ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 48 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young Western Maryland College (WMC) has received a $2.9 million b eq u est from the estate of longtime benefactor Samuel H. Hoover, which will double a major scholarship fund and estab lish th e largest library endowment at WMC. The earnings from the invested funds can be used for general support of library initiatives. The estate gift brings total giving by Hoover and his wife Elsie to WMC to more than $5 million. A philanthropist and retired dental surgeon, Hoover died in 2000, and Elsie died in 1995. Hope College is one o f five Michigan schools to receive a $10,000 award from the SBC A m eritech Partnership Awards for Independent Colleges program. Through the grant, English and library faculty involved in the first-year composition course will meet during the spring and summer to consider how to effectively incorporate information technology—such as electronic books—into the college’s information literacy program. The Visual Inform ation Systems Center (VISC) in the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information Sciences has received a $1.1 m illio n r e n e w a l g r a n t fro m th e Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The grant was awarded to VISC to continue its work on the Pennsylvania Technology Infrastructure D atabase (PTID) and the Pennsylvania Technology Atlas (PTA). PTID is an annual comprehensive survey effort to document an d evaluate th e state o f inform ation technology of more than 29,000 Pennsylvania organizations, including all schools, libraries, hospitals, municipalities, utilities, research organizations, and high-tech companies. The information is stored in a database and is a v a ila b le o n th e W eb at h t t p : / / w w w PTA is an annual summary and analysis of the data provided on CD-ROM with an accompanying magazine. Ed. n o te: Send y o u r news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Springfield College has been awarded a one-year National Leadership Grant in Pres ervation or Digitization Grant for $92,780 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to digitize its historical resources re lated to the history of the YMCA movement. Springfield College began as the International YMCA Training School at Springfield, and the college’s ties to the YMCA remain strong. The grant will identify, preserve, and provide digi tal access to nearly 2,000 images. The project builds on Babson Library’s recent digital and preservation efforts, including the digitization and Web mounting of the Cliff Smith YMCA Postcard Collection numbering nearly 5,000 items (http://www‚ . A c q u i s i t i o n s Organ transplant pioneer Thomas Starzl, professor of surgery at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) School of Medicine, has donated his personal papers to UP’s University Library System (ULS). The papers, at least 200 linear feet, reflect Starzl’s medical career before, during, and after his significant contributions to the field of organ transplantation. The collection includes extensive correspondence with many key people in the transplantation field that Starzl amassed when writing his book The Puzzle People: Memoirs of a Transplant Surgeon (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992). Most of the materials date from 1981, the year Starzl arrived at UP, but some reflect his previous work at the University of Colorado. The Warren and M argot Coville Collec tion of the Clarence H. White School of Photography has been acquired by the Library of Congress. The collection consists of 281 photographs and related materials by White and his students (1914-42). There are also historical materials about students and teachers that broaden and revitalize a period in the history of photography that is of increasing interest to students of photography, educators, and researchers. ■ C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 49