ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries F e b ru a ry 1 9 9 6 / 1 0 7 G ra n ts a n d Acquisitions Hugh Thom pson The H enry M adden Li­ brary at California State Uni­ versity is the beneficiary of a charitable trust creating a $1 million endow m ent es­ ta b lis h e d b y A lb e rt a n d Evelyn Sanoian. T he trust w as established through the d o n a tio n o f 200 acres o f Fresno County property val­ u ed at $2.83 million. The gift w ill a llo w th e lib ra ry to strengthen existing collec­ tions an d be innovative in providing n ew collections and services in the future. Florida State U n iversity’s School of Li­ brary and Information Studies has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foun­ dation in support o f the bachelor’s degree pro­ gram in Information Studies. The first students will be enrolled in August 1996. The grant sup­ ports developm ent o f faculty, curriculum, and technology laboratories. The Lib ra ry C o m p a n y of Philadelp hia has received a three-year grant of $206,000 from the National E ndow m ent for the Humanities to com plete the cataloging o f its Afro-Americana Collection into RLIN. The collection includes a w ide range o f materials o n subjects such as the early exploration of Africa, the Atlantic slave trade, A merican an d C aribbean slavery, the antislavery m ovement in the U.S., the proslavery arguments, the politics of slavery in antebel­ lum America, an d the culture o f free blacks. The grant will fund the cataloging of approxi­ mately 4,500 titles. W hen the project is com­ pleted, over 10,500 o f the Library Com pany’s titles relating to African American history will be available w orldwide. M arlboro College h as received a $ 4 ,0 0 0 grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Founda­ tion to organize, rehouse, and create finding tools for its Howard C. Rice Collection of Kipling materials. The goal is to m ake the collection of Ed. n o te : Send y o u r news to: Grants & A c­ quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; e-mail: research materials, unique items, and photos of Kipling in Vermont easily accessible for patron research an d use. The N atio n al Digital Li­ brary Federation (NDLF), a joint v en tu re o f m ajor re­ search libraries and archives, h a s r e c e iv e d a $100,000 grant from IBM corporation to s u p p o r t critical initial planning efforts. The NDLF is exploring broad questions of transition from traditional library services to the new digital environment, including issues o f technologies, content, ar­ chival responsibilities, organization, policies, and procedures. The U n iversity of North D ako ta Lib ra r­ ies, G rand Forks, has receiv ed a grant for $10,900 from the US West Foundation to en ­ hance its technology initiatives and to prom ote K– 12 educational access to the resources o f the libraries via the World Wide Web. A cquisitions W o rld -ren o w ned science fiction author Piers Anthony has donated his papers to the University o f South Florida (USF) Tam pa Cam­ pus Library’s Special Collections Department. His donation includes original manuscripts, a w orking diary, and other docum ents relating to his w o rk . Also, a w a rd -w in n in g a u th o r Michael Resnick recently donated his papers to th e USF Library. Resnick is a H ugo an d Nebula w inner and is considered o n e o f the top science fiction writers in the country. Also at USF, Florida artist Christopher Still donated pieces o f his personal collection to the library’s Special Collections Department, includ­ ing a sketchbook an d a limited-edition print of one o f his latest works. Still has m ade a com ­ mitment to add to his collection in the future. Also, a $1.2 million collection o f 350 Sammy Davis Jr. musical arrangements has been loaned to USF for five years by Tam pa businessm an Jerry Williams. ■