ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 0 8 /C & R L News People in the New s Pa m Spiegel N o r m a n H o r r o c k s h as been nam ed the 1996 recipi­ ent of the ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to L ibrary a n d In fo rm a tio n Studies Education. ALISE, the Association for Library and Information Science Educa­ tion, gives this award based on evidence of regular and sustained service that pro­ motes and strengthens the broad areas o f library and information science educa­ tion through the holding of professional offices, contributions that promote the status o f library education, and leadership and initiative. Horrocks served as director of the School of Library and Information Studies and dean of the Faculty of M anagement at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, and as edi­ torial vice-president of Scarecrow Press. He is now an editorial consultant for Scarecrow and part-time member of the Dalhousie SLIS. Robert E. Schnare, director of the U.S. Naval War College Library (NWCL) in Newport, Rhode Island, was recently named recipient of the De­ partment of the Navy Meritorius Civilian Ser­ vice Award for exceptional management and leadership as the director of the NWCL since 1986. Debora Shaw, associate dean of the Indiana University School of Library and Information Science was recently nam ed incoming presi­ dent-elect of the American Society for Infor­ mation Science (ASIS). She assumed her role in October. An ASIS member for 20 years, Shaw served on the board of directors from 1990 to 1993 and has indexed the organization’s an­ nual review since 1986. Appointments David C. B osse has been appointed librarian of the Memorial Libraries at Historic Deerfield, Massachusetts. Bosse had served for 11 years as senior associate librarian of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan. Before that he served for two years as assistant cura­ tor in the D epartm ent of Special Collections at the New berry Library in Chi­ cag o . A m e m b e r o f th e American Historical Associa­ tion, the International Soci­ ety for the History of Car­ tography, an d the Special Libraries Association, Bosse received Mellon Research Fellowships at the Virginia Historical Society in 1994, and the Massachusetts His­ torical Society in 1991. He is the author of Civil War Newspaper Maps: A Cartobibliography of the Northern Daily Press (Greenwood, 1993). Richard J. C oughlin has been named direc­ tor of libraries and head of the Division of Li­ braries and Museums at Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville. He was formerly admin­ istrative services librarian at Boston College. Sheila Ann D elacroix, assistant dean for ref­ erence and information services at Auburn Uni­ versity since 1992, has been appointed univer­ sity librarian at the Uni­ versity of Tennessee at Chattanooga. An ALA Mi­ nority Fellow in 1991-92, Delacroix has also served as head of reference ser­ vices at S o u th e a ste rn L o u isia n a U n iv e rs ity (1987-91), as assistant li­ brarian in the Reference Sheila D elacroix Services D epartm ent at Louisiana State University (1984-87), and as li­ brary assistant in the Undergraduate Library at Duke University (1984). Julia A. W oods, former library director at Mesa State College, has been nam ed library director of the University/College Library at Broward Community College (BCC) in Davie, Florida. The joint facility library serves BCC, Florida At­ lantic University, and Florida International Uni­ versity (FIU). Woods previously served in ad­ ministrative positions at FIU and Bowling Green State University. February 1 9 9 6 / 1 0 9 Claudia J. M orner has b een nam ed university librarian at the University o f N e w H a m p s h ir e , D urham . She w as fo r­ merly associate univer­ sity librarian for access services at Boston Col­ lege (1986– 1995), an d Bapst librarian at Boston College (1985– 1986). Be­ fore that she served as li­ b r a r ia n a t C a p e C o d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e Claudia J. M orner (1980– 1985), and direc­ tor o f th e Osterville Free Library in Massachu­ setts. D avid S. Z eidberg, head o f the D epartm ent of Special Collections in the University Research Library at the University of California, Los Ange­ les, has b e e n ap pointed the R. Stanton and Erne­ stine Avery d irecto r of the H untington Library in San Marino, California. He is the first p erso n to hold the new ly endow ed A very ch air. Z e id b e rg previously served as cu­ rator o f special collec­ D avid S. Z eidberg tions in the G elm an Li­ b ra ry a t G e o r g e W a s h in g to n U n iv e rsity . Commenting on his n ew appointment, Zeidberg said, “It is the fulfillment o f a career goal for m e to direct o n e o f the country’s great research libraries. I look forw ard to the opportunities and the challenges.” R o ch elle A m ores is n ow senior assistant librarian/science librarian at California State Uni­ versity, San Marcos. J o s e p h A tk in so n has b een n am ed senior assistant librarian/business librarian at Califor­ nia State University, San Marcos. Steve Black has b een nam ed serials/refer­ ence librarian at the College o f Saint Rose in Albany, New York. Maria K ry sty n a B o r y s ie w ic z has b e e n ap pointed m onographic cataloger/Slavic bibli­ ographer at the University o f Colorado at Boul­ der. D eb o ra h Broadw ater has been prom oted to h ead o f technical services at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity Medical Center. Lisa Bruere has b een ap pointed coordina­ tor for OCLC Services in MINITEX at th e Uni­ versity o f Minnesota Libraries. J e n n ife r C am pbell is the new multimedia librarian at Calumet College o f Saint Jo sep h in Ham m ond, Indiana. M elissa D eSantis is the new microcomputer services reference librarian at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Carla D e w e y has b e e n nam ed coordinator for OCLC Services in MINITEX at the Univer­ sity o f Minnesota Libraries. A n n E astham has b e e n ap pointed chemis­ try reference librarian an d bibliographer in the Science an d Engineering Library at the Univer­ sity o f Minnesota. K eith D. E ngw all joined the staff o f the University o f Texas Health Science Center as a systems librarian. Mary G illasp y is now information and e d u ­ cation services librarian at Vanderbilt Univer­ sity Medical Center. Mary Lou G ood year recently beg an ser­ vice as associate d ea n o f libraries at the Uni­ versity of Kansas. Barbara G reenm an has b ee n ap pointed science librarian at the University o f Colorado at Boulder. M aureen H am m er is the n ew microcom­ p u te r services m anager at the University o f Texas Health Science Center. A n d rew Hart is n ow preservation librarian in the Collection D evelopm ent D epartm ent at the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Carol H en d ren has joined the College Cen­ te r o n Library A u to m a tio n in T allah a ssee , Florida, as library applications specialist. J a n in e H en ri is n ow h ea d librarian o f the Architecture an d Planning Library at th e Uni­ versity o f Texas at Austin. Lisa B. H ill has b een ap pointed coordina­ tor o f information services in the Education Li­ brary at Vanderbilt University. W eilin g Liu has b ee n nam ed coordinator o f library systems at Cleveland State Univer­ sity. T h eresa M en has b een appointed reference librarian in the Science an d Engineering Refer- Ed. note: To ensure that y o u r p erso n n el news is co n sid ered f o r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to P am Spiegel, A ssista n t Editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: 1 1 0 /C & R L N ew s ences Services Unit at the University o f Minne­ sota Libraries. J o h n M ess is n ow assistant systems librar­ ian in the A utom ated Systems D epartm ent at the University o f M innesota Libraries. D a w n M iller has accepted a librarian posi­ tion in Information an d Education Services at V anderbilt University Medical Center. J o le n e M. M iller has joined the Raymon H. Mulford Library at the Medical College o f Ohio as reference/education librarian. K athryn N ea l has b e e n ap p o in ted assistant archivist in the Iowa W om en’s Archives at the University o f Iowa. E m ily N uern b erg er is the n ew circulation librarian at Calumet College o f Saint Jo sp e h in H am m ond, Indiana. C on stan ce Pekar is now circulation/reserve coordinator at Cleveland State University Library. Faye P h illip s has b e e n ap p o in ted assistant d ean o f libraries for special collections at Loui­ siana State University. A n th o n y R a y m o n d has b e e n nam ed h ead o f the Acquisitions D epartm ent at Santa Clara University. G loria R h o d es has b ee n ap p o in ted senior assistant librarian/m ulticultural outreach librar­ ian at California State University, San Marcos. M ich ael R h o d es has b een nam ed reference librarian in the Bio-Medical Library at th e Uni­ versity o f Minnesota. E llen R oyalty has b ee n ap p o in ted m anager o f inform ation services for th e H orn Library at B abson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. S h a ro n R ubin is n o w a reference librarian in the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas at Austin. A d v e rtis e r in d e x American Psychological cover 2 AMIGOS 105 Blackwell North America 77 R. R. Bow ker 104, cover 3 EBSCO-Host cover 4 Gaylord 91 IEEE 85 IRI 81 OCLC 106 Readm ore 92 UMI 69 Univ. o f Missouri 72 Susan Sackett has b e e n ap p o in ted refer­ ence services librarian in MINITEX at the Uni­ versity o f M innesota Libraries. Barbara Sagraves has b ee n nam ed preser­ vation services librarian at D artm outh College. K azuko Sakaguchi recently began service as Jap an ese studies librarian at th e University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D a w n Shao has b ee n ap p o in ted reference librarian in the Bio-Medical Library at th e Uni­ versity o f Minnesota. S teven S o w e ll is n ow h ea d of the Educa­ tion Library at Indiana University-Bloomington. J a m es S tem p er is n ow reference librarian in th e Science an d Engineering References Ser­ vices Unit, University o f M innesota Libraries. N a n cy S tim so n is n ow assistant librarian in the Health Sciences Library at the State Uni­ versity o f N ew York at Buffalo. R afael Tarrago has b e e n ap p o in ted Ibero- American studies librarian at th e University o f M innesota Libraries. R etirem en ts G erard B. McCabe, d irec to r o f libraries at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, retired in January after 13 years in that position. A life m em ber o f ALA and an active m em ber of LAMA, McCabe plans to continue a career as a library consultant an d editor/series advisor for G reen­ w o o d Press. D eaths L ouise Heck-Rabi, former assistant professor o f library science at W ayne State University, d ied in O ctober at the age o f 69. Heck-Rabi also served for m any years as a public and tech­ nical librarian at several public libraries in Michi­ gan. She w as also a playwright, poet, an d tele­ vision/videotape producer. O d essa B. Shain, former h ea d o f technical ser­ vices in the Environmental Design Library at th e University o f California at Berkeley, died at th e e n d o f N ovem ber at th e age o f 74. Shain h ad retired in 1986 after som e 20 years o f ser­ vice in the library. ■