ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 71 BOARD OF TRUSTEES NAMED FOR FREED O M TO READ FOUNDATION The Executive Board of the American L i­ brary Association has designated eight persons to serve on the Board of Trustees of the new Freedom to Read Foundation, announced Wil­ liam S. Dix, ALA President. They will serve until elections are held this spring. Those appointed as trustees are Alex P. Al­ lain, Trustee, St. Mary Parish Library, Frank­ lin, Louisiana; Sanford Cobb, Vice-President, General Manager, and Editor-in-Chief, Trade Publishing Division, Rand McNally & Com­ pany, Chicago; Robert B. Downs, Dean, Li­ brary Administration, University of Illinois, Ur- bana; Mrs. Jacqualyn K. Eubanks, Reference Librarian, Brooklyn College Library, New York; LeRoy C. Merritt, Dean, School of Librarian­ ship, University of Oregon, Eugene; Mrs. Car­ rie C. Robinson, School Libraries Consultant, State Department of Education, Montgomery, Alabama; Joseph H. Reason, Director, How­ ard University Libraries, Washington; and C. Lamar Wallis, Director, Public Library, Memphis, Tennessee. Seven other trustees serve on the board by virtue of their office in the American Library Association: William S. Dix, President of ALA, and Librarian, Princeton University Library, Princeton, New Jersey; Mrs. Lillian M. Brad­ shaw, First Vice-President and President-Elect, ALA, and Director, Public Library, Dallas, Texas; David H. Clift, Executive Director, ALA; Edwin Castagna, Chairman of the In­ tellectual Freedom Committee of ALA, and Director, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs. Sophie Silberberg, Chairman of the Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee of ALA’s American Library Trustee Association, and member of the staff of Thomas Y. Crowell Publishing Company, New York City; Gerald B. Hubble, Chairman, ALA Junior Members Round Table, and Director, Stephens College Library, Columbia, Missouri; and Julius R. Chitwood, President of ALA’s Library Admin­ istration Division, and Director, Public Library and Northern Illinois Library System, Rock­ ford, Illinois. The formation of the Freedom to Read Foundation was announced recently. Its pur­ poses are to promote freedom of speech and of the press, to promote acceptance of libraries as repositories of the world’s accumulated wisdom and knowledge, and to support the right of li­ braries to include in their collections and make available any creative work legally acquired. The Foundation may also supply legal counsel and support to libraries and librarians suffer­ ing legal injustices because of their support of freedom of speech and of the press. T H E P O L IT IC S O F D O O M S D A Y Concentrating on the careers of Carl McIntire, B illy Jam es Hargis, Edgar C. Bundy, and Verne P. Kaub, Erling Jo r s ta d studies the rise, appeal, and influence of ultrafundamentalism and its alliance with the political far right. $4.95 A H IS T O R Y O F C H R IS T IA N T H O U G H T Vol. 1, From the Beginning to the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. J u s to L. G onzalez. This is the first of a three-volume series designed for classroom use. $9 R E L IG IO N IN C O M M U N IS T C H I N A R ichard C. Bush, Jr ., documents the fate of religious institutions under the Chinese Communist regime and shows how belief in Communism displaces religious belief. $9.50 a b in g d o n p re ss na sh ville • new york 72 There are two ways to keep abreast of the 2 0 ,000 new English Language books that come out each year. The old w ay: Read tens of thousands of listings and ads. The new w ay: Use the unique Books-Coming-Into-Print Service from Bro-D art's Stacey's Division. Books-Coming-Into-Print is a computer­ operated advance notification and acquisi­ tion program which allows your library to profile its needs in specific disciplines. It gives you notification, continuations, and automatic shipment of books on approval. This is much more than an approval pro­ gram. Our Stacey's Division, the nation's lead­ ing academic bookseller, will classify and organize over 20,000 titles a year of interest to your library. Then there's the matter of our computer and the Thesaurus we provide you with. By using our Thesaurus and your specifications you pin point the exact type of books you'll be interested in, regardless of how broad or narrow your areas of special interest or the academic level desired. By carefully profil­ ing your needs, you'll be receiving books or information about only those publications that would be of special interest to your library. That's the advantage of dealing with a computer. The Books-Coming-Into-Print Program will provide you with an advance notice card prior to publication for each title which fits your profile. If you, for any reason, don't want the book, all you have to do is return the computerized card. And we won't send you the book. If, on publication, the book is not appropriate to your profile, you will receive a rejection notice with explana­ tion. O f course, all shipments are "on approval." Remember, you'll be dealing with one source for books from all publishers. The Books-Coming-Into-Print Program applies to all English language books, continua­ tions, and monographs by commercial and non-commercial publishers. In the humani­ ties. O r the sciences. Then, since you'll be dealing with Bro- Dart, you'll have the option of getting your books with a full variety of supplemental cataloging and processing services. Since you'll be given advance notice about each new book, the system is com­ patible with your present way of ordering monographs and continuations. And what you'll have is an "o n order" file which your library can use for ordering, reference, or cancellations. Naturally, your library will receive com­ petitive discounts. Rapid service. And ac­ curate selections. Much easier than reading all those ads and listings. For additional information on this excit­ ing new service, write: Dept. CRL-786 EA STER N D IV ISIO N : 1609 M em orial Ave., W illiam sport, Pa. 17701 CEN TRA L (A. C. M cC LU R G ) D IV ISIO N : 2121 Landm eier Rd., Elk Grove Village, III. 60007 W ESTE R N D IV ISIO N : 1236 South Hatcher Ave., C ity of Industry, Calif. 91745