ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 516 IC & R L N ew s • M a y 2001 I N T E R N E T R E S O U R C E S Outdoor recreation Sites to help you plan your summer vacation by Shaun Spiegel A mericans love the great outdoors, and they are looking more and more to the Internet for information on planning trips, choosing campsites, or checking out the latest gear. The National Park Service gathers visita­ tion statistics for all areas they administer, and according to a National Park Visitor Use Sum­ mary, there were 287,130,879 recreation visits in 1999 alone.1 The following list of Web resources offers information on various outdoor recreational activities. The sites include commercial and governmental gateway sites as well as indi­ vidual sites developed by enthusiasts of a par­ ticular outdoor sport or activity. Most cover U.S. locales, although a few include interna­ tional information. Electronic Publications/E-zines θ Cyberw est M agazine. Cybenvest M aga­ zin e provides information on outdoor recre­ ation in the western United States. Click on a particular state to see Cyberwest articles, a rec­ reation guide with information on various parks and recreational sites in the area, and state W eb site s. Choose a par­ , ⅝ ⅞B¿LA¢s›AJzaEXsrE; ticular activity ⅜ to see a list of articles, Web sites, and other information rel­ evant to that sport. The site also contains pho­ tographs and an archive of previous issues. Much of the content is based on the G reat O utdoor R ecreation Pages (a link is provided to GORP at the bottom of the page). Access: http: //www. cyberwest. com/. • DesertUSA M agazine. This Web site fea­ tures the current issue of DesertUSA M agazine, published by Digital West Media, Inc. Focus­ ing on the American Southwest, this e-zine provides information on parks and monu­ ments, recreation and wilderness areas, cities, towns, historic sites, and other points of inter­ est. Also included are articles on various ac­ tivities, as well as desert maps and informa­ tion on the geology and environment of the desert. The Site Guide link at the bottom of the page is a great place to start; it explains how to navigate the site, gives complete con­ tent descriptions of each menu option, and provides submission guidelines to the maga­ zine. Previous issues of the magazine are avail­ able from the site index. Access: http://www. • A d v en tu rez in e M agazine. Adventure- z in e features information for campers and RV vacationers. Included are articles on va­ cation spots, a campground directory, and a list of other publications, including MOAB- OfþŔoa d , SUV O n lin e, and RV Video M a g a ­ z in e . Two notable sections are the Camping Ideas section, providing how-to camping tips such as “Building a Fire” or preparing “Crisp Camp Bacon,” and Adventure Sports, pro­ viding links to Web sites for outdoor activi­ ties such as fishing, biking, and snow - About the author Shaun Spiegel is business and economics librarian at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, e-mail: C8RL N ew s ■ M a y 2001 / 517 mobiling. Information on publishing in Adventurezine is presented in the Editorials section. Access: http://www.adventurezine. com. Numerous online publications cover out­ door recreation. A few others include Moun­ tain Zone (Access: http://www.mountainzone. com), which covers mountain-related activi­ ties, and Outside Online (Access: http://www., the online version of Out­ side magazine. Great starting points • G reat O u td o o r R e c re a tio n P ages (GORP). Whether you are a thrill-seeker or prefer a more sedentary vacation, GORP con­ tains a wealth of information on what to do and where to go outdoors. Search for infor­ mation on a specific destination (by city, state, park, or worldwide) or activity, or locate in­ formation on gear, books and maps, or travel resources. Each activity features information on where to go, how-to’s, gear guides, and other relevant links. Destinations include both U.S. and international recreation spots for all activities. Access: • This user-friendly site claims to be the ‘‘one-stop source for informa­ tion about recreation on federal lands.” Choose a state from the pull-down menu, select activi­ ties or features of interest, and click the search button. The advanced search option also al­ lows searching by agency (National Park Ser­ vice, USDA Forest Service, etc.). Each entry lists basic contact information and driving di­ rections, recreational activity options, a link to the area’s Web site (if available), a National Weather Service forecast, and an atlas. Access: • Groth and Marley Backpacking, Raft­ ing, and Adventure Home Page. Authored by Susan and Robert R. Marley, this site is geared toward “self-reliant outdoors enthusi­ asts who wish to know more about non-com­ mercial, low-cost travel opportunities created by like-minded folks.” The site offers travel information on backpacking, rafting, and camp­ ing. The trips discussed are mainly 7 to 14 daylong outdoor camping-oriented trips. This Web site includes information on menu-plan­ ning software for private trips, Grand Canyon private rafters, tips on rafting trips, and reviews of the private rafting permit system. Also in­ cluded is information on foreign travel to Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Mexico, and hiking, backpacking, and climbing in the southwest­ ern United States. Access: http://www.kwagunt. net/. • . is a vacation- planning/travel agent that focuses on more exotic activities, such as cycling coast to coast in the Dominican Republic or excavating a Mayan ruin. Choose from location, activities (including beaches, horseback riding, art and culture, or safaris), or trip package (includes budget, cultural, family, senior, or solo pack­ ages). Services include a customer service cen­ ter to answer calls or e-mails and to help book trips. An 800 number is provided for those who would rather book trips via telephone. Access: Parks and camping • National Park Service (NPS). One use­ ful feature of this excellent site is the Visit Your Parks link, which allows users to search for a particular park geographically, alphabetically, or by activity. Each entry gives basic informa­ tion, quick facts, and an in-depth link for those who want more information. NPS also includes an online reservation service for national parks; information on national park passes, which can be purchased from the site; and park vol­ unteer opportunities. Access: http://www.nps. gov. • Park Search. Presented by L.L. Bean, Park Search provides information on parks and outdoor recreation areas worldwide. The user- friendly main page offers a search engine to search for parks by name and an image map to search a particular region of the world. Us­ ers may further narrow the search by specific region, area, or outdoor activity. Each entry contains a short description of the park and notes facilities offered for activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, water sports, cycling, winter sports, birdwatching, and oth­ ers. Basic contact information is also provided, including address, telephone and fax, fee in­ formation, and a map. Access-. http://www. E x p a n d e d v e r s io n o n lin e An expanded version of this article is available on the Web at C&RLNeivsNet (http:// www. ała. org /acrl/c&rlnew2 .html) . http://www.adventurezine http://www.mountainzone http://www.kwagunt http://www.nps 5 1 8 /C& RL News ■ May 2001 • State Parks Online. Compiled by Doug Dickson, this site presents information on state parks and reservoirs in the United States, cur­ rent fees, cam ping and lodging information, recreation programs, and special events. Most links are maintained by the state departments of tourism or natural resources. An interactive map o f the United States and an alphabetical listing o f states is provided, as well as links to “additional park-related resources,” listing vari­ ous outdoor recreation links. Also included are links to regional and international parks, including a link to “Canadian provincial parks,” featuring an interactive map o f Canada, an al­ phabetical geographic listing, and other Canada park W eb sites. A ccess: h ttp :/ / m em bers. hom e. com/ state-parks-online/. • Camρ-A-Roo: Camping and Hiking Information w ith Tips for Parents. This site is authored by Maiy Boulding and focuses on family camping and hiking. Tips are included for many items such as cam ping equipment, activities, pet safety, product reviews, recipes, and great places to camp. Access: http://www. Many camping sites on the Web have som e­ what incomplete listings. It is a good idea to check a few before making a decision on where to stay. For m ore information on camping and recreational vehicles, try Go Camping America! (Access: main.html) or the Internet Camping Directory (Access: Clim b ing • Big Wall Climbing. Compiled by Jo h n Middendorf, this site presents information on climbing large rock faces and includes tips on clubs, equipment, and difficulty ratings. Also included are stories and information on spe­ cific climbing locations, organizations, essays, and p h o to g r a p h s . A c cess: h ttp :/ / w w w . primenet. com/~midds/. • Climbing Guide. This great resource is designed for both beginner and experienced climbers. The best place to start is “The Climb­ ing Guide.” This section provides a wealth o f information on climbing, including what climb­ ing actually is, w ho should or shouldn’t climb, what to do before climbing, the differences between indoor and outdoor climbing, and various climbing techniques. The equipment link provides a nice introduction to climbing equipment, what it is used for, and descrip­ tions. The site also contains a glossary and a site se a r ch e n g in e . Access: http://library. H iking • Am erican Hiking Society (AHS). Based in Washington, D.C., the AHS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting hiking and to establishing and protecting foot trails in America. Noteworthy links in clu d e the AHS Hiker’s Information Center, offering in­ formation on hikes, trail maps, volun­ teer opportunities, and clubs and orga­ nizations in the United States via a clickable map; and the Hiker’s Emporium, which provides in­ formation on hiking gear, trail guides, and maps. The site also includes information on member­ ship, society programs and activities, and links to A H S-affiliated clu b s. Access: http://www. americanhiking. org/. • Backpacking and Hiking Trailhead. A g rea t re so u rc e fo r an y o n e co n sid erin g a backcountry hiking and camping trip, this site presents a list o f general hiking and backpack­ ing pages. Included is information on bear safety, outdoor safety and wilderness survival, and backpacking tips, such as packing light, leaving no trace, how to navigate with a map and a com p ass, and re cip e ideas. Access: http ://www. g eo cities .com/Yosemite/Falls/ 9200/backpacking_and_hiking. html. B ik in g • BikeCrawler: Cycling Search Engine. Presented by LanzaTech, Inc., this site offers a search engine and directory o f bicycling infor­ mation. T h e site is easy to use and is broken down into categories such as apparel, clubs, manufacturers, news and media, organizations, racing, shops, software, special needs, train­ ing, and vacations and tours. Categories are bro­ ken down by geographic area and provide an annotated list o f resources. Access.- http://www. • Cycling Related Pages on WWW. This user-friendly meta site is com piled by Ja ck Vinson. Divisions o f the site include bicycle http://members http://library C&RL N ew s ■ M a y 2001 / 519 clubs, professional cyclists, cycling businesses and organizations, racing teams, race results, cycling publications, tandem-specific sites, and regional information. Each section con­ tains an alphabetic listing of related Web sites, some with very brief annotations. Access: h ttp :/ / w w w .c is .u p e n n .e d u / ~ v in s o n / cycling.html. • The MtbREVTEW. Notable sections of th MtbREVIEW include Product Reviews, all sub­ mitted by bikers, and Trail Reviews, which include more than 18,000 reviews on more than 3,700 trails around the world. In addi­ tion, there is a “Used Marketplace” for used bikes, parts, and accessories; races and events information; a chat room; and a search engine for reviews. Access: • Mountain Biking. This site is authored by computer science professor and mountain bike enthusiast Ross Finlayson. He provides information on mountain biking trails, events, and groups in the San Francisco Bay area as well as throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and New Zealand. The site of­ fers race infonnation, riding and mechanical advice, photos, and general mountain biking information. Access: ~rsf/mtn-bike. html. Skiing • . This user-friendly site offers information on skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. The Gear link provides information on equipment, clothing, and accessories for specific snow sports, and tips for buying and renting. “Learn and Improve” offers information to those who are learning the sport, improving their skills, or looking for books or Web resources on snow sports. Select “News and Research” for statis­ tics, facts, a history of snow sports, and con­ sumer and industry news. A search engine for the site is provided on the main page. Access: http:// www. snowlink. com/. • S n o C o u n tr y M o u n ta in R e p o r ts . SnoCountry presents information on the latest snow conditions, mountain re­ sort information, and ski resort e events. Choose a state, region, or country to obtain information on the resorts or detailed snow conditions for that area, including sur­ face conditions, number of lifts operating, and average base depth. The menu includes the above options plus weather reports from vari­ ous ski areas around the country. Choose “Nor­ dic Center” to find out conditions for tele-mark, cross-country, heliskiing, and Snowcat skiing. Select the vacation planning link for tips on planning a ski vacation and the equipment center link for pointers on purchasing vari­ ous types of ski equipment, with short de­ scriptions and recommendations. A ccess: • GoSki offers a comprehen­ sive directory of ski resorts in 35 countries and includes information on the resorts, gear, weather, news, and a ski vacation planner. The index provides a listing of all areas of the site in alphabetical order. Skiers may submit their own reviews of resorts and gear. A ccess: Outdoor resources for specific interest groups • International Gay and Lesbian Out­ d o o r Organizations Network (IGLOO). IG­ LOO is an international network of gay, les­ bian, and bisexual outdoor organizations. Se­ lect a state or international area from the clickable map on the main page to see a list of GLB groups, including telephone, address, and a link to their homepage, if available. Other notable links include a link to the Chiltern Mountain Club, which claims to be one of the largest GLB sports organizations; a miscella­ neous link, with assorted tips such as trip eti­ quette or what to bring on a backpack trip; and a Web link, providing links to other orga­ nizations’ homepages. Access: http://www. chiltern. org/ chiltern/igloo. html. • Disabled Sports USA. DSUSA is a na­ tional nonprofit organization started by disabled veterans in 1967 to provide sports and recre­ ation services to children and adults with physi­ cal disabilities. Each community-based chap­ ter offers various recreational programs, a few of which include snow and water skiing, sail­ ing, kayaking, cycling, climbing, horseback riding, and golf. Links includes a schedule of events; information on competitive summer 520 IC&RL News • M ay 2001 and winter programs and training camps; a chapter listing for each state; and a legal infor­ mation page providing information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and Amateur Sports Act. The Athlete Highlight features short biographies of disabled athletes who have over­ come their disabilities to perform amazing feats. Access: W ate rsp o rts • R iv e rs p o rt.c o m . pre­ sents information on canoeing, kayaking, raft­ ing, and other river sports throughout the United States. Notable features include the Online River Guide, w hich provides infor­ mation on trips, guides, clubs and organiza­ tions, safety, river camping, and other river- related topics. The guide is searchable by keyword or location. The Paddler’s Choice Mall provides information on clothing and gear, and is searchable by keyword or cat­ egory. A ccess: • Scuba C en tral. A notable division o f this site is Rick’s Links, a collection o f more than 2,000 diving links, e-mail lists, and FTP sites, presented in alphabetical order by category. Another useful section is About Diving, a free online magazine containing special-interest ar­ ticles on topics such as dive instruction, pho­ tography, technical diving, and equipment. Other sections include Scuba Humor, Shop­ ping, a Photo Gallery, and an Industry Guide. This useful guide includes a searchable data­ base listing dive retailers, charter operators, resorts, training agencies, underwater equip­ ment manufacturers and retailers, instructors, and clubs and organizations, to name a few. Inclusion in the guide is free. At present, there are not many listings, but this section has great potential. A ccess: http://www. scubacentral. com/. • S p orting A dven tu res Lau n ch P ad . The SPAV Web site began in 1995 and is devoted to raising funds for conservation groups world­ wide. This fishing and hunting site contains information on lodges and guides, a photo li­ brary, classifieds, regional information, field guides, and a fishing and hunting directory. The Lodges and Guides database is search­ able by state, species, and sport, and includes information on more than 3,000 resorts and lodges specializing in hunting and fishing. This site also includes links to other fishing, hunt­ ing, camping, parks, and outdoor sports sites. Information is also provided on SPAV mem­ bership, which is free. Access: http://www. N ote 1. The National Park Visitor Use Summar is on the Web at stats/summary99.pdf. ■ ( “F a c u lty r a n k . . . " con t. f r o m p a g e 5 1 1 ) Role o f th e lib ra ria n still e v o lv in g Regardless o f the controversy over the role o f librarians in the academ ic community, it is clear that many librarians are receiving the rights and responsibilities o f faculty status. As librarians’ roles on campus continue to evolve, it is possible that certain conditions o f faculty status may b e seen as more or less appropriate for librarians. According to the ACRL statistics, the academ ic community has already agreed that librarians should receive research funding and academ ic freedom. But these institutions also have b een slower to provide librarians with tenure and salaries that are equivalent to other faculty. By ana­ lyzing these data, academic librarians can gain a m ore com plete picture o f the state o f the profession with regard to the criteria that define academ ic status. N otes 1. “ACRL Guidelines for Academic Status for College and University Libraries,” 1990. Available online at guides/ acstatus. html. 2. Bede W. Mitchell and Bruce Morton, “On Becom ing Faculty Librarians: Accultura­ tion Problems and Remedies,” C ollege a n d Re­ s e a r c h L ib ra ries 53, no. 5 (Sept. 1992): 389­ 3. Blaise Cronin, “The Mother of All Myths,” L ib r a r y Jo u r n a l 126, no. 3 (Feb. 2001): 144. ■ y