ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 295 2nd Annual Serials Conference 8th Annual Microform Conference 3rd Annual Government Documents and Information Conference (all in conjunction with ASIS) Columbus, Ohio October 22, 23, 1982 for additional information contact: MECKLER COMMUNICATIONS 520 Riverside Ave., Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents m ust reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 per line for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. CATALOG CABINETS, USED. Various units, brands, colors and prices. For details contact: Jane R. Marshall, Technical Services, Mercy College Library, 555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522; (914) 693-4500 x263. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUBJECT HEADINGS FOR JUDAICA. Includes Flebrew references and LC class numbers. 8 x 1 1 format. Pre-publication special $4.50 postpaid ($6 if billed). Order now. BYLS Press, 6247 N. Francisco, Chicago, IL 60659. SEND OFFERS OF LISTS (FAT) on periodicals and serials within Life- and Earth Sciences to: Elsevier Antiquarian Department, 4 Lippijnstraat, 1055 KJ Amsterdam, Holland. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for planning, coordinat­ ing, and supervising activities of monographic acquisitions depart­ ment in library of upper-division university with 380 ,00 0 volumes, adding 15,000-20,000 volumes annually. Current materials budget, including serials and approval plan, is $570,000. ALA-accredited m a s te r’s degree in lib ra ry scie nce, m in im u m two years post­ master’s professional experience. Prefer three years professional e x p e rie n c e in a c q u is itio n s d e p a rtm e n t o f m e d iu m or la rge academic library, demonstrated supervisory experience, and some experience with OCLC or other automated acquisitions systems. Position available Septem ber 1, 1982. Salary range $ 1 3 ,0 2 0 - $21,700. Application deadline September 30, 1982. Send letter of application and resume, including academic credentials and names of three professional references, to: David H. Doerrer, Assistant Di­ rector, John C. Pace Library, The University of Western Florida, Pensacola, FL 32504. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action em­ ployer. ASSISTANT ORIENTATION LIBRARIAN, University of Arizona Li­ brary. Works under direction of orientation librarian in coordinating and developing orientation instruction program for students, faculty, and lib ra ry sta ff. P rim a rily re s p o n s ib le fo r a d m in is tra tin g workbook-based Library Skills Program offered to 4,000 students enrolled in English classes. Library degree from ALA-accredited school required. Must have strong interest in bibliographic instruc­ tion, broad knowledge of academic library reference tools, and abil­ ity to com m unicate effectively to individuals and groups. Prefer candidates with reference or library instruction experience in a large academ ic library, dem onstrated supervisory abilities, and knowledge of educational techniques. Salary minimum: $15,000. Faculty status, 12-m onth appointm ent, 22 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send resume, including three references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Application deadline: October 15. An equal-opportunity/ affirmative-action employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Serve as m em ber of library adm inistrative staff with sp ecific respon­ sibilities for personnel, fiscal management and planning, and phys­ ical facilities. Supervision of several units and support staff within these units. Qualifications: appropriate educational qualifications which demonstrate strong background and knowledge related to jo b re s p o n s ib ilitie s ; c o n s id e ra b le e x p e rie n c e , p re fe ra b ly in academic libraries, which demonstrates an in-depth understanding of financial administration and/or personnel; direct experience in the supervision of personnel; good com m unication and organiza­ tional skills. Salary anticipated to be in the range of $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 - $33 ,00 0 depending on qualifications and experience. Resumes and cover letter to: Administrative Offices, University of Connecticut Library, U-5A, Storrs, CT 06268. Resumes received by Sept. 30, 1982 will be given preference. Equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, University of Maryland, College Park. Management of public service operations serving 3 7 ,500 students in a main research library and six branch libraries with 1,450,000 volumes. Supervises division's staff of ap­ proximately 50 librarians, 80 support staff and student assistants. Strong leadership qualities required to promote responsive and in­ novative services. Serves on Director’s Staff. Coordinates public services’ activities with Technical Services and Special Collections Divisions. Works with Collection Development officer; works with Li­ brary Systems Division in implementation of an integrated, auto­ mated library system. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library program and seven years progressively responsible experience in 296 an academic or research library, three years of which must be at managerial level; comprehensive knowledge and experience in pub­ lic services and library automation; ability to work effectively with university com munity. M inimum salary $30,000; excellent fringe benefits. Send resume and three letters of reference by September 30, 1982, to: Personnel Officer, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740. UMCP is an AA/EEO employer. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univer­ sity, serving students and faculty in agriculture, biological and nutri­ tional sciences, and human ecology. Responsible for operation of the Library in the absence of the Librarian, direction of internal personnel operations, management of space and facilities, coordi­ nation of com puter applications, and management of collection de­ velopment and preservation. Qualifications: MLS; m inim um of five years demonstrated effectiveness in academic library management, including personnel administration, staff supervision, planning, and computer applications. Experience with facilities planning, collec­ tion development and preservation desirable. $30,000 plus, de­ pending on qualifications. Available November 1 or as soon thereaf­ ter as State freeze on hiring is lifted. Apply by October 12 to: Caro­ lyn Pyhtila, Personnel Director, Cornell University Libraries, 235 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853. An equal-opportunity/affirmative- action employer. B IB LIO G R A P H ER FOR PU B LIC AFFAIRS AND POLICY/ REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Head, Grad­ uate Library for Public Policy, serves as Bibliographer for the Grad­ uate School of Public Affairs which includes the departments of Public Administration, Political Science and Public Policy. Respon­ sibilities include: selection, development and review of collections in support of this school; liaison with its faculty and students; refer­ ence service, including database searching and instruction. Library Faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in the areas of contributions to the advancement of the profession and university service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifica­ tions: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and evidence of appropriate subject expertise required. A m inimum of three years of p o st-M L S e x p e rie n c e in p ro v id in g re le v a n t se rvice in an academic library also required. Preference will be given to candi­ dates with experience in a graduate school setting. Experience with online database searching is desirable as is a working knowledge of automated library systems and ability to communicate this knowl­ edge to faculty and students. Flexibility and a demonstrated ability to work well with colleagues and patrons are also important. Salary and rank: com mensurate with education and experience; salary from $17,000 depending on qualifications. Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 139, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by October 8, 1982. SUNY at Albany is an equal-employment-opportunity/affirmative-action em­ ployer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTOR FOR BUSINESS. Duties: responsible fo r coordination of and participation in expanding bib lio ­ graphic instruction program with the College of Business Administ­ ration, including automated information retrieval services in Busi­ ness databases; responsible for collection development via standard selection procedures and in evaluating and monitoring the approval plan profile in Business; some Information/Reference Desk activi­ ties. Qualifications: instructional skills, knowledge of the literature and the ability to communicate and interact with faculty and stu­ dents are essential. Assistant Professor level: MLS from ALA- accredited school, and graduate or undergraduate degree in busi­ ness or demonstrated equivalent experience; salary to $22,000. In­ structor level: MLS from ALA-accredited school and business library experience; salary to $18,000. Faculty status, tenure-track and 12-month contract. Position available on or before July 1, 1983. Send resume and names of references before October 20, 1982, to: Richard Tubesing, Chairperson, Search Committee, Carlson Li­ brary, The University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 4 3 6 0 6 . The U n iv e rs ity o f T oledo is an e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative-action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTOR FOR ENGINEERING (new position). Duties: responsible for establishing a bibliographic instruction program for the College of Engineering; automated information re­ trieval services in Engineering databases; collection development via standard selection procedures; evaluating and monitoring the a pproval plan p ro file in Engineering; and some In fo rm a tio n / Reference Desk activities. Qualifications: instructional skills, knowl­ edge of the literature and ability to communicate and interact with faculty and students are essential. Assistant Professor level: MLS from ALA-accredited school, and graduate or undergraduate degree in engineering or demonstrated equivalent experience; salary to $22,000. Instructor level: MLS from ALA-accredited school and ex­ perience in engineering library collection; salary to $19,000. Faculty status, tenure-track and 12-month contract. Position available on or before July 1, 1983. Send resume and names of references before October 20, 1982, to: Gloria Freimer, Chairperson, Search Commit­ tee, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an equal- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Available January 1, 1983. Catalog, origi­ nally and with copy, materials in various formats using Library of Congress classification system with LC subject headings; set and revise catalog department policy and procedure; plan for and inte­ grate traditional and advanced library technologies; supervise and administer catalog department; act as departmental resource per­ son for OCLC. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, familiarity with AAC- Rll, OCLC, LC classification and subject headings, three years cataloging experience. European language(s) facility desirable. Sal­ ary $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 m in im u m . A pply by Septem ber 30, 1982, to: W. Robert Woerner, Ithaca College Library, Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Arizona and special collections (reopened). The University of Arizona is seeking a professional cataloger for original cataloging of some rare materials, but with emphasis on the Arizona and Southwestern Americana collections. Supervises o n e library assistant and acts as a liaison between the catalog depart­ ment and special collections department staff. Works closely with special collections staff, especially on materials cataloged under a local Arizona classification scheme. The University of Arizona is a large academic research library with more than 2 million volumes and 4 million holdings. The catalog department is one of four de­ partments within the technical services division and is the largest department in the library, with 11 professional catalogers and 47 career staff employees. This position reports directly to the head of the catalog department. Requirements include an ALA-accredited degree and working knowledge of LC classification. Strong back­ ground in cataloging, the ability to communicate that knowledge, and supervisory experience preferred. Relevant subject abilities in Western American history or state documents is preferred. A work­ ing knowledge of Spanish and familiarity with OCLC is desired. Sal­ ary is $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 per yr. Professional librarians at the uni­ versity have faculty status but 12-month appointm ents, earn 22 days of vacation plus 12 days of sick leave, as well as a standard package of holidays and other fringe benefits. Send resume, includ­ ing the names of three referees, by October 15, to: W. David Laird, U niversity Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The university is an EEO/AA employer. CATALOGER. Responsibilities include original cataloging, editing OCLC copy, reviewing and writing guidelines and procedures for all cataloging, participating in collection development program. Three or more years experience, working OCLC experience required; pro­ ficiency with at least one foreign language desirable. Accredited MLS or equivalent. Minimum $16,000. Letter of application and names of three references by October 15, to: Ross Stephen, Col­ lege Librarian, Rider College, Box 6400, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. AA/EOE. CATALOGER, FINE ARTS LIBRARY, VISUAL COLLECTIONS. Oversees the general organization and maintenance of the Oriental s lid e s and p h o to g ra p h s . D evelops, re fin e s, and revises the classification system as needed under the general supervision of the Curator of Visual Collections and the Senior Cataloger of Non- Western art. Catalogs slides, photos and other visual records in Oriental art. Works with the faculty and subject experts of the Fogg Art Museum in the selection of material to strengthen the collec­ tion. Assists the Curator of Visual Collections in identifying gaps in the collection areas which need attention, as well as in providing advice on acquisitions. Assists supervisor when needed in refer­ ence and public services. Q ualifications: strong background in Oriental art (graduate degree preferred). MLS or equivalent (e.g. tra in in g and experience in m useum docu m e nta tion). Reading knowledge of Chinese and/or Japanese and at least one Western language, preferably German or French, in addition to English. Rank: Librarian I. Salary: $16,000 or more, depending on qualifica­ tions. Available: 1 October 1982. Resumes to: Susan M. Vacca, Personnel Officer, Harvard College Library, Widener Library, Cam­ brid g e , MA 0 2 1 3 8 ; (6 1 7 ) 4 9 5 -3 7 2 1 . An e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative-action employer. COPY CATALOG LIBRARIAN at the Brown University Library. Re­ sponsibilities include cataloging and classifying materials in a vari­ ety of languages and subjects, assisting with the revision of copy cataloging, and providing support to the Card Production Unit; as­ sumes responsibility for the Copy Catalog Department in the ab­ sence of the department head. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school; reading knowledge of German and one or more Romance languages; working knowledge of a Slavic language desirable; 1-2 years e xpe rience ca talo gin g w ith LC classification and AACR2; experience with an automated biblio­ g ra p h ic control system (OCLC or RLIN). A p p o in tm e n t range: $ 14 ,60 0-$18,300 , based upon experience. Benefits include 12- month contract, 22 days vacation, TIAA/CREF. Interested candidate should send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences by October 1, 1982, to: Gloria Hagberg, Brown Univeristy Librarian, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal-opportunity/affirmative- action employer. 297 DIRECTOR, OF THE BAKKEN LIBRARY OF ELECTRICITY IN LIFE. Rare book collection and museum specializing in the history of bioelectricity seeks a director with strong experience in library/ museum development. The director is responsible for supervising an annual budget of approximately $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 and a full-tim e staff of three plus part-tim e employees, developing and prom oting the Library’s rare book and instrum ent collection, adm inistering fellow­ ship programs, program development, publicity, and fund-raising. F u rth e r in fo rm a tio n a v a ila b le u p o n re q u e s t. M in im u m sa la ry $28,000. Send resume and names of at least three references to: Chairman, Search Committee, Bakken Library of Electricity in Life, 3537 Zenith Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55416. The Library is an independent private operating foundation and an equal oppor­ tunity employer. DIRECTOR, CLARKE HISTORICAL LIBRARY, Central M ichigan University, a library concentrating in the history of Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory. Position will involve administration and development of library collections and university archives. Qualifica­ tions: (1) Ph.D. or equivalent in American history or related field; (2) related scholarly publications; (3) knowledge of book trade and historical materials including rare books, out-of-print materials, and manuscripts. Ability to work effectively with members of the univer­ sity com m unity. Experience in specialized library desirable. Candi­ date must be articulate and possess strong public service orienta­ tion. S ubm it fu ll credentials in clu d in g vita, publications, course work, evidence of training and experience, and three letters of ref­ erence to: Office of the Provost, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Ml 4 8 8 5 9 , by Novem ber 30, 1982. Central M ichigan University is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. Posi­ tion will be open July 1983 or earlier. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. (1/83). Search reopened. Christian lib­ eral arts college. ALA-accredited MLS, doctorate in subject field de­ sired, five years experience in library administration; desire to m ain­ tain an active learning center, understanding of automated system and inform ation networks, ability to work with faculty, students and staff. Faculty status ($ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ). To be considered com ­ plete, application must include: (1) letter o f interest; (2) vita; (3) names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references; (4) statem ent reflecting ca n d id a te ’s philosophy of the integration of Christian faith and liberal arts. Apply before November 1, 1982, to: Library Search Committee, Personnel Office, W hitworth College, Spokane, WA 99251. EOE/IX/504. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for the m anagem ent and provision of user access to a docum ent collection of 2 3 ,4 2 6 volumes. Duties include reference services, cataloging of docum ents, collection developm ent and supervision of one FTE support staff and 3/4 FTE student assistant staff. The Library is a US regional depository and major state resource for publications in the field of agriculture and life sciences. The position requires a master’s degree in library science and at least two years experience in the management of governm ent publications. Candidates should possess com m unications and interpersonal skills necessary for ef­ fective public services, planning and supervision. Preference will be given to candidates with cataloging experience, a background in life s c ie n c e s , and fo re ig n la n g u a g e a b ility . F a m ilia rity w ith m i­ crocom puter technology, library automation in technical processing or online searching capability are considered desirable. Application deadline: October 15, 1982. M inim um salary: $18,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone n um ­ bers to three references, to: Daisy T. Wu, Director, Steenbock Li­ brary, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 550 Babcock Drive, Madi­ sion, Wl 53706; (608) 263-6864. An EO/AA employer. HEAD, A C Q U IS IT IO N DEPARTM ENT, U n iversity of California, Berkeley. Responsible for the management of a large, complex de­ partm ent acquiring library materials in all formats and in nearly every language by purchase, through gifts and via exchange rela tions with over 4,0 0 0 institutional partners worldwide. A staff of 30 FTE handles receipts of 8 0 ,0 0 0 items/year and all phases of cen tralized acquisition for the Main Library and 22 branches. The Head of the Department will be heavily involved in the developmen of an online acquisition system. Requires MLS degree; successful management and supervisory experience; previous work in acquisi tion and/or collection development; familiarity with data processin to support acquisition and book fund accounting. Full job descrip tion mailed on request. Salary range from $ 2 1 ,2 8 8 -$ 3 9 ,6 7 2 pe annum depending on qualifications. To apply send resume, in clu d ing the names and addresses of three professional references, b 15 September 1982, to: William E. Wenz, Library Personnel Officer, Room 447 General Library, University of California, Berkeley, C 94720. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. HEAD, AUTOMATED PROCESSING DEPARTMENT, Indiana Uni versity Libraries, Bloomington, Indiana. Responsible for organization and coordination of m onographic copy cataloging for printed and audio-visual materials in all Roman alphabet languages; supervis ing, training, and evaluation of personnel, two librarians, 34 support s ta ff, 4 0 p a rt-tim e s tu d e n ts . Q u a lific a tio n s : MLS fro m ALA- accredited library school; 3 years post-MLS increasingly responsible experience; demonstrated supervisory and management skills; prac ­ ­ t ­ g ­ r ­ y A ­ tical and theoretical knowledge of AACR and AAUR2, MARC for­ mats and LC classification and subject headings; experience with OCLC or other biblio g ra p h ic utility. A b ility to m eet the respon­ sibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointm ent. Salary floors: Assistant Librarian, $15,000; Associate Librarian, $18,000; Librarian, $21,500. Apply to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Officer, In­ diana U niversity Libraries, Bloom ington, IN 47 4 0 5 ; (812) 3 3 5 - 3403. Deadline: not earlier than September 30, 1982. EEO/AAE. HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT, Central University Library, University of California, San Diego. Associate Librarian or Librarian. Salary range: $ 2 1 ,2 8 8 -$ 3 0 ,6 4 8 or $ 2 8 ,6 0 8 -$ 3 9 ,6 7 2 . Available January 1, 1983. Under the general direction of the As­ sistant University Librarian for Social Sciences and Humanities, the departm ent head has administrative responsibility for the Special Collections Departm ent. Assumes a leadership role in planning, im plem enting, coordinating, and evaluating departm ental services and programs. Responsible for determ ining staffing requirements and for selecting, training, and evaluating departm ental collections; formulates collection policy, consults with faculty and other users on collection needs, prepares acquisitions budgets. Promotes use of Special Collections by the scholarly com m unity. Works with the Friends of the Library and other com m unity organizations and indi­ viduals to promote support for Library collections and programs. Maintains good working relations with appropriate antiquarian book vendors. Plays a key role in the library fund-raising activities. UCSD librarians are expected to participate in library-wide planning and to be active professionally. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school; extensive experience in special collec­ tions, preferably in an academ ic research library setting; dem on­ strated skill in rare book bibliography; demonstrated ability to work with research faculty and other special collections users, as well as w ith Libra ry s ta ff in o th e r d e p a rtm e n ts . A d d itio n a l a dva nced academ ic degree(s) relevant to position responsibilities preferred. UCSD is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. Applica­ tions m ust be received or postmarked by September 30, 1982. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and list of refer­ ences, to: Jacqueline Coolman, Personnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library Personnel Office, C-075-H2, La Jolla, CA 92093. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, serving students and faculty in agriculture, biological and nutritional sciences, and human ecology. Responsible for ad­ m inistration o f a public services staff of seven librarians and 14 support staff involved in reference, interlibrary services, circulation, reserve, and the Entomology Library. Participate in Reference Desk service. Evaluate effectiveness of services and im plem ent appro­ priate changes, including automation. Maintain a systematic public relations program. Qualifications: MLS; m inim um of three years pro­ fessional experience in public services in a large academ ic library; demonstrated management skills, expertise in public relations, ex­ perience with com puter applications; knowledge of service evalua­ tion techniques; evidence of professional developm ent. Science background, especially life sciences, very desirable. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 plus, depending on qualifications. Available November 1. Apply by Oc­ tober 12 to: Carolyn Pyhtila, Personnel Director, Cornell University L ib ra rie s , 2 3 5 O lin L ib ra ry , Ith a c a , NY 1 4 8 5 3 . An e q u a l- opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS LIBRARIAN. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, a graduate school of international affairs at Tufts University, announces the vacancy of Librarian of The Edwin Ginn Library. Responsible to the Dean and Faculty of the Fletcher School and working cooperatively with the Librarian of Tufts Uni­ versity, the Ginn Librarian must possess library training, budgetary skill, and managerial experience. In addition, credentials in the scholarly study o f in terna tional relations are strongly preferred. Leadership in the introduction of computerized retrieval methods is emphasized. Participation in fund raising efforts is expected. Salary range for Librarian position is $25,0 0 0 -$ 3 1,000. Interested persons should send full biographical information and references to: William G. Brown, Assistant Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Search closes: October 1, 1982. Tufts University is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. LIBRARY EDUCATION, two positions, open August, 1983. Assist­ ant or Associate Professor of Library Science, both tenure-track. Teaching areas: inform ation science; com m unication theory and technology. Applicant should have special competencies and one or more of the following fields, as related to libraries of information centers: c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s ; system s ana lysis and design; classification theory and indexing; com m unication media and ser­ vices. Doctorate, completed or nearing com pletion, in library sci­ ence or related field. At least two years work experience at profes­ sional level, teaching experience preferred. Potential for research and publication. Usual teaching load of two courses each semester. Other duties include student advising, com mittee work, supervision of student field experiences, research, and publication. M inim um salary: $ 21 ,00 0 for Assistant Professor; $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 for Associate Pro­ fessor. In addition, teaching two courses in sum m er term optional at one-sixth of salary for academ ic year. TIAA, hospitalization insurance. 298 DEAN OF LIBRARIES Adelphi University Dean of Libraries, to assume retiring Director’s position at Adelphi, a private university in a suburban settiřig 20 miles from NYC serving 11,800 students, 385 full-time and 400 part-time faculty. Collections in the newly expanded and automated facilities include 380,000 volumes, 260,000 microforms, 4,500 serial titles and 20,000 non-print titles. The Library participates in OCLC and offers computerized infor­ mation retrieval and networking. Personnel numbers 21 library faculty and 40 clerical staff. The Dean of Libraries participates in planning for the academic development of the university. Re­ sponsibilities include the development of library goals and implementation of policy decisions in consul­ tation with library faculty, and in cooperation with the various constituencies of the academic and sur­ rounding community. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS; Ph.D. or equivalent; 10 years of varied and successful professional experience in an academic library, with 5 years in a senior administrative role; demonstrated managerial ability; record of scholarly intellectual creative activities and continuing professional leader­ ship; and demonstrable communication skills. Should be sensitive to the changing role of libraries within higher education. Competitive salary commensurate with experience and background, m inim um $31,000. Beginning date: Early 1983. Please send applications by October 15, 1982, to: Chair, Dean of Libraries Search Committee, c/o Office of the President, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530. Adelphi University operates under an affirmative action program which encourages minorities and women to apply. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of refer­ ence by January 1, 1983, to: Robert Broadus, Chair, Committee on A ppointm ent, Promotion and Tenure, School of Library Science, Manning Hall 026A, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. LIBRARY SCIENCE FACULTY. With proper credentials a pp oin t­ m ent may be made at assistant professor or associate professor level. Current courses associated with the position are Medical Sub­ je ct Analysis, Biomedical Community, Health Science Librarianship, Special Libraries and the Literature of Science and Technology. Appointm ent above instructor will require the Ph.D. and evidence of c o m m itm e n t to research. M in im u m re q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e a knowledge of the m edical literature and major biomedical online databases. Publications and activities in professional associations are a d e fin ite plus, as is te a c h in g e xp e rie n ce . Salary range: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . Send inquiries with resume and names of three curre nt references to: Bert R. Boyce, Chair, Search Committee, S ch o o l o f L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n a l S c ie n c e , U n iv e rs ity of M issouri-Colum bia, Columbia, MO 65211, prior to November 1, 1982. Equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Science-Engineering Library, North­ western University. Responsible for collection developm ent in the life sciences, excluding m edicine; serves as liaison to Life Sciences Departments; provides reference services including online search­ ing and deve lop s b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n ; oversees s c ie n c e - engineering ILL, reserve and inventory operations; participates in developing library research proposals. The library is in its own building (1977) with a 2 3 1 ,5 5 8 -volume collection and operates on a budget of $709,506, in cluding $4 2 0 ,5 1 6 for acquisitions. Tech­ nical services are provided principally by the centralized online sys­ tem. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required; a de­ gree in the life sciences is desirable. Position is currently open. A p p o in tm e n t will be m ade in th e range o f $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 , dependent upon qualifications. Send application and resume, in­ clu din g list of references, to Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by October 11, 1982, will be considered. An EO/AA em ­ ployer. PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. Direct and supervise opera­ tions and adm instration of public services, participate in general adm inistrative management, integrate traditional and advanced li­ brary technologies with library’s informational service, develop and maintain successful relationship with library users, serve as refer­ ence librarian. Required: A U naccredited MLS; ability to relate effec­ tively with faculty, students, and staff; demonstrated successful ex­ perience in adm inistering public services and technological applica­ tions. Available January 1, 1983. $23 ,00 0 m inim um . Apply by Sep­ tember 30, 1982, to: W. Robert Woerner, Ithaca College Library, Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative- action employer. RARE BOOK CATALOGER FOR PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS, Houghton Library. Duties include the full bibliographic description of books; identification of printers and illustrators; and other re­ s e a rc h re q u ire d to solve p a rtic u la r p ro b le m s , u tiliz in g both m achine-readable and Houghton rare book cataloging methods. The materials dealt with will be chiefly books of the 16th to 20th centuries notable for their illustration and typographic distinction and fine printing of that same period, as well as less specialized cataloging. Qualifications: advanced degree in fine arts or allied field or com parable experience; good knowledge of graphic arts processes and art history; working knowledge of at least two West­ ern European languages; ability to handle detail and work with a high degree of accuracy and precision; previous library or catalog­ ing experience desirable. Rank: Librarian I or II, depending on qual­ ifications. Salary: $ 16 ,00 0 or more, depending on qualifications. Available: 1 November 1982. Resumes to: Susan M. Vacca, Per­ sonnel O fficer, Harvard College Library, W idener Library, Cam­ b rid g e , MA 0 2 1 3 8 ; (6 1 7 ) 4 9 5 -3 7 2 1 . An e q u a l- o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Participates with other librarians in gen­ eral reference duties, bibliographic instruction, and collection de­ velopment. Coordinates bibliographic instruction for introductory English course and serves as liaison to English departm ent. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited master’s. Highly desirable; two years refer­ ence and bibliographic instruction experience in an academ ic li­ brary, demonstrated ability to teach, knowledge of online searching, advanced degree in English. Twelve month appointm ent; faculty rank and salary dependent upon qualifications; $15 ,0 0 0 m inimum; TIAA/CREF and University mandated benefits. Send resume and three letters of reference by October 1, 1982, to: Lynne McCor­ mack, J. M urrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC 28223. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive - action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, PHYSICAL SCIENCES. Provides gen eral reference service with specialization in the physical sciences. Shared evening and weekend schedule in general reference. Re­ sponsibilities include bibliographic instruction and promotion and provision of online inform ation retrieval. Qualifications required are an ALA-accredited MLS, and academ ic coursework in the physical sciences or relevant experience with physical science materials. Position requires excellent com m unications skills, ability to work ef­ fectively with students, faculty, and colleagues, and experience with BRS and DIALOG search services. Salary $14 ,0 0 0 m inim um de­ pending on qualifications. 12-month contract, tenure-track, TIAA/ CREF and many other fringe benefits. Send letter of application and resume to: Royal V. Pope, Director of Libraries, University of 299 A rka n sa s, F a y e tte v ille , AR 7 2 7 0 1 . An e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative-action employer, welcomes applications from all qual­ ified individuals. SERIALS CATALOGER, Northwestern University Library. Performs cataloging and classification of serials for Northwestern’s automated system, NOTIS, using Dewey, LCSH, and AACR2. MLS from an ac­ credited library school; working knowledge of two or more languages, preferably including French and German. Serials cataloging experience in an automated system using MARC serials and au­ thority formats preferred. An appointm ent will be made in the range of $ 15 ,00 0-$17,000 , dependent upon qualifications. Send applica­ tion and resume, including list of references, to: Lance Query, Per­ sonnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by October 18, 1982, will be consid­ ered. Starting date December 1, 1982 (flexible). EO/AA employer. CHIEF LIBRARIAN H erb ert H. Lehman College Herbert H. Lehman College invites applications and nominations for a major appointment as Chief Librarian in the rank of Professor. Responsibilities: the Chief Librarian reports directly to the Provost and is responsible for all Library operations including long-range planning, budget preparation and administ­ ration, innovations in service, policy formulation and implementation, management and staff supervision, collection development, and cooperative efforts with other research libraries. Qualifications: master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and a doctorate or a second master’s degree in another discipline; strong administrative experience and academic orientation; skills in management and personnel supervision; knowledge of library automation; and record of professional par­ ticipation and, preferably, publication. Salary: up to $43,393 dependent upon qualifications; generous fringe benefits. Lehman College is a senior college of The City University of New York located on a 37 acre, tree-lined campus on the Bronx-Westchester border. Its campus features Gothic-style buildings, Marcel Breuer ar­ chitecture, a $50 million Center for the Performing Arts, and a new Library opened in 1980. More than 9,000 students from every borough of New York City, Westchester, and Long Island attend Lehman. The College offers more than 70 undergraduate areas of specialization, 23 programs leading to the master’s degree, and through the Graduate Center a doctoral program in plant sciences in conjunction with the New York Botanical Garden. The full-time faculty numbers 423; part-time faculty 160. The Library has a professional staff of 18, a supporting staff of 20; and more than 400,000 volumes, 1,600 periodicals, and 250,000 microforms. Please send resumes by October 15, 1982, to: Dr. Johanna Meskill, Chair Search Committee Herbert H. Lehman College The City University of New York Bronx, NY 10468 An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES (DEPARTMENT HEAD), Harvard Law School Library, Manages department with responsibilities for reference, research, special collections and circulation services for the Anglo-American collection of the Harvard Law School Library. Administers access policies and interlibrary loan. Responsible for planning and coordinating new services, including faculty liaison, library instruction and publication, in conjunction with the Associate Librarian for International Legal Studies. Participates as selector in development of Library’s collections. Supervises seven professional, 14 support staff, and casual assistants. Participates in administration of Library as member of Policy Group. Reports to Deputy Librarian. Harvard Law Library has a staff of 80, a 1.4 million volumes research collection, extensive special collections and is a member of the Research Libraries Group. Library services support a law school faculty of 70, 1,800 students, including 125 graduate students, and an international research community. Qualifications: accredited MLS and JD degrees, significant legal reference experience, demonstrated managerial ability, ability to work effectively with teaching faculty, knowledge of automated library systems, flexibility in planning and implementing Library programs, strong leadership qualities. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications: 300 $25,000 minimum. Generous benefits. Position to be filled fall 1982. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references before September 30, to: Mark Sullivan, Chair, Search Committee, Harvard Law Library, Langdell Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138. CATALOGER, HEAD OF CENTRALIZED CATALOG DEPARTMENT. Tenure-track position; 12-month contract. Basic responsibilities: general administration and workflow supervision of a department consisting of three professionals, six non-professionals, 13 student assistants; cataloging and classification of bibliographic materials (including foreign language materials); direction of OCLC procedures and policies. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; five years of current cataloging experience in a medium to large academic library or large public library with demonstrated supervisory skill; working knowledge of OCLC, AACR1 and 2, LC and Dewey classifications, LC subject headings, and catalog maintenance procedures. Preference given to candidates who possess familiarity with overall library automation and additional degrees beyond the MLS. Salary range $l8,000-$24,000; 20 days vacation; excellent fringe benefits (including fully paid life, hospitalization, and disability insurance). Available January 1, 1983. An equal-opportunity employer. Send letter of application, and resume including the names and addresses of three current references by October 31, to: Sue Margaret Hughes, Search Committee Chairman, Moody Memorial Library, Baylor University, Box 6307, Waco, TX 76706. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: plan, develop, implement, evaluate programs for an integrated, automated system in support of library operations; serve as liaison to state/local computer users groups; assist Director in pre­ paring budgets, cost analyses, library statistics; perform other duties as assigned. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, 5 years progressively responsible academic library experience, good communication and analytical skills, ability to work effectively with groups; experience in library application of computer technology (preferably OCLC or RLIN). Minimum salary: $29,000. Faculty sta­ tus, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send resume and names of 3 references by October 15, 1982, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. EO/AA. 301 A C R L ’S FA ST JO B LISTIN G Looking for a job? Our Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at ACRL he ters four weeks before they appear in C& RL News. The Fast Job Listing Service also advertisements which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C& RL Ne The ACRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning of each month and to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the four weeks. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for nonmembe may enter your subscription below. adquar­ contains ws. mails it previous rs. You 302 JOB LISTING OPTIONS FO R EM PLO YERS Rates DeadlinesOption Extra Charges ACRL Members Non-members Applications Submissions No sooner than 2nd of month C&RL News $4.00/line $5.00/line $10 over phone end of month precedingClassified Ads of issue mo. of issue No sooner than 2nd-19th C&RL News $10.00/line $12.00/line none end of month of month* Late Job Notices of issue Fast Job Listing 1-15 lines 1-15 lines $10 over phone No sooner than 2nd of month Service $25 $30 15th of month of issue 16-25 lines 16-25 lines of issue $30 $35 26-35 lines 26-35 lines $35 $40 Telephone $30 $35 $10 over phone; No sooner than 1 p.m. each JOBLINE (All Jobline ads run 2 wks.) $5 for 1 day after Thursday non-prepayment end of that wk. C&RL News l½ page $255** No sooner than 2nd of month Display Ad ⅜ page $220 none end of month preceding ¼ page $185 of issue mo. of issue NOTES: Telephone orders, while not encouraged due to increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. A confirming order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible following the call, along with a typewritten copy of the ad. All job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. All Positions Open ads must include a salary or range. For display ads: page consists of 2 columns, each 2⅜ " x 7 ½ '. *Space guaranteed before the 9th; from 10th-19th, accepted on space available basis. ** Camera-ready copy preferred. LATE BREAKING NEWS Five more institutions have indicated their interest in participating in the ACRL Exchange Librarian Program (see C&RL News, June 1982, p.205, and July August 1982, p.241). Libraries or librarians interested in participating in an exchange should contact these foreign institutions directly. Sheila Flanagan, Librarian, Our Lady of Mercy College, Carysfort Park, Blackrock, County Dublin, Ireland. Jeff Fanning, Librarian, The College of Nautical Studies (formerly the Southampton School of Navigation), Warsash, Southampton S03 6ZL, United King­ dom: "It is unlikely we can offer a direct exchange but visitors would be able to gain a valuable insight into our very specialised field.” Eleanor Fazakerly, Institute Librarian, Christ’s and Notre Dame College (a College of the Liverpool Institute of Higher Education)‚ Woolton Road, Liverpool L16 8ND, United Kingdom: “We cannot offer paid employment but there is a possibility for a single person for rent-free accomodation in a student’s hall of residence." J. McKinlay, Acting Chief Librarian, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic­ toria, Australia 3083: (La Trobe is in a suburb of Melbourne). "We are in­ terested in a ’bilateral' agreement by which one of our Library Staff would be exchanged for a limited period with a person of similar qualifications and interests, although such parity is not absolutely essential as we can make various changes to accomodate a potential exchange partner. The librar­ ians concerned would keep their own salaries." / 303 W.G. Buick, University Librarian, Murdoch University Library, P.O. Box 14, Willetton 6155, Australia: "There would be no problem in accepting a non salaried visitor, but obviously an exchange agreement would need to be con­ sidered on its merits and would be dependent on our having an interested party at this end." OCTOBER EVENTS October 4-6: The 26th Institute on Federal Funding for Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements, Washington, D.C., sponsored by the National Graduate University. Special emphasis will be on procurement under bloc grants and the new federal acquisition regulations. Fee: $295 (after September 27, $315). Contact: Division of Special Studies, National Graduate University, 1101 N. Highland Street, Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 257-4800. Institute will be held at the Washington Marriott Hotel. October 7-8: "Reference Services in a Changing Environment," a conference sponsored by the University of Oklahoma Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Foundation, will be held at the Sheraton Airport Inn, Oklahoma City. Fee: $60, due by September 24. Featured speakers include: Herb White (Indiana University); William Miller (Michigan State University); Keith Cottam (Vanderbilt University); Sheila Dowd (University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley); and Ann Beaubien (University of Michigan). Contact: Sul H. Lee, University of Oklahoma Libraries, Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. October 10-13: Collection Management and Development Institute, MIT Librar­ ies and the Boston Public Library. Sponsored by ALA's Resources and Technical Services Division, MIT, and the Boston Library Consortium. The program is designed to provide an overview of major issues in the planning, development, and management of library collections that meet user needs and maximize financial and human resources. Registration limit is 120 persons. Fee: ALA/RTSD members or BLC staff, $180; ALA members, $190; non-members, $205. Contact: ALA/RTSD, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780, ext. 319. October 14-15: "The Off-Campus Library Services Conference," sponsored by Central Michigan University Libraries, at the Radisson St. Louis Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri. Fee: $135. Contact: Barton M. Lessin, Assistant to the Director, 206 Park Library, CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859: (517) 774-3643. October 14-15: New England Regional Council on Library Resources for Nursing, Annual Conference, Durham, New Hampshire. Theme: "Political Savvy: How to Get It and Use It." Fee: $65. Contact: Tom Kosman, La­ boure Junior College Library, 2120 Dorchester Ave.‚ Boston, MA 02124; •(617) 296-8300, ext. 4012. October 14-15: Third Texas Conference on Library Automation, Houston. Fee: $57.50. Contact: Texas Automation Conference, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Blvd.‚ Houston, TX 77004. October 15-16: Hawaii Library Association, Fall Conference, Sheraton-Molokai Hotel. Fee: $6. Contact: Nancy Tanaka, HLA, P.O. Box 4441, Honolulu, HA 96813. ­ k rand-New 1982-83 Edition Features overage of Major Foreign Directories, cluding manufacturers, importers, nd exporters in nearly 80 countries, A Reference Guide Covering Business nd Industrial Directories‚ Professional and cientific Rosters, an d Other Lists and uides of All Kinds. 2nd edition. About ,000 pages. $90.00. Seven thousand directories of all kinds are thoroughly described and completely indexed in the 1 9 8 2 -8 3 Directory of Directories. This completely revised and greatly enlarged edition contains 2,500 brand-new entries and thousands of revisions in standing material. Hundreds of defunct and OP publications have been deleted. Entries give full details about the directories cited, allowing an informed decision to be made about the probable usefulness and applicability of each publication. Unique, Comprehensive, & Accurate Indexes Assure Fast and Easy Use! The detailed Subject Index, not found in any similar compilation, gives users maximum help with more than 2,600 specific subject headings and numerous cross references. Directories are listed under two or more headings on average. The Title Index cites exact titles, plus cross references from variant forms, previous titles, and popular names of directories. The Title Index also gives status notes on over a thousand directories not listed in DOD, indicating whether they are discontinued, suspended, or otherwise unavailable. Supplement Service Available! The inter-edition periodical, Directory Information Service, provides prompt and easy access to information on current directories. Two cumu­ latively indexed issues of DIS will provide data on well over 1,000 additional directories between editions of the DOD. Two-issue inter-edition subscription, $70.00. Earn a 5% discount by placing a Standing Order for any of these titles. Deduct an additional 5% for payment with order, and Gale pays postage. All books are sent on 90-day approval. Customers outside the U.S. & Canada, please add 10% to prices shown. GALE Research Co. • Book Tower D etroit, Ml 4 8 2 2 6 • Phone ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 1 - 2 2 4 2 B C in a … a S G 1 Now 16 directories in on th separate sections devoted t eneral Business Directories eographically arranged, overing all states and nearly 0 foreign countries usiness, Industry & Labor anking, Finance, Insurance & eal Estate griculture, Forestry, Mining & ishing aw and Government (includin ilitary) cience & Engineering ducation ocial Sciences & Humanities iographical Directories rts & Entertainment ublic Affairs & Social Concern ealth & Medicine eligious, Ethnic & Fraternal ffairs enealogical, Verterans & atriotic Affairs obbies, Travel & Leisure ports & O utdoor Recreation ius Title Index and Subject In inpointing over 2,600 specific pics from Abstracting Service nd Actuaries to Yoga Groups nd Zoologists. e, wi o: • G g c 8 • B • B R • A F • L g M • S • E • S • B • A • P s • H • R A • G P • H • S • P dex p to s a a