ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Index to C&RL News volume 62 (2001) ■ I-1 College & Research Libraries news Index to Vol. 62 (2001) Compiled by Kathy L. (Kit) Dusky A A B I/IN FO RM T ra d e & In d u stry , “Bell & H o w e ll’s o ffe rs n e w b usiness datab ase,” 138 A c a d em ic Librarie s Tre n d s a n d Statistics, 2999, "ACRL statistics— quick, easy, convenient!” & p h o to ., 486 A cadem ic o r R esearch Librarian o f th e Y ear A w ard, 20 0 2 , 319; 2 002, 822 "ACEnet @ A m erican C ou n cil o n E d u c a tio n ,” rev. of, 74 Acquisitions (b y A/T/S):, A braha m Lincoln B rigade Archive, 549; A ccounting, 1022 (& photo.); African /X am San ( “B ushm an”), 222; African A m erican hist., 333; A lexander, S hana (auth ors, jo u rnalists), 221; ACLU (Reitm an), 549; A m erican Institute o f Certified P ublic A c c o u n tan ts c oll(ection)., 1022 (& p h o to .); Am erican W om an Suffrage, 845; Anthropologists (Vo get), 744; A ntiquarian booksellers (Jones), 744; A rden, D orm (choreog­ raphers, directors, p ro d ucers), 549; A rena Stage archives (the­ aters), 548; Artists (Taylor, 845; West, 333); Asian studies, 845; A u th o r s ( A le x a n d e r, 221; B o sw ell, 941; B u r r o u g h s, 221; Doctorow , 744; H echler, 1022; H em ingw ay, 449; Keeney, 449; M axwell, 333; P roust, 940-41; Scott, 941; S tockton, 644; Tay­ lor, 845; Waller, 332-33; W ist, 743-44; (Williams, 844); Authors, B ritish (M an tel), 54 8 -4 9 ; B le e k & L loyd Coll, o f A frican / X am S an ( “B u s h m a n ”), 222, B osw ell, J o h n ( au th o rs), 941; British literature, 743; B uddh ism, 222; Burroughs, Edgar Rice (aulhois, paintings), 221; C hicano m usic (G u en ero ), 941; Child Guide to index F ILLING is w o r d - b y -w o rd (ALA, 1968). A bbreviations: S ta n d ard a b b re v ia tio n s a re u s e d e x c e p t in titles. N a m e s o f s o m e o rg an iz a tio n s, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., a re a lso a b b r e via te d a n d a re a lp h a b e t iz e d a s if sp elled out. S p e c ia l a b b r e v i a t i o n s : appt. a p p o in tm e n t f. fo u n d a tio n po rt p o rtra it prof. profile prog. program Special usages: M ore th a n o n e r e f e r e n c e p e r p a g e is in d i­ c a te d in p aren th eses. U n d e r th e h e a d in g ‘A cquisitions (by a uth or, subject , o r title) " p a re n th e se s m ay en clo se d o n o rs’ n a m e s (for subjects) o r subjects (for n a m e d col­ lections). p s y c h ia tris ts ( K e e n e y , V. T .), 449; C h i ld r e n ’s lite ra tu re (Rack h a m ), 222 (& sk etch ); C h o re o g ra p h e rs (A rden), 549; Clarke, Kath le e n (Irish h ist.), 1133; Clarke, T h om as (Irish Re­ p u b lic a n Bro t h e r h o o d , Irish hist.), 1133; C larke (T h o m a s & Kathleen)Coll ,1133; Th e contemporary review and the stealthy school o f critic ism (R o ssetti), 449; C oxe Fam ily m ining p ap e rs, 845; Crosby Sha k esp eare Collectanea, 644; D irectors (A d e n ), 549; D octorow , E. L. (authors), 744; East Asian religions, 222; E cu­ m en ic a l S tu d ies Coll., 333; Essays (P o e ), 78; E th n o lo g ists (V oget), 744; F le tc h e r Coll., 743; F red W. T o d d T e n n e s se e Williams Coll., 844; G ay an d Lesbian Studies, 844-45; Gueiren), E d u a rd o “Lalo” (C h ica n o m u sic, m u sician s), 9 4 1 ; H echler, K enneth (W. Va. C ongressm en, authors), 1022; H em ingw ay, Ernest (a u th o rs ), 449; H u m an ists (P ared es), 644; Illustrators (Rac k h am ), 222 (& sketch); Irish hist. (Clarke), 1133; Irish Re­ publican Brotherho o d (Clarke), 1133; Jaco b s Coll. (Asian stud­ ies), 845; Jew ish Historical Society o f the U p p er Midw est, 644; J o h n A. Lindseth Coll., 845; Jo n e s, Barry (an tiq u arian b o o k- sellers), 744; Journalists ( A lexander), 221;J.R.R. Tolkien Coll., 941; Ju d e o -C h ristia n tradition, 333; K een ey , A rth u r H. ( a u ­ thors, o p h thalm ologists), 449; K eeney, Virginia T. (child psy­ chiatrists), 449; K endall Coll, o f Early Carolinian, 549; Kendall (H enry P.) Coll, o f Laurens Papers, 549; Lake Superior Marine M us Assoc, archives, 9 4 1 ; L aurens, H enry, 549; L autenbe rg , Frank (U.S. Senator), 549; Lincoln (Al^raliam) Brigade Arch ive, 549; Mantel, Hilary (authors, British), 548-49; M axwell, Will­ iam ( a u th ors), 333; M iddle East stu d ie s (Naff), 221; M oliè re (playw rights), 644; M usicians (G uerrero), 941; Naff, T hom as (M iddle East studies), 221; N A SA /Johnson S p ace C en ter ar­ chives, 644; Native Americans, Southeast, 449; Nichols, E)avid, 844-45; O p h th a lm o lo g ists (K een ey ), 449; O u td o o r W riters A ssociation o f Am erica, 448-49; P aintings (B urroughs), 221; Paredes, Am é rico (scholars, hum anists), 644; Paulin, T om (po­ ets, British), 744; Pforzheim er, W alter L (Moliè re, S tockton), 644; Photographers (W eston), 744; Playwrights (Molière), 644; Poe, Edgar Allan (essays, A rev iew er reviewed), 78; Poets, British (Paulin), 744; Po e ts (W halen), 221—22; P roducers (Arden), 549; Proust, Marcel (authors), 946-41; Rackham , Arthur (children’s literature, illustrators), 222 (& sketch); Reitm an, Alan (ACLU), 549; A re vie w e r re viewed (Poe), 78; Rossetti, D ante Gabriel (The cont e mporary review and the stealthy school of criticism), 449, Russan a n d Slavic Coll., 222; Scholars (Paredes), 644; Scott, Sir Walter (authors), 941; Scuba diving, 941; Sculptures, 845; Sha k espeare P am p h let Coll., (S44; Slavic languages, 222; Soc. o f A m erican A ch iv ists, 643; “S outh eastern Native A m erican D o cu m en ts, 1730-1842,” 449; Speiser &. Easterling-Hallman F. Coll, o f Ernest H em ingw ay, 449; Stockton, F rank (authors), 644; Taylor, C. J. (a u th o rs, artists), 845; T h e a te rs (A ren a Stage), 548; T ro y es About the author Kathy L. (Kit) Dusky is cataloger/assodate professor a t Portland State University; e-mail: 1-2 ■ Index to C&RL News volume 62 (2001) Cathedral, France (sculptures), 845; U.S. Senator (Lautenberg), 549; Voget, Frederick w . (anthropologists, ethnologists), 744; Waller, Robert James, Jr. (authors), 332-33; West, Benjamin (artists), 333; West, Jessamyn (authors), 743-44; W. Va. Con­ gressmen (Hechler), 1022; Weston, Brett (photographers), 744; Whalen, Philip (poets), 221-22; Williams, Tennessee (authors), 844; Women’s hist., 941; Women’s Mus., 941 Acquisitions (by institution):, Ariz. State U., 743; Boston Coll., 1133; Cornell U , 845 (2); Dickinson Coll., 845; Emory U , 744; GALILEO Digital Lib. o f Ga., 449; Geo. Mason U., 548; Getty (J. Paul) Mus., 744; Harry Ransom Hum. Research Ctr., 941; Historic New Orleans Coll., 844; Historical Soc. o f Pa., 333, 845; Hollins U , 744; Huntington Lib., 449,548-49; Ind. U , 332- 33; Marquette U., 941; Marshall U , 1022; Mount Aloysius Coll., 333; Natl. Lib. of Canada, 845; NYPL, 78; NYU, 549,744; Port­ land State U , 221; Rutgers U, 549; Southern Methodist U , 941; Tenn. State Lib. and Archives, 449; Tex. A&M U , 222 (2); UC (Berkeley, 221-22; Santa Barbara, 941); U. of G a, 333,449; U. of Houston, 644; U. o f 111, U-C, 221,333,940-41; U. of Louisville, 221,449,844-45; U. of Mich, 644; Ann Arbor, 222; U. o f Minn, Twin Cities, 644; U. o f Miss, 1022 (& photo.); U. o f Mont, 744; Missoula, 448-49; U. o f Nev., Las Vegas, 549; U. o f S.C, 449 (Columbia, 549); U. of Tenn, Knoxville, 449; U. o f T ex, Aus­ tin, 644; U. of Va, 222; U. of Wis, Milwaukee, 643; Superior, 941; Whittier Coll, 743-44; Yale U , 644 Adams, Mignon, “Drug information: where to look for drug in­ formation on the Internet” 8c logos, 701-4 “African American exhibit opens at Texas A&M’s Cushing Li­ brary" & photo, 270 African Librarians Council, “Nominations sought for Africana bibliography award,” 980 Ahrberg, Janet, news note, 846 Alexander, Martha, photo, 686 “Alexander Street Press announces charter customers,” 138 Alexie, Sherman, port, 793; “To speak at ACRL President’s Pro­ gram,” 272 Alibris, “YBP and Alibris fonn alliance,” 6 Alire, Camila, photo, 586 Allen, Carolyn Henderson, appt. & port, 81-82 Allen, Nancy, photo, 586 «AlterNet» & logo, rev. of, 936 Amastae, Sharon, news note, 1024 Amen, Kathleen L., “Meeting the copyright challenge: tilings you can do to protect your institution,” 724-27 “AAUP endorses ACRL statement on intellectual freedom,” 5 ALA, “Digital distance education workshop,” 977; “Join the cam­ paign for America’s Libraries: celebrate National Library Week @ your library” & bookmarks, 290-92; “Participate in the cam­ paign,” 291; “Support library Legislation Day," 271 ALA, Annual Conference, 2001, “Annual Conference audiocas settes available,” 795; “ACRL Board o f Directors’ actions, July 2001: highlights o f the Board’s Annual Conference meetings,” 804-6; “ACRL in San Francisco: ACRL’s programs at the ALA Annual Conference” & photos, 793-802, correction, 1026; “ACRL offers library-faculty collaboration workshop in SF,” 485; “ACRL offers licensing workshop in San Francisco,” 272; “ACRL programs and meetings,” AC-1— AC-16 (no.5); “IS assessment preconference— June 2001,” 7; “Register for ACRL preconferences,” 384,487; “Sherman Alexie to speak at ACRL President’s Program,” 272; “2001 RBMS preconference, San Francisco,” 137; “University Libraries Section in San Francisco: highlights from the ALA Annual Conference,” 914,939 ALA, Annual Conference, 2002, “ACRL national invitational conference on Information Literacy Best Practices,” 790-91; “ACRL President’s Program poster proposals,” 1062 ALA, Midwinter Meeting, 2001, “ACRL at the Midwinter meet­ ing: actions o f the ACRL Board o f Directors,” 294,303; “Uni­ versity Libraries Section at Midwinter: a wrap-up of activi­ ties,” 405-8 AIA, Midwinter Meeting, 2002, “ACRL Discussion Groups," 1079; “ACRL Midwinter meetings in New Orleans: a tentative sched­ ule,” 1078-84; “ACRL to offer collaboration workshop,” 789; “Learning communities and ACRL,” 1061, 1082; “Meet Can­ non and Popko—the candidates for ACRL President,” 1080; “Save the date! Digital reference workshop,” 897 “ALA reacts to events o f September 11,” 981 “ALA votes to challenge Children’s Internet Protection Act,” 135 “American Psychological Association,” rev. of, 215 Anderson, Ivy, “Editors’ introduction,” 25,207; “Editor’s note,” 707 Anderson, Kim S , “Crossing the forks: Denver has restaurants for every taste” & photos, 172-78 Anderson, Rachael K , news note 8c port, 81; retired, 452 “Anthology o f Middle English Literature (1350-1485)”, rev. of, 74-75 “Applications sought for editor of Publications in Libraria nship se­ ries,” 788-89 Appointments, 81 -8 5 , 225-27, 335, 4 5 0 -2 , 550-51, 646-48, 745- 48, 847-49, 943-46, 1024-26, 1134-36 “April 1 deadline for museum-library grant," IMLS, 332 “Are we overlooking our most vital resource? building librarian/ student partnerships,” Germain, 720-22 Arsenault, Kathy, appt, 1024 “The Associated Colleges o f the Midwest Conference: infoπna tion literacy and liberal education” & photo, Hutchins, 506- 8 ACRL, Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award, 2001, 319; 2002, 822; “AAUP endorses ACRL statement on intellec­ tual freedom,” 5; “And the winners are… the official results of the 2001 ACRL elections,” 630-34; “Annual Conference au­ diocassettes available,” 795; Board of Directors, “ACRL at the Midwinter meeting: actions o f the ACRL Board o f Direc­ tors,” 294,303; “Bring the ACRL Information Literacy Immer­ sion program to your campus,” 270, 272; Committee on the Status o f Academic Librarians, “Guidelines for academic sta­ tus o f college and university7 libraries: a draft,” 920-21; “Didier and Spalding share plans for ACRL: vote in the election this spring,” 199-204; “DLS celebrates 10 years,” 294; Doctoral Dis­ sertation Fellowship, 2001, 321; 2002, 823; Excellence in Aca­ demic Libraries Award, 2001, 271, 320; 2002,822; “Friends of ACRL,” 6 5 , 1117; “Guideline on collective bargaining," 2001, approved, 305; Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 2001,3 18, 321; 2002,8 22; “Information Literacy Immersion Program seeks applicants,” 898; “IS assessment preconference— June 2001,” 7; “Jenkins to step down from ACRL” & po rt, 581; “Mary Ellen K. Davis named ACRL executive director” & port, 787- 88; “Meet the candidates for ALA president: vote in the elec­ tion this spring” 8c ports, 310-16; “Meet the staff,” 66-69, 1118-21; “Members assess ACRL: results o f the 2000 member­ ship survey,” 623-28; “Members running for ALA Council,” 316, correction, 525; “Membership statistics,” 4 5 , 1103; “New monograph titles for 1999-00,” 58; “New monograph titles for 2000-01,” 1110; “Save the date! Digital reference workshop,” 897; “Section committee volunteer form," 931; “Sponsorships for 2 000’, 47; “Sponsorships for 2001", 1097; “Standards for faculty status for college and university librarians,” 2001, ap proved, 304-6; “The time to lead: ACRL seeks nominees for office,” 438-39; “Translators and liaisons needed for stan­ dards,” 270; “University Libraries Section at Midwinter: a wrap up o f activities," 405-8; “University Libraries Section in San Francisco: highlig hts from the ALA Annual Conference,” 914, 939; “The year in review,” 4 8 -5 9 , 1099-1110 ACRL, Annual, “Conference programs — Chicago,” 2000, 43; “Conference programs— San Francisco,” 2001, 1095; “Preconferences,” 2000, 55; 2001, 1106 ACRL, Annual report, 1999-2000,41 -69; 2000-2001, 1093-1121 ACRL, Board o f Directors, 1999-2000, photo. & roster, 60; 2000- 2001‚ photo. 8c roster, 805, 1111; 2001-2002, photo. & roster, 806 ACRL, Board o f Directors, “Highlights,” (j an. 2 9 4 , 303), (July, 804-6) Index to C&RL News volume 62 (2001) ■ 1-3 ACRL, Budget & Finance Comm. Chair, “Financial report” & port., 61-65,11 12-16 ACRL, EBSS, Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award, 2002, 823 ACRL, Exec. Director, “Letter” & port., 4 6 - 4 7 , 1098 ACRL, IS, Innovation in Instruction Award, 2001,435 ; 2002,8 23; Instruction Section Publication of the Year Award, 2002,8 28; Miriam Dudley Instruction librarian Award, 2001, 433; 2(X)2, 822-23; “Objectives for information literacy instruction: a model statement for academic librarians,» approved, 2001,4 16- 28; The revision task force,» 417 ACRL, LPSS, Marta Lange/CQ Award, 2001,4 33-34; 2002, 822 ACRL, Midwinter Meeting, 2002, “ACRL Discussion Groups,” 1079; “Learning Communities and ACRL,” 1082; “Meet Can­ non and Popko—the candidates for ACRL President,” 1080; “Meetings in New Orleans: a tentative schedule,” 1078-84 ACRL, National Conference, 2001, “ACRL allocates $60,000 for scholarships,” 135-36; “ACRL cassette tape order form,” 588- 89; “ACRL offers free Placement Center in Denver,” 135; “ACRL X Conference proceedings available” 8c photo., 384; “Cross­ ing the divide: part 1” & photos., 488-93; “Crossing the divide: part 2” & photos., 585-94,615; “Crossing the forks: Denver has restaurants for every taste” & photos., Fry, 172-78; Den­ ver, Colo., 133 (photo., cover, no. 2); “Irish pubs in Denver and Boulder,” 21; “Join the virtual discussions on digital ref­ erence and more!”, 136; “Letting your hair down in Denver: what to do at the end of the conference day” & photos., 19- 21,77; “Miss a program?'', 492; “Proceedingsa v a ila b le , ” Reg­ ister for ACRL Denver Conference,” 7; “Taxi!”, 20; “Tour the mile high city,” 174-75; “Updating knowledge, networking and sharing ideas” photo., 583 ACRL, National Conference, 2003, “Call for participation,” in­ sert (no. 10); “Charlotte, Queen City o f the Southeast: a look at the site for ACRL’s 2003 National Conference” 8c photos., 9 15-18, 921; Tierney, 915-18, 921; “Charlotte on the Web,” 917; “Historical tidbits,” 918; “Quick facts,” 916 ACRL, President, “Message” & port., 4 2 -4 3 , 1094-95 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices CurnwtExhibïtion Catalogue Awards, 2001, 435-36; 2002,823; “ 2001 RBMS preconference, San Francisco,” 137 ACRL, Standards Sc Guidelines (“Development and revision of the guidelines,” 921; “Faculty status and collective bargaining statements: final versions," 304-6; “Guideline on collective bargaining,” 2001, approved, 305; “Guidelines for academic status o f college and university libraries,” Committee on the Status o f Academic Librarians, 920-21; “Objectives for infor­ mation literacy instruction: a model statement for academic librarians,” ACRL, approved, 2 0 0 1 , 416-28; “Standards for faculty status for college and university librarians,” 2001, ap­ proved, 304-6) ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 2001, 437 ACRL, ULS, “News from the University Libraries Section,” 798- 99; “Standards and guidelines feedback needed!”, 406 ACRL, Vice-President, “Message” & port., 4 4 -4 5 , 1096 ACRL, WESS, Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, 2001,4 36-37; 2002,823, postponed, 978 ACRL, WSS, Career Achievement in Women’s Studies Librarianship, 2001,434- 35; 2002, 823; Significant Achievement in Women’s Studies Librarianslip, 2001,4 35; 2002, 823 “ACRL: the learning community for excellence in academic li­ braries: the presidential theme for the coming year,” Reichel, 818-21 “ACRL 2002 awards program: recognizing outstanding achieve­ ments in academic librarianship,” Sherrod, 822-23, 828 “ACRL ads in Chronicle of Higher Education , ”1061-62 “ACRL allocates $60,000 for scholarships,” 135-36 “ACRL at ALA National Library Legislative Day,” Cary, 687 “ACRL at the Midwinter meeting: actions o f the ACRL Board of Directors,” 294, 303 “ACRL award winners,” 2000,50; 2001,1101 “ACRL candidates for 2001: be sure to vote,” 32-36 “ACRL cassette tape order form,” 588-89 “ACRL committee volunteer form,” 930 “The ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute: highlights from the third annual institute," Golian, 1069-72 “ACRL honors the 2001 award winners: recognizing professional achievement,” Parets, 318-22 “ACRL honors the 2001 award winners: die second installment of winners,” 433—37 “ACRL in San Francisco: ACRL’s programs at the ALA Annual Conference” & photos., 793-802, correction, 1026 “ACRL journals,” 59,1108 “ACRL leadership opportunities: get involved,” 927-31 “ACRL legislative agenda 2001-2002,” 790-91 “ACRL National Conference Chair W. Lee Hisle congratulates winners” photos., 486 “ACRL national invitational conference on Information Literacy Best Practices,” 790-91 “ACRL offers free Placement Center in Denver,” 135 “ACRL offers library-faculty collaboration workshop in SF,” 485 “ACRL offers licensing workshop in San Francisco,” ALA, An­ nual Conference, 2001, 272 “ACRL President’s Program poster proposals,” 1062 “ACRL programs and meetings,” AC-1—AC-16 (no.5) “ACRL releases 'Student’sguide to eυaluating libraries'", 6-7 “ACRL selects 23 libraries for info literacy assessment project,” 582 “ACRL statistics— quick, easy, convenient!” 8c photo., 486 “ACRL to introduce E-books,” 5 “ACRL to offer collaboration workshop," 789 “ACRL to offer two Immersion programs in 2002," 788 “ACRL Webcasts offer convenient learning,” 788 “ACRL X Conference proceedings available” 8c photo., ACRL, National Conference, 2001, 384 “ACRL’s characteristics o f best practices in information literacy available,” 583 “ACRL’s mission,” 4 1 , 1093 ACRL’s New Member Mentoring Program, “May 11 deadline for mentor program,” 431; “Strengthening the profession, assur­ ing our future: ACRL’s New Member Mentoring Program pairs library leaders with new professionals,” 430-32 ARL, “Third national conference on diversity in academic librar­ ies,” 1061 “ARL 1999-2000 statistics now available,” 980-81 “ASE RL launches Kudzu,” 381 “Astronomy resources on the Web: sites for the amateur and pro­ fessional astronomer” 8c logos, Duffy, 1074-77 Atkins, Priscilla, “Information literacy and die arts: be there … or miss it!”, 1086-88, 1092 Atkinson (Hugh C.) Memorial Award, 2001, 318, 321; 2002, 822 Audubon, John Jay, “Louisiana Tanager and Scarlet Tanager” plate, 683 (photo., cover, no. 7) Austin Com. Coll., "Cbroniclead salutes libraries,” 271; “Excellence in Academic Libraries winners," 320 Awards, 50, 271, 318-22 (6), 433-37 (9), 822-23, 828 (15), 978, 1101 Awkard, Julita C., retired, 228 B Baker 8c Taylor, Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award, 2001, 319; 2002, 822 Balash, Agnes, photo., 587 Barnes, Joseph, deceased, 946 Barton, Hope, “Getting a handle on library publications: balanc­ ing creativity and consistency — the University o f Iowa Li­ braries’ publication guidelines,” 982-85 Bartosz, Kimberly, rev. (“estronaut” 8c logo), 215-16 Baruch Coll., “A multilingual virtual tour for international stu­ dents: die Web-based library at Baruch College opens doors” & photos., 500-502 1-4 ■ Index to C&RL News volume 62 (2001) Bauer, Ferdinand, “Illustration by Ferdinand Bauer from Flora Graeca, a ten volume work by John Sibthrop, published in London, 1804-1840,” 1059 (photo., cover, no. 11) Bauer, Kathleen, “Resources for library assessment: tools for a new era” & logos, 12-14,28 Baughman, Elizabeth (Betty), deceased, 849 Beasley, Sarah, “Opportunities for collaborative excellence: what learning communities offer," 1008-11 Beaubien, Anne, photo., 592 <