ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 416 / C &RL News ACRL executive summary May was the month in which a lot of activities began to reach closure, or when people suddenly realized that conference was only a few weeks away! Professional developm en t ACRL staff is investigating the use of telecon­ ferencing for continuing education activities, on the heels of the highly successful C JC L S CD-ROM teleconference. JoAn Segal addressed the Illinois ACRL Chapter on the role of chapters, as the Illinois Library Asso­ ciation wrestled with the question of reorganiza­ tion. Booth sales for Cincinnati are ahead of schedule; BIS and RBMS Preconference registrations are high; those for continuing education courses at New Orleans are too, and there were three local presentations during the month. The first Hugh Atkinson Memorial awardee is Richard M. Dougherty. The Award, jointly spon­ sored by ACRL, LAMA, LITA , and RTSD , will be presented at a reception in New Orleans on Mon­ day afternoon, July 11, from 5 :0 0 -6 :0 0 p.m. in the Plimsoll Club at the World Trade Center. Enhancing service capability ACRL staff assisted the University Library Stan­ dards Committee in getting the draft standards edited; they appeared in the June issue of C &R L News. Nancy Van House and crew continue their work on the Output Measures project and will report on progress in New Orleans. A flowchart has been designed on how standards and guidelines are developed. Entitled “ACRL Procedures for Developing and Approving Stan­ dards and Guidelines,” it was produced using elec­ tronic publishing software and is available on re­ quest from ACRL. Advocacy RBMS members and ACRL staff helped prepare a letter outlining librarians’ concerns about the se­ riousness of the Charles Mount library theft case in hopes of avoiding the possibility that Mount might receive a light sentence, thus signalling other thieves that this crime is not serious. JoAn Segal attended the regular briefing of the O ffice for Educational Research and Im prove­ ment. Staff there was excited about passage of the new education bill, which carried along with it an elevation in the position of the National (again!) Center for Education Statistics. The Center will continue to be involved in library statistics collec­ tion and is in contact with ALA staff on a regular basis. W e are hoping to have an influence on the frequency with which academic library statistics are collected. Also highlighted during this visit was the administration’s Library Improvement Act, but it doesn’t look like it will be introduced into the Congress. ACRL President Joanne Euster and Executive Director JoAn Segal attended the ARL member­ ship meeting in Oakland, California, May 4 -6 . The Association’s new Executive Director Duane Webster (ACRL’s Academic or Research Librarian of the Year for 1987) starts out with a planning pro­ cess, actively involving the members. The Office of Management Services (formerly Studies) has a new head: Jeff Gardner. Segal also participated in the joint meeting of the ALA President’s Special Committee on Informa­ tion Literacy and a committee of the Information Industry Association. The committees happily found a common ground for their two associations, who often find themselves on opposite sides of is­ sues. They plan to identify information needs of employers and the role libraries may play in help­ ing employees become more information literate. Research and publication JoAn Segal visited the C hoice offices May 19. The project to automate the magazine is moving along, with H. W . Wilson acting as the service bu­ reau. Staff are learning the Wilson system, input­ ting reviews for the first time, and finding out about the trials and tribulations of technology! The section newsletter Spring cycle is in full swing, or, according to George Eberhart and Gus Friedlander, “In the spring a young man’s [make that person’s] fancy/Lightly turns to thoughts of Section News.” All twelve have been published: SEES, W ESS, RBMS, C JC L S, LPSS, ARTS, C LS, EBSS, BIS, WSS, ANSS, and STS. Good news for section revenue is that C LS has two ads for its newsletter (C hoice and ALA Publishing). Non-periodical publications are coming out briskly, too. ALA Graphics has published “Your Old Books,” a brochure developed under the auspi­ ces of RBMS and authored by Peter Van Wingen to answer frequently asked questions about rare books and book values. A cadem ic Status: Statements & Resources, com­ piled by the Academic Status Committee, was de­ signed and produced at A CRL using electronic publishing software. A new C L IP Note is out: Annual Reports fo r C ollege Libraries, C LIP Note #10, compiled by- Kenneth Oberembt. Strategic m anagem ent directions Appointments for committee positions are mov­ ing along well; almost all of the appointment let­ July /August 1988 / 417 ters have been mailed and responses are being re­ ceived. W e would like to have most of the work on this done before New Orleans, so the Handbook can be prepared on time, with copy due just a week after our return! S ta ff professional development activities in ­ cluded the annual convention of the Chicago Soci­ ety of Association Executives. A CRL staff held its first “Computer Etiquette” session, as our desire for automation outstrips our equipment. W e will have frequent follow-ups. Thirteen proposals were received for the Special G rants Fund; over $43 ,0 0 0 was requested; the fund has $20,000, which means the committee has some tough work ahead.—JoAn S. Segal. Richard M. Dougherty named first Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award recipient Richard M. Dougherty, professor of information and library studies at the University of Michigan, has been selected as the first recipient of the Hugh C. Atkinson M em orial Award. The new award hon­ ors the life and accom ­ plishments of Hugh C. Atkinson, one of the m a­ jor innovators in mod­ ern lib rarian sh ip , and recognizes outstanding achievement (including risk taking) by academic librarians that has con­ tributed significantly to im p ro v em en ts in th e R ichard M. D oughertyarea of library automa­ tio n , lib ra ry m an ag e­ ment, and/or library development or research. “A review of his career demonstrates beyond doubt that Dr. Dougherty met and surpassed all the criteria set up for this aw ard,” said Michael Gorman, chair of the Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Committee. Dougherty will receive the $2,000 unrestricted cash award and a plaque at a reception in his honor during ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The reception, sponsored by Faxon, O C L C , and Blackwell’s, will take place from 5 :0 0 -6 :0 0 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 1988, at the Plimsoll Club in the World Trade Center. Dougherty’s long career has been characterized by innovative ventures. He established the first campus-wide document delivery system at the Uni­ versity of Colorado in 1968 and later introduced similar systems at the University of C alifornia, B e rk e le y , and th e U n iv ersity of M ich ig a n . Dougherty founded the very successful Jou rn al o f A cad em ic L ib ra ria n sh ip . A leader in providing professional development and mentoring to new librarians, Dougherty estab­ lished a resident program at the University of Michigan designed to provide recent MLS gradu­ ates with a supportive environment to learn about their new profession. “He is formidable in his willingness to assume risks in library management while developing li­ brary services and he creates a clim ate of risk- taking in the libraries he directs,” said Barbara von W ahlde, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, in her nomination letter. Dougherty served as director of the University Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from 1978 until May 31, 1988. He is the author of several books, most notably S cien tific M an ag e­ m en t o f L ib rary O perations (2nd ed.) and Im p rov ­ in g A c c es s to L i b r a r y R e s o u r c e s . In 1983 Dougherty was chosen Academic or Research L i­ brarian of the Year by the Association of College and Research Libraries. T h e Hugh C. Atkinson M em orial Aw ard is jointly sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the Library Adminis­ tration and Management Association (LAMA), the Library and Information Technology Association (L IT A ), and the Resources and Technical Services Division (R TSD ), four divisions of the American Library Association. The award in funded by an endowment created by individual and vendor contributions given in memory of Hugh C. Atkinson. Additional funds are sought to bring the endowment to at least $100,000. Send your tax deductible contributions to Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. Nominations for next year’s award should be sent to Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL program officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433. Correction Dr. Paul Wohlgemuth was professor of mu­ sic at Tabor College from 1961 to 1976, not Kansas Christian College as mentioned in an Acquisitions notice in the May issue of C & R L News. …a better approach to the use o f space FOR INFORMATION ON THIS AND OTHER INNOVATIVE FURNITURE, PLEASE WRITE OR CALL MOHAWK MIDLAND MANUFACTURING 7733 GROSS POINT ROAD P.O. BOX 226 SKOKIE, IL 60076-0226 PHONE (312) 677-0333 TELEX 28-9429 © 1987, Mohawk M idland M anufacturing