ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 2 2 / C & RL News THE SDA DEIFISSALC D eadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 fo r the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R ates: Classified advertisem ents are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G u id e line s: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty ranfrand status vary in meaning among institutions. Inte rn e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approxim ately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. C ontact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL A/ewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513;fax: (312) 280-7663o r(312) 280-2520; e-mail: P olicy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54,3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOO KS PUR C H AS E D . Physics, math, all engi­ neering, ele ctricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech, Sorry, no serials o r life sciences. Q ua lity old e r editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles alw ays sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel w hen appropriate. For m ore inform a­ tion ple ase co nta ct: C o llie r Brown o r K irsten B erg at P o w e ll’ s T e c h n ic a l B o o k s to re , 33 NW Park A v e., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (8 0 0 ) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; ta x : (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to : k irs te n @ tech n ica l.po w e m . POSITIONS OPEN A D M IN IS T R A T IV E L IB R A H IA N . W estern C a ro lin a U niversity is searching fo r a self-m otivated, enthusiastic, and service-oriented librarian to assist the University Librarian in several areas. Initially these will include: Planning and im plem enting reg ula r and system atic evaluation of library s ervices and re sources; inform ing the university com m unity o f the se services and resources; advising the University Librarian and library staff concerning state and university personnel CATALOGER Saint Louis U niversity Law Library Retrospective Conversion/Reclass Cataloger. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; two years professional cataloging experience, work­ ing with LC classing, LCSH, AACR2, OCLC, and LC rule interpretations; serials cataloging. Commitmentto high accuracy and output. Abil­ ity to work with older serials and monographs. DESIRABLE: Reading knowledge of western European languages. Familiarity with a local ILS (III preferred). Experience with name authority creation and maintenance. Knowledge of CONSER serials practice. Duties: Retrospec­ tive conversion and reclassification of serials and some monographs, including many foreign- language titles. Prepare non-CONSER serial records for CONSER authentication or create new serials records for the CONSER database. Creation or editing of related name authority records including series headings for NACO. Some revision of othercatalogers’ work. Editing existing records in local database. Reclass of existing materials from temporary classification scheme to LC. Perform other duties related to modification of existing records in local data­ base. Generous health, vacation, and retirement ben­ efits to qualified applicants. Non-tenure-track adjunct faculty appointment. Position funded annually. SALARY:$ 26,000 minimum. Available immedi­ ately. Closes Decem ber 30,1997. Apply to: William Toombs Saint Louis University Law Library 3700 Lindell St. Louis, MO 63108 Saint Louis University is an AA/EO employer. policy and pro cedures. M ore detailed inform ation concerning these responsibilities and the position can be found a t http://w w w .w hum an res/epa/. The person in this position will also serve as library liaison to an instructional departm ent and participate in bibliographic instruction. Required: M aster’s degree in library science from an ALA- accredited school, a t least fou r years professional e xperience in a library; su pe rviso ry experience. Preferred: Evidence o f w ell-devel­ oped planning, p roject m anagem ent, problem -solving, and organiza­ tional skills; strong written and oral com m unication skills; and an ability to work effectively w ith library staff and the university com m u­ nity. 12-month, faculty-rank, tenure-track position available J u ly 1, 1998. Salary: $37,000-539,000. Applications received by J anuary 30, 1998, will be given firs t consideration. Please send lette r o f a pplica­ tion, resume, and nam es and phone num bers o f three re ferences to: G loria Stockton, H u nte r Library, W e s te rn C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity , Cullowhee, NC 28723. H unte r Library has an operating budget o f $2.5 million, a p erm an e nt FTE staff ot 44, including 16 librarians, and serves a stud e nt b ody o f approxim ately 6,000: http://w w w .w library/hunter.htm l. W estern C arolina University, located between the Great S m oky M ountains and the Blue Ridge M ountains, 52 m iles west 823 of Asheville, North C arolina, and tw o and a h alf hours north o f Atlanta, is one o f the 16 s e nio r institutions of the U niversity o f N orth Carolina, and is an affirm ative action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. ASSISTAN T/A SSO CIATE/FULL LIB R A R IA N E LEC TR O N IC RE SOURCES C O O R D IN A T O R . A rizona State U niversity. G eneral sum ­ mary: T h is is a full-tim e, co ntin uing appointm e n t-track (Academ ic Professional) position requiring p rofessional d evelopm ent and se r­ vice. The position serves as a m em b er o f the C ollection D evelopm ent Team, w hich reports dire ctly to the Dean of the Libraries. Uses excellent interpersonal skills w orking in a collaborative, team e nviron ­ ment. Show s fle xibility in carrying o ut a ssignm ents in response to changing circum stances. Essential functions: The person in this position is responsible fo r co ordin a ting and o verseeing the budget, Associate Dean of Information Services Connecticut College, a highly selective private liberal arts college, seeks an Associate Dean o f Information Services. The Associate Dean will provide guidance for the daily operations o f Information Services including libraries, computing, media and technology planning. IS has a staff o f 56 and a budget o f approximately $5,000,000. The AD repre­ sents the College and the Dean at professional functions. More specifically, the successful candidate will possess: • A vision for integrated information services • An ability to lead and inspire people in a rapidly changing environment • An ability to be an advocate for the IS staff and their clients • Experience with technology innovation • An understanding of the special needs of a scholarly community. Responsibilities include supervising all staff and daily operations. The ideal candidate must have experience with decision making in a highly collaborative environment as well as excellent communication, supervisory and leadership skills. Master’s degree and knowl­ edge o f computing services and libraries in an academic setting required; must have the ability to work as a team player. The college has recently completed a technology strategic plan and allocated $584,000 for 1997/98 initiatives. The academic programs o f the College have been enhanced by the recently created Centers for International Studies and the Liberal Arts, Conservation Biology, Arts and Technology, and Community Challenges. All campus buildings are con­ nected with a fiber optic network and dorm rooms provide voice/data ports. Through the CTW Library Consortium which links the collections o f Connecticut College, Trinity College and Wesleyan University in a SIR SI client-server system, the College offers the resources o f a research library. The College is beginning implementation o f PeopleSoft as its campus-wide system. Review o f applications will begin on December 12. Please send resume, cover letter and names of three references to Connecticut College, Box 5 2 5 1 ,2 7 0 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320. Fo r information: HTTP:// C o n n e c tic u t C ollege Connecticut College is actively seeking to diversify its staff and faculty. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. selection, and d issem ination of electronic library resources fo r the unive rsity libraries. Participates in professional d evelopm ent and service activities. T h is position is responsible fo r a dvancing the lib ra rie s’ strategic plan in the area o f electronic in form ation. C ontrib­ utes to team gove rn an ce and operations. Q ualifications: Required: A LA -accredited m a ster o f library/inform ation science degree. A m ini­ m um o f five ye ars post-M LS expe rie n ce in an a cadem ic research library. Experience accessing, ordering, or im plem enting electronic library tech n olo g ie s in a cu sto m e r se rvice environm ent. D em on­ strated analytical and o rg anizational skills. D em onstrated under­ standing of library system s h ardw are and softw are tha t are used to su pp ort electronic resources. Excellent com m unication skills. Rank dep en d en t upon q ua lity and le vel o f professional p reparation and e xperience. Preferred: Successful expe rie n ce negotiating library HTTP:// 824 licenses associa ted with electronic technologies. Experience in col­ lection d evelopm ent in an academ ic o r research library. Experience in reference o r bib liog ra p hic instruction in an a cadem ic o r research library. Experience in analysis o f library collection and needs. M ini­ m um salary: $35,000. Application deadline: M onday, D ecem ber 29, 1997. Application procedure: Send letter, resum e, and nam es, ad­ dresses, and phone num bers o f fou r recent p rofessional references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistan t Dean fo r P ersonnel, U niversity L ibrar­ ies, A rizona S tate University, Box 871006, Tem pe, A Z 85287-1006. For m ore inform ation, e-m ail karie @ a suvm .inre.a su.e du , telephone (602) 965-4914, o r fax (602) 965-9169. Full position description is a vailable upon request. A SU is an EO/AA e m p loye r and actively seeks d iversity a m ong a pplicants and prom otes a diverse w ork force. C ATALO G LIBRA RIAN. Responsibilities: C ontributes to planning and process im provem ent fo r the d epartm ent and fun ctio ns in a leadership role during the planning and im plem entation o f the librar­ ies’ n ew in tegrated online system . S erves as a resource p erson for clerical co py cata lo ge rs and d atabase m aintenance staff in m atters relating to cataloging and authorities. R esponsible fo r o riginal and co m p lex co py cataloging of m onographs a nd serials in all subject a reas and form ats, including e lectron ic resources; bibliog ra p hic problem resolution; and auth ority control. S erves as a resource person to all library faculty, adm inistrative /profe ssion a l and clerical staff in m atters relating to ca ta lo ging and d atabase m aintenance policies and procedures. P articipates in the deve lo pm en t o f c a ta lo g ­ ing p olicies and p rocedures. Participa tes in lib ra ry com m ittees, team s, and task forces as required. R eports to the Head o f Technical Services. Required qualifications: A LA -accredited MLS degree; ca ta ­ lo ging e xperience in an academ ic o r research library; reading know l­ edge o f o ne o r m ore modern foreign languages. Desired qua lifica ­ tions: Ability to w o rk effectively in a ch an ging o rganization and to provide leadership in the transition to a netw orked environm ent. Fam iliarity w ith the role of the ca ta lo ge r’s w orkstation in technical se rvice s operations. G ood com m unication and in terpersonal skills; good analytical and p roblem -solving skills. Strong service o rie nta ­ tion. Experience in tra in ing staff. T w o years professional experience in an a cadem ic o r research library; reading know ledge of western European languages a n d /o r Russian; w orking know ledge of AACR cataloging rules, LC rule interpretations, LC su bje ct headings, a u th o r­ ity practices, M A R C form ats, and C O N S E R standards. D em onstrated experience with one o f the national bibliog ra p hic utilities (O CLC preferred) and a local integrated system . Fam iliarity with Dewey Decim al classification. Fam iliarity with ANSI holdings standards. Salary: $26,000 and up, d epending upon qualifications. Status and benefits: E xem pt professional. App o intm e n t on a fisca l ye a r basis, w ith annual vacation o f 22 w orking days. Flexible ben efit program s w ith open e nrollm ents annually. G ro up life, m edical, and d isability in surance p rogram s are in effect, as are T IA A/C R E F and Social Security coverage. Application process: Please send a state m e nt of DIRECTOR Division of Biomedical Information Sciences/W elch Library The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking a director to lead the Welch Library/Division of Biomedical Information Services. Applicants should have demonstrated leadership qualities, outstanding abilities in organization manage­ ment, and expertise in biomedical information systems, and library science. Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and bibliography to: M artin D. Abeloff, M.D. Chairm an, Division of Biom edical Inform ation S ciences/W elch Library Johns Hopkins University School of M edicine 720 Rutland Ave., SOM 102 Baltim ore, MD 21205-2196 An Aafirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *R a th e r tha n e sta b lish o ne s ta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , so m e state a s s o c ia tio n s h ave a d o p te d a fo rm u la b ase d on such va ria b le s as c o m p a ra b le sa larie s fo r p u b lic sch oo l te a c h e rs in e ach co m m u n ity o r the g ra de le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l librarian post. In th e se ca ses, you m ay w ish to c o n ta c t the state a ss o c ia ­ tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . +S a la ry m inim um s fo r public librarians only. #Option fo r local form ula. 825 HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES University of California, Santa Cruz TITLE: Head of Access Services. RANK: Associate Librarian. HIRING SALARY: $37,932-$44,544. POSITION AVAILABLE: January 15,1998. The Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz, seeks a Head of Access Services. The incumbent is responsible for providing daily and long-term planning and direction fo r the Access Services Section, which has a staff of 16 career FTE and 13.5 student FTE. The Head of Access Services coordinates access services throughout the university library and provides direct supervision to three staff members, who are each responsible for one of three section units: Circulation, Reserves, and ILL/Document Delivery. As one of seven section heads in the library, the Head of Access Services serves as a member of the Library Management Group and reports to the University Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Access Services is responsible for management of access services, including automated circulation, interlibrary loan, document delivery, print and electronic reserves, stacks maintenance and security; determines access policies in cooperation with other library sections; collects and analyzes statistics, prepares reports, and formulates automation recommendations. The successful candidate will be responsible fo r the organization of the Access Services Section to meet the challenge of advances in access technology and maintenance of traditional service. The incumbent also participates in campus liaison activities and represents the campus in UC-system, consortia, and professional organizations. Depending on qualifications, may serve at the reference desk or as a collection selector. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; five years relevant experi­ ence; demonstrated increasing administrative responsibilities and successful management skills; evidence of a strong service orientation; superior communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work with a diverse community within a changing environment; significant supervisory experience; significant experience with information technology systems in a library setting. PREFERRED: Substantial experience in an academic or research library; evidence of successful innovation in providing library services; significant experience in interlibrary loan and/or document delivery. THE CAMPUS AND THE LIBRARY: One of the nine campuses of the University of California, UC Santa Cruz is located in a redwood-forest setting overlooking the ocean, 75 miles from San Francisco, 25 miles from “Silicon Valley”, at the north end of the agriculturally rich Monterey Bay area. Campus enrollment of about 10,000 students, of which 1,000 are graduate students. The library collection of more than one million volumes is growing at a rate of 30,000 volumes annually. The library has a full-time equivalent staff of 140, of which 31 are librarians. TO APPLY: Applicants should supply a complete statement of their qualifications, a resume of their education and experience, as well as the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references. Please refer to position #T97-26 in your reply. All letters and documents should be addressed to: Kate McGirr AU L-H um an Resources U niversity Library University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High St. Santa Cruz, CA 95064 phone: (408) 459-2076 fax: (408) 459-8206 e-m ail: liboff@ Closing Date: The deadline for application is December 2 0 , 1997. UCSC is an equal em ployment opportunity, affirmative action employer. 8 2 6 interest, resum e, and the nam es o f three re ferences to: T h om as L. H aworth, Personnel A dm inistrato r, Purdue U niversity Libraries, 1530 S tew art C tr., Rm. 265, W e st Lafayette, IN 47907 -1 5 30 . D e ad ­ line: App lica tio ns w ill be accep ted until the position is filled. Priority consid e ra tion w ill be given to applica tio ns re ceived by Ja nu ary 15, 1998. A n equal opportunity, a ffirm a tive action em ployer. D IR EC TO R O F T H E LIB R A R Y. Hiram C ollege in vites a p p lica tio ns fo r the position o f D irecto r o f the Library. Th e college, founded in 1850, is an independent, coeducational, B accalaureate I institution located 35 m iles so u th ea st o f C leveland in n ortheastern Ohio. C o m m itte d to a cad em ic excellence, Hiram has a Phi Beta K appa ch ap ter and two ye ars a go co m p lete d a new library building w ith e lectron ic ca pa bili­ ties. Hiram is a ch a rte r m em b er o f O CLC, a n ew m em b er o f O hioLink, and participa tes in the C leveland A rea M etropolitan L ibrary System and the E ast C entral C onsortium of C o lle ge s and A cad e m ic Libraries. T h e lib ra ry staff of 11, in clu din g six pro fe ssio na ls, m a in tain s a co llection o f o ve r 170,000 v o lum es and 8 50 p eriodical subscriptions. Th e college, with 8 50 tra dition al students, 2 75 a dditional FTE stu ­ den ts in its W e e ken d C ollege, and 75 facu lty m em bers, places the fa cu lty-stu de n t rela tion sh ip a t the ce n te r o f its m ission and e xpresses this m ission throu g h such in novations as its in terdisciplina ry cu rricu ­ lum and e xcellen t study abroad program s. The D irecto r’s re sp on sib ili­ tie s in clude the expa nd e d developm ent, o rganization, and o peration o f the library and ca m p us m edia services. A pp lica n ts m ust h ave a m a ster’s deg re e in library o r in form ation science from an ALA- a ccre dite d in stitution; a Ph.D. or an a dditional g raduate subject deg re e outside the discipline is preferred. It is essen tial tha t ca nd i­ date s fo r the D irecto r’s position d em onstrate h igh ly successful prior a dm inistrative expe rie n ce in a cadem ic libraries. Furtherm ore, in di­ vid ua ls w ith p roven p ub lic relations, com m unications, and co nse n ­ su s-b uildin g skills are sought. Public se rvice expe rie n ce w ith an u nd erstan ding o f co m p u te r a p p lica tio ns in the p ub lic dom ain is desired. C and id a te s w ith expe rie n ce in co nso rtia o r o th e r resource- sharing arra ng e m e nts a re p articula rly e nco urag e d to a pply. F a m iliar­ ity with the p hiloso p hy o f a liberal arts edu catio n and the a bility to work in a sm all, co op erative e nviron m e n t a re essential. Th e D irecto r o f the L ibrary reports to the Vice Pre side n t and A cad e m ic Dean o f the College. Salary is co m p etitive and ben efits are excellent. Interested THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT LIBRARIES CIRCULATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS LIBRARIAN- UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN II (Search # 98A192) Reporting to the Head of Access Services, this newly created position, a member of the Circulation Services Core Team, w ill manage and serve as the Libraries’ expert on functional applications of the circulation module (currently NOTIS). Duties inclu de: problem solving, training staff system-wide, and recommending and implementing improvements to circulation systems applications; participating in circulation systems projects related to NOTIS releases and evaluating and recommending a new integrated library management system; leading in the development of the Access Services W W W presence; monitoring patron file activity from patron load reports; monitoring billing and adjustment activities; advising the Head of Access Services on technology planning; working 5-7 hours/week at the main circulation desk; and serving as the technical resource on the Circulation/Reciprocal Loan Team. M in im u m qualificatio n s include: ALA-accredited MLS and 3-Ó years relevant experience; working knowledge of circulation, reserve, and interli­ brary loan functions in an automated integrated library management system; demonstrated with mainframe and PC systems and products and W W W authoring and editing tools; project management skills; strong public service orientation and experience; excellent oral, written and interpersonal commu­ nication skills; ability to work independently and function effectively in a team-based environment; willingness to work evening a n d /o r weekend hours as needed. D esirable q u alific a tio n s inclu de: academic/research library experience; demonstrated experience with the system architecture and functional applications o f the NOTIS LMS circulation module; and experience w ith the creation and maintenance of W W W forms and script. Babbidge Library, the main lib rary at Storrs, is currently undergoing $4 0 million in renovations that w ill provide users with a modem, technologically advanced facility when construction is completed in the Fall of 1998. The Stamford Campus is being relocated to downtown Stamford, a Connecticut suburb of New York City, in 19 98. The Stamford Campus has been targeted in the University’s strategic plan as an exciting opportunity to integrate educational programs with the growin g corporate and commercial sector in the Stamford area of Fairfield County. S a la ry ra n g e fo r both positions: $ 3 6 ,1 4 6 - $ 4 6,990, commensurate with experience. Application Procedures: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Brinley Franklin, Associate Director fo r A d m in istrative Services, University of Connecticut Libraries, Box U -5 Á , 3 6 9 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 0 6 2 6 9 - 1 0 0 5 . Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. At the University of Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse staff. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. app lica n ts sh ou ld su b m it a le tte r of introduction, resum e, and three re ferences to: Linda Rea, L ibrary Search C o m m itte e Chairperson, Hiram College, Hiram, OH 44234. R eview o f a p p lica tio ns w ill begin D ecem be r 1997, and w ill co ntin ue until the position is filled, ideally by M ay 15, 1998. Hiram C o lle ge is an equal opp ortun ity em ployer, co m m itte d to e xcellen ce through diversity. E LEC TR O N IC S ER VIC E S LIB R A R IA N . The U nive rsity o f Illinois at C h ica go (U IC ) in vites a p p lica tio ns fo r the position of E lectronic Services L ibrarian. T h is te n u re -tra ck position h as been e sta b lish ed to su pp ort the d e ve lo pm en t o f electronic, m ultim edia, and Internet se rvice s and reso urce s in the u n ive rsity library. Th e Ele ctron ic S ervices Librarian w ill serve a s liaison to the U IC fa cu lty fo r electronic inform ation, Internet resources, and the use o f te ch n olo g y in teaching and research. B ased in the S ystem s D epartm ent, the Ele ctronic S ervices Librarian w ill w o rk clo sely w ith the C o lle ction s D evelopm ent D epa rtm e n t a nd p ub lic se rvice s units as w e ll as staff from the C o m p ute r C enter. Responsibilities: U nder the d ire ction of the M an­ a ge r o f L ibrary S yste m s (jointly w ith the A ssistan t U nive rsity L ibrarian fo r the H ealth Scie nce s fo r se rvice s to the health sciences co m m u ­ nity), has resp on sib ility fo r the identification, selection, creation, and deve lo p m e n t o f e lectron ic and m u ltim e d ia reso urce s su pp orting in struction, research, and p atie nt care a t UIC. Provides le ad e rsh ip in planning and m anaging e lectron ic se rvice s responsible to the needs of the u n ive rsity library staff and the U IC faculty. In co ordin a tion with bibliog ra p he rs, is the unive rsity library liaison to the UIC fa cu lty fo r the Internet, including g uidance on is su es o f co pyrigh t and intellectual pro pe rty in the e lectron ic e nvironm ent. M anages d a y-to -d ay o pe ra ­ tio ns and p ub lic s e n /ice s o f the Inform ation T e chn o log y A rca de (and o th e r sim ila r facilities), including scheduling, m ultim edia d evelop­ m ent and evaluation, a nd co nsu ltin g se rvices. A dvises library faculty and staff in instructional pro gra m s and participa tes in staff d e ve lo p ­ ment. S erves as co o rd in a to r o f Internet Services, including in stru c­ tion in lo cating, using, and d eveloping d yna m ic resources on the Internet. D e velop s and m a nages e lectron ic resources, including Internet-based a p p lica tio ns such a s discussion g roups, g op he rs, and W W W servers. P articipa tes in lib ra ryw ide co m m itte e s a nd task forces as well as plan n in g activities. W ee ken d and even in g hours required. M inim um qualifications: M aster’s deg re e from a program 827 accredited by ALA; two ye ars increasing e xperience w ith electronic inform ation resources and services in a large research u niversity library se ttin g o r o th e r relevant experience. Experience in collection d evelopm ent o r p ub lic services and w o rkin g w ith an in tegrated network and m edia authoring. D em onstrated su ccess in Internet training and su pp ort services. Know ledge o f cu rre nt and em erging technologies and understanding of th e ir potential im plications and opportunities in the u niversity library, on the cam pus, and fo r remote users. Problem -solving e xperience and the ability to com m unicate clearly, know ledgeably, and p ersonably in both a team environm ent and individually. Evidence of in terest in professional involvem ent within a cadem ic librarianship. A bility to m eet unive rsity standards in research and publication com m ensurate w ith tenure. Additional de­ sirable qualifications: Experience w orking w ith netw orked in form a ­ tion, d atabase m a n agem ent and client/servers. Fam iliarity w ith Mac, PC (D OS and W indow s), IBM m ainfram e, and UNIX operating sys­ tems. Know ledge o f and e xperience with health scie nce s resources and services. Evidence of effective collaboration. C om fo rtab le in a rapidly changing environm ent. Salary, rank, contract: Faculty a p ­ pointm ents in the UIC Library begin a t $33,000. Salaries are c o m p eti­ tive and based on education and experience; facu lty status, 12-month appointm ent; 24 days vacation; 12 days a nnual sick leave with additional d isab ility benefits; 11 paid holidays; m edical in surance (contribution b ased on annual salary; co verage fo r d epen d en ts may be purchased); two dental plans available; life in surance paid fo r by the state; p articipation in the State U niversities R etirem ent System com pulsory (8 percen t of salary is withheld and is tax exem pt until w ithdraw al); no Social Security co verag e but M edicare paym ent required; physical exam ination a t U niversity Health Service is re ­ quired upon appointm ent. For fullest consideration, apply by February 6, 1998, with co ve r letter, supporting resum e, and the nam es of at least three re ferences to: Annie M arie Ford, Personnel Librarian, U niversity of Illinois a t C hicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois a t Chicago is an affirm ative action, equal o pp or­ tunity em ployer. G O VER N M EN T IN FO R M A TIO N /U R B A N STU D IE S LIBRA RIAN. Social Sciences and H um anities Library, U niversity o f California, San Diego (http://orp he u s.u csd .e d u/g ovin fo.h tm ). Assistant Librarian II- The University o f Connecticut Libraries, members o f the Association o f Research Libraries, are currently recruiting for two libraria n positions. These positions offer exceptional opportunities ‚ for applicants to become members o f a library staff that has recently organized into team-based structures to support the Libraries’ strategic directions including academic partnerships‚ user services shaped by user feedback, networked information services, and the development and preservation o f research collections. For further information about the UConn Libraries or the following positions, see our home page at or visit us in the ALA Placement Office at the ALA Midwin ter Meeting in New Orleans. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/CITI LIAISON, STAMFORD CAMPUS- UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN II (Search # 98A193) Reporting to the Director of the Jeremy Richard Library (JRl) in Stamford, this newly created position, a member of the Regional Campus Libraries Team, w ill provide reference and research assistance, subject specific instruction, and serve as the UConn Libraries liaison to the University’s Connecticut Information Technology Institute (CITI) program. Duties inclu de: providing reference and research services; conducting library instruction classes and orientations, including the development of bibliog­ raphies, guides, handouts, and computer aids; serving as the JRL’s expert user for information technology; selecting and deselecting materials for the reference and general collections ana in specific subject areas; serving as the CITI liaison and liaison to other UConn academic departments as assigned; and filling in at the JRL circulation desk as needed. M in im u m qualifications inclu de: ALA-accredited MLS and 3-6 years relevant experience, including 2 or more years as a reference librarian, an information technology background developed through academic study or work experience; knowledge of computer applications in libraries; working knowledge of circulation-related functions; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to work independently and function effectively in a teanvbosed environment; ability to work evening and/or weekend hours. D esirable qualifications inclu de: academic/research library reference or information technology experience; demonstrated teaching and instruc­ tional skills; and technological expertise in client/server Internet applications. U nive rsity Settin g: The University of Connecticut, established in 1881, is a Carnegie Research 1 University. It was recently cited as one o f the top 20 public national universities and is engaged in UConn 2000 , an ambitious ten year $ 1 Dillion campus building project. The main campus, situated in Storrs on 310 0 acres of woodlands and rolling hills, is located approximately 3 0 miles from Hartford, the state capital, and midway between Boston and New York City. There are approximately 2 1,7 50 students system-wide. VI, $32,424-$39,720, o r A ssociate Librarian l-IV, $37,932-$44,544. T he S ocial Sciences and H um anities Library ( sshl/sshl.htm l) houses the research collections fo r the social sci­ ence s and hum anities, w hich in clude gove rn m e nt publications. The library p rovides a full range o f services fo r the collections, including inform ation and reference services, b ibliographic instruction, and o nline searching. C a reer-track position in the R esearch Services Section o f SSH L. Participates in collection develo pm en t/m an a ge ­ ment, with e m phasis on state and local gove rn m e nt docum ents, urban studies, and oth e r social science su bje cts tha t m ay be as­ signed. W o rks closely with bibliog ra p he rs in related disciplines. Provides in-depth reference service and consultation fo r all d ocu ­ m ents collections (federal, international, state, and local), and urban studies; serves a s library liaison to Urban Studies p rogram and other subject a reas a s assigned. Provides general reference a ssistance at a com bined social sciences/hum anities and gove rn m e nt docum ents reference desk; so m e evening and w eekend hours required. Partici­ pates in library user outreach and instructional program s, and library staff training, w ith special e m phasis on prom oting g overnm ent infor­ mation in electronic form ats. Required: M LS from an A LA-accredited institution. M inim um tw o ye ars e xperience in reference service for governm ent docum ents. W orking know ledge o f U.S. depository guid e ­ lines and practices. Strong b ackground in w o rkin g with statistical sources and num eric data. D em onstrated success in application of com p ute rize d re sources fo r gove rn m e nt in form ation. Dem onstrated com m itm ent to p ub lic service. A bility to com m unicate effectively with staff and patrons. D em onstrated p otential to excel as a team m em ber in a dynam ic, techn olo g y-in ten sive , and challenging a cadem ic library environm ent. Excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Expe­ rience in bibliog ra p hic instruction and staff training. Evidence of research a n d /o r professional activities. Preferred: Strong academ ic background in a social science discipline. Experience w orking with a social sciences and hum anities reference collection. W orking know l­ edge of S panish language. App o intm e n t at the higher rank requires substantial relevant e xperience and su pe rio r qualifications. C o nsid ­ eration o f a pplications w ill begin F ebruary 6, 1998 and continue until the position is filled. Subm it via electronic mail, facsim ile o r regular m ail a letter o f a pplication, a resum e, and a list o f three references to: Debra Am brose, R ecruitm ent C oordinator, Library Human Resources, 8 2 8 0175H -2, U niversity of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilm an Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0175; telephone: (619) 534-1279; confidential fac­ sim ile: (619) 534-8634; d am brose@ AA/EOE. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTM ENT. Florida Atlantic University Library seeks a dynam ic librarian to serve as Head, Reference Department. Responsibilities include: Supervision and professional developm ent of five librarians and two support staff; assessm ent and developm ent of the reference collection; m anagem ent o f the library liaison program with colleges; coordination of general and course- related library instruction; and p articipation in all a spects o f reference service, including som e evening and w eekend assignm ents. Re­ quired: A LA-accredited MLS; m inim um o f five years p rofessional and three years su pervisory library experience in an autom ated a cadem ic library reference departm ent; experience with traditional and elec­ tro nic resources such as CD-ROMs, W orld W ide W eb products, Internet, and online form ats; collection developm ent and biblio­ graphic instruction experience; evidence of successful adm inistrative and su pervisory experience; ability to com m unicate effectively. Pre­ ferred: Dem onstrated com m itm ent to active participation in the library profession. Salary: Minim um : $40,000. Library’s hom epage may be browsed a t http://w w w ehom e.htm . Send letter of application, resume, and the nam es o f three references to: Chair, Head, R eference D epartm ent Search Com m ittee, Florida Atlantic U niversity Library, 777 Glades Rd., P.O. Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431. A pplications m ust be postm arked not later than February 1‚ 1998. Florida A tlan tic U niversity is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirm ative action institution. IN TERLIBRA RY LO AN/DO CU M ENT DELIVERY LIBRA RIAN. A 12- month, tenure-track position w ith the University o f Kansas Libraries. Th e KU Libraries are seeking a dynam ic librarian to manage in terli­ brary loan operations and to plan, design, and im plem ent enhanced docum ent d elivery services (full position description available). Re­ quirem ents: M aster’s degree from an ALA-credited program . Rel­ evant experience in an a cadem ic o r research library. K nowledge of issues relating to resource sharing in the academ ic library e nviron­ ment. C om m itm ent to responsive and innovative user service. Fam il­ DIRECTOR, LIBRARY RESOURCE SHARING DIVISION (Search Extended) The Texas State Library and Archives Commission The Texas State Library and Archives Commission seeks an experienced and dynamic professional to manage its statewide library resource sharing programs serving both academic and public libraries. These programs include traditional methodologies like interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing privileges, as well as the delivery of electronic information, library and archival materials, and government agency publications in both print and electronic form. The programs include TexShare (http://tcsul.texshare., the Texas State Electronic Library (, the TexNet Interlibrary Loan Network, and the Government Information Clearing House. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree in library or information science from an ALA- accredited program; six years successful professional experience in library or information services; three years of successful management experience, including supervision and budget. (See full position description for additional required and preferred characteristics.) The position reports to the Assistant State Librarian and supervises staff of 10 to 11 FTE. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience; $41,016 minimum. Position will remain open until filled. To ensure full consideration, completed applications should be received by February 1‚ 1998. Interested individuals should contact the commission’s Personnel Office at (512) 463-5474 or consult our Web site ( for a complete position description and application forms. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is a diverse agency, with a staff of 206 FTE and an annual budget of $20 million, having broad responsibilities for encouraging and coordinating the development of library services, and for managing state and local government records. M /F E O E D . iarity with interlibrary loan and docum ent delivery processes. Strong planning, organizational, and analytical skills. Ability to build team s and lead staff successfully through m ajor change. Ability to work effectively with diverse colleagues and clients. Excellent com m uni­ cation skills. Preferred: Relevant professional e xperience in an academ ic o r research library. Successful su pervisory experience. Ability to evaluate alternative modes of inform ation access and delivery and introduce new processes and technologies in the w o rk­ place. A nnual salary: $29,000-$36,000, dependent upon qualifica­ tions. Excellent benefits. To apply, subm it letter o f application ad­ dressing each of the p osition q ualifications, resume, copies o f under­ graduate and graduate transcripts, and nam es of three references to: S andra G illiland, Assistan t to the Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 W atson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. A pplica­ tio ns postm arked by January 9 , 1998, w ill be given first consideration. An AA/EO employer. JAPANESE M A TER IA LS LIBRA RIAN. Asia Library, University of Michigan Library. Under the direction o f the Head o f Technical Sen/ices, A sia Library, the successful candidate w ill perform original cataloging, co py cataloging, and record m aintenance fo r Japanese m aterials, as well as provide public services support, and a ssist in the developm ent o f electronic resources and services as related to East Asian studies. Specific dutie s include producing original MARC records fo r all types of Japanese-language m aterials by exam ining and determ ining the entries according to AAC R2 and LCRIs; p erform ­ ing authority work on name headings and series titles; perform ing subject analysis and providing LC subject headings and classification num bers; perform ing descriptive cataloging in Ja panese and roman transliteration; and com pleting holdings information. W ill also p ro­ duce MARC records b y reviewing and updating o th e r libraries’ partial records. Additional duties include training and supervising the work perform ed by student assistants, providing public services assis­ tance (reference/inform ation services, patron assistance), and as­ sisting in developm ent of electronic resources fo r E ast A sian studies and patrons. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited MLS. Profi­ cie ncy in both Japanese and English language skills. Demonstrated oral and written com m unication skills. Proficiency in library-related http://tcsul.texshare 829 computer a pplications and skills. D em onstrated ability to w o rk e ffec­ tively with a culturally d iverse staff. Desired: Substantial knowledge of East Asian studies as an academ ic discipline. Som e professional work experience in an Am erican research library. K nowledge of current Japanese studies electronic resources. Rank, salary, leave, and benefits: Rank of A ssistant Librarian. Final salary dependent on years o f p revious relevant professional experience (m inim um salary: $29,500). 24 w orking d ays of vacatio n p e r year; 15 d ays of sick leave per year, with provisions fo r extended benefits. Excellent benefits package; T IA A/C R E F retirem ent plan. T o apply: S end co ver le tte r and copy o f resum e to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human R esources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, U niversity of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: A pplications received by Ja nu ­ ary 15, 1998, will be given first consideration. Th e U niversity of Michigan is a nondiscrim inatory, a ffirm ative action em ployer. JAPANESE STUDIES LIBRA RIAN. (Search reopened.) The Univer sity of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. Position description: The Japanese Studies Librarian w ill have a p rim ary assignm ent as b ibli­ ographer and ca ta lo ge r fo r Ja pa ne se stud ie s and a potential second­ ary assignm ent as an adjunct faculty m em ber in an appropriate academic departm ent. W ill select m aterials in all form a ts and in Japanese, English, and oth e r European languages relating to Japa­ nese studies; provide b ibliographic and reference assistance; coordi­ DEAN OF THE LIBRARY San Diego State University The Dean of the Library reports to the Vice President for Academic Affair,s and, as a member of the Academic Deans’ Conference, participates in academic planning fo r the university. The Dean provides leadership and vision in the management of library programs, resources, and services. S/he ensures that print and electronic information resources support and enhance the educational and research programs of the campus; provides direction and leadership in the planning, development, implemen­ tation, and ongoing operation of academic computing services; works with other library directors within the region to envision, plan, and implement collaborative ventures; leads library fundraising efforts; is responsible for a budget over$7 million; and creates a supportive environment for over 100 faculty and staff employees. San Diego State University is the largest of the 23 campuses in the California State University system, with an etnically diverse student body of approximately 29,000 students and 2,000 faculty. SDSU is the only campus in the CSU system to be designated a Doctoral University II by the Carnegie Foundation. Now in its centennial year, it offers bachelor’s degrees in 76 areas, master’s degree in 54, and the doctorate in 10. (Additional information is available at In support of this mission, the library has built a collection of over one million volumes, provides access to numerous electronic resources and offers a variety of user-focused services. In 1996 the library opened its 114,000 square foot addition, which includes over 100 public workstations, two electronic classrooms, and a state-of- the-art Media Center. The library also provides many academic computing services. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited master’s degree. Five to ten years experience with increasing responsibility in administration of an academic or research library, academic technology, and related sen/ices. Fundraising experience. Superior written and oral communication skills. Ability to work collaboratively and to work effectively in a multicultural campus and community setting. Astrong record of professional and scholarly activities. APPLICATIONS: Send letter stating qualifications, curriculum vitae, and names, current addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Nominations encouraged. Preferred starting date is July 1998. Apply to: V ice President for A cadem ic Affairs Search Com m ittee for Dean of the Library San Diego State University 5500 C am panile Dr. San Diego, CA 92182-8010 SDSU is an equal opportunity, Title IX em ployer and does not discrim inate against persons on the basis o f race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, m arital status, age, o r disability. nate and im plem ent user education; review copy cataloging per­ form ed by library assistants and students; perform original and a dapt com plex co py cataloging in all form ats fo r m aterials in Ja panese and oth e r la nguages as appropriate; involvem ent with preservation and conservation of relevant materials; represent the university libraries on ca m p us as m em b er of the C ente r fo r Asian and Pacific Studies; work w ith appropriate faculty to su pp ort interest in East A sia through­ out the u niversity and the state; represent the u niversity libraries at pertinent m eetings and conferences. Qualified candidates m ay have the opp ortun ity to serve as an adjunct faculty in an appropriate departm ent and teach one course p er year, in a subject to be d eterm ined according to the interests and background of the success­ ful applicant. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an A LA-accredited library school o r e quivalent; high level o f professional com petency in w ritten and spoken Japanese; e xcellent ability to com m unicate with students and faculty; knowledge o f East Asian stud ie s as an aca­ dem ic discipline; substantial knowledge o f o r experience with LC classification, LCSH, AAC R2, and M ARC form ats; dem onstrated ability to w o rk effectively w ith faculty and library colleagues; com m it­ ment to professional involvem ent. Desired: Som e know ledge of Korean and European languages; e xperience in an academ ic or research library; advanced work in Ja panese studies. Salary and appointm ent: Appointm ent rank and sa lary w ill be based on relevant e xperience and educational background. Appointm ent will be made 8 3 0 DIRECTOR, LIBRARY LEARNING COMPLEX (#MBDL-9809) California State University, Monterey Bay CSUMB seeks an experienced and visionary leader for the position of Director, Library Learning Complex. The Director is the chief administrator of the library (currently staffed by seven FTE librarians and eight FTE support staff) and has responsibility for program development, coordination and evaluation of library services across the campus. The Director will be expected to lead the university library of the future in educating and serving the information needs of undergraduate students, faculty, and staff. The Director is also a member of the Deans’ Council and participates in academic planning fo rt he university. Salary fo r this 12-month Administrator III position is commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. CSUMB offers excellent fringe benefits. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates m ust possess a n M LIS fro m an ALA-accredited institution as well as demonstrated management experience in one or more senior administrative positions in an academic library setting. Experience must include fiscal planning, program planning, personnel and facilities management. Candidates must also possess comprehensive knowledge of library automation, advanced information technologies, and the full range of library operations, including the management of nonprint collections. Also required are strong interpersonal skills, including experience with decision making in a highly collaborative environment and the ability to work with diverse constituencies both within and outside the university. PREFERRED KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES, AND PERSPECTIVES: A vision of a future world of integrated information services with a creative and open approach toward realizing that vision; broad knowledge of and comfort with developing technology and its potential; the ability to lead, empower, and inspire people in a rapidly changing environment; receptiveness to, and the desire to be an advocate for, the people whose work she or he oversees; a strong background in, and commitment to, public service; academic credentials and a record grounded in an academic discipline; an understanding of the special needs of a scholarly community and the language of academics, based upon personal intellectual pursuits of significant breadth and depth; the ability to foster an environment of mutual concern, respect, and trust for library faculty and staff; a healthy sense of humor. CSUMB, founded in 1994, is a comprehensive university which values academic quality and the integration of learning, working, and residential living in a multicultural and interdisciplinary community. The campus is located on scenic and historic Monterey Bay, on land which was formerly part of the Fort Ord army base. The Library Learning Complex, a unit within the university’s Division of Academic Affairs, provides innovative library and information services to the campus. Additional information about the library can be found at APPLICATION PROCESS: Each application should include two copies of the candidate’s resume, letter of application, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses, of three profes­ sional references. Send to: Recruitm ent/O ffice of Academ ic Personnel CSUM B 100 C am pus Center Seaside, CA 93955-8001 phone: (408) 582-3569 fax: (408) 582-3811 C R S/TDD users: (800) 735-2929 E-mail applications are encouraged and may be forwarded to: faculty_recruitment@ Should you require accommodation with the application process, contact (408) 582-3574. While the position is open until filled, the priority screening date is January 3 0 , 1998. The preferred starting date is no later than July 1‚ 1998. The complete position vacancy announcement may be viewed at California State University, M onterey Bay, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and ADA em ployer com m itted to excellence through diversity. 831 at the Librarian I, II, o r III level. S tarting salary range: $25,000- $43,000. Th e u niversity offers an a ttractive package of benefits including 25 days of paid vacation p er year, T IA A/C R E F retirement, and a flexible selection o f m edical, life, dental, and vision insurance, childcare credit, and oth e r additional benefits. Application Proce­ dures: A pplications m ust be received by Ja nu ary 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 . Q ualified individuals should subm it a letter of application, resum e, and the names, a ddresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Janice Sim m ons-W elburn, C o ordinator fo r Personnel and D iversity Programs, University of Iowa Libraries, Iow a City, IA 52242-1420; (319) 335-5871. Th e U niversity o f Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. LIBRARIAN— PHYSICS R ESEA RCH CO N SU LTA N T. T h e National Institute of S tandards and Techno log y (NIST), O ffice o f Information Services (O IS), is seeking an expe rt librarian in physics to co nsu lt with NIST scientists and e ngineers in prom oting U.S. e conom ic growth by working w ith industry to develop and apply technology, m easure­ ments, and standards. T h e in cum be n t will m arket O IS resources and services; co ntribu te to the reference, instructional, and collection developm ent services; and id entify electronic too ls to co ntribu te to the research p rocess. The Research C o nsu lta nt m ust p ossess a solid working knowledge of p hysics to assist researchers w ith the a vailable discipline-specific research too ls and to dissem inate knowledge of these too ls within the NIST research com m unity. Incum bent also must have technical com petencies and e xperience in the use of networked inform ation resources; e xperience in providing reference liaison and instruction; knowledge o f the inform ation needs of the scholars and researchers in physics; d em onstrated ability to initiate, plan, ju stify, and im plem ent effective pro gra m s and services; e xcel­ lent com m unication and interpersonal skills. M inim um qualification requirem ents: (A) A pplicants m ust m eet m inim um q ualifications fo r Librarian: p ossess an MLS or equivalent professional library service experience and p ossess a t least one y e a r of specialized experience equivalent to the G S-9 level that e quipped the app lica n t with the particular know ledge, skills, and abilities to perform su ccessfully the duties o f the position; o r (B) have c om pleted all the requirem ents for a doctoral degree (o r equivalent) o r three full a cadem ic ye ars of graduate e ducation related to this position AND meet the required selective facto rs of this position. Appointm ent is a t the ZA -1410-111 level (eq uiva le nt to the G S-11/12 le vel); salary range $38,330- $59,725. Request va can cy annou n cem en t N IS T-97-2317/E B via hotline, (301) 926-4851‚ o r a t w w w .u sa job s.o pm .g ov with instructions for applying and fo r sp ecific requirem ents, including m andatory selective/qualifying criteria. C loses Ja nu ary 2 ,1 9 9 8 . T h e D epartm ent of C om m erce/N IST is an equal e m ploym ent, affirm ative action e m ­ ployer located in G aithersburg, Maryland, U.S. citizenship is required. LIBRARIAN— R EFERENCE. Te nu re -tra ck Instructor/Assistant Pro­ fessor (12-m onth) position. Duties co nsist o f providing co m p reh e n ­ sive reference a ssistance, including one evening p er w eek and rotating w eeke n d hours, bibliog ra p hic instruction, and collection developm ent. An A LA -accredited m a ster’s degree is required; sub­ ject expertise in crim inal ju stice/so cia l sciences is preferred. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications. A pplications w ill be reviewed and accepted until the position is filled. Send le tte r with cu rre nt resume and nam es and add re sses of three professional re ferences to: Ann Holder, Newton G resham Library, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77341-2281. SHSU is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. LIBRARY. A zusa Pacific U niversity in vites a pplications and nom ina­ tions fo r the follow ing position. Library: Possess an ALA-accredited degree in library science and e xperience in both adm inistration of public services and bib liog ra p hic instruction, including electronic resources. P referred candidates should have a graduate degree in nursing, allied health sciences, o r psychology, and a know ledge of teaching g raduates and undergraduates. Position is a vailable Ja nu ­ ary 1, 1998. A pplicants should su bm it a letter o f in quiry briefly addressing the q ualifications listed above; vita; and nam es, a d ­ dresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: Patricia S. Anderson, Provost, A zusa Pacific University, 901 E. Alosta Ave., PO Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000. In addition, prospective candidates should include a statem ent o f th e ir C hristian com m itm ent. Review o f a p p lica n ts w ill begin im m ed ia tely and co ntin ue until position is filled. A zusa Pacific is a C hristian, coeducational, liberal arts u niversity accredited by the W estern Association o f S chools and Colleges, offering m ore than 40 areas o f undergraduate study, 17 master’s degrees, and three doctorates. As an evangelical Christian institution, Azusa P acific affirm s the suprem a cy o f C hrist in all areas of life and e xpects its e m ployees to m odel Christian values in their Head Manuscripts Librarian T he L ib ra ry o f th e A m e ric a n Philosophical S o c ie ty plans t o fill th e p o s itio n o f H e a d M a n u s c rip ts L ib ra ria n la te in 19 9 7 o r e a rly 1 9 9 8 . T h e responsibilities o f th is p o s itio n in clu d e th e d ire c tio n o f th e M a n u s c r ip ts D e p a r t m e n t ; p r o v id in g k n o w le d g e a b le services t o scholarly re s e a rc h e rs ; a n d assisting t h e L ib ra ry ’s D ir e c to r (t h e L ib ra ria n ) in add in g acquisitions to th e S o c ie ty ’s o u ts ta n d in g c o lle ctio n o f m o r e th a n 6 m illio n m a n u s c rip ts , d ra w in g s a n d p h o to g ra p h s , a nd a u d io re co rd in g s in th e h is to ry o f A m e ric a n science a n d te c h n o lo g y , t h e ir E u ro p e a n b a c k g ro u n d s , a n d e a rly A m e ric a n h is to ry a nd c u ltu re to 18 5 0 . T h e S o c ie ty is a m e m b e r o f th e In d e p e n d e n t R e se a rch L ib rarie s A s s o cia tio n a n d t h e R e se a rch L ib rarie s G ro u p . T h e M a n u s c rip t holdings c an be accessed th ro u g h th e R L IN A M C d a ta base a n d th e S o c ie ty ’s w e b s ite a t h ttp ://w w w .a m p h ils o c .o rg . A d e ta ile d job d e s c rip tio n is a v a ila b le u p o n re q u e s t. C a n d id a te s should h old th e M L S fr o m an A L A a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; an M A in h is to ry , h is to ry o f science, a n th ro p o lo g y o r o th e r fie ld r e le v a n t to th e L ib ra ry ’s collections; possess lib ra ry c o m p u te r skills; a n d also h a ve a m in im u m o f five y ea rs lib ra ry w o r k e x p e rie n c e . S o m e o f th e s e r e q u ire m e n ts m a y b e w a iv e d f o r c a n d id a te s w ith e x t e n s i v e , g e r m a n e p r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e rie n c e . T h e s a la ry is c o m p e titiv e , b e n efits a n d v a c atio n s e x c e lle n t, a nd p rofessional d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e c te d a nd s u p p o rte d . A p p lic a tio n s w ill b e a c c e p te d u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . C a n d id a te s should s u b m it th e fo llo w in g m a te ria ls : a n a p p l i c a t i o n le t t e r , a c u r r e n t c u r r ic u lu m v ita e , and th e n a m es a nd addresses o f t h r e e re fe re n c e s to : D r . E d w a rd C . C a r t e r II L ib ra ria n A m e r ic a n P hilos ophic al S o cie ty 105 S o u th F ifth S t r e e t P h ila d e lp h ia , P A 1 9 1 0 6 -3 3 8 6 F a x: 2 1 5 - 4 4 0 - 8 5 7 9 8 3 2 professional and nonprofessional activities. Employees m ust be able to com m unicate the ir Christian faith verbally and in writing. Azusa Pacific University does not discrim inate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, status as a veteran, o r other characteristics protected by law in any o f its policies, practices, or procedures. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. LIBRARY SYSTEM S COORDINATOR . The U niversity o f Illinois at C hicago Library seeks an innovative professional fo r the position of Library System s Coordinator. The Library Systems Coordinator re­ ports to the M anager of Library System s and w ill be responsible for the continuing design, developm ent, and im plem entation o f automation in the university library, w hich includes: providing ongoing support for e xisting library autom ation efforts, including OCLC, NOTIS, ILLINET o nline, IBIS, and serial Z3 9.5 0 accessible files; com m unicating inform ation about system changes to library staff; docum enting system problem s fo r the suppliers of library system s, including the UIC C om puter Center; representing the library a t users groups and system s meetings; planning fo r im plementation of the library’s next- generation system, DRA. W eekend and evening hours required. The university library has a creative program o f adapting technology to support library programs. The developm ent o f the Integrated Library Information System using the cam puswide network (ADN) was begun in 1982 and now consists o f the local integrated system (N OTIS), a statewide resource-sharing system (ILLINET O nline), a journal data­ base search system (IBIS), and m ore than two dozen oth e r electronic inform ation sources. Th e library is involved actively in cam pus program s to expand the application of technology to the research process, including providing centralized a ccess to machine-readable data files, supporting the developm ent of the scholars’ workstation, and investigating applications of new technology fo r docum ent deliv­ ery. The library’s autom ation efforts are also addressed a t im proving the educational m ission of the university through such projects as autom ating course reserves and making access to bibliographic databases widely available. Minim um qualifications: M aster’s degree from a program a ccredited by the ALA; tw o years of experience in an academ ic o r research library; dem onstrated experience with one o r more library m ainfram e-based system s; dem onstrated understand­ ing o f current and developing information technologies; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal com m unication skills. Additional de­ sirable qualifications: Knowledge o f SAS and HTML; previous work in UNIX, AIX o r Solaris preferred; fam iliarity with NOTIS and DRA. Knowledge of telecom m unications or local area networks. Salary, rank, contract: Salary com m ensurate with experience; minim um salary $32,000; 12-month appointm ent; 2 4 days vacation; 12 days annual sick leave w ith additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; paid medical insurance (contribution based on annual salary; cover­ age fo r dependents may be purchased); tw o dental plans available; life insurance paid fo r by the state; participation in the State Univer­ sities Retirement System com pulsory (8 p er cent of salary is withheld and is tax exem pt until withdraw al); no Social Security coverage but M edicare paym ent required; physical exam ination at University Health Service is required upon appointm ent. For fullest consideration, apply by February 6, 1998, with cover letter, supporting resume and the nam es o f a t least three references, to: Annie M arie Ford, Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The U niversity of Illinois at C hicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MUSIC A ND THEATR E ARTS LIBRARIAN. U niversity Library, Cali­ fornia State University, Long Beach. Tenure-track position avail­ able June 1, 1998. T he M usic and Theatre A rts Librarian w ill provide course instruction and develop instructional materials, will develop the library’s collections and services fo r assigned disciplines, will work in a cooperative centralized reference environm ent which re­ quires evening and weekend hours, will be active in library and university com m ittees, and will participate in professional activities and research, including publication. Librarians have full faculty status and are represented by the California Faculty Association. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution o r equivalent professional library degree is required. A ppointm ent and salary will be com m ensu­ rate with q ualifications and experience ($43,584-$69,708). Review of candidates w ill begin Decem ber 1 0,1997. For further information and to request an application packet, contact the university library, at (562) 985-7839, or by e-m ail a t nancyk@ EO/AA/Title IX em ployer. M U SIC/SPECIAL MATER IA LS CATALOGER. The University of Akron University Libraries invite applications fo r the 12-month, ten ­ ure-track position of A ssistant Professor o f B ibliography, reporting to the Head of the Cataloging Department. R esponsibilities fo r this position will include: Original and com plex co py cataloging of scores, SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Georgetown University RESPONSIBILITIES: The Science Reference Librarian delivers research and reference ser­ vices in the sciences, with a strong emphasis on planning, coordinating, and promoting Blommer Science Library instruction and ori­ entation programs; designing and writing user aids, and training materials; developing and maintaining the Science Library’s homepage. Serves as the liaison for collection develop­ ment for one or more scientific disciplines. Two evenings per week and occasional week­ end assignments required. Responsible for the Science Library in the absence of the Science Librarian. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accred ited MLS; ability to communicate well both orally and in writing; demonstrated initiative; ability to work with all levels of patrons and staff; strong service ethic; familiarity with the struc­ ture of knowledge in the scientific disciplines; experience teaching researchers and students how to choose and use information resources. Desired: Two years professional science refer­ ence experience; demonstrated experience with scientific database searching, especially chemi­ cal information and structure searching; bach­ elor’s degree in chemistry, biology, or physics; working knowledge of German language; aca­ demic or special library experience. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $32,000 minimum. Salary beyond minimum will depend on qualifi­ cations and experience. Academic status. Gen­ erous vacation, insurance, and retirement plans. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of appli­ cations will begin January 1 5 , 1998, and will continue until position is filled. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Phyllis Barrow Room 523, Lauinger Library Georgetown University 3700 O St. NW W ashington, DC 20057-1174 Georgetown University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 833 Head, Serials Cataloging Section UCLA LIBRARY The Cataloging Department, located in the University Research Library (URL), is the largest of the seven cataloging centers in the UCLA Library system. It is primarily responsible for cataloging and preparing annually more than 90,000 monographs, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files (including selected Internet resources), and government documents for URL, which serves the social sciences, humanities, and education; for the College Library, which serves undergraduates; and for branch libraries serving the fine arts, music, and management. The department is organized into five sections: Authority, Serials Cataloging, Monographic Cataloging, Rapid Cataloging, and Records Management and Physical Processing. Within the department, the Serials Cataloging Section is responsible for cataloging serials titles in print, microform, and electronic formats for all roman-alphabet languages, for coordinating the cataloging of non-roman-alphabet serials, excluding CJK, and for updating and maintaining existing serials records in OCLCand UCLA’s integrated information system. Cataloging is done directly in OCLC in accordance with AACR2, LCRI, LCSH, and the Library of Congress classification schedules. Serials records are usually created in accordance with the CONSER program’s standards. Serials catalogers also contribute authority records to NACO. The library has recently chosen a vendor for its local system and expects to migrate to the new client/server system in 1998. It is anticipated that workflow and concomitant responsibilities will undergo significant changes with the new system. DUTIES: Under the general supervision of the Head of URL Cataloging, manages the Serials Cataloging Section, including ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly automated and changing environment, setting standards and monitoring output and quality of the work, and performing serials cataloging according to CONSER/NACO standards. In addition to the Head, the section is staffed by one FTE librarian and two FTE staff, with additional specialized language assistance from other sections and units. Has personal responsibility for the selection, supervision, and evaluation of the members of the Serials Cataloging Section. Coordinates training of staff in AACR2, MARC bibliographic, holdings, and authorities formats, CONSER, NACO, LC classification and subject analysis. Serves as a liaison with other library units, especially the Serials Department and bibliographers. Consults with other cataloging agencies, on and off campus, on serials issues, and explores opportunities for increased coordination and cooperation. Coordinates the section’s CONSER and NACO operations and participates in cataloging meetings and standards setting on a national level. Keeps apprised of developments and provides leadership, locally and nationally, in developing policies and standards for providing access to both print- based and electronic serials. Participates actively as a member of the Cataloging Department’s management team, advising the Department Head on serials and related series issues and helping with the ongoing evaluation of priorities and the division of responsibilities within the department. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Demonstrated managerial, planning, leadership, communication, and interper­ sonal skills, with a minimum of three years successful experience asasupervisor/trainer in a library, preferably an academic or research library. Ability to work with a variety of foreign languages, with reading knowledge of at least two, one or more of which would preferably be a non-roman-alphabet language, excluding Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. General background in the social sciences o r the humanities as demonstrated by college course work, Thorough knowledge of the USMARC formats for serials, with a minimum of three years experience cataloging serials and at least five years cataloging experience using an integrated library system. Thorough knowledge of/ experience with AACR2, LCRI, LCSKand Library of Congress classification. Experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC. Knowledge of Prog ram forCooperative Cataloging standards, especially CONSER. Knowledge of national cataloging trends and issues and an awareness of and commitment to the use of new technological cataloging tools. Strong commitment to enhancing service through teamwork, workflow efficiencies, and responsiveness to clients. Demonstrated problem-solving, workflow analysis, and project leadership skills. Ability to work well in a changing environment with in a large organization, demonstrating flexibility, initiative, and creativity. Demonstrated ability to work with staff, students, and faculty of culturally diverse backgrounds. Demonstrated commitment to professional development and service. Preferred: Knowledge of/experience with pre-ISBD and ISBD cataloging codes. Recent experience cataloging materials in the social sciences or humanities. Salary: $37,932-$54,636 Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei A ssociate University Librarian for Personnel and A dm inistrative Services University Research Library, UCLA 11334 URL, Box 951575 Los A ngeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for this position, Candidates applying by February 1‚ 1998 will be given first consideration. 8 3 4 sound recordings, m usic m onographs, and special m usic collections in English and foreign languages. W e a re also seeking experience in cataloging special m aterials including audio and video recordings, CD-ROM s, interactive m ultim edia, com p ute r software, oth e r elec­ tro nic resources, o r archival m aterials, in oth e r su bje ct areas. This person will contribute to the form ulation of cataloging policies and procedures, and will assist in the training o f paraprofessional staff for the cataloging of m usic and special m aterials. The successful candi­ date w ill be required to m eet university facu lty tenure requirem ents of research and service. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram; a m inim um o f tw o ye ars professional cataloging experience, including the cata lo ging of m usic m aterials in a variety of form ats; broad knowledge o f m usic and m usic literature; w orking knowledge of cataloging principles and procedures, including AAC R 2, LC subject headings and classification, and USM ARC form ats; w orking know l­ edge o f standard b ibliographic and o th e r reference tools fo r m usic and nonbook m aterials; cataloging e xperience in an integrated library a utom ation system ; w o rkin g know ledge o f at le ast one modern European language; effective oral, written, and g roup com m unication skills; the a bility to w ork effectively with culturally diverse faculty, staff, and patrons. Preferred: Advanced course work o r baccalaureate degree in m usic strongly preferred; experience cataloging special m aterials in a variety o f form ats; cataloging experience in an a cadem ic o r special library; cataloging experience using O C LC and the Innova­ tive Interfaces online library system ; w orking knowledge of G erman, Italian, o r Portuguese languages; evidence o f research and scholarly o r professional developm ent. Salary and benefits: $30,000 minim um , 22 days of vacation, tuition assistance, and a standard benefits package. The University o f Akron is the third-largest state-assisted university in O hio. UA’s 1010 academ ic colleges o ffe r 24,000 students m ore than 300 undergraduate and m aster’s degree p rogram s and o ptions, 17 doctoral degree program s, and fou r la w degree programs. Located in a m etropolitan area o f 500,000 people, only 30 m iles south o f Cleveland, the University o f Akron has the a dvantages of city life but com bines them with the area’s exceptional natural resources. Consid­ e ration of candidates will begin February 1, 1998, and continue until position is filled. Send co ver letter and resum e, including names, addresses, telephone num bers, telefax num bers, and e-m ail ad­ dresses of three references, to: Delm us E. W illiam s, Dean, U niversity Libraries, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f A k ro n , Akron, OH 44325-1701. SECTION HEAD, SERIALS LIBRARIAN The University of Texas at El Paso Library DESCRIPTION: The University of Texas at El Paso Library seeks a Librarian Section Head for the Serials Section in the Technical Services Division. We are looking for a dynamic, service-oriented supervisor of a section consisting of three units: Current Periodicals and Microforms (CPM), Serials Check-in, and Bindery/Mailroom. The library is migrating to the Innovative Interfaces Inc. system. The Section Head Librarian is responsible for the serials public service desk, serials control, bindery activities, and library mail. The incumbent works closely with Technical Services staff and the Associate University Librarian for Technical Services in setting serials policies and procedures, and in developing unit goals and objectives. The Section Head Librarian plans, implements, and evaluates unit activities. The supervisory responsibilities include hiring, training, and evaluating seven classified staff plus student workers. As a professional librarian, the incumbent participates in collection development activities and is involved in librarywide planning. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Minimum of three years progressively responsible experience as a professional librarian in an academic library, one year of which includes work with serials in a technical services position. Demonstrated leadership ability and commitment to public services principles. Minimum of one year supervisory experience. Experience with automated serials control systems, III preferable. Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to deal with change; ability to work collaboratively and as a team leader; excellent written and oral communication skills; flexibility; demonstrated problem-solving ability; proficiency in microcomputer skills. Desirable: A subject master’s degree; experience working with serials vendors and negotiating service charges; public service experience with periodicals; knowledge of bindery procedures and national binding standards; knowledge of serials cataloging and MARC format for serials holdings; acquisitions and collection development experience, including evaluating serials for format and access decisions; working knowledge of at least one modern European language, Spanish preferred. More information about the library and the university may be found at the library’s Web homepage: SALARY AND BENEFITS: $30,000 minimum. Comprehensive benefits package, choice of retirement plans and health care options. Texas has no state income tax. APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lydia Limas, Adm inistrative A ssistant University Library University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968-0582 phone: (915) 747-5683 fax: (915) 747-5345 The University o f Texas a t El Paso does not discrim inate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age ‚ o r disability in em ployment o r provision o f services. 8 35 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Purdue U niversity Libraries USER INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (SEARCH REOPENED). RESPONSIBILITIES: Assum es m ajor role in ongoing planning and developm ent of systemwide information literacy curriculum, including course developm ent and evaluation. Develops instructional materials including interactive Web-based or multimedia formats, and teaches in a variety of settings and formats. Acts as a liaison between the libraries and other faculty to prom ote effective use of available reference services and information literacy skills. Provides assistance and guidance in the use of the Undergraduate Library and library collections to individuals and groups, including hours at general reference desk with som e weekend and evening hours. Serves as a resource person for support staff in the delivery of reference and instructional services. Participates in the planning activities of the Undergraduate Library and the libraries. Reports to the Undergraduate Librarian/User Instruction Coordinator. Members of the libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements fo r promotion and tenure. Requirements: M aster’s degree in library science (ALA-accredited). Experience in teaching and instructions design. Demonstrated knowledge of the application of new technologies to the delivery of instruction. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Strong comm itm ent to public services and information literacy. DESIRED Q UALIFICATIONS: Degree in education. Knowledge of comm unication and information technologies. Vision and leadership to facilitate libraries faculty team s in curriculum developm ent and the integration of current and emerging technologies as they contribute to users’ instructional needs. C andidates should be self-motivated, flexible team players, comfortable with change. R EFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (SEARCH RE-OPENED) RESPONSIBILITIES: Contributes to the overall mission of the Undergraduate Library. Provides assistance and guidance in the use of the U ndergraduate Library and library collections to individuals and groups, including hours at general reference desk, with some weekend and evening hours. Assists in the developm ent and delivery of the libraries’ information literacy program, including teaching a credit course. Develops instructional materials in print, interactive W eb-based, or multimedia formats. C ontributes to library’s collection developm ent for both reference and general collections. Participates in general m anagem ent support and supervision of departm ental staff. Participates in the planning activities of the Undergraduate Library and the libraries. Reports to the Undergraduate Librarian. M embers of the libraries faculty m ust meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Require­ ments: Master’s degree in library science (ALA-accredited). Recent professional experience in reference services and/or teaching. Strong sen/ice orientation and com m itm ent to undergraduate needs. Excellent com m unication and presentation skills. DESIRED Q U ALIFICATIO NS: Dem onstrated interest in applying current and emerging technologies to meet the changing needs of library users with the goal of fostering user self-sufficiency. Knowledge of the application of new technologies to the design and delivery of instruction. Know ledge of issues and trends in inform ation literacy. C andidates should be self-m otivated, flexible team players, com fortable with change. S A LAR Y: $30,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. STATUS AND BENEFITS: Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank of Assistant Professor. 12-month appointm ent with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical, and disability insurance programs are in effect, as are flexible spending accounts. TIAA/CREF retirement, and Social Security coverage. APPLICATION PROCESS: Send statement of interest, resume, and list of references to: T h o m a s L. H aw orth P erso n ne l A d m in is tra to r P u rd ue U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ries 1530 S te w a rt Ctr. W e s t Lafay ette , IN 47 90 7 -1 5 3 0 Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by January 1 5 , 1998. An equ a l opportunity, a ffirm ative action employer, 8 3 6 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Lawrence University, a highly selective liberal arts college and conservatory of music with 1,200 students and 110 full-time faculty members, seeks applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library, to begin July 1998. The Director will bring a vision of the library as a vital component of the teaching and learning enterprise and will possess strong interpersonal and communication skills; capacity to exercise energetic leadership with commitment to collaborative decision making; expertise in electronic information systems; thorough knowledge of all aspects of library operations; commitment to the professional development of library staff capacity to represent the university effectively in consortial and other professional associations and to contribute to fundraising strategies and grant writing; ability to contribute creatively to the university’s adaptation to ongoing changes in both management of a library and the role of the library in the university; understanding of the special needs of academic communities generally and liberal arts colleges particularly clear dedication to supporting the scholarly and pedagogical mission of th e faculty. Minimum qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS and significant experience in the high-level administration of an academic library. The Director of the Library holds a 12-month appointment and academic rank (noton the tenure track) and reports to the Dean of the Faculty, the chief academic officer. Library staff currently includes six librarians with academic rank and six support staff. The Seeley G. Mudd Library’s collection of nearly 360,000 items includes 20,000 musical scores and recordings and 1,350 periodical subscriptions. Additional resources for student research include a media center, government documents, a microform collection, and a Civil W ar collection. Electronic services include a fully integrated online system with campuswide access to Internet resources through the university’s Web site at Complete applications should include a letter of interest, resume, and three letters of reference sent separately. Lawrence reserves the right to contact additional individuals familiar with the candidate’s work. Nominations and applications should be sent to: C herie L. Scott Library Director Search Com m ittee O ffice of the Dean of the Faculty Lawrence University Appleton, Wl 54912 Deadline for applications is January 1 5 , 1998, consideration of applications will begin immediately. AA/EOE. PHILOSOPHY/HISTORY OF SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REF ERENCE LIBRA RIAN. Social Sciences and H um anities Library, U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , S an D ie g o ( h ttp ://o rp h e u s .u c s d .e d u / govinfo.htm ). A ssistant Librarian ll-V I, $32,424-$39,720, o r A ssoci­ ate Librarian l-IV, $37,932-$44,544. The Social Sciences and H u­ manities Library (h ttp:// l) houses the research collections fo r the social sciences and hum anities, which include governm ent publications. The library provides a full range of services fo r the collections, including inform ation and reference services, bibliographic instruction, and online searching. Career- track position in the Research S ervices S ection o f SSHL. Participates in collection developm ent and managem ent, with em phasis on phi­ losophy; and history, philosophy, and sociology of science. Other bibliographic subjects may also be assigned. W orks closely with bibliographers in related disciplines. Provides in-depth reference se rvice and consu ltatio n ; serves as lib ra ry liaison to academ ic departm ents in assigned su bje ct areas. Provides general reference assistance at a com bined social sciences/hum anities and g overn­ ment docum ents reference desk; som e evening and w eekend hours required. Participates in library user outreach and instructional pro­ grams. Required: MLS from an A LA-accredited institution. Minim um two years reference experience in the social sciences and hum anities in an academ ic o r research library. Dem onstrated e xperience with a wide range o f electronic resources. Dem onstrated com m itm ent to public service. A bility to com m unicate e ffe ctively w ith staff and patrons. Dem onstrated potential to excel as a team m em ber in a dynam ic, technology-intensive, and challenging academ ic library environm ent. Experience in bibliographic instruction. Evidence of research a nd /or professional activities. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills. S uperior w orking knowledge o f French and/or G erman. Strongly preferred: Advanced academ ic degree in philoso­ phy o r related discipline. Appointm ent a t the higher rank requires substantial relevant experience and superior qualifications. Consid­ eration of applications will begin February 6 , 1998, and continue until the position is filled. Subm it via electronic mail, facsim ile, o r regular m ail a letter o f application, a resume, and a list o f three references to: Debra Am brose, Recruitm ent Coordinator, Library Human Resources, 0175H-2, University of C alifornia, San Diego, 9500 G ilm an Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0175; telephone: (619) 534-1279; confidential fac­ sim ile: (619) 534-8634; d am brose@ AA/EOE. PHYSICAL SCIEN CES LIBRA RIAN. University Library, California State University, Long Beach. Tenure-track position available June 1 , 1998. Th e Physical Sciences Librarian will provide course instruc­ tion and develop instructional m aterials, w ill develop the library’s collections and services fo r assigned disciplines, w ill work in a cooperative centralized reference environm ent which requires evening and w eekend hours, will be active in library and university com m it- 837 tees, and w ill p a rticipa te in p ro fe ssio n a l a ctivitie s and research, in clu din g p u b lica tio n. L ibrarian s h ave fu ll fa cu lty s ta tu s and are rep rese n te d by th e C a lifo rn ia F a culty A sso cia tio n . A gra du ate deg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d in stitu tio n o r e q u iva le n t p ro fe s­ sional lib ra ry d eg re e is required. A p p o in tm e n t a nd s a la ry w ill be co m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s a nd e x p e rie n c e ($ 4 3 ,5 8 4 - $69 ,70 8). R e vie w o f ca n d id a te s w ill beg in Ja n u a ry 15, 1998. For fu rth e r in form atio n o r to re q ue st an a p p lica tio n packet, co n ta c t the U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r y a t ( 5 6 2 ) 9 8 5 - 7 8 3 9 , o r b y e - m a il a t n an cyk@ csu lb .e d u . EO/AAyTitle IX em p loye r. DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICES East Carolina University East Carolina University invites applications and nominations for Director of Academic Library Services. With almost 18,000 students, ECU is the third-largest institution in the University of North Carolina system. Located in Greenville, North Carolina, ECU is the primary educational resource and the cultural, economic, and medical center for the eastern region of the state. More information about the university is available at ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICES: Academic Library Sen/ices (ALS) supports the ECU community’s mission of teaching, research, and service. ALS encompasses Joyner Library and the Music Library and has more than one million volumes; 1.6 million microforms; an extensive collection of maps, manuscripts, and archival records; a staff of 117, including 33 faculty; and SOLINET membership. ALS has a networked computing environment which includes its Horizon integrated library system and a Web server for access to Internet and inhouse resources. A $35 million expansion and renovation project, scheduled for completion in 1998, will double the size of the Joyner Library building, which includes interactive TV studios and distance education facilities. ALS actively participates in planning and developing NC LI VE, a statewide network of electronic information resources/databases. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director will serve as senior administrative officer of ALS; report directly to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; and serve on the University Administrative Council. The Director will also work with faculty and staff in developing and implementing a vision for the library’s future, help complete the internal restructuring now in progress, seek extramural support, lead library development initiatives, provide technological leadership for the library, promote a service ethic, and help develop quality collections and services commensurate with a Doctoral II institution. TERMS OF APPOINTMENT: Competitive salary; calendar-year contract; professorial rank with tenure. The position is vacant and the appointment date negotiable. QUALIFICATIONS: Requirements include an ALA-accredited master’s and an earned doctorate or compelling alternate qualifications; progressively responsible experience in academic or research libraries; a demonstrated record of professional and scholarly activity, grant procurement, and develop­ ment; and leadership ability. Preference will be given to individuals with superior communication and interpersonal skills as well as a commitment to service, automation, staff development, participatory management, and shared governance. The successful candidate will have the skills to lead the library to a future that creatively integrates emerging technologies and programs with traditional library collections and services. TIMETABLE AND PROCEDURE: Screening will begin December 1, 1997. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send an application or nomination letter summarizing qualifications, a curriculum vitae, and names of at least three current references to: Nom inating C om m ittee for D irector of Academ ic Library Services A dm inistrative Office J. Y. Joyner Library East C arolina University G reenville, NC 27858-4353 Fax: (919) 328-6892 For further information about the position, write to Diane Kester, Executive Secretary fo r the Nominating Committee, East Carolina University is an EO/AA university and accom modates individuals with disabilities. Applicants m ust com ply with the Imm igration Reform and C ontrol Act. Official transcripts are required upon employment. PUBLIC SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. The U niversity o f S outh Carolina Spartanburg seeks qualified applicants fo r a tenure-track, tw e lve ­ month Public S ervices Librarian, fo r appointm ent at the rank of Assistant Librarian. Responsibilities include reference s e rvice, with heavy em phasis on integrating electronic services: e-m ail reference, Internet, electronic databases, and W eb-based services. Additional duties include library instruction and co llection developm ent. Must have an ALA-accredited library degree, m ust show potential fo r earning tenure/prom otion as a library faculty member. Salary co m ­ m ensurate with qualifications; excellent benefits. Should have two 8 3 8 years public service experience, preferably in an academ ic library. Mail letter of application, including qualifications fo r the position, resume, and nam es and addresses o f at least three references to: C hair, Search Com m ittee, Public Services Librarian, University of S outh Carolina S partanburg, 800 University W ay, Spartanburg, SC 29303. USCS is an EO/AA institution. Position available January 16, 1998. R eview of applications begins im m ediately and continues until position is filled. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS. Th e University of Rochester’s M anagem ent Library seeks an energetic reference librarian to provide personalized infor­ mation and instructional services in business and econom ics; co or­ dinate the integration o f electronic and Internet resources, including authoring the library’s W eb pages and delivering the library’s special collections electronically; serve as Econom ics B ibliographer and maintain a collegial relationship with the Econom ics Department. Rotates in section’s w eekend and evening schedule. In the absence o f the Section Head, adm inisters the section. Q ualifications: Re­ quired: MLS from ALA-accredited program ; educational background in the social sciences; knowledge o f electronic inform ation products, including Internet resources, CD-ROMs, and online services; W in­ dows com petency; excellent written and oral com m unication skills; ability to prioritize. Preferred: MBA o r graduate degree in social sciences, preferably econom ics; academ ic public service e xperi­ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Washington State University Libraries POSITION AVAILABLE: This is a newly created position resulting from an extensive planning process. Under the direction of the Director of Libraries, provides leadership in the development, evaluation, and preservation of general collections on the Pullman campus, and in access to local and remote resources. Is responsible fo r the libraries’ collection budget and monitors spending activities. Is actively involved in negotiating license agreements for electronic resources and in working with consortia. Supervises the heads of interlibrary loan/extended campus library services and circulation/reserve on the Pullman campus and helps coordinate services for maximum user benefit. Coordinates copy services on the Pullman campus. Serves on the Director’s Cabinet (includes the Director, Associate and Assistant Directors), the Library Council (includes Director’s Cabinet members plus elected members of the library staff and faculty and staff union representative), and the Collection Development Committee. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent a t time of hire; minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience with large academic/research library collection development and management, and knowledge of new and emerging information technologies; knowl­ edge of trends in scholarly communication in higher education; supervisory and budget management experience; strong leadership, communication, and decision-making skills. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in a diverse environment. Demonstrated record of professional and scholarly activity. Preferred: Experience in negotiating license agreements for electronic resources and experience working with consortia. Knowledge of current trends in document delivery. Knowledge of trends in library services for distance learners. Advanced degree/certificate. Salary: From $60,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2 or above; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing addresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool Associate Director for Adm inistrative Services Library Adm inistrative Office W ashington State University PO Box 645610 Pullman, W A 99164-5610 Application review begins January 3 0 , 1998. WSU Libraries’ homepage address: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. ence; knowledge o f business o r econom ics sources; previous expe­ rience in W eb page design. Salary m inim um $28,000. Benefits include: medical, dental, long-term disability, life insurances; retire­ ment plan; sick leave; fou r weeks paid vacation; 11 paid holidays; tuition benefits. The M anagem ent Library, located within Rush Rhees Library, prim arily serves the W illiam E. Sim on School of B usiness and the E conom ics Departm ent, both of which are ranked n ationally in the top 25 in the ir respective disciplines. For an overview of the M anage­ m ent Library, visit o ur W eb site at gt/ . The U niversity of Rochester is a private institution with library mem bership in OCLC, RLG, ARL, and CRL. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Human Resources Director, Rush Rhees Library, U niversity of Rochester, River Cam pus, Rochester, NY 14627; phone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 244-1358. The University o f Roch­ e ste r is an equal opportunity em ployer. Review o f applications is underway and will continue until the position is filled. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND SELECTO R FOR THE PER FOR M ­ ING ARTS. New York U niversity Libraries. Subject specialist fo r the perform ing arts (preferably cinem a, plus dance, theater, radio, and television). Selects and assesses perform ing arts resources in print and nonprint form ats. O ther responsibilities include reference assis­ tance; library instruction covering traditional, online, and Internet resources; faculty liaison. Requires ALA-accredited MLS (subject 839 m aster’s re q uired fo r ten u re ); tw o ye a rs su ccessfu l p u b lic se rvice U n ive rsity o f R o c h e s te r is an equ al o p p o rtu n ity em p loye r. R e vie w of a p p lica tio n s w ill beg in D e ce m b e r 15, 1997. S O C IA L W O R K L IB R A R IA N , A N D M A N A G E R , C O M P R E H E N S IV E IN F O R M A T IO N R E S O U R C E C E N TE R . U n ive rsity o f M ichigan. D u­ ties: R e po rtin g to th e H ead, S ocial S cie nce s G roup, the su ccessfu l ca n d id a te w ill be re sp on sib le f o r th e a d m inistratio n and m a n ag em en t o f the S ocial W o rk L ibrary (S W L ) and C o m p re he n sive Inform ation R e sou rce C e n te r (C IR C ). T h is in clu de s: p ro viding le ad e rsh ip in d e v e lo ping a nd m a n ag in g o pe ra tion s, s e rvices, and a ctivities in the S W L a nd C IR C and su p e rvisin g sta ff p erfo rm ing d a y-to -d a y tasks; m a n ag in g fa cilitie s a nd se rvice s in th e C IR C on b e h a lf o f S chool of S ocial W o rk (S S W ) and u n ive rsity lib ra ry; e va lu a tin g and im p le m e n t­ ing n ew a nd e ffe ctive in form atio n reso urce s, te ch n o lo g ie s, o r se r­ v ice s; a nd p a rticipa tin g in a ctivities o f S ocial S cie nce s G ro u p and o th e r lib ra ry units. T h e su ccessfu l ca n d id a te w ill a lso be re sponsible fo r in form atio n a nd re se arch se rvice s, in clu din g d e v e lo ping and im ple m e ntin g e ffe ctive m e a ns to p ro vide a w id e range o f se rvice s to lib ra ry u sers, p ro viding re feren ce a ssista n ce to facu lty, staff, and stu d e n ts in th e SSW , a nd d e v e lo ping stro ng a nd o ng oing w o rkin g re la tio n sh ip s w ith fa cu lty and staff in the SSW , as w e ll as a c o m p re ­ h en sive u n d e rstan ding o f in stru ction al p ro gra m s a nd o utre a ch a ctivi­ tie s o f th e S SW . Th e su ccessfu l ca nd id ate w ill a lso be re sp on sib le fo r re so urce and c o lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t in both p rint a nd e lectron ic fo rm a ts in the S W L in su p p o rt of th e in stru ction al a nd research p ro gra m s o f the sch oo l, and w ill a c t as liaison b etw e en the Social W o rk fa cu lty and th e u n ive rsity library. Q u a lifica tio ns: R equired: ALA- a ccre dite d M LS (o r e q u iva le n t fro m a n o th e r co un try). U n de rg ra d ua te d eg re e in a so cial o r health scie nce . M inim um o f fo u r ye a rs of e xp e rie n ce in an a cad em ic re search in stitution. D e m o nstra ted e x p e ­ rien ce w ith e lectron ic inform atio n . D e m o nstra ted e xpe rie n ce in d e ve l­ o p in g e le ctro n ic resources. K no w le d ge o f and e xp e rie n ce w ith d istrib ­ u ted co m p u tin g system s, lo cal a nd w id e a re a n etw o rks, and ope ra ting system s, in clu din g N T a nd U NIX. D e m o nstra ted a b ility in m a n a g e ­ m ent, o rg a n iza tio n a l deve lo pm en t, a nd bud ge tin g. K no w le d ge of s ta tistics a nd e xpe rie n ce w ith statistica l so ftw a re packa ge s. D e m o n ­ s tra te d a bility to w o rk cre a tive ly a nd p ro a ctive ly in a ssessin g n eeds a nd d e ve lo ping e ffe ctive solutio n s, and to w o rk e ffe ctive ly in a team e n viron m e n t. E xcellen t oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n skills and in terpe rso na l skills, a nd th e a bility to w o rk e ffe ctive ly in a d iverse c u ltural a nd in tellectu al e n viron m e n t. R ank, sa lary, a nd leave: Rank o f A sso cia te o r S e n io r A ssociate L ibrarian d e p en d en t, on fin al c la s ­ sifica tion . M inim um sa lary o f $ 33 ,00 0-$3 8 ,0 0 0 (d e pe nd in g on final c la ssifica tion and p rio r re le van t e x pe rie n ce); 24 w o rkin g d a ys of v a catio n p e r ye ar; 15 days o f sick le ave p e r ye ar, w ith p ro visio ns fo r e xte n de d b en efits. T o apply: S end le tte r and re su m e to: Lucy C ohen, L ibrary H um an R e sources, 4 04 H a tche r G ra d u a te L ibrary North, U n iv ers ity o f M ic higan, Ann A rb or, M l 4 81 09 -1 2 05 . A pp lica tio n d e a dlin e: A p p lica tio n s re ceived by Ja n u a ry 15, 1998, w ill be given first co n sid e ra tion . T h e U n ive rsity o f M ichig a n is a non discrim ina tory, a ffirm a tive action em ployer. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N . Illinois W e sle ya n U n ive rsity s e e ks a p p lica n ts fo r a te n u re -tra ck position. IW U is a natio na lly ranked u n d e rgrad u ate u n ive rsity o f 1 ,900 stu d e n ts th a t strive s to p ro vid e a h ig h -q u a lity liberal a rts e du catio n , T h e lib ra ry e m p h a size s th e use and in teg ra tion o f te ch n o lo g y in all a spe cts o f lib ra ry research. An a gg re ssive d eve lo p m e n t o f the b oo k co lle ctio n is p a rt o f the U n ive rsity s tra te g ic plan. T h is 12-m on th a p p o in tm e n t re p ortin g to the U n ive rsity L ibrarian is a fa cu lty positio n w ith e xp e cta tio n s fo r se rvice and sch o la rsh ip . P rim ary re sp on sib ility is a d m in istra tio n a nd co o rd i­ n atio n o f th e T e ch n ica l S ervices d e p artm en t. T e chn ica l Services in clu de s s e ria ls, a cq u isitio n s, c a ta lo ging , pro cessin g , and m a in te ­ n an ce o f lib ra ry m a terials. P osition s u p e rvise s th re e s ta ff a nd n u m e r­ o us stu d e n t a ssistan ts. W ill p articipa te in re d esig n ing w o rkflo w and p lan n in g the local im p le m e nta tio n o f D R A as part o f th e state w id e a ca d e m ic c o nso rtiu m . W ill p a rticip a te in all a sp e cts o f lib ra ry s e r­ vice s, in clu din g re feren ce rotation, lib ra ry in stru ction , a nd facu lty liaison p ro gra m in a ssign e d s u b je ct areas. R e qu irem e n ts: M LS from an A LA -a ccre d ite d pro gra m . T e chn ica l se rvice s e xpe rie n ce in an a u to m a te d e n viron m e n t, in clu din g a cq u isitio n proced ures, ca ta lo g ­ ing, and se ria ls co ntro l. Expe rie n ce w ith su pe rvision , in stru ction , and p ro v id in g re fe re n ce se rv ic e . A b ility to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly and co lle gia lly; e xce lle n t in terpe rso na l a nd co m m u nicatio n skills; in terest in in no va tion a nd a d o ptio n o f lib ra ry tech n olo g y; stro ng o rg a n iza ­ tio na l a nd p ro b le m -so lvin g skills; a nd a co m m itm en t to the se rvice role o f the lib ra ry in the a cad em ic se ttin g . P referred: A d d itio na l g ra du ate d egree; kn ow led g e o f th e b ud ge tin g p rocess; e xpe rie n ce w o rkin g w ith a clie n t/se rve r lib ra ry a uto m a tion system . S c re en in g of ca n d id a te s w ill beg in on Ja n u a ry 1, 1998, a nd co ntin ue until the p ositio n is filled, w ith a p p o in tm e n t e xpe cted by A u g u st 1‚ 1998. S end le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, vita, a nd th re e letters o f re feren ce to: Search a nd /or c o lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic o r special library; e x te n sive kn o w le d g e o f th e p e rfo rm in g arts; su ccessfu l expe rie n ce in m e d ia m a terials evalu a tion , selectio n , a nd a cquisition; e xpe rie n ce w ith e le ctro n ic in form atio n retrie val, e le ctro n ic texts, Internet, a nd o th e r n etw o rke d re so urce s; e xcellen t o ra l a nd w ritten co m m u nicatio n skills; stro n g se rvice o rie nta tion . K no w le d ge o f one or m o re w e stern Europ ea n la ng u ag e s desirab le . F a culty status, excellen t b en efits. M inim um : $ 3 4 ,00 0. T o e nsu re co n sid e ra tion , send re su m e a nd le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, in clu din g nam es, add re sses, and tele p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ces, by D e ce m b e r 31‚ 1997, to: Ja ne t K ozto w ski, L ibrary Person ne l D irector, NYU Libraries, 70 W ash ing ton S qu a re South, N ew Y ork, N Y 10012. P re lim ina ry in te r­ views a t A LA M id w in te r M eeting. NYU e nco u ra g e s a p p lica tio n s from wom en a nd m e m b ers o f m ino rity groups. RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /A N T H R O P O L O G Y /E T H N IC S TU D IE S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . G en e ra l su m m a ry: T h is is a full-tim e , co n tin uing - a p p ointm e n t-track (A ca de m ic P ro fe ssio na l) p ositio n re q uiring p ro ­ fessional d e ve lo p m e n t a nd se rvice . T h e p ositio n se rve s as a m e m b er of the H a yde n R e feren ce T eam , w h ich re p orts d ire ctly to the A ss o c i­ ate D ean o f L ibrary Services. U se s e xce lle n t co m m u n ica tio n and interpe rso na l skills w o rkin g in a co lla bo ra tive, tea m environ m e n t. Essential fun ctio ns: S e rve s a s R e feren ce L ib ra ria n /B ib lio g ra p h e r fo r a nth ro po lo gy and e th n ic-A m e rica n stud ie s, p a rticipa tin g in the fo l­ lowing a re as o f re sp on sib ility: re feren ce se rvice , c o lle ction d e ve lo p ­ ment, fa cu lty liaison, sp ecia lize d p u b lic s e rvice s (d a ta b ase se a rch ­ ing, o rie nta tion and in stru ction , sp e cia lize d referen ce), a nd R e fer­ e nce S ervices T e a m m a n ag em en t. P a rticipa tes in p ro fe ssio na l d e ­ ve lop m e n t a nd se rvice a ctivities. R epo rts to R e feren ce S ervices T e am L eader. Q u a lifica tio ns: R equired: A LA -a ccre d ite d m a ste r of lib ra ry/in fo rm a tio n scie n ce s d eg re e. A n th ro p o lo g ica l b a ckg ro un d derived fro m c o m p letio n o f a b a ch e lo r’s o r h ig h e r d eg re e a nd /or from a m inim um o f tw o ye a rs p ro fe ssio na l a nth ro po lo gica l re se arch e x p e ­ rience. A c a d e m ic tra in in g a n d /o r e x p e rie n ce in re fe re n ce w ork. E xperience a n d /o r tra in in g in the u se o f e le ctro n ic re feren ce re ­ so urces. P referred: R eferen ce e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic o r re ­ search s e ttin g . E vid en ce o f fo u r-fie ld s g ra du ate a nth ro po lo gica l tra in in g o r e xp e rie n ce . T ra in in g a n d /o r e x p e rie n ce in co lle ctio n d eve lo p m e n t o r lib ra ry in stru ction . D e m o nstra ted kn ow led g e o f the b ib liog ra p hy o f a n th ro p o lo g y a nd e th n ic-A m e rica n stud ie s. E vidence of re a din g kn ow led g e o f S panish. M inim um sa lary: $ 28 ,00 0. A p p lic a ­ tion d ea dlin e: Friday, J a n u a ry 1 6 , 1998. A p p lica tio n p ro ced ure: Send letter, resum e, a nd nam es, a d d re sses, and pho ne n um be rs o f fou r re ce nt p ro fe ssio n a l re feren ces to: K urt R. M u rp hy, A ssista n t D ean fo r P ersonnel, U n iv e rs ity L ibraries, A rizo n a S ta te U n iv ers ity , Box 871006, T e m p e, A Z 8 52 87 -1 0 06 . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , e -m a il ka rie @ a su vm .in re .a su .e d u , tele p h o n e (6 02) 965 -4 91 4 , o r fa x (602) 9 65 -9 16 9 . Full p ositio n d e scriptio n is a vailab le upon request. A S U is an EO /A A e m p lo ye r a nd a ctively se eks d ive rsity a m o ng a p p lica n ts and p ro m ote s a d ive rse w o rk force. R E F E R E N C E LIB R A R IA N /H IS T O R Y B IB L IO G R A P H E R . U niver­ s ity o f R o ch e ste r se eks a lib ra ria n to d e liv e r tra d itio n a l a nd in no va tive in form atio n se n /ice s in su pp ort o f in struction, rese arch , and w riting fo r fa cu lty and g ra du ate a nd u n d e rgrad u ate students. R epo rts to the Head o f R e feren ce D e pa rtm e n t. R e spo n sib ilitie s: P ro vide s general and sp e cia lize d re feren ce se rvice s, in clu din g rotatin g e ven in g and w eeke n d hours. S e rve s as one o f tw o h isto ry b ib liog ra p he rs, d e ve l­ o pin g and m a n ag in g th e lib ra ry’s c o lle ction in Europ ea n history, a lon g w ith A sia a nd A frica . D e velop s sp ecia lize d guid e s and W e b pages. C o n d u cts in stru ction al se ssion s. Q ua lifica tio ns: R equired: MLS fro m A LA -a ccre d ite d pro gra m ; u n d e rg ra d u a te o r g ra du ate w o rk in history; kn ow led g e o f e le ctro n ic in form atio n p ro du cts; kn ow led g e of o r e xp e rie n ce w ith in stru ction al tech n olo g y; a b ility to co m m u nicate e ffe ctively w ith fa cu lty a nd stu d e n ts a b o u t th e lib ra ry’s co lle ctio n s in all fo rm a ts; p u b lic se rvice e xp e rie n ce in an a c a d e m ic library; strong p resen tatio n, o rg an iza tion , and co lla b o ra tio n skills. P referred: G ra d u ­ a te d eg re e in history; stro n g co m p u te r skills in a W in d o w s e n v iro n ­ m ent; kn ow led g e o f Africa n A m e rica n history; re a din g kn ow led g e of o ne o r m o re foreign la ng u ag e s; e xp e rie n ce in te a ch ing . U n ive rsity of R o ch e ste r is a priva te, n atio na l re search u n ive rsity w ith 9 ,0 0 0 stu ­ d e n ts and 1 ,000 facu lty. T h e H isto ry D e p a rtm e n t has a b o u t 2 5 facu lty and a bo ut 6 0 g ra du ate stud e nts, a nd g ra n ts a P h.D. L ibrary m e m b e r­ sh ips in clu de : O C L C , RLG , ARL, a nd C R L . S ee the u n ive rsity’s h om epage: h ttp ://w w w .ro ch e ste r.e d u . S alary c o m m e n su ra te w ith b a ckg ro un d a nd e xpe rie n ce. V isit the lib ra ry’s h om ep ag e (http:// ro d e n t.lib .ro ch e ste r.e d u /m a in /n e w /h isto ry.h tm ) fo r a lo n g e r d e scrip ­ tion. S end le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, resum e, th re e re fe re n ce s’ nam es and a dd re sse s to: H isto ry B ib lio g ra p h e r S ea rch C o m m itte e, D e a n ’s O f­ fice, Rush R hees Library, U n iv ers ity o f R oc h e ster, RC B ox 27055, Rochester, NY 14627; p hone: (7 16) 2 7 5 -4 46 1 ; fax: (7 16) 244-1 25 8 . 8 4 0 C o m m itte e, U n ive rsity Lib rarian , Illin o is W es le y an University, She e an L ib ra ry PO Box 2 899, B lo om ing ton , IL 6 17 02 -2 8 99 . V isit the lib ra ry W eb site: h ttp ://w w w .iw u .e d u /lib ra ry. Illin o is W esle yan is an e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r a nd e n co urag e s w om en and m ino ritie s to apply. T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC E S LIB R A R IA N . M artin P. C a the rw o o d Li­ brary, School of Industrial and L abor Relations, Cornell University. The C atherwood Library has a staff of 29 and holds the m ajor academ ic collection in industrial and la bor relations (192,000 vo l­ umes). It serves the New York State School o f Industrial and Labor Relations, with 50 faculty, an undergraduate e nrollm ent o f 718, and 125 graduate students. R esponsibilities: A s a m em ber o f the Martin P. Catherw ood Library Technical S ervices team , this person has a shared responsibility fo r original cataloging of all serial and m ono­ g raphic m aterials in a variety of form ats, including print, visual, and electronic. T h is person is responsible fo r cataloging special collec­ tio ns m aterials, including archival, m anuscript, and photograph col­ le ctions housed in the Kheel C enter fo r Labor-M anagem ent D ocu­ mentation and Archives, using the R LIN-AM C form at, and fo r the ir su bsequent conversion fo r the C U L o nline catalog. Keeping abreast o f current developm ents in the field o f industrial and la bor relations is also required. Q ualifications: Required: MLS from A LA-accredited school, with tw o to three ye ars cataloging e xperience a t the profes­ sional level. Excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills, and a ccuracy and attention to detail. Experience cataloging in an online e nvironm ent essential. W illingness to e xperim ent with em erging technologies to provide inform ation access, and to collaborate on im plem entation o f new system s to d eliver in form ation to users. Desired: Experience cataloging rare books and m anuscripts. Appli­ cations requested b y D ecem ber 1 5 , 1997, but accepted until position is filled. A pply to: Susan M arkow itz, A ssistan t Director, Library Human Resources, 201 O lin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Please send co ve r letter, resume, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three references. Cornell Univer­ sity is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity e m ployer strongly com m itted to diversity. W e value qualified candidates w ho can bring to our com m unity a va rie ty o f backgrounds and experiences. L a te J o b L is tin g s D IRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Fram ingham S ta te College invites applications for the position of D irector of Library Services a t the Henry W hittem ore Library. Reporting directly to the Provost/Academic V ice-President, the Director is responsible for the planning and direction of the library and its services, for supervising the library s ta ff of 10 professional librarians, 8.5 F T E paraprofessionals, and 12 F T E student s ta ff members, and for preparing and im plementing the library budget. The salary for the 12-month position is com mensurate with qualifications and experience, with excellent fringe benefits provided. The college, located 20 m iles w est of Boston, enrolls approxi­ m ately 3,8 0 0 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students. The library collections include 2 0 0,000 book volumes, 6 0 0 ,000 units of microforms, 1,600 periodical subscrip­ tions, and a variety of electronic resources. Additional information about the college and library may be found a t Minimum qualifications are a M LS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, five years of post-M LS professional experience in an academic or research library environment, demonstrated ability to direct technology-based programs and services, and strong leadership and communi­ cation skills. A second m aster’s degree is preferred. Applicants should send a s ta te ­ m ent of in terest, curriculum vitae, and nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references, postm arked by December 2 0 , 1997, to: Ju d y C. K laas, C hair of Library Director Search Committee, Fram in g h am S tate College, 100 S ta te S t,, P.O. Box 9101, Fram ingham , MA 01701-9101. Fram ingham S ta te College is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications are especially invited and encour­ aged from women, people of color, and persons with disabilities. RECRUIT THE BEST Reach a group of outstanding professionals by listing your open positions in C&RL News. Academic librarians count on C&RL News for the latest job information. Contact Jack Helbig, classified ad manager, at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280-7663. Or e-mail your ad to and get a 10% discount. Structure Bookmarks 822/C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices CATALOGERSaint Louis University Law LibraryRetrospective Conversion/Reclass Cataloger.REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; two years professional cataloging experience, work­ing with LC classing, LCSH, AACR2, OCLC, and LC rule interpretations; serials cataloging. Commitmentto high accuracy and output. Abil­ity to work with older serials and monographs.DESIRABLE: Reading knowledge of western European languages. Familiarity with a local ILS (III preferred). Experience with name authority creation and maintenance 823 of Asheville, North Carolina, and two and a half hours north of Atlanta, is one of the 16 senior institutions of the University of North Carolina, and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL LIBRARIAN ELECTRONIC RESOURCES COORDINATOR. Arizona State University. General sum­mary: This is a full-time, continuing appointment-track (Academic Professional) position requiring professional development and ser­vice. The position serves as a member of the Collection Development T Associate Dean of Information ServicesConnecticut College, a highly selective private liberal arts college, seeks an Associate Dean of Information Services. The Associate Dean will provide guidance for the daily operations of Information Services including libraries, computing, media and technology planning. IS has a staff of 56 and a budget of approximately $5,000,000. The AD repre­sents the College and the Dean at professional functions. More specifically, the successful candidate will possess:• A vision selection, and dissemination of electronic library resources for the university libraries. Participates in professional development and service activities. This position is responsible for advancing the libraries’ strategic plan in the area of electronic information. Contrib­utes to team governance and operations. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master of library/information science degree. A mini­mum of five years post-MLS experience in an academic research library. Experience accessing, ordering, 824 licenses associated with electronic technologies. Experience in col­lection development in an academic or research library. Experience in reference or bibliographic instruction in an academic or research library. Experience in analysis of library collection and needs. Mini­mum salary: $35,000. Application deadline: Monday, December 29,1997. Application procedure: Send letter, resume, and names, ad­dresses, and phone numbers of four recent professional references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Person DIRECTORDivision of Biomedical Information Sciences/Welch Library The Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineThe Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking a director to lead the Welch Library/Division of Biomedical Information Services.Applicants should have demonstrated leadership qualities, outstanding abilities in organization manage­ment, and expertise in biomedical information systems, and library science.Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and bibliography to:Martin D Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary 825 HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICESUniversity of California, Santa CruzTITLE: Head of Access Services.RANK: Associate Librarian.HIRING SALARY: $37,932-$44,544.POSITION AVAILABLE: January 15,1998.The Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz, seeks a Head of Access Services. The incumbent is responsible for providing daily and long-term planning and direction for the Access Services Section, which has a staff of 16 career FTE and 13.5 student FTE. The Head of Access Services coordinates access services through 826 interest, resume, and the names of three references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Administrator, Purdue University Libraries, 1530 Stewart Ctr., Rm. 265, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Dead­line: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by January 15, 1998. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Hiram College invites applications for the position of Director of the Library. The college, fo THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT LIBRARIESCIRCULATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS LIBRARIAN-UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN II (Search # 98A192)Reporting to the Head of Access Services, this newly created position, a member of the Circulation Services Core Team, will manage and serve as the Libraries’ expert on functional applications of the circulation module (currently NOTIS).Duties include: problem solving, training staff system-wide, and recommending and implementing improvements to circulation systems applications; partici applicants should submit a letter of introduction, resume, and three references to: Linda Rea, Library Search Committee Chairperson, Hiram College, Hiram, OH 44234. Review of applications will begin December 1997, and will continue until the position is filled, ideally by May 15, 1998. Hiram College is an equal opportunity employer, committed to excellence through diversity.ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) invites applications for the position of Electronic Services 827 accredited by ALA; two years increasing experience with electronic information resources and services in a large research university library setting or other relevant experience. Experience in collection development or public services and working with an integrated network and media authoring. Demonstrated success in Internet training and support services. Knowledge of current and emerging technologies and understanding of their potential implications and opportunities in the university library, on the camp The University of Connecticut Libraries, members of the Association of Research Libraries, are currently recruiting for two librarian positions. These positions offer exceptional opportunities ‚ for applicants to become members of a library staff that has recently organized into team-based structures to support the Libraries’ strategic directionsincluding academic partnerships‚ user services shaped by user feedback, networked information services, and the development and preservation of research collections VI, $32,424-$39,720, or Associate Librarian l-IV, $37,932-$44,544. The Social Sciences and Humanities Library ( sshl/sshl.html) houses the research collections for the social sci­ences and humanities, which include government publications. The library provides a full range of services for the collections, including information and reference services, bibliographic instruction, and online searching. Career-track position in the Research Services Section of SSHL. Participates in collec 828 0175H-2, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0175; telephone: (619) 534-1279; confidential fac­simile: (619) 534-8634; AA/EOE.HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Florida Atlantic University Library seeks a dynamic librarian to serve as Head, Reference Department. Responsibilities include: Supervision and professional development of five librarians and two support staff; assessment and development of the reference collection; management of the library liaison p DIRECTOR, LIBRARY RESOURCE SHARING DIVISION(Search Extended) The Texas State Library and Archives CommissionThe Texas State Library and Archives Commission seeks an experienced and dynamic professional to manage its statewide library resource sharing programs serving both academic and public libraries. These programs include traditional methodologies like interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing privileges, as well as the delivery of electronic information, library and archival materials, and government a iarity with interlibrary loan and document delivery processes. Strong planning, organizational, and analytical skills. Ability to build teams and lead staff successfully through major change. Ability to work effectively with diverse colleagues and clients. Excellent communi­cation skills. Preferred: Relevant professional experience in an academic or research library. Successful supervisory experience. Ability to evaluate alternative modes of information access and delivery and introduce new processes and te 829 computer applications and skills. Demonstrated ability to work effec­tively with a culturally diverse staff. Desired: Substantial knowledge of East Asian studies as an academic discipline. Some professional work experience in an American research library. Knowledge of current Japanese studies electronic resources. Rank, salary, leave, and benefits: Rank of Assistant Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience (minimum salary: $29,500). 24 working days of vacation DEAN OF THE LIBRARYSan Diego State UniversityThe Dean of the Library reports to the Vice President for Academic Affair,s and, as a member of the Academic Deans’ Conference, participates in academic planning for the university. The Dean provides leadership and vision in the management of library programs, resources, and services. S/he ensures that print and electronic information resources support and enhance the educational and research programs of the campus; provides direction and leadership in the planni nate and implement user education; review copy cataloging per­formed by library assistants and students; perform original and adapt complex copy cataloging in all formats for materials in Japanese and other languages as appropriate; involvement with preservation and conservation of relevant materials; represent the university libraries on campus as member of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies; work with appropriate faculty to support interest in East Asia through­out the university and the state; repr 830 DIRECTOR, LIBRARY LEARNING COMPLEX (#MBDL-9809)California State University, Monterey BayCSUMB seeks an experienced and visionary leader for the position of Director, Library Learning Complex. The Director is the chief administrator of the library (currently staffed by seven FTE librarians and eight FTE support staff) and has responsibility for program development, coordination and evaluation of library services across the campus. The Director will be expected to lead the university library of the future in 831 at the Librarian I, II, or III level. Starting salary range: $25,000-$43,000. The university offers an attractive package of benefits including 25 days of paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of medical, life, dental, and vision insurance, childcare credit, and other additional benefits. Application Proce­dures: Applications must be received by January 30,1998. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbe Head Manuscripts LibrarianThe Library of the American Philosophical Society plans to fill the position of Head Manuscripts Librarian late in 1997 or early 1998. The responsibilities of this position include the direction of the Manuscripts Department; providing knowledgeable services to scholarly researchers; and assisting the Library’s Director (the Librarian) in adding acquisitions to the Society’s outstanding collection of more than 6 million manuscripts, drawings and photographs, and audio recordings in 832 professional and nonprofessional activities. Employees must be able to communicate their Christian faith verbally and in writing. Azusa Pacific University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, status as a veteran, or other characteristics protected by law in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. The University of Illinois at Chicago Library seeks an innovative professiona SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeorgetown UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES: The Science Reference Librarian delivers research and reference ser­vices in the sciences, with a strong emphasis on planning, coordinating, and promoting Blommer Science Library instruction and ori­entation programs; designing and writing user aids, and training materials; developing and maintaining the Science Library’s homepage. Serves as the liaison for collection develop­ment for one or more scientific disciplines. Two evenings per week 833 Head, Serials Cataloging Section UCLA LIBRARYThe Cataloging Department, located in the University Research Library (URL), is the largest of the seven cataloging centers in the UCLA Library system. It is primarily responsible for cataloging and preparing annually more than 90,000 monographs, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files (including selected Internet resources), and government documents for URL, which serves the social sciences, humanities, and education; for the College Library, which serves 834 sound recordings, music monographs, and special music collections in English and foreign languages. We are also seeking experience in cataloging special materials including audio and video recordings, CD-ROMs, interactive multimedia, computer software, other elec­tronic resources, or archival materials, in other subject areas. This person will contribute to the formulation of cataloging policies and procedures, and will assist in the training of paraprofessional staff for the cataloging of music and special and patrons. Preferred: Advanced course work or baccalaureate degree in music strongly preferred; experience cataloging special materials in a variety of formats; cataloging experience in an academic or special library; cataloging experience using OCLC and the Innova­tive Interfaces online library system; working knowledge of German, Italian, or Portuguese languages; evidence of research and scholarly or professional development. Salary and benefits: $30,000 minimum, 22 days of vacation, tuition assistance, SECTION HEAD, SERIALS LIBRARIANThe University of Texas at El Paso LibraryDESCRIPTION: The University of Texas at El Paso Library seeks a Librarian Section Head for the Serials Section in the Technical Services Division. We are looking for a dynamic, service-oriented supervisor of a section consisting of three units: Current Periodicals and Microforms (CPM), Serials Check-in, and Bindery/Mailroom. The library is migrating to the Innovative Interfaces Inc. system. The Section Head Librarian is responsible for 835 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLEPurdue University LibrariesUSER INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (SEARCH REOPENED).RESPONSIBILITIES: Assumes major role in ongoing planning and development of systemwide information literacy curriculum, including course development and evaluation. Develops instructional materials including interactive Web-based or multimedia formats, and teaches in a variety of settings and formats. Acts as a liaison between the libraries and other faculty to promote effective use of available reference services a 836 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYLawrence University, a highly selective liberal arts college and conservatory of music with 1,200 students and 110 full-time faculty members, seeks applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library, to begin July 1998.The Director will bring a vision of the library as a vital component of the teaching and learning enterprise and will possess strong interpersonal and communication skills; capacity to exercise energetic leadership with commit PHILOSOPHY/HISTORY OF SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Social Sciences and Humanities Library, University of California, San Diego ( govinfo.htm). Assistant Librarian ll-VI, $32,424-$39,720, or Associ­ate Librarian l-IV, $37,932-$44,544. The Social Sciences and Hu­manities Library ( houses the research collections for the social sciences and humanities, which include government publications. The library provides a full range of ser public service. Ability to communicate effectively with staff and patrons. Demonstrated potential to excel as a team member in a dynamic, technology-intensive, and challenging academic library environment. Experience in bibliographic instruction. Evidence of research and/or professional activities. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Superior working knowledge of French and/or German. Strongly preferred: Advanced academic degree in philoso­phy or related discipline. Appointment at the higher ra 837 tees, and will participate in professional activities and research, including publication. Librarians have full faculty status and are represented by the California Faculty Association. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent profes­sional library degree is required. Appointment and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience ($43,584-$69,708). Review of candidates will begin January 15, 1998. For further information or to request an application packet, contact DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICESEast Carolina UniversityEast Carolina University invites applications and nominations for Director of Academic Library Services. With almost 18,000 students, ECU is the third-largest institution in the University of North Carolina system. Located in Greenville, North Carolina, ECU is the primary educational resource and the cultural, economic, and medical center for the eastern region of the state. More information about the university is available at PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of South Carolina Spartanburg seeks qualified applicants for a tenure-track, twelve­month Public Services Librarian, for appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian. Responsibilities include reference service, with heavy emphasis on integrating electronic services: e-mail reference, Internet, electronic databases, and Web-based services. Additional duties include library instruction and collection development. Must have an ALA-accredited library degree, must show 838 years public service experience, preferably in an academic library. Mail letter of application, including qualifications for the position, resume, and names and addresses of at least three references to: Chair, Search Committee, Public Services Librarian, University of South Carolina Spartanburg, 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303. USCS is an EO/AA institution. Position available January 16, 1998. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENTWashington State University LibrariesPOSITION AVAILABLE: This is a newly created position resulting from an extensive planning process. Under the direction of the Director of Libraries, provides leadership in the development, evaluation, and preservation of general collections on the Pullman campus, and in access to local and remote resources. Is responsible for the libraries’ collection budget and monitors spending activities. Is actively involved in ence; knowledge of business or economics sources; previous expe­rience in Web page design. Salary minimum $28,000. Benefits include: medical, dental, long-term disability, life insurances; retire­ment plan; sick leave; four weeks paid vacation; 11 paid holidays; tuition benefits. The Management Library, located within Rush Rhees Library, primarily serves the William E. Simon School of Business and the Economics Department, both of which are ranked nationally in the top 25 in their respective disciplines. Fo 839 master’s required for tenure); two years successful public service University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin December 15, 1997. SOCIAL WORK LIBRARIAN, AND MANAGER, COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER. University of Michigan. Du­ ties: Reporting to the Head, Social Sciences Group, the successful candidate will be responsible for the administration and management of the Social Work Library (SWL) and Comprehensive Information Resource Center (CIRC). This includes: providing leadership in developing and managing o and/or collection development experience in an academic or speciallibrary; extensive knowledge of the performing arts; successfulexperience in media materials evaluation, selection, and acquisition;experience with electronic information retrieval, electronic texts,Internet, and other networked resources; excellent oral and writtencommunication skills; strong service orientation. Knowledge of oneor more western European languages desirable. Faculty status,excellent benefits. Minimum: $34,000. To ensure consi 840 Committee, University Librarian, Illinois Wesleyan University, Sheean Library PO Box 2899, Bloomington, IL 61702-2899. Visit the library Web site: Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply.TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Martin P. Catherwood Li­brary, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. The Catherwood Library has a staff of 29 and holds the major academic collection in industrial and labor relations (19 mentation and Archives, using the RLIN-AMC format, and for their subsequent conversion for the CUL online catalog. Keeping abreast of current developments in the field of industrial and labor relations is also required. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school, with two to three years cataloging experience at the profes­sional level. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and accuracy and attention to detail. Experience cataloging in an online environment essential. Willingness to Late Job ListingsDIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Framingham State College invites applications for the position of Director of Library Services at the Henry Whittemore Library. Reporting directly to the Provost/Academic Vice-President, the Director is responsible for the planning and direction of the library and its services, for supervising the library staff of 10 professional librarians, 8.5 FTE paraprofessionals, and 12 FTE student staff members, and for preparing and implementing the library budget. The salary for