ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 938 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart American Western Song: Poems from 1976 to 2001, by Victor W. Pearn (387 pages, No­ vember 2000), is a poetic exploration of Pearn’s experiences living in Colorado a n d going through Marine basic training during the Viet­ nam War. The poem s are short, expressive, nostalgic, and visual. A good choice for 20th- century American poetry collections. $25.00. Xlibris Corporation. ISBN 0-7388-3867-5. The Biology o f Science Fiction Cinema, by Mark C. Glassy (296 pages, April 2001), ex­ am ines the scientific principles underlying such horror and science fiction films as Bride o f Frankenstein and Jurassic Park. Glassy takes 79 different films and assesses the biology presented in each, re­ views what technology would be needed to achieve the results, and concludes w hether any of the plots could actually have hap­ pen ed . Fifteen chapters cover different biological disciplines, from cell biology (The Blob) and molecular biology (The Fly) to he­ matology (blouse o f Dracula), en­ to m o lo g y (T h e m f), a n d “shrinkology” (Fantastic Voyage). For film buffs, it will be a revelation to see w hat the real odds are on transplanting heads, creating artificial skin, or transforming people into snakes, zombies, or giant insects. With m uch speculative fiction turning into scientific fact on a daily basis, this guidebook is required reading. $39-95. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-0998-3. D ragon Hunter: Roy Chapm an A ndrew s and the C e n tral A s ia tic Exp e d itio n s, by Charles Gallenkam p (344 pages, May 2001), is the first full-length biography of the ex­ plorer w ho betw een 1922 and 1930 organized five expeditions into the Gobi Desert for the American Museum of Natural History, still one o f the least-know n regions on the planet. G eorge M. E b e rh a rt is sen io r e d ito r o f A m e ric a n Libraries; e-m ail: geberhart@ Using automobiles supported by camel cara­ vans, Andrews led a team of scientists w ho discovered a wealth of dinosaur fossils, includ­ ing m any fossilized eggs and the first bones of a Velociraptor. Although they failed to find any trace of fossil hum an remains, their adventures made headlines worldwide. Gallenkamp recap­ tures the excitement of their encounters with sandstorms, brigands, and Mongolian Commu­ nist bureaucrats, and highlights the importance of the palaeontological record they uncovered. $29-95. Viking. ISBN 0-670-89093-6. The E s s e n tia l G u id e to th e Best (and Worst) Legal Sites o n th e W eb, by R obert J. Ambrogi (370 pages, July 2001), does pretty m uch w hat the title advertises, pro v id in g starred, o n e -p a ra g ra p h sum m aries of Web sites dealing with legal top­ ics from copyright and Net law to criminal justice and torts. Re­ views are qualitative and based on overall usefulness, content, design, accessibility, and creativ­ ity. Should you use FindLaw or to look for court opin­ ions, or go somewhere else? This book will help you make a reasonable choice. $34.95. ALM Publishing, 105 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-9705970-3-7. E x tin c t Birds, by Errol Fuller (398 pages, re­ vised ed., April 2001), is a historical account of bird species that have becom e extinct in the past 400 years. Besides presenting infor­ mation that has been expanded from the 1987 edition, this volum e rehabilitates three spe­ cies that have b e e n rediscovered in the in­ terim (Je rd o n ’s courser, th e fo u r-co lo red flowerpecker, and the forest owlet) and adds several (including three from North America—- the ivory-billed w oodpecker, the Eskimo cur­ lew, and Bachm an’s w arbler) that are now likely gone. Beautifully illustrated with p h o ­ tos a n d paintings (som e by the author) of both familiar birds (the d odo and the moa) C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 939 and the unfamiliar, Fuller’s b ook chronicles the discovery and loss of each. $49-95. Cornell University. ISBN 0-9014-3954-X. For Love o f Le arn in g (204 pages, May 2001) is a catalog of the special collections and pri­ mary sources available at the University of Louisville Libraries and Archives, which is par­ ticularly rich in the history of the Irish Liter­ ary Renaissance, th e history of books and printing, and pop u lar culture. Though m uch of the catalog is available on the library’s Web site at, the print version is m ore brow sable and serendipitous. To request a copy, contact Special Collections and Archives, Ekstrom Library, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. G ettysburg: The First Day, by Harry W. Pfanz (472 pages, July 2001), lives up to the quality of th e a u th o r’s earlier w orks on Gettysburg’s second day and the b a ttle s a ro u n d C em etery a n d C ulp’s hills. Pfanz, retired Na­ tional Park Service chief histo­ rian a n d G ettysburg N ational Military Park historian, has writ­ ten the definitive w ork on the battle of July 1, 1863, with m uch more detail than Warren Hassler’s 1970 Crisis a t the Crossroads. The first day, often neglected by his­ torians in favor of the later engagem ents of Round Top and Pickett’s Charge, w as just as crucial, with General Buford’s cavalry delay­ ing Confederate forces sufficiently to allow arriving infantry to secure the high ground that becam e decisive later on; and Confeder­ ate General Ewell’s failure to press an attack by the e n d of the day, w hich resulted in one of the m any controversial “w hat if s” of the battle. A definitive analysis that is essential for Civil War collections. $34.95. University of North Carolina. ISBN 0-8078-2624-3. H an d b o o k o f N orse M yth o lo g y, by John Lindow (365 pages, June 2001), summarizes the deities, them es, and concepts in the Scan­ dinavian eddic and skaldic poetry and the writings of Snorri Sturluson that constitute the bulk of w ritten Norse myth. Descriptions of bo th m ajor and m inor gods and heroes are concise a n d straightforw ard, w ith original sources credited throughout. Books and ar­ ticles suggested for further reading are often in German, Norwegian, or Icelandic as well as in English. A reliable and handy reference. $55.00. ABC-Clio. ISBN 1-57607-217-7. Ig n itin g K in g P h ilip 's War, by Yasuhide Kawashima (201 pages, June 2001), examines the background and criminal proceedings of one of the first landmark cases in North Ameri­ can law, the trial for the murder of Wampanoag Indian Jo h n Sassamon in the Plymouth colony of New England in 1675. Sassamon may have been killed by three of his ow n people for threatening to reveal to the colonists that the W ampanoag w ere getting ready to attack; that certainly was the decision of the court, which -sen ten ced th e three to death. H o w e v e r, th e tria l w a s th e flashpoint for conflict with the W am panoags that cam e to be know n as King Philip’s War. Not only had the Plymouth colonists usurped their jurisdiction in the case, but it was a rush to judg­ m ent beset with procedural vio­ lations and neglected forensic evi­ dence. Ultimately, it also set a pre­ cedent for treating local Native A m erican s n o t as c o e x is tin g equals, but as m arginalized vas­ sals w h o after th e w a r w e re forced to live in designated vil­ lages under the strict rule of colonial law with n o o p p o rtu n ity to particip ate as citizens. $29.95. University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0- 7006-1092-8. ( “University Libraries Section . . co n tin u e d fr o m p a g e 914) communities together. “While the book supports one particular inteipretive community, the library can serve to bring different disciplines together.” This can be done through simple peripheral clues such as the display of new book jackets and a new book shelf. Discussion following the panelists presenta­ tions revolved around ways in which libraries and librarians can open these types of discussions in their institutions and help create a learning environment that takes advantage of changing technologies without losing a sense of place.— M a r y L a sk ow sk i, U n i v e r s it y o f I llin o is , m k s c h n e i® u i u c . e d u ■