ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 947 C L A S S I F I E D A d s Career opportunities fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:// Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude POSITIONS OPEN A RC H IVIST/SPEC IA L C O LLECTIO N S LIBRARIAN. Position: Fac­ ulty rank, tenure-track, 12-m onth appointm ent, I. D. W eeks Library, U niversity of South Dakota. Seeking an individual w ho will serve as the Library’s Archivist/Special Collections Librarian. R esponsiblefor overall d ep a rtm e n to p era tio nsin clu d ing p ro je ctm a n ag e m e ntfo r the archives and continued im plem entation of EAD. Prim ary responsibilities are to collect, appraise, organize, and preserve prim ary source m aterials and printed items relating to the University of South Dakota and th e South Dakota region, including its W estern Am ericana rare book collection, and to provide assistance to researchers using these materials. Develops collection through active outreach to the University C om m u­ nity, potential donors, and granting agencies. Provides original catalog­ ing of m anuscript and other special collections materials, including subject cataloging of USD theses and dissertations. Participates in reference services, bibliographic instruction, and collection develop­ ment. Excellence in teaching is expected, both in th e classroom and in m entoring students o u tsid e th e classroom . Supervises one FTE and student assistants. Qualifications: M inim um qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS with a specialization in Archives and Records M anagem ent or other form al training in archival theory and practice. Experience in academ ic archives and special collections. Experience with bibliographic utilities; ability to perform original cataloging including m anuscript cataloging; know ledge of m icrocom puter appli­ cations and database software; fam iliarity with HTM L markup language and know ledge of Encoded Archival Description; a bility to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective w ritten and oral skills. Additional desirable qualifications include: 1) practical experience with archives and special collections, USMARC-AMC format, digitization of source material and project m anagem ent skills; 2) fam iliarity with records m anagem ent issues fo r university archives; 3) a second m aster’s degree in history or another relevant subject field (will be required fo rte n u re and promotion). Salary: C om m ensurate with qualifications, salary range in the low to mid $30s. Application Procedure: Subm it letter of application, résum é, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Archivist/ Special Collections Librarian Search C om m ittee, I. D. W eeks Library, U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th D akota, 414 East Clark Street, Verm illion, SD 57069-2390. Application Deadline: Review o f applications will begin O ctob e r26,2001, and will continue until position is filled. The University o f South Dakota is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer co m m itte d to increasing the d ive rsity of its faculty, sta ff, and adm inistration. A RTS LIBRARIAN (VISU A L AND PER FOR M IN G A RTS). Califor­ nia State University, Long Beach ( Tenure-track position available June 1 ,2 0 0 2 . This position will be responsible for reference service, collection developm ent, instruction, and library liaison/outreach to students and faculty fo r fo u r departm ents of the discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2 -3 weeks before the printed edition of C&FtL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state lib raryassociationsforprofessional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations forminimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professionalvacancies. For additional information onlibrarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 •R athe r than esta b lish one sta te w id e salary m inim um , som e state associa tio ns have adopted a fo rm u la based on va ria b le s such as co m parable sa la ries fo r pub lic school te a ch ers in each com m unity, o r th e grade level o f a profe ssio n al librarian post, in th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co nta ct th e sta te association fo r m inim um salary inform ation. " T h e s e recom m e n d atio n s a pply only to public librarians. C ollege of the Arts: m usic, theatre arts, art, and design. The appointee will provide reference service in a busy, highly autom ated centralized environment. C SULB librarians are expected to participate in university and library governance andtoengage in professional activities, including research and publication. The position requires an ALA-accredited professional library degree; other required and desired qualifications are described in the application packet. Rank and salary will be com m ensurate with qualifications and experience ($48,156— $74,352; 948 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 HEAD OF CATALOGING University of Akron The University of Akron Libraries seeks a dynamic librarian to provide leadership and direction for its Cataloging Department. University Libraries (Bierce Library, the Science and Technology Library, and Archival Services) operates with a faculty of 30 librarians and 35 additional staff members. This research library has a collection of 1.1 million bound volumes and an annual budget of $5.5 million. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Cataloging coordinates and sets the direction of departmental operations, leading four paraprofessionals and four library faculty. He/she actively participates in the overall management of the University Libraries, reporting directly to the Dean of Libraries. The department head advocates for library users and employees and is involved in state and national groups as appropriate. The department catalogs an average of 30,000 titles per year in a variety of formats, for three university and several nonuniversity libraries. Formats include electronic resources, archival materials, music scores, sound recordings, and audiovisual and curriculum center materials. Some projects are outsourced to OCLC’s TechPro service. UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY: The University of Akron ( is the third-largeststate- assisted university in Ohio. There are 10 academic colleges offering 22,000 students more than 300 undergraduate and master’s degree programs and options, 17 doctoral degree programs, and four law degree programs. University of Akron Libraries is a founding member and active participant in OhioLink, a consortium of 79 college and university libraries in Ohio. Akron is located 30 miles south of Cleveland, in a metropolitan area of roughly 500,000 people. It provides an attractive combination of the arts, sports, and natural resources, during its mild winters and warm summers. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; demonstrated recent success in supervising permanent employees; five years of relevant, increasingly responsible professional library experience in an academic or research setting; good written and verbal communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills; thorough knowledge of OCLC’s cataloging subsystem and of the cataloging component of at least one integrated library system; thorough understanding of AACR2 and LCRIs, LCSH, and LC classification; ability to work in, and capitalize on, the benefits of a networked environment; willingness to teach, passing on knowledge and responsibility within the Cataloging Department. Preferred: Project management experience; working knowledge of Innovative Interfaces cataloging system and MS Office; familiarity with Dewey classification; demonstrated knowledge of the scholarly research process; a record of professional contributions demonstrating potential to meet the Library Faculty’s tenure and promotion requirement. SALARY/APPOINTMENT/BENEFITS: Salary competitive with a minimum of $52,000 for a 12-month tenure-track appointment with full faculty status and responsibilities. Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications, experience, and credentials. Excellent benefits, including 22 annual vacation days, health and retirement plans, professional development support, and tuition fee remission for self and immediate family. TO APPLY: Please send letter of application specifically addressing qualifications for this position, current vitae or résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Delmus E. Williams Dean of University Libraries The University of Akron Akron, OH, 44325-1701 Review of applications will begin November 1, 2001, and will continue until position is filled. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. th is salary range m ay increase as a consequence o f collective bargaining).T he position will remain open until an appointm ent has been m ade; review o f ca ndidates w ill begin D e ce m b e rs, 2001, and continue through early spring 2002. To request an application packet, o rfo r further inform ation, conta ct the library adm inistrative office: (562) 985-7839; e-m ail: nancyk@ . California State University Long Breach is an equal o pportunity em ployer co m m itte d to excellence through diversity, and takes pride in its m ulticultural environm ent. An equal o pportunity, a ffirm ative action, and Title IX em ployer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . The Library at California State University, M onterey Bay seeks aC oord in a to rto provide leadership in planning, organizing, and m anaging Bibliographic Services including acquisitions, cataloging, and serials. M anages th e w orkflow fo r acquiring, describing, and preserving the Library’s collection of electronic, print, and m edia resources. P articipates in reference services, inform ation com petency instruction, and collection develop­ ment. F o ra fu ll position description, please see: h ttp://csum faculty/. CSU M onterey Bay is a highly collaborative and creative C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 949 EDUCATION REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN California State University, Hayward Tenure-track, 12-month; No. 02-03 LIBR-PUBLSERV/EDUC-TT. DUTIES: Be responsible for both instructional and collection development activities for the departments in the School of Education and Allied Studies, and other academic departments; teach one or more sections of LIBRARY 1010, a credit-bearing information competence course, and other for-credit and/or non­ credit classes; serve at the centralized reference desk during day, evening, and weekend hours; develop relevant reference and instructional materials; and perform other duties as assigned. Librarians enjoy faculty rank and privileges and are expected to engage in continuing professional development, service, and scholarly activities to be recommended for tenure and promotion. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; experience with and/or demonstrated knowledge of Web-based and Internet resources and tools; demonstrated ability to work collegially in a diverse, fast-paced environment; demonstrated ability in classroom teaching; familiarity with the principles of information competence; flexibility in handling a variety of general reference activities; strong service and work ethic; and demonstrated commitment to engage in research and/or continued professional development worthy of promotion and tenure as a faculty member. Desired: Academic training and/or subject expertise in the field of education; public service experience in an academic or large public library; experience teaching formal classes and/or making other types of presentations to groups; and familiarity with presentation software, and the design and development of Web pages. RANK AND SALARY: Senior Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary: $48,156. For full description of the position: APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Please submit a letter summarizing your ability to meet the requirements of the position, a complete and current vita, graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation {including phone numbers and e-mail references) to: Office of the University Librarian California State University, Hayward 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Hayward, CA 94542 Phone: (510) 885-3664 Fax:(510)885-2049 Email: Application review will begin on November 15, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. The position is available beginning July 1, 2002. Work authorization required. California State University Hayward is an equal opportunity employer. e nvironm ent requiring a sincere com m itm ent to advancing C SU M B's academ ic goals, as identified in th e U niversity Vision S tatem ent. This is a 12-month, tenu re-trackfaculty appointment (position #FAC 2001 -0023) with a salary of approxim ately $51,000. First consideration given to applications received by Novem ber 2 ,2 0 0 1 . A pply to: Faculty Recruit- m ent/H um an R esources D e v e lo p m e n ts EEO, C alifornia State U ni­ versity, M onterey Bay, 100 Cam pus Center, Building 80, Seaside, CA 93955-8001; phone: (831) 582-3389; fax: (831) 582-3040. E-mail app licatio n sare encouraged: faculty_recruitm ent@ csum C O LLECTIO N D E VELO PM EN T LIBR A RIAN . University of South Florida St. Petersburg. N on-tenured, 12-m o n th a ppointm ent. R espon­ sibilities: C oordinates library collection developm ent to m eet instruc­ tional and research needs o f cam pus. Duties: A ssessm ent and evaluation of collections; developm ent o f policies and procedures; coordination o f m aterials selection and budget; fa cu lty liaison; gifts and d onor relations; p articipation in reference and bibliographic instruction. Service and research activities are required. Qualifications: MLS from A LA-accredited program ; experience and know ledge of academ ic collection developm ent; excellent com m unication and inter­ personal skills; d em o n stra te d a ssessm e n t and a na lytica l skills. Preferred Qualifications: Additional postgraduate degree, bibliographic instruction, a nd /or reference experience. Salary: $32,500, negotiable. F o rfu ll position description, visit: w w w Send letter of application, vita, and nam es of three references to: B arbara Reynolds, P oynter Library, U niversity of South Florida St. Petersburg, 1407th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Applications must be received by O ctober 20, 2001, to be considered. According to Florida law, applications and m eetings regarding this position are open to the public. All positions are contingent on funding. USF is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative access institution. For disability accom m odations, contact: (727) 553-1151 o rTD D : (813) 974-1510 a m inim um of five working days in advance. C UR R IC ULUM LIBR A RIAN . The C ollege of Sa in t Rose seeks a librarian to provide leadership and vision fo r its educational m aterials center. This collection, soon to becom e part of th e new Lally Education Center, is a vital resource fo r the co lle g e ’s education program s. The curriculum librarian will have overall responsibilities fo r the operation o f this facility and its staff, and the librarian w ill participate in reference, collection m anagem ent, and library instruction. M inim um Q ualifica­ tions: MLS from an A LA -accredited program and fam iliarity with 950 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 curricula and standardized te st m aterials. Preferred: M aster's degree in education and/or teaching experience and fam iliarity with children’s literature. Please send letter of application, résum é, and three letters of reference, including a ddresses and phone num bers, to: Library Director, T h e College o f S aint Rose, 432 W estern Avenue, Albany, NY 12203. R eview of m aterials w ill begin on O ctober 15, 2001. DIR ECTOR OF DUGGAN LIBR A RY. H anover C ollege seeks a D irec­ to r o f Duggan Library beginning Ju ly 2002. H anover is a residential, coeducational liberal arts college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The C ollege has selective adm ission standards, offers a curriculum solidly grounded in the liberal arts with an em phasis on critical thinking and research skills, and has a student-faculty ratio of approxim ately 11 to 1. For m ore inform ation, please visit th e Duggan Library’s W e b site: http://w w w .ha n ove r.e d u /L ib ra ry.T h e D ire cto r is the chief a dm inistrator responsible fo r planning and directing all areas of library operation, including a budget o f o ver $660,000; a staff o f five professional librarians including the director; seven support staff, as C&RL News ■ O ctober 2001 / 951 S tanford University Libraries has the following outstanding opportunities available. Substantial knowledge of and experience in academic or research libraries and the university research environment are required as is i J the ability to perform effectively in a diverse, multicultural workplace environment. Each position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or the equivalent in training and experience, proven managerial ability, and experience with current technology and information systems. Curator for French and Italian Collections The Libraries seek a subject specialist with graduate training in French or Italian Studies to develop and manage general and special collections supporting these academic areas. Responsibilities include collecting published texts in all formats and unpublished primary resources. An understanding o f research and teaching in French or Italian Studies and fam il­ iarity with literary, historical and social science disciplines that make use of Western European Collections are essential. This opportunity requires advanced graduate work in an area of French and Italian studies (PhD preferred) and reading knowledge and communication skills in French. Reading knowledge of Italian and one other Western European language, preferably German, is highly desired. William R. Moran Curator for the Archive of Recorded Sound You will administer and direct programs, including public services, collection development, bibliographic instruction, technical services, preservation, and development. In addition to advanced subject expertise in the history and technol­ ogy o f sound recording, you'll need advanced knowledge of archival management and the recording industry. Graduate training in music, musicology or a related field and reading knowledge o f at least one Western European language are highly desirable. Head Librarian, Music Library You will provide high quality library services for the faculty and students o f the Department o f Music. This opportunity requires advanced graduate work in the fields o f music and musicology (PhD desired) and knowledge o f the sources and distribution of music materials (including digital resources). Reading knowledge of German and Italian or French is highly desirable. Curator for Western European Languages and Cultures Apply your graduate training in relevant fields o f Western European Literary or Historical Studies to develop and manage general and special collections supporting these academic areas. An understanding of research and teaching in a field such as German Studies, French Studies, or Italian Studies is essential as is advanced graduate work in these fields (PhD is preferred). Demonstrated knowledge o f the distribution and sources of materials in Germanic, French, and Italian studies, including digital resources, is required, as well as reading knowledge of German, French and Italian. Oral and written communication skills in at least two of these languages are highly desirable. Appointment to the rank o f Senior Librarian requires evidence of an exceptionally high level of professional development and accomplishment. Curator for Germanic Collections Apply your graduate training in German Studies to develop and manage general and special collections supporting these academic areas. You should possess an understanding o f research and teaching in German Studies and be fam iliar with literary, historical and social science disciplines th a t make use of Western European Collections. Advanced graduate work in an area o f Germanic Studies and reading knowledge and communication skills in German are required; PhD is pre­ ferred. Demonstrated knowledge of the distribution and sources of materials in Germanic Studies, including digital resources, with emphasis on the German,.Swiss, and Austrian national book trades is essential. Reading knowledge of another Western European language, preferably French, is desirable. Appointment to the rank of Senior Librarian requires evidence of an exceptionally high level of professional development and accomplishment. Applicants should supply with their cover letter, a complete statement of their qualifications, a full resume of their educa­ tion and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of 3 references who have knowledge o f their professional qual­ ifications for the position of interest. Letters and documents should refer to the position and be addressed to: Carol Olsen, Director of Human Resources, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Please see our website at http://w ww res/job.htm l for further information. AA/EOE Stanford University 952 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES Dartmouth College Library Dartmouth College offers exceptional opportunities to talented people who contribute greatly to our success. Our ongoing training, advancement opportu­ nities, and a host of academic, recreational, and cultural resources make Dartmouth an outstanding place to build your career. Be part of a community and tradition that values excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, and research. Reporting to the Deputy Librarian of the College, the Director of Management Services manages the $17 million annual financial operations of the Dartmouth College Library, including fiscal accounting, budget development and management, procurement, facility, and other operational functions. As a member of the Library Management Group, the Director of Management Services fills a key role in the achievement of the Library’s mission to advance scholarship and research, support excellence and innovation in teaching, and foster learning through the comprehensive management of scholarly content. The successful candidate will possess a master's degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Significant financial experience, preferably in an institution of higher education, is required. Demonstrated team leadership and project management skills are highly desired. Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit résumé and letter of application to: Search Committee for Director of Management Services Dartmouth College Library 6025 Baker-Berry Library Hanover, NH 03755 Or send by email to: Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For further information, review our Web site: well as student workers. T he D irector is an integral m em ber o f a team and provides direct service in addition to adm inistrative functions. The D irector w ill continue m ajor initiatives currently underway, including renovation, expansion of instruction and reference services, and reclassification, and will provide lea d e rship fo r collection developm ent in partnership with staff and faculty. The C ollege seeks a candidate with a vision fo r the future o f liberal arts libraries w ho dem onstrates leadership and m anagem ent experience and th e ability to w ork in a cooperative atm osphere with library staff, students, faculty, adm in­ istrators, and consortium mem bers. H anover is a m em ber of the Private Academ ic Libraries Network o f Indiana. A m inimum o f a m aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited program required. Evidence o f scholarly a c h ie v e m e n t in a tra d itio n a l d is c ip lin e o f th e lib e ra l a rts is desirable. E xp erience in collection deve lo pm e n t, lib ra ry auto m atio n , a dva n ce d te ch n o lo g ie s, budget, a nd su p e rvisio n is d e sira b le . S end le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , vita , and th re e le tte rs o f re co m m e n d a tio n to: D aniel M u rph y, C o ch a ir, L ib ra ry D ire c to r S e a rch C om m ittee , c/o C h ris tin e W ilco x, H an o v e r C o lle g e , P.O . B ox 108, H an o ve r, IN 4 7243-0108. R eview of app licatio n s begins N ovem ber 1 2 ,2 0 0 1 , and c o n tin u e s until p o sitio n is fille d . DIR ECTOR O F LIBRARY SERVIC ES. Chowan College, a church- related (Baptist), liberal-arts institution, located in Murfreesboro, North C arolina, approxim ately 60 miles south of Norfolk, Virginia, seeks a D irector of Library Services. This position, with 12-m onth faculty status (non— tenure-track), reportsdirectly to the Vice P residentfor Academ ic Affairs. T he successful candidate will be responsible fo r overall operations o f the library, including planning, budgeting, supervision of five faculty and staff, collection developm ent, and m anaging library system s. C andidates m u st have an A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS, th re e to fiv e ye a rs o f p ro g re s s iv e ly re sp o n sib le e x p e rie n c e in a ca d e m ic lib ra ry s e ttin g s , e x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l sk ills (w ritte n and oral), and a se n se o f hum o r. Som e e v e n in g /w e e ke n d w o rk m a y be requ ire d. T h e su ccessfu l c a n d id a te w ill have an active c o m m itm e n t to th e C h ristia n fa ith . Se n d le tte r o f a p p lica tio n (in c lu d in g s a la ry re q u ire m e n ts), g ra d u a te transcripts, curriculum vitae, and three current letters of reference to: Human Resources, Attention: Dennis M cIntire, C hair, Library S earch C om m ittee , C how an C olleg e, Murfreesboro, N C27855. Applications m ay also be faxed to: (252) 398- 6213; o r sent by e-mail to: hintoj @ chowan.ed u . A pplication review will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates are urged to visit our W eb site at: w ww .chow All inquiries and expressions of interest will be kept in strictest confidence. Chowan College, an equal opportunity employer, encourages women and m inorities to apply. ENGINEERING S U B JE C T S P E C IA LIST /R EFER EN C E LIBR A R ­ IAN. (Search Extended) Santa C lara University (w w w is seeking a creative, service-oriented librarian to fill the position of Engineering Subject S pecialist/R eference Librarian. The successful candidate will provide specialized reference, research consultation, and collection developm ent fo r graduate and undergraduate program s in applied mathematics, civil engineering, com puter engineering, electrical engineering, engineering m anagem ent and leadership, and mechanical engineering. He or she will w ork collaboratively with the engineering faculty to support instructional program s and fa cu lty scholarship. The Engineering Librarian contributes to the developm ent o f the Library’s grow ing num ber of electronic services and resources; and, with other librarians, he/she participates in general reference support and an established instructional program. This position reports to the Head, Instruction and Research Services. Required: MLS, or equivalent, from A LA-accredited program; strong interpersonal and com m unication skills; strong technological skills, appropriate to a 21st century academ ic library; fam iliarity with online inform ation system s and knowledge o f current trends in this area; a bility to w ork collaboratively with others in adynam ic, rapidly changing environm ent. Preferred: One to tw o years’ library experience in engineering collection developm ent; instructional experience; and experience using inform ation resources inabroad range of subjectareas. Will considercandidates with academic background in engineering or com puter science, in lieu o f library experience. Desirable: Second master’s, knowledge of a m od e rn foreign language. Initial appointm ent a t rank of A ssistant Librarian ($33,600— C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 953 MATHEMATICS/PHYSICS LIBRARIAN University of Michigan Are you a creative librarian who enjoys managing superior collections of print and electronic resources, and who enjoys working with excellent faculty and stu­ dents? Come join us as we create new resources, develop new methods of accessing those resources, and support faculty and students in their use of the traditional and nontraditional library resources. The University of Michigan is seeking a librarian to join a team of science librarians and information professionals who provide a wide range of services to science and mathematics undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. This position will be responsible for collection development and selection for a large and rich RLG Level 5 Mathematics collection, the Physics collection and the Statistics collection. This position will serve as liaison to the Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics Departments and will provide instruction to those departments. The librarian is the UM library liaison to Mathematical Reviews, which is located in Ann Arbor. The University of Michigan Science Library has one of the largest and most comprehensive mathematics collections in the U.S. The Library is currently involved in an NSF digital library grant to create electronic access to many volumes of the historical mathematics collection. A full position description, including the necessary qualifications, is available at: RANK AND SALARY: Rank is anticipated at the Assistant or Associate Librarian level commensurate with the candidate’s experience and qualifications. As a professional appointment in the University Library, this position offers full benefits and opportunities for professional development and travel. TO APPLY: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Contact (734) 764-2546 for further information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by October 31, 2001, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscrìminatory, affirmative action employer. $50,400), Senior A ssistant ($38,000— $57,000) o r Associate Librarian ($42,800— $64,200), depending upon qualifications. Santa Clara Univer­ sity, the oldest institution o f higher learning in California, is a Jesuit university, w hich educates men and w om en fo r com petence, con­ science, and com passion. The cam pus is located 46 miles from San Francisco, near th e southern tip of San Francisco Bay, in an area rich in opportunities fo r learning and in the m idst o f one o f th e nation's greatest concentrations of high technology industry (Silicon Valley) and professional and scientific activity. The San Francisco Bay Area offers a w ide array of cultural and recreational activities, and the University is w ithin easy driving distance of the Pacific beaches of Santa C ruz and the w orld-fam ous M onterey Peninsula. The U niversity is currently in the prelim inary phase o f planning expanded physical facilities to house the Library, Media Services, and Information Technology. SCU’s School of Engineering has approxim ately 150 full and part-tim e faculty. About 1,450 of the University’s7 ,3 0 0 students w ere enrolled in its undergradu­ ate and graduate program s during the 2000-2001 academ ic year. The M ichel O rradre (U niversity) Library has a staff of 37 (13 librarians). It has a collection o f over 700,000 volum es, and provides access to a rapidly growing num ber o f electronic resources. The Library is a selective federal g overnm ent docum ents depository and a depository fo r C alifornia State docum ents. S C U 's cam pus libraries, w hich include the H eafey Law Library, are fully autom ated, using the M illennium softw are of Innovative Interfaces, Inc. T h e O rra d re Library is a m em ber of OCLC, SPARC, SC ELC (Statew ide C alifornia Electronic Library C onsortium ), and is a charter m em ber o f the Golden G atew ay Library N etwork. To Apply: Send a letter of application, com plete résumé, nam es o f three references, and salary history to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Santa Clara University, 500 El C am ino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053-0500. Applications received by O ctober31,2001, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Santa C lara University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. FA C ULTY LIB R A R IA N /LEA R N IN G C O N SU LTA N TS. (Two Posi­ tions) Seattle Pacific U niversity invites applications fo r tw o 11 -month positions available im m ediately. Exact duties of each position flexible: select 3 ^1 of the six options to create a full-tim e position. For either position, 0.2 FTE will be reserved fo r Reference; select rem aining 0.8 FTE from the follow ing: 1. Learning C o n s u lta n tfo rT h e o lo g y(0 .2 FTE); 2. Learning C onsultantfor Hum anities (0.4 FTE); 3. Learning Consultant fo r Fine Arts (0.2 FTE); 4. Learning C o n su lta n tfo r Education (0.4 FTE); 5. Technology (could include: Electronic Resources, W ebm aster) (0.2 FTE); 6. Distance Education (0.2 FTE). FTE a m ountsare illustrative and do not necessarily represent actual tim e allocations. General require­ m ents include M LS from an ALA-accredited program ; three or more ye ars o f reference and instruction experience in an academ ic library; excellent interpersonal, written, and verbal com m unication skills; p ro ficie n cy in using a uto m ated lib ra ry system s; a b ility to w ork independently and collaboratively, including som e regularly scheduled evening and w eekend hours. Learning Consultant requirements include appropriate subject-m atter m aster’s degree, strong background in one o r m ore of the su bje ct areas shown above; expertise with subject- specific resources (electronic, Internet, print); a bility to coordinate collection m anagem ent, provide library inform ation literacy, and w ork closely w ith faculty. Technology assignm ents could include heading or serving on W eb com m ittee, and researching/coordinating im plem en- 954 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Grinnell College Grinnell College Libraries seek a person with energy and initiative, strong public service skills, a commitment to information literacy instruction, and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment to serve as Public Services Librarian. Initial appointment will be at the assistant professor rank with a two-year, renewable contract. Responsibilities involve participating in the full range of reference and instructional services including staffing the reference desk, with evening and weekend rotation during the semester; providing information literacy instruction through research appointments, small-group meetings, and course sessions; serving as library liaison to selected academic departments; and supervising library support staff in one or more areas. REQUIRES: A graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution; excellent written and oral communication skills; strong teaching skills; and the ability to be effective and tactful in meeting all elements of a campus community that makes heavy demands on library services. In addition, previous library experience in reference/information-literacy instruction, circulation, interlibrary loan, reserve, or supervision of support staff or student workers is desirable. Minimum salary in the mid-$30s. In their letters of application, candidates should address their interest in working in an undergradu­ ate, liberal arts environment that emphasizes close faculty-student interaction. Letters of applica­ tion, including a current vita and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references, should be sent to: Christopher McKee Librarian of the College Burling Library 1111 Sixth Avenue Grinnell, IA 50112-1690 Phone: (641)269-3351 Electronic applications may be submitted to: To be assured of consideration, applications m ust be received not later than November 15, 2001. For further inform ation about the Grinnell College Libraries, please see our Web page at: h ttp ://w w w .lib .g rin .e d u . Grinnell College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to employing a highly qualified staff which reflects the diversity of the nation. No applicant shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, or disability. tation o f electronic resources (e.g., virtual reference service). Distance L earning a ssig n m e nts w ill co n sist o f a ssistin g in th e planning, coordination, and support o f library services to distance learners by w orking directly w ith the library’s online education departm ent as well as library sta ff fo r th e needs o f rem ote library users. Annual Salary: $36,000 to $45,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include health, dental, disability, and life insurance as w ell as retirem ent program s. M oving allowance is provided. Application Deadline: Applications should be com pleted no laterthan O ctob e r3 1 ,2001. Contact: Susan Reynolds, Library A dm inistrative A ssista n t, S e a ttle P a c ific U n iv e rs ity Li­ b ra ry , 3 3 0 7 3rd A v e n u e W e s t, S e a ttle , W A 9 81 1 9 ; (2 06 ) 2 81 -2 4 1 3 ; e m a il: s re y n o ld @ s p u .e d u . S e a ttle P a cific U n iv e rs ity s e rv e s m ore th a n 3 ,4 0 0 u n d e rg ra d u a te and g ra d u a te s tu d e n ts in both lib e ral a rts a nd p ro fe s s io n a l s tu d ie s . T h e u n iv e rs ity ’s C h ris tia n c o m m itm e n ts a re b oth e v a n g e lic a l a nd W e s le y a n , w ith fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts repre se n ting a broad range of faith traditions. The university seeks app lican ts w ho are e n th u s ia s tic a lly co m m itte d to its C h ristia n m issio n . F o r m ore info rm a tio n a b o u t SPU , a c ce ss o u r h om e p a g e at: h ttp ://w w w .sp u .e d u /. H E A D O F IN F O R M A T IO N A N D IN S T R U C T IO N S E R V IC E S . C arlson Library, U niversity o f Toledo. Duties: C oordinates activitie s of six fa cu lty librarians, as w ell as support sta ff and student assistants. Provides vision and leadership to im prove reference and inform ation literacy services, prom otes professional developm ent, and fosters te a m w o rk in an urban university. S erves a t reference desk, provides instruction, and participates in collection developm ent. Required Q ualifications: M LS from an A LA -accredited program ; increasingly responsible a cadem ic o r research library experience, including five years' reference and instruction and three years' supervisory experi­ ence; strong organization and planning skills; a bility to m eet the unive rsity’s tenure and prom otion requirem ents, including a record of sch ola rly activity and professional involvem ent. Preferred: Experience with collection developm ent, m anaging a budget, m arketing and prom oting services, distance education, experience in a collective bargaining environm ent, background in classics a nd fore ign languages or health sciences. The 12-m onth a ppointm ent w ill be m ade a t the appropriate ten u re-track rank based on qualifications, w ith a m inim um rank of Assistant Professor. M inim um salary o f $40,000. R eview of applications w ill begin O ctob e r 1 ,2 0 0 1 , and w ill co ntinue until position is filled. Send letter of application, cu rren t vita, and nam es, addresses, phone num bers, and e-m ail addresses o f five recent professional references to: W ade Lee, Chair, Head of Inform ation and Instruction Services Search C om m ittee, c /o T yn a Derhay, D ean’s Office, Mail Stop 509, U niversity of To ledo, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606-3399; fax: (419) 530-2726; e-m ail: tderhay@ Please use only one m ethod of application. T h e U niversity of T oledo is an equal access, equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action em ployer and C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 955 JOHNS HOPKINS MONOGRAPH COPY CATALOGING COORDINATOR U N I V E R S I T Y Johns Hopkins University The Johns Hopkins University seeks an energetic librarian to provide expertise and leadership for its monograph copy cataloging unit. The coordinator will supervise five full-time employees (plus students), formulate goals, establish priorities, develop cataloging procedures, and create an environment that fosters teamwork as well as encourages and recognizes high performance. The successful candidate will have strong collaborative and collegial skills with a personal commitment to responsive service that combines traditional and innovative methods for providing intellectual access to the collection. Requires an accredited MLS; three years' professional original cataloging experience; working knowledge of AACR2r, LC subject headings and classification, and USMARC formats; reading knowledge of one Western European foreign language; experience with automated systems; time management skills. Supervisory experience with demonstrated success in collaborative management based on goal setting, teamwork, and performance feedback preferred. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. For a more detailed job description, position qualifications, and to apply online, see: Or send résumé, indicating job # SCRA4498 on cover letter, and three professional references via e-mail:; fax: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Resume Processing Center P. O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Approximate starting salary range $40,094-$45,606. We offer excellent benefits, including tuition remission, in a smoke-free/drug-free environment. A strategic goal of the libraries is to work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and promoting existing staff. The libraries prize initiative, creativity, professionalism, and teamwork. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. educator. F o ra dd itio na lin fo rm a tio na b o utT h eU n ive rsityo fT ole do a n d this position, visit: http://w w w l. H E A D O F T E C H N 1 C A L S E R V IC E S .St. John F ish erC o lle g e ’sL ave ry Library invites applications fo r Head of Technical Services. R esponsi­ bilities include adm inistering the operations o f acquisitions, cataloging, and processing fo r all nonperiodicai library materials, and serving as A cquisitions Librarian and Cataloging Librarian. Incum bent w ill also serve as Collection M anagerforcirculating books. Som e reference and instruction. Required: M L S o rM L IS fro m an ALA-accredited institution; tw o ye ars’ professional library experience, preferably in an academ ic setting; recentco u rse w o rko ro n e year's experience in cataloging using MARC21 including Holdings Format, AACR2, LC, OCLC, and an integrated library system (preferably DRA), including database m aintenance and authority control work; recent course w o rk o r experience in acquisitions and/or collection developm ent; effective and professional com m uni­ cation skills; dem onstrated a bility to successfully supervise support staff; dem onstrated a bility to use MS Office applications. Salary and Benefits: Salary com m ensurate with education and experience, minimum $32,000. Excellent benefits package, including 20 days' annual vacation. Applications: A pplications w ill be accepted until the position is filled. Please send a detailed résumé, cover letter, and contact inform ation fo rth ree professional references to: Karen Junker, Library Director, St. John Fisher College, 3690 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618; p hone: (716) 3 8 5 -8 1 6 4 ; fa x: (716) 3 8 5 -8 4 4 5 ; e-m ail: Junker@ h ttp:// Equal opportunity employer. IN S T R U C T IO N LIB R A R IA N . M arriott Library, University o f Utah. As a result o f expanding services, the M arriott Library at the University of Utah seeks to fill a new position with a m otivated and innovative individual who will serve as ateam m em ber in a successful and growing library instruction program. General Description: W orks with m em bers of th e Instruction Division to develop, plan, and im plem ent the library’s instruction program; develops and leads group and individual instruction fo r course- integrated and softw are applications; m ay teach credit courses. W orks closely with Reference Departm ents, Library C om put­ ing, M arriott L ibrary stu d e nt com puting labs, and other library departm ents; m asters new technologies and stays current in library applications; creates instructional and training m aterials in print, interactive W eb-based, and m ultim edia form ats; provides reference services. Q ualifications Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; substantial know ledge o f and experiénce with electronic resources, desktop, and Internet applications; dem onstrated effective training/teaching skills in group and one-on-one settings; evidence of strong oral and written com m unication skills; com m itm ent to providing excellent and innovative service; ability to w ork with users o f varying technical expertise; ability to m eet university’s requirem ents fo r promotion and continuing appointm ent (tenure equivalency). Preferred: Form al teaching experience. Reference of co m pu ter help d esk expe­ rience. Experience in an academ ic library. Salary: M inim um $33,000 depending on qualifications, excellent benefits calculated at approxi­ m ately 35 percent of salary including TIAA-CR EF, medical, dental, generous paid sick and vacation, sabbaticals, and professional devel­ opm ent tim e. The M arriott Library is an AR L library with holdings of m ore than 2.5 million volum es and access to 4,500 electronic journals and a considerable num ber of other networked electronic resources. The university, with a student population of o ver 27,000, is situated on a 1,500-acre cam pus in Salt Lake City. During a recent expansion, teaching facilities w ere expanded to include tw o PC labs, two MAC labs, three classroom s, and a 250-seat auditorium , all with multim edia capabilities. U ndergraduate education is a university priority and library instruction a growing em phasis. W e teach m ore than 400 library instruction sessions per sem ester. S alt Lake has a population of approxim ately one million and a strong econom y and w as rated as the #1 place in the U.S. to live in a re ce n t e d itio n of “ P la ce s R ated A lm a n a c .” T h e city o ffe rs a w id e v a rie ty of cu ltu ra l, e n te rta in m e n t, a nd re c re a tio n a l a c tiv itie s , in clu d in g th e 2 0 0 2 W in te r O lym p ics. A p p lic a tio n P ro ce d u re s: Se n d a d e ta ile d le tte r o f a p p lica tio n a d d re s s in g h ow y o u r e x p e rie n c e m a tch e s th e q u a lific a tio n s , a ré sum é , and n a m e s, a d d re s s e s (in c lu d in g e -m a il), and phone n um bers o f th re e re fe re n ce s to : K riste en A rnold, Hum an R eso u rce s D ire cto r, 3 27 M arriott Library, 295 South 1500 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860. A pplications postm arked by Novem ber 1 6,2 00 1 , will be given full consideration. The University of Utah is an equal opportu- 9 56 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 TIDEWATER C O M M U N IT Y COLLEGE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Tidewater Community College invites applications and nominations for the position of Reference Librarian. Located in historic Hampton Roads, TCC is among the 50 largest community colleges in the nation, serving over 31,000 credit students annually. With four campuses and a visual arts center, TCC is a comprehensive institution offering more than 60 different curricula, including a full complement of college transfer and occupational/technical education, workforce training and development, and general community enrichment and outreach. Reference Librarian FA183 The Reference Librarian will provide instruction and assistance to faculty, staff, and students in the use of library information resources, including electronic databases, the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), Internet tools, printed materials, and media. REQUIRED: Knowledge of academic library research methods and library information resources, including electronic databases, print, and media; knowledge of the reference interview process and the ability to effectively use microcomputers and software, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Internet tools, and electronic mail; must have the ability to prepare and conduct bibliographic instruction classes and to assist patrons with information searches using electronic and print resources; ability to devise research strategies and to prepare subject guides, pathfinders, bibliographies, handbooks, and other materials to support the information needs of faculty and students; assist other staff members in the day-to-day operation and management of a Learning Resource Center; communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; ability to employ systematic planning and effective time management techniques; MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required. PREFERRED: Experience providing reference assistance with electronic and print resources, preferably in an academic library. SALARY AND BENEFITS: The college offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send a completed Commonwealth of Virginia Application for Employment to: The Office of Human Resources Tidewater Community College 7000 College Drive Portsmouth, VA 23703 For complete information about thisopening and how to apply, call (757) 822-2572; or visit our Web site:; hearing impaired: (757) 483-5254. For the Commonwealth of Virginia Application via Internet: http://www.dhrm Postmarks do not meet the deadline requirement; facsimiles or e-mail will not be accepted. Applications will be accepted until position isfilled. AA/EEO/ADA nity, affirm ative action em ployer. W e encourage applications from wom en and m inorities and provide re a so n a b le a c c o m m o d a tio n s to kn ow n d is a b ilitie s o f a p p lic a n ts a nd e m p lo ye e s. LIB R A R Y D IR ECTO R . Blanche S kiff R oss Library, C ottey College, Nevada, Missouri. T he d ire c to r is re sp o n sible fo r su p e rvisin g 2.0 FTE p ro fe ssio n a l and 2.0 FTE p a ra p ro fe s s io n a l s ta ff p lu s s tu d e n t a id e s; fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t; a nd d e v e lo p in g , p ro m o tin g , a nd c a rry in g o ut s tra te g ic p la n s fo r lib ra ry s e rv ic e s and m u ltim e d ia s u p p o rt of in stru c tio n a l p rog ra m s. M LS d e g re e , s ig n ific a n t lib ra ria n s h ip e xp e ­ rie n c e , a nd u n d e rs ta n d in g o f c u rre n t issu e s in a c a d e m ic lib ra rie s and tre n d s in m e dia se rv ic e s re q u ire d. C o tte y C o lle g e is a te a c h in g - o rie n te d , stu d e n t-c e n te re d , s m a ll, p riv a te (n o t ch u rc h -re la te d ), tw o -y e a r, re s id e n tia l, lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e fo r w o m e n . S tu d e n t p o p u la tio n n u m b e rs 3 0 0 to 3 50 fro m 35 fo 45 s ta te s a nd 15 to 25 c o u n trie s . E ig h ty m ile s to K a n sas C ity m e tro a re a , 40 to 140 m ile s to O z a rk re c re a tio n a re a s. S e n d c o v e r le tte r a nd c u rric u lu m vita e w ith n am e s a n d n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : Hal Ross, A c a d e m ic V ice P re sid e n t, C o tte y C o lle g e , 1000 W . A u stin , N eva d a , M O 6 4 7 7 2 ; e -m a il: d k e rb s @ c o tte y .e d u ; fa x: (417) 4 4 8 - 1030; p hone: (417) 6 6 7 -8 1 8 1 . S e a rch o ng o ing until positio n is fille d . A ffirm a tiv e a c tio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 957 DIGITAL SUPPORT MANAGER Trinity University Manager of Digital Support directs automation implementation and maintenance of Endeavor Voyager system; coordinates development of Web pages, online resources, infrastructure mainte­ nance (PCs), automation training, and instructional sessions for staff, librarians, and users. Supervises staff responsible for installing software, maintaining files, and controlling programs. Maintains servers to provide network-based indexes and full-text products to users. REQUIRED: Three to five years’ academic administrative systems, library systems, or comparable automation experience, with evidence of a capacity for management. Bachelor’s degree in the liberal arts, computer science, or business. Experience with Unix-based systems. PREFERRED: Master’s degree in library science, information technology, information systems, or related area and experience managing a library system and associated staff. Familiarity with the Sun Solaris platform, JAVA, wireless networking. For more info, view: Preference will be extended to candidates who demonstrate superior interpersonal and communi­ cation skills, an ability to work collaboratively, and a desire to contribute to the educational mission. Trinity expects this individual to contribute significantly to further development of the library’s strategic planning, and also to support user education programs and collection development. The incumbent will participate as a member of the library management team, which advises the director coordinating library operations. S/he will also work closely with members of the Information Technology Services and Instructional Media Services group on campus. BENEFITS INCLUDE: Trinity-paid TIAA-CREF when qualified, comprehensive insurance options, 20 days’ vacation, and generous professional development support. Trinity University is a nationally recognized liberal arts and sciences institution characterized by a demanding curriculum, distinguished faculty, exceptionally bright students, and a campus that is among the most modern and beautiful in America. Trinity is located in what Will Rogers called one of America’s four unique cities. Combining Old World charm, a multicultural heritage, and numerous cultural and historical attractions, San Antonio is a friendly, affordable, enchanting city in which to live and study. TO APPLY: Submit a detailed résumé, application letter addressing experience and interest, and the names, phone numbers, and e-mail and postal addresses of three references to: Diane J. Graves University Librarian Trinity University Library 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78212-7200 E-mail: Review of applications begins October 1, 2001, and continues until the position is filled. Trinity University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M E T A D A T A L IB R A R IA N . The Indiana U niversity B loom ington Li­ braries are seeking an innovative and dynam ic individual to lead Libraries in a nalysis and use o f m etadata, to a ssist in d evelopm ent o f L ibraries’ m etadata policy standards, to coordinate m etadata p rocedures and practices across various digital library projects on Bloom ington cam pus. The Digital Library Program a t Indiana University has created m ore than 300,000 digital objects to date in m any form ats, including electronic text, digital im ages, and sound. In addition, th e IUB L ib ra rie sa re rapidly expanding th e ir com m ercia lly produced digital collections. R esponsi­ bilities: R eports to Asso cia te Dean & D irector o f T e chnical Services and w orks closely w ith varie ty of co nstituents w ithin library system . D evelops plans to record descriptive, adm inistrative, and structural m etadata needed to support Libraries’ expanding digital collections. Advises on application o f a ppropriate m etadata sch em a fo r digital objects and assists in defining Digital Library Program and o th e r digital project param eters. P lans fo r translation of m etadata between form ats and participates in integration of m etadata from variety o f source s for search and display w ithin and a cross collections. C ontributes to Libraries’ traditional and nontraditional efforts to im prove access to all inform ation resources. A ssists in planning fo r storage o f digital objects in Indiana U niversity's M assive Data Storage Service and in national m etadata initiatives such as R LG ’s C ultural M aterials Alliance and Digital Library Federation’s M etadata H arvesting Initiative. P artici­ pates in Library com m ittees, com m unicating w ith relevant selectors, curators, subject specialists, and also ta ke s active role in university, statew ide, national, and international efforts and fo ru m s regarding m etadata in digital libraries. Q ualifications: R equired: A LA-accredited degree in library o r inform ation science o r e quivalent com bination of degrees and experience. Knowledge o f concepts and applications used in standards and practices of organizing inform ation. In addition to MARC, experience with o n e o rm o re following m etadata standards: EAD, TEI, V R A Core, Dublin Core, RDF, CID OC , o r others. E xperience with creation and /or m anagem ent o f digital objects in vario u s text, image, sound, a nd /or video form ats. Ability to w ork independently as w ell as collegially in com plex, rapidly changing, and cu ltura llyd ive rse environ­ m ent w ith various groups o f library staff. E xcellent w ritten and oral com m unication skills. A bility to plan, coordinate, and im plem ent projects. G ood organization skills and aptitude fo r com plex analytical and detailed w ork. A b ility to m eet requirem ents o f tenure-track appointm ent. Preferred: E xperience in one o r m ore o f the se areas: experience with S G M L a n d/or XML. Experience with com puter program ­ ming languages, p articularly Perl and Java. E xperience with m ultiple 958 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR University of Alaska Anchorage Come to the Last Frontier and Help Build the Library of the 21st Century! POSITION: Library Instruction Coordinator, PCN: 305259A, full-time, tenure-track, regular appoint­ ment with benefits, 9 months/year (plus 3-month extension), faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities. LOCATION: Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage. SALARY: Minimum $43,000 annually. Excellent benefits to include health and life insurance, retirement, and tuition waiver benefits. Represented by bargaining unit. The Consortium Library at the University of Alaska Anchorage is recruiting a Library Instruction Coordinator. We are looking for a dynamic, energetic, motivated, and innovative librarian to join us in offering superb library service as we design and plan a new state-of-the-art library building. The new library complex is scheduled for completion in the summer of 2004. The library’s priorities also include expanding electronic services and Web-based instruction. Located near the Chugach Mountains in Alaska’s largest city (population: 260,000), the library serves both the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), with 12,000 students, and Alaska Pacific University (APU), a private institution with 500 students. From UAA’s fully networked campus, the library delivers its electronic library services to the UAA and APU communities. The library’s Health Sciences Information Service offers a full range of library services to the medical community across the state. The Consortium Library holds more than 735,000 bound volumes and subscribes to more than 3,400 journals. The library licenses over 150 databases and provides Web access to the full text from more than 10,000 journals and e-books. The library is a designated Foundation Center. There are 18 FTE faculty positions and 25 FTE staff positions. The Library’s operating budget is approximately $3.8 million. UAA is a comprehensive metropolitan university consisting of the main campus in Anchorage, three extended colleges, and additional sites in rural communities and on military installations. The University of Alaska Anchorage offers certificate, associate, baccalaureate, and master's programs in the arts, humanities, sciences, and professions. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Ability to work collaboratively. Strong interpersonal skills. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Strong user service commit­ ment. Demonstrated recent reference and library instruction experience. Flexibility, initiative, and (continued on next page) co m pu ter platform s including Linux, UNIX, W indow s, and M acOS. E xperience in applying fo r o r m anaging gran t proposals. Salary and B enefits: Salary and rank negotiable and com petitive dep e n de n t upon qualifications and e xp e rie n c e . T h is is a te n u re -tra c k a c a d e m ic a p p o in tm e n t th a t in c lu d e s e lig ib ility fo r s a b b a tic a l le a ve s. B e n e fits in c lu d e u n iv e rs ity h ea lth c a re pla n , T IA A -C R E F re tire m e n t/a n n u ity p la n , g ro u p life in s u ra n c e , a n d lib e ra l v a c a tio n a nd s ic k le a ve . To A p p ly : R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s b e g in s N o v e m b e r f , 2 00 1 ; p o sitio n re m a in s o p e n u ntil fille d . S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , p ro fe s s io n a l v ita , n a m e s, a d d re s s e s , a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs o f fo u r re fe re n c e s to : Y o la n d a C o o p e r-B ird in e , L ib ra rie s H um a n R e s o u rc e s O ffic e r, In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s , M a in L ib ra ry 2 0 1 A , B lo o m in g to n , IN 4 7 4 0 5 . P h o n e : (8 12 ) 8 5 5 -8 1 9 6 ; fa x: (8 12 ) 8 5 5 -2 5 7 6 ; e -m a il: yco o p e rb @ in d ia n a .e d u . F o rfu rth e r in fo rm a tio n co n c e rn in g In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity : h ttp ://w w w .iu b .e d u , o r e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s a t th e IU B L ib ra rie s : h ttp ://w w w .in d ia n a .e d u /~ lib p e r s . In d ia n a U niversity is stro n g ly com m itted to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. T he university a ctively encourages applications and nom inations of w om en, persons o f color, a pplicants w ith disabilities, and m em bers of other underrepresented groups. Indiana U niversity is an a ffirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. P R IN C IPA L O R IG IN A L C A TA LO G ER . The Johns H opkins U niversity is seeking a Principal O riginal C a talo g er to provide leadership and expe rtise in creating appropriate access to th e library's co lle ctio ns as w ell as in coordinating curren t cataloging p olicies and practices with developing national standards and shifting local needs. T he incum bent, reporting to the Head o f Cataloging, is responsible fo ro rig in al cataloging o f m onographs representing a variety o f form ats, languages, subjects, and leve ls o f difficulty. S upervises n onbook co py cataloging, including cataloging o f m icroform s, videos, and cassettes. M aintains a high-level w orking know ledge o f national and international cataloging standards and practices. P articipates a ctively in local and national d iscussions through professional deve lo pm e n t and service activities. The success­ ful candidate for this position will have strong collaborative and collegial skills with a personal com m itm ent to responsive and innovative service. R equires accredited M LS degree with 2+ ye ars original cataloging experience. W orking knowledge of current national cataloging standards (including A AC R 2r, LC su bje ct headings and classification, and the U SM ARCform ats). Reading knowledge of at leastone Western European foreign language. E xperience w ith co m pu ter app licatio n s in libraries, including a local autom ated system and one of the national bibliographic utilities. E xcellent com m unication and training skills. A bility to w ork ind e p en d e ntly as w ell as part o f a team . Strong organizational skills. A p titu d e fo r c o m p le x, a n a ly tic a l w o rk w ith a tte n tio n to d e ta il. D em o n stra te d p ro b le m -so lving skills. F le xib ility and initia tive in carrying o ut a ssignm ents in response to changing environm ent. A bility to prioritize w ork to ensure th a t departm ental and library goals are realized. A bility to w ork effective ly in a p roduction-oriented environ­ m ent, w ith a dem onstrated co m m itm en t to professional growth and developm ent. Supervisory and /or N ACO experience preferred. Review of applications will begin im m ediatelyand continue until position isfilled. For a m ore d etailed jo b description, position qualifications, and to apply o nline, see: h ttp ://jo b s.jh u .e d u / o r se nd résum é, ind ica ting Job # S C R A 3 5 85 on co ve r letter, alo n g w ith three professional references, via e-m ail to: jhu @ a le xu m ; fax to: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU R esum e P rocessing C enter, P.O. Box 3687, Scranton, PA 18505. A pp ro xim a te starting salary ra n g e $ 4 0 ,0 9 4 -$ 4 5 ,6 0 6 . W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t b e n e fits , in c lu d in g tu itio n re m is s io n , in a s m o k e -fre e / d ru g -fre e e n v iro n m e n t. A s tra te g ic g o a l o f th e lib ra rie s is to w o rk to w a rd a c h ie v in g d iv e rs ity w h e n re c ru itin g n ew a nd p ro m o tin g e x is tin g s ta ff. T h e lib ra rie s p riz e in itia tiv e , c re a tiv ity , p ro fe s s io n - C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 959 (continued from previous page) creativity. Demonstrated knowledge of current library instruction theory. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience with delivery of Web-based library instruction. Instructional experience in higher education. RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinate existing library instruction activities. Develop innovative and diverse library instructional activities that may include semester-long classes, faculty and student workshops, course-related sessions, and competency-based certificate programs. Develop and administer effective outreach and publicity for instructional activities. Work with library faculty to create print and Web-based instructional materials. Work at the reference desk up to 10 hours per week including night and weekend rotation. Serve as collection development liaison to academic unit in assigned subject area. REVIEW DATE: Search will remain open until filled; however, review of applications will begin November 1, 2001. Candidates are encouraged to apply by the review date above to receive full consideration. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please send letter of application, résumé, or curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers of at least three professional references to : University of Alaska Anchorage Human Resource Services Administration Building, Suite 245 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-8136 Phone: (907) 786-4608 TTY: (907) 786-1420 Fax: (907) 786-4727 University of Alaska Anchorage Employment Information Web site: uaahrs. Background checks may be required; please contact the Office of Human Resource Services for questions. Applicants needing reasonable accommodations to participate in the application or interview process should contact Human Resource Services. UAA is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educational enstitution. Must be eligible for employment under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and subsequent amendments. Your application for employment with the University of Alaska is subject to public disclosure. a lism , and te a m w o rk . J o h n s H opkin s U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. P U B L IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Love to tea ch ? Seeking innova­ tive, flexible, service- and team -oriented librarian to oversee and provide instruction fo r a grow ing program , coordinate public services, provide reference, and supervise acquisition assistan t w hile coordinating collection developm ent. Position reports to th e d irector. R equired: A LA -accredited MLS, experience teaching a nd /or providing library instruction, excelle nt com m unication and organizational skills. Pre­ ferred: Experience in collection developm ent, prior supervisory expe ­ rience, ande xp erie n ce w ith em erging instructional technologies. Salary m inim um : $30,000. A p p lica tion s accepted until th e position is filled. To A pply: Send a letter, résum é, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num b e r o f th re e profe ssio n al re ferences to: D ire cto r of Hum an Resou rces, Daniel W ebster C ollege, 20 University Drive, N ashua, N H 03063; a n d /or e-m ail: HR @d w c.ed u . V isit th e co llege's hom epage at: h ttp://w w w .dw and find th e library under th e “Ju m p To" link. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . T h e U nive rsity of E va n sville invites app licatio n s fo r the post o f R eference Librarian to join a collegial team -based library e nviro n m en t in w hich a com m itm en t to excellence is a hallm ark o f inform ation service. R esponsibilities: P articipates in all service activities o f the R eference and Instruction D epartm ent: C ontributes 20 w ee kly hours a tth e reference d esk on a rotational basis including w e e ke n d s and even in gs; a ssists w ith co ord in atio n of e lectronic inform ation services; overse e s m ana g e m en t o f public access PC w orkstatio n s in the library; participates in th e library instructio n program ; and p a rticip a te s in co lle ctio n d eve lo p m e n t activities. P articipates in the planning and d ecision-m aking processes o f the Libraries, and also w ith fa cu lty g overnance activities. R eports to th e Head o f Reference Services. Q ualifica tio ns Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program ; reference assistance experience; dem onstrated kn o w le d g e o f Internet-based inform ation resources and w ith electronic inform ation te chnologies; strong com m unication and interpersonal skills. Q ualifications Preferred: W orking know ledge of m icroco m p ute r hardw are and softw are; a cadem ic library experience; teaching experience. A ppointm ent, Salary, and Benefits: 12-m onth, te n u re-track fa cu lty appointm ent. M inim um Salary: $24,000. Flexible benefits program w ith open enrollm ents a nnually includes group life, m edical, dental, and disability insurance program s, and TIA A -C R E F retirem ent. To A pply: Send letter o f application and résum é including nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three professional references to: W illiam F. Louden, U niversity Librarian, U niversity of E vansville, 1800 Lincoln A venue, Evansville, IN 4 7722. R eview of applications will begin im m ediately and continue until an appointm ent is m ade. Appointm ent date is January 2002. The University o f Evansville is an independent, com pre h e nsive university affiliated w ith th e United M e th o d ist C h u rch , w hich p ro vid e s a stro n g lib e ral a rts a nd s c ie n ce s o rie n ta tio n a nd s e le c te d p ro fe s s io n a l p ro g ra m s . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f E v a n s v ille o p e ra te s u n d e r a n o n d is c rim in a to ry p o lic y w ith re ga rd to ra ce, c o lo r, c re e d o r re lig io n , n a tio n a l o rig in , g e n d e r, se x u a l o rie n ta tio n , a g e , o r d is a b ility . A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n on th e U n iv e rs ity o f E v a n s v ille a n d its lib ra rie s is a v a ila b le on th e W e b at: h ttp ://w w w 2 .e v a n s v ille .e d u /lib w e b /. S P E C IA L C O LL E C T IO N S LIBR A RIAN . U niversity o f South Florida St. P etersburg. T his new position is a non-tenured, 12 -m onth app o int­ m ent. The library’s special collections em phasize m arine science, journalism , and local history. R esponsibilities: C oordinates lib ra ry’s special co llections organization, developm ent, preservation, and out­ reach activities. Duties: Building, organizing, conserving, and providing 960 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of Hawaii at Hilo The University of Hawaii at Hilo invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. We seek an energetic, team-oriented individual to provide innovative administrative leadership. The Library serves over 5,000 undergraduate, graduate, and community college students. The University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo) is a comprehensive, regional institution on the island of Hawaii and incorporates three four-year colleges: the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Management; the College of Arts and Sciences; and College of Hawaiian Language. Additional information is available at: UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN: UH at Hilo, Position #89175, general funds, full-time, to begin approxi­ mately July 1, 2002, pending position clearance and availability of funds. DUTIES: Provides executive leadership, vision, direction, advocacy, and accountability for managing all aspects of the Library’s programs and services at UH Hilo, including policy planning and implementation, budget and program planning and review, organizational planning, personnel review and appraisal, staff development, communications with the University community and general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution in library and information science; five years of substantial and progressively responsible administrative and supervisory experience in an academic library; demonstrated responsive leadership and experience in planning, implementation, assessment, budgeting, personnel management, and information technology. Knowledge of scholarly communication; advanced technology and electronic information management; collection development; bibliographic instruction; public and technical services. Ability to articulate a vision for the future of library services in light of emerging information resources. Proven ability to communicate effectively; to establish productive working relationships with campus and community constituents in a multicultural environment; and to have an effective service orientation that is reflected in a record of creative accomplishments in a library setting. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Additional advanced academic degree. Evidence of success in fund raising and grantsmanship. Experience in a consortial or state-supported university system. SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. TO APPLY: The application should include: 1) a letter addressing the ways in which the minimum and desirable qualifications are met; 2) current résumé; and 3) the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of three current professional references. The application should be addressed to: Human Resources University Librarian Selection 200 W. Kawili Street Hilo, HI 96720-4091 INQUIRIES: (808) 974-7449; e-mail at; or visit the Library’s Web site at: library.uhh.haw Review of applications will begin on November 1,2001, and continue until a candidate is selected. access to collections; deve lo pm e n t o f policies and procedures; donor relations; grant w ritin g ; e x h ib its a nd p u b lic a tio n s ; o u tre a c h to ca m p u s a nd c o m m u n ity . R e fe re n c e , s e rv ic e , a n d re se a rch a c tiv i­ tie s are re q u ire d . Q u a lific a tio n s : M LS fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro ­ g ra m ; e xp e rie n c e in s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s ; k n o w le d g e o f p re se rva tio n tre n d s and p ra c tic e ; re le v a n t s u b je c t e x p e rtis e ; e x c e lle n t c o m m u ­ n ica tio n a nd in te rp e rs o n a l sk ills . P re fe rre d Q u a lific a tio n s : A d d i­ tio n a l p o s tg ra d u a te d e g re e , e x p e rie n c e w ith g ran ts a n d /o r W e b site d e v e lo p m e n t, a nd re fe re n c e e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry: $ 3 2 ,5 0 0 , n e g o ­ tia b le . F o rfu ll p o sitio n d e s c rip tio n , vis it: w w w .n e ls o n .u s f.e d u . Send le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , vita , a nd n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to: B a rb a ra R e yn o ld s, P o y n te r L ib ra ry, U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th F lo rid a S t. P e te rs b u rg , 140 7th A ve n u e S o u th , S t. P e te rs b u rg , F L 3 3 7 0 1 . A p p lic a tio n s m u s t be re c e iv e d by O c to b e r 2 0, 2 0 0 1 , to be c o n s id e re d . A c c o rd in g to F lo rid a law , a p p lic a tio n s a nd m e e tin g s re g a rd in g th is p o s itio n a re o p e n to th e public. All positions are contin g e nt on funding. U SF is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative access institution. For disability a ccom m odations, contact: (727) 553-1151 or TD D :(813) 974-1510 a m inim um of five w orking days in advance. U N IVER SITY A R C H IV IS T A N D H EAD O F S P E C IA L C O LL E C ­ TIO N S. South D akota S tate U niversity seeks a d e d ica te d professional archivist to adm inister, develop, and prom ote its archival and rare book collections, housed w ithin the Hilton M. Briggs Library. Responsibilities: Identify, acquire, organize, preserve, describe, prom ote, and facilitate th e use of archival, m anuscript, and rare book collections; provide research guidance in all special collections; prepare guides and bibliographies; develop exhibits and p ublicity publications; supervise support sta ff and students; participate in library reference services. Required: A LA -accredited MLS o r a m aster's degree in a related field with course w ork in archival m anagem ent; m inim um o f tw o years of full-tim e professional library o r archival experience in an a cadem ic or research setting; fam iliarity w ith archival theory, principles, practices, and procedures as applicable to an academ ic organization; d em o n ­ strated effective oral and w ritten com m unication skills and evidence of su ccess in interacting w ith colleagues, adm inistrators, staff, patrons, and donors; know ledge o f preservation techniques fo r special m aterials and law s regarding freedom of inform ation, privacy, and copyright; a bility to perform physical activities associated w ith archival environ- C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 961 DISTANCE LEARNING LIBRARIAN University of Southern Indiana The University of Southern Indiana seeks a Distance Leaning Librarian to plan, coordinate, promote, and evaluate the library’s informational and instructional services for remote library users. Will participate fully in reference and instruction; work closely with other library units to provide off- campus students support equivalent to that on campus, in a user education program that includes traditional, electronic, and distance components. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; at least three years’ academic reference/instruction experience. Working knowledge of the Internet, electronic databases, computer applications, and automated library systems; supervisory, organizational, and analytical skills; excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills; strong service orientation. Preferred: Teaching experience, additional advanced degree, Web page development, and knowledge of course management software. The ability to interpret user needs without face-to-face contact, and to direct users to resources in any format. Familiarity with distance education and intellectual property rights issues. Full-time, non-tenure-track position; salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Consideration of applications begins October 15, 2001. Send letter of intent and résumé, including names, addresses, e-mail, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Ruth H. Miller Director, Rice Library University of Southern Indiana 8600 University Boulevard Evansville, IN 47712 Phone: (812) 464-1824; Fax: (812) 465-1693 To learn more about Rice Library, visit: USI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 962 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 HEAD, MEDIA CENTER Florida State University (Search Reopened) RANK: Associate Librarian or Assistant Librarian, depending upon qualifications. DESCRIPTION: Will help shape a new unit, providing media service to the University. Provides effective leadership in the planning and provision of innovative, multimedia services in a rapidly changing information environment. Ensures the delivery of responsive, user-focused service using the most appropriate technology available. Works with faculty to select materials that support the instructional programs. Fosters team w ork, fa cilita te s creative problem solving, and develops positive relations with other library units in a changing organizational environm ent. C oordinates the provision of services by supervising one paraprofessional and a num ber of student em ployees. Reports to the A ssistant D irector for Public Services. Occasional night and weekend work required. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. After receipt of the MLS degree, five years of professional experience for Associate Librarian rank and two years of professional experience for Assistant Librarian rank. Three years' relevant experience in media services and managing collections of audio and video recordings in various media. Public service experience, preferably in a college, research, or university library environment. Demonstrated supervisory and project management experience. Interest in and familiarity with emerging technolo­ gies. Effective reference, instructional, and user education skills; strong commitment to patron services for undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and administrators; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability as a leader implementing user-focused organizational changes; ability to work well both as an individual and a team member; demonstrated flexibility and initiative in changing environment preferred. Experience with electronic systems, including the Web, CD-ROM networks, and PC applications. SALARY: Minimum $40,000; negotiable depending on qualifications. BENEFITS: This is a full-time, 12-month nontenured faculty appointment. Benefits include 22 days' vacation, 13 days' sick leave, group medical, dental, and life insurance, an optional retirement program or state retirement, and no state or local income tax. With supervisor’s approval, may qualify for University tuition scholarships for up to six hours credit each semester. THE LIBRARY: Located in Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city, a growing community with a population of more than 215,000, the Florida State University, a public, coeducational institution of the 11- member State University System of Florida, has an enrollment of over 33,000 students. The Library system includes the Robert Manning Strozier Library (the main library), Paul A. M. Dirac Science Library, Mildred and Claude Pepper Library, Harold G oldstein Library Science Library, W arren D. Allen Music Library, Law Library, C ollege of M edicine Library, John and M abie Ringling Museum of A rt Library, and School o f Nursing Library Resource Center. Cam pus libraries have combined volume holdings totaling over 2,338,000 books and periodicals, over 957,000 government docu­ ments, and over 6,669,000 microforms. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, RLG, and SOLINET. For information about the Florida State University Libraries, see our home page at: h ttp ://w w w .fs u .e d u /~ lib ra ry /. AVAILABLE: Decem ber7,2001. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Application must be received or postmarked no later than October 31, 2001, to be considered. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Deborah Lightfoot Office Manager Administrative Office Strozier Library Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2047 Please cite position no. 56118. An equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 963 HEAD OF LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), seeks a talented, experienced, and energetic librarian to lead the Library Media Center. This tenure-track, faculty position reports directly to the Associate Dean for Public Services and works closely with the Coordinator for Collection Develop­ ment. The Head of the Library Media Center provides direction in the planning, development, and management of the library’s media services, including the daily operation of the Library Media Center and the development of the collections. The Head also assumes a prominent role in librarywide strategic planning, budgeting, and communication with regard to Library services, collections, and facilities. The Head also serves as a member of the library’s Administrative Council. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; experience supervising staff; effective oral and written communication skills; evidence of increasing levels of professional experience and responsibility; effective interpersonal skills; significant course work related to media or significant work experience with media materials; knowledge of recent media technology and innovations; ability to provide effective instruction; ability to deal with change. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An advanced degree related to media; an undergraduate degree related to media; experience with media in a post-secondary library setting; experience with media collection development; experience at a managerial level in a library setting; evidence of scholarly or creative activity; experience in working with a diverse student, faculty, or public population. Visit the Library homepage for a detailed vacancy announcement at: http://w w w ploym ent/. ANNTICIPATEDSTARTING DATE: April 1,2002. APPOINTMENT: This is a probationary, 12-month, tenure-track position at the Senior Assistant rank, salary range $48,156-$60,852, or Associate Librarian rank, salary range $55,380-$77,028, based on background and level of experience. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the University and community in order to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applications received by January 2, 2002, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé and the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of four professional references to: Tamara Frost Trujillo Associate Dean in Charge California State University, Sacramento, Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically; request from: CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. m e rits (i.e ., a to le ra n c e fo r d u st and m old); and an a b ility to m ove m a te ria ls up to 4 0 p ou n d s in w e ig h t. D e sire d : E x p e rie n ce w ith a u to m a te d file m a na g e m en t, M AR C fo rm a t, and th e d ig itiz a tio n o f a rch iva l m a te ria ls; a b ility to m e et th e q u a lific a tio n s o f a te n u re - tra c k a p p o in tm e n t in clu d in g an A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS and a se con d m a s te r’s d e g re e , p re fe ra b ly in h isto ry o r o th e r a ca d e m ic d isc ip lin e c lo s e ly related to th e a rch iva l fie ld . Both m a ste r's d e g re e s w ill be requ ire d fo r p ro m o tio n and te n u re . S ala ry: M inim u m $ 35 ,00 0 ; 12- m onth co n tra c t. C om p e titive b e n e fits packa g e . R evie w o f a p p lic a ­ tio n s w ill begin on N ove m b e r 1 ,2 0 0 1 , and co n tin u e until fille d . Send le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n w ith ré sum é , tra n s c rip ts , and nam es, a d ­ d re sse s, a nd te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n ce s to : C a rle n e A ro, C ha ir, U n ive rsity A rch ivist S earch C om m ittee , Box 2 11 5 , S ou th D akota S tate University, Brookings, SD 57007-1098; p h o n e : (6 0 5 ) 6 8 8 - 5 1 0 6 ; fa x : (6 0 5 ) 6 8 8 - 6 1 3 3 ; e - m a il: C a rle n e _ A ro @ sd sta te .e d u (in q u irie s only). SDSL) is an affirm a tive a ctio n , equ a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r a nd e n c o u ra g e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m w om en and m ino rities. A D A a cco m m o d a tion s: (605) 688-4504; TTY: (605) 688-4394. U N IV E R S IT Y LIB R A R IA N . B righ a m Y o u ng U n ive rsity (BYU ), loca te d in P rovo, U tah, is an equ a l o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tiv e a ction e m p lo ye r sp o n so re d by The C hu rch o f J e s u s C h ris t o f L a tte r-d a y S a in ts, and re q u ire s o b se rva n ce o f C hu rch sta n d a rd s . P refe re nce is g iven to a p p lica n ts w h o are m e m be rs o f The C h u rch . The U n ive rsity L ib ra ria n is re sp o n sib le fo r o ve ra ll a d m in is tra tio n and le a d e rsh ip as w e ll as p la n n in g , o rg a n izin g , im p le m e n tin g , and a d m in is tra tio n o f all lib ra ry o p e ra tio n s. T o a p p ly, p le a se re vie w c o m p le te Job lis tin g ( p o s itio n # 0 0 1 4 0 1 ) lo c a te d a t: h ttp :// w w w .b y u .e d u /h r/e m p lo y m e n t/fa c u lty .h tm l; and su b m it résum é, nam e s o f th re e re fe re n ce s, and BYU e m p lo ym e n t a p p lica tio n form (a lso a va ila b le to d o w n lo a d from a bo ve URL) to: C ali O ’ C on n e ll, L ib ra ry H um an R eso u rce S e rvice s, 2 06 8 H BLL, B righam You ng U n iv e rs ity , P rovo, U T 8 46 0 2 . 964 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 ASSISTANT GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN University of Colorado at Boulder This is a tenure-track position reporting to the head of the Government Publications Library. The position provides reference and instruction for the government publications collection and collabo­ rates in the development of tools for accessing electronic government information. The Government Publications Library is a Regional Federal Depository Library and has a strong collection of state, foreign, and international documents and technical reports. This position is responsible for the state and foreign documents collections. A significant part of this position involves research and creative work and a commitment to service in keeping with the tenure standards of the University of Colorado. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school completed by December 2001, experience with the Internet and electronic resources, coursework or experience with government publications, effective oral and written communication skills, strong commitment to public services, strong interpersonal skills, and potential for research and scholarly/professional achievement. PREFERENCES: Library school coursework in government publications, experience with government publications in a research library, demonstrated experience with the creation of Web pages, demonstrated experience with electronic data and electronic information in a variety of formats, experience with computer hardware and software loading, and experience with state or foreign documents. APPOINTMENT ANDSALARY: The successful candidate with demonstrated accomplishments in research and creative work will be appointed as a full-time (12-month) assistant professor on tenure track. A successful candidate with promise in research but lacking an established scholarly record will be appointed as a senior instructor (non-tenure track) for two years, with promotion to the tenure track and the rank of assistant professor upon successful review. Starting salary range will be $33,000-37,000. Benefits include 22 working days of vacation, 10 paid holidays, liberal sick leave, university group health care plans, group life insurance, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity, and support for scholarly/professional activi­ ties. Tenured librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave. APPLICATION PROCESS: Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. It is suggested that applications be on file with the search committee by November 15, 2001. Send letter of application specifically addressing qualifications for the position, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Scott Seaman Associate Director for Administrative Services University Libraries, 184 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0184 The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. Late Job Listings D IR E C T O R O F T H E L E H M A N M E M O R IA L L IB R A R Y . Taylor University, Fort W ayne. Tw elve-m onth, tenure-track position. Provides leadership for the m anagem ent and develop­ m ent o f resources and services to support and prom ote teaching, research, and service. Oversees library services, personnel, collection, and fiscal m anagem ent. W ill participate in the refine­ m ent o f final plans for a n ew library facility. Represents and prom otes library services and resources am ong students, faculty, adm inistration, and other constituencies. ALA-accredited M L S is required together w ith possession o f a second m aster’s degree or a definite com m itm ent to attain the same. Strong service orientation. Dem onstrated leadership in integrating em erging technologies w ith traditional library collections and services. Candidates m ust be strongly com m itted to the educational m ission and evangelical Christian orientation o f the university. The library has a collection o f approxim ately 80,000 volum es, subscribes to m ore C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 965 DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS Dartmouth College Are you an experienced educator eager to shape a new educational initiative? Bring your vision and talent to Dartmouth, where teaching and learning are central to the mission of the institution. Working at Dartmouth means joining an institution with a strong commitment to libraries. Exciting new facilities provide space for creative educational programs with quality media labs and a diversity of teaching spaces. A high quality of life, an interesting mix of graduate, professional, and undergraduate programs, and a diverse student body make Dartmouth an outstanding place to work. Reporting to the Associate Librarian of the College, the Director leads the Library’s education programs by working closely with faculty and librarians across the campus to identify and assess needs and develop, implement, and evaluate a program of systemwide training and instruction that teaches effective use and management of information resources and services. The successful candidate will have a relevant graduate or professional degree and a minimum of three to five years of related experience, including teaching in traditional and digital environments. Experience in curriculum design, demonstrated project management or team leadership skills, and a commitment to excellence in teaching and service provision are required. Review of applications will begin on October 19, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit résumé and letter of application to: Search Committee for Director of Education Programs Dartmouth College Library 6025 Baker-Berry Library Hanover, NH 03755 Or send by e-mail to: Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. than 500 periodicals, and provides a variety o f electronic resources. Developments are underway for a new library facility w ith construction anticipated to com m ence in 2002-03. Library personnel includes three fùll-time professional librarians (including the director), three support staff, and a dozen student employees. Inquiries, credentials, and supporting materials should be addressed to: Dwight Jessup, Provost an dD eanoftheU niversity, Taylor U n iversity,236W est Reade Avenue, Upland, IN 46989. Likely candidates will be sent an appointment questionnaire for completion and return. Faculty rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. All materials will rem ain confidential. W om en and m em bers o f m inority groups are encouraged to apply. Evaluation o f applications will continue until the position is filled. For furtherinformation, see: H E A D O F IN F O R M A T IO N A N D A C C E S S SE R V IC ES. Southw estern O klah om a State U niversity in W eatherford, Oklahom a, is accepting applications for H ead o f Inform a­ tion and A ccess Services. Screening o f applicants will begin on October 30, 2001, and will continue until position is filled. For m ore inform ation and full jo b description, please go to http:/ /ww w .sw ploy.htm ; or contact the S W O SU H um an Resources Departm ent at (508) 774-3275. R E F E R E N C E A N D IN ST R U C T IO N A L SER V IC ES L IB R AR IAN . Southw estern O kla­ h om a State U niversity in W eatherford, Oklahom a, is accepting applications for Reference and Instructional Services Librarian. Screening o f applicants will begin on October 3 0,200 1, and will continue until position is filled. F or m ore inform ation and full jo b description, please go to http://w w w .sw ploy.htm ; or contact the SW O SU H u m an Resources D epartm ent at (508) 774-3275. R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . A m erican U niversity Library invites appli­ cations for a tenure-track Reference/Instruction Librarian at the ran k o f A ssistant Librarian. 966 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Wright State University Wright State University invites applications and nomina­ tions for the position of University Librarian. We are seeking candidates with successful administrative expe­ rience in a university library, a thorough understanding of the use of evolving technology in a library setting, a strong commitment to service, and a collegial leadership style. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and serves on the Council of Deans. RESPONSIBILITIES: The University Librarian is the chief administrative officerforthe University Libraries and is responsible for providing leadership in long-range, strategic planning, development and promotion of library services and resources, initiation and implementation of appropriate technologies, collaboration on campus and with external community partners, budget and personnel management, and library fundraising. In addition, the University Librarian actively participates in planning and development of academic and technology initiatives throughout the university. QUALIFICATIONS: • ALA-accredited master’s degree in library or information science required • Additional advanced degree in an academic discipline strongly preferred • Substantial, progressive managerial and senio- level administrative experience including budget and personnel • Strong communication and interpersonal skills with demonstrated ability to work effectively with staff, faculty, and students in a diverse community • Ability to provide leadership while working successfully and collaboratively in a collegial administra­ tive style • Demonstrated understanding of evolving issues in higher education and scholarly communication and the ability to articulate how those affect library services and the university community • Demonstrated commitment to excellent service and to staff development • Record of leadership in integrating new and emerging information technologies with traditional library resources and services • Experience in developing external funding sources to enhance library collections and services ENVIRONMENT: Wright State University, founded in 1968 and named for Dayton’s aviation pioneers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, is located 10 miles east of the city of Dayton, a metropolitan area of nearly one million people. The university serves approximately 16,000 students (12,000 undergraduates and 4,000 graduate students) with 100 undergraduate, 40 master's, and 6 doctoral programs offered through six colleges and three schools. The University Libraries consist of the Paul Laurence Dunbar Library, the Fordham Health Sciences Library, the Music Library, and shared responsibility for the Lake Campus Library. With collections totaling over 755,000 volumes and over 5,500 current periodical subscriptions, the libraries have a budget of $7.6 million and a staff of 76 FTE. Wright State University is a founding member of OhioLINK, a consortium of 79 Ohio college and university libraries including the State Library of Ohio. The University Libraries’ Web site provides integrated access to WSU, OhioLINK, and Internet resources ( APPLICATION: Fullest consideration will be given to applications received by October 22, 2001. Applicants should address how they meet the qualifications listed above in their letter of application. Please send letter, résumé, and the names and contact information of three current references to: Chair, University Librarian Search Committee Department of Human Resources 280 University Hall Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton, OH 45435 Wright State University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and specifically encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups. C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 967 Responsibilities: W e seek an innovative, energetic, and service-oriented librarian to w ork in a team environment. Provide service to a diverse user population at a bu sy reference desk, over the W eb, and in classes. Provide research assistance in the use o f the online catalog, the W eb, and other electronic and print resources. Prepare bibliographic and other reference tools in selected subject areas. A s a m em ber o f the team , share facilitation o f team m eetings. M ay serve on one or m ore reference subteam s or as coordinator o f a special service. Contribute to library instruction program and/or collection development. Participate on cross-functional library teams. Som e evening and w eekend hours required. Position is responsible to the team and reports to the Assistant U niversity Librarian for Inform ation Services. Library faculty participate in library governance activities an d are encouraged to contribute to cam puswide activities. Requirem ents: A LA -accredited M LS; library experience in print and electronic bibliographic instruction. A strong com m itm ent to teaching and library outreach. Outstanding interpersonal and com m unication skills. Strong public service ethic; collaborative skills. D em onstrated potential for contributions to the profession. Preferred: Experience w ith library instruction, W eb-authoring, and w orking in a team environment. Salary: C om m ensurate with experience and qualifications. Position Available: Immediately. The A m erican University, incorporated in 1893, offers a w ide range o f undergraduate and graduate program s, m an y with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proxim ity to centers o f technology, politics, justice, w orld affairs, com m unication, science, business, and art in the W ashington, D.C., area enhances the learning environment. The university library is a team -based organization 968 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 MARKETING COORDINATOR/ INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Dartmouth College Biomedical Libraries The Biomedical Libraries are a component of the Dartmouth College Library system serving the Department of Biological Sciences, the Dartmouth Medical School, and the Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center. The Biomedical Libraries consist of the Dana Biomedical Library at Dartmouth College’s Hanover, New Hampshire, campus, and the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. The Marketing Coordinator/lnformation and Education Services Librarian leads the Biomedical Libraries’ marketing and communication activities and serves as part of the information and education team providing liaison, reference, and education services in support of education, research, and patient care. Reporting to the Associate Director/lnformation Resources, the position is responsible for promoting the Libraries’ resources and services, editing the Biomedical Libraries Newsletter and other publications, and coordinating a Librarian Liaison Program, in addition to reference desk coverage and educational activities. The successful candidate will demonstrate evidence of skills in developing and sustaining a marketing and communications program and will have strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills; the ability to work collegially in small-group and team environments; a strong commitment to client service; and advanced reference skills and proficiency in computer-assisted research. ALA/ MLS required; two years' post-MLS experience in the life sciences and an educational background in the life sciences preferred. Rankand Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum Salary: $42,000 (Librarian III); $36,000 (Librarian II); and $32,000 (Librarian I); plus a comprehensive benefits package and relocation assistance. Applications received by October 31, 2001, will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Please submit résumé and letter of application to: Peggy Sleeth Associate Director, Information Resources 6168 Dana Biomedical Library Hanover, NH 03755 Or send by e-mail to: For further information, including the full position description, see the Biomedical Libraries Web site at: http://w w w .dartm ed/. Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. serving the university through a collection o f over 740,000 volumes, 20 library faculty, 52 full­ time staff plus over 160 student assistants, and a budget o f over $6 million. The university is an active m em ber o f the W ashington Research Consortium w ith a shared Endeavor system that includes an online public catalog and numerous bibliographic databases and fall-text databases. Review o f applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter o f application, résumé, names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references to: Michele Mrkkelsen, Library Personnel Officer, A m erican University Library, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, N W , W ashington, DC 20016-8046; e-mail: The American University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity university committed to a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. M inority and w om en candidates are encouraged to apply. REFERENCEZINSTRUCTION LIB R AR IAN . The University o f W isconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, W isconsin, seeks a Reference/īnstruction Librarian to provide reference service, act as liaison to several faculty departments for purposes o f library instruction and collection development, develop print and technology-based instructional materials, and participate in additional outreach and instruction program s. Required: M aster’s degree from A L A -accredited C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 969 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The University of Toledo The University of Toledo, a metropolitan research institution, seeks an experienced librarian anc administrator to provide dynamic leadership as Dean of University Libraries. Initial screening o applications will begin October 1, 2001, and continue until the position is filled. The library dear is a member of the Provost’s Cabinet. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reports to the Provost and Vice-President for Undergraduate and Graduate Education. The dean is the chief administrative officer for University Libraries and is responsible fo the successful planning, organization, policy development, implementation, and direction of al aspects of library services. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: Strategic planning; program evaluation and development; recruiting, mentoring, and evaluation o faculty and staff; designing and communicating the University Libraries’ educational and servier mission to the university community; budget management; building consensus and fosterinc cooperative relationships; private and public fundraising. Provide energetic leadership in integrating new and emerging technologies with traditional library resources and services. Seek ways to promote the library as a center for student learning. Lead the executive board of the Friends of the Library Information about the University Libraries may be found on our Web site at The University of Toledo Web site ( provides campus information and links tc community resources. REQUIREDQUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; credentials to qualify for tenure as a full professor in the University Libraries; significant experience in the administration of an academic library; demonstratec ability to create, articulate, and sustain a vision for the future of library services in an urban researef university; ability to work effectively and collaboratively with faculty, staff, students, anc administrators; ability to build consensus and foster cooperation; record of commitment to anc support for cultural diversity; record of successful leadership; demonstrated knowledge of personne and budget management; strong problem-solving, interpersonal, organizational, and planning skills evidence of commitment to promoting professional growth and development of faculty and staff ability to serve as an advocate for the libraries internally and externally; ability to represent the university in matters related to libraries on a statewide and/or national level. The successful candidate should have a clear vision of issues affecting academic libraries and especially appreciate anc understand both traditional and evolving technologies in research, teaching, and service. PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS: Earned doctorate; experience in a collective bargaining environment, an understanding of anc development of projects or activities responsive to the changing needs of the disciplines in the university; experience with different types of library and archival items and the specific requirement! that each media needs for care, conservation, storage, and access. APPLICATION: Applicants should submit a current curriculum vita, an extended statement addressing the requirec and preferred qualifications, and the names, mail and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax number; of at least five references who can speak to professional qualifications. E-mail submission of these materials is welcome. Send applications to: Karen Bell, Office of the Provost The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft Street Toledo, OH 43606-3390 Fax: (419) 530-4496 E-mail: Please use only one method of application. Informal preliminary inquiries are invited by contactin‹ Dr. Marcia Suter, Chair of the Search Committee, at (419) 530-2424 or e-mail As Ohio is an open records state, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The University of Toledo is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educator. Members of protected classes are encouraged to apply. 970 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 LIBRARY WEB ADMINISTRATOR University of Michigan Library The University of Michigan Library is seeking a Library Web Administrator for the Library’s central Web presence (i.e., This is a new position and comes in response to a growing recognition within the Library of the centrality and importance of this role. The Library Web Administrator will have a leadership role in the development and maintenance of a continually evolving Web presence, working with Senior Managers in the University Library and with other staff throughout the library system. S/he will have supervisory responsibility for a single programmer, but also has at her/his disposal student support, the participation of Web support staff throughout the Library, and some of the technological resources of the Digital Library Production Service, including a strong in-house UNIX system administration and significant computing resources. The Library Web Administrator will also have the support and guidance of two significant advisory groups, one primarily technical and one program­ matic and policy-oriented. The Library’s Web site also serves as a public relations and communications mechanism, as an entrée to resources and services, and as an informational resource about the Library’s staff, services, units, and facilities. A full position description, including the necessary qualifications, is available at: For more informa­ tion about the position, please feel free to contact John Price Wilkin at: jpwilkin@ RANK AND APPOINTMENT: Rank will be Associate, Senior Associate, or Librarian, and will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience and professional achievement. As a professional appointment in the University Library, this position offers full benefits and opportunities for professional development and travel, and participates fully in faculty governance. TO APPLY: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Contact (734) 764-2546 for further information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by October 31, 2001, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscríminatory, affirmative action employer. library school. Position begins January 14, 2002. Com plete position announcem ent and application processappearat: Candidates are required to access this W eb site and follow application instructions. U W - Parkside is an affirmative action, equal em ploym ent opportunity em ployer D/M /V/W . SER IA LS A N D E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S C A T A L O G E R . Eastern K entucky Univer- sity is seeking a flexible, innovative librarian to catalog serials and electronic resources. Reporting to the C oordinator o f System s and Technical Services, the serials cataloger will function as a consultant to the Cataloging T eam and w ill assum e responsibility for the planning, development, implementation, and evolution o f sensible and effective policies and procedures for cataloging and linking serials in all formats. The successful candidate w ill have experience training support staff and w orking in a collaborative environment. Candidates m ust have an M LS from an ALA-accredited institution. F or a m ore detailed jo b description, see http:// w w and click on the "positions open" link. This is a 12-month, nontenured faculty position w ith the ran k ofA ssistantU niversity Librarian. Benefits include 2 0 d a y sofp a id leave plus 15 paid holidays, sick leave and fam ily health care plans, retirement, life insurance, and tuition waivers. Salary is very competitive and dependent upon qualifications and experience. Send letter o f application, résumé, and nam es, addresses, phone num bers, and e- mail addresses o f three professional references to: Lee V an Orsdel, D ean o f Libraries, Eastern K entucky U niversity, 521 Lancaster Avenue, R ichm ond, K Y 40475-3102. R eview o f appli­ cations will begin in late Septem ber and will continue until the position is filled. C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 971 Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 947 C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 947 CLASSIFIED AdsCareer opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&FtL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 POSITIONS OPENARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Position: Fac­ulty rank, tenure-track, 12-month appointment, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. Seeking an individual who will serve as the Library’s Archivist/Special Collections Librarian. Responsiblefor overall departmentoperationsincludingprojectmanagementfor the archives and continued implementation of EAD. Primary responsibilities are to collect, appraise, organize, and preserve primary source materials and printed items relating to Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state lib raryassociationsforprofessional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations forminimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professionalvacancies. For additional information onlibrarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut $34,172Delaware $22,500**Illinoi 948 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 HEAD OF CATALOGINGUniversity of AkronThe University of Akron Libraries seeks a dynamic librarian to provide leadership and direction for its Cataloging Department. University Libraries (Bierce Library, the Science and Technology Library, and Archival Services) operates with a faculty of 30 librarians and 35 additional staff members. This research library has a collection of 1.1 million bound volumes and an annual budget of $5.5 million.RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Cataloging coordinates and sets the direct this salary range may increase as a consequence of collective bargaining).The position will remain open until an appointment has been made; review of candidates will begin Decembers, 2001, and continue through early spring 2002. To request an application packet, orfor further information, contact the library administrative office: (562) 985-7839; e-mail: . California State University Long Breach is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity, and takes pride in i BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. The Library at California State University, Monterey Bay seeks aCoordinatorto provide leadership in planning, organizing, and managing Bibliographic Services including acquisitions, cataloging, and serials. Manages the workflow for acquiring, describing, and preserving the Library’s collection of electronic, print, and media resources. Participates in reference services, information competency instruction, and collection develop­ment. Forafull position description, please C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 949 EDUCATION REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, HaywardTenure-track, 12-month; No. 02-03 LIBR-PUBLSERV/EDUC-TT.DUTIES:Be responsible for both instructional and collection development activities for the departments in the School of Education and Allied Studies, and other academic departments; teach one or more sections of LIBRARY 1010, a credit-bearing information competence course, and other for-credit and/or non­credit classes; serve at the centralized reference desk during day, eveni environment requiring a sincere commitment to advancing CSUMB's academic goals, as identified in the University Vision Statement. This is a 12-month, tenu re-trackfaculty appointment (position #FAC2001 -0023) with a salary of approximately $51,000. First consideration given to applications received by November 2,2001. Apply to: Faculty Recruit- ment/Human Resources Developments EEO, California State Uni­versity, Monterey Bay, 100 Campus Center, Building 80, Seaside, CA 93955-8001; phone: (831) 582-3389; fax Preferred Qualifications: Additional postgraduate degree, bibliographic instruction, and/or reference experience. Salary: $32,500, negotiable. Forfull position description, visit: Send letter of application, vita, and names of three references to: Barbara Reynolds, Poynter Library, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 1407th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Applications must be received by October 20, 2001, to be considered. According to Florida law, applications and meetin 950 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 curricula and standardized test materials. Preferred: Master's degree in education and/or teaching experience and familiarity with children’s literature. Please send letter of application, résumé, and three letters of reference, including addresses and phone numbers, to: Library Director, The College of Saint Rose, 432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203. Review of materials will begin on October 15, 2001.DIRECTOR OF DUGGAN LIBRARY. Hanover College seeks a Direc­tor of Duggan Library beginning July 2002. Hanov C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 951 Stanford University Libraries has the following outstanding opportunities available. Substantial knowledge of and experience in academic or research libraries and the university research environment are required as is i J the ability to perform effectively in a diverse, multicultural workplace environment. Each position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or the equivalent in training and experience, proven managerialability, and experience with current technology and information systems.C 952 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES Dartmouth College LibraryDartmouth College offers exceptional opportunities to talented people who contribute greatly to our success. Our ongoing training, advancement opportu­nities, and a host of academic, recreational, and cultural resources make Dartmouth an outstanding place to build your career. Be part of a community and tradition that values excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, and research.Reporting to the Deputy Librarian of the College, the Director of Ma well as student workers. The Director is an integral member of a team and provides direct service in addition to administrative functions. The Director will continue major initiatives currently underway, including renovation, expansion of instruction and reference services, and reclassification, and will provide leadershipfor collection development in partnership with staff and faculty. The College seeks a candidate with a vision for the future of liberal arts libraries who demonstrates leadership and manag current letters of reference to: Human Resources, Attention: Dennis McIntire, Chair, Library Search Committee, Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC27855. Applications may also be faxed to: (252) 398- 6213; or sent by e-mail to: hintoj @ chowan.ed u. Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates are urged to visit our Web site at: All inquiries and expressions of interest will be kept in strictest confidence. Chowan College, an equal op C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 953 MATHEMATICS/PHYSICS LIBRARIANUniversity of MichiganAre you a creative librarian who enjoys managing superior collections of print and electronic resources, and who enjoys working with excellent faculty and stu­dents? Come join us as we create new resources, develop new methods of accessing those resources, and support faculty and students in their use of the traditional and nontraditional library resources.The University of Michigan is seeking a librarian to join a team of science librarians and information $50,400), Senior Assistant ($38,000—$57,000) or Associate Librarian ($42,800—$64,200), depending upon qualifications. Santa Clara Univer­sity, the oldest institution of higher learning in California, is a Jesuit university, which educates men and women for competence, con­science, and compassion. The campus is located 46 miles from San Francisco, near the southern tip of San Francisco Bay, in an area rich in opportunities for learning and in the midst of one of the nation's greatest concentrations of high t University Librarian, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053-0500. Applications received by October31,2001, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Santa Clara University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.FACULTY LIBRARIAN/LEARNING CONSULTANTS. (Two Posi­tions) Seattle Pacific University invites applications for two 11 -month positions available immediately. Exact duties of each position flexible: select 3^1 of the six options to 954 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIANGrinnell CollegeGrinnell College Libraries seek a person with energy and initiative, strong public service skills, a commitment to information literacy instruction, and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment to serve as Public Services Librarian. Initial appointment will be at the assistant professor rank with a two-year, renewable contract.Responsibilities involve participating in the full range of reference and instructional services including staffing the tation of electronic resources (e.g., virtual reference service). Distance Learning assignments will consist of assisting in the planning, coordination, and support of library services to distance learners by working directly with the library’s online education department as well as library staff for the needs of remote library users. Annual Salary: $36,000 to$45,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include health, dental, disability, and life insurance as well as retirement programs. Moving allowance literacy services, promotes professional development, and fosters teamwork in an urban university. Serves at reference desk, provides instruction, and participates in collection development. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; increasingly responsible academic or research library experience, including five years' reference and instruction and three years' supervisory experi­ence; strong organization and planning skills; ability to meet the university’s tenure and promotion requireme C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 955 JOHNS HOPKINSMONOGRAPH COPY CATALOGING COORDINATORUNIVERSITYJohns Hopkins UniversityThe Johns Hopkins University seeks an energetic librarian to provide expertise and leadership for its monograph copy cataloging unit. The coordinator will supervise five full-time employees (plus students), formulate goals, establish priorities, develop cataloging procedures, and create an environment that fosters teamwork as well as encourages and recognizes high performance. The successful candidate will have strong collab educator. ForadditionalinformationaboutTheUniversityofToledoand this position, visit: John FisherCollege’sLavery Library invites applications for Head of Technical Services. Responsi­bilities include administering the operations of acquisitions, cataloging, and processing for all nonperiodicai library materials, and serving as Acquisitions Librarian and Cataloging Librarian. Incumbent will also serve as Collection Managerforcirculatin departments; masters new technologies and stays current in library applications; creates instructional and training materials in print, interactive Web-based, and multimedia formats; provides reference services. Qualifications Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; substantial knowledge of and experiénce with electronic resources, desktop, and Internet applications; demonstrated effective training/teaching skills in group and one-on-one settings; evidence of strong oral and written communicati 956 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGEREFERENCE LIBRARIANTidewater Community College invites applications and nominations for the position of Reference Librarian. Located in historic Hampton Roads, TCC is among the 50 largest community colleges in the nation, serving over 31,000 credit students annually. With four campuses and a visual arts center, TCC is a comprehensive institution offering more than 60 different curricula, including a full complement of college transfer and occupational/technical education, workforc nity, affirmative action employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities and provide reasonable accommodations to known disabilities of applicants and employees.LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Blanche Skiff Ross Library, Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri. The director is responsible for supervising 2.0 FTE professional and 2.0 FTE paraprofessional staff plus student aides; fiscal management; and developing, promoting, and carrying out strategic plans for library services and multimedia support of instruction and trends in media services required. Cottey College is a teaching- oriented, student-centered, small, private (not church-related), two-year, residential, liberal arts college for women. Student population numbers 300 to 350 from 35 fo 45 states and 15 to 25 countries. Eighty miles to Kansas City metro area, 40 to 140 miles to Ozark recreation areas. Send cover letter and curriculum vitae with names and numbers of three references to: Hal Ross, Academic Vice President, Cottey College, 1000 W. Austin, Neva C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 957 DIGITAL SUPPORT MANAGERTrinity UniversityManager of Digital Support directs automation implementation and maintenance of Endeavor Voyager system; coordinates development of Web pages, online resources, infrastructure mainte­nance (PCs), automation training, and instructional sessions for staff, librarians, and users. Supervises staff responsible for installing software, maintaining files, and controlling programs. Maintains servers to provide network-based indexes and full-text products to users.REQUIRED: T METADATA LIBRARIAN. The Indiana University Bloomington Li­braries are seeking an innovative and dynamic individual to lead Libraries in analysis and use of metadata, to assist in development of Libraries’ metadata policy standards, to coordinate metadata procedures and practices across various digital library projects on Bloomington campus. The Digital Library Program at Indiana University has created more than 300,000 digital objects to date in many formats, including electronic text, digital images, and s national metadata initiatives such as RLG’s Cultural Materials Alliance and Digital Library Federation’s Metadata Harvesting Initiative. Partici­pates in Library committees, communicating with relevant selectors, curators, subject specialists, and also takes active role in university, statewide, national, and international efforts and forums regarding metadata in digital libraries. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited degree in library or information science or equivalent combination of degrees and expe 958 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION COORDINATORUniversity of Alaska AnchorageCome to the Last Frontier and Help Build the Library of the 21st Century!POSITION: Library Instruction Coordinator, PCN: 305259A, full-time, tenure-track, regular appoint­ment with benefits, 9 months/year (plus 3-month extension), faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities.LOCATION: Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.SALARY: Minimum $43,000 annually. Excellent benefits to include health and life insurance, retirement, a computer platforms including Linux, UNIX, Windows, and MacOS. Experience in applying for or managing grant proposals. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank negotiable and competitive dependent upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointment that includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include university health care plan, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To Apply: Review of applications begins November f, working knowledge of national and international cataloging standards and practices. Participates actively in local and national discussions through professional development and service activities. The success­ful candidate for this position will have strong collaborative and collegial skills with a personal commitment to responsive and innovative service. Requires accredited MLS degree with 2+ years original cataloging experience. Working knowledge of current national cataloging standards (including AACR2r, C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 959 (continued from previous page)creativity. Demonstrated knowledge of current library instruction theory. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience with delivery of Web-based library instruction. Instructional experience in higher education.RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinate existing library instruction activities. Develop innovative and diverse library instructional activities that may include semester-long classes, faculty and student workshops, course-related sessions, and competency-based certificate pr alism, and teamwork. Johns Hopkins University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Love to teach? Seeking innova­tive, flexible, service- and team-oriented librarian to oversee and provide instruction for a growing program, coordinate public services, provide reference, and supervise acquisition assistant while coordinating collection development. Position reports to the director. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, experience teaching and/or providing library instructio to the Head of Reference Services. Qualifications Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program; reference assistance experience; demonstrated knowledgeof Internet-based information resources and with electronic information technologies; strong communication and interpersonal skills. Qualifications Preferred: Working knowledge of microcomputer hardware and software; academic library experience; teaching experience. Appointment, Salary, and Benefits: 12-month, tenure-track faculty appointment. Minimu 960 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANUniversity of Hawaii at HiloThe University of Hawaii at Hilo invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. We seek an energetic, team-oriented individual to provide innovative administrative leadership. The Library serves over 5,000 undergraduate, graduate, and community college students.The University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo) is a comprehensive, regional institution on the island of Hawaii and incorporates three four-year colleges: the College of Agri access to collections; development of policies and procedures; donor relations; grant writing; exhibits and publications; outreach to campus and community. Reference, service, and research activi­ties are required. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited pro­gram; experience in special collections; knowledge of preservation trends and practice; relevant subject expertise; excellent commu­nication and interpersonal skills. Preferred Qualifications: Addi­tional postgraduate degree, experience with grants and/ UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST AND HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLEC­TIONS. South Dakota State University seeks adedicated professional archivist to administer, develop, and promote its archival and rare book collections, housed within the Hilton M. Briggs Library. Responsibilities: Identify, acquire, organize, preserve, describe, promote, and facilitate the use of archival, manuscript, and rare book collections; provide research guidance in all special collections; prepare guides and bibliographies; develop exhibits and public C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 961 DISTANCE LEARNING LIBRARIANUniversity of Southern IndianaThe University of Southern Indiana seeks a Distance Leaning Librarian to plan, coordinate, promote, and evaluate the library’s informational and instructional services for remote library users. Will participate fully in reference and instruction; work closely with other library units to provide off- campus students support equivalent to that on campus, in a user education program that includes traditional, electronic, and distance components.REQUIRED: 962 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 HEAD, MEDIA CENTERFlorida State University (Search Reopened)RANK: Associate Librarian or Assistant Librarian, depending upon qualifications.DESCRIPTION: Will help shape a new unit, providing media service to the University. Provides effective leadership in the planning and provision of innovative, multimedia services in a rapidly changing information environment. Ensures the delivery of responsive, user-focused service using the most appropriate technology available. Works with faculty to select materials t C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 963 HEAD OF LIBRARY MEDIA CENTERCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Sacramento (CSUS), seeks a talented, experienced, and energetic librarian to lead the Library Media Center. This tenure-track, faculty position reports directly to the Associate Dean for Public Services and works closely with the Coordinator for Collection Develop­ment. The Head of the Library Media Center provides direction in the planning, development, and management of the library’s media services, including t merits (i.e., a tolerance for dust and mold); and an ability to move materials up to 40 pounds in weight. Desired: Experience with automated file management, MARC format, and the digitization of archival materials; ability to meet the qualifications of a tenure- track appointment including an ALA-accredited M LS and a second master’s degree, preferably in history or other academic discipline closely related to the archival field. Both master's degrees will be required for promotion and tenure. Salary: Minim from women and minorities. ADA accommodations: (605) 688-4504; TTY: (605) 688-4394.UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Brigham Young University (BYU), located in Provo, Utah, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and requires observance of Church standards. Preference is given to applicants who are members of The Church. The University Librarian is responsible for overall administration and leadership as well as planning, organizing, implementin 964 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 ASSISTANT GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN University of Colorado at BoulderThis is a tenure-track position reporting to the head of the Government Publications Library. The position provides reference and instruction for the government publications collection and collabo­rates in the development of tools for accessing electronic government information. The Government Publications Library is a Regional Federal Depository Library and has a strong collection of state, foreign, and international documents and C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 965 DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION PROGRAMSDartmouth CollegeAre you an experienced educator eager to shape a new educational initiative? Bring your vision and talent to Dartmouth, where teaching and learning are central to the mission of the institution. Working at Dartmouth means joining an institution with a strong commitment to libraries. Exciting new facilities provide space for creative educational programs with quality media labs and a diversity of teaching spaces. A high quality of life, an interesting mix of gra 966 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANWright State UniversityWright State University invites applications and nomina­tions for the position of University Librarian. We are seeking candidates with successful administrative expe­rience in a university library, a thorough understanding of the use of evolving technology in a library setting, a strong commitment to service, and a collegial leadership style. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and serves on the Council of Deans.RESPONSIBILITIES:The University Librarian C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 967 Responsibilities: We seek an innovative, energetic, and service-oriented librarian to work in a team environment. Provide service to a diverse user population at a busy reference desk, over the Web, and in classes. Provide research assistance in the use of the online catalog, the Web, and other electronic and print resources. Prepare bibliographic and other reference tools in selected subject areas. As a member of the team, share facilitation of team meetings. May serve on one or more reference subteams or 968 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 MARKETING COORDINATOR/ INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES LIBRARIANDartmouth College Biomedical LibrariesThe Biomedical Libraries are a component of the Dartmouth College Library system serving the Department of Biological Sciences, the Dartmouth Medical School, and the Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center. The Biomedical Libraries consist of the Dana Biomedical Library at Dartmouth College’s Hanover, New Hampshire, campus, and the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 969 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESThe University of ToledoThe University of Toledo, a metropolitan research institution, seeks an experienced librarian anc administrator to provide dynamic leadership as Dean of University Libraries. Initial screening o applications will begin October 1, 2001, and continue until the position is filled. The library dear is a member of the Provost’s Cabinet.RESPONSIBILITIES: Reports to the Provost and Vice-President for Undergraduate and Graduate Education. The dean is the chief adm 970 / C&RL News ■ October 2001 C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 971 LIBRARY WEB ADMINISTRATORUniversity of Michigan LibraryThe University of Michigan Library is seeking a Library Web Administrator for the Library’s central Web presence (i.e., This is a new position and comes in response to a growing recognition within the Library of the centrality and importance of this role. The Library Web Administrator will have a leadership role in the development and maintenance of a continually evolving Web presence, working with Senior Managers in the Univ