ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 163 no reference to w here they use the materials. In the most general sense section 108 allows a library to photocopy any o f its own materials in the interests o f “ p reserv ation ” o f the original, w ith o u t any c o m m e r c ia l a d v an tag e and for scholarly purposes, to the extent that other pur­ chasable co p ie s are unavailable at the tim e o f need at a reasonable price. W ith respect to un­ published manuscripts, the principal prohibition applies to copying a manuscript that the copying library does not own. Published works may be copied to replace a copy that is “ damaged, d ete­ riorating, lost, or stolen, if the library or archives has, after a reasonable effort, determ ined that an unused replacem ent cannot be obtained at a fair p r ic e .” S ub sequ en t parts (d) and (e) are c o n ­ cerned with interlibrary loan restrictions, which Martell handles satisfactorily. The terms o f 108(c) cited above, especially the word “ deteriorating,” seem to open the door for m uch reserve room copyin g. W hen a scholarly journal article is assigned for class reading, no one questions the right to place the original in a reserve room. But this w ould create undue wear on a probably bound volum e and would restrict free access to other articles from the same issue or volume. The photocopying o f the article in this case is demonstrably fair use and the same is true o f a chapter from a book. In either case, the li­ brary m ust m ake s o m e e ffo r t to d e te r m in e whether inexpensive reprints are available. The same principles might be extended to m ul­ tiple co p ie s for large classes if the library has taken steps to purchase multiple reprints o f the item. And in the face o f an inability to secure re­ prints, the use o f the same photocopies in successive Cataloging o f Microforms The Subcom mittee on Bibliographic Control o f Microforms, RTS D /R eproduction o f Library Materials Section, will hold an open m eeting at the ALA Annual C o n fe re n ce in Chicago. Starting at 2 p .m ., Sunday, June 25, the dis­ cussion will address the question o f access points peculiar to m icroforms that should be included in an automated cataloging system. The basis o f discussion will be the Library o f Congress statement on A ccess Points f o r Mi­ croform s, which was distributed at the M id­ winter M eeting. The L ibrary o f Congress In­ form ation Bulletin will carry the above state­ ment in a spring issue to enable concerned li­ brarians to be inform ed before the ALA m eet­ ing. All interested persons are urged to add their input on this im portant subject; c o m ­ m ents sh ou ld b e fo rw a rd e d to G r e g C o le (chairman o f the subcom m ittee), Ellis Library, University o f M issouri-C olum bia, Colum bia, M O 65201. school terms is at least defensible, though the library may here be required to get permis­ sion from the copyright h old er at a reasonable cost. Finally, the sharp restrictions in 108(g) to the “ isolated and unrelated reproduction or distribu­ tion o f a single c o p y ” have refe re n ce o n ly to interlibrary loans and have little bearing on li­ brary copy in g for preservation o f deteriorating m aterial.— G erald J. E b erle, D irecto r, Earl K. Long Library, University o f New Orleans. ■■ Oregon ACRL Chapter Meets The O regon A C R L chapter m et at the Lewis & Clark C ollege library in Portland on February 17. Marcia Lowell, state librarian, chaired the m eet­ ing. She discussed the O regon Governor’ s C o n ­ ference scheduled for June 1 -3 and gave back­ ground on planning for the conference. The A C R L m em bers present broke into groups to discuss ideas that should be raised at the co n ­ ference regarding library services, needs, and d e ­ velopm ent. The results w ere presented to Marcia Lowell and Laurelyn Schellin, conferen ce c o o r ­ dinator, to aid in setting an agenda and as expres­ sion o f the concerns o f academ ic librarians. On March 13 the chapter met at Oregon State University to hear Pauline Atherton discuss the subject access project. O n-line catalogs may not be as useful o r accessible as they should be if only LC subject headings are used for descrip­ tion. H e r ex perim en tal p r o je c t expand ed traditional s u b je c t a ccess p o in ts to in clu d e sig ­ nificant words from the index and contents page. The file that was created was then searched via the traditional entries and using the augmented information. The results o f their comparison are due to be published soon.— M ary Devlin, Chair­ person, O regon A C R L C hapter. ■■ Resources in Education Worksheet Available A “ W orksheet on How to Use Resources in E d u c a tio n ” has b e e n p r e p a r e d by the A C R L /EBSS Com m ittee on Bibliographic In­ struction for Educators. It has been approved by the full com m ittee and by all o f the m em ­ bers o f the EBSS E x ecu tiv e Board. Single copies are available from the A C R L Office. Why build a great collection with anything less than microform? Even one sm all room can house a great serials co llection o n m icroform . And because this space advantage is so ob viou s, som e people tend to ov erlook the other advantages o f d evelop in g their h oldin gs o n m icroform . C on sider these reasons m icroform w ill help you make your collection great: Availability In depth and range, U niversity M icrofilm s International's serials titles o n m icroform are im pressive. O ver 11,000 serials coverin g hundreds o f special subject areas and n u ­ m erous difficu lt-to-ob ta in titles are available to you right now . A n d ou r collection is c o n ­ stantly being expanded to meet your needs. Durability C ollection s developed o n m icroform are virtu ally perm anent and, u n lik e paper, are m u ch less likely to be stolen or m utilated. Cost Savings. M icroform is the best w ay to hold d ow n the expense o f b u ild in g and m a in tain in g a serials collection . Selected volu m es or years, p roh ibitively expensive to acquire in paper, are easily affordable o n m icroform . Even the add ition o f entire b ack file runs am ounts to a fraction o f the cost o f paper reprints or used editions. Enrichment Value. Serials o n m icroform can fill gaps in library backfiles to provide years o f uninterrupted periodical inform ation. Or, m icroform can be used to round ou t a library's holdings. In fact, m icroform m ay be the o n ly w ay serial titles o f lim ited availability are accessible and affordable to your library. Convenient Service. Contact you r field sales representative or call toll-free 800-521-3042 to get specific in form ation o n any title or to place an order. A ll the thought, plan n in g, space and m oney that goes in to b u ild in g a great collection goes farther and lasts longer o n m icroform . D on 't settle for anything less! University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road/A nn Arbor. MI 48106 800-521-3042