ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 278 / C &R L News nity to utilize materials descriptive of NASA aero­ space discoveries in th e fields of science, engineering, and technology. Resources include vi­ deotape programs, slide/audiocassette programs, lesson plans, and NASA publications. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . Profiles Susan P. Besemer, associate director of library services at the State University of New York Col­ lege at Buffalo, has been named director of the li­ brary at the SUNY Col­ lege at Fredonia. Besemer had served at B uffalo since 1975, w here she received the C hancellor’s Award of Excellence in Librarian- ship. P rio r to her a p ­ pointment at Buffalo she was music librarian at Kentucky State Univer­ sity. B esem er holds a bachelor’s degree in En­ glish lite r a tu r e from Susan P. Besemer SUNY-Albany, an MLS from Indiana University (1967), and a master’s degree in creative studies from Buffalo (1980). She is currently taking courses tow ard an advanced studies certificate at SUNY- Buffalo. Besemer has w ritten many articles for library and education journals, and is the author of From Museums, Galleries, and Studios: A Guide to A rt­ ists on Film and Tape, published by the Green­ wood Press. Charlene E . Renner has been named dean of li­ braries at Western Michigan University, Kalama­ zoo. Renner previously served as associate director of libraries for bibliographic control at the University of Washington (1984-1987), as assistant director for technical services at Iow a State University (1982-1984), and held several positions at the Uni­ versity of Illinois (1965-1982), culminating in assis­ tant director for central processing. She has also worked at the Free Library of Philadelphia, Ohio State University, Northwestern University and the University of Pennsylvania. While at the Univer­ sity of Illinois, Renner was involved in the autom a­ tion process, supervising a massive transfer of m a­ terials from the main stacks to storage while a new stack addition was being constructed. At the Uni­ versity of Washington she was again involved in the establishment of an integrated online library system and participated in a $28 million addition to the main library. She was one of five librarians selected by the Council on Library Resources to participate in the Academic Library Management Intern Program in 1980-1981, serving at the Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley. Renner has published several articles and p a­ pers, and has served on and chaired a number of ALA committees, including the editorial board of College & Research Libraries (1980-1983). She has served on the OCLC Users Council (as a delegate from Pacnet), and was the University of Washing­ ton Libraries’ representative to the Western Li­ brary Network Users Group. Renner holds bache­ lor’s (1958) and master’s (1959) degrees in English literature from Northwestern University and an MLS from Drexel University (1964). Robert Earle Skinner has been named director of the library at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans. He had previously been a senior con­ sultant on the staff of Robert L. Siegel & Asso­ ciates, a New Orleans consulting firm. S kinner was p re v i­ ously a member of the D epartm ent of Medical B ib lio g ra p h y at th e Louisiana State Univer­ sity Medical C enter in New O rlean s (1979- 1984), and senior search analyst at the U.S. Air F orce School of Aero­ Robert Skinner space Medicine in San Antonio, Texas (1977- 1979). Between 1970 and 1974, Skinner served in the U.S. Coast Guard as a petty officer. He re­ ceived a bachelor’s degree in history from Old Do­ minion University and an MLS from Indiana Uni­ versity in 1977. M ay 1987 / 279 Skinner is the author of numerous publications in several disciplines. In addition to several papers on th e history of m edicine, he has published “Searching the History of Science Online” and “Searching the History of the Social Sciences O n­ line” in Database and “Bibliographic Instruction in the Health Sciences: An Historical Review” in the Medical Reference Services Quarterly. More re­ cently Skinner has been working in the field of American popular culture, and is the author of The Hard-Boiled Explicator: A Guide to the Study of Dashiell H am m ett, Raym ond Chandler, and Ross Macdonald, published by Scarecrow Press in 1985. People in the News Edgar C. Bailey Jr. has been chosen to serve as an intern for the 1987 Internship in College Li­ brary Administration, sponsored by LIBRAS, Inc. Bailey is currently assistant director of the Provi­ dence College Library, Rhode Island. The four- week internship will commence in mid-July at Ro­ sary College. Robert Richart, music catalog lib rarian at Washington State University, Pullman, became the second recipient of the W alter Gerboth Award at the Music Library Association’s annual conven­ tion in Eugene, Oregon, in February. The award, which is intended to support research, preferably leading to publication, by a member of the associa­ tion in the first five years of his or her career as a librarian, was given to Richart for his research to­ w a rd p u b lic a tio n of an a n n o ta te d b io ­ bibliography of the Hungarian composer György Ligeti (1923-). Appointments (Appointments are taken from library newslet­ ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appoint­ ment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Robert J. Blouin has been appointed head of circulation/serials at Westfield State College, Mas­ sachusetts. Dana Boden has been appointed coordinator of library instruction at Western Kentucky Univer­ sity, Bowling Green. Pamela V. Bowden has joined the staff of the Music Library D epartm ent at East Carolina Uni­ versity, Greenville, North Carolina. Harley Brooks has been appointed circulation services supervisor at Western Kentucky Univer­ sity, Bowling Green. Mitchell A. Cahan is now reference librarian in the Norris Medical Library of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Arevig Caprielian has been appointed rare book cataloger for the Seligman Collection at Co­ lumbia University, New York City. Donna Carpenter is now acquisitions librarian at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Chris Carron is the new museum registrar and collection curator at Western Kentucky Univer­ sity, Bowling Green. Charles E. Chamberlin is now deputy director of libraries and head of personnel and adm inistra­ tive services at the University of Washington, Seat­ tle. Gloria P. Colvin has been appointed reference librarian in the East Campus Library at Duke Uni­ versity, D urham , North Carolina. Brian Coutts has been appointed coordinator of collection development at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. John Cudd is now humanities reference librar­ ian at W estern Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Nancy Bunims D’Amico is now lib ra ria n at C am bridge Analytical Associates, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. Susan Dearborn is now N ortheast/M idw est sales representative in the Medical Inform ation Services D ivision of th e F axon C o m p an y , Westwood, Massachusetts. Linda Diane Popp Di Biase has been appointed assistant collection development librarian (half­ time) in the Collection Development and Manage­ ment Office at the University of Washington, Seat­ tle. Michael Ross Dodge has been appointed busi­ ness and economics subject specialist in the Refer­ ence D epartm ent at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. J ennifer L. Edwards has been appointed sci­ ence librarian at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, California. Peggy Gale has been named librarian of the Baptist College at Charleston, South Carolina. Joan R. Giesecke has been appointed assistant dean of automation and technical services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Tatiana Goerner has been appointed rare book cataloger for the Seligman Collection at Columbia University, New York City. J ohn Goodin is the new education catalog li­ brarian at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Edward Goodman has been appointed general editor of the Avery Index to Architectural Periodi­ cals at Columbia University, New York City. Linda Gould has been appointed assistant di­ rector of libraries for collection development and management at the University of Washington, Se­ attle. Charlene Grass has been appointed associate dean for collection and technical services at Kansas State University, M anhattan. Scott Edward Harrison has been appointed East Asian cataloger in the Law School Library at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Susan Klingberg has been appointed education 280 / C&RL News and social science librarian at the University of Illi­ nois, Urbana-Champaign. Edward R. Kukla has been appointed Athe­ naeum librarian and head of the Special Collec­ tions Department at the Minneapolis Public Li­ brary and Information Center, Minnesota. Mary Lou Lawson is the new university high school lib ra ria n at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Ross Ljungquist is now technical services li­ brarian in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Barrara MacAdam has been named head of the Undergraduate Library at the University of Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. Eileen McIlvaine is now head of the Reference Department, Humanities and History Division, at Columbia University, New York City. R. Bruce Miller has been appointed assistant university librarian for technical services at the University of California, San Diego. John Philip Mulvaney is now collection devel­ opment librarian at Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Susan Myerson is now head cataloger in the Fine Arts Library of Harvard University. Gail Sue Neely has been appointed catalog li­ brarian in the Technical Services Department at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Caro­ lina. Rose Oniewski has been appointed government services supervisor at Western Kentucky Univer­ sity, Bowling Green. Anita Pollitt–Samuel is now general reference librarian at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Penn­ sylvania. William Rapp has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at South Florida Community College, Avon Park. Laura Olson Rein is the new head of the Refer­ ence Departm ent at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Donna R.R. Resetar is now circulation/refer – ence librarian at Valparaiso University, Indiana. Rorert Schwarzwalder is now science refer­ ence librarian at Kansas State University, M anhat­ tan. Diane Stalker has been appointed rare book cataloger for the Seligman Collection at Columbia University, New York City. Nancy Starke has been appointed instructional services librarian at Kansas State University, Man­ hattan. Mari J. Stoddard has been appointed outreach and user education librarian in the Medical Center Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Ju–Yen Teng is the new Oriental studies librar­ ian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Susan Tucker has been appointed interlibrary loan librarian at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Karen Whisler is now reference librarian at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston. Donald L. Wilcox has been appointed serials cataloger in the Technical Services Division at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Catherine Chesser Wilt has been appointed executive coordinator of the Regional OCLC Net­ work Directors Advisory Committee, Columbus, Ohio. Darrow Wood has been named chief librarian and chairperson of the Library Departm ent at New York City Technical College, Brooklyn. Linda Wright is now reference librarian/bib- liographer in the Rare Book and Manuscript Li­ brary and curator of the Herbert H. Lehman Suite and Papers at Columbia University, New York City. Noel Young is now librarian for Resources for Developing Countries at Kansas State University, Manhattan. Retirements Jacqueline Z. Colry, associate head of the Cat­ alogue Department for Original Cataloguing and Catalogue Editing at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, retired at the end of March after 21 years of service. Mae McKernan, special collections cataloger at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, retired Jan­ uary 30 after 23 years of service. Yvonne B. Scott, a member of the MEDLARS Management Section at the National Library of Medicine for the past 18 years, retired recently af­ ter 30 years of service. After receiving her BS in pharmacy from Howard University, Scott joined NLM as a medical literature analyst in the Biblio­ graphic Services Division’s Indexing Section, and later also worked closely with contractors and other NLM staff in the design and implementation of both MEDLARS I and II. A fter a year (1967-1968) at the National Institutes of Health Li­ b rary , w here she w orked on establishing the MEDLARS search service, Scott returned to NLM and joined the newly formed MEDLARS Manage­ ment Section (a component of the Bibliographic Services Division), assuming full responsibility for the production of NLM’s recurring bibliographies. In 1979 she was appointed head of the section, a position she held for two years. Deaths Tom Birrell, head of the Catalog Department at the University of California, Davis, from 1966 to 1972, died March 9 at his home in Davis. He had served previously at the California State Library and worked subsequently at UC–Irvine and W i­ chita State University during a 30-year library ca­ reer. Birrell was also an oboist and played in the Find out where your colleagues in the library community a re … “ indispensable not only for librarians but also for bookmen of all varieties, bibliographers, dealers, collectors, publishers and printers, and scholars in general.” – ERASMUS PRESS ... and what they’ve been up to. “thoughtful essays and informative reports” -L IB R A R Y SCIENCE ANNUAL The American Library Directory and The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade Information cover the library industry more thoroughly than any other resources published. 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(two-vol. set) ISBN: 0-8352-2339-6, approx. 2,400 pp. The new 40th edition of the two- government inform ation,censor­ July 1987 regular price $149.95 standing order volume Am erican Library Directory ship, literacy, minorities, the price $142.45 contains: handicapped and more— written The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade * Detailed information on more by the most knowledgeable Information 1 98 7 ISBN: 0-8352-2333-7approx. than 37,000 public, university, m inds in the library world. 790 pp. May 1987 regular price $89.95 standing and special libraries with entries * The latest statistics to help you order price $85.45 listed alphabetically by state and write informative budget and indexed for easy reference. grant proposals, to get the * Key contact data for library per­ funding your library needs. To o rd e r y o u r books, sonnel including the phone * Notable and best-selling books, num bers and addresses of the the winners of literary prizes, call toll fre e : libraries where they work. and the latest research reports. 1-800-521-8110 * Informative sections covering * A calendar of conferences, (In NY, AK and HI, call collect (212) 337-6934. networks, consortia and other trade shows and events for the In Canada, call toll-free: 1-800-537-8416) cooperative library agencies. next 18 m onths... or write to: * Statistics on budgets, salaries, ...and m uch more! R.R. Bowker Company, Order Dept. expenditures and funding. Stay on top of what’s happening. 245 West 17th St., NY, NY 10011 The them e of the updated and Order your copies of the Am erican revised 1987 edition of The Bowker Library Directory and The Bowker R.R. BOWKER. Prices are applicable in the U.S., its territories, and in Canada. All invoices are payable in U.S. dollars. Prices and publication date^are subject to change without prior notice. Applicable sales tax must be included. Shipping and handling will be added to each order at the following rate: 5% of the net invoice amount, excluding tax, for all orders. Minimum shipping and handlingcharge will be $3.50. U.S. Fax: 1-212-337-6970. Rest of World: R. R. Bowker (U.K.) Ltd., P.O. Box 88, Borough Green, Kent TN15 8PH, England. Telex: 95678. Fax: 0732 884079. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery (book post). 282 / C&RL News Oklahoma and Sacramento symphonies. P a t r i c i a H. F o l e y , head of the University of Iowa Business Administration Library since 1979, died January 28. Foley received a bachelor’s degree in International Realations and Russian, an MLS from the University of Wisconsin, and a master’s in public administration from the University of Iowa (1983). Before coming to Iowa, she was a reference librarian at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and earlier at New Mexico State University. Foley was active in the Library Administration and Man­ agement Association’s Library Organization and Management Section, and was a member of the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section’s Policy and Planning Committee. She served for two years as president of the Iowa Chapter of ACRL. A me­ morial fund has been established at the University. E l l e n L o r d , former director of the Gene Ep- pley L ibrary at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, died September 16, 1986. Lord came to the University of Omaha in 1938 and assumed the directorship in 1944. She retired in 1969. ■ ■ NEW T E C H N O L O G Y •Carlyle Systems now offers an enhancement to its integrated library system that allows the user to input, display and print diacritical marks. The Ex­ tended Character Set (ECS) terminal permits the display of all combinations of characters and char­ acter modifiers normally used in 34 Latin alphabet languages or in the Romanized form of Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and other non-Roman languages. The system also supports the musical sharp, the copyright mark, and inverted exclama­ tion and question marks. Contact Carlyle Systems In c., 2930 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, CA 94702; (415) 843-2111. •Dukane Corporation is now marketing a ver­ satile microfilm reader, the MMR 16 + 35, that projects 35mm roll film and is easily adaptable for cartridge loaded film. Six interchangable, snap-in lenses offer magnifications ranging from 15X to 48X. The reader comes in black and pewter styling, with a new generation push-button high-and-low speed film drive that provides quick film travel and a smooth screen image. Contact Dukane Corp., 2900 Dukane D r., St. Charles, IL 60174; (312) 584-2300. • General Research Corporation has developed a CD-ROM public catalog system that can provide users with library floor plans as well as access to holdings information. LaserGuide also offers Bool­ ean search in g and au th o r, title , and su b ject searches. Contact General Research Corp., 5383 Hollister Ave., P.O . Box 6770, Santa Barbara, CA 93160-7724. • Micro Design has introduced a microform reader/printer that prints on plain paper. The Mi­ cro Copy 1000 is only 16 inches wide and 28 inches deep, and can print one page in eight seconds. List price is $2,700. Contact Micro Design, 857 W . State St., Hartford, W I 53027-1093; (414) 673­ 3920. • Online Consultants of Indiana is now offering Online Search Analyst, a diagnostic and tutorial program designed for library school students, prac­ ticing librarians, information professionals, and others who may need advice on aspects of conduct­ ing an online search. The program offers sugges­ tions on what tactics to use if your search retrieves completely irrelevant records, no records at all, some relevant records but not enough, too many ir­ relevant records, or too many records to print. On­ line Search Analyst was written in TURBO Pascal for IBM PCs or compatibles using MS-DOS or PC ­ DOS 2.0 (or greater) and at least 64K memory. The cost is $40. Contact Online Consultants of Indiana, 4300 Cambridge D r., Bloomington, IN 47401. • The University of Guelph Library has pub­ lished its catalog of 750,000 bibliographic entries on C D -RO M . The catalog replaces microfiche that has served as a backup to the library’s Geac Online Public Access Catalog. The data is accessible from PC-based workstations throughout the library and may be retrieved by title, author, LC subject head­ ing, call number, format, and any word used in the catalog record. The database and search software were manufactured by Reteaco, In c., of Toronto. Copies of Guelph’s CD-ROM catalog are available for $249 from the University’s Library Business Of­ fice, Guelph, Ontario N IG 2W1. ■ ■