p u s a nd u n ive rsity F a culty C o un cils and se rve on u n ive rsity co m m itte e s a nd ta s k forces. T h e y a re e lig ible fo r sa bb atica l a nd o th e r re se arch le ave s. B e n e fits: Blue C ro ss/B lu e Shield, M a jo r M edical in suran ce , T IA A /C R E F re tire m e n t/a n n u ity plan, g ro u p life in suran ce a nd lib e ra l va c a tio n a nd sic k leave. T o a p p ly: se nd le tte r o f app lica tio n, re su m e, n am es a nd a d d re sse s o f fo u r re fe re n ce s to : M arilyn Shaver, Person ne l O fficer, In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity L ibraries, M ain L ibrary C -2 0 1 , B lo om ing ton , Ind ia na 4 74 05 . P ho n e: (8 12) 8 5 5 -8 19 6 . A va ila b le : S e p ­ te m b e r 1 ,1 9 9 2 . C lo sin g d a te : R e vie w o f a pp lica tio ns b e g in s J u ne 15, 1992, c o n tin u e s until p o sitio n is fille d . E EO /A AE H E A D O F R E F E R E N C E S E R V IC E S . F u ll-tim e a p p o in tm e n t starting A u g u st 1, 1992. F o ur-ye ar, lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e fo r w o m e n se eks a p p lica n ts fo r H e ad o f R e feren ce S e rvice s w ith d e m o n stra te d a d m in ­ is tra tive a nd te a ch in g skills. R e spo n sib ilitie s in clu de : co ordin a tion of re fe re n ce se rvice s, in te rlib ra ry loan, lib ra ry in stru ction , o n line search se rvice s, sta c k m a in ten an ce , a nd co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t in sp ecific s u b je ct are as. A n M L S fro m an a ccre dite d lib ra ry sch oo l p lu s a m inim um o f tw o ye a rs o f d ire ctly re la ted e x pe rie n ce, in clu din g b iblio ­ g ra p h ic in stru ction , a re re q uired . P re fe re n ce w ill b e g iven to c a n d i­ d a te s w ith lib ra ry a uto m a tion a nd o n lin e se arch e x pe rie n ce. C o nsid ­ e ra tion o f ca n d id a te s w ill beg in Ju ne 1. P lease send letter, resum e, a nd n a m e s, a d d re sses, a nd te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re ce nt re fe re n ce s to : E liza be th Rose, D irecto r, A nn e nb erg L ibrary a nd C o m ­ m u n ica tio n s C e nte r, P in e M a n o r C o lle g e , 3 10 H e ath S treet, C h estn ut Hill, M A 0 21 67 . T h is is a te n -m o n th p ositio n . M inim um s a la ry (2 years e xp e rie n ce ) is $ 24 ,09 3. IN F O R M A T IO N S P E C IA L IS T /R E S E A R C H . T h e C h a rle s A. D a na M e d ical L ib ra ry in vites a p p lica tio n s fo r th e positio n o f Inform ation S p e cia list/R e se a rch . T h e D a na M e d ical Library, th e o nly a ca d e m ic m e d ica l lib ra ry in V erm o nt, p ro vid e s in form atio n s e rvice s to the C o lle g e o f M e d icin e a nd th e S ch o o ls o f N u rsin g and A llie d H ealth 4 2 6 /C&RL News Library Positions The Robert W. Van Houten Library at NJIT seeks experienced, innovative and highly motivated information professionals to fill newly created positions: Director, Technical Information Services Directs all functions and operations of the technical information component of library; responsible for strategic planning, collection development, user liaison, facilities design, financial control and staff development. Ability to introduce innovative, responsible, cost-effective services as well as experience in computer-based systems, on-line sear­ ching and information marketing highly desirable. ALA accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in science or technology; super­ visory experience in a technical information center; excellent verbal and written communications skills. Public relations experience useful. $39,000 - $56,000. Director, Technical Precessing Services Directs all functions in the technical processing component of the library; considered an expert in library automation, acquisitions, cataloging, classification and indexing, and is experienced in use of OCLC, LC LCSH and AACR2. Responsible for operation of the DRA software system, establishing database standards, strategic planning, financial control and staff development. Ability to introduce innovations for improving user access to library resources as well as ex­ perience in cataloging and classification in computer-based systems required. ALA accredited MLS; excellent verbal and written communication skills; supervisory experience; experience in a library technical services organization. $37,000 - $53,000. Technical Reference Librarian Performs general reference services including literature searching and analysis and user education; implements user liaison program with selected departments; and develops print and non-print collections. Ability to devise new or improved products and services plus experience in computer-based systems, on-line searching, and collection evaluation highly desirable. ALA accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in science or technology; excellent verbal and written communica­ tion skills. $32,000 - $46,000. NJIT is the largest comprehensive technological university in the New York/New Jersey area with nearly 7500 students enrolled in baccalaureate through doctoral programs in Newark College of Engineering, the School of Architecture, the College of Science and Liberal Arts, and the School of Industrial Management. NJIT does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, handicap, religion, national or ethnic origin, lifestyle or age in employment. Send resum e: Personnel Box L. N e w J e r s e y I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y University Heights Newark, New Jersey 07102 Sciences, as well as the M edical C ente r Hospital o f V erm ont, the U niversity Health Center, and o utreach se rvice s to hospitals and unaffiliated health care p ra ctitioners throu g ho ut the state. W orking within a m atrix m a n ag em en t/a ca de m ic m odel, th e Inform ation S pe­ cia list reports to th e D irecto r o f the D ana Library and d esigns projects, seeks funding, and app lie s research skills in volving the d elivery o f inform ation to health p rofessionals. As part of a team of in form ation specialists, the position also p articipates in collection d evelopm ent, reference services, and b ibliographic instruction in the health sciences. Requirem ents: ALA-a ccre dite d m aster’s, dem ­ onstrated research skills, g rant-w riting experience, o ne y e a r of e xperience in in form ation dissem in atio n se rvices, w illin gn e ss to w o rk on a collegial level with oth e r faculty, e xcellen t co m m u nica ­ tio ns skills. Preference given to applicants w ith autom ation e xpe ­ rience, including netw orking; fa m ilia rity with the a cad em ic m edical cente r e nvironm ent and e lig ibility fo r m em bership in th e A cadem y o f Health Inform ation Professionals. A pp o intm e n t a t the rank of Assistant P rofessor. M inim um Salary: $ 28,000, dep en d in g on q u a li­ fications, w ith e xcellen t fringe benefits. App lica tio ns received by July 1 ,1 9 9 2 , w ill receive first consideration. Please subm it letter of application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and phone n um be rs of 3 re ferences to : C athy G oddard, Chair, Search C o m m itte e, C harles A. Dana M edical Library, U niversity of Verm ont, B urlington, VT 05405. UVM is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. W om en a nd p eople from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural back­ gro un ds are encouraged to apply. L IB R A R IA N , C ente r fo r Afro-Am erican S tudies. Responsible fo r participating in all a spects o f reference service, including reference d e sk service and b ibliographic in struction. A ct a s liaison to faculty departm ents. Prim ary re sponsibility fo r m anaging collection growth by regularly assessing, developing, and updating th e L ibrary’s collection. Supervise, train, and co ordin a te a ctivities o f several w o rk-stu dy students during th e a cad em ic year. Report to th e Direc­ to r o f the Center. Know ledge o f A frican-Am erican bibliography, social science b ackground; basic kn ow ledge o f budgeting, p erson­ nel a dm inistration, library autom ation, and planning; e xtensive mana- gerial/su p ervisory e xperience; su p e rio r in terpersonal skills and a bil­ ity to establish and m aintain effective w orking relationships with diverse individuals from diffe re n t edu catio n al and cultural back­ g ro un ds; strong service o rientation and self-m otivation required. Extensive e xperience in a cad em ic library; degree or courses in A frican-Am erican history a nd culture; fa m ilia rity w ith m icrocom put­ e rs and softw are are high ly d esirab le . $28,668 - $38,496. UCLA is an EOE/AA em ployer. Send application letter, a full resum e, and the nam es and add re sses o f a t le ast three re ferences to: R ita A. S cherrei, A ssociate U niversity Librarian, A dm inistrative and Person­ nel Services, U niversity Research Library, U C L A , 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, C A 9 0024-1575. C and id a te s applying b y Ju ne 15, 1992, will be given first consideration. L IB R A R Y : R E F E R E N C E /B IB LIO G R A P H E R , Business and Social Sciences, Assistant /Asso cia te Professor, tenure-track, calendar- y e a r position. U n de r th e im m ediate supe rvision o f th e Head of the Reference Unit, p rovide reference service, b ibliographic in struction, and d ata ba se searching. Responsible fo r co llection d evelopm ent in assigned s u bje ct a reas and fulfillm e n t o f facu lty responsibilities including research and service. Required: ALA-a ccre dite d M LS or equ iva le nt degree; m inim um o f 3 ye ars o f a cadem ic/research library experience. Preferred: additional su bje ct m a ster’s d egree; ability to co m m u nicate effectively in w ritten and spoken English; fam iliarity w ith b usiness re feren ce so urces; c o m p ute r skills including online d atabase searching; b ibliographic instruction e xperience; modern foreign la nguage; e xcellent interpersonal skills, including d em on ­ strated a bility to w o rk e ffe ctively w ith facu lty, staff, and students. Rank and salary com m ensurate w ith q u a lifica tio ns a nd e xperience. A t the A ssociate P rofessor level, th e candidate m ust h ave a dem on­ strated record o f publication and se rvice and 7 ye ars o f professional J u n e 1 9 9 2 /4 2 7 S m ithsonian In stitu tio n L ib ra rie s/ D ib n e r L ibrary 1993 Resident Scholar Program To encourage study of the history of science and technology, the Smithsonian Institution Libraries offers short-term study grants for 1-3 months to do research in the Dibner Library o f the History of Sci­ ence and Technology and other library collections o f the Smithsonian. The program is open to historians, librarians^ bibliographers, and pre- and postdoctoral students. Stipend: $l,500/m onth, to be used for any related purpose, including travel to Washington, D.C. For guidelines and application forms, write to Resident Scholar Program, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, NHB 24, Mail Stop 154, Washington, D.C. 20560. Program support is from The Dibner Fund. DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: NOVEMBER 2, 1992 library e xperience. Position w ill rem ain open until fille d : applications w ill be review ed b eginning Ju ly 1 5 ,1 9 9 2 . S ubm it le tte r o f application, resum e, and nam es o f 3 referen ces to : David C. M aslyn, Search C om m ittee Chair, Position # 141012, U n iv e rs ity o f R h o d e Isla n d , P.O. Box G, Kingston, Rl 02881. An a ffirm a tive action, equal o pp or­ tun ity em ployer. PR E SE R V A TIO N A D M IN IS T R A T IO N INTERN, C olu m b ia Univer­ sity Libraries. T h is is a tem po ra ry tw e lve-m o nth position funded by a g ra n t from the M ellon Foundation to su pp ort research-library preservation p rogram s nationally. Th e intern w ill rep ort to the A ssistant D irector fo r P reservation, and w ill spend tim e learning the o perations o f each Preservation Division unit, including th e C onser­ va tion Laboratory, the Preservation R eform atting Departm ent, and M aterials Processing. R esponsibilities w ill include surveying the condition o f a branch lib ra ry collection, assessing cu rre nt p reserva­ tion p rocedures and needs, assisting in p reparation of a grant proposal, and o th e r appro pria te special projects. Th e intern w ill have the opp ortun ity to p articipate in p lanning sessions, p olicy d iscus­ sions, and oth e r libraryw ide preservation activities. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents are kn ow ledge o f preservation and conse rva tion p ractices a nd tech n iqu e s as d em onstrated through previous relevant e xperience a nd /or successful com pletion o f a form al program in the p reservation o f research lib ra ry m aterials. We are particularly interested in m inority applicants fo r th is position. Salary is $ 31,100 per annum . Excellent ben efits in clu de a ssistance with U niversity housing and tuition exem ption fo r se lf and fam ily. Send resum e listing nam es, a ddresses, and phone n um bers o f three re ferences to : Kathleen M. W iltshire, D irecto r o f Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, C o lu m b ia U n iv e rs ity , 535 W e st 114th Street, New Y ork, NY 10027. Deadline fo r applications is Ju ly 31, 1992. An affirm ative action, equal o pportunity em ployer. REFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . Responsibilities: provide reference/re- search assistan ce to the U niversity C om m unity: p ro vide b iblio ­ graphic in struction; collection deve lo pm en t; o nline and CD-RO M reference d atabase searching; and facu lty liaison duties. Position requires reference desk rotation including nights and w eekends. Responsible to th e Head R eference Librarian. Q ualifications: MLS from ALA-a ccre dite d program . Facility with BRS a nd /or DIALOG preferred. M ust be se rvice oriented w ith good oral, w ritten, and interpersonal com m unication skills. Salary and F ringe Benefits: M inim um $21,000 dep en d in g on qualifications. T w elve-m onth a p ­ pointm ent. Benefits include participation in the State R etirem ent System , life and m edical insurance, 22 d a ys annual vacation and 10 designated holidays, 12 days annual accum ulative sic k days. The University: N ortheast Missouri State U niversity is the S tate’s liberal a rts and scie nce s institution. A lthough p rim arily an undergraduate institution, 8 M a ster’s d eg re es are offered. Enrollm ent is about 6,000. Library construction scheduled fo r com pletion sum m er 1992. Th e C om m unity: Kirksville has a population o f 17,000 p eople and is located a bout 90 m iles north o f Colum bia, 3-4 hours from Kansas City, St. Louis, and Des M oines. T h ousand Hills S tate Park with Forest Lake is nearby. A p p lica tio n: send le tte r o f application, resum e, three (3) letters o f reference, and undergraduate and g raduate tra nscripts to: G eorge N. Hartje, D irector of Libraries, Pickie r M em orial Library, N o rth e a s t M is s o u ri S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Kirksville, M O 6 3501. D eadline: June 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 . N ortheast M issouri State U niversity is an equal opp ortun ity em ployer. RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N (Ele ctro nic Services), Penn State H a r­ risburg, The C apital C ollege. C om puter-literate reference librarian to provide general reference services, technical expertise, and le ad e r­ ship in th e use, d evelopm ent, and m aintenance o f all a spects of co m p ute r-b ase d reference se rvices, telecom m unications, and net­ w o rks such as Internet. W ill oversee the d aily operation o f CD-RO M w o rksta tion s and o th e r m icrocom puters, including installation of h ardw are and softw are, diag n osis o f problem s, and routine m ainte­ nance; w ill provide expe rtise in th e planning fo r a p roposed local area netw o rk and furth e r enh an ce m e nts o f in form ation d elivery services; w ill prom ote th e use o f n etworks, including the Internet; w ill develop and d e live r tra in ing p rogram s fo r library facu lty, staff, and the University com m unity. Duties in clu de reference desk coverage (with sch ed uled e ven in g and w e eke n d hours), research assistance, course-related bib liog ra p hic instruction, o nline and CD -R O M litera­ ture searching, and collection developm ent. Successful candidate w ill dem on strate ability to co m m u nicate and w o rk e ffectively with students, faculty, staff, and adm inistrators. C a m p us facts: located in 4 2 8 / C&RL News Library Science Program URBAN LIBRARY YOUTH SPECIALIST FELLOWSHIPS AVAILABLE Students interested in working with youth from multi-ethnic/racial backgrounds in urban areas are encouraged to apply for one of eight (8) fellowships available in Wayne State University’s Library Science Program. The fellowships will provide tuition, fees, books, and a stipend for one year. The Library Science Program will provide funding for all management and project costs. To be eligible, applicants must meet Wayne State University Graduate School and Library Science Program admission criteria and must plan to specialize in public library youth services. Upon completion of the requirements for graduation, students will be awarded a Master o f Science in Library Science degree. Fellowship applicants should forward a letter of interest indicating current academic status, career goals, and a current resume by August 1, 1992 to: Dr. Carole J. McCollough, Urban Library Youth Fellowship, Library Science Program, Wayne State University, 106 Kresge Library, Detroit, MI 48202. These fellowships are made possible by a grant o f $86,400 from the U.S. Department o f Education, Office o f Educational Research and Improvement, HEA Title IIB. the Harrisburg m etropolitan a re a; approxim ately 2200 u pper-division students and 1110 graduate students; 140 faculty; 230,000 volum es; 975,000 m icroform s; 1,550 periodical subscriptions. Minim um R e­ quirem ents: A LA -accredited MLS o r e quivalent; professional expe­ rience a s pub lic se rvice s librarian and tho ro u gh know ledge o f reference resources and services; know ledge and practical e xperi­ e nce in com puter-based reference services and basic understanding o f telecom m unications; ability to m eet faculty standards fo r app oint­ m ent, prom otion, and ten u re ; subject m a ster’s desirable. Rank: Assistan t Librarian o r above, depending on e xperience and qua lifi­ cations. Salary: $27,000 o r above, depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits: Faculty status; liberal vacation/sick leave; life/health/dental care/vision insurance; choice o f State o r TIAA/ C R E F retirem ent plans; educational benefits; additional optional in surance and tax-sheltered a nnuity plans. S end letter o f application and resum e to: S andra Ja ckson, Box LIB, P en n S ta te H a rris b u rg , 7 77 W . Harrisburg Pike, M iddletown, PA 17057-4898. Clo sing date: Ju ly 15, 1992, o r until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. R EFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Reference librarian to provide public service p rim arily on w eekends and evenings. Experience in interli­ brary loan, bibliographic instruction, and supervision of paraprofes- sional/student staff desirable. MLS required. College and O C LC / Dynix experience preferred. Ten-m onth contract, starting August o r S eptem ber. Send a letter, vitae, including nam es and telephone num bers of a t least three references by June 19 to: Dee Jacobs, D irector o f P ersonnel, W e s tm in s te r C o lle g e of S alt Lake City, 1840 South East, Salt Lake City, U T 84105. EEO. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Anticipated va cancy; Fall 1992; tw elve- m onth, tenure-track position. Responsible fo r general reference services, research assistance, d atabase searching, and interlibrary loan; docu m e nts policies and procedures and coordinates p roce­ d ures relating to oth e r d epartm ents. Position reports to the Director o f the Library and supervises a professional as well as p araprofes­ sionals and student assistants. Q ualifications: A LA-accredited MLS, plus professional reference and su pervisory e xperience required; CD -R O M and m icrocom puter experience desirable. R ank and salary are dep en d en t upon experience and qualifications. Send letter o f application; resum e; the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references. Review o f a pplications w ill begin im m ediately and will continue until the position is filled. A pply to : Tim othy C. M urphy, D irecto r Human Resources, W e s tfie ld S ta te C o lle g e , W estfield, MA, 01086. A n affirm ative action, equal opportunity e m ­ ployer. R EFERENCE L IB R A R IA N /EN G IN E E R IN G -P H Y SIC A L S CIEN CES B IB L IO G R A P H E R . Th e U niversity o f Nevada, Las Vegas, a dynamic, urban university with over 19,500 students, is seeking an innovative, service-oriented R eference Librarian/Engineering-Physical Sciences Bibliographer at the rank o f Instructor o r A ssistant Professor. R espon­ sibilities: R eports to the Head Reference Librarian. Duties include general and su bje ct specific reference a ssistan ce from central refer­ e nce collection; library instruction; m icrocom puter knowledge and d atabase searching; facu lty liaison and collection developm ent for engineering, com p ute r science, environm ental studies and selected physical sciences. Shares evening and w eekend reference desk assignm ents. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, excellent inter­ p ersonal and co m m u nicatio n s skills, analytical ability, flexibility, initiative, ability to w o rk e ffectively with patrons and staff, and dem ­ onstrated com m itm ent to public services required. A cadem ic back­ gro un d and /or library expe rie n ce in relevant subject area; experience with electronic inform ation resources; d atabase searching e xperi­ ence preferred. Salary: $34,246 m inim um . Application: Librarians have twelve-m onth, tenure-track a ppointm ents with 2 4 days paid vacation p e r y e a r a nd are expected to m eet prom otion and tenure requirem ents. R eview o f candidates w ill begin on Ju ly 1 ,1 9 9 2 . Send le tte r o f application, resum e, and have th re e letters o f reference sent to : M àry M. Harrison, Chair, D ickinson Library, U n iv e rs ity o f Nevada, L a s V eg a s, 4505 M aryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. UNLV is an AA/E E O institution. S EN IO R REFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N /C O O R D IN A T O R O F P U B LIC S ER VIC ES. Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, se eks an experienced academ ic librarian to head th e reference departm ent and to coordinate reference, circulation, and audiovisual services. Salve Regina University, with a total e nrollm ent o f 2500 students, offers b achelor's and m aster’s d egrees and a Ph.D. degree in H um anities. The University Library occupied the present 68,000 square foo t building in 1991 and has installed Innovative Interfaces system (including a cq u isitio n s and se ria ls contro l su bsystem s), Logicraft-based C D -R O M netw ork o f 16 databases, and loaded Expanded A cadem ic Index onto the Innovative system . Som e o f the specific dutie s : o rganizes and provides reference services; coordi­ nates w o rks o f reference, circulation, and audiovisual departm ents; assists th e D irector o f th e Library in long range planning and devel­ opm en t o f the Library; and acts as the Director o f the Library in his absence. Reports to the D irector o f the Library. Position requires ALA- J u n e 1 9 9 2 / 4 2 9 Assistant Archivist John J. Burns Library W ill w ork w ith U niversity records and literary and historical m anuscripts. The literary and historical collections em phasize Irish history and culture, the w orks of British Catholic authors, the history and practice of nursing, Am erican detec­ tive fiction, history and culture of the Caribbean, Catholic liturgy and life in A m erica and the history and culture of the city of Boston. Prim ary duties include arranging and describing Boston College records, providing reference service to researchers using U niversity records, planning and im plem enting records m anagem ent and outreach activities, and supervising student assis­ tants. Requires in addition to the qu alifications listed below, the ability to w ork effectively w ith faculty, staff, students and patrons; and know ledge of and experience w ith records m anagem ent. Project Archivist Congressional Archives This is a grant funded position w ith funding available for up to five years. The Project A rch iv ist w ill oversee the processing of the Congressional A rch ives collections. The Congressional A rch iv es Program is designed to collect and make available the historical records o f Boston College graduates w ho have held elective or appointive office on the national or state level. Under the direction of the Head of the A rch ives and M anu scripts Department, the Project A rch iv ist is responsible fo r the arrangem ent and description of the Congressional A rch ives collections, for supervising student assistants, and provid ing reference services to researchers using the Congressional records. Requires in addition to the qualifications listed below , experience processing large collections. Both positions require an ALA-accredited M L S and/or M A in appropriate field. Preferred qu alifications include certification from the A cad em y of Certified Archivists; archival training at the graduate level; at least tw o y ears' profes­ sional archival experience in an academ ic or research institution; experience in processing archival records; good w ritten and oral com m unication skills; and experience supervising support staff and students. Salary from $26,100 depending on qualifications. Com prehensive benefits include tw enty-tw o days vacation, tuition rem ission and m edical insurance program s. To apply, send tw o copies o f both a letter of application and resum e and the nam es of three refer­ ences to: R ic h a rd J e ff e r s o n , D ire c to r o f E m p lo y e e R e la tio n s, D e p a rtm e n t o f H u m an R e s o u rc e s , B o s to n C o lle g e , M o re H all 3 1 5 , C h e s t n u t H ill, M a s s a c h u s e t ts 0 21 6 7 . A p p licatio n s received before Ju n e 30,1992 w ill be given first consideration. BOSTON COLLEGE A Jesuit University 4 3 0 / C&RL News accredited MLS and e xperience in a cadem ic library service. Salve Regina U niversity a pp oints lib ra ria n s as facu lty o r staff. Active e ngagem ent in stud ie s fo r the doctorate degree is expected fo r faculty a ppointm ent as Instructor. An earned doctorate degree is required to be eligible fo r appointm ent as Assistan t Professor. Salary and ben­ efits: com petitive. A pplication deadline: June 2 0 ,1 9 9 2 . Send letter of application, resum e, and three letters o f reference to: Thom as P. Flanagan, D irector o f A dm inistration, S alve R e g in a U n iv e rs ity , N ewport, Rl 02840. T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC E LIB R A R IA N , C oncordia U niversity: Seeking a Technical Service Librarian to be responsible fo r technical service a ctivities and also assist w ith reference and selection. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required and prefer a candidate e xpe­ rienced with cataloging, O CLC, o nline bibliographic searching, and library com puter a pplication. G ood interpersonal skills a re expected. C om m itm ent to Lutheran education and values co ngruent w ith the Lutheran church are required. W om en and m inorities a re encouraged to apply. Concordia is an equal opportunity em ployer. Salary range: $ 21 ,000-$25,000, plus e xcellen t ben efit plan. Position open July 1, 1992. Send application and resum e to: Henry Latzke, Director of Library Services. C o n c o rd ia U n iv e rs ity , 7400 Augusta, River Forest, IL 60305-1499. T E C H N IC A L SER VIC ES L IB R A R IA N , University Libraries, Univer­ sity o f the Pacific. R esponsibilities: reports to the A ssociate Dean of Libraries. C o ordinates activities o f technical services including A cqui­ sitions (m onographs and serials), C ataloging, and S ystem s M ainte­ nance. Coordinates autom ation o f library system s. Coordinates seri­ als inventory, cataloging; oversee m aintenance o f serials database. S upervises Acquisition/C ollection D evelopm ent Librarian, Catalog Librarian; technical services staff also includes 6 FTE staff positions. Develops policies and procedures fo r Technical Services and partici­ pates in discussions of library policies. R esponsible fo r collection d evelopm ent in assigned subject areas. Q ualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS. Three to five years professional library experience with at le ast tw o years technical services and system s experience, prefer­ ably in an academ ic library. Required: Dem onstrated supervisory skills; knowledge o f all a reas o f technical services managem ent; e xperience w ith autom ated system s; serials cataloging skills or experience. Dem onstrated skills in problem solving; listening, oral, and w ritten com m unication skills; proven ability to w o rk independently and cooperatively with patrons, colleagues, and staff. Com m itm ent to library service and the profession. Rank, Salary: appointm ent at the rank o f assistant o r associate professor. Salary from $40,000, d e ­ pending on q ualifications and experience. Librarians are expected to m eat university tenure and prom otion requirem ents. T w enty-four days of vacation, 11 holidays, TIAA/CREF, and generous benefits. Appli­ cation: S end le tte r o f application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f th re e current references to : Jean Purnell, Associate Dean o f Libraries, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f th e P a c ific , University Libraries, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, California 95211. A pplica­ tio n s w ill be accepted until the position is filled but those received by June 30, 1992, w ill receive first consideration. UOP is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. U N IV E R S IT Y E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e rs ity of N o tre D a m e s e e k s an in d iv id u a l w ith a u n iq u e c o m b in a tio n of a b ilitie s to fill th is d e p a rtm e n t-h e a d -le v e l p o s itio n . Th e s u c c e s s ­ fu l c a n d id a te w ill p o s s e s s : a stro n g b a c k g ro u n d in e n g in e e rin g ; fa m ilia rity w ith c o m p u te rs a n d o n lin e s e a rc h in g ; a n d e n th u sia sm fo r c re a tin g a p a tro n -fo c u s e d b ra n ch lib ra ry p ro g ra m . R e s p o n s i­ b ilitie s in c lu d e : a d m in is tra tio n o f tw o b ra n c h lib ra rie s (E n g in e e r­ ing a nd A rc h ite c tu re ); c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t; p ro g ra m d e sig n ; p a tro n c o m m u n ic a tio n s ; o n lin e s e a rc h in g ; re fe re n c e ; lib ra ry in ­ s tru c tio n ; a n d p a rtic ip a tio n in d iv is io n a l a nd lib ra ry w id e p lan n in g. Q u a lific a tio n s : g ra d u a te d e g re e in L ib ra ry S c ie n c e fro m an A LA - a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; d e g re e in o r e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e o f th e lite ra tu re a nd te rm in o lo g y o f e n g in e e rin g ; c o m m itm e n t to d e v e l­ o p in g s e rv ic e -o rie n te d b ra n ch lib ra rie s ; e x p e rie n c e u sin g e le c ­ tro n ic in fo rm a tio n a l re s o u rc e s ; a nd s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l and c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills a re re q u ire d . P re v io u s s u p e rv is o ry e x p e ­ rie n c e d e s ira b le . P o s itio n in fo rm a tio n : m in im u m s a la ry $ 2 9 ,0 0 0 . E x c e lle n t b e n e fits p a cka g e . A p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n : T o a p p ly se nd le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n and nam e, a d d re ss, a nd p h o n e n u m b e r o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : S h a ro n V e ith , H um an R e so u rce s R e p re ­ s e n ta tiv e , U n iv e r s ity o f N o tre D a m e L ib ra rie s , N o tre D am e, IN 4 6 5 5 6 . A p p lic a tio n s w ill be a cce p te d u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f N o tre D a m e is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo ye r. Late Job Listings BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN, Clemson University Libraries. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Head o f Reference, assists Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator in developing and providing library instruction and tours, primarily for freshman orientation and outreach programs. Provides general refer­ ence assistance, in-depth reference consultation service, online searching, biblio­ graphic instruction and collection development in the subject areas o f psychology, sociology, forestry, and parks, recreation and tourism management. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; strong commitment to public service in an electronic resources environment; excellent oral and written communications skills. Highly desirable: degree in social sciences or natural resources. Minimum salary: $22,000. Attractive benefits package: TIAA/CREF, state and other retirement plans, medical and dental insurance options. Clemson University Libraries, an important research facility in the Southeast, offers the NOTIS online catalog and a locally mounted database system using BRS Search software. Applications received by July 15, 1992, will receive first consideration. Please send letter o f application, resume, the names, telephone num­ bers, and addresses of 3 references to: Priscilla Wentworth, Chair, Bibliographic Instruction Librarian Search Committee, R. M. Cooper Library, Clemson Univer­ sity, Clemson, SC 29634-3001. Clemson University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction o f Head of Special Collections, coordinates special collections reference services and provides in- depth reference. Works closely with Director o f Libraries in compilation and editing J u n e 1 9 9 2 / 4 3 1 o f library newsletter. Coordinates collection Processing Program, including auto­ mated processes for organization o f and access to rare book, manuscript and archival collections. Assists department head in collection development activities and in public outreach programs, including graduate and undergraduate class presentations and Friends o f Libraries programs. Shares responsibility for planning and installation of exhibits and writing o f exhibit catalogs. Supervises 1.5 FTE paraprofessional and student employees. ALA-accredited master’s degree with coursework in rare books, manuscript or archives, or related experience in special collections. Requires excellent writing and oral communication skills with strong service orientation. Ability to supervise and direct staff. Ability to interact and work with faculty, students, and staff, as well as the general public. Experience and/or knowledge o f online catalogs and word processing. Familiarity with processes o f editing and print production preferred. Knowledge o f desktop publishing and OCLC cataloging practice desirable. $21,000 minimum salary depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits package. As the research library for a four-campus system, the University of Houston Libraries, holdings exceed 1.6 million volumes. Major new funding for expansion o f technology, collections, and services within the libraries has been achieved. The current Inte­ grated Library System is being replaced by a comprehensive library information system. Total staff currently includes 42 professionals and 155 support staff. The library is a member o f ARL. Review o f applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews at ALA may be arranged. Send letter o f application, names o f 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Provides creative leadership in planning, developing, and administering information services programs in a dynamic, service- oriented, and highly automated environment. Information Services consists of programs in reference services, collection development, government publications, library instruction, information literacy, and an Electronic Publications Center including a CD-ROM LAN network. Planning for a major expansion o f the Electronic Publications Center is underway. Provides direction and leadership in the use of electronic formats, and in the development o f computer-assisted support for infor­ mation services. Staff includes 12 librarians, 10 support staff, and student employ­ ees. Requires ALA-accredited Master’s degree; proven successful experience in information services in an academic library; demonstrated planning, management, and interpersonal skills; excellent analytical and communication skills; and a strong user-oriented philosophy. Candidates must possess a knowledge o f emerging infor­ mation technologies and applications to libraries. Requires a strong commitment to responsive and innovative service and the ability to provide effective leadership while working cooperatively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Salary $35,000 minimum depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits package. As the research library for a four-campus system, the University o f Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.6 million volumes. Major new funding for expansion of technology, collections, and services within the libraries has been achieved. The current Integrated Library System is being replaced by a comprehensive library information system. Total staff currently includes 42 professionals and 155 support staff. The Library is a member o f ARL. Review o f applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews at ALA may be arranged. Send letter o f application, names o f 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University o f Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Equal Opportunity Employer. COORDINATOR OF COMPUTER-BASED REFERENCE SERVICES AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University o f Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position o f Coordinator o f Computer-Based Reference Services and Reference Librarian. Principal duties include responsibility for the 4 3 2 /C & R L New s planning and coordination o f the Library’s computer-based reference services o f the department, including online services (Litquest), CD-ROMs, and other emerging computer-based technologies for the delivery o f information; responsibility for the supervision and training o f CD-ROM monitors; participating in the other services of the Reference Department, including reference service at the Ellis Reference Desk, regular library orientation and instruction, online searching, and collection develop­ ment. Requirements: Requires minimum o f a Master's degree from an ALA-accred- ited program and excellent communication and interpersonal skills to deal with people o f all levels o f library and computer expertise; strong service orientation; ability to promote library services; creativity and initiative; ability to work success­ fully as a team member. Must possess knowledge o f computerized databases and be proficient using various online services (BRS, Dialog, etc.) and CD-ROMs. Two or more years experience using computer-based reference sources, including online, end- user and CD-ROM systems. Second master’s preferred and reference experience in an academic or research library desirable. Minimum Salary: $32,000+ for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days per year, vested retirement after 5 years, dental insurance, and other normal fringe benefits, including 75% tuition waiver. The University: The University o f Missouri was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one o f the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with nearly 250 degree programs. The University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body o f 24,000 and a faculty o f 1,800 with a collection o f over 2.4 million volumes and over 4.7 million microforms. An online catalog and integrated circulation system serves the four campuses o f the University system. Columbia is in the middle o f the state on 1-70, only 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake o f the Ozarks major recreational area. The University and two other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the ACCRA composite index, the cost o f living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Available August 15, 1992. Send letter o f application, names and addresses o f three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 (CRL) Ellis Library, University o f Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201-5149. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by July 15, 1992. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University o f Missouri-St. Louis, Thomas Jefferson Library is seeking a librarian for general reference desk and associated responsibili­ ties and to participate in collection development. Required qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS and a commitment to excellent service and professional devel­ opment. Experience in some or all o f the following preferred: reference, bibliographic instruction, use o f an online catalog, online searching, and collection development in an academic library. A subject master’s degree is desirable. Salary: $22,500 mini­ mum, commensurate with experience. To apply send letter o f application, resume, and the names o f three references by July 15, 1992, to: Sandra Snell, University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. Phone (314) 553-5060. The University of Missouri strongly encourages the application of minorities and women.