ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 7 6 /C&RL News ■ M a y 2001 A n n V i Ie s Fta ta sFsc Outsourced library services included in "Best Practices" The “best practices” in distance education recently proposed by the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions lists “library-related services” among its “cur­ rent examples of consortial and contractual relationships.” Services that must be available for students “may include . . . library resources appropriate to the program, including, reference and research assistance; remote access to data­ bases, online journals and full-text resources; docum ent delivery services; li­ brary user and information literacy instruction, reserve materials; and institu­ tional agreements with local libraries.” "Best Practices fo r E lectronically O ffe re d Degree and C ertificate Program s," W estern C ooperative fo r Educa­ tio n a l Telecom m unications. h ttp ://w w w .w ic h e .e d u /te le c o m /A rtic le 1 .h tm . A p ril 1, 2001 Electronic Ink Electronic ink is a dark liquid dye containing white microcapsules, which can be controlled by an electric field. “To form an E Ink electronic display, the ink is printed onto a sheet of plastic film that is laminated to a layer of circuitry.” According to Electronic Ink Corporation, E Ink “retains the superior viewing characteristics of paper, including high contrast, wide viewing angle and bright paper-white background. . . . Electronic ink can be printed on almost any surface, from plastic to metal to paper. And it can be coated over large areas cheaply.” "W h a t Is Electronic In k? " E In k C o rp o ra tion , h ttp ://w w w .e in k .c o m /te c h n o lo g y /in d e x .h tm . A p ril 1, 2001 La Biblioteque Nationale's virtual library The French national library has converted 87,000 books in its collection to a digital format and claims to have “the largest virtual library in the w orld.” "French N a tio n a l L ib ra ry Sets '1 % D ig ita l' T a rg e t," Financial Times h ttp ://g lo b a la rc h iv e .ft.c o m / globalarchive/articles.htm l?id=010319003302& query=French+ national+library+. A p ril 1, 2001 E-mail most popular Internet service A transaction log analysis of Internet use in a British Columbia public library found 41% of sites accessed w ere e-mail service providers. In contrast, library and information services sites accounted for only 1% of the usage. Ann Curry, "W h a t Are Public Library Customers V ie w in g on th e In te rn e t? " Burnaby Public Library In te rn e t Use Survey, h ttp ://w w w .b p l.b u rn a b y.b c .ca /w e b lo g .h tm . A p ril 1, 2001 Administrators salaries: 2000-2001 Median salaries for library administrators at all academic institutions currently range from $43,080 for acquisitions librarians to $63,228 for directors of library services. The m edian for directors at doctoral institutions is $111,999. "Fact File: M edian Salaries o f C ollege A d m in is tra to rs by Type o f in s titu tio n , 2000-1," Chronicle o f H ig h e r Edu­ cation, March 16, 2001: A32. Internet use to triple by 2005 A market research report by eTForecasts predicts the num ber of Internet users worldwide will reach 1.17 billion by the end of 2005; 62% will b e using wireless devices. ( " In te rn e t Users W ill Surpass 1 B illion in 2005," eTForecasts, Feb. 6, 2001. h ttp ://w w w .e tfo re c a m /p r/ pr201.htm . A p ril 1, 2001) Ann Viles is coordinator o f reference and instruction a t Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, e-mail: An integral piece of your information collection... now available from EBSCOĝ EBSCO Book Services makes book procurement easy. The service provides a familiar Web interface for ordering millions of titles, as well as sophisticated administrative features for tracking and managing book purchases. Users benefit from: • Competitive pricing on all titles • Flexible purchase options that allow payment by credit or corporate purchasing card or invoice ■ Invoicing and reporting by user, department or organization • A secure server for all transactions • An interface that permits end-user customization • Back-ordering capabilities for books not currently available • Delivery within 24-48 hours for most locations in the United States. EBSCO In form ation Services...bringing to geth er th e pieces o f your inform ation collection . 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