ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 news In t h e We are delighted to rep o rt that C&RL News now has a p e rm a n e n t editor, S tephanie O r­ phan, w h o will assum e editorial responsibility starting w ith th e February issue. Read ab o u t h er excellent qualifications in “N ews from th e Field.” My term as acting ed ito r has b e e n a great ex perience for a retired academ ic librar­ ian, an d I am grateful to h av e h a d th e o p p o r­ tunity to rejoin the library w orld. This y ear’s presidential them e o f “Learning C om m unities” is highlighted in Linda St. Clair’s description o f su ch a com m unity at the U ni­ versity o f Utah, w h e re the librarians are vital partners in a successful academ ic pro g ram (page 24). Berkley Laite dem onstrates th e ca­ pacity o f sm aller academ ic libraries to resp o n d to changed environm ents w ith innovations in service (p ag e 15). N ew technologies can p o w ­ erfully assist librarians in carrying ou t their mis­ sions, as illustrated in C hristopher C ox’s very practical application o f B lackboard softw are to library instru ction (p ag e 11). Speaking o f tech­ n o lo g ie s , y o u ’ll e n jo y D e n is e B e a u b ie n B en n ett’s lighthearted lo o k at som e o ld er ones (p ag e 30). T he roles o f librarians are constantly ex­ panding, a n d creating exhibits has b eco m e a m ajor o n e fo r som e o f us. Learn h o w so m e of y o u r colleagues are resp o n d in g in th e article by A ndrew D utka, S herm an Hayes, a n d Jerry Parnell (p ag e 19). ACRL w ants an active m em bership, an d this issue suggests som e opportunities. W hy no t p la n to participate in th e 2003 N ational C on­ ference b y organizing a panel? G uidance in d o in g so successfully can b e fo u n d in D am on H ickey’s article (p ag e 28). At least p re p a re to vote for the leadership o f y o u r organization b y review ing the list o f candidates o n p ag e 36. — M aureen G leason, A ctin g E ditor m gleason@