ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1994/707 News fro m the Field ary Ellen Davis Register n ow fo r ACRL in Pittsburgh … If you are an ACRL member you already should have re­ ceived your preliminary pro­ gram with registration mate­ rials for ACRL’s 7th National Conference in Pittsburgh, March 29-April 1,1995. Over 200 programs, panels, poster sessions, and roundtable dis­ cussions as well as exhibits M by over 230 vendors will be presented to enhance your knowledge o f the profession and on-the-job skills. Cultural and library and receptions are planned for your enjoy Plenty o f opportunities will be provided to new friends and network with librarians around the country. To register by phone request a registration packet call Cynthia lor at (800) 545-2433 ext. 2521. Note: re tion discounts are given to ACRL members ACRL now and save money! … and w in a free trip an yw h ere the U.S. Book your airline ticket to Pittsburgh th Travel Technology Group (TTG ) before th Midwinter Meeting in February and be en in a drawing to win a free airline ticket t where in the continental United States. ACRL’s official travel management compa offering discounts on airfare to Pittsbur American Airlines (15% o ff coach; 5% o ff est applicable fare) and US Air (10% o ff c 5% o ff lowest applicable fare). To make airline reservations, call TTG at (800) 355-8091, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (CST). TTG can also book rail reservations on Amtrack for 10% o ff their lowest fare; call (800) USA-RAIL and mention file:#x0l6F930. Silent auction needs your help! For the first time ACRL is holding a silent auction at its 7th National Con­ ference. Items to be auctioned include vacations, dinners, tickets to sporting events, software, training opportunities, keynote speakers, crafts, and system access. tours ment. meet from or to Tay­ gistra­ . Join in rough e ALA tered o any­ TTG, ny, is gh on low ­ oach; your ACRL needs your bids and donations. To make our first auction a success w e w ould like to hear from you. Donate items such as tickets to your sch o o l’s sporting events, crafts na­ tive to your region, or a service you are skilled in. To donate items to the auc­ tion contact Cheryl Bernero at (800) 545-2433 ext. 2510. Donations should be valued at a minimum o f $50. Proceeds from the auc­ tion will establish an endowment to fund a lead­ ership development program for junior-level librarians. W right Brothers Collection cataloged on OCLC Wright State University’s (Dayton, Ohio) col­ lection o f Wright Brothers material has been c a ta lo g e d and m ade a va ila b le through OhioLINK (the statewide Ohio Library and In­ formation Network) and OCLC. The entire col­ lection is listed as one record in a standard AMC (Archives and Manuscript Catalog) for­ mat. The Wright State University collection supplements the main body o f the Wright Broth­ ers’ papers located in the Library o f Congress. It consists o f family letters and papers, finan­ cial records, school mementoes, genealogical material, church papers and diaries o f the Wrights’ father, notebooks, citations, awards, and the Wrights’ technical library covering many aspects o f early aeronautics. The collection also .vi n U etatS h t igr W y es rt uo C igh t B ro th e rs’ first flight at Kitty H aw k.The W r C& R L ed ito r sought Applications and nominations are invited for die position of editor o f College & R esearch L ibraries‚ the bimonthly, scholarly research journal o f the Association o f College and Re­ search Libraries (ACRL). The editor is ap­ pointed for a three-year term which may be renewed for an additional three years. Ap­ plicants must be members o f ALA and ACRL. Qualifications include professional experi­ ence in academic libraries, a record o f schol­ arly publication, editing experience, an un­ derstanding o f the scholarly communication process, and a broad knowledge of the is­ sues confronting academic libraries. Some funding for editorial assistance is available, and there is a small honorarium for the editor. Appointment will be made by the ACRL ard o f Directors at the 1995 Annual Con­ rence, upon the recommendation of the arch committee and o f the ACRL Publica­ ns Committee. The incoming editor will sume full responsibility for C&RL in July 96, after a year of working with the out­ ing editor. Nominations, or resumes and letters of plication including the names o f three ref­ ences, should be sent to: C&RL Search mmittee, c/o Hugh Thompson, Program fficer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 60611. The deadline for receipt o f appli­ tions is December 15, 1994. Finalists will interviewed at the Midwinter Meeting in bruary 1995. ■ Bo fe se tio as 19 go ap er Co O IL ca be Fe includes nearly 4,000 photographs, many of which are original prints taken by the Wrights to document their early flying experiments. Catholic U niversity gets n e w la w lib rary The law library at Catholic University of America benefited from the Columbus School of Law’s new building. The Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library is a 55,000-square-foot, three-story Photo credite Catholic University photo T h e m a in s t a ir c a s e at C a th o lic U n iv e rs ity ’s new Ju d g e K a th ry n J . D u F o u r Law L ib ra ry . 7 08/C&RL News library housed within the law school’s new 170,000-sq u are -fo o t building. It can hold 220,000 volumes increasing the former library’s space by 75%; it can seat 500 patrons at car­ rels, tables, lounge areas, two computer labs, and six group-study rooms. The main reading room features cherry bookcases, wainscot, tables, chairs, and 228 study carrels individu­ ally handcrafted by Thomas Moser Cabinetmak­ ers of Auburn, Maine. Washington architects Florance, Eichbaum, Esocoff and King designed the building to fit the university’s mix of old and new styles. Land­ scape architect Michael Vergason o f Virginia designed the quadrangle that visually links the law school and the rest o f the campus. G o ph er to Southern M ountaineers Film ography Appalachian State University’s (ASU) W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection has made available on its g o p h e r th e S o u th e rn M o u n ta in e e rs Filmography, an annotated listing o f every fic­ tional and nonfiction movie that portrays south­ ern mountaineers (from either Appalachia or the Ozarks) in chronological order from 1904 to the present. A title index is available in a separate file. Both the filmography and the in­ dex are WAIS searchable. The filmography was compiled by ASU professor and A p p a la ch ia n J o u r n a l editor Jerry Wayne Williamson. To ac­ cess the filmography, choose the University Library D ecem ber 1994 / 709 option form the first screen o f the ASU gopher (, followed by the Appa­ lachian Collection option on the secret screen. Questions may be addressed to the W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection Library, Fred J. Hay at ACRL units start n e w listservs ACRL’s Community and Junior College Librar­ ies (CJCLS), Science and Technology (STS), and Asian, African, & Middle Eastern (AAMES) sections have each started new electronic com­ munications. CJC-L will serve as a communication chan­ nel for CJCLS and for all community college library personnel. Eva Lautemann and Douglas Jones (Dekalb College) are responsible for de­ veloping the listserv. To subscribe send the mes­ sage “subscribe CJC-L your name” to: listserv To post a message to the listserv send e-mail to cjcl@ dekalb. Direct questions to Lautemann at STS-L, a moderated list open to all, pro­ vides: a forum for the discussion o f issues pri­ marily o f interest to all science and technology librarians, a quick communication link between STS section leadership and the members, and serves as a distribution point for STS publica­ tions. As o f press time over 800 persons have subscribed. T o su b scrib e to STS-L, sen d e-m ail to listserv@ utkvm with the message: “Subscribe STS-L Your Name”. Contact the list m oderators if you have q u estio n s: Marty Courtois, University o f Tennessee, (615) 974- 6797, e-mail:, or Terry Wittig, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268- 7212, e-mail: ACRL-AAMES is an electronic mailer to pro­ mote better communication between the mem­ bers and the Executive Committee, and to dis­ tribute news and other messages. To subscribe send the message “subscribe ACRL-AAMES first nam e last n am e” to listp ro c @ m cfe e le y .cc. ■ Constitutions of the w o rld Kingwood College is one of four campuses of the North Harris Montgomery Community College. Approximately 3,000 students are en­ rolled in credit classes at this campus and most of them will, at one time or another, take the required course GOVT 2301. For their research paper in this course, students may compare the Constitution of the United States with that of another country. Our library has sources containing abstracts o f foreign constitutions, but we were unable to provide original, complete constitutions. No satisfactory published sources could be identified. We referred students to the appro­ priate embassies, but received little feedback and wondered if that was working. When the professor gave the same assignment the next term and assured us that it would continue indefinitely, we decided to contact the em­ bassies ourselves and build up a constitution collection. Letters were sent to embassies, United Nations representatives, and State De­ partment Desk Officers for 174 countries ask­ ing for a copy of their constitution, in En­ glish, if possible; 74 countries responded. Not a bad response rate, but what hap­ pened to the others? Were some of the letters lost? Was July a bad time to write? A follow- p mailing in the fall yielded an additional 16 eplies. O f the 90 responding countries, 65 ent copies of their constitutions in English, even sent the constitution in their native lan­ uage, and two asked for a fee. The remain­ er sent other information. Although this was riginally viewed as a “free” source of infor­ ation, the costs were not insignificant. Let­ erhead, envelopes, postage, photocopies of ach constitution (in case the original disap­ eared), and storage files cost $209. Much of the value of this project has been he search itself. The staff has learned far more bout constitutions than if one set o f books ad been purchased and placed on the shelf. ew other countries have constitutions as brief s ours; many include all the laws o f the coun­ ry. Because such constitutions are frequently evised, the librarians will routinely contact ountries for updates. This unique collection as been heavily used by government stu­ ents and is also available through our union atalog to patrons at public libraries and other ampuses o f the North Harris Montgomery ommunity C o lleg e D istrict.— S u s a n W. oodw in, K in g w ood College ■ u r s s g d o m t e p t a h F a t r c h d c c C G